I read that Donald Trump wants the COVID-19 vaccine that is being developed in Germany. He wants it to be patented as an American product and limit it’s utilization to Americans only.
Personally, I find this reprehensible.
- Coronavirus: Germany says COVID-19 vaccine is ‘not for …
- Trump offers ‘large sums’ for exclusive access to …
- German officials reject Trump’s attempt to buy coronavirus …
- Trump attempts to bribe German scientists into giving US …
- ‘Depraved’: Trump Reportedly Offered German Firm ‘Large …
Meanwhile, China is sending supplies and resources to any nation that needs it. Planes, boats and transports have been dispatched and are busy trying to help other nations during time of need.
America - Selfish, self-serving, and demanding. China - Helpful, compassionate, offering help.
What in the world is going on?
Perhaps it’s time to step back and look at the bigger picture.
It’s a picture of what lies outside the shores of the United States. It’s a picture that does not resemble anything that any American media reports. This is true whether it is the Alt-Left, the Mainstream Media or the Alt-Right neocon publications.
Instead, take a look at what’s really going on, in the bigger picture…
The following is a reprint of an article found on the Global Research website. All credit to the authors.
Washington elites can’t recognize that a multi-polar world is already here. Worse, the Trump administration keeps constantly stumbling in foreign policy, thus showing the entire world that the USA may not be the almighty superpower.
It’s not an exaggeration to say that the US is turning into Rodney Dangerfield of geopolitics.
Here are some recent examples of embarrassing US foreign policy:
EU & Russia
USA openly tries to block Nord Stream, the gas pipeline that links Russia to Europe. And the US-led propaganda campaign was non-stop & intense.
In the end, Germany & others went ahead with the Russian pipeline anyways.

What does this have to do with America? Why is America so fixated in preventing this progress?
India and Turkey
India and Turkey ignore America’s public bullying and buy Russian missile defense systems (S-400).
Then the US threatens to retaliate by blocking the sale of F-35 to Turkey.
Turkey now says it may buy Russian Su-57 instead.

What does this have to do with America? Why is America so fixated in preventing this progress?
India — America’s strategic partner to “contain” China — buys oil from Iran & Venezuela, ignoring US sanctions.

What does this have to do with America? Why is America so fixated in preventing this progress?
Having failed in Syria & Iran, the bloodthirsty Neocons wanted at least one damn regime change. So they targeted Venezuela and used all the standard strategies — choosing a puppet leader (Guaido), trying to bribe/blackmail military leaders, obvious sabotage of electricity across the whole nation etc.
John Bolton, Marco Rubio and Mike Pompeo spend enormous time tweeting sensational propaganda.
Yet, Maduro has survived.
Now, to rub it in, Putin is flying Russian military and aid to Venezuela; and China has sent medical supplies. The Monroe Doctrine is openly challenged for the first time since the Cuban Crisis.

What does this have to do with America? Why is America so fixated in preventing this progress?
US bans Huawei & dictates all its allies into doing the same!
“Chinese spies are out to get you!!.”
What happened?
Even the UK — a key member of the Five Eyes alliance (five spies alliance) — refuses to ban Huawei and says there’s no evidence of spying by Huawei!
Then Germany refuses to ban Huawei!
Then New Zealand backtracks as well and its Prime Minister is flying to China to meet with Xi Jinping.
To really rub it in, Saudi Arabia and UAE — hosts of huuuge US troops — invite Huawei to build their 5G networks.
Deutsche Telekom and Vodafone (UK) have publicly warned that banning Huawei will setback Europe’s 5G plans.

What does this have to do with America? Why is America so fixated in preventing this progress?
Belt and Road
USA tries to sabotage China’s New Silk Road (a.k.a Belt and Road Initiative — “BRI”).
Pompeo and Pence go around the world warning everyone from Africa to Latin America how evil and conniving China is.
The propagandists come up with clever phrases:
“Debt Trap!” … “Predatory Economics” … “Made by China, Made for China” … “Constricting Belt and One-Way Road.”
Hello! Do the Washington elites and their Presstitutes have any self-awareness?
First of all, other countries know what they’re doing.
Second, the US should make a counter offer or keep quiet.
If you can’t build highways, railways, airports, dams etc … keep moving along, nobody wants your lectures. Last year, 6,000+ freight trains carried goods between China & 40 European cities.
This clock cannot be turned back.

What does this have to do with America? Why is America so fixated in preventing this progress?
Most embarrassing: the US makes all its demands in public forums, rather than using quiet diplomacy behind doors.
Pompeo threatens Panama publicly…
… and what does the tiny country do?
Panama ignores US threats, welcomes Xi Jinping, joins Belt and Road, and signs 40 bilateral agreements with China.

What does this have to do with America? Why is America so fixated in preventing this progress?
Similarly, the US government publicly threatened Italy about joining the BRI…

How idiotic!
The rest of the world does not subscribe to American Alt-Right neocon publications. This type of rhetoric is fine within the American echo chamber, but looks absolutely ridiculous to the rest of the world.
Maybe Washington doesn’t know that many EU countries are already formal members of BRI — Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Greece, Malta, Poland, Portugal etc.
Well, Xi Jinping visited Italy in March, got a royal welcome and signed huge deals.
Italy ignored the US and signed on to Belt and Road. Plus, Italian PM Conte visited China in April for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Summit (where representatives from 150 countries, including 37 Prime Ministers and Presidents, attended).
As Italian leaders put it, “BRI creates a circle of virtuous growth” and “BRI is a train that Italy cannot afford to miss.”
Also please note, that during the COVID-19 crisis, the United States refused to help Italy in any way. Yet China not only sent supplies, but sent doctors and medical staff to assist the already stressed Italian medical staff.
What does this have to do with America? Why is America so fixated in preventing this progress?
Then Xi Jinping went to France, got a red carpet welcome again (including at Arc de Triomphe in Paris) and signed a massive deal to buy 300 French Airbus planes!
Not the American planes that they had discussed with Obama.

Two days earlier, Macron had warned that Europe shouldn’t be naive about China’s influence.
But now he claims “China is EU’s strategic partner!!!”

What does this have to do with America? Why is America so fixated in preventing this progress?
Even Germany’s Merkel endorsed the Belt and Road Initiative by saying…
“It’s an important project and Europeans want to participate in it.”

Everyone around the world realizes the power of China’s economy. And they ignore America’s hysterical reaction.
The entire saga is like that “Distracted Boyfriend” meme.

America needs a proactive, constructive, positive foreign policy in this multi-polar world. And the US should stop being so insecure, paranoid and negative.
Trump should join the Belt and Road Initiative and work with 126 other member countries to build infrastructure, increase connectivity and boost trade. Also, stop demonizing Russia & picking fights with Venezuela, Iran, Syria etc.
We need to get out of the zero-sum attitude & focus on a win-win strategy.
It doesn’t take a “Rocket Scientist” to figure out where the world is moving towards.
America possesses 10% of the world’s factories. China possesses nearly 70% of the factories. China hasn’t fought a war since 1977, and they offer grants and loans with “no strings attached”. They seek harmony and a “win – win” arrangement. They view global relationships as “give and take” in a way that both parties benefit.
They keep their “noses out of” other nations internal affairs.

Meanwhile the United States, like a big lumbering aged dinosaur is trying to clutch and claw itself back into global significance. It has to. For if it doesn’t, that enormous mountain of debt, based on the inflated petrol-dollars, will totally devastate what remains of America.
The only options left for America are to [1] get with “the program” and work together with the rest of the world, or [2] engage China (and by extension, Russia) in World War III.
No other options are “on the table”.
Let’s see what happens. Pay strict attention to the American mainstream and Alt-Right media. The nature of the articles will inform you as to which path America has embarked upon.
If the anti-China rhetoric keeps on increasing in intensity, a move to Iceland might be prudent.
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