An example of how the prayer affirmation campaigns work in a world seeming gone crazy.

This post talks about the world going to shit fast, and our frustrations and fears that it is beyond our control. That is not true at all. In fact, we are in control of it, it just looks like we are powerless.

Back in 2016, grassroots white Americans voted anti-establishment  Trump into the Oval Office. For the first time, long-held ideals of  American democracy have been challenged. Pledging to “Make America Great  Again”, Trump's solution was straightforward – waging trade wars on  friends and foes alike; withdrawing the country from global pacts, and  avoiding responsibilities for international affairs.

The  consequences have been catastrophic. Populist policies originally  introduced to woo American voters were ironically implemented at the  sacrifice of blue-collar workers – the same group of people who  supported Trump in 2016. Establishment forces are also fed up with  Trump's "madness."

The 2020 election was more a fight between  Biden-represented American institutions and anti-establishment forces  with Trump being the spokesperson than a partisan battle. Biden,  although a Democrat, has high hopes pinned on him by establishment  politicians of both parties to bring the United States back to the right  track. This requires the new president to restore multilateralism,  intensify cooperation with allies, and mend ties with China.

-When will U.S. anti-China hysteria come to an end?

It all began with a comment;

“…our consciousness.”

It appears that my consciousness is being overwhelmed (or over-ruled) by the 99.99% who believe that shit on “TV” or “News”. 

Other than your prayers to nowhere, is there simply a method to  say “I’ve had enough of this charade”? Like “Help Mr. Wizard… I don’t  wanna be a peon human anymore.” Suicide, is that it? Seriously, what the  fuck am I learning these days (in the “sentience nursery”) that I had  not known years and years ago?

And I responded with…

In reply to DSKlausler.

I  want to take more time to answering your question. Unfortunately I was  busy with personal things and all I could do was throw off a quick  response. But I have been thinking about you and your last few emails. I  can sense a great deal of frustration and angst. And I do understand  it.

Do not be under the impression that the reality that you see is ruled  and controlled by the masses…the manipulated masses. That point was  made very clearly by the base commander when I joined MAJestic. Most of  the world is populated by sheeple. Or just folk that haven’t a clue, and  who graze upon the lands in a reactive way. Only a handful of people  are actually really in control. these are the cowboys, the unappreciated  and the under-deserved. You never hear about them, because they are not  attracted to fame and fortune.
Look at 2020. Was a fucking year, right?
During the entire year, just about every other article in the United  States, mainstream Alt-Right and Alt-left was all HATE CHINA! and it was  non-stop. By the end of the year, the 330 million American either  totally despised China, (and wanted to go to war) or were guardedly  neutral. No one put up any kind of a fight when Trump started kicking  the Chinese out of America, banning things, and launched a huge flotilla  to attack China.
330 million people HATING China. COVID-19B launched as part of a 8-strain biological attack, a military flotilla…
…but no war happened. Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo were kicked out of  office. 

The American economy is in shambles. And China is bigger and  stronger than ever. Not only that, but it has grown and the world is now  turning it’s back on the broken promises of Trump and look at the ruins  of the United States… with incredulity and disgust.
Do you actually believe that this is the result of the combined  HATRED of 330 million people? Or, maybe that a MAJestic operator that  happened to live inside China had a Prayer Affirmation Campaign that  said…
[1] Donald Trump will not be able to harm China.
[2] All American military ventures to China will fail.
[3] The harder that Donald Trump tries to break or destroy China, the  same and equal effect will hit him and his family personally.
[4] Any WMD’s implemented by America to hurt China will boomerang to the USA a hundred-fold and more.
And yeah. It doesn’t make sense. Except it does if you read everything that I am saying.
COVID-19B deaths China = 4634
COVID-19A deaths USA = 397,600
As far as you and other MM readers. I will not allow any harm to come  to you all. Not if I can help it. You all are true believers. So relish  in that.
[5] Followers of MM are protected with the same kind of protections  that I utilize for my family provided that it is their desire.
If the shadow people thoughts have an equal power as a single person,  and there at 330,000,000 of them then it is logical to say (just what  you stated) that the tyranny of the majority will define the reality  that we all inhabit. After all, that is the primary theory behind  propaganda. But I argue quite differently. It is the strength of the  thoughts of an individual consciousness that controls the reality that  maintains the power to shape and shift the reality that surrounds us.
If you do not understand, I will provide more information.

After the response above, I have received some positive responses.

First from ULTan

I get it, Mr Man. Couldnt be clearer. If folks read your Maj and MWI sections thoroughly, all these concerns are addressed.
I should add again, though, if I may and IMHO: Stop watching MMMedia whatever ya’ll do. And don’t fight the masses head on. Lie low and observe their madness. Learn from it. Is it something that’s happened to them? Or does it just reveal what they really were all along. (Quantum shadows? Existing only to teach u personally? Or is that too far out for ya?) Do not get dragged into arguments with zombified and terrified normies over masks, rules, etc. Work out a method of avoidance. They’ve been driven crazy by Wizards at the top of the pile. Their pile, that is. Avoid this at all costs. Surf that wave, look after your loved ones and especially pets, other critters nearby, too. They need you at this time of year.
Trust in the Plan. And I don’t mean the Qtard one.
How is that working out for ya’ll by the way? Sealed indictments opened yet? Mass paedophilia arrests? America great again, yet?
Trump the saviour avatar?
Ehhh, not really.
Be more careful what you read and follow next time.
And if you were a Qfan and are still sane: please read about how cults work. Start with Jim Jones or the Moonies. Pentacostals, too.
Scary stuff. I assure you.
And thanks again, Mr Man. My cats– each and every one of ’em– say a bigggg hi!
Stay safe,

And again from the original poster, Mr. DSKlausler…

In reply to congjing yu.Thanks for that… and I DO read everything you publish.
It just doesn’t seem right… can’t the simple folks just be left alone  to live and grow at their own pace without a bunch of twits ruining the  world?
I will give the affirmation deal another go.
Just switch me to the world line where people aren’t so stupid.

Let’s look at the situation

The world seems to be going to Hell. The “news”, the media, the people in Charge and everyone around you are seemingly idiots. “What is their malfunction”, you ask. And you are in fear for your life, your livelihood, and your family. Not to mention your community and your nation.

It doesn’t matter what side of the American Political Spectrum you reside on, everything is seemingly going to Hell straight away. You yearn for stability, a return to quieter and more peaceful times, and management by reason and reasonable people. And when you read the “news” it only amplifies your concerns…

That last link reflects the concerns of many, many Americans (and perhaps many people around the world). “Give me something. Give me hope. Give me Xanax.” Seemingly the population is ready for change…

…and this is a dangerous time. Eh?

Because Change is always uncomfortable, and can usher is a wonderful life, or an indescribably worse on. As we used to say in the United States “jump from the frying pan into the fire”.

To quote from the article;

Can’t quite put my finger on why. Oh yes, I just flipped on ‘MSDNC’ and opened my Failing New York Times,  and now I remember: because I’ve been watching my country set ablaze,  and Donald Trump and his faithful Trumpsters are holding  the flamethrower.
By now, we’ve all sat rapt and horrified, watching the highlights:  the MAGA-bots following the Dear Leader’s call to riot, invading the  Capitol building, smashing windows, battering down doors, stealing the  Speaker’s lectern and literally covering the floors in shit, for fans of  too-on-the-nose metaphors. They accosted police, threatened to hang  the traitor Mike Pence and trotted through the legislative chamber in  full tactical gear holding flex cuffs in the hope of taking  hostages. (Possibly before executing them: someone did erect a gallows  on the grounds.) Five people died. Four of them Trump supporters, one of  them a Capitol Police officer, hit in the head with a fire  extinguisher.
I doubt Mr Trump wanted anybody to die. He just wanted to put a good  scare into Congress, while trying to overturn a free and fair election,  the very bedrock without which the whole system collapses. So nothing to  see here, folks. Let’s talk about what really matters, Trump getting  banned from Twitter!
If you haven’t gathered by now, I’ve had it. Plenty of us have always  been Trump skeptical; my skepticism dates all the way back to 1999. But  it’s time for his acolytes to reckon with the cancer that they’ve  let metastasize. I haven’t been terribly subtle, so let’s just go ahead  and lay it out: Donald Trump is a sociopathic cult leader, a moral black  hole with a weird tan and a combover. Yes, I know it’s old hat to make  fun of his hair, but his confidantes have told me it wounds him. And I  just want him to hurt like he’s hurt America.
So now that we’re coming to the conclusion of DJT’s first and only  term — which has ended in impeachment and could include imprisonment —  it’s time to legacy-assess the effects of Trumpism. As several have  already noted, after everything from Trump’s social-media meltdowns to  him falling asleep at the wheel during the deadliest pandemic in a  century, Americans are now poorer, angrier, dumber, meaner, more  divided, sicker (both physically and mentally) and deader than they were  four years ago. But how ’bout that wall?! (The one that’s one-fourth of  the way built, that Mexico didn’t pay for.)
I wasn’t a big fan of The Establishment, either. But we threw them over for this?
I don’t detest Trumpsters: that would leave me hating roughly 60  percent of my friends and 80 percent of my family. But I would like to  know how so many good people of my acquaintance could be so blind to the  glaringly obvious. You edit American Greatness, one of the  house organs of the movement. But by my lights, America isn’t looking so  great right now. Feels more like American Mediocrity. Or America  Needs Improvement. Lots of it. Give me something. Give me hope. Give me  Xanax. Give me shelter from the storm. Or I might do something truly  unthinkable, like quote Dylan lyrics in print. Nobody wants to see that.


Pointing a nice big finger on a figurehead. Ah. It’s all Trump’s fault, and it’s his followers fault…

No it’s not.

It’s the way that governments crumble. They start young and youthful, they go through a “middle age”, they get old, and senile, and then they die. We are watching America die, and no singular person is at fault. So stop blaming the person at the helm. A doomed ship is going to hit that iceberg, and while the captain might be able to steer the ship somewhat, if he doesn’t hit THAT particular iceberg, he will hit the next one instead, or the one after that. A doomed ship is a doomed ship.

And this fact is recognizable. From Chris Buskirk

The one thing I’ve noticed over the past five years is that the only  people more consumed by the person of Donald Trump — from his psychology  to his physiognomy — than the most diehard, plan-trusting,  steal-stopping, Trump super-fans are his obsessive detractors. However  large the number of actual Trump cultists is, the anti-Trump cult is  orders of magnitude larger, more intense and more powerful. That’s not  surprising, because Trump’s rise to power is less a direct threat to the  established order and the ruling class it serves than it is an  indictment of their failure. Of course they react with visceral hatred.  Perhaps we can stipulate that a country with a healthy culture and  competent, trusted (and trustworthy) institutions would not have elected  Donald Trump as president. Yet, Donald Trump has received more votes  than any other Republican ever. Twice.
That suggests two possibilities. Either half the country is comprised  of Deplorables, reprobates, morons or sociopaths (I’d love to see the  Venn Diagram). Or something has gone quite wrong and America isn’t  working very well for a lot of Americans.
Option one is the default answer of the ruling class and its  aspirants and retainers. But in fact something has gone wrong.  Late-stage liberalism isn’t able to keep its promises. That’s why both  Trump and Bernie Sanders were so popular. That’s why there is so much  social and political conflict. And Trump-obsession of any kind is a  distraction and a coping mechanism.
Over the past 50 years median real wages have barely budged. Worse,  the growth that has occurred has all happened at the top. The top 10  percent did OK, the top 1 percent did very well and the top 0.1 percent  blasted way ahead of everyone else. Everyone except the very top fell a  little behind the group ahead of them, but the group below the top 10  percent fell further and faster. This made it harder to get married, buy  a house and raise a family. The cost of being middle class kept rising  faster than middle class wages. That created — and continues to create —  a lot of people who are socially and economically precarious.
You say ‘I wasn’t a big fan of The Establishment, either. But we  threw them over for this?’ Yes. Why? Because there wasn’t a better  option. Look at the group of Republicans running in 2016 and Democrats  in 2020. All of them are standard-bearers for a shattered consensus. And  there are a lot of mediocrities and has-beens. Biden himself is a  retread of a retread. The ‘uniparty’ that runs the country either  doesn’t know or doesn’t care that for a lot of people the American Dream  is dead. In the cohort of people born in 1940, about 95 percent did  better economically than their parents. For the cohort born in 1980  (border line millennials), only about 40 percent of those raised in  middle-class families are better off than their parents at the same  stage of life. These are people who were raised mostly by boomer parents  to follow the program that worked so well for them: go to college,  maybe grad school, trust the plan and you’ll have a life filled with  grilling and long weekends. But it hasn’t worked out that way. It’s been  tough. And for those that didn’t go to college, it’s even worse.
What do we do about it? That’s a big subject. But Trump offered  answers in 2016 that made some intuitive sense and resonated with a lot  of people. We sent our factories and their high-paying jobs to China?  Let’s bring them back. Mass immigration undercuts wages? Let’s slow it  down. The ruling class is corrupt, self-serving and doesn’t give a damn  about anyone else? Let’s take the country back from them.
Trump accomplished some of the good things he was talking about back  then, though not as many as I would have liked. But he was often stymied  by a combination of internal incoherence and external opposition. In  2017, Trump had both unified government and the most political capital  to spend. The fact that the Republican party’s primary goal and  signature achievement was a reduction in corporate tax rates says  something about the depth of institutional decay that Trump had taken  advantage of when he sought the nomination.

Yes. There’s all sorts of things wrong with America right now. It’s a fucking mess. It really is. And the people want out of this mess. And the people in control aren’t really up to taking on that job. They really aren’t.

The uniparty is in control and they are not what the nation needs. It needs leadership, understanding, and merit-based managers who know how systems work and how to clean out the entire clogged up and gutted system.

I'm going to use a Chinese reference, that most Americans are unaware of...

America needs a Mr. Deng-style revolution.

In the 1980's Mr. Deng single-handedly implemented American-style Reaganomics to China. He got rid of hard-core Marxism. He tossed much of the state-mandated industries and implemented private controls. He built cities, disposed political corruptions and changed China from a hard-core Marxist Communist nation to something else.

He changed it to a single-party, traditional values, merit-based system that serves the people, and that is policed by harsh systems to makes sure that the ruling class does not move away from these values.

Ok. Let’s not get too bogged down here.

China changed, and it was hard-core Marxist. America too can change. In fact, if America is what everyone says it is, whether a “democracy” or a “republic”, it should be rather easy to change. But it’s not. You know it. I know it. And it has corrupted well past the point of band-aides and minor surgery. One half of the nation wants to burn it down, and the other half wants to restructure it into something really different.

And thus the fear.

Elements on both the LEFT and the RIGHT are scaring the living daylights out of everyone. And those in charge of the United States government today are not reassuring anyone.

Thus the feeling of helplessness.

Proactive actions

But, if you read the MM writings you realize that your reality is not what it appears to be.

We “share” an apparent reality, but we are not part of what we observe.

We are consciousness. And we are moving world-line to world-line based on our thoughts. And it is important that we NOT get too hung up on what we observe around us. For that too will alter our thoughts. What we are observing is the world-line template. Not our individual world-line.

Do not get too caught up about that looming iceberg ahead of you. Navigate round it. And then when you see another iceberg behind it, navigate around it as well. In fact, maybe you all need to start sailing South as fast as you can to get out of the looming ice pack that is up ahead. You see the warning signs, start the navigation.

Make sure that you have lookouts posted everywhere and that they are rested and alert. Make sure that the engineers and the folk loading coal into the furnaces are up to the job and in control. Make sure that you go to the map room and navigate a path out of the ice floes. Make sure that you radio your concerns and telegraph your direction changes.

Take proactive steps.

You have control

In my real world example that I gave at the top of the post, I referenced my personal affirmation campaign that I implemented back at the start of the year when the COVID-19 outbreak hit.

Up until that time, I kept on believing that Trump wanted to work with China on trade for the mutual benefit of all. I intentionally ignored the hard facts, the neocons in his administrations and his other actions. I wanted to believe. I really wanted to believe. I wanted what I hoped to happen to actually happen and I ignored the facts.

But when people all around me started having seizures, my family became locked inside the house, and the Chinese military went DEFCON ONE, I no longer could live the lie. Donald Trump declared full-spectrum war against China and I was sitting smack dab on the bullseye at ground zero.

Ground zero.

And all the neocon publications were talking about how the USA was going to win a “hot war” against China and invade the South China Sea…

…my home.

I had to do something.

Affirmation Prayer Campaigns

Normally my prayer affirmations are associated with myself. I rarely refer to others and certainly not to Geo-political, or national politics. Those things are like oil and water in regards to my affirmations. I just don’t put affirmations where a preferential presidential candidate wins over another. Instead, my affirmations are about me.

But this WAS about me.

It Was about my FAMILY, and my FRIENDS.

And unlike most Americans, this was not some faraway place that lies at the other end of the world. It is up front and close sitting smack dab in my front yard. i had to so something.

And it seemed like an up-hill battle.

The Fire Hose of Disinformation

Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo turned on the “fire hose of disinformation” against China and it was ridiculous. China could have saved a baby from a burning building and the “news” would report that the Chinese were burning babies.

Anyways, after a full year of this, most Americans consider China evil and are willing and ready to go to war for all the same old reasons and excuses.

330 million people.

And I am but one lone singular person.

What can I do?

You run a Affirmation / Prayer Campaign and you address your fears. You do it to the exclusion of everything else. That’s what you do.

And that is what I did.

My Prayer Affirmation Campaign

Well, I did indeed include personal things, and it was a long slug-fest, I’ll tell you what. But it did work. When I started the campaign, Trump was at the top of his game. He successfully launched numerous events, wars and attacks upon China. six biological weapons designed to destroy crops and livestock. Some with drones carrying vials of toxic bio-weapons to far distant farms. A “color revolution” in Hong Kong, and insurgents flowing into Xinjiang to create another Syria war there. Not to mention the COVID-19B which targeted MYSELF AND MY FAMILY.

Fuck him!

So I launched my own prayer campaign. So if he wanted to be “top dog”, let’s see who’s boss, eh?

At the time I began, everything was pro-Trump and his plans were working out more or less. He was on the verge of creating strife, conflict, starvation, a bio-weapon war, and a future of decades of warfare on the other end of the globe.

So, here’s my relevant affirmations.

[1] Donald Trump will not be able to harm China.
[2] All American military ventures to China will fail.
[3] The harder that Donald Trump tries to break or destroy China, the  same and equal effect will hit him and his family personally.
[4] Any WMD’s implemented by America to hurt China will boomerang to the USA a hundred-fold and more.

While he tried to implement policies that would harm me and my family personally, my affirmation campaign was not personal. It was defensive and proactive. He and his minions will be unable to harm me, my family, my friends or China. If he tried, it would all come back to hit him.

Some quick terms on how the MWI operates.

And what?

With 330 million people seething at rage at China, and all those thoughts, anger and emotion, it was my affirmation campaign that turned things around. At least in my neck of the woods, things have become quite the opposite of what was intended.

The point here is that I was able to stop a war in China. And, by extension, world war III … nuclear war on American soil.

One person has the power to change their life. That is you. Do your prayer affirmation campaign religiously. You, it’s up to you, to make the world surrounding you a better place to live. Do not let the “world-line template” alter the fears you generate while in a world-line that lies upon that template.

If you are filled with dread or fear, that can act as a “signpost” to push you to action. You need to hop onto your affirmation campaigns STAT! and perform corrective measures. Concentrate on your personal life, our family and friends. Do not… DO NOT… put anything that you read about in the “news” in your affirmations. That’s alike a dog chasing it’s tail. You’ll go around and around in circles . You will go no where. Focus on you and your family.


What ever you do, run your campaign on a PERSONAL note.

Do not implement things that you read about in the “news”, or your favorite political leanings or anything like that. Those are distractions and they WILL take away from your core desires as specified within your affirmation campaign.

Trust me on this.

The ONLY reason why I included Mr. Trump in my affirmations was because he had targeted me with his war machine. Other than that, he was no where to be seen anywhere in my campaigns.

But how does it work?

The world that you observe is not real. What you are observing is the highest likely probability at any given moment on a world-line.

You are viewing the “world-line template surface”.

You are not viewing your particular, individual, world-line.

  • That shrub over there looks that way because that is the highest probability of it’s appearance at that moment of time…

…as VIEWED by your consciousness within that particular world-line.

  • That person over there is stopping to tie their shoe because that is that highest probability of occurrence at that moment in time…

…as VIEWED by your consciousness within that particular world-line.

  • The President on television is making a speech raising taxes because that is the highest probability of occurrence at that moment of time…

…as VIEWED by your consciousness within that particular world-line.

You CANNOT change them.

All you can change is your navigation to other world-lines.

So do not worry about what the world-line template looks like, or appears to be. That is, unless there is a guy lunging at you with a knife or some other dangerous event. And that is a special event, just like I am describing herein.

What I did…

I conducted a slide.

I slid the world-line, and carried a lot of people with me, to a new world-line template where I am, and my family, are safe. It is a world-line that avoids a Trump / Pompeo created nuclear war, and one where the human species can continue to develop their individual sentience’s while avoiding some truly horrific consequences.

No. I’m not perfect.

Trump did launch the COVID-19 bio-weapons genie and it is out of the bottle. The Chinese stopped the two successive subsequent follow-up bio-weapons attacks (more on them later), but we all still will need to deal with this mess that he got us all involved in.

I’m good. But, I’m not God.


At a time when an entire nation of 330 million people were ready to go to war with China, and attack my front yard, I adjusted my affirmation campaign for a different result.

I was successful.

And all the thoughts of 330 million people had zero effect on my life.

Frankly obnoxious headlines like “Trump wasn’t wrong about China. But here’s how Biden can do a better job” and “Biden must not fall into China’s smooth relations trap” suggest that Washington’s political class is single-minded: maintain an aggressive, hostile stance toward China.
Trump was wrong about China. In 2016, as a presidential contender and he launched a rhetorical tirade against China accusing that country of “raping” the U.S. economy. In 2018, he added that in addition to rape, it had caused the opioid crisis.  These accusations depended on racist stereotypes about China and worked  to hide the ineptness of the profit-driven U.S. health system and poor  innovation record of the economy.

Trump launched his racist hysteria against China in 2018 with deceitful  claims about opioids,  trade, technology, and continued in 2020 with  demonstrably false allegations about COVID-19’s origins. (Notably, recent media accounts, including the U.K.-based Independent and the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post, have reported that COVID-19 cases appeared in Europe  far earlier than initially believed.) Trump’s racially-driven rhetoric  exposed the U.S. ruling class’s deepening leadership incapacity in a  crisis and its frightening inability to offer and implement rational  solutions to complex problems.


[1] Donald trump will not be able to hurt or harm China.

Happened. Donald Trump’s anti-China policies were a complete failure. Oh, it’s much worse than that. It was a “train wreck”. The USA ended up getting harmed in so many ways. From domestically, to internationally, to scientifically, to socially. The United States has paid the price for these actions.

It’s not that I wanted to hurt the USA, but I just didn’t want myself or my family to die. And that meant that I had to take on the President and his well-paid army of war-mongering neocons with a lust for war, and desire to kill. I was successful. The complete and utter failure of the Trump policies against China were astounding and will be recorded in the history books as something that you want to avoid at all costs.

[2] All American military ventures against China will fail.

This anti-China line of thought provides no real insight into Trump’s  demented psychology or the validity of the establishment’s China views.  Instead, it only further exposes the persistent void in policy ideas on  economic development and the ruling class’s helplessness in leading  innovation. Blaming China replaces reasonable interrogation of this  failure of economic and social innovation.
One egregious example of the general incapacity for efficient  leadership can be seen in the bloated military sector. According to a Government Accounting Office  report published this month, of “46 types of aircraft [examined by  inspectors] … only three met their annual mission capable goals in a  majority of the years for fiscal years 2011 through 2019.” Less than 3%  of military aircraft types are consistently service-ready, in other  words. Meanwhile, the military budget approaches $800 billion annually. 
Massive waste that ties government contracts to political donations  (to both major parties), reflects the failure across all sectors to  produce sustainability, innovative technology, and necessary  infrastructure for a high-level quality of life. If comparisons to the  1970s are permissible, the U.S. is approaching levels of stagnation that  required the ruling class to craft neoliberalism as a class strategy  for renewing its power and restoring capital accumulation. This time,  neoliberalism is in crisis.

And fail they did. From HK, to Xinjigng, to Taiwan, to the South China Sea. They all failed, and failed spectacularly. You can go one by one, but there are no successes in any of them; not one.

It was hardly a secret throughout the Trump administration. Now, dying embers within sight, and with minimum fanfare, comes the declassification – virtually the whole document, minus a few redactions – of the US Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific.
Why  now, no less than 30 years before the usual, standard US  declassification/public record protocols apply? Don’t expect an answer  from Trump or from his National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien.


[3] The harder Donald Trump tries to take on China and hurt it, the effects will boomerang back to hurt Trump and his family personally.

And isn’t that what is happening? Isn’t his family and him personally getting “hits” by the American public and legal system?

[4] Any WMD’s implemented by America to hurt China will boomerang to the USA a hundred-fold and more

Evidence for this botched leadership can be seen in the incapacity to adequately meet the COVID-19 danger. The U.S. government proved unable to deliver necessary medical equipment or to define a scientifically-sound national public health policy. It wasted time and resources and still seems incapable of controlling a contagion that has cost more than 263,000 lives.

And look at how America is handling the COVID-19 coronavirus issue, eh? This singular issue is toppling the entire nation, and government alone. It’s more than just mismanagement, it’s a fiasco of historic proportions.

In fact, this mishandling (whether it is a bio-weapon or a pandemic) will go down in the history books as a massive blunder and mistakes and Trump and his administration will be labeled as clowns and buffoons for all of eternity as a result.

The bottom line is this.

You can control the events that affect your personal life and the lives of your family. You just need to control your personal affirmations. You cannot control the entire nations, you are not MM. But you have the ability to control that realm that you inhabit. So do NOT get all hung up and hot and bothered with what you read in the “news”. It’s nonsense. Concentrate on you and your family.

And keep in mind, that here, yes I Mr. MM himself, have you all in my affirmation prayers. I’m watching your backs. So don’t get too fearful.

It’s all good.

Keep in mind that what you think might be bad, if you read the “news” might end up being the best thing that could ever happen to you and your family. So do not let the “news” affect you. Again… for the third time… concentrate on you and your family. Concentrate on happiness and safety. You will be fine.

I love this story: 

"One evening, my mother made dinner after she had completed a hard day's work. 

She put a plate of eggs, salad and burnt toast in front of my father and me.

I immediately noticed. 

The burnt toast and I were waiting to see if my father was going to complain about it. 

But he started to eat everything. 

Then smiling, he asked me how was my day at school.

My mum apologized to my father for the burnt toast. 

I will never forget his response to her:  

'Honey, I love burnt toast!'

Later, when I went to bed and my father came over to kiss me goodnight, I asked him if he really liked the burnt toast. 

He hugged me and said, 

'Your  mother has had a difficult and hard day and she is really tired. She  went out of her way to prepare the meal for us. Why blame her and hurt  her! 

Burnt toast never hurt anyone; but words can be very painful!'

We  have to know how to appreciate what others do for us, even if it's not  perfect, because it's the intention to do well that counts, and no one  is perfect."

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“The point here is that I was able to stop a war in China. And, by extension, world war III … nuclear war on American soil.”

Does this not just mean that you moved to another world-line where those events/conditions simply are not present?

Regardless, I hope to move off this one… and it is not rooted in fear, it is clear, concise, controlled anger.

It would seem counter to the idea that we are in a “sentience nursery”… why would I or my soul or whatever waste all this time? I have asked before: what am I learning here and now that I haven’t already known for years?

A Texan

I have a problem: Fatalistic, negative thinking about myself. Almost every morning I wake up & think, “I hate myself.” Automatic, reflexive negative thoughts about myself persist all day long, thoughts such as, “Stupid”, “Dummy”, “Idiot” etc. Sometimes I think about ending my life just so I won’t have to listen to these thoughts.
After a lifetime of disappointment & precarious finances, I have miraculously ended up in a fortunate situation due to a 3rd marriage: No debt; mortgage free “nice” house in safe neighborhood; retired with financial security; physical health; husband who tells me every day he loves me. Despite my fortunate external circumstances, my inner world is full of depression, fear, constant dissatisfaction and a sense of meaninglessness, purposelessness, disconnectedness & self-depreciation.
And then I beat myself up because I’m not grateful for my good circumstances.


Have you tried reading The Power of Now? It was the book that kickstarted my spiritual path and whilst trying to find the appropriate quote to reply to you, I found it as powerful as when I initially read it

Many people live with a tormentor in their head that continuously attacks and punishes them and drains them of vital energy. It is the cause of untold misery and unhappiness, as well as of disease. The good news is that you can free yourself from your mind. This is the only true liberation. You can take the first step right now. Start listening to the voice in your head as often as you can. Pay particular attention to any repetitive thought patterns, those old gramophone records that have been playing in your head perhaps for many years. This is what I mean by “watching the thinker,” which is another way of saying: listen to the voice in your head, be there as the witnessing presence. When you listen to that voice, listen to it impartially. That is to say, do not judge. Do not judge or condemn what you hear, for doing so would mean that the same voice has come in again through the back door. You’ll soon realize: there is the voice, and here I am listening to it, watching it. This I am realization, this sense of your own presence, is not a thought. It arises from beyond the mind.””

“Surrender — the letting go of mental-emotional resistance to what is — also becomes a portal into the Unmanifested. The reason for this is simple: inner resistance cuts you off from other people, from yourself, from the world around you. It strengthens the feeling of separateness on which the ego depends for its survival. The stronger the feeling of separateness, the more you are bound to the manifested, to the world of separate forms. The more you are bound to the world of form, the harder and more impenetrable your form identity becomes. The portal is closed, and you are cut off from the inner dimension, the dimension of depth. In the state of surrender, your form identity softens and becomes somewhat “transparent,” as it were, so the Unmanifested can shine through you.”

““Don’t look for peace.
Don’t look for any other state than the one you are in now; otherwise, you will set up inner conflict and unconscious resistance.

Forgive yourself for not being peace.
The moment you completely accept your non-peace, your non-peace becomes transmuted into peace.
Anything you accept fully will get you there, will take you into peace.

This is the miracle of surrender.”

““A Course in Miracles rightly points out that, whenever you are unhappy, there is the unconscious belief that the unhappiness “buys” you what you want. If “you” — the mind — did not believe that unhappiness works, why would you create it? The fact is, of course, that negativity does not work. Instead of attracting a desirable condition, it stops it from arising. Instead of dissolving an undesirable one, it keeps it in place. Its only “useful” function is that it strengthens the ego, and that is why the ego loves it.””


Personally, I have massively shed off a lot of my negative thoughts, but there are still some and I still apply the same methods in dissolving them. When they arise, simply surrender and allow them to be, instead of reacting and being ‘sucked’ in by them. Eventually, your consciousness will ‘disidentify’ from the thoughts, and you will laugh when you realise you don’t believe in your own negative thoughts anymore, you simply don’t buy into them


First let me say thank you for this post. It indeed contains much wisdom as i expected from you.
On a side note, your safety is in my prayer campaign too. And dont worry i made sure to word it in a way that safety to you is how your conscienceness wants it. I took my personal opinion on safety out of it. Probably not necessary but when praying for others I always try to keep personal bias out of it. Like Michael biehn said in aliens, just to be sure.

Ohio Guy

That was surreally excellent. Thank you, MM for the knowledge you impart to those of us with understanding and those of us learning to understand our place in this world/universe. Life is a gift. Our thoughts are the keys to a great life. Thank you again, Ohio Guy


I want to give MM and my fellow MM readers an update on my prayer campaign.
Perhaps it will give strength and hope to some of you. And I have a question which might also be of interest to you guys.
I will keep some things vague to prevent thought imposition but if MM can guarantee the prevention of it I wouldnt mind telling the exact prayers.
I started praying MM style in October 2020. 1 month on 1 off.
Im now in my third cycle.
I tweaked some things after each cycle but the majority was the same.
Right now even being in my third cycle I have experienced changes that are in my opinion things that could perhaps be coincidences but are probably my prayers answered or progressing to being fully answered.
And mind you guys, im someone who always first looks for an earthly explanation.
One example is this. My mom had her own store for 30 years now. And she never made much money from it. I put in my prayers that she is making noticible more money than what she ever did with her business. After my first pause which was november nothing much changed. Well accept one huge thing but for the rest not much. Yet.
Then during my second campaign month which was december , things started to materialize. In my moms case , she started getting much more orders and selling much more than she had ever done in thirty years. To the point shes even complaining that its getting to much.
This is pretty much the way some of my other prayers have materialized too.
Now a couple off things I experienced and I would like MM thoughts on them. For my self but also because they might benefit my fellow readers.
During my pauses , atleast during the first two weeks I experienced what would be called “synchronicities”. One area was with songs on the radio at work. I would think of a song one moment because i heard a coworker say something or the song just popped in my head. And for the majority that song would feature on the station the next day. The kicker is that its a station that plays dance songs mostly. And im into hardrock rock and metal. And I started to look up the playlists from that station to see if I was imagining things. Wel turns out that the songs had played on there somewere from 2 months before , the shortest time , to never ever having played on there before. And all the time I was aware of the psychological phenomenon of seeing things one wants to see. Just to rule that out.
Another thing I “felt” was that my coworkers and workenviroment felt very different and off. It took a couple of days to get used to them.
And my best friend and coworker now has a peculiar way of saying a certain word which he never did.
So I hope this is off use to you guys and MM I would love to hear what you think of all of this. Your input is greatly appreciated.


First thanks MM. And I read your signposts multiple times. Just like most posts concerning the mwi and prayer campaigns. This is something I do with everything when interested in it.
And Yes I was a bit afraid I conducted a slide.
And thats just the thing. I had in my prayers that I wouldnt have that. I did and do have al sorts of safety measures So perhaps the slide occurred in a safe way anyway.
So far I experience no negatives.
One more thing my fellow readers and my self would like to know.
What if you have doubts entering your mind every now and then.
I myself have been pretty good at avoiding them but I do have them. Especially if it involves how other people are acting in your world or dealing with government institutions for instance.
Right now I still rely on my prayers that say that negative thoughts wont manifest. Only the ones my consiousness considers good do.
My question is , at what point would the negative thoughts overcome that prayer line. And is there something active one can do besides keeping your mind occupied with other stuff and or hemi sync. Greatly appreciated.


Thanks for the response.
But when one had general anxiety disorder the effects are mitigated?
I figure it would be the other way around. The effects would be stronger.
Bye the way , I dont have anxiety disorders. Far from it. Im a confident person in pretty much every area of my life.
Its more when doing active stuff and then not knowing if it was the right thing to do thats when the negative thoughts pop up.
And you cant pray things different right away. Praying isnt done on the fly like you yourself say.
And just for the record. When you said dont worry too much about negative thoughts , were you talking to me and your fellow readership specifically knowing we probably have safety measures in our prayers? Or to every person reading this.
You say bad thoughts attract bad things in ones life and stress that we keep our thoughts under control.
But if bad thoughts are not something to worry too much about then you would never stress the importance of keeping your thoughts under control. Right?
Much appreciated.


Thanks for that big Dog. So being aware is a partial safety on its own. Being aware your thoughts are bad automatically creates thoughts in ones head about what you really want.
Eg. Worrying about getting hit by a car when you really just want to be safe means you at same time also think about staying safe. Where as just thinking about getting hit by a car and not considering it a bad thought invites that situation to happen.


No thank you.
Another thing I noticed and perhaps this is of value to my fellow MM.
Six months ago when starting my first prayer campaign MM style I started to feel tired of praying after about 3 weeks already. And my former prayer style was just as long So it wasnt the change in style. Just tired after years of relentless prayer I guess.
As a result my other 2 campaigns I stil go through all my rituals and prayers but as a robot So to speak. So much less intensity in the words.
Yet I have seen lots of things manifesting.
It seems one can go through prayers by just saying them out loud even when you dont feel like it much sometimes.
Is that the case and if So how come just talking to other people when saying you are gonna do things doesnt cause that to happen. Whats the technical difference.
Or has my brain been primed by my previous years of prayer?
Would love your take on it MM and some readers too I think.


I get the feeling your reply is incomplete big Dog


Oh boy this opens up even more questions lol.
If speaking and or writing and or actions ARE requiered and that definately makes sense. To get the thoughts into “particle” form out in ones reality.
It still boggles me why then thoughts alone still can manifest.
Bu the way I look forward to your synchronicities post


Thats what I told her. Lol


Big Dog. I was wondering if you received and read my e-mail I send you 3 weeks ago.


Glad you got it and read it.
And please be sure that I dont want to sound selfish in the e-mail.
If some stuff in there made me come across that way than I want to apologize.