I just had to sit down and write this peace. After one article after the other, all justifying American “intervention” into the affairs of China, it’s just boggles my mind that everyone believes that they have the RIGHT to mess around with another nations’ internal affairs. You don’t. And certainly not with a big enormous, technologically advanced nation.
For Pete’s sake!
America only makes laws for Americans on American soil.
That’s it.
The laws that America makes, the ideas that it professes, is limited geographically to the confines of the nation of the United States. America does NOT have the ability to tell Canada what to do, Chile what to do, France what to do, or South Africa what to do.
And China, like it or not, is not going to sit by and allow the USA to invade it. It’s not going to be another Syria, or another Yemen, or Afghanistan, or Libya, or Panama, or any other nameless nations that America has invaded and occupied over the last fifty years.
So all this nonsense about “suppressing” China, or “containing” it, or “stopping it’s rise” is dangerous.
Did the efforts to starve China work? The numerous bio-weapons against the chicken, the pork, the wheat, the rice and other industries work out? What about the plagues, the ban on imported Australian and NZ food, and the drones spraying swine flu... did they actually work? Are the Chinese people starving now? Actually, no. Did the NED / NID efforts to destabilize Hong Kong work? Are the people of Hong Kong China ready to rise up and revolt? Are they still waving American flags and singing the American national anthem? Is the image of "Pepe the frog" plastered all over the new independent Hong Kong? No. How about that trade war? Did all the tariffs bring global trade to an abrupt end? Is China unable to trade right now? What about those huge 25% tariff increases, who's paying for them? Did this entire effort cause the rest of the world to stop trading with China? No. What about the suppression of Chinese technology? The capture of the president of Huawei, the anti-5G movement, and the ban on microprocessor technology? Is China on it's knees and sobbing, and begging the United States to let up? No. How about India being a military proxy for the United States and having a "hot" war in the Himalayas mountains? Now that soldiers have died on both sides, is China all "bogged down" in a mountainous "quagmire"? Is the BRI impacted? What about international Geo-political relations involving China on the global stage? Is China in trouble? No. What about biological warfare by releasing COVID-19 on the Chinese New Year holiday? How is China doing today? How is America today? Did it bring China "to it's knees" and suppress it in the global stage? Or did it back-fire? And end up unleashing all sorts of madness in the United States instead? ...well?
The American conservative movement, and by extension the neocon right-wing movement is living within a very dangerous bubble. Their ideas of what China is, what it represents, how it works, and what it is doing is severely out-of-wack with reality. Which is fundamentally why all the attacks in this “hybrid war” is flailing.
China is not what the American “neocon” publications thinks it is.
And all those publications, “talking heads”, and commentators that endlessly repeat the 1970’s era narrative of what china is, and will be come is advocating some very dangerous ideas. Ideas that all of the advisors (Pomeo, Bolton, etc.) to President Trump actually and earnestly believe.
- Return of the Neocons: Trump’s Surprising Cabinet Candidates
- Donald Trump’s Neocon Conversion was Predictable – Ron Paul
- Trump and the Neocons: Doing the Unilateralist Waltz
- Neocons Have Trump on His Knees
And they advocate a harsh “hard line” treatment of China. For they earnestly believe that the United States can “grapple” with China; “engage” China in a long multi-faceted “hybrid war” and the America would “win”. For America, they earnestly believe, is empowered by GOD to rule the world…
- Revealed: Why China Would Lose a War against America
- A Chinese Invasion of Taiwan: What Happens? Who Wins …
- China vs. America: Who Would Win the Battle of the South …
- The U.S. Military vs. Russia and China: Who Would Win …
- Report: China Aims to Defeat the U.S. In a War
All of the articles listed are from "The National interest" which is an American neocon publication that supports the Military-Industrial complex, and who is just "foaming at the mouth" for a war with China. They aim to make billions of dollars, if not trillions in the process.
In truth, it’s a bunch of propaganda to gin-up support for the eventual “take down” of China.
But, you see, it’s NOT going to happen like everyone thinks.
What will a war look like?
For the last fifty years, America has defined the geography of war; where it is fought, and by whom. It has defined the technology used, and what was not used. It has defined the narrative and the history books; with thousands of American soldiers dead, the military “intervention” is still considered to be victorious.
And Hollywood enhances this vision.
The movies out of Hollywood are all about the single lone military warrior who takes down hundreds of enemy single handedly. From Rambo, to Schwarzenegger in “Raw Deal” and “Commando”, to the sniper that takes down a complete military base (while people just collapse like rag dolls with single shots to the head.) It’s all a myth. It’s all a lie. It’s all very dangerous thinking of American “invincibility”.
So let me tell you this straight up and brutal…
Any military conflict with China will NOT be limited to the South China Sea. It will be very “up front and personal”. It will occur on American soil. It will be fought on American soil, and many American cities will be devastated to the point where they will be unable to recover. They will not be able to be rebuilt.
Why, do I say this?
Any War With China Will Be a Nuclear War
Accept that fact.
It’s not going to be a conventional war.
It’s going to go nuclear from hour one.
Whether it is Donald Trump launching some “reasonable” “low yield” tactical nuclear armed warheads, or the Chinese keeping their promise that “serious, unimaginable, consequences” will occur…
… it’s is going to be a deadly – radioactive – gut-wrenching – nuclear war.
The only reason why the United States is NOT in a military conflict with China right now, is because it knows it will lose.
America will lose.
China. Does. Not. Play.
How does it know this? Seriously, why do I make this statement? The answer is clear. Every military simulation from the year 2000 on has had China winning the battles, the global-conflicts in just about every arena.
- US Getting ‘Its Ass Handed To It’ In Russia, China War …
- US defeated by Russia and China across most scenarios
- China’s missiles could dust the US military in minutes …
- This Simulated War Game Shows How China Would Win
- WW3 simulations ‘leave America destroyed by Russia and China’
- The US military ‘gets its ass handed to it’ in World War 3 …
- Revealed: Why China Would Lose a War against America
- US ‘Gets Its A** Handed To It’ By Russia, China in WWIII …
- How the United States Could Lose a War Against China
- Think Tank: China Beats U.S. in Simulated Taiwan Air War …
- China Has Big Plans to Win the Next War It Fights | RAND
- US Getting ‘Its Ass Handed To It’ In Russia, China War …
- War with China: Thinking Through the Unthinkable | RAND
- What would a U.S.-China war look like?
- Russia-China Demolished U.S Military in War Games,
And that is by conventional means.
Imagine what would happen if the “nuclear guns” came into play…
And they will…
Oh. They really will.
Trump is taking a hard line stance on these matters…
It is a pretty amazing thing to watch. How every day there is a new accusation against China, and more complaints about China, and more blame being heaped upon China.
It is this increased ratcheting up of HATE and ACCUSATIONS against China that I am worried about.
Rather than being a global leader that works with other nations, respects their national sovereignty, and builds relationships. This Trump administration does the exact opposite.
The entire world watches on in stark incredulity…
- Under Trump, America increasingly loses its global lead …
- UK abandons Trump as US ‘withdraws its leadership around …
- U.S. Suffers Greatest Global Decline in Trust
- The day Trump trashed US diplomacy – The Boston Globe
- Another Virus Victim: The U.S. as a Global Leader
- Trump is losing the support of the United States’ closest …
- Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠: Forget the United …
- Bill Gates dire warning: U.S. risks losing … – USA TODAY
- With Trump’s Coronavirus Response, U.S. Forfeits Global …
- Allies despair as Trump abandons America’s leadership role …
- United States Loses Leadership Of U.N.’s International …
A prolonged conventional war…
Today, inside the White House, the Trump administration is concerned with suppressing not only China, but the rest of the world as well.
The over-riding objective (initially, and presently) is to suppress the entire world while America gets “it’s house in order”; builds up factories, puts more students into training as STEM engineers and scientists, and invests into Research and Development.
Ah, but none of that is actually going on.
Aside from a few (well publicized) factory start-ups, and some documentaries, nothing is really going on. While China has invested in a number of construction projects, the idea that factories are sprouting up all over America to employ Americans has fallen far-short of the ideal.
The only thing that is going on the the collapse of the global economy.
So it is looking like the next step will be military…
But first, America will try a "proxy war". They will use another nation to do the "heavy lifting" and create military tensions. Like India on 16JUN20.
After that…
…all the generals and the advisers, and the “experts” in Washington DC are talking about a “scaled up” conflict with China. One that would be conventional. It is one that would be fought on the Chinese coast and in the South China sea and it would be conventional and not nuclear. As such, it is considered to be a “prolonged” war that would stifle all trade on the shipping lanes.
Thus rendering China “isolated” from the world completely.
Which is why there are two complete aircraft carrier battle groups, and a complete amphibious landing group right now in the South China Sea. Which is why attack subs are under the water in the South China Sea, and that B-1 Bombers with fighter escorts are flying all over the Pacific.
But people, the idea there could be a prolonged conventional war between the US and China is an misguided view of what such a war would look like.
In this article I will explain why any conventional war with China will trigger, a very short and very savage, nuclear war.
The idea of a “long protracted war” from David Gompert.
The US intelligence guru David Gompert came to Australia in 2017 warning “a war between the US and China would be long, destructive and could erupt if regional disputes already underway overheat.”
He said both sides “have ample forces, technology, industrial might, and personnel to fight across vast expanses of land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace. »
“Mr Gompert said the US should make sensible preparations to wage a ‘long and fierce’ war with China but argued it must also develop plans to limit the scope, intensity and duration of such a conflict. He said if such a war broke out today, China’s losses would greatly exceed that of the US.”(2)
Therefore, it would be advisable for Australia to make prudent moves toward allowing the United States military to use their bases and airstrips. Take special precautions regarding China, and be prepared to stop all trade with China.
This was in 2017, shortly after Trump took the helm in Washington DC.
You do realize, don’t you, that…
It’s a war against Asia (Russia and China) not just China alone.
Both Russia and China realize that if America destroys one nation, the other would also eventually fall as well.
Mr Gompert insists the US should “develop plans to limit the scope, intensity and duration of such a conflict.” But can the US limit the intensity and duration of such a war? I mean, once the USA gets involved in a war, it never pulls out.
- The paradox of America’s endless wars – NationofChange
- Ending America’s Endless War | Foreign Affairs
- America’s Endless Wars Persist Because They Don’t Exist …
- Top 5 reasons we keep fighting all these wars – Foreign Policy
And, does he even realize that there is a strong and substantive Russian-Chinese military alliance?
- China, Russia and Iran hold joint naval drills in … – CNN
- Russia and China: Have They Already Formed a Military …
- Trump’s nuclear treaty with Russia and China will never happen
- Russia conducts massive military drills with China … – CNBC
- Russia and China Agree Joint To Hold Military Drill in South China Sea
The Chinese are helping the Russians in Syria and it is quite implausible that, during a US war with China, Russia would just sit on its hands.
(As if) Russia would watch with glee as the Untied States would fight with China, and Chinese exports to Russia drop to zero…
Consider this discussion of what could be going on between Russia and China away from the eyes of Western journalists:
“There are certain to be scores of secret agreements between the Chinese and the Russians we know nothing about: to share intelligence (including for example signals intelligence and data from satellites) and to coordinate foreign policy and for defence cooperation including technology sharing. We know for example that the Russians and the Chinese have representatives at each others’ command headquarters and that recently they carried out in Moscow a joint command exercise involving joint operation of their respective anti-ballistic missile defences, something the US would never do at such a level with any of its allies.”(3)
Furthermore who can imagine all sides will sit on their nuclear weapons for weeks or months of a prolonged and intense conventional conflict?
Even if it did not go nuclear from day one…
If the war between the US and China started going badly for one side or the other, how long would they wait to move on from the conventional weapons and bring out the heavy artillery? It is more likely that such a war would be over in a few days as it quickly turned into a full-on nuclear exchange between Russia and China and the US.

A nuclear war is absolutely impossible. It is inconceivable. As it would destroy both sides.
Since nuclear weapons have not been used for the last 70 years people have come to believe that they could never be used again.
There are now so many nuclear weapons, if the US and Russia began attacking each other both countries would be destroyed. Starting such a war would destroy your own country. What leader would initiate national suicide?
This is a comforting line of thought. However, a careful look at the development of military thinking about nuclear weapons since they were introduced shows it is just a pleasant fairy story.
In the 1960’s a policy was developed in the US by Henry Kissinger and Herman Kahn which advocated an “active” nuclear strategy for the US.
After WW II the US saw nuclear weapons as a way to stop the USSR from conquering Europe using its much larger conventional forces. The new approach advocated by Kissinger and Kahn was to use nuclear weapons in a surprise attack to destroy the nuclear weapons of the USSR or China before they were used against the US.
The plan was to use a “first strike” to limit or remove the enemy’s ability to retaliate.
This would mean the US could actually win a nuclear war.
Kahn argued that 40 million dead in the US and a 20 years recuperation period could be « acceptable losses » necessary for such a victory.
It is no surprise that such thinking inspired Stanley Kubrick to produce Dr Strangelove.

Eventually cooler heads seemed to prevail.
At least for the last fifty years or so…
The policy known as Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) became the dominant policy. Some efforts were made to reduce the number of nuclear weapons held by the US and the USSR.
An article written in 2014 explains that “nuclear war with Russia is still mutually assured destruction. Hopefully, that’s still deterrent enough.”(4)
Mutially assurred destruction has been replaced by an assured first strike policy by Donald Trump.
Russia revoked the pledge of the USSR not to be the first to use nuclear weapons in any conflict in 1993.(5)
In 2002 the Bush administration modified US strategic doctrine from a retaliatory role to permit a preemptive nuclear attack. In effect the US has returned to the first-strike policy developed by Kissinger and Kahn in the 1960’s.
Then in 2006 the influential US journal Foreign Affairs featured an article by Keir A. Lieber and Daryl G. Press entitled “The Rise of U.S. Nuclear Primacy”. The article begins as follows:
“Today, for the first time in almost 50 years, the United States stands on the verge of attaining nuclear primacy. It will probably soon be possible for the United States to destroy the long-range nuclear arsenals of Russia or China with a first strike. This dramatic shift in the nuclear balance of power stems from a series of improvements in the United States’ nuclear systems, the precipitous decline of Russia’s arsenal, and the glacial pace of modernization of China’s nuclear forces.”(6)
The US military can plan for a nuclear first strike against Russia or China, and there is a growing belief in official circles that the US is in a position to destroy the ability of its enemies to retaliate with their own nuclear weapons.
To implement this policy the US has established anti-ballistic missile bases around Russia.
As Paul Craig Roberts explains:
“US anti-ballistic missile (ABM) bases have been established in Poland on Russia’s frontier, and other bases are planned. When completed Russia will be ringed with US missile bases. “Anti-ballistic missiles, known as ‘star wars’, are weapons designed to intercept and destroy ICBMs. In Washington’s war doctrine, the US hits Russia with a first strike, and whatever retaliatory force Russia might have remaining is prevented from reaching the US by the shield of ABMs.”(7)
The US has also located a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-ballistic system in South Korea which can be used to destroy missiles fired by China in retaliation for a US first strike.(8)
Remember there is no point in having an anti-ballistic missile system in place if you really believe any nuclear war is simply mutually assured destruction.

Further, President Trumps public announcements that he approves of first-strike nuclear use has pretty much terrified the rest of the world, and caused both China and Russia to move military forces to an offensive position.
- Dems seek to limit Trump’s options for using nuclear weapons
- Congress Hopes to Nix Trump’s Nuclear First Strike Option …
- Creamer: Congress Should Curb Trump’s Nuclear First Strike …
- U.S. Nuclear First Strike Policy; Be Afraid
It is the complete ratcheting up of HATE and ACCUSATIONS against China that is dangerous. As the Chinese rightly believe that this is a lead up towards an actual “hot” war, and the best defense is an aggressive offense.
While the ANTI-CHINA attacks increase in intensity…
… so does the likelihood of a joint China – Russia preemptive nuclear strike followed by a complete debilitating “double tap”.
But why would China and Russia want to do this?
Preemptive “first strike” thinking and policy makes nuclear war inevitable.
The US military believes it can launch a nuclear war and survive any attempt by its enemies to destroy it.
This makes nuclear war much more likely because the Russians and Chinese both know that the US thinks they can actually make a successful first strike against them.
What better reason do they need for making a first strike themselves?
Again Paul Craig Roberts explains:
“Washington has created a dangerous situation. As Russia and China are clearly threatened with a first strike, they might decide to strike first themselves. Why should Russia and China sit and await the inevitable while their adversary creates the ability to protect itself by developing its ABM shield? Once Washington completes the shield, Russia and China are certain to be attacked, unless they surrender in advance.”(9)
The military planners on both sides use what is called the counterforce strategy which involves attacking their opponent’s weapons nuclear and the their leadership.
“The requirements for the counterforce mission perpetuate the most dangerous characteristics of nuclear forces, with weapons kept at high levels of alert, ready to launch upon warning of an enemy attack, and able to preemptively attack enemy forces.”(10)
As Steven Starr explains, counterforce doctrines emphasize the need for preemptive strikes once a war begins.
“Both sides would be under immense pressure to launch a preemptive nuclear first-strike once military hostilities had commenced, especially if nuclear weapons had already been used on the battlefield.”(11)
We need to realize that the duty of a nations leaders is to protect their country from its opponents.
The US has publicly adopted a first-strike policy, based on the assumption that a preemptive strike on Russian and China will neutralize their nuclear weapons by either destroying them before they are used, or shooting them down after they are launched with ABMs.
The Russians and Chinese know the US might launch a preemptive strike at any time, and realize that the best way to protect themselves is to launch their own preemptive strike before the US does.
This means that we are now as close to a nuclear war as we were in the worst period of the Cold War in the 1960’s.
This is why I disagree with the “long war” theory of David Gompert.
Once conventional hostilities begin, each side will be sitting with their fingers on the preemptive strike button hoping they can beat the other to a nuclear first-strike. He says the US would “develop plans to limit the scope, intensity and duration of such a conflict”. And the US will assume the Russians or Chinese have no plans for a first strike themselves? Let’s just have a conventional war and see what happens?
If the US says it can win a nuclear war with China or Russia, once conventional hostilities begin the Russians and Chinese would be mad not to expect a US first-strike. And the only way to protect themselves is to be ready themselves to make a first-strike before the US.
As the anti-China hybrid war increases in intensity... ... the likelihood of the United States attacking under some "excuse" or "international incident" grows to an unmanageable level. It becomes necessary for both China and Russia to perform a lethal "first strike" nuclear event to completely neuter the United States from reaching that point.
What would actually happen if things went nuclear?
Nobody know for sure, of course, but it seems the best possible outcome would be just short of the extermination of the human race.
The Northern Hemisphere would probably be unfit for human habitation.

Both the US and Russia each have 400 to 500 launch-ready ballistic missiles armed with a total of at least 1800 strategic nuclear warheads, which can be launched with only a few minutes warning.(12)
President Trump is has no doubts about which country is the most important and how its dominance should be maintained.
What Would Russia Do if Attacked?
We can have some answer to this question from an article by three Russians living in the US. They have warned the citizens of the US that nuclear war with Russia will “wipe the USA off the political map”:
“But we are just as certain that if Russia is attacked, or even threatened with attack, she will not back down, and that the Russian leadership will not ‘blink.’ With great sadness and a heavy heart they will do their sworn duty and unleash a nuclear barrage from which the United States will never recover. Even if the entire Russian leadership is killed in a first strike, the so-called ‘Dead Hand (the ‘Perimetr’ system) will automatically launch enough nukes to wipe the USA off the political map. We feel that it is our duty to do all we can to prevent such a catastrophe. »(14)

The Russian Dead Hand or Perimetr System
The Dead Hand or perimetr system guarantees retaliation against the US. Because the Russians don’t trust computers alone to make such decisions.
- World War 3 threat: Russia warns it will treat US missile …
- Russia warns of retaliation as Trump says the US will…
- Russia Warns of Retaliation After Trump Says U.S. Is …
- Russia warns Trump over ‘dangerous’ plan to quit nuclear …
- Russia Warns War with U.S. Could Break Out Due to ‘Fatal …
- U.S. And Russia at ‘Colossal’ Danger of Conflict, Mikhail …
It has a critical human safeguard, bunkered in an incredibly strange underground chamber. The operators and their equipment are located in a hardened underground bunker in the shape of a sphere, very deep and very hardened, probably the most secure place in the Cold War.

In this isolated spheroid room, duty officers sit and wait for three conditions to be met: “predelegation,” decapitation, and active nuclear war.
When these three conditions are met, the officers can issue launch commands to small missiles that would fly the entire width of the Soviet Union and give commands electronically to all the missile silos below to launch.(15)
The Russian SS-18 Satan
No this is not “just another” big nuclear bomb.
This weapon is designed to completely destroy huge state-sized sections of America.

The RS-28 Sarmat can reportedly hold up to 10 nuclear warheads, enough to effectively decimate an area the size of the entire state of Texas, or even the whole of France. The missile is intended to replace the R-36 Voevoda, dubbed “Satan” by NATO in the 1970s.
The new weapon can deploy warheads of 40 megatons, or about 2,000 times as powerful as the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagaski in 1945. Former assistant secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy Dr. Paul Craig Roberts called the atomic bombs that Washington dropped on Japan “popguns” compared to today’s thermo-nuclear weapons. “One Russian SS-18 wipes out three-fourths of New York state for thousands of years,” he said in a blog post. “Five or six of these ‘Satans’ as they are known by the US military, and the East Coast of the United States disappears.” To make it even more frightening, the Satan 2 is also capable of evading radar defences and could travel far enough to strike the US East and West Coast. -https://www.2oceansvibe.com/2016/10/26/russias-new-missile-is-called-satan-2-and-could-destroy-texas-lets-take-a-look-at-it/#ixzz6PUcHSray
- Russia unveils ‘Satan 2’ missile powerful enough to ‘wipe …
- Russia Shows Off Nuke ‘Satan 2’ Which Could Destroy Area …
- Russia’s New Missile Is Called ‘Satan 2’ And Could Destroy…
- Russia Reveals ‘Satan 2’ Nuclear Missile Capable of …
- Russia’s Satan 2 Nuclear Missile Is Aimed at This U.S …
- Russia’s Satan Nuclear Missile Said Capable of Destroying …
- Russia to test unstoppable ‘Satan 2’ stealth nuke … – mirror
- Russia unveils image of its terrifying Satan 2 missile …
Some of the consequences of such a nuclear war are:
Do I really need to enumerate them?
Maybe so, since what passes for education today in the United States is so dolefully inadequate.

[0] The destruction of all cities
Not just cities, but all water, electricity, transportation, trade, and economic activity. Everything would grind to a halt, and American would be forced to live off the food that they produced themselves, heat their homes with wood that they collected, and coal that they acquired, and travel by foot or bicycle over roads and destroyed bridges.
[1] Nuclear Winter
In a recent article in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists entitled “Self-assured destruction: The climate impacts of nuclear war” begins as follows:
“A nuclear war between Russia and the United States, even after the arsenal reductions planned under New START, could produce a nuclear winter. Hence, an attack by either side could be suicidal, resulting in self-assured destruction.”(16)
[2] Fire-storms, Falling Temperatures and Destruction of the Ozone Layer
After a nuclear exchange
“nuclear firestorms would produce millions of tons of smoke, which would rise above cloud level and form a global stratospheric smoke layer that would rapidly encircle the Earth. The smoke layer would remain for at least a decade, and it would act to destroy the protective ozone layer (vastly increasing the UV-B reaching Earth) as well as block warming sunlight, thus creating Ice Age weather conditions that would last 10 years or longer. “Following a US-Russian nuclear war, temperatures in the central US and Eurasia would fall below freezing every day for one to three years; the intense cold would completely eliminate growing seasons for a decade or longer. No crops could be grown, leading to a famine that would kill most humans and large animal populations.”(17)
[3] All Spent Fuel from Nuclear Reactors Released into the Atmosphere
“Electromagnetic pulse from high-altitude nuclear detonations would destroy the integrated circuits in all modern electronic devices, including those in commercial nuclear power plants. Every nuclear reactor would almost instantly meltdown; every nuclear spent fuel pool (which contain many times more radioactivity than found in the reactors) would boil-off, releasing vast amounts of long-lived radioactivity. The fallout would make most of the US and Europe uninhabitable.”(18)
Is anyone surprised that we would never see this explained in our mass media? If such a nuclear war ever does occur, will any of the survivors mourn the loss of the Death Cult called Western Civilization?August 30th
[4] EMP
As a result of just one EMP attack on the U.S., in an instant the nation’s power grid will fail as anything with circuits (including most automobiles built since the early 1960s when computerized components became more standard in automobiles) will cease to work.Trains, buses, subway systems and commercial airlines and other modern planes will cease to work also — even the 4,000 or so commercial flights (think Delta, U.S. Airways, Southwest Airlines, and many others) that are in the sky over America at any given time.
Imagine the world suddenly without TV, radio, phone, internet, refrigeration, microwaves, stoves and ovens, washers and dryers, waste removal, sewage treatment facilities, clean water from the tap (provided by water companies that use industrial equipment to treat water; even water that at a previous time may have been sewage) making it safe to drink; gas companies who provide heat and power gone; or of course the electric company.
Imagine each going offline — permanently.
Imagine the U.S. unable to transport food from farmland in distant states and counties — meat, dairy, eggs, produce, grain products, packaged food.
300,000 million people (the population of the United States) will quickly descend on the packaged food left on store shelves in the initial hours of the realization that an EMP had taken place.
Many will hoard — meaning, get there hands on as much packaged food as possible and then fight tooth and nail to keep it out of the hands of others who may experience panic when they see store shelves emptying and realize they don’t have more than a few days of food at home. They realize now they’re in trouble. Food is disappearing fast. Everyone is taking it.
Too bad those unprepared for disaster didn’t see the signs that America (and other Western nations) are increasingly hated by nations in the world — nations with the desire and growing means to bring our nation (and possibly other Western nations) to collapse.
Now imagine what would happen afterwards…
Most neocons imagine a world pretty much like it is now. Only instead of Yemen, it would be over some nameless islands in the South China Sea.
They never, ever, contemplate America or Americans ever being put into danger. It is beyond their comprehension. After all, they argue, that were the evil Chinese and Russians to come to America, that there would be a “rifle behind every tree”, and a “pistol in every blade of grass”.
They envision war being fought remotely in far away distant place, and selected news media reports that always portray America as “winning”. They envision looting the riches of the conquered lands. With huge enormous cargo planes of gold flying back to the leadership in the States, and impressive videos of new, state of the art technology, shooting and blowing up cities, and villages.
Were a war to occur, there will not be any television, nor internet. All American infrastructure will be fried into useless slag.
No body will know what is going on.
There will be strange “rain falls” of radioactive grey soot and dust from the sky. Vehicles will not work, and even the Emergency Broadcast System will not work. GPS will be out, as will be all electricity and water.
Then your immediate worry will be your neighbors and marauding strangers who will form groups of bandits…
… followed by sanitation and medicine for illness and sickness.
It will be a nightmare where an infected cut or scratch can kill you, where COVID-9 will mean a death sentence, and where trading your daughter out (to a platoon of men) for some moldy turnips will be considered a good deal on a good day.
Life as a subjugated people
The Trump neocon leadership isn’t even thinking the “unthinkable”.
What will happen with the dust settles and the war is over?
Even if both sides are completely obliterated, and decimated, it will be China that will survive. These people are “hard scrabble” survivors and are everywhere. With a population four times that of the United States, and the vast bulk of educated people speaking English with solid STEM backgrounds. It will be the Chinese who will define what will happen afterwards.

Americans. Um, not so.

And the new rulers; the Chinese and the Russians, oh they will NOT be kind.
If you thought that the Civil War was bad, then imagine an angry and pissed off nation that has AI, robotics, and a 5G infrastructure. It will be just like what occurred back in historical times, and it was nasty. You will pray that you will get to live a life as a slave with at least one meal a day between your daily torture sessions.
You think that maybe I am exaggerating, eh?
Well, learns what ALWAYS happens to a subjugated people. Learn some history…
Some History
Perhaps a little taste of what happened in the past might awake the inner zen within you. You need to fully come to grips with the kind of “fire” that Trump and his neocon cohorts are actually playing with. Listen to me closely.
China is a serious, serious nation.
It is run by a leadership that have obtained their positions through merit. They relish in strife, and view soft people as weak. Most of the leadership are STEM graduates and they view the “softer” humanities as recreational endeavors, not something that should be seriously studied.
The Chinese do not play.
They are like the modern embodiment of Genghis Khan…
Genghis Khan had so much power that he could do whatever he wanted. For instance, when Genghis occupied some new area, he would kill or enslave all the men and share all the women amongst his tribe. Genghis Khan would even make beauty contests of captured women to decide which woman is the most beautiful one. Yeah, he was having his Miss Universe competition before it was cool. So, the queen of those beauty competitions would win the privilege to become one of many Genghis Khan's women. Rest of the Mongolian army would share all the other contestants. -The Richest
Incursions into Southeast Asia were largely successful, most factions agreed to pay tribute, and only the Invasions into Vietnam and Java failed. Europe was devastated by the Mongols. They destroyed near enough every major Russian city, and invaded Volga Bulgaria, Bulgaria, Poland, and Hungary. If rumours spread that the Mongols were coming, then it would cause a mass panic, and some would run to safety. There was no guaranteed way to defeat the Mongol hordes, they continuously defeated much larger armies, so numerical strength couldn’t protect you. Mongol conquests would leave once populous and flourishing areas as wastelands, with little to no people, those remaining would be slaves. -ESKify
This was one of the most devastating battles in European history. 25% of Hungary’s population was wiped out by after the Mongol incursions. Half of all liveable places had crumbled, smashed to bits by hordes of Mongols. Losses were heavy on both sides, but the Europeans suffered most. This was the most major battle of the war between Hungary and the Mongolians. -ESKify
Subutai led an army of 20,000 Mongols against a Russian army 4 times its size. The Mongol rear guard was defeated early in the battle, and so the rest of the horde was forced to retreat. Mstislav the Bold chased down the retreating Mongols with victory in his eyes. His army spread out as they attempted to catch them, a chase which lasted many days. Mstislav spotted Mongols in formation along the Kalka River, and attacked without waiting for reinforcements. With his army in disarray, Mstislav was forced to retreat back to a fortified camp. He had fallen for a feigned retreat. Mstislave surrendered to Subutai with the agreement that neither he, nor any of his men would be harmed. They were all slaughtered upon leaving the camp. Luckily, Mstislav managed to escape. Mstislav the Bold, boldly ran away. -ESKify
Worse was to come in 1221 — ‘a year to live in infamy’. While Genghis’s other armies had been busy in the east, threatening Tbilisi in Georgia and terrifying the Christian world, Tolui, one of Genghis’s equally reprehensible sons, took Merv (in modern-day Turkmenistan), one of the largest cities in the world. Promised safety, the citizens surrendered and emerged from behind their walls. Tolui ‘surveyed the masses dolefully gathered with their possessions, mounted a golden chair and ordered mass executions to commence’. They took four days and nights to complete. Genghis’s rotten fruit did not fall far from the tree. Terror — and the certainty of its visitation — was a major weapon in Genghis’s arsenal: decapitated women, children and even cats and dogs were reputedly displayed. But while the butchery was indeed immense, it is worth questioning its extent on occasion: a depopulated city had little economic value, and imported colonizers could make up only so much of the shortfall. - Was Genghis Khan the cruellest man who ever lived?
Most military historians judge that no European force could have stopped the disciplined and innovative Mongolian armies. “Employed against the Mongol invaders of Europe, knightly warfare failed even more disastrously for the Poles at Legnica and the Hungarians at Mohi in 1241” -Stephen Hicks
Genghis Khan was the most feared human of the 13th century, who could destroy dynasties just by moving his little finger. He created the Mongol Empire all by himself and earned his eternal spot in the history books. However, a lot of people had to suffer for Genghis Khan to succeed. Oh yes, the Mongolians were known for their horrendous torturing techniques. One of the most popular was pouring molten silver down the throat and ears of a victim. Genghis Khan also liked bending his enemy's back until the backbone snapped. If that sounds barbaric, skip this next part. So, the Mongols once celebrated victory over Russians in a very bizarre way. They picked all the Russian survivors, dropped them on the ground and put a heavy wooden gate on top of them. Then, Genghis Khan and the entire Mongol army had a huge banquet on that wooden gate. They ate, drank, and watched how Russians were dying one by one from the suffocation, pressure, and wounds. -The Richest
The Mongol were masterful at spreading fear and hate throughout Asia, people feared them, and therefore hated them. They would rape and pillage entire villages, and torture their victims for fun. Nobles would get it the worst. Spilling noble blood was considered a crime, so they simply crushed them to death, which took many hours. Mongols would literally dine on top of them, making merry to the sounds of their screams from underneath. The sounds of bodies squelching, and bones snapping didn’t faze them. But rumours of this execution method struck terror. Fear made them powerful, as people often chose to surrender and pay tribute rather than risk fighting them. -ESKify
“The greatest joy for a man is to defeat his enemies, to drive them before him, to take all they possess, to see those they love in tears, to ride their horses, and to hold their wives and daughters in his arms.” -Genghis Khan.
Currently the United States leadership is run by neocons. They believe that God ordained Americans to rule over the earth and subdue all other peoples, races, and nations. As it is “God’s will”. They do so in the belief that they will be blessed by divine inspiration and profound leadership.

From day one, the Trump campaign and his administration has been run and conducted on a MAGA (Make America Great Again) narrative and slogan. This means that America must remain the sole top major nation in the world. If it cannot do so by ability, then it must destroy all the other nations to make this situation come to fruition.
The neocons are still in control, and they have been waging a non-stop “hybrid war” against China that includes all sort of biological weapons attacks. All attacks, on all fronts, have either failed or boomeranged back to America.
The neocons, however, still believe that they have the “will of God” on their side.
Thus, they are amplifying the narrative that “American must do something” about “The South China Sea”, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. It is no mistake that two aircraft carrier groups and one assault group are in the South China Sea now, nor is it a mistake that American hunter-killer subs are stalking the sea trading lanes where all the shipping is conducted.
The Neocons want war and are going to get it one way or the other.
I argue that this kind of thinking is insane, crazy, deluded and is dangerous. I also argue further that anything contemplated with China will end up horribly. Very, very horribly, and could actually result in the complete annihilation of America into balkanized ruined city-states…
…and the people will end up cursing the American leadership for all of eternity.
1. http://australianvoice.livejournal.com/21217.html
2. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-08-15/us-china-war-could-erupt-ex-obama-adviser-says/7733996
3. http://theduran.com/putin-china-russian-chinese-alliance/
4. http://theweek.com/articles/449917/what-usrussia-war-look-like
5. http://nationalinterest.org/feature/5-russian-nuclear-weapons-war-the-west-should-fear-12159
6. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2006-03-01/rise-us-nuclear-primacy
7. http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/06/03/ready-nuclear-war-paul-craig-roberts/
8. http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2016/04/10/459985/US-planning-first-strike-China
9. http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/06/03/ready-nuclear-war-paul-craig-roberts/
10. http://fas.org/programs/ssp/nukes/doctrine/targeting.pdf
11. http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/05/30/lethality-nuclear-weapons/
12. http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/05/30/lethality-nuclear-weapons/
13. http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/05/30/lethality-nuclear-weapons/
14. http://thesaker.is/a-russian-warning/
15. http://www.businessinsider.com.au/a-spherical-bunker-in-russia-was-the-most-secure-place-in-the-entire-cold-war-2015-3?r=US&IR=T
16. http://thebulletin.org/2012/september/self-assured-destruction-climate-impacts-nuclear-war
17. http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/05/30/lethality-nuclear-weapons/
18. http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/05/30/lethality-nuclear-weapons/Tags: archive, australian politics, usa vs russia/chinaSource: http://australianvoice.livejournal.com/ ImprimerFacebook
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“Russia would watch with glee as the Untied States fight with China, and Chinese exports to Russia drop to zero…” Your juxtaposed ti in Untied States ……You got that shit rrrright! On a serious note though, I pray that our US “leadership” does not believe it’s own bullshit and starts a different and more prosperous foreign relations program. I know that sounds looney tunes with it’s past track record, but if more people would include those thoughts or similar in their daily affirmations, I believe it could change or alter the behavior of our “leadership”? Reality? I have contemplated the very negative behaviors of our fat assed PTB and have prepared for much but not all of the terrible scenarios that could happen. Perhaps the only way things will change is through a mass US smackdown. Violence seems the only thing these assholes understand. Obviously, our own patriots can’t seem to band together to smack down the tyranny of our own “elected”? WTF? Perhaps a Russian/Chinese tagteam on the US is in our future. If it’s nuclear, I guess most of us will be off to our next conciousness/world line. Perhaps our benefactors would mediate in some way if missiles were to fly? I do believe though, that greed and selfishness in this country will be dealt with one way…or the other. Ohio Guy
Not that there are not other massively deadly weapons, but have you considered that nuclear weapons are fake… another fear mongering device?
I suppose that you would know more about weaponry acquired by from the off-worlder’s, but my info says bullshit to the purported nuclear ANYTHING. The alleged testing, Hiroshima, Nagasaki… all of it lies. Massive fire-bombing, video games… other dubious “data ” abound.
Not that there are not other massively deadly weapons, but have you considered that nuclear weapons are fake… another fear mongering device?
I suppose that you would know more about weaponry acquired by from the off-worlder’s, but my info says bullshit to the purported nuclear ANYTHING. The alleged testing, Hiroshima, Nagasaki… all of it lies. Massive fire-bombing, video games… other dubious “data ” abound.
What do you think about the recent Indo-sino border conflict?
Do you think it’s India who is escalating the issue or is it China?
Since India is an ally of the oligarch, it will do anything without as much as questioning the bully otherwise India will be in deep shit thanks to the heavily imposed sanctions.
Do you think the dying oligarch is trying its best at a proxy war using Indian military against the Chinese counterpart? Maybe the oligarch will eventually jump into the fray but first just wants both sides to have heavy casualties as a starter?
I think Langley has spun the story in the media so well every bit of reeks of it as if screaming “psst! it’s the CIA at it again!”
Yet another U.S. accident after:
– Crashed F-35 in Florida (20th May)
– F-35A nose landing-gear collapsed in Utah (8th June)
– F-22 crash in Florida (15th May)
– C-130 crash in Iraq (8th June)
– F-15C crashed into the North Sea off England (15th June)
– And now F/A-18F crashed into the Philippine Sea (18th June)
All within the past 4-5 weeks.
Interesting and curious.
Why is the AK-47 known world wide? Is it because of it’s superior accuracy? Is it because of it’s precision machining, ro high technology stock? Is it because of it’s state of the art sighting mechanism?
It is because it is simple and easy to use. The accuracy is terrible, but that means nothing if you have one hundred people armed with this weapon.
I think that the United States has an arsenal of exotic and complex weapons that are difficult to use, maintain and store. And were a shooting hot war to occur, a sizable number of them would be out of commission before they are even used.
Jeez, Mr Man– you have been on fire, lately, if I may say.
Had finished Newton’s first book before I came across your updated version(s). Brilliant insights, and I for one understood that there was no way he or (most of) his patients would have known about MAJestic or the MWI; and I read with that in mind. You also made things quite clear in your introduction. But as far as an insight into whence we really came and are going, it was next to none.
No idea where the new age-y accusations came from; I guess some folks will never get it no matter how much stuff you put out there. Or perhaps they should read a bit more of your offerings before commenting. The times we live in, I guess. Education (and critical thinking skills) has been destroyed.
Otherwise, I hope you guys are wrong about SHTF time, and where I am things are RAPIDLY returning to normal and folks moving about en masse/businesses opening, etc.
No masks or social distancing, either– it’s like the whole Covid thing never happened. Narrative has shifted, too. A bit of that Floyd hoax, and just local domestic stuff. Very, very weird.
Looking at things stateside it’s starting to look like organised chaos from this perspective; with one big ball of shit trying to eject another even bigger ball of shit from the White House. And that’s what it’s all about.
The summer will be shaky, sure. But whichever ball of shit wins in November, we should see things return to some kind of normal. Shakier economically, sure. But the big guys can just print money so they’ll be okay.
The bio attack on China clearly went very badly tits up, now it’s back to the drawing board for them while the rest of us pay even higher taxes than before. Like covid never even happened.
Now THAT’S power.