Contemporaneous China through the eyes of NZBZ. Lets spend some time for humanity. MM is tired of hit and run fellows of ill intent.

You only see a handful of comments on MM. But in truth, I average many more comments than what I allow to present itself on the site.

Just because you don’t read the disparaging comments, doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. I get a “shit load”. I just don’t print them. It’s all pretty much what you would expect. It’s nonsense like this…

I regret having read your articles. At least you had the decency to quote Alexandyr Solsenetzyn. Frankly I would rather perish than live in China, if I had to choose. 

You’ve turned your back on the land of your fathers. 

It’s all pretty irritating.

Here’s another asshole.

Moreover, there was NO HOLOCAUST of 6 million Jews, and in fact this not only an egregious lie, but a truth inversion. 

It was the Germans who were holocausted at the end of and after the war in far greater numbers than the great 6 million Jew hoax

Which is why I don’t post any comments automatically and why I pre-screen everything. If someone wants to get on a “soapbox” to repeat the narratives from the Alt-Right, or mainstream they can do so. Just not on this forum.

You’ve lost the plot, clearly. All I have to do is go to LiveLeak and search for “China accident compilation” to know that everything you’re saying about China is false. 

“False”, eh?

Why would I even want to check anything on Google or “LiveLeak” when all I need to do is open up my window and look outside?

Um. Maybe it’s because I live here.

I do not have to check with the Google department of propaganda to see what China is like. I just look out my window. I just walk out my front door. I just pull out my cell-phone and take a picture. Like this one.


Here at MM we have ZERO tolerance for this nonsense. Whether it is a hard-Right racist, or some idiot trying to troll me…

You did not answer my claim that in “many parts of China, people still live in huts and heat/cook with yak dung.” Your picture is meaningless. 

Are there, or are there not, millions of people in China still living in huts and heating/cooking with yak dung? 

How many of them would you guesstimate? 

1M? 10M? 100M? 300M?

This is not a “freedom of speech” (anything goes) website. Before you try to comment, you should read my commenting guidelines. I have them in two locations. [1] Main Index, and [2] The Grey Web. Commenting is a privilege.

This is my place.

I am God here.

I really do not need the bullshit that seems to saturate everything about the United States today. The United States is completely going to shit, with many people just wailing in near-insanity. The American government is out of control. The American companies are out of control, and everyone is trying to grab whatever they can before the entire house of cards collapses.

Everything is being kept propped up with lies and a manipulative media.

Do you think that this kind of “news” is a sign of a healthy society? A healthy population? A healthy government?

...have a little fun and whatever you do - turn off the news! I have been killing off my social media accounts and you would be amazed how much more peaceful life is without them! Why try to impress people you don't like or even know? 


Meanwhile, I live in China. With my family.

I just want to be left alone, though there are elements back in the USA that want to drag me, kicking and screaming, back into the maelstrom and inferno.

It's the usual malevolent players. You know which ones. The same folk that China has perma-banned from ever setting foot near China.

My life is good.

My friends are kind. My food is delicious. My happiness is special.

I just report on what I experience. This is quite different from what you will find elsewhere on the internet. There, most people report and repeat what they have read about on other internet websites.


So please bear with me as I take my time to pre-screen each and every one of your comments. And I know that it is frustrating for you. You ask “Did my comment get posted? Why the wait?” Then, maybe you check back a couple of time throughout the day to see what is going on. Maybe you reload your browser. Eh?

But I need to do this.

These “hit and run” jackasses don’t even bother reading the posting guidelines in the top index. They just assume that this site is just another website like all the rest, and they act accordingly.

And so MM gets flooded with nonsense like this…

This is not correct. You are spouting nonsense!

Hitler DID rebuild Germany, after taking the reigns of power back from the genocidal and parasitic Rothschild Jewish bankers, who had already spread Jewish communism into Russia and Eastern Europe, when he cancelled the undeserved & unwarranted post WW1 Treaty of Versailles land grabs and crushing debt payments and backing the German Deutschmark by German Labor, and outlawing usury (Jewish economic tyranny/terrorism via debt and interest). He also setup fair and equal trade deals w other countries like Mexico & other South American countries. Once the parasitic Jew was rightly removed from power, the economy took off like a rocket. All because of Hitler.

Typically, I am not reporting what others said (well, there are exceptions), but when it comes to China and MAJestic I report my own personal experiences. And those things are what seemingly gets everyone so darn upset.

No one cares about my posts on food, the nature of the universe, souls and consciousness, KTV’s, cats, art and literature. Which are the posts and articles that I am most proud about. But boy oh boy, do they get “hot and bothered” when I dare talk about China.

How dare I say anything good about those “Godless Communists!”


If you don’t like it, or feel that it makes America look bad, well that’s just too terrible. If you want to see what China is like you don’t read the American “news” with opinions and articles on Reddit about what others think. You get an airplane ticket and you fly on over.

it’s not difficult.

All in all, it’s pretty simple.

The life that manifests around you in the world; in this reality, is not due to popular opinion. It’s generated by thoughts. Primarily YOUR thoughts. Not the thoughts of those around you. As THIS post most clearly explains.

Here’s what I wake up to. Every day.

View from my living room.


Well, it’s time for some humanity.

Webster Dictionary 
Humanity (noun) the quality of being human; the peculiar nature of man, by which he is distinguished from other beings. Etymology: [L. humanitas: cf. F. humanit. See Human.] Humanity (noun) mankind collectively; the human race.
What does humanity mean?

As time moves forward I see how culturally, socially and intellectually isolated Americans are getting. As the American government, the American companies, the American oligarchy clamps down harder and harder against the average person they become more and more isolated, and….

…well neurotic.

neurotic. ( njʊˈrɒtɪk) adj. 
(Psychiatry) of, relating to, or afflicted by neurosis. n. (Psychiatry) a person who is afflicted with a neurosis or who tends to be emotionally unstable or unusually anxious.
Neurotic - definition of neurotic by The Free Dictionary

The rest of the world is growing. They are moving forward. They are moving away from the old ways of doing things, and working on providing a far more prosperous life for their citizens.

Typical China.
Typical China.

America is unaware of this. instead, Americans cover in fear. “They” are “going to steal our democracy!” they chant.

It is sad and (I suppose) alarming. But it’s not my problem.


Typical America.
Typical America.


Meanwhile inside of China, everyone is starting to close up shop. The CNY is fast approaching and everyone is gearing up for the month long holiday. And this week is full of business dinners and celebrations. Like this one from one of my friends.

They are having fun.

It’s been a difficult year for everyone, but that hasn’t stopped them from getting together and celebrating.

CNY party inside of China.
Company CNY party in China.


Some things that I want to point out;

Everyone is holding up these red bags and red envelopes. Those are monetary gifts from the company. Typical bonuses are one to three months salary in CASH. Thus the bag. Three months in $100 bills are too thick to put into a red (colored) envelope. Plus, who knows what other surprises are placed in those red bags, eh? How big were your bonuses from your company this year?

Notice that there are children there. Yes, China is very family-friendly. You can bring your children to company parties, and get togethers. You don’t need to worry that some American “alphabet” government agency will not fine or arrest you for “child labor”, or “change your insurance” because of the addition of minors to an adult venue. What was your company end-of-the-year party like? Did it include children and families?

Stuffed bulls. 2021 is the Year of the Bull. So it is rather commonplace to give stuffed animals and display picture of the year’s animal. 2020 was the year of the rat. Not very many people retained their stuffed rat plushies, though. Did your company hand out presents or gifts aside from a ball-pint pen that had the company logo? What were the most popular gifts that your company handed out and gave to you?

Year of the rat.
Stuffed rat doll.

Drinking alcohol. There are glasses of red wine and of course white wine. All Chinese business and social affairs include alcohol. It’s a cultural norm, and the idea that children will watch the adults drink is culturally normal. Doesn’t it feel good to relax with your coworkers and down a few drinks? Perhaps you might have a few humorous stories that you might want to share, eh?

Happy CNY you all!

American “news” reports on CNY…

Tell me please, how the American “news” is reporting all these events. It’s a huge event. Half of the world are celebrating it. Nothing in America. It’s not “important”. So what is “important”?

So, let’s check out the American “news” and see what they are reporting. First up, Yahoo!

Yahoo! Screen capture 4FEB21 at 9:47am China Time.


Nope. No reporting what so ever.

Next up is MSN…

MSN news.
MSN screen capture 4FEB21 at 9:55am China time.


Nope. No reporting what so ever.

All in all pretty much all stable. Both Yahoo! and MSN seem to have a good mixture of light stuff and heavy stuff, and seems to put the political stuff off to the side. In other words all the DOOM and GLOOM doesn’t really dominate.

So where are all these maniacs coming from that are invading MM? Where do they get all their ideas about “Jews” and “China”?

Next up… FOX “news”…

FOX news.
FOX “news” screen capture 4FEB21 at 9:59am.


You know guys, it’s kind of a mystery to me.

None of the big American “news” outlets seem to be all that bad. They seem to post a mixture of “news”. I just am unable to point any kind of finger towards why some people would get these kinds of radical ideas that they try to bombard my comment section with.

So I checked out FOX world “news”.

Look what I discovered…

Hey! Did you know that China is trying to infiltrate American politics? I didn’t. Most Chinese, and that includes the government, just DOESN’T GIVE A RAT’S ASS about American politics. Everyone here (in China) thinks it’s just one big loony bin.



loony bin
Insane asylum. The word “lunatic” comes from the word for “moon”; madness was associated in many cultures with the effect of the phases of the moon on the human mind. From lunatic came loony, and loony bin was where insane people were incarcerated. The phrase is now considered insulting in the extreme, as are “booby hatch” (originally a covered passageway down a ship deck), “funny farm,” “drool academy,” and “foam rubber city” (a reference to padded cells).

Posting about humanity.

Ok. Enough of my rant-a-thon.

rant ( plural rants ) A criticism done by ranting.  A wild, emotional, and sometimes incoherent articulation. A type of  dance step usually performed in clogs, and particularly (but not  exclusively) associated with the English North West Morris tradition.

rant - Wiktionary

Just bear with me when I check your comments. I have other things going on in my life and I am not tethered to my PC 24-7. I try to check at least two times a day, and often much more than that. I’ve found that I must guard against spamming, track-back assaults, commenting barrages, and other such nonsense. And please forgive me if you want to hijack MM to become a soapbox for your anger and pent-up angst.

Let’s get to what this post is all about.

It’s about humanity.

This post is about some videos by NZBZ. They are a Pop / RAP group of of China. They are pretty representative, and their videos show scenes and life about what modern China is all about. As well as contemporaneous Chinese pop lifestyle. So when I read the pure hatred and bullshit that spews forth from the “five eyes” out of America, I just shake my head, and get back to my real life.

Five Eyes Alliance: Everything You Need to Know | Business ...

2019-9-20 · Before 2003, very little about the five eyes alliance  was known to the public. Things got clearer in 2013 when a former NSA  contractor, Edward Snowden, leaked some documents connected to the Five Eyes alliance. These documents brought to light the widespread surveillance on the public’s online activities by this alliance.

A life not unlike what is portrayed in these videos. If you want to see what China is, then check out these videos. They will help paint a picture of Chinese culture and society. It’s one (at least for now) that is inclusive, traditional, respects diversity, is helpful, positive and rewards people based on merit.

What. Is. Wrong. With. That?

I put the videos here on MM, but just have a link instead of a photo to access them. I think that the page would load faster that way, and easier for you all to enjoy.

南征北战NZBZ – 二十多岁

“Twenty Years Old”.

What kind of difference are you going to make in the world? You are twenty years old, and the entire world awaits to see what you are going to do. Do not be shy. Make a difference.


You can view the video HERE on MM. Comes up in a different window.

南征北战NZBZ – 冠军


To become great and realize your full potential, you must get down deep and reach down. Strive. Push, and be the best you can be. Nothing is impossible.


You can view the video HERE on MM. Comes up in a different window.

南征北战NZBZ – 骄傲的少年

“Proud teenager”.

The Chinese society has gone through oh so much. The Chinese people have had to deal with so much. The individuals all had to put themselves aside for the better good, and now after decades, and centuries of strife, striving and pushing, they have achieved so much. And more is coming…


You can view the video HERE on MM. Comes up in a different window.

南征北战NZBZ – 生来倔强

“Born stubborn”.

Face up to history and face the future bravely. Perseverance of the heart and footsteps… No one can stop it… I don’t care if people laugh at me…


You can view the video HERE on MM. Comes up in a different window.

南征北战NZBZ – 搓搓

“It’s a slug”.

We can all change. Maybe we come from a humble background, but we can change. Maybe it takes ten years. But we will change. Keep your feet on the ground, and follow that road before you. Believe.


You can view the video HERE on MM. Comes up in a different window.

南征北战NZBZ – 我的天空

“My Sky”.

This song is perhaps the Anthem of Chinese youth today.

Goodby to the old, and hello – hello to the new. To the new life, and to the new beginnings. It’s all possible… and watch what I can do.


You can view the video HERE on MM. Comes up in a different window.

南征北战NZBZ – 哈尼宝贝

“Hani baby”. Ha Ni Bao Bei 哈尼宝贝.

It’s a love song about a girl. It’s also very popular in China. Kind of catchy. Upbeat.


You can view the video HERE on MM. Comes up in a different window.

南征北战NZBZ – 别无他求

“There’s no other desire”.

Some Great Reviews;

Listener 1: “A particularly meaningful song dedicated to left-behind children. In fact, from the early songs such as “My Sky” and “Proud Boy”, it is nothing new for us to speak up for left-behind children today. It is also inspiring and full of positive energy, and it also proves our uniqueness with songs. The realistic lyrics plus the melodic euphemism lyric, let listen to people unconsciously fall into it. “

Listener 2: “It is really rare for The Southern Campaign to personally produce the lyrics and music creation of the new song ‘Nothing Else’. The whole song is melodious and melodious, and under the deep and vigorous voice of the three, it expresses the yearning of the left-behind children for their parents on the other end of the phone, as long as you are there. “

Listener 3: “the song” has no other desire “inspired a public welfare activities, last year, fighting NZBZ led volunteers to the countryside, all the way to see a lot of left-behind children, not their parents around them, helpless and lonely desolation in their world, and they have sprung up in thinking inspiration, record the miss and thinking of leaving. “

Listener 4: “To love someone is to love them until seven points are enough, but there are still three points left to love yourself. Love is too full, for him is not happiness, but a burden. The truth of the world, originally is so simple, whether love things, or lovers, to be temperate. Full moon is deficient, full water is overflowing, sometimes, too much love is not love, but great harm. “


You can view the video HERE on MM. Comes up in a different window.

Hot Tub Time Machine

You all know that we can find inspiration in the strangest things. And in this post, I used the Chinese music group NZBZ to help describe China as what it is today. It is inspirational. And only a fool, a real goodness-to-gracious fool, would think otherwise.

China is taking the world and society seriously. The people, the musicians, the workers, the society are all working together. The entire nation came together and worked as one during the 2020 pandemic. This was not an accident. People realize that when they work together, there is a synergy.

1 + 1 = 5

We become greater though collaborative effort.

And you know what, we all can work together to make the world a better place. Not by being the “lone wolf” struggling to climb to the top of that pile of money. But working together with others to make the world a better place to live in.

China is showing us the way.

Don’t like what you hear on the “news”? Well, you can do something about it.

Yes, you.

No, I’m not talking about building a school, investing billions of dollars in one social program or the other. I am taking about a million people each doing one small thing. Be kind. Pick up the trash on the road. Help that dog or cat that needs a home. Be nicer to the cashier who had a bad day.

Show some humanity.

In the American comedy “Hot Tub Time Machine” the characters go into a Hot Tub and go back in time. They end up reliving one of the pivotal moments in their lives. And then realizing, with the eyes of experience placed in their young bodies, that they can make a difference. That they can change things. That they can have a good life, and make the world a better place.

Hot Tub Time Machine. You can make a difference.
Hot Tub Time Machine.

And you know what?

You don’t need a “time machine” to do it.

You can do it right now.

Say “hi” to the person next to you. Buy a co-worker a cup of tea or coffee. Open the door for the old man, or help the girl on the bike who dropped a package. And if there is nothing you can do… then just smile.

That’s all you need to do.

Just smile.

The world today that you see on the “news” is in many ways the direct result of bad actions by bad people. That are magnified a million, billion times by electronic amplification. When you have a jackass typing bad things on the computer in the basement of his rented house, those words of hate and disgust is then transmitted to a million others who then have to feel his words manifest into disgusting influences.

Stop it.

The Deer Hunter

Robbie never made it.

It was hard growing up in Western PA. The steel mills were all shutting down. The coal mines were closing as well. Most of my friends couldn’t find steady work. At best they did gig jobs or landed part-time work at minimum wage. When they weren’t working, they drank. They did drugs. They watched television or played games, or stared into the glowing blue monitor of their computer.

The deer hunter.
Western Pennsylvania. Scene from the movie “The Deer Hunter”. It was filmed near the house where I grew up.

Meanwhile entire towns and communities fell apart.

Robbie became a statistic.

But not to me.

We used to talk, and drink. We would go out fishing, take walks in the woods or just ride in his International Harvester Scout (a Jeep like vehicle) where we would talk. He was a kind person who wanted to do good, but there just wasn’t any positive outlets for him.

There was nothing there.

He tried to make walking paths in the wood so that people could enjoy nature. But that got him arrested for trespassing, and destruction of “Pennsylvania game lands”. He tried to take in lost dogs, but all that ended up was flooding his mobile home house with nine ravenously hungry German Shepard’s. He was always talking big, and hustling for a buck or two.

But gainful employment always eluded him.

Western PA.
Western Pennsylvania. My heritage.

He would try to get work. He was personable. He was kind and likable. But the America where he lived did not have a role in society for him. In America you either make money or you are useless. And he, as hard as he tried, couldn’t break through the limits.

He died alone. He died with a needle in his arm in darkness with the television on, and him lying cold on his brown plaid, distressed, living room couch. A can of beer on the coffee table. And a job application under the ash tray.

It’s not his fault.

It’s the society that permitted this to occur.

What are YOU doing to make the world a better place?

No, I’m not talking about writing a letter to the editor demanding that taxes be raised “for the children”. Nor am I talking about censoring anyone.

I am talking about you volunteering. I am talking about you contributing. I am talking about you stop allowing those with negative, hateful, or damaging language from affecting society. I am talking about you doing something physically that helps your community.

In our world, you must give to receive. In Pennsylvania and in America, so many have taken, taken, and taken for so long that those that are left behind are left to rot and die. Not just figuratively. They are dying literally.

When you go out today, just be more aware of how you affect the world around you. Your thoughts, your actions, and your participation are required to make the world a better, safer, and more desirable place to live.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my China Music Index here…

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Rod Cloutier

I enjoyed this article. The rap group does have their own sound and the atmosphere in China reminds me of the mid-eighties out here.

It sounds like the trolls really need something better to do with their time other than attack others online.

I’m one of the few that does enjoy your intention articles, and much of your other content. Also there is only one person in a million that can see the Mandela effect and know that it is real, and I have the blessing / curse of being one of those people. (like you as well) I still can’t fathom the effort you put into these articles and this website and still have a life, it’s well beyond anything I could produce myself. Much of it is pure excellence.

I know from first hand experience that the extraterrerials are real. I’m aware of many other things that the general population doesn’t have access to. There are few of us out there that do know that the world is not what it appears to be.

It’s too bad that you don’t have access to youtube. There is a channel there called Unimundi, and he documents how all digital media now has a blue/green discoloration. This is true for any video and I noticed it in the rap videos in your post. Unimundi postulates that the world is a simulation and that the simulation is starting to break down, hence what he calls the ‘Unimundi effect’ with the blue/green digital coloration errors.


Gong Xi Fa Cai or in Cantonese, Gung Hei Fatt Choy (Happy Chinese New Year), MM & family.

Indeed the lunar new year is round the corner and traditionally it’s a time of family reunion mixed with lots of food, drinks and laughter. Not very different from celebrating Christmas in Europe or Thanksgiving in USA. We’re all humans after all and share the same intrinsic basic human culture, irrespective of race or religion.

What differentiates us is the programming or propaganda. This is inoculated to us from a young age by the powers that be via school, msm, TV, movies, our society norms. By the end, some of us grow up believing that the prejudices we’re programme with is the norm. This too breeds ignorance. So prejudice + ignorance is an ugly combination. It teaches us to fear, hate, denigrate those that are different from us. The “others” are not humans like us and thus inferior, not to be taken seriously nor given the time of day.

Which brings me to travelling. It is only by travelling out of your sphere that you get to see how others live and from there, slowly learn to de program ourselves out of our prejudices and ignorance. MM may have noticed how the travelling bug has gotten China & for the first time, Chinese tourists are flocking out of China to see the world. Yes, the ugly Chinese tourists exists (numerous news reports out there) but they’re no different from the ugly American tourists we often see in England (funny how Americans seem to think England = UK, so where does Scotland Wales Northern Ireland stand in this equation), Europe or Asia. (Oh btw, travelling to exotic Hawaii is NOT defined as outside your sphere as it’s still traveling within the USA.)

But a short visit is one thing, it only opens up your curiosity. In order to truly appreciate and learn about the people, culture, food, maybe even language, you’ll need to travel multiple times or best yet, live there for long periods to immerse yourself in it.

By the end of it, you’ll be less of the ignorant prejudical person that you were. The old British Empire has a saying about the men who fully immersed themselves, “Gone Native”. It was derogatory back then for a White Man to lose his “superior” white identity by embracing the local (inferior) culture. But today, such a transformation is something to be respected as it shows a person willingness to understand, embrace and celebrate something different from him but at the same time, not losing his identity.

It’s like being of both cultures but neither one is super dominant. You’re like living comfortably, happily in 2 worlds and relishing it. I think that’s where MM is at right now. Only those who has experience this meld of 2 cultures know what it is like and appreciate the beauty of this.


Hey, I actually don’t know, so here goes. If YOU wanted to, could you live/buy/own in a rural setting. How far “out” does that beautiful cityscape extend? Not like US suburbs, but say a couple acres outside a town or village? What is THAT like?

One more thing: it seems that you may buy into that holocaust myth – you are waaayyyy off on that one my friend. Take your own advice and dig in… it’s all bullshit.

The Holocaust is BS? I guess my mother who was a Polish Jew and was rounded up like cattle to be slaves in 1939 was all BS. Thanks for enlightening me [sarc] Sorry MM I had to reply to this.

I could not agree more with your post. Even though I am one I do not understand Americans. At 68 i am so tired of unfriendly [not all], narrow minded, unhappy people. That’s why i moved to the mountains of MT. They are to much for me. I have met so many Americans that have never been to another country and some who have never left the state they were born in. And they have no desire to go anywhere except maybe to watch their 60 inch TV. The brainwashing here is through and starts early in school. This will not change until the system does. And that is coming soon enough. I do want to say thank you for posting rendezvous with rama. I’m a big fan of science fiction. If you haven read some of Gregory Benford’s stuff. I think you would really like them. Like Clark he is way ahead of his time. Thanks again. I always enjoy your posts. .