Bullying in school.

Being a father means teaching your children to stand up to bullies and beat the Dejesus out of them.

Being a father means many things. Often, in our politically correct, feminized, beta-ruled world, the father is neglected as if he knows nothing and has no purpose other than be a hand-maiden to the mother. That’s nonsense. The father has a terribly important role in raising children. And this article will illustrate it.


Like the Yin and Yang, two people are required to raise a well-developed personality. One must take on the loving, caring and nurturing role. The other must take on the determined, strong and laborious role.

Like how “wisdom” = “knowledge” + “emotion”, raising a well-developed child requires both attributes of personality. When one attribute (or side) is larger than the other, an imbalance occurs. In a child, this imbalance can manifest all sorts of problems.

You do not want a “powder puff boy”, nor do you want a “she-woman amazon girl”. You want a well-rounded, well-developed and healthy child. One that will be smart, understanding, and capable.

My Narrative

When I was growing up, I was taught by my Catholic father to be kind and embrace the teachings of the New Testament in the Bible. I worked hard at it, and any time it seemed that I would not be giving of myself, careful of others, or sacrificial I was punished.

So, as a result, I was always giving away my money. I was always being the last one chosen in sports because I was not aggressive enough, and I was always getting picked on and beat up because I was not assertive enough.

My mother refused to allow me to play football. It was too dangerous she said. My father refused to allow me to stand up to neighborhood boys. “It’s turn the other cheek time” he said.

Over the years, it got worse and worse. I became the perfect downtrodden beta-male. I was the runt of the class.

So, when I was a “Junior” in eleventh grade, my coach at the school pulled me aside and allowed me to use the weight-lifting equipment reserved for the football team. He saw that I was getting harassed, and knew that I could not join any sports, even if I wanted to, I was working in the coal mines after school at that time.

Every opportunity I went to the weight room and worked out. I would lift and push myself. Each time thinking over and over how I was being pushed around by the other bullies and miscreants. It was so bad that even younger kids were doing so.

One would pin my arms with the others would seal my pencils and break them before my eyes and then gut punch me. Others would pull down my pants, and other would do tricks like throw water on me, steal my homework, destroy my art and science projects and other affairs. Each time, the school did nothing. When my parents found out they did nothing.

I suffered in torment.

I was alone.

So every day, I poured all my anger, hate and disgust into pushing iron. Each push, each lift I imagined what I would do. Each instance my rage burned brighter and brighter.

I got really strong and my body bulged with muscles.

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Some dimwit failed to notice that I was turning into a snarling giant. He, an underclassman, started to pick on me…

He pulled the tie-the-shoelaces-together and push me to the floor trick.

When I fixed my shoes and stood up, he was still laughing.

He taunted me. “What’s ya going to do? Cry. Oh, boo-hoo“.

I snapped.

I fucking lost it.

I went to a nearby desk and tore off a 1/4″ steel rod from the bottom of it. Then I went right up to him, and with my left arm I twisted his arm out of it’s socket and held him up high about a foot off the ground.

The entire time he’s howling in pain, and writhing in agony.

Two teachers ran up. The very same ones that told me to take the abuse. The very same ones that told me to ignore it. The very same ones that allowed this torment to continue for… years.

Fuck that. Fuck them!

The fucking kid is sobbing. Tears are rolling down his cheeks. Nearby girls are screaming at me. “Stop it!” They yelled at the tops of their voices.

Yeah. As if. Those same bitches were only moments ago snickering at me lying on the ground.

The teacher is threatening me with detention. Everyone is freaking out.

But, but…

I’m not backing down.

I pushed harder. His bones cracked. He howled in pain!


“Stop! Stop! Please stop!” he begged. He pleaded. He cried.

But, you know what?

I couldn’t stop.

I couldn’t forget, and I couldn’t forgive. I remembered in bright vivid color all the other snide remarks, the tricks, the endless mindless torment and how no one… no fucking person… came to my aide. I also remembered when I came home beaten up with black eye, how my father…

…they very same father that told me to take it in the first place…

…yelled at me and punished me for “allowing it to happen”.




I didn’t care. I was in an emotional rage AND that kid was going to be made to suffer.


Long story short, after he promised never… never, ever to pick on me again, I set him down. Then I took that 1/4″ steel rod and wrapped it around his neck.

When he went home his parents had to figure out how to remove it and understand the circumstances behind how it got there in the first place.

And yeah… there was some blow-back. However, nothing matched the pure satisfaction of watching him writhe in pain and the look of utter terror and horror on the faces of everyone else.

I was NEVER bothered or picked on ever again.

Boys need to be assertive, and be able to fight for their position within society. They are not girls. Do not pretend that society is progressive, modern and enlightened.

It isn’t.

A proud moment…

The following is from an article titled “Proud Parenting Moment: Son Beats Up Bully After Father Teaches Him How To Fight” originally written on August 17, 2018. All credit to the original author, and kudos from me.

So my son was being bullied pretty badly at school. People would make fun of his accent, use racial slurs towards him, throw open milk cartons at him at lunch, start rumors about him, they put his book bag in the toilet once, and a bunch of fucked shit kids do to each other.

My son had told on the main perpetrator to me and his mother and I went to the school and told them about my concerns and the school gave him a stern talking to which only stopped him for a few weeks and then he continued to bully my son.

So I went to the school and complained again and the administration had told me that they spoke to the kid and he had told them that he was just joking and he didn’t mean any of the stuff he was saying and that they were actually friends anyway the assistant principal told me that “boys will be boys” and that it was not out of the ordinary for boys to make fun of each other, but since the kid had admitted to doing it they gave him in-school suspension which is essentially a slap on the wrist.

So after that I realized that nothing was going to happen if I kept running back to the administration every time my son came home crying so I took matters into my own hands.

(Now I’m going to tell you something about me. In my home country I was an amateur boxer but due to the financial situation I was in, my mother did not want me to box she wanted me to work and study, so I cut a deal with her if I made that if to the Olympics I would go pro after but If I failed I would stop and work and go to university. Anyway I failed and stopped boxing and got a job and finished my studies.)

Ok, so what I did was taught my son how to fight. Everyday after I get home from work for the past 9 months I take him to the local boxing gym and taught him how to hit the bag, throw combinations, taught him about foot work and movement, how to work the speed bag, how to dodge, hit the pads and everything I else I knew from my old days as a boxer.

It worked wonders for my son not only did he become physically stronger, he also became mentally strong, he stopped coming home crying, he started to make friends and it had a real positive effect on him.

When I would ask him If he was still getting bullied he said it didn’t bother him what people he didn’t care about said about him, So I figured that was the end of the bully problem, I was wrong.

Two weeks ago I get a call from school that my son had gotten into a fight and that I had to go pick him up because he and the other boy were both suspended for 5 days for fighting.

When I go to pick my son up he is covered in blood, which was alarming at first but then he told me that it was not his blood it was the other boy, the one who put his bag in the toilet kept walking up to him and using racial insults towards him and my son told him If he didn’t stop he was going to beat him up, and he kept his promise.

Turns out my son broke the other kids nose, busted his lip and hit the other kids eye and it had swollen shut. My son has some bruises on his face but nothing compared to the other kid.

Now my son has been getting yelled at a lot by his mother, she made him write and apology letter to the boy…

…. the boys parents…

…to the principal…

…to the teacher…

…to the security guard who broke it up and she is really mad at me and blames me for this because I taught him how to fight but I honestly could not be more proud of him.

Sorry for the horrible grammar English is not my first language.

– Anonymous


Boys need to be assertive, and be able to fight for their position within society. They are not girls. Do not pretend that society is progressive, modern and enlightened.

It isn’t.

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Those who claim that there is no place for violence in THIS WORLD are idiots. It is already here… everywhere.

Bullies will not stop until they are FORCEFULLY stopped.