Let’s talk about profiteers. People who will make rules, bend laws, or create situations so that they can make a buck out of it.
It is people like this that caused the disappearance of public water fountains in favor of bottled water that you can purchase. It is people like this that has made it so that all of us have to endure “child safety caps” on our medicines bottles. It’s people like this that have contributed so much to the destruction of the selfless side of human nature… and who has instead replaced it with a selfish, greedy nature.
“Anything for a buck.”
About three months ago or so, I received an email that pretty much stated that they would copy my website and re-post it online, intentionally distorted, so as to mess up my SEO ranking on Google. What they said that they would do is copy my website word for word, and interject all sorts of lies, and easily proven hoaxes within it. In short making Metallicman just another “hoax website”.
They said that they would do any number of number of things…
- Mess up my SEO ranking on search engines.
- Post NSFW content that would ban the site from many rankings.
- Fill it with outrageous lies, known and proven hoaxes.
- Plant bit-mining software in it.
- Plant malware in it.
- And in many ways render it unreadable.
- Not to mention destroy my image / reputation.
The solution to avoid this was to deposit a few thousand US dollars worth of bitcoin to their account. If I didn’t do so, then my website will be “toast”, and my reputation would be shit.
You all would be surprised at all the hoaxes, and scams that invade my Metallicman mailbox. Most are trolling bots, or mass mailings. Typically I just ignore them. Whether it is my great, great uncle who died and left three hundred billion dollars in an abandoned account... Or, someone who wants me to join the Illuminati... Maybe, some dude who says that they have a video of me masturbating to movies on the internet... Or yet one of hundreds of "invoices" from people who want my "products"... I pretty much ignore them all.
But this one was different…
To be honest, I really don’t give a fuck if there is a few hundred copies of this website all messed up and corrupted with malware and porn. Those that are supposed to see this site are already connected. For this site is not monetized, and has no other purpose except to provide information to a very select few.
I can live without it.
It’s more of a pain than anything else.
So it does not matter to me if the SEO ranking sucks. Nor does it matter if it is confused with other similar sounding websites. I really don’t care. Not to mention that I simply don’t have a couple of thousand US dollars to give to someone to blackmail me with.
If it came down to that, I’d just simply pull the site.
I’d let the fakes propagate and go buy myself a girl and get drunk. I really don’t give a flying fuck about what could happen, or who might miss out, or what might happen to my “reputation“.
It’s already fucking shit, for God’s sakes…
Well, about two weeks after I ignored this first email, I received another email from those in control of domain names for websites.
It turns out that some jackass tried to buy the Metallicman website name in various forms. The (domain name guardians) asked me if I had any business associated with China as the fucker was trying to purchase the domain name. is the registered domain. And they tried to buy the registered domain.
Now, normally, this wouldn’t be much of an issue. Most Americans who use the dot-com domain registration don’t have any business with China. But I am different. Not only is my contact address Chinese, but my email system, and funding mechanisms are all Chinese.
So they had to do something they normally bypass. They asked me if I had any business associated with China in any way.
I of course, told them that I was not only inside of China, but that I conduct business with Chinese entities. Were they to grant this request, there could be all sorts of disruptions within internet commerce.
Thus no one aside from myself can own this domain name.
The FCC does not permit spoofing other websites. So if it appears that someone is trying to spoof or copy your website they will not be allowed to do so. As it is not only illegal, but it is a felony.
OK. Long story short. He could not carry forth on his threat. I am sure that were it to be his desire, he would probably register with other domains. But my gut feeling is that he was just disappointed and just stopped this shit, and went on to “greener pastures”.
Issue over.
Oh. Don’t worry about me. Nothings going on here.
But, that guy who tried to blackmail me, well…
…“he’s a bad man, a very bad man”.

That poor fuck however, is set to encounter some awfully bad luck in his future. And no, it’s not going to be the color of his socks changing either. (I do so hope you get that reference.) No evil deed goes unpunished, and eventually bad people come across things that can generate real actual real-life nightmares.
It’s not a measured response either.
It’s the stuff that real, honest to God, nightmares are made of.

Other Disclosures
What if, this fucker was well versed in doing this kind of nonsense? Can you actually believe that I was the very first person that he tried this nonsense with? Nope. I’m sure that he has been doing this for some time, and has had others pay him in bitcoin.
So, what about those other people who have “disclosures”? What about them?
Are they real? Are they fake? Are they sincere, or trying to create a fiction for their own purposes? What’s the story?
“The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” -George Orwell
There are other people who have stated that they were posted on Mars.
And I am interested in this because <redacted>.
You see, the Martian facility is <redacted>. <redacted>.
So, I read their stories with a great deal of interest and more than a little bit of incongruity. Whether they are intentional elements of a disinformation scheme designed to preemptively advert any actual disclosure, or just isolated profiteers trying to capitalize on the mysteries of the UFO and ET abduction experience, I do not know. (Though I have my own opinions.) In most instances their reported experiences differ from mine substantially.
Of course, my interpretations of my experiences might be erroneous…
They all, however, do accurately describe the transport portal, but do so in a very, very inaccurate manner.
While others describe their entry into the programs intentionally or unintentionally omitting the fact that they had to be implanted with probes to do so. Hum… Let me be terrifyingly specific.
Only people with implanted probes get to go to Mars, boys and girls. (The dimensional portal will not work for you without the probes.) Additionally, if you want to join a top secret program; well then, that is not what it is called.
It is a SAP, W-SAP a U-SAP, or if you are an active MAJestic member a W(U)-SAP. It is not a super (dooper) top secret, grade “X” program. Best get your nomenclature correct. All of this tells me something quite clear; many of them are (perhaps) full of bullshit.
Oh, excuse me, let me say this nicer. Let me sound more reasonable and understandable. Let me be clear in a more polite manner; all of this is suggestive to me of fraud and deceit. I am afraid that, as open minded as I am, I just simply do not believe many of them. I do not believe them at all. The reader is thus cautioned not to associate my disclosure with these other individuals or their disclosures. Because even if they are telling the truth, their stories differ from mine in many profound ways that they have no bearing with my story in any way. It is these kinds of occluded statements that tend to render a real and actual disclosure like mine into the rubbish bin without giving it its fair and just consideration. That is what would most probably happen. It is, perhaps, their intention. The truth is, honestly, if they actually did teleport to Mars; if they are actually important enough to be considered for any Mars related program then they will have the implanted probes in their head. This is a fact; period. End of discussion. I don’t give much credence to any of them unless they can pass the x-ray test. Let’s see those probes boys and girls. Let’s see them. Everyone that was involved in MAJestic has these probes. Everyone who was involved in my specific program has these probes. (According to the lecture on the base in Florida; everyone who is even associated with this program has these probes.)
There are many such examples of such rubbish.
Anyone who is states that Mars has [1] standing water…
Standing water requires an atmosphere with a specific pressure range and a suitable temperature. This is basic thermodynamics. All one needs to do is look up the appropriate chart in any classical thermodynamics textbook. Water; if the necessary conditions are not present, there will not be any water standing.

When I refer to (my) Mars, it is an alternative world line Mars. Other people might also be relating an alternative world-line Mars as well. However, any alternative world-line Mars would be similar to ours in most significant ways. To deviate, for instance, to a world-line where the is life on Mars, with indigenous life would also be a Mars with at least a 40% deviance from our reality. The greater the deviance, the greater the impact on the consciousness and the soul that “farmed” that consciousness. When the consciousness returned back to this (normal) world-line (or something similar with a 1% deviance), there would be manifest changes in their experiences. It’s the “carry over” effect, that occurs when you move across world-lines. The larger the deviance, the greater the effect. Consciousness is not a “stand alone” attribute. It is a very vibrant controlling “ball” or quanta that can alter and manipulate the physical world. When it moves in and out of different world-lines it affects the physical world (after all, was I not a “dimensional anchor”?). The greater the change between world-lines, the greater the adverse affect on the consciousness. That does not benefit the soul. Therefore, it is very advantageous for the soul to limit the alterations to the consciousness, because the purpose of the creation of realities is to obtain experiences. Consciousness is what helps to define the realities that the soul will experience. (Not the other way around.)[3] carved statues, [4] religious burial crypts, [5] rodents that scurry about the surface, [6] huge pyramid structures or [7] faces that stare up to the sky, [8] native animals or [9] intelligent naturally evolved life…
… is a nutcase.
Either that or they are intentionally trying to throw such an amazing amount of disinformation at the reader that everything becomes distasteful and confused, or they are ignorantly delusional.
Do not believe any of it.
OK, then. Here are just some of the many examples of such disinformation; disinformation intentionally designed to render any real disclosures inert. I culled many of these references from books or the Internet. I present them here with my comments.
I am biased.
Please be prepared for some rather harsh criticism. (Wince.)
Captain Kaye
Let me start this discourse with a Mr. Randy Cramer (Captain Kaye).
The reader needs to understand that once I became retired and my life started to settle out, I began an active search for others who were in the program that I participated in. I wanted to meet up with them, chat with them, and compare notes. It was my hope that they could fill in some blank areas of my memories, or fill in some thoughts that I have had regarding my experiences. However, alas, I have been mostly unsuccessful.
One of the first of these individuals that I started to focus my attention on was “Captain Kaye”.
He is (by his own words) a former US Marine who has claimed that he spent 17 years of his career on MARS. The ex-naval infantryman, who uses the pseudonym Captain Kaye. He states that he was posted to the Red Planet to protect five (!) human colonies from indigenous Martian life forms.
FACT: In this universe, there are no (current) indigenous life forms on Mars bigger than a fossilized microbe. At least this guy doesn’t charge for his bullshit. You can watch him chat about his “experiences” on you-tube at .

He claims he then spent nearly three years serving in a secret ‘space fleet’ run by a multinational (!) organization called the Earth Defense Force, which recruits military personnel from countries including the US, Russia and China. Captain Kaye said he was trained to fly three different types of space fighters…
And, by the way, just who were the Earth at war with? Indeed, if we were at war with any known extraterrestrial species that I know of, we would all be long eviscerated by now. Truth. They could swat us like a fly and there would be nothing that we could do about it.
and three bombers.
In testimony released to ExoNews TV.
He added that training took place on a secret moon base called “Lunar Operations Command”, Saturn’s moon Titan, and in deep space.
On Titan? Why would anyone want to locate a command and control center there? It is far from being a neutral and calm place to settle. The hydrocarbon atmosphere would, I would imagine, cause more headaches and hassles to the inhabitants than any vacuum world or moon would. Observations from the Voyager space probes have shown that the Titanean atmosphere is denser than Earth's, with a surface pressure about 1.45 times that of Earth's. Titan's atmosphere is about 1.19 times as massive as Earth's overall, or about 7.3 times more massive on a per surface area basis. It supports opaque haze layers that block most visible light from the Sun and other sources and renders Titan's surface features obscure. The atmosphere is so thick and the gravity so low that humans could fly through it by flapping "wings" attached to their arms. Titan's lower gravity means that its atmosphere is far more extended than Earth's; even at a distance of 975 km. The atmospheric composition in the stratosphere is 98.4% nitrogen—the only dense, nitrogen-rich atmosphere in the Solar System aside from the Earth's—with the remaining 1.6% composed of mostly of methane (1.4%) and hydrogen (0.1–0.2%). Because methane condenses out of Titan's atmosphere at high altitudes, its abundance increases as one descends below the tropopause at an altitude of 32 km, leveling off at a value of 4.9% between 8 km and the surface. There are trace amounts of other hydrocarbons, such as ethane, diacetylene, methylacetylene, acetylene and propane, and of other gases, such as cyanoacetylene, hydrogen cyanide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, cyanogen, argon and helium. The orange color as seen from space must be produced by other more complex chemicals in small quantities, possibly tholins, tar-like organic precipitates. The hydrocarbons are thought to form in Titan's upper atmosphere in reactions resulting from the breakup of methane by the Sun's ultraviolet light, producing a thick orange smog. Titan also has no magnetic field. Whether there is life on Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, is at present an open question and a topic of scientific assessment and research. Titan is far colder than Earth, and its surface lacks stable liquid water; factors which have led some scientists to consider life there unlikely. On the other hand, its thick atmosphere is chemically active and rich in carbon compounds. On the surface there are bodies of liquid methane and ethane; some scientists speculate that these liquids might take the place of water in living cells different from those on Earth. In short, if you were to walk and operate upon the surface of Titan, it would be more like wearing a deep-sea diving outfit as your trudge your way through a soup of oils and hydrocarbons. It is not an ideal place to set up any kind of base of operations.
Captain Kaye’s testimony reveals that the main human colony on Mars is called Aries Prime which is located inside a crater. Aries Prime serves as the headquarters for the Mars Colony Corporation. According to Captain Kaye, the air is breathable on the surface of Mars…
The atmosphere on Mars is not, nor ever has been, breathable by humans. While there is some oxygen in the atmosphere, the combination of temperature, and pressure, as well as the presence of other gasses in the atmosphere precludes the suitability for organic human life on the surface.
…and the temperature could be warm at times.
Yes, the temperature on Mars near the equator can, at times, approach a human comfort level for a short and brief period of time.
He claims that there are two indigenous species on Mars, both of which are highly intelligent. One of these was a Reptilian species that was very aggressive in defending its territory.
The other was an Insectoid species that was equally capable of protecting its territory.
He said that indigenous Martians are not particularly interested in expanding their territory, only maintaining it. Captain Kaye said that as long as the Mars Defense Force and Mars Colony Corporation did not encroach on the territory of the indigenous Martians, there would be stable relations.
After serving 17 years of a 20 year tour of duty, events changed dramatically when virtually all combat personnel from the Mars Defense force were asked to retrieve an extraterrestrial artifact from a cave sacred to the indigenous Reptilians.
Captain Kaye described how over 1000 (one thousand!) men and women were killed in a subsequent battle and only 28 of his colleagues, including himself, survived. Captain Kaye says he retired after a 20 year tour of duty, describing a retirement ceremony on the moon that he claims was presided over by VIPs including ex-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
My commentary on all of this; he is full of BULLSHIT.
I just do not know where to begin. It is so outlandish, and so full of just complete nonsense.
- The physics concerning the planet are just wrong. The presence of life, whether intelligent or not is incorrect. (Even taking into account the possibility that he might have used dimensional travel to go to a world-line where Mars has a human-friendly atmosphere, he wouldn’t have returned to our world-line. There are limits to the technologies employed. (For the planet Mars to have a breathable atmosphere…) He would be so far off “the beaten path” that returning to this kind of world-line would be near impossible.)
- All SAP agents in MAJestic are implanted. If he was part of the organization he would have similar probes to mine. (Again, let’s see those probes.)
- There are no wars, nor is there a need to maintain a military garrison on Mars to defend humans or other creatures from aggressor forces.
- There are no warlike or aggressive reptilians that we need to worry about. (The truth is, the Mantids and the Type-I extraterrestrials are so far advanced technologically, that if they wanted to, they could eradicate humans off the face of the globe within days and there isn’t a thing that we could do about it.)
- If you join a W(U)-SAP, you will NOT sign an enormous document (that is what you need to do if you go through American legal channels), you sign a one page document. If you violate it, you are killed. End of story. There just simply isn’t the need for a huge legal document because violators of the MAJestic confidentiality oaths would not go through the American court system. They would be taken into a room and shot in the head.
- If what he says were true, then he would be retired as a sex offender, and like me, scared as shit of being killed for his public disclosures.
- Additionally, the idea that 1000 people can die on Mars without anyone noticing is just short of mind-boggling.
- The greys, of whatever race (supposedly contacted) do not “feel” evil or dangerous. (This is another loud “tell-tale” sign of a lying profiteer.) They do not “ “ooze” a kind of evil dark”.
Summary; I just simply do not believe anything that Captain Kaye has said. It is all hogwash.
Corey Goode
According to alleged Secret Space Program whistleblower Corey Goode, who in October 2016 released a press release about human activity and Mars.
In it he states that we are already present on Mars and have been for a long time. And he’s not the only one who’s saying that. This also comes as less of a surprise given the recent WikiLeaks’ documents, suggest that human and extraterrestrial collaboration that’s been happening for some time.
He stated…
“Mars was first visited by the Germans as far back as the 1930s, but during the 70s, US space programs were actively exploring Mars and other planets to establish bases. In 1980 the US SSP became – Solar Warden. Under Project Solar Warden vast development and colonization occurred on Mars and other planets. Goode continues, “Bases on Mars were built under the surface.” -Corey Goode
The reader can watch more on this in detail on where Corey Goode & David Wilcock host Cosmic Disclosure.

He claims he was recruited through one of the MILAB programs at the young age of 6, and trained and served there from 1976-1986/87. Toward the end of his time as a MILAB he was assigned to an IE support role for a rotating Earth Delegate Seat (shared by secret Earth government groups) in a “human-type” ET Super Federation Council.
MILAB refers to the military abduction of a person who is then indoctrinated and trained for any number of military black ops programs.
Apparently, Goode’s IE abilities played an important role in communicating with non-terrestrial beings as part of one of the Secret Space Programs (SSP). During his 20 year service he had a variety of experiences and assignments, including the Intruder Intercept Interrogation Program.
Corey Goode from the US Secret Space Program (SSP) said, “There are humans already on Mars and it’s been colonized.” In Dec. 1986, Goode was recruited into SSP – U-SAP (Un-Acknowledged Special Access Programs) under Project Solar Warden. He was assigned to a research vessel in space to study the solar system from Dec. 1986 – Dec. 2007.
Darren Perks while conducting research for Huffington Post on the “Solar Warren” program, made an FOI (freedom of information) request with the DoD (department of defence) in 2010. He received a very interesting response in an email; “About an hour ago I spoke to a NASA rep who confirmed this was their program and that it was terminated by the President. He also informed me that it was not a joint program with the DoD. The NASA rep informed me that you should be directed to the Johnson Space Center FOIA Manager.I have ran your request through one of our space-related directorates and I’m waiting on one other division with the Command to respond back to me. I will contact you once I have a response from the other division. Did NASA refer you to us?” Interesting. This was obviously a “slip up”. NASA hacker, Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers several years ago and learned of the existence of “non-terrestrial officers” and “fleet-to-fleet transfers” and a secret program called “Solar Warden”, he was charged by the Bush Justice Department with having committed “the biggest military computer hack of all time”, and stood to face prison time of up to 70 years after extradition from UK. But trying earnest McKinnon in open court would involve his testifying to the above classified facts, and his attorney would be able to subpoena government officers to testify under oath about the Navy’s Space Fleet. To date the extradition of McKinnon to the U.S. has gone nowhere. McKinnon also found out about the ships or craft within Solar Warden. It is said that there are approx eight cigar-shaped motherships (each longer than two football fields end-to-end) and 43 small “scout ships. The Solar Warden Space Fleet operates under the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC) [formerly Naval Space Command]. There are approximately 300 personnel involved at that facility, with the figure rising. Read the rest here;
+ + +
His experiences are very different from mine. They are so different that there are no points of common reference. Some points;
- If he is real, he would have probes inbedded in his skull like mine. All extraterrestrial interaction, and technology transfer falls under MAJestic perview. As such, he would have memory controlling devices, a core kit one inside his skull. He need not have to use the dimensional portal, but he would need to be implanted.
- If he spent any period of time on Mars from 1986 until 2004, I would be aware of it.
- He would not be part of any kind of research or study unless he possessed a minimum of a technical degree, either in engineering or one of the sciences. This is fundamental. People are not active members in MAJestic unless they have this minimum requirement.
- If what he said is true, then he would have been retired as a sex offender.
I think he is full of shit and is a BULLSHIT artist. I do not know why he has made such outrageous statements.
However, that being said, he does know something.
Whether it is in passing, or through a friend of a friend is not clear. I do not believe he is who and what he says he is. I personally believe that he took the little bits and scraps of truth that he discovered and fabricated a large story around them to fit a more conventional narrative in regards to geo-political weapons and technology that was moved to an outer space environment.
What does he know?
Solar Warren
Could he be referring to a SAP known as “Solar Warren”?
When Space Shuttle Atlantis landed at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on July 21, 2011 and headed to a museum, we were told that the U.S. Government no longer had any space-capable vehicles, and that we would have to rely on other countries and private companies to get into orbit and service the Space Station.
And we have. For decades, it has been the Russians that provided shuttle capability for LEO operations.
But according to others, who have elaborated on the Solar Warden project, they have stated that this program is an active Space Fleet!
This program, code-named 'Solar Warden', apparently has now grown to 85 small disc-shaped "scout ships" and 10 elongated-delta-shaped motherships [each longer than three football fields joined end to end]. (There are also apparently additional intermediate-length deltoid spacecraft as well. ) The Solar Warden Space Fleet is operated by Naval Network Warfare Command's subcomponent Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC), headquartered at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren, VA. The Solar Warden Fleet utilizes launch facilities at Vandenberg AFB, Lompoc, California and the Utah Test and Training Range in the desert west of Ogden, Utah. Apparently NNSOC has approximately 365 personnel on Earth and in space. NNSOC operates in cooperation with the Central Security Service-Operations Division and its work to protect extraterrestrials in near-space and on the ground. The Solar Warden Space Fleet's vessels are staffed by Naval Space Cadre and Marine Space Cadre officers, whose training has earned them the prestigious 6206-P Space Operations specialty designation, awarded after they have graduated from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California with a Master of Science degree in Space Systems Operations. Space Cadre Officers receive space operations training at NASA, and after graduating and a space flight are awarded the Naval Astronaut or Naval Flight Officer Astronaut insignia. Other member countries' Navies and Marines furnish men and women officers to this program also.
That’s pretty amazing! Not only is this program enormous, but it is integrated within existing systems BUT not associated with MAJestic or even use the ONI oversight!
Their justification for the existence of this super-dooper top secret amazing program is two-fold.
- One part [1] of the Space Fleet’s mission is to prevent rogue countries or terrorist groups from using near space to conduct warfare against other countries, or to fire from space on Earth-bound targets. The Federation has made it quite clear that space is to be used for peaceful purposes only.
- A second part [2] of Earth’s Space Fleet’s mission is to prevent the rogue global-elite control group, the Cabal or related organizations, from using its orbital weapons systems, including nuclear missiles and directed-energy beam weapons, to intimidate or attack anyone or any group on Earth it decides to target or extort.
Because this Space Fleet has the job of being “Space Policeman” within our solar system, its program has been named Solar Warden.
WOW! Not only isn’t it part of MAJestic, but it’s not part of the UN either!
How to they justify this?
The Space Fleet operates under authority granted by a secret Resolution of the UN Security Council. The U.S. component is so highly classified that when British civilian Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers during 2001-2002 and learned of the existence of "non-terrestrial officers", "fleet-to-fleet transfers", and a secret program called "Solar Warden", he was charged by the Bush Justice Department with having committed "the biggest military computer hack of all time."
Corroboration and Verification
What makes all these flights of fantasy believable is selective extracts of defense authorization bills.
But, let me tell youse guys something. Waived SAP authorizations are not provided within authorization acts in anything other than an alpha-numerical designation. If this was an actual SAP, there would not be any white paper trail at all.
Thus this statement below is just disinformation…
Lest anyone think that Solar Warden is an errant flight of fancy, important corroboration of this information is found in the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2012. Section 912 of that Defense Bill refers to the Secretary of Defense being authorized to purchase and take delivery of "space vehicles". (Relevant Section 912 shown here.)
Summary; Not only do I not believe Corey Goode, but I also do not believe the story about Solar Warden either.
It does not mean that I am an expert and that my opinions are gold, but that I am part of MAJestic and everything associated with this Corey Goode disclosure seems like bullshit to me. Sorry to say. I know that many, many of you all believe his story and the idea that there is a space fleet as part of the Solar Warden fantasy.
It’s just simply not true. There is only one singular umbrella organization. It is MAJestic, and if the information disclosed regarding this Goode / Solar Warden nonsense is incompatible with it.
Michael Relfe
Here is another “new age” “nut case” trying to cash in on the financial opportunities presented by the gullible. I present the following for the reader to make heads or tails out of it and to determine if my appraisal has any validity.
“My name is Michael Relfe and I helped produce “The Perfect Health System”. My wife Stephanie supplied the talent, healing expertise and the raw determination to create a training system that would allow anyone to learn kinesiology and possess a technology that would help them make fantastic improvements in their life.” “I want to tell you a little about myself and why you need Disk 11 (The Wernicke’s Correction). I have spent 24 years in the IT industry and have been an employee or consultant for Fortune 50 companies such as AMEX, IBM, American Airlines and The US Navy. I hold a degree in Computer Science and am a graduate of United States Naval Nuclear Power School. I am not sharing these things to attempt to impress you or to be a smartass. I want to help you understand that your success in life and the completion of your goals is in your hands and that with kinesiology….a special kind of kinesiology, you now have the technology to change your situation and get what you want out of life…” “Kinesiology is scientific. Chiropractors and Licensed Massage Therapists using Kinesiology put treatments on insurance. And this is the actual hands on, repeatable, meat-and-potatoes kinesiology correction. Some kinesiology corrections are for your body. This kinesiology correction is for your brain. And it is demonstrated completely in "Perfect Health With Kinesiology & Muscle Testing - Disk 11"”. And no, it's not available separately. You need to learn Kinesiology from the other disks before you can use it correctly.
After the sales pitch he describes how he found out about this marvelous scientific breakthrough. Of course it involves an adventure of sorts on the surface of Mars. This adventure is outlined in the work titled “The Mars Records”, Book 1 and book 2[i]. Essentially it involves a convoluted mix of astral projection[ii], hypnotic regression[iii], reincarnation[iv], and general gallivanting around the surface of the planet meeting all kinds of curious and interesting individuals. Some of which are quite dangerous; such as those pesky Reptilians[v].
[ii] Astral projection (or astral travel) is an interpretation of out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of an "astral body" separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it. Astral projection or travel denotes the astral body leaving the physical body to travel in an astral plane. The idea of astral travel is rooted in common worldwide religious accounts of the afterlife in which the consciousness' or soul's journey or "ascent" is described in such terms as "an... out-of body experience, wherein the spiritual traveller leaves the physical body and travels in his/her subtle body (or dreambody or astral body) into ‘higher’ realms." It is frequently reported in association with dreams, and forms of meditation.
[iii] Past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations, though others regard them as fantasies or delusions or a type of confabulation. Past life regression is typically undertaken either in pursuit of a spiritual experience, or in a psychotherapeutic setting. Most advocates loosely adhere to beliefs about reincarnation, though religious traditions that incorporate reincarnation generally do not include the idea of repressed memories of past lives
[iv] Reincarnation is the religious or philosophical concept that the soul or spirit, after biological death, begins a new life in a new body. This doctrine is a central tenet of the Indian religions. It is also a common belief of various ancient and modern religions such as Spiritism, Theosophy, and Eckankar and is found in many tribal societies around the world, in places such as Siberia, West Africa, North America, and Australia.
[v] Reptilians (also called reptoids, reptiloids, or draconians) are purported reptilian humanoids that play a prominent role in science fiction, as well as modern ufology and conspiracy theories. The idea of reptilians on Earth was popularized by David Icke, a conspiracy theorist who claims shape-shifting reptilian aliens control Earth by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate our societies. Icke has claimed on multiple occasions that many of the world leaders are, or are possessed by, reptilians.
It all begins so innocently;
“The Mars Records, authored by Stephanie Relfe, is a 300-plus page document chronicling the biofeedback sessions of her husband Michael who discovered he had been involved in a secret black project while in the Navy. Michael was astonished to find thathe had been living a double life as a covert operative for The Mars Defense Force. Some of his assignments were covert ops, piloting spacecraft, remote viewing, psychic defense and even psychic assassinations. Michael’s recruitment, training and service for Mars Defense Force was carried out via sophisticated alien and military mind control technology. This included implants, hypno-programming, dissociation of specifically trained alter personalities, advanced psi training, speed learning, psi enhancing drugs and time travel. Michael’s case is unique and very important because he is one of a very handful of persons who have been able to clear, recall and deprogram the sophisticated alien and military mind programming. His success in memory retrieval and deprogramming is due to deliverance prayer and the excellent therapeutic skills of his wife, Stephanie Relfe. She uses a combination of biofeedback clearing sessions and kinesiology .” -From an interview with Eve Lorgen
I do not believe anything that is written here. I think that this is just simply a traditional “snake oil salesman” who have updated their time honored technique to fleece the gullible by using the opportunities presented by the New Age movement. I believe that activities such as this make real and actual disclosures fall into the realm of the insane.
Henry Deacon(Project Camelot)
Arthur Neumann is his real name. He has made some remarkable statements. Part of which involved the participation in top secret programs authored by the United States government. Initially, when he first came forward he did so under an assumed name (Henry Deacon) to protect himself and his family. In 2009 he decided to come forward under his real name.

He has a background as a physicist and is now engaged in a profitable money making project known as “Project Camelot”.
On his website one can purchase all kinds of video and audio transcripts as well as books that describe the upcoming US –China war in 2008 (WTF?) and the secret conspiracies involving the United States government and time portals.
As of 2020, there were no overt hostilities between the United States and China.
Interesting stuff, but I rather doubt all of it. Of course it doesn’t really match or fit anything that I was exposed to, but that means nothing. What is important and germane to this discussion is what part of his testimony agrees or disagrees with mine.
Sorry, but I do not believe in time travel. The concept of time is a human fabrication to describe a universally evolving universe subject to the thoughts of all sentient creatures that inhabit it. It's world-line travel. However, I do believe in dimensional portals. Please read elsewhere to see how a person can utilize dimensional travel to achieve apparent time-travel.
On July 25, 2009, at the European Exopolitics Congress in Barcelona, Mr. Neumann publicly stated,
“There is life on Mars. There are bases on Mars. I have been there.”
The following day, Mr. Neumann participated in Future-talk, a Project Camelot documentary interview, in which he provided details of his teleporting to a base on Mars and participating in a one-hour project meeting, which was also attended by representatives of an intelligent civilization that lives in cities under the surface of Mars.
This experience is indeed, similar to mine in that he describes [1] teleporting to a place, but he fails to discuss the process, the equipment and the mandatory implantation. That sounds quite strange to me. He describes [2] cities under the surface of Mars that are [3] occupied by creatures belonging to an intelligent civilization. That <redacted>.
If fact, if he just left his experiences to the “bare bones”, no-nonsense aspects of visiting the facility, and discusses his implantation I would believe him. But he relates such a large amount of disinformation that it has polluted anything of value that he must contribute to this discussion. In effect, he renders his testimony null and void.
My conclusion of this individual is that he actually might of teleported to the facility, but the other things that he discusses are wholly outside my experience range and thus appear fantastical to me.
I do NOT think he is a crackpot. However, the other statements garnered from him are so far-fetched and outlandish that they make it difficult for me to want to associate with his testimony in any way. I want to believe him. I want to say to him; “Yes, I too was involved in similar programs!” But, alas his descriptions of life on Mars; time portals that bend time and space and strange secret cabals are beyond my experience base. I want to believe him, but I just cannot.
Our mutual experiences are too different.
Andrew D. Basiago(Project Pegasus)
Andrew D. Basiago is a Vancouver, Washington lawyer. As a side project, he runs Project Pegasus. This is a group dedicated to lobbying the government to release the secrets of teleportation and time travel. Basiago also refers to himself as “the discoverer of life on Mars.”

He makes many amazing and fantastic claims. They are just and wild and crazy as my own. For instance, he claims to be one of two “planetary-level whistle blowers”. He claims to have teleported to Mars in the 1980s[i] as an Earth ambassador[ii] to the Martian civilization[iii]. Which is why he is mentioned here.
[i] I teleported in the 1980’s, why couldn’t he have also?
[ii] As such, this implies an organization that represents the earth. He has to be an ambassador who he would represent . There isn’t any. The closest organization would be MAJestic, and that organization is primiarily a United States organization that represents human interests in a fractured and dysfunctional global alliance of nations.
[iii] On our dimensional track, there isn’t any indigenous native intelligent Martian life.
This is strange because when he published his article nearly three decades later, he claims to have been “astonished” to discover life on Mars. Along with William B. Stillings, a comrade he dug up somewhere, Basiago now claims that President Obama was a fellow Mars traveller back in the day, then living under the moniker “Barry Soetoro.” In fact, the fact that Barack Obama used to go by Barry Sotero may be the only truth in Basiago’s claims. Basiago and Stillings say they met Obama on Mars, and the government is now covering up the president’s space travel past.
Barrack Obama, or what ever name he used, was NEVER at the facility where <redacted>. The only people who visited the facility were MAJestic members tied with industry and space technologies. No political personages, lawyers, attorneys, or “grass root” fundraisers were ever granted permission to visit the facility. Selection of the particular individuals who would visit was determined by our extraterrestrial partners. They had no interest in any “service to self” individual ever being privy to the projects that we were all involved in.
Mr. Basiago was featured in a six-hour interview posted by Jessica Schab on YouTube. The name of this video is “A Conversation with Andrew D. Basiago” . ( I would hazard a guess that the interview was too controversial for mainstream media.)
Curiously, he has stated that he was involved in time travel. Another person known as Vonheldon also has a compelling narrative. His photos are convincing, though anyone can use Photoshop these days, so that might not be convincing enough. I think this person has a lot to say, but as far as his experiences compared with mine are concerned, I have to offer a “shrugged shoulders” expression. I find all of these stories quite interesting, but unfortunately are far beyond my realm of experience to offer any kind of verification or validity.
In the 39-part interview, he related his experiences in DARPA’s Project Pegasus as one of America’s early time-space explorers during the period 1969-72 and narrates the seven episodes over 40 years in which the CIA, in possession of a “quantum access” capability since 1967-68, briefed him about his destiny as a public figure who would one day be principally associated with the discovery of life on Mars.
Could this be the same as the dimensional portal that I was transported in?
Ms. Schab writes that in this,
“…six-hour interview, American lawyer Andrew D. Basiago, 47, narrates the hidden history of his discovery of life on Mars in 2008 and reveals the fact that by 1968 the US intelligence community was already aware of aspects of his later Mars work. Andy tells the phenomenal story of seven briefings over 40 years in which he was shown evidence of his destiny involving the discovery of life on Mars, and explains how the emergence of time travel and this epochal future event were interlinked. According to Andy, by 1968, the CIA was already teleporting individuals to the past and future to retrieve artifacts there and bring them back, while propagating holograms of past and future events with devices called chrono-visors to also gather intelligence. Incredibly, as a result of this quantum access, Andy was given a copy of his landmark paper The Discovery of Life on Mars in 1971 and asked to read and remember it, so that when, in 2008, he wrote it, it would contain as much data about Mars as possible!”
I know nothing about his version of time travel. I know nothing about the CIA. I know nothing about the “discovery of life on Mars” in 1971. They are beyond my base of experience.
As I understand it, “time travel” as is perceived today is not possible. However, apparent “time travel” is possible, but this isn’t so much as travelling forward and backwards in time as it is mostly dimensional swapping. By swapping in and out of the multi-world reality, one could experience universes that were apparently further back or forth in time relative to our departure universe.
Ms. Schab continues,
“During his lecture, Andy shared numerous photographic images evidencing his discovery of life on Mars, including many photos of humanoid beings, different animal species, carved statues and built structures on Mars that put him at the forefront of Mars research. Throughout the weekend, Andy lectured at his table to small groups of conference-goers, who came and sat in rapt attention as he shared stories about his experiences as a child in Project Pegasus, the secret US research program in which time travel was the focus. I know that, like me, everybody who took part in those impromptu seminars was certain that Andy is, as Bill Ryan of Project Camelot stated recently, the real deal - a truth-teller with significant new information to share about the real Philadelphia Experiment.”
Again, I must state that I know nothing about “Project Pegasus”, and the “Philadelphia Experiment”. To me it all sounds so fantastical and outrageous. Maybe that is its intention. However, anyone who would actually spend any time of significance on Mars would work in conjunction with us at the base. I do not know any of the afore mentioned people. I never saw them there (not that that means anything), and so their testimony, while outlandish does not mesh up well with my experiences.
Aside from the movie and what I read in the book. It all sounds too fantastical to me. Chances are that it, at most, is derived partially from truth with a lot of fiction thrown in for good measure.
On the other hand, some of the things that he says does absolutely agree with my experience. Though, I never recall seeing him at the facility in any capacity. (This is critical. I was there at the facility through entanglement. It was a large facility, but a small community. We all knew each other quite well, and thus knew everything that went on around us. I knew when we had visitors and who they were. Though I generally did not meet the visitors myself, we monitored them, and knew what was going all at all times. I do not ever recall anyone like him at the facility where I was entangled.)
He states that;
- He had secretly teleported to bases on Mars.
- There is the existence of a permanent teleportation mechanism linking Earth and Mars.
- An intelligent civilization lives under the surface of Mars.
This Mr. Basiago says some pretty outlandish things; things that absolutely do not mesh with my experiences at all. Was he really on Mars, or was he somewhere else? Is all this a big lie, or is there really some truth in what he has to say? For me, it all seems nonsensical and just out and out lies. He for instance, makes the following statements;
- There is the existence of native life forms on the “ecologically fragile” surface of Mars.
- The US government has had a fully operational teleportation capability since 1967-68[i].
- By 1969-70 the United States government was already training a cadre of gifted and talented American schoolchildren, including himself, to become America’s first generation of “chrononauts” or time-space explorers.
Look guys; the planet Mars is pretty much a sterile world today.

It is mostly rocks with some frozen liquids in the shape of crystals scattered about. There once was flowing water on the planet, but it was geologically a long; long time ago [ii]. And, when the water did flow there was not enough time [iii] for any kind of evolutionary process to take place. There are no statues, or ruins on Mars suggestive of a great glorious human-compatible civilization. There are no carved faces the size of mountains on the planet. There are no statues or fossilized bones or remains to be seen.
[i] Perhaps they did. Nevertheless, how would he actually know this. No one told us anything about how the system was developed. They only taught us how to use it. This date he gives places this capability to transport humans across the distances of space before Neil Armstrong stepped on the Moon. I just can’t reconcile this statement that he made. We only started to investigate the facility in the late 1970’s. I just can’t believe this statement.
[ii] Perhaps two billion years ago. That is over a billion years before the first microbes started to form on the earth.
[iii] By all accounts; the presence of standing liquid water on the surface of Mars was a relatively short lived event. Certainly lasting more than a few million years. One must take into account that it took about 700 million years to go from microbes to humans on the earth.
Mars does have relics; bases and facilities. But nothing approaches the size; scope and breadth as what is proclaimed by many of these Martian enthusiasts (Who perhaps want to relive the fictional adventures on Barsoon.).
Barsoom is a fictional representation of the planet Mars created by American pulp fiction author Edgar Rice Burroughs.The world of Barsoom is a romantic vision of a dying Mars. Writers and science popularizers like Camille Flammarion were convinced that Mars was at a later stage of evolution than Earth and therefore much drier, took the ideas farther and published books like Les Terres du Ciel (1884), which contained illustrations of a planet covered with canals.
There are no native Martian inhabitants. There are extraterrestrial colonists who live there underground but there is no way that anyone could mistake them as being native to Mars.
The Mars-analog in this world-line possess none of the things outside of the dimensional portal that this individual claims. If he conducted operations in another world-line, it would have to be so different from this one that returning here would be a near impossibility. (Just saying.)
The Mars-analog in this world-line possess none of the things outside of the dimensional portal that this individual claims. If he conducted operations in another world-line, it would have to be so different from this one that returning here would be a near impossibility. (Just saying.)
The problem with disinformation is that the actual is often mixed up with the fantastical. Thus polluting the entire narrative. Taken in total, this is more like an intelligent profiteer who is trying to capitalize on a niche segment of the population for personal gain.
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower
In a public statement, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of former President Dwight David Eisenhower (1890-1969), has exposed her attempted recruitment from April 2006 through January 2007 by a secret Mars colony project. (This is pretty amazing, precisely because of her relationship with a former United States president.)

Ms. Eisenhower’s account of her [1] targeting by time travel surveillance and [2] attempted manipulation by trained intelligence agents attached to a Mars colony project were revealed in an interview. Further, there is an extensive written statement at Ms. Eisenhower’s website. Ki’ Lia, a Stanford-educated artist, futurist and colleague of Ms. Eisenhower (!), has provided a corroborating first hand witness account of her and Ms. Eisenhower’s attempted recruitment into a secret human survival colony (!) on Mars. The alleged purpose of the secret Mars colony was to provide a survival civilization for the human race on Earth in the event of a planned (such as HAARP or bio-weapon induced) or natural cataclysm (such as by solar flares) that might depopulate the Earth.
+ + +
What can I say? I know nothing about all of this. Their experiences are wholly different than anything that I have experienced. It all sounds so fantastical, and outrageous, not to mention that odd and obscure Science-fictiony name of Ki’Lia.
LOL, Look if you really are going to do some actual technical work regarding another race use simple and easy to remember and pronounce names for Pete’s sake. Jeeze! Even though my drone pilot was an extraterrestrial, I always considered him as a “Paul”. I don’t know why. I just did. It is human nature. We humanize things that we know in comfortable terms that we can understand. We vilify that which we do not understand and do not know with strange words, terms and iconography.
I personally think she is more than just a little off. Her belief structures and experiences are quite unlike mine. For me, she appears crazy. But you know, she might not be; instead she might just be a lousy communicator. In any event, I do not want what I write to be associated with her experiences in any way. She is a little way too “new age-y” for my tastes.
Oh, by the way... LOL is an abbreviation of slang that arose during the growth of the Internet in the 1990’s. If you don’t already know that LOL stands for Laughing Out Loud, then welcome to the Internet! Other variations of this include ROFL and LMAO. ROFL is another way to say LOL and it stands for Rolling On Floor Laughing. LMAO is yet another alternative to LOL or ROFL and it stands for Laughing My Ass Off.
(Yet) This woman is apparently a great expert on time-travel and alternative realities. In fact, she claims that she can open up her own time and dimensional portals at will! (Wow!) I suppose the best thing for me to present to the reader is what this woman writes on her own website, and let the reader come to their own conclusions;
“…She is also a Whistleblower and has been speaking out about being recruited to go to a Colony on Mars that represented a time-line that she refused to go along with. She has been able to uncover some necessary truths and agendas that humanity is being kept in the dark about and lectures and does workshops on these issues along with topics such as Global Alchemy, Christ-Sophia, Sacred Union, ET races, Esoteric Cosmology, the Positive Time-line and seeks to empower the individual so that harmony can be restored. For more than 15 years, she has been providing clairvoyant readings and transformative healings for individuals with the assistance of many divination tools and astrology. Focusing on chakra systems, Laura has advised on topics such as soulpath, abduction, mind-control, core issues, relationships, past lives and physical ailments. She has been strategizing to solve the roots of major world problems including epidemics, war, environmental degradation and injustices that have been a result of the misuses of power of the shadow government. She also covers hidden agendas connected to ET races and the exile of the Divine Feminine energies. Going through an intense World Soul journey of the labyrinth, Laura has discovered an ability to open a Natural stargate by co-creating with the Venus transits and weaving through the multi-dimensions of the higher and lower worlds. Clearing portals and moving past gatekeepers, Laura works to free us from the 3-D holographic time-loop and guide us back to the Pleroma, the totality of divine powers. With great passion and courage, she is helping to return Sacred Union, divine wisdom, and the many faces of the Goddess that have been buried and forgotten for thousands of years.”
What can I say? I am speechless.
I think that along with all these other individuals, my story seems just as far fetched. It seems just as fantastical, and just as insane and unlikely.
And perhaps, that’s exactly the point, eh?
But if I could disclose EVERYTHING, well, then things would make much more sense, I’ll tell you what. But I can’t, and thus, you need to discern.
An underappreciated fundamental.
Let’s compare why these people all say that they were part of a top secret program…
- Captain Kaye. Space Marines to protect the Earth!
- Corey Goode. Space Police to protect the Earth!
- Michael Relfe. Space Army to protect Mars!
- Henry Deacon. Martian time travel to prevent war!
- Andrew D. Basiago. Ambassador to the Martian civilization.
- Laura Magdalene Eisenhower. World War III life boat.
What do all these people have in common? Can you figure it out? Aside from all the standard cliche’s like California going to slide into the Pacific Ocean, an upcoming war, or climate change, or social upheaval, or the need to defend the earth from those dangerous extraterrestrials, what is it? Is it the military, war, Martian life, time travel…
… heck, we’ve even got Barrack Obama involved as a time-travelling politician! I mean according to all these people anyone can become a member of a top secret super-dooper program. We’ve got everyone from a jar-head to a confused woman who was asked to preserve the human species on Mars. I’m just surprised there’s no LGBT or “women of color” on the list.
My MAJestic disclosure…
- Sentence evolution of the human race within a nursery used for the emergence of young developing species.
So I have to ask you. Now think about it. Really, think about it. Can you tell the difference between Metallicman and all the other “disclosures”? Is this “just another disclosure” in a long, long string of disclosures? Or is it something different?
It’s very easy to confuse the real with the fake if you do not have the tools of discernment.
This is true whether you are trying to figure out things about your life, about the United States government, top secret projects or if you are trying to scam someone.
You need the power of discernment.
You need the power of discernment, or else you risk being led astray by the confused. You can be lead off the edge of a cliff, or follow the pied piper who would gleefully empty your bank accounts. Or even worse.
You could end up messing around with the wrong person. And sometimes that person can be way, way out of your league.

Do you want more?
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Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
Jeez, Mr Man– you have been on fire, lately, if I may say.
Had finished Newton’s first book before I came across your updated version(s). Brilliant insights, and I for one understood that there was no way he or (most of) his patients would have known about MAJestic or the MWI; and I read with that in mind. You also made things quite clear in your introduction. But as far as an insight into whence we really came and are going, it was next to none.
No idea where the new age-y accusations came from; I guess some folks will never get it no matter how much stuff you put out there. Or perhaps they should read a bit more of your offerings before commenting. The times we live in, I guess. Education (and critical thinking skills) has been destroyed.
Otherwise, I hope you guys are wrong about SHTF time, and where I am things are RAPIDLY returning to normal and folks moving about en masse/businesses opening, etc.
No masks or social distancing, either– it’s like the whole Covid thing never happened. Narrative has shifted, too. A bit of that Floyd hoax, and just local domestic stuff. Very, very weird.
Looking at things stateside it’s starting to look like organised chaos from this perspective; with one big ball of shit trying to eject another even bigger ball of shit from the White House. And that’s what it’s all about.
The summer will be shaky, sure. But whichever ball of shit wins in November, we should see things return to some kind of normal. Shakier economically, sure. But the big guys can just print money so they’ll be okay.
The bio attack on China clearly went very badly tits up, now it’s back to the drawing board for them while the rest of us pay even higher taxes than before. Like covid never even happened.
Now THAT’S power.
Jeez, Mr Man– you have been on fire, lately, if I may say.
Had finished Newton’s first book before I came across your updated version(s). Brilliant insights, and I for one understood that there was no way he or (most of) his patients would have known about MAJestic or the MWI; and I read with that in mind. You also made things quite clear in your introduction. But as far as an insight into whence we really came and are going, it was next to none.
No idea where the new age-y accusations came from; I guess some folks will never get it no matter how much stuff you put out there. Or perhaps they should read a bit more of your offerings before commenting. The times we live in, I guess. Education (and critical thinking skills) has been destroyed.
Otherwise, I hope you guys are wrong about SHTF time, and where I am things are RAPIDLY returning to normal and folks moving about en masse/businesses opening, etc.
No masks or social distancing, either– it’s like the whole Covid thing never happened. Narrative has shifted, too. A bit of that Floyd hoax, and just local domestic stuff. Very, very weird.
Looking at things stateside it’s starting to look like organised chaos from this perspective; with one big ball of shit trying to eject another even bigger ball of shit from the White House. And that’s what it’s all about.
The summer will be shaky, sure. But whichever ball of shit wins in November, we should see things return to some kind of normal. Shakier economically, sure. But the big guys can just print money so they’ll be okay.
The bio attack on China clearly went very badly tits up, now it’s back to the drawing board for them while the rest of us pay even higher taxes than before. Like covid never even happened.
Now THAT’S power.
Jeez, Mr Man– you have been on fire, lately, if I may say.
Had finished Newton’s first book before I came across your updated version(s). Brilliant insights, and I for one understood that there was no way he or (most of) his patients would have known about MAJestic or the MWI; and I read with that in mind. You also made things quite clear in your introduction. But as far as an insight into whence we really came and are going, it was next to none.
No idea where the new age-y accusations came from; I guess some folks will never get it no matter how much stuff you put out there. Or perhaps they should read a bit more of your offerings before commenting. The times we live in, I guess. Education (and critical thinking skills) has been destroyed.
Otherwise, I hope you guys are wrong about SHTF time, and where I am things are RAPIDLY returning to normal and folks moving about en masse/businesses opening, etc.
No masks or social distancing, either– it’s like the whole Covid thing never happened. Narrative has shifted, too. A bit of that Floyd hoax, and just local domestic stuff. Very, very weird.
Looking at things stateside it’s starting to look like organised chaos from this perspective; with one big ball of shit trying to eject another even bigger ball of shit from the White House. And that’s what it’s all about.
The summer will be shaky, sure. But whichever ball of shit wins in November, we should see things return to some kind of normal. Shakier economically, sure. But the big guys can just print money so they’ll be okay.
The bio attack on China clearly went very badly tits up, now it’s back to the drawing board for them while the rest of us pay even higher taxes than before. Like covid never even happened.
Now THAT’S power.
I’ve seen a few Youtube stories in the vein you describe. I’m mostly turned off by youtube’s fantastical stories dept. So far. I’ve read only one other account by a colonel or lieutenant colonel, can’t recall, but he was working with tracking hyper glide ships that could stop inches from ground. His tracking setup was obsolete and used as some type of control in this exercise while unbeknownst to him during the exercise, there were others in the same room with much more sophisticated equipment that could track these ships. As he was being vetted for membership in this particular program, he actually met the pilots of these vehicles a few days later and described them as incredibly fit,calm demeanor, could speak by thought and by this telepathy, was offered a glimse of the host species controlling the whole event. He described them as speaking amongst themselves, then these otherworldly beings looked to him and noticed his presence (remote viewing) and returned to their conversation. As if “they” knew he was present for just a moment, looked at him, and continued their work. I so wish I could remember where I read that story so you could read it as well. It was a short encounter story but after reading your story, it clicked with me as very plausible. He was careful not to mention names and the places where testing was done, I believe was Scotland. Another was an island off the coast of Spain? Anyhoo, yes, there is much bullshit out there. I do though, find your writings and experiences quite compelling. It has changed my thoughts and I contemplate often regarding such. You’re a jewel amongst counterfieters.
MM, I just love the way you tell us. “I can tell you everything, but I can’t. DISCERN!” And that is the name of the game. If u don’t object, which means if u wouldnt mind letting those of us identified MMers who have read YOUR gift to us “Intention Experiment,” (IE) & know how to use the techniques therein (ahem-ahem, wink-wink) could you just “charge up” a representative username or a representative email handle (u just charge it to identify it with the guy) for that F*CK who is attempting to blackmail u, and pls give it to us in the comments here. We will engage in “group communications” to assist this individual have his greatest meeting with the greatest power in the universe. Of course, if u’d like to spare us from this I’d understand, but why would you give us kiddies access to the GREATEST POWER in the universe and the means to harness it FOR OUR OWN PURPOSES WITHOUT THE PURVIEW OF THE PTB, if you won’t let us show u a bit of (lots of deserved?) appreciation? Why the f’ give us the secret if we cant use it for a common purpose, when someone f’s with the MM site, he f’s with all of MM’s readers…of which I am one. I take a lot of exception to that. Go ahead, like I said before, trust us. We’re here at your site for a reason, and for that you as MM and your benefactors know much more (but can’t tell us…). No worries, give us the truth (covered in all the parables), we will figure it out…. Thats what you believe we readers can all do. The charged “representative username” of the f*cker, pls. And all readers of MM, if u havent read IE, which is IMHO the Universe’s GREATEST gift to you in your lifetime via MM, you are quite possibly at risk of losing your way in the tumultuous times that we WILL BE IN! After reading IE, if MM gives us the charged representative username of the f”cker, use the techniques in IE to shower that fçker with your version of universal ahem “love” – lets not hold back. If MM has give us this great gift, IE, I certainly believe that if we use the techniques in IE as a result for our own purposes, then we should return MMs favor. We are RUFUS not DUFUSs. RUFUS with the universe’s greatest power better that’s better than any AR-15s out there….. BTW, do register,, .org, net, .us, and a few more then put a simple script that directs to this site’s homepage. It should be okay. Get ur benefactors to chip in the extra bit little of dough (I’m sure they can affford it!!!), and say that U been working really hard lately churning out them articles….. Telll em that ur fanbase is getting BIGGER by the day, and we’ll be ready for the NW when the time comes…. May G*d bless ALL of us…. (Wink, wink, discern, discern, discern y’all – in the end, with BG (yes, BILL GATES) and all that’s going to happen, the NW will be a REALLY GREAT PLACE…. Trust me. I’ve seen it thru MM….)
Thanks for that. I greatly appreciate your support. It’s hard when there are POS out there, and like that jerk who says that all I post is BS, it really rankles me.
As far as the guy who tried to blackmail me, don’t you worry too much about him. I’ve taken care of the matter. He has no idea what is coming down the tracks for him, dont you know…
Jeez, Mr Man– you have been on fire, lately, if I may say.
Had finished Newton’s first book before I came across your updated version(s). Brilliant insights, and I for one understood that there was no way he or (most of) his patients would have known about MAJestic or the MWI; and I read with that in mind. You also made things quite clear in your introduction. But as far as an insight into whence we really came and are going, it was next to none.
No idea where the new age-y accusations came from; I guess some folks will never get it no matter how much stuff you put out there. Or perhaps they should read a bit more of your offerings before commenting. The times we live in, I guess. Education (and critical thinking skills) has been destroyed.
Otherwise, I hope you guys are wrong about SHTF time, and where I am things are RAPIDLY returning to normal and folks moving about en masse/businesses opening, etc.
No masks or social distancing, either– it’s like the whole Covid thing never happened. Narrative has shifted, too. A bit of that Floyd hoax, and just local domestic stuff. Very, very weird.
Looking at things stateside it’s starting to look like organised chaos from this perspective; with one big ball of shit trying to eject another even bigger ball of shit from the White House. And that’s what it’s all about.
The summer will be shaky, sure. But whichever ball of shit wins in November, we should see things return to some kind of normal. Shakier economically, sure. But the big guys can just print money so they’ll be okay.
The bio attack on China clearly went very badly tits up, now it’s back to the drawing board for them while the rest of us pay even higher taxes than before. Like covid never even happened.
Now THAT’S power.
Very interesting! But how could you miss commenting on Stewart Swerdlow? He is also a very big name when it comes to extraterrestrial disclosures. I’m just curious what do you have to say about him.
I never heard of him, but what do I know? I do need to check him out.
You’re a star, Mr Man. Don’t let those schmucks get you down.

MM, I’m glad u’ve taken care of *him*. I guess being in MAJ has its special benefits. Is that there a Special Forces Soldier from which species & constellation? Looks kinda friendly offhand – but probably morphs into someone’s worst “wet” dream – wet as in “wetworks” wet. MM, if I may make a helpful suggestion, but feel free not to do this if its not useful. Since u’re running wordpress, there are some widgets that you might consider adding (or getting ur techie). 1)A widget that lists the latest comments that you’ve approved on the site – so ppl who like reading comments can see what new comments have gone online. Some readers dont care to read comments, but other readers find reading comments sometimes give ppl a better appreciation of issues etc (in a perfect world, that is) 2) Widget two would be a listing of the currently most popular posts based on readerviews. This allows readers to read the most popular posts u’ve done – it’s also a good way for ppl to go directly to the best stuff u have (defined by readers – which I understand to be in the majority, phenomenally good-looking, have great physiques, tons of IQ & EQ & other Q’s – four others, you mention). Except for the a$$hats who dont appreciate ur stuff…. Probably an ugly f*ck who couldnt get a f*ck even if he paid for it…. Pls excuse my language…. Now reading ur latest stuff and hopefully being able to build my time travel machine SOON. I’d wanna be Bill Gates in this MWI, or someone like him…. Yes, I am serious…. Why not hit it out of the ballpark if u wanna get on the field?
Great ideas. I have put this on my list and will see what wordpress has. Stay tuned.
Of course, I review all comments before I either trash them or allow them to be posted. Some people make the grievous error to think that this Metallicman is on the “free and open” internet. Nope. It’s in the grey-internet. Insults, threats, or any kind of trolling behaviors goes to the land of “never again”. I appreciate all comments, and yours are some of the finest, If I say so my self.
The best way to control your world reality is through intention / prayer. Read the Intention Experiment. There is so much there. That is the best way to control your life.
Now, that being said, if you have the time and the energy and the resources, you can DIY your own teleportation portal. And this (what I am posting herein) is a “poor mans” version of the NAS NASC Pensacola MAJestic portal. Notice something? NO REDACTION’S. Why do you suppose that is, eh? There is no friggin’ way that I can post everything. There’s a lot involved, but by posts 25 through 30 in the series (provided it goes that far) you should be able to construct something using off-the shelf components for a reasonable amount of money.
I hope. We’ll see.
In the meantime, to save yourself hassles, just do the prayer intentions. Everything will work our just fine.
Oh, I’m sure that you want to try out the “Hot Tub Time Machine” rewrite of history, eh? Well, why not? Eh? It’s a great comedy, and if you have the ability to rewrite and restructure your life, then do it.

Well, Mr Man. Time’s marching on and shits getting weirder.
Came cross this recently and mentions MAJ specifically.
This outfit has been proven correct on many occasions, but would luurve to get your take on this particular little beauty.
Some elements check out according to my own ex-sources, but others are way out there.
Or are they?
Just an FYI, either way. Could MAJ really be set to change things radically? And could this be the real agenda behind COVID?
I personally believe nothing from any kind of mainstream media. And by my own personal experience the weirder it is, the more likely it is to be true.
At least, whatever the headlines say, the opposite is probably the case.
History buffs’ll know the source of that ref.
Stay safe, it’s gonna be a weird end to 2020 fo’ sho.
Sample: (might sound familiar)
“The organisation attempted to take control over Majestic-12 but never fully succeeded thanks to the strong commitment of some of the members who have been High Military Command Officials and are known to be America-firsters with strong moral characters.”
I always wondered why the Aliens chose the United States of America.
Will the truth about Aliens be disclosed to the US only? Have the Aliens worked with the other goverments?
What are their plans for the rest of the world?
China? India? Russia? Brazil? France? Norway? Malaysia?
The entire world is involved.
We often mistake the biggest and the loudest people in the room to be the most important. They aren’t From that simple hovel in Yemen, to that skyscraper in London, everyone is involved. It’s just that the USA has control of most of the media and is by far the loudest voice out there.
In the next stage of human societal revolution we all need to come together. Not isolate ourselves from one another.
We need to build things, systems, and relationships. Not destroy things.
We need to evolve, and accept. Not hold on tightly to old ways of doing things.
Do you agree with me? Or do think that the United States and the leadership of Donald Trump is the direction that the entire world needs to follow to make the world a better place to live in?
I agree that the a world led by Donald Trump won’t go anywhere, but – ok I might sound stupid – what if the aliens support the US in a war by providing them with assistance?
Why can’t they step forward, reveal themselves, and just tell humanity what to do?
I read the article.
It is a mix of fact, and counter-intelligence, and packaged towards a specific audience. An audience that has been polluted with some false narratives.
If you can sift through all the jargon, and the “boiler plate” narratives and distortions, you can read the entire message.
The message is that;
[1] A partial disclosure is to be had.
[2] It will be released slowly, and over a long period of time.
[3] The non-MAJ leadership does not want it released for their own purposes.
[4] The elements that will be released will be such that it will not be a shock to anyone.
Don’t get too caught up in the stuff about who is running things, or which extraterrestrials do what and want what. That’s mostly contel. Just listen to the actual message. Distilled above. As always, don’t get caught up on the details so much. Just look at what the broad picture says.
Makes sense, Mr Man. And I’ve read enough of your insights– and know enough about how the world really works– to realise that the “blond nordics siding with the white hats against the reptoids who want to ravish Earth women” spiel to whiff the reeking shit.
“They” know more about us than we know about ourselves; and drawing the perverts and psychopaths out from under their particular rocks or off the bottom of someone’s shoe makes a whole lotta sense to me.
However, powerful groups trying their damndest to infiltrate MAJ is much more believable. But also must be akin to a few pesky ants trying in vain to raid a tightly sealed jam jar based on a mere whiff as far as our benefactors are concerned. At least.
Thanks for the summary, and caveat emptor as far as the con-tel is concerned. Roger that.
Thanks also, Rob, for your insights, too.
Detailed, but effective as always!
Tranny storytime for your little ‘uns, anyone?
(As if that’s the sentience that awaits us. Freaks.)
We’ll all get a boot in to those fuckerz demanding this kinda stuff some day, never fear.
Stay safe, ya’ll.
-> “A partial disclosure is to be had”
-> “The elements that will be released will be such that it will not be a shock to anyone.”
Just heard on the N.E.W.S the Venus discovery and “we are not talking about little green men”.
Thats how you know Bible is fake. It wasnt China centric and basically was ignorant of China. A true God would not leave out the Middle Kingdom
If Terminator movie was made in 2030 as opposed to 1980s it would be Huawei as Skynet and a Wang was Connor