Carriers movie.

COVID-19 coronavirus videos collected by 1MAR20 – 1

Here’s a bunch of videos that I collected during the (so far) six week long quarantine that everyone in China experienced. The videos are a selection of virus related subjects but generally relate to how China handled the biological weapons attack, and how society adapted to it. As of this writing, things have stabilized and people and companies are cautious and careful in their actions and movements.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Video 1 – Worker gets struck by the Virus

We start this post with a reminder why the COVID-19 virus is so concerning. It has a “one-two punch”. When it first hits, the effects are very mild. Then later, the KO punch hits.

You catch it, and then it incubates for around two weeks. On the third week it starts shedding the virus to everyone around you. If you touch something, it will stay on that surface for up-to twelve hours.

Then, sometime around the fourth week, you will start to not feel well. You will have a slight fever, and a mild sore throat.

You will have this for about a week and then it will go away.


It hasn’t gone away. It’s digging in deep. It’s infecting your vital organs. It’s burying in deep.

Then from two to four weeks later… it erupts.

Many people just pass out, while others go into shock and spasms.

Here we have a person experiencing the “knock out punch”.

Video 2 – Asshole spreads the COVID-19 infection intentionally.

China has an enormous population. It is four times the size of the population of the USA. In fact, there are more Chinese that speak English than there are Americans.

Chew on that for a while.

Anyways, there’s assholes everywhere. Here we have an asshole with the virus trying to give it to everyone in the apartment building.

Obviously she’s got something wrong with her.

It is precisely because of people like her that China has enacted such draconian containment measures.

Video 3 – Westerner joins the local militia.

In China during this period there are numerous levels of participation in handling this crisis. Since China went DEFCON ONE the military are all involved, as were all the military reservists. Police, Fire and Hospital services at all levels worked around the clock. Local community militia were called up and recruited residents to help the.

In this video we have a non-Chinese as part of the militia and is out setting people up for some of he free screening centers that went up everywhere. Unlike the USA, you don’t need to pay money to get tested.

It’s not a for-profit model.

Video 4 – People are dying from this illness.

"That happened to us just like throwing from happy festival to a resident evil film in 24 hours!"

-Rui Meng Wang

This video puts into words something that is entirely missing in the American media at all levels. People are dying. Families are being hurt.

This is not just something you do for geo-political advantage. This is serious business, and has serious ramifications.

Video 5 – The KO punch hits.

This video below best shows how this virus works and why it is so dangerous. For when the second phase of it hits you, it is sudden and you just collapse right then and there. This is true whether you are standing, walking, riding a bicycle, or driving a truck…

Video 6 – Not everyone wants to cooperate.

Some people are fearful. They fear the government. They fear the police. They fear the hospitals. And when they are often confronted with that fear, they react like a wild animal.

They flee.

And it is up to the police to corral them and secure them so that they don’t infect the rest of the community.

Video 7 – Decontamination in process.

The clothing used by the fire frighting crew differs from the hospital crew. Aside from being colorful, they are full spectrum NBC suits. Here we have them undergoing a decontamination procedure.

Under this DEFCON ONE emergency, everyone is playing a role and doing their part in it.


This virus is a very serious illness. No wonder people consider it a biological weapon. It is very important that we take this virus very seriously and do not be lax in our habits.

When I see pictures of Americans, and videos of Americans stocking up on supplies to “ride out” the virus, I am shocked. So here they are… a silent virus that hides in your body before it attacks, and what do all the Americans do?

They go out in public in the midst of enormous crowds of people and do so without wearing a mask.

That is the height of insanity.

Maybe it’s because of the near relentless attacks on China and the narrative that flu is far more serious. Perhaps it is because Donald Trump called this virus a hoax. Or maybe it’s just that Americans are truly that stupid.

Who knows?


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