A new Chinese coronavirus, a cousin of the SARS virus, has infected hundreds since the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December.

Chinese military operations during the 2020 coronavirus Wuhan biological attack – some videos.

One of the reasons why the Chinese have been so swift in combating this coronavirus is because they identified (quickly and swiftly) it as a biological weapons attack. Most Americans are unaware of this because they read Western propagandized media. They believe that it is either [1] “not as bad as the flu”, or that it is [2] a biological weapon that the Chinese unleashed upon themselves. Here, we won’t get into that argument. Instead we will just present some videos of what went on during the days of 8FEB through 10FEB.

These videos were taken during a two day time period. Past the peak of the biological attack.

You, the reader, can believe what ever you want to. The FACT is that the China put their entire armed forces to DEFCON ONE, and shut the entire nation down.

You do not do this with the flu. You do not do this if you had an accidental leak from a weapons facility. You do not do this, especially in the middle of the biggest holiday of the year, unless there is a FUCKING GOOD REASON.

You can observe and come to your own conclusions.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Video 1 – People getting sick suddenly.

The pesky thing about this virus is it’s high contagious nature, stealth infection, and rapid and sudden lethal outbreaks.

I find it laughable that the media is saying that the flu is far deadlier. Or that it only attacks old people. Here’s a young man in his 20’s going into a seizure on the bus.

I don’t know about youse guys, but I never had a seizure when I had the flu.

Video 2 – Affects children.

The reason why the Chinese video APPs were banned by the American military was so that they would not watch the effects of the biological weapon on the civilian population.

Here we have a little child in the hospital dying from the American bio-weapons attack.

Video 3 – Military decontamination units at work.

If you know what to look for you can clearly see the military decontamination units fighting this virus. Here we have a squad going after a contaminated area.

Decontamination is the process of removing or neutralizing chemical or biological agents so that they no longer pose a hazard. For military purposes, decontamination is undertaken to restore the combat effectiveness of equipment and personnel as rapidly as possible.

-Decontamination - NCBI Bookshelf 

Video 4 – Bringing food and checking up.

If you have the virus, you can opt to stay at home instead of going to a hospital or a tent clinic. In that case, the military / police will lock you in your house and seal the door. If the seal is broken, they will come and take you to jail so that you will not be a risk to the community.

Video 5 – Military and police decontamination.

Here’s some units in the decontamination of the streets using the military foggers. It’s a pretty impressive sight.

Video 6 – Truck decontamination.

The Chinese military has invested enormous sums of money perfecting mass decontamination of buildings and people. Here is an impressive array of trucks.

Video 7 – Sick woman decides to ask for help.

Hit hits suddenly. Up until when it hits, you think (falsely) that you can handle it. But you cannot. Here we see police taking a woman to an emergency station.

Video 8 – At the hospital.

This is pretty much what it will be like once she makes it to the hospital. There will be doctors and nurses in full NBC gear attending to her. But even at that, it will be a rough slog to get better…

Video 9 – Quarantine area

The Chinese government has repurposed sports arenas, and other civics facilities into quarantine areas. The people may or may not be sick. But they do need to wait within safe confines to see what may happen. Here’s one of the facilities within Wuhan…

Video 10 – Morning exercise

The Chinese love to exercise in the mornings and the evenings. This was started by the “dancing grandmothers” and after some abuses, was repurposed to a health initiative, that most of China takes part in. It’s a period of two to three hours of guided line dancing to Chinese pop music and K-pop. Here, we can watch it inside one of the quarantine facilities.

Video 11 – Drones continue to keep people off the streets

Big red banners with bright yellow letters are everywhere. They tell the people to be mindful, careful and to stay at home. Never the less there are those that refuse to listen. Some are just bad apples. Some are crazy. Some don’t give a fuck – they are far too self absorbed. And…

And some are just people going out for a walk and being casual with mask discipline. Such as this chick. The local police drone admonishes her and chases her home.

Video 12 – Inside a Military field hospital

Once Beijing declared this a DEFCON ONE situation, military hospitals were set up in all of the tier one, tier two and tier three cities. This is in addition to the new hospitals being constructed, the regular hospital and the networks of clinics that abound all over China.

China has a much more extensive system of medical care than America has. It has build up this network in great detail and complexity with layers over layers of systems.

Here we see what it is like inside one of the military tent hospital complexes.

Video 13 – Robot food delivery

To keep people from being contaminated, robots are being used in the tier one cities. Some have smiley faces, but most look like white boxes on wheels. Like this…

Video 14 – Assholes

During this period all elevators have tissues that people are supposed to use to press the buttons. Clear tape overlays are on the buttons, and public mechanisms of conveyance are all disinfected multiple times a day.

That’s all well and good, if everyone was “normal”.

One of the things that I hear from people (mostly Americans) is what about people’s rights? What about their freedoms? Well, not everyone is “with the program”. There is a tiny percentage of crazy assholes that want to make life miserable for the rest of us.

Luckily, China is fully wired up. Video feed of miscreants and trouble-makers goes straight to the local police… who know these people and take direct and swift action.

Here’s an asshole…

Video 15 – Going to the hospital

People “on the front lines”; those that need to be in public and are exposed to others are getting sick. Usually, being quite patriotic, they will stay at their posts until they get a seizure or collapse. Here’s a policeman, and that is exactly what happened.

Video 16 – Pull the nation closer.

It’s difficult to imagine the Chinese nation being any more patriotic than it already is, but this bio-warfare attack has pushed Chinese patriotism to mountainous heights. It’s really amazing. Here’s just one of thousands of videos I have collected along this theme.

If you enjoyed this post, please fell free to take a trip to my China / Trump Trade Wars index here…

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Hi Metallicman,

enjoying your posts. Living myself in China for 5 years now. For the post “Chinese military operations during the 2020 coronavirus Wuhan biological attack – some videos” I unfortunately cannot see the videos. Is VPN needed for it?