China’s amazing come-back from 2020. It is bedazzling. It is amazing, and it is not being reported in the Western press.

If your expecting the American or British press to say anything good about China, you’ve got a long wait. It’s reached a point that they would rather cut off their arms and legs rather than diverge from their anti-China, negative “boogieman” agenda.

"It's not fair to say that Americans are  silent about everything. Americans are very vocal about China stealing  and China having no freedom and China having the largest concentration  camp for Muslims and China having no human rights for Tibetans. 

All  these must be true because our politicians and free press say so.  

Americans are right to stand up against China imperialism of Belt and  Road. Americans will never be silent about China trying to take over the  world's islands and oceans. 

As for the Capitol insurrection, we blame  China for poisoning the minds of Americans with their Hong Kong  revolution footage. We also blame Hong Kong freedom fighters for taking  American money and then messing it up. 

In fact, China gave Trump the  royal treatment and then suckered him into a trade war which damages  America. China is to blame for Trump and his trade wars. China is to  blame for discovering the Covid virus. 

We now know that it's been all  over the world with no one the wiser, but China had to make a big stink  and shut down the country. China has few Covid deaths but China also has  no freedom and no human rights. What do you prefer? 

Don't forget some  spokesmen for some secret American agency said that China may have  corrupted American elections. 

China is to blame for destroying American  democracy. Who can we believe if we don't believe in patriotic American  elected officials, the free press, and American agencies? Don't worry  Jay, Americans will be very vocal about China. 

They will support more  patriotic wars by any means and sanctions against the great evil China  with their democratic elections and tax dollars. God bless America!

-Jay Janson's Blog

Never the less, China is moving forward. Step by step. Pace by pace. Slowly, cautiously, silently.

Just because it is not being reported on does not mean that it is not going on. It’s just that most people in the West (that means you Americans) are kept ignorant of the true and real state of affairs. And this ignorance will, mark my words, come back to bite you.

I (personally) have long held the belief that the COVID-19 was a biological attack on China by the Trump Administration. That it was number 8, of 9 such attacks, all of which were part of the “Annihilate China” strategy by John Bolton / Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump.

This view is not shared with the American media. Who not only ignore it, but also craft highly unlikely articles countering it.

However this belief of mine is actually shared by the governments of Russia, China, India, Iran, and their allies. This view is what China believes, and what they formally announced to the United Nations in a formal complaint. This view is what Russia believes as well, and it was this narrative that brought the two nations together in a joint defense posture. And while Americans might continue to live under their delusions, the rest of the world is pretty much is watching, taking notes, and looking at the USA for what it really and actually is.

While the “Annihilate China” strategy was being played out in 2020, Donald Trump launched the largest flotilla of Naval Vessels into the South China Sea ever formed.

Obviously his four years would be topped by a major military engagement with the “evil communist regime” (his words, not mine).

Which was to “provoke” the American military to justify a military excursion into Chinese claimed water. It did not go as planned and Trump fired his military brass as a result of that.

After all, how can you be a “War President” without a war to fight?

Prior to this, the American media had been whipped up into a anti-China frenzy. They were ready to “do what ever it takes” for “the American way of lifeTM“, “democracyTM” and “freedomTM“!

All this is very interesting, but none of the background information is actually covered in the West. Instead it’s the same “song and dance” and a slow slog though the standard “China Narratives” of crowding, poor, downtrodden, polluted underlings under an impressive tyrannical regime.

Yada. Yada. Yada.

This is a “narrative”.

It’s purpose is to make people hate, loathe, despise and distrust China. It’s also a well-funded narrative, with billions of United States Federal Dollars going towards the creation of this narrative; this image.

Big change in four years. When China went from “the most favored nation“, with “Favored nation trading status” to “evil communist regime“.

Here, in this post we are going to cover another thing that is intentionally omitted from the American “news” and the UK tabloids.

We are going to cover how China dealt with the biological attack, while at the same time, following through with their plans for a new nation built upon social infrastructure, a suppression of crime and poverty and the fruits of a merit-led leadership.

Powerful stuff. But is nothing that you will read about on CNN, MSNBC, the Rush Limbaugh show, and Alex Jones.

This post is about what China has become.

This post is about what China was doing while the rest of the world (namely America, the UK and Australia) were dancing around, kicking it, spitting on it, pissing on it, and screaming insults at it.

Australasian comic.
America, the UK and Australia “piled on” China relentlessly with a massive anti-China propaganda assault in 2020.


It is the story of a beautiful butterfly that is finally flapping its’ bright-colored wings, after a long time being the harassed and despised caterpillar.

The following is an astoundingly excellent article titled “From Terrified to Triumphant β€” How China Flipped 2020“. It was found on the World Affairs Blog, and all credit to the author. I edited it to fit this venue and for simplification so that the widgets and HTML won’t crash non-compliant systems. Aside from that it is exactly as found.

I urge the readership to visit that blog for more excellent articles, insight and data that is free of my opinions, and hubris. Aside from that, my editing or notes can be found and identified by italics.

From Terrified to Triumphant β€” How China Flipped 2020

It was the worst way to start a year for China. On the New Year’s eve of 2020, Chinese social media were full of rumors about re-emergence of SARS virus from 2003. Chinese New Year was about to begin in three weeks, which would involve hundreds of millions of people traveling all over the country.

Xi Jinping had already warned officials a month earlier that the US-China trade war and sanctions would make 2020 a very challenging year. Now an unknown virus was about to decimate the economy and shred the “China dream” into pieces.

Worse, as time went on, China was not only left alone to fend for itself, but the anti-China forces piled on with Psy-ops.

Social media attacked the Chinese people and blamed them for β€œeating bats” β€” a popular video of a Chinese blogger drinking bat soup went viral, although it turned out that she had the soup three years earlier in an island (Palau) thousands of miles away from China.

Pundits and politicians gloated on TV that the pandemic would bring China to its knees.

Trump bragged that the U.S. was the best prepared country in the world to face a pandemic.

US media, filled with Shadenfreude, kept saying β€œdeadly coronavirus” (until it spread to Europe and the US) and shouted out malevolent things to mock and frighten China:

China was accused of lying and hiding everything β€” origin and nature of the virus, its prevalence, how many people were dying, and so on.

Even though China had warned the WHO on Dec 31, 2019 and released the full genome of the novel coronavirus by Jan 11, western media keeps repeating that China hid some truths about the virus.

Never mind that the SARS-Cov-2 virus was spreading in the U.S., as well as in France, Italy, Spain etc. all through December.

Twitter and Facebook in January and February were full of fake videos showing Chinese people collapsing and dying on Wuhan streets.

When Chinese mobile companies lost 21 million customers in March, Americans shouted that all those people had died from COVID.

Western journalists who were allowed to visit Wuhan wrote only gloom-and-doom stories.

Later, even US politicians were spreading conspiracy theories about the virus escaping from a Wuhan lab.

In a highly cynical move, American media and politicians tried to turn a Wuhan eye doctor, Li Wenliang, into a whistleblower and an anti-CCP martyr β€” he was neither. And Chinese people living in the West were being physically assaulted by xenophobic and ignorant idiots.

It was a lonely, heart-wrenching, and an incredibly frightening moment for China. But the country ignored the judgmental, cruel world and came together as a family. That’s what Confucianism and collectivism (a core principle of socialism / communism) are all about.

The Chinese come together.
The Chinese came together. The Coronavirus emergency brought the Chinese people closer than ever before.


China’s Incredible Response

China did the only rational and scientific thing possible: completely shut down Wuhan and even Hubei province (with 57 million people).

Roughly the population size of both California and Texas together.


Tens of thousands of doctors, nurses, volunteers, and even PLA soldiers were sent to Wuhan. People were restricted from leaving their homes; and communist party members volunteered to deliver food for millions of people.

Doctors wore diapers and worked 14 hours a day, while sweating inside the suffocating PPE; nurses cut their hair to reduce cross-infection; and healthcare workers stayed in hotels for many weeks to protect their families.

Hi-tech corporations came to the rescue with drones to deliver food, robots to deliver medicines, big data to detect clusters, and AI to read CAT scans.

The inimitable construction workers of China built two new hospitals in two weeks.

People with mild symptoms were quarantined in stadiums and college dormitories to stop the spread of the virus.

Picture 1
People with mild symptoms were quarantined in stadiums and college dormitories to stop the spread of the virus.


Picture 2
The inimitable construction workers of China built two new hospitals in two weeks.


Picture 3
Chinese hospital staff inside the rapidly constructed emergency hospital in Wuhan.


Picture 4
Hospital beds in the emergency hospital constructed in Wuhan.


Photo 6
China mobilized the military to tackle the biological attack / pandemic. During the entire year of 2021, the China military was on a DEFCON ONE alert.


Emergency hospital.
Another view from inside one of the two emergency hospitals in Wuhan.


MRI machine.
MRI machine in one of the emergency hospitals.


Working together.
All hospitals throughout China worked together as one single entity to fight the Coronavirus.


Converted stadium.
Stadiums, and gyms were converted to quarantine areas for the population to be screened within.


Hospital staff.
Medial staff worked long days, under difficult conditions, all wearing full biological protection.


Inside of a new hospital.
The hospitals were not just new, but were modern, equipped with AI and 5G infrastructure, and completely sterile.


A tired medial staffer rests upon a mattress in a quarantine holding area.


Exercise is a fundamental part of the Chinese daily routine. Both in the morning and in the evening.


Taking swabs with the children.


Fighting the virus.
Fighting the virus by spraying chemicals in a water fog.


Fighting the virus 2.
Fighting the virus by teams using hand foggers.


Exhausted staff.
Exhausted staff.


Hand temperature scanning.
Taking measurements. In the early months everyone used hand temperature scanners. then in mid-year thermal video scanners became available and protected all public places.


Hospital staff.
Hospital staff.


Cutting off the hair.
Hospital staff cut their hair off to prevent the spread of coronavirus and to avoid cross contamination.


Food delivery robot.
Auto-delivery robots were designed and mass-produced to service the Chinese in China.


Hotel robots.
Hotel robots with AI and 5G technology delivered food to the hotel quarantine areas.


Drone use.
Drones provided food delivery as well as monitored the streets and neighborhoods for isolation compliance.



Everyone in China did their part. Corporations built mask and PPE factories in a week; and workers slept in those factories for weeks to ramp up production.

Within a couple of weeks, Chinese scientists built huge labs that could do hundreds of thousands of COVID tests per day.

Doctors worked meticulously, exploring different drugs β€” including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) β€” to treat the new virus; and scientists were racing to develop vaccines.

When big cities like Shanghai and Beijing had to shut down for 2-3 weeks, everybody cooperated and followed the guidelines.

Later, when there were mini-outbreaks β€” like in Qingdao and Xinjiang β€” China set up mobile, inflatable labs to fo PCR tests for 1-2 millions of people per day.

Test, trace, treat β€” China diligently followed the principles of science.

China under lock-down.
Unlike America, when China goes lock-down, it really does quiet. Nothing moves. Everyone complies. In a nation that has six times the population of America, it is a most unified and cohesive collection of citizenry.


Beijing during the Coronavirus lock-down.


Shanghai during the Coronavirus lock down.


Shenzhen during the Coronavirus lock down.


Typical China during a lock down.
When China would shut down and lock down a region, everyone would comply and there were no exceptions.


The subways were all quiet during a lock-down.



Quiet roads.
During the lock down, nothing moved, and no one was demanding that it was their “Right” to not wear a mask.


After 76 days of incredible human drama, Wuhan came out of lockdown. Thanks to China’s β€œauthoritarian”, β€œdraconian” and β€œhuman rights-violating” measures, China had contained the pandemic and was ready to roar.

Normalcy returns.
After the lock-down normal life returned to China.


A return to normal.
A return to normal life and public gatherings.


Some workers still labored on.
While most of China returned to normal, there still remained pockets of quarantine areas.


Xi Pend.
President Xi Peng worked tirelessly to address this emergency and spend much of his time going town to town working with the people directly. As opposed to the American Donald Trump method of EO decree from the golf course.


Banners and posters.
Throughout China were posters, and banners encouraging people to work together as a one unified family-nation. And it worked. People did come together. People did work as one.


Shanghai drones.
Drone fireworks over Shanghai.


Meanwhile, the world was just coming out of its delusion.

Having wasted precious three months gloating about China’s suffering, America started plunging into COVID19 lock-downs in April.

The rest is history. By the end of the year, the USA had 20 million confirmed cases and 350,000 deaths.

Looking at COVID-19 deaths per million population, China was 3 and the U.S. was more than 1,000.

This is how China ended 2020 β€” with celebrations and large parties of Merry Christmas and Happy New Year:

Picture a1
The Chinese celebrate Christmas and the end of 2020.


Good bye.
The Chinese saying “good bye” to 2021.


All over China, people celebrated 2020 ending.


Saying good-bye.
In the local town squares and the mall open spaces, people gathered to say good-bye to 2020.


Celebrating together.
Chinese people went out and celebrated the end of 2020 together.


Good bye 2020.
Rather than the flashy neon color light shows, cities celebrated the end of 2020 with reflection.


In Shanghai.


Everyone celebrated the end of 2020.
People celebrated all over China.


The end of 2020.
The end of 2020 was a milestone event for many Chinese people.


China’s other impressive achievements in 2020

Xi Jinping and Beijing officials must have spines made of steel.

In spite of the horrifying events of the year, Chinese officials kept working on their individual objectives. Here are some commendable and unbelievable achievements of China in other areas:


China is the only major economy to have GDP growth in 2020 and the biggest growth in the next two years.


  • China had record exports and trade surplus.
  • In 2020, China’s international trade (exports + imports) was eye-popping $4.8 trillion; and the trade surplus was $500 billion. (link)
  • China opened up the financial services industry to Wall Street’s delight.
  • Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, BlackRock, you-name-it all eagerly opened up numerous ventures in China.
  • China signed two landmark trade deals β€” RCEP and CAI.
RCEP is the world’s largest free trade agreement (FTA) β€” with 15 Asian countries accounting for 30% of world’s GDP. It’s also the first time that Japan and South Korea have signed FTA with China.
CAI (β€œComprehensive Agreement on Investment”) is a China-EU investment deal that was under negotiations for six years. While the incoming Biden team tried to stop the deal, Germany quickly wrapped it up just before the year-end.
New agreements.
The United States no longer is part of many of the trade agreements in the Asian Pacific Rim.


  • In both these treaties, notice that the U.S. is left out.
  • Now, China is even ready to join TPP, which Trump quit.
  • In 2021, China’s contribution to the growth of world economy/GDP will be more than 33%, according to OECD/IMF forecast.
  • China eradicated extreme poverty for the first time in China’s history! Zero percent, including Xinjiang and Tibet. That’s real human rights.


  • China donated countless number of masks, PPE, ventilators and diagnostic test kits to countries all over the world.
  • Chinese experts traveled all over the world to train doctors and nurses.
  • China donated and exported about 40 billion masks and 12,000 ventilators to the U.S. Some countries like Italy were very grateful.
Italy is grateful.
Italy is very grateful for the help and assistance from China, and a little upset at the “snubbing” by the United States.


  • Stock market (CSI 300 Index) up 48%Mainland China’s stock markets reached a market capitalization of $10.6 trillion by the end of 2020. (link)
  • Yuan up almost 10% from pandemic lows (from Β₯7.18 to Β₯6.52 per $1)




  • China installed more than 700,000 5G base stations, accounting for 80% of the world’s market share.
  • Next year, China plans to install another 600,000 5G base stations!
  • China went to the moon and came back with lunar samples in just 23 days! (Chang’e-5)
  • China sent a spacecraft to Mars (Tianwen-1)
  • China successfully launched Long March-5B, which will be used for constructing China’s space station next year in 2021.
  • China completed the Beidou-3 constellation, a competitor to America’s GPS.
Beidou-3 now has 35 satellites and covers 165 countries.
  • China managed 39 space launches, probably making China #1 three years in a row
  • Had the most number of vaccines in Phase 3 trial; successfully tested in many countries like Brazil, Turkey, UAE etc.
  • Approved Sinopharm vaccine for use; and promised cheap vaccines for developing nations (while the US and Europe have refused to do the same). This will save billions of lives in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
  • TikTok became the #1 app in the world
  • Quantum supremacy: China’s system was 10 billion times faster than Google’s
  • Nuclear fusion: China turned on its β€œartificial sun” β€” HL-2M Tokamak. Still a long way to go for sustained and large scale power generation, but a major breakthrough nonetheless.
  • Semiconductor: Chinese companies like SMIC and Yangtze Memory made significant progress, in spite of vicious American sanctions. This is the last frontier that China needs to conquer.
  • Deep-sea submersible (β€œFendouzhe”) went 10,000 meters below the ocean to study the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest place on earth! It ranks second in the world for the deepest dives.
  • Announced that China will reach carbon neutrality by 2060.
  • Tested digital Yuan/RMB (DCEP) in many cities. This lays the groundwork for internationalization of Yuan in 2022.
Digital e-yuan.


China made significant progress in sustainability and climate action.

  • Beijing had 276 days of β€œgood air quality.” Why? Use of natural gas (instead of coal), more green energy, and proliferation of electric cars. And one didn’t need scientific instruments to measure pollution. Just look at the sky!

China made significant progress in sustainability and climate action.


  • China’s total renewable energy (installed capacity) reached more than 840 GW. (This is 3.5x the US). The breakdown is as follows:
    • hydropower = 360 GW;
    • solar energy = 240 GW;
    • wind power = 220 GW;
    • and biomass = 20 GW.
  • China installed more than 40GW of solar capacity in 2020.
  • This includes China’s largest solar farm (of 2.2GW capacity) in Qinghai province. It missed the title of world’s largest solar farm by a tiny margin of 0.05GW!
China’s solar farms.


  • Between 2016 and 2020, China planted billions of trees that covered a total area of 350,000 sq km β€” that’s twice the size of California!
  • Now more than 23% of China is covered by forests. Such afforestation/reforestation efforts take a lot of money and efforts, but China is serious.
China's reforestation efforts.
China has been reforesting for decades.



Controlled the massive floods that ravaged vast regions of China for many weeks. (Predictably, western media and many social media citizens drooled about the possibility of the Three Gorges Dam crumbling and destroying China).

Inspite of this, China increased the high-speed rail (HSR) network to about 39,000 Km.

China's High Speed Train network = 39,000 Km / 24233.4 miles

America's High Speed train network = 0km / 0 miles
China's high speed rail.
China’s High Speed Rail is the fastest, most extensive, and the cheapest to ride upon in all the entire world.


  • Xiongan Smart City made tremendous progress, including a new bullet train station
  • Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) kept advancing.
  • Turkey is now linked to Xian, China.
  • More than 1,200 freight trains per month link 92 European cities to China.

Here are are some photos of driverless (a.k.a self-driving or autonomous) subway trains, new metro stations/lines, battery-powered trams, highways, and bridges that China built in 2020.

Even Wuhan added a new line and some artistic metro stations β€” check out the last two photos. (Ask yourself why America can’t afford such luxuries anymore).

Beautiful High Speed Rail Station.
Chinese High Speed Rail stations are beautiful, aesthetically pleasing to the eye, functional and also looks like something out of the televisions show “Star Trek”.


Chinese commuter bus / tram.
In the Chinese smart cities the commuter buses and trams are driver-less and rely on 5G and AI technology.


5G technology is everywhere.
Throughout China are new AI controlled transports, quiet electric buses, beautiful stations and well-maintained infrastructure. 5G is everywhere.


Inside of China. Public transportation.
The interiors of the new transport lines are unique to the cities where they reside and special care and attention has been devoted to ease of maintenance, cleaning and beauty.


And least you get the incorrect impression that this is but one singular city within China, you are very wrong. It’s common throughout China with substantial numbers of cities being updated in mass.

Map of Chinese smart cities.
Chinese smart cities of 2020.


AI controlled.
AI controlled public transportation.


Station interiors.
Station interiors are just beautiful. They are airy, clean and roomy.


Interconnected transport.
High Speed Trains all connect to the individual subway lines and other modes of public transportation.


Chinese road works.
Chinese road works are in a class by themselves. They are beyond compare and impressive in every way.


Chinese bridges.
Chinese build bridges to an extent that astounds.


Another Chinese bridge.
Another Chinese bridge.


Beautiful interiors.
The interior of the stations are beautiful.


Public areas.
These are public works where the public meets and conjugates.



  • China quietly stopped Hong Kong’s insurgents and put an end to U.S. shenanigans.
  • Beijing called out Washington’s bluff about sanctions and passed the National Security Law, which also kicked out American spies and fake NGO’s like NED, which specialize in brainwashing and color revolutions.

In the midst of all these problems, America’s vassal states β€” India and Australia β€” saber rattled in ominous ways.

  • However, the border conflict with India was de-escalated, while letting both sides save face.
  • Australia was spanked very hard as a warning to other vassals.

If Australia slips into a recession, the next Prime Minister will be a lot less racist and uncouth. And perhaps Australia will be more careful about committing war crimes in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

The world view of Australia today.


  • China also made a momentous and long-term deal with Iran, cementing China’s influence in the Middle East.
  • Reasonable success in thwarting the persistent atrocity propaganda about Uyghurs in Xinjiang.
  • China’s new extradition treaty with Turkey in 2020 should help capture some Uyghur terrorists who are fighting in Syria alongside of ISIS and Al Qaeda.
  • Trade deals RCEP and CAI have strengthened China’s inclusion and ties with Europe and Asia, thus diminishing America’s chances for proxy wars.
  • The vision of Eurasia became much clearer in 2020.
  • Military drills and more strategic alliance with Russia in 2020 should improve china’s security posture.
Russia and China are united together.
Russia and China share a common defense against all military threats. They share intelligence data, technologies, and military bases.



If your neighbor’s house is on fire, you should help them. In Jan/Feb, the U.S. gleefully watched China burn and bragged about American exceptionalism.

While China was busy fighting the Coronavirus, America was berating it for everything. Anything that China did was bad, wrong or a “threat to democracy”.


That’s when the US and the EU should have given generous aid to China to contain the pandemic.

Then, from April on, western societies refused to learn anything from China.

Filled with hubris and undeserved overconfidence, the West kept fumbling for months.

Incompetent governments and irrational public couldn’t agree upon simple things like wearing masks or even if COVID-19 is real.

As the West imploded, China soared to the skies.

To put it succinctly, China had a stellar year.

And with Trump’s loss, the U.S. is more polarized than ever before.

By the time Biden’s administration gets its geopolitical strategy together, everyone from Asia to Europe would see the writing on the wall β€” that China will inevitably be the #1 economy soon.

2020 started out as a terrifying year, but ended up as the most pivotal year that sealed China’s unique status in the 21st century.

Metallicman comments

Many people who have their eyes open can see the stark differences between China and the United States today. And they are stark. Frighteningly stark. A smart, and intelligent person, would learn from China. A caring person would do what they can to embraces the techniques and lessons that China has successfully implemented.

But that is not going to happen. Is it?

Instead, America and it’s allies are still playing the same-old, same-old game of political Ponzi-schemes, lies and the threats of military backed “color revolutions” if other nations refuse to “toe the line”.

It’s all a big “song and dance” for the sheeple to believe in.

Even intelligent articles written by knowledgeable people don’t get the full extent of the social, societal, generational, and political upset that is going on…

China’s rise reflects a bourgeoning global movement away from U.S. imperialism and toward self-determination.

β€œChina has already closed the gap in many economic sectors and has surpassed the U.S. in others.”

Much of the 2020 presidential election between Joe Biden and Donald  Trump was spent bashing China. Trump repeatedly called Biden β€œsoft” on  China while Biden claimed the same about Trump. In the last debate  before votes were cast, Biden stated that Trump β€œcozies up to thugs”  such as China’s president Xi Jinping. Although U.S.-China relations have  sunk to their lowest point since normalization under Trump, Biden has  made no indication that he wants to reverse course. American  exceptionalism will be the ruling ideology of the U.S. state and the  preservation of U.S. dominance the primary goal of the ruling class no  matter who is elected president in November.

American exceptionalism, however, cannot save the U.S. empire from  itself. Hurling slander at China does not change the existing reality of  U.S. imperial decline.For one, neither Biden nor  Trump can rescue the U.S.’ battered capitalist economy. Negative growth,  mass unemployment, and the eventual expiration of moratoriums on evictions and foreclosures are likely to keep U.S. capitalism on a path of slow to no growth for years to come. 

China, on the other hand, has no such problem. After mobilizing for three months to contain COVID-19, China’s economy grew at a rate of nearly five percent from July to September despite the decrepit condition of its largest trading partner and the world economy at large.

Many economists have predicted that China will overtake the U.S. in economic scale by 2030 in GDP terms. The pandemic is likely to accelerate this trend. China has already closed the gap in many economic sectors and has surpassed the U.S. in others. Market analysts predict that China’s leadership in electric vehicle  production and consumption will dominate the global market in the coming years. 

China is already a global leader in renewable energy production. Furthermore, in the much-heralded arena of 5G technology, China is also well ahead of the United States. China possesses twelve times more 5G base stations than the U.S. and the gap grows wider in sectors such as high-speed rail.

"Hurling slander at China does not change the existing reality of U.S. imperial decline.”

The key factor that separates the U.S. and China is austerity.  

China’s planned economy and socialist governance system allows for the  subsidization of the needs of the people to exist simultaneously with  investments in high-tech industries. Upgrades in telecommunications  technology and e-commerce, for example, have played important roles in  the rising incomes of rural families and  therefore have contributed to the overall policy of poverty alleviation in China. 

Technology under late stage U.S. capitalism serves as a weapon against the broad masses of people by raising their rate of exploitation as contending tech corporations battle over which can  dominate the market faster. Technological development receives no assistance from the state unless in the form of military contracts for the production of weapons, bases, and other installations of war.

U.S. attempts to isolate Chinese technology and trade across the world have failed time and time again, from Trump’s trade war midway through his first term to the more current policy of sanctions against  corporations such as Huawei. The U.S. has thus needed to rely upon  military aggression to enforce its containment policy toward China.  

Nearly half of all U.S. military assets and over sixty percent of naval  forces reside in the Asia-Pacific. The U.S. is not satisfied with its influence in the region, however, and has attempted to create an β€œAsian NATO” comprised of India, Japan, and Australia. Enhanced military aggression fits with the larger U.S. military strategy of β€œGreat Power Competition” which targets Russia and China as the primary threats to U.S. hegemony abroad.

β€œNearly half of all U.S. military assets and over sixty percent of naval forces reside in the Asia-Pacific.”

American exceptionalism is the ideological framework for the United  States’ anti-China policy. Donald Trump used his first term to increase  hostilities with China on the basis that its biggest economic competitor  was unfairly undercutting U.S. supremacy in all areas of international  relations. China has been singled out as the principle threat to  American β€œgreatness” and β€œexceptionalism. The War on Terror utilized  racist imagery of a white civilization under siege from Arab and Muslim  savages. β€œGreat Power Competition” depicts the United States as a white  civilization under siege by a modern form of Yellow Peril.

However, American exceptionalism and the imperialist ambitions behind  the ideology have been a staple of U.S. relations with China since the  Chinese Revolution of 1949. U.S. diplomatic, military, and economic  strangulation of the People’s Republic in the first two-plus following  the Chinese Revolution was justified on the basis that China was a  β€œlost” possession in need of recovery. As Qiao Collective noted,  normalization did not necessarily change the U.S. attitude that China’s  social system must be overthrown in favor of U.S.-style β€œdemocracy.”  Debates over China’s Most Favored Nation (MFN) trade status within  Congress and the White House consistently focused on utilizing the U.S.  capitalist economy as an engine of privatization in China that would  force its social system to adopt a Western-style model of government.

The case of China bursts asunder the illusion that the U.S. can force  nations into political submission simply by exposing the people to the  U.S. capitalist economy. China’s political and economic trajectory  should be clear to anyone paying attention. Capitalist mechanisms in China act as a springboard for the achievement of poverty alleviation and an elevation of the standard of living of the Chinese people.  

China’s adherence to an international governance system based in the  U.N. Charter is popular both with capitalist countries seeking to do  business in China and Global South nations in need of breathing room  from imperialist treachery. China’s economic and political development  model is especially popular in China. The Chinese government sports an  approval rating of 80-90 percent depending on the poll.

β€œChina has been singled out as the principle threat to American β€œgreatness” and β€œexceptionalism.”

Too often Western and American eyes are fixated on their isolated  hatred of non-white peoples to consider the global implications of China’s rise. 

China’s rise reflects a bourgeoning global movement away from U.S. imperialism and toward self-determination. The  more that the U.S. attempts to impose its so-called exceptionalist values on the world, the more that the world’s nations harden their  struggle for self-determination out of necessity and survival. 

The re-election of MAS in Bolivia, the continued struggle of the Syrian governmentagainst U.S. sanctions and war, and the DPRK’s commitment to the reunification and  sovereignty of the Korean Peninsula despite constant U.S. threats all  fall within a larger resistance movement to U.S. empire. And it should  not surprise anyone that these countries also happen to be China’s  closest allies in their respective regions.

U.S. imperialism is a social order coming apart at the seams. 

For  nearly half of the 20th century, economic stability and growth allowed  the U.S. political establishment to boast about the exceptionalism of  its society even as it used every means at the disposal of the state to  repress liberation movements at home and abroad. 

The War on Terror soiled the U.S.’ image in the world and further sent capitalism into a tailspin of decline. A New Cold War has been launched against China and  its strongest ally, Russia, to reinvent the political terrain of  20th century U.S. dominance. 

It won’t work. American exceptionalism  cannot save the U.S. empire from itself, nor can the ideology find  sufficient traction to thwart China’s rise. 

What the U.S. empire will  accomplish in the coming months and years is the further spread of mass  death and economic misery all over the world. 

The Left’s task is not to fear or challenge China’s rise but to stop the U.S. empire from bringing  the world to the precipice of a humanity-defeating World War in a ceaseless bid to preserve global hegemony.

-Black Agenda Report

Indeed. America is at a dangerous time. Like a compulsive gambler that now is facing the loan-sharks for his indiscretions, America too must “face the music”. The game is over. The clock has struck twelve, and the time is up.

It’s time for reckoning.

The future belongs to the nations that provide for their citizenry, protect them and invest in THEM and their families. Like China. Exactly like China; nations that make things with factories, and nations that provide good solid educational opportunities for their people and place of employment will do far better…

…than nations (like America) that rely on artificial number games on spreadsheets to support a tiny minority of ultra-wealthy people in their pursuit of greed and military conquest.

The old way of doing things will no longer work. Like an old car that is burning gasoline but is going nowhere, so is the United States beginning to collapse upon itself….

The old world is on the way out. Being lead by America it is kicking and screeching towards the hole dug in the cemetery of ancient empires. The only danger ahead is the crazed extent that a desperate and nuclear armed nation might go to in it’s quest to maintain it’s global dominance. We can only hope that President Biden will keep calm, follow the path laid before him and search for terms of co-existence with other nations, societies and cultures.


China is there. It is the shining city on the hill that all nations can look to for guidance and support. They are willing to offer a helping hand. But the real question is this; is the West ready to accept it?

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my China Index here…

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Joel Ng

Well written and very comprehensive compilation of the Western narratives. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

Ohio Guy

Great article,MM. I am happy for the people of China and surrounding Asian countries. Certainly an example to follow.

B m

“If your expecting the American or British press to…”



Thanks for the great articles, I started this comment after reading about Titan then read again this article about China. I believe this comment belong here.
Why people so naturally think while stepping on ants or eating a pork that it ends here?

Once they were lions, kings of the great plains, and Silverback gorillas ruled the jungle. Elephants and bears filled the earth, together with millions of other beings. And this is only a fracture of the Earth habitat, which mostly consist of water.

Then came a new species, which evolved so much to consume all others and once beautiful kings and rulers are dead or in a zoo, so samples of the so called evolve species could throw peanuts at them.

Evolution? Darwin theory was to reflect a political system of castes and an advance racist culture. The first true selfish civilization based on so called science. British science in the 19th century did his best to give it a royal stamp of logic. The truth is that it’s no evolution but devolution, a degradation of the soul while it’s carrier evolve more and more lethal weapons as it turns into a two legs murderous beast.

Only few were to see this monster as it grew, fed with blood and ignorance.
Joseph Conrad portrait it in “Heart of Darkness”, Oscar Wilde locked by the breed dogs of a British culture in “The Profundis”.

We have created a monster and now it is for us to dismantle it or die. A very hard task as this selfish beast has advance weapons and control a large portion of the world. I have no idea if this can be done peacefully, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

Obviously the universe is full of other beings (again in my eyes it’s only logical, but for me it was always a natural thing), many of them more advance then the ones which pretend to rule this world. I have no idea about nursery and other stuff you portrait, I do think we have work here to be done. We need to evolve by creating a better place for all. Building a community of beings to live peacefully with other communities, all different but equal in their respect to each other.

I have an idea of this system, which will be based on communities, not democracies. But first we need to get rid of the hegemonic structures of culture and the people who hold them together. To be clear, it includes the deep state (Arms, Big pharma, intel, banks, Politics et ce) in the US, associates and servants. All tax heavens, schemes and sanctuaries.

British/German Royalty, Bankers intelligence services and the demolition of the city of London together with the Vatican. A community park for children and elderly with a small memorial can be built upon, and all the Obelisks should be kept in museums to teach our children about this hierarchic Dark Era in human history.

The other option is the “Normal” one, as the 20th century demonstrated so eloquently, let the selfish lead the way, as before. So they will take us with them, as before. Another world war or/and designed plague and famine. We die, they keep on. The usual stuff. Wealthier and happier to shit all around the deserted landscape, looking for scattered serfs to build their kingdom again.       


Couldn’t agree more, D. And De Profundis, eh? Hats off to you for discovering that lesser known gem. What a recommendation for anyone trying to piece together how the whole shitshow works apres Trump & Friends.
You could try Dorian Gray, too. Sobering stuff from a guy who knew how the world “really” works. And just as relevant today.


Thanks U. I appreciate your recommendation. I will read it. Once I started reading it but I was too young to comprehend, now is a good time.
I am reading now “Blood Meridian” by Cormac McCarthy, Which I highly recommend.