Zhong Nanshan said, "This plague originated in China first, but it didn't necessarily originate in China at first. "
Here’s a bunch of videos that I collected during the (so far) six week long quarantine that everyone in China experienced. The videos are a selection of virus related subjects but generally relate to how China handled the biological weapons attack, and how society adapted to it. As of this writing, things have stabilized and people and companies are cautious and careful in their actions and movements.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Video 1 – Girl collapses when trying to leave the quarantine zone.
Here is an interesting video, though on first glance it doesn’t look like anything special. It’s jsut some chick collapsed on the ground near a road-block.
Well the story behind this is more interesting. This woman started to have the COVID-19 symptoms and wanted to leave the complex. However, her temperature reading said that she was running a temperature and that further testing was necessary. The miitia wanted to put her into quarantine, but she refused. So she ran and climbed over the gate.
Then collapsed while she was crossing the barrier.
There she is jut lying there and everyone is afraid to touch her as she is possibly infected and (or was) terribly irritated. So they are standing around waiting for the ambulance and police to come and take her to quarantine.
Video 2 – Military Units at a Road-Block.
When China went into DEFCON ONE all of the military units were called into service. This includes such things as the nuclear forces inside their bunkers, the air forces inside their planes and the naval forces on board their ships. The group forces were dispatched and chemical and NBC decontamination troops have been busy in the cities making them habitable again. However other troops are being used to control the population and man roadblocks and triage centers.
Here we have a more or less common sight in China this month.
Video 3 – Everyone is making sacrifices.
Many of the nursing and doctor staff have had to have their hair cut off in order to service this very contagious and lethal pathogen. It’s a sad thing to see women cut off their hair that they have been growing for the last twenty years. Though not as heart-rendering as being away from your children and loved ones. They don’t understand and they don’t understand why you cannot cross the street to hug them. It’s really a tear jerker.
Here we see a flight attendant who is working triple shifts transporting hospital workers to Wuhan and the staff that she is transporting…
Video 4 – America is not with the program.
The world is entering into a new reality; a new way of interacting and working together. The old corrupted and failing structures are collapsing, and the United States appears to resemble a large dying beast, thrashing about wildly…
Because I'm 1/2 Chinese,1/2 white, I like to test Pakistani's reactions If I tell them I'm American, most become reserved, some stop smiling. If I say Chinese? Most grin immediately & say China is an all weather friend. Yet somehow China is painted as an enemy of Islam by US media🤔 -Shaun Rein
So, it was just a matter of time before COVID-19 would exit China and hit the shores of America. The American media and the Leadership are not worried at all. Donald Trump calls it a hoax, and the media are still talking about how much worse the flu is.
Meanwhile, there is a complete absence of programs to deal with this issue, and the citizens are out buying everything that isn’t nailed down.
You can easily see the differences between China and the USA at this juncture of time. In China, systems are in place to maintain food supplies and controlled access and screening. In America none of that exists…
… though there is talk in some states about setting up “blue ribbon panels” to look into the matter.
Here’s a comparison between an American supermarket and a Chinese one during the COVID-19 emergency.
I can’t remember a time when we have seen such widespread “panic buying” all over the nation. Today I spoke with someone that just visited the closest Wal-Mart in this area, and I was told that there are empty shelves all over the store. There are very few canned goods left, some of the most essential medications have been cleaned out, and there was nothing left in the long-term storable food section at all. Of course similar things are being reported at major retail stores all across the United States. All of a sudden, fear of COVID-19 has motivated thousands upon thousands of Americans to start prepping like crazy. But most of the population is still not taking this crisis seriously enough. As the number of confirmed cases all over the world continues to rise at an exponential rate, what are the stores going to look like when most of the country finally realizes that they should be prepping for an extended pandemic? ... In Los Angeles, a local Costco was quickly raided of the most essential supplies when the store opened on Saturday morning… At a Costco Wholesale market in Los Angeles Saturday morning, a swarm of shoppers loaded up carts with essential items to prepare for a possible period of quarantine. According to the chain, water, paper towels and Clorox disinfecting wipes were the most in-demand products. And up in northern California, photos of completely empty shelves over the weekend were rapidly shared on social media… On social media, residents further north shared shocking photos and videos from Costco centers in San Francisco. Shelves were depleted of tinned food, while some shoppers climbed up onto shelving in order to reach remaining supplies of rice. Of course the exact same thing is happening in other states as well. In Washington, one local resident claimed that “thousands of people” have been descending on the local Costco centers… I live in the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in Washington State. My advice for those elsewhere – go to Costco now. Thousands of people at local stores yesterday – not where you want to be if there is a virus spreading. Glad I went a week ago. And one video that has been very widely shared shows hundreds of people lined up at a Costco in Brooklyn before it even opened in the morning. -The most important news
Video 5 – Chinese decontamination robot.
The Chinese do not mess around. It is a nation full of hard workers, talent and leadership by merit. No “diversity hires” here. They’d never survive.
With all the decontamination trucks running 24-7, and the decontamination teams working “around the clock”, there is still a lot of areas and regions that are not getting the proper decontamination attention that is required.
Enter the Chinese solution; decontamination robots and sky drones with AI capability using 5G wireless technology.
Video 6 – Hyper-Patriotic China went into High Gear!
This COVID-19 brought the already super-Patriotic Chinese closer and more unified than ever.
If you listen to the American Alt-Right media you would be under the mistaken impression that the Chinese are just pining away for the “freedom” and “democracy” that America has. You believe that the Chinese government is a totalitarian government that is very dystopian and like a scene from 1984. You believe many other false and judicious things.
Yet the truth is the absolute opposite. The Chinese by nature are hyper-patriotic. So the narrative about China developing the COVID-19 as a biological weapon to kill it’s own people is just absolutely and patently ridiculous. China does not have to do that. All they need to do is ask for volunteers, play some patriotic music and wave some flags and the Chinese people would step up to the plate and give their lives for their country.
If you think that American is patriotic, you are wrong. Only some areas in America are mildly patriotic. The Chinese are 100% unified hyper-patriotic.
Video 7 – Asshole steals the building sanitizer.
Yup there is one in every crowd. Here we have a woman stealing the building supplied hand sanitizer. What a dick-wad!
During this emergency, all building provide tissues and sanitation supplies for the residents to use when they egress from their apartments. That is what they are for. Most Chinese think in terms of the society. Family, and society come first, then it’s their turn.
But there are still those selfish and evil people who believe that it is every man-for-himself. These are evil and selfish people that should not live in that community at all.
Video 8 – American rush to stock up on supplies
So here is America, and for the last two months American media has been bashing China about this COVID-19 coronavirus non-stop. Now it looks like one or two people are carriers and are infecting others, and suddenly everyone rushes to the supermarket to get int he midst of the big crowds of people…
…with out masks!
Can you believe it?
... the White House has no ” corona virus team as he felt it unneeded. His answer to this particular pandemic is Mike Pence. ... Putting Pence in charge was a move he was forced to make as he felt the CDC was unimportant. -Gone to Hell
People, if you are reading this you MUST do four things. [1] Never go outside unless you are wearing a mask. Wear it solidly and never take it off for any reason, and [2] stay away from crowds. Finally, [3] be hyper clean. Wash, scrub and do not wear outside clothes in the house. Wash them immediately.
And most importantly, [4] do not use your hands. Don’t touch anything, and most certainly do not eat anything with your hands. Use utensils.
That said, there’s probably not all that much that can be done at this point, other than let the thing play itself out. No vaccine anywhere in sight, nor will one be widely affordable when it finally arrives. The contagion is already pretty much out of the barn, so other than telling everyone to stay home and quit circulating among each other – which ain’t gonna happen regardless – there’s not all that much to be done at this point. -ellipsis
Video 9 – Mask discipline
In China during this emergency, you MUST wear a mask at all times. You can go to jail if you do not. So it is very important, and wearing the mask below your chin does not count. It MUST cover your nose and mouth. It’s not just for your safety, but it is for the safety for the entire community. Many foreign visitors to China are very lax about this requirement.
They will pay the price if they are not careful.
Donald Trump held a press conference on Thursday naming Vice President Mike Pence to be in charge of the Corona Virus response. Many commented that Trump did not look confident, was reading from a script and kept referring to the Corona Virus as ''similar to the flu''
These were just some more videos that were taken during the bio-weapons attack on China.
It’s the fifth such biological weapons attack since Donald Trump began the Trump Trade war. With Three chicken flu outbreaks in 2017, the drone propagated African Swine Flu during 2018 and 2019, and the collapse of the grain industry by an unusual strain…
Now this.
Well, China knows whats going on.
Zhong Nanshan said, "This plague originated in China first, but it didn't necessarily originate in China at first. "
Well, it’s working. The Chinese GDP is at zero for two months now. And America is sitting nice and pretty knowing full well that the COVID-19 favors Asians over other races.
When Coronavirus hits Europe, should we wear a mask or not? Are you aware of the huge cultural difference between East and West? Within only 3 days, already 15 confirmed infections in Switzerland, which leads to increased social anxiety. Asian community starts to store masks and food at home, took the same measures as in China. While the Swiss community, still business as usual. Actually, the underline message of "Wearing a Mask" differs between Europe and China. In China, it means “I'm concerned, and don't want to get infected". While in Europe, it means "I'm already infected/sick, and don't want to pass it to you"... This cultural difference gives great social pressure to many Asian communities in Europe, who were highly worried, yet still not dare to wear a mask when going out for work or shopping. Therefore, I "invented" a small disclaimer to resolve this cultural crash, as:“Keine Panik, nur Selbstschutz (Don't panic, just for self-protection)”. I stick it on my bag when wearing a mask, it releases the fear for both Europeans and myself. There are times we try to be "The Same" to hide from cultural differences. But why not face it and smile it away? :) -Sally Yan
We will see. In the meantime, I am not going to fall for the narrative that this is a “natural” sickness that came about from eating bats…
…give me a fucking break will ya!
More videos on the way…

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People in America are not taught to hate anybody, we are taught that all people are created equal, and each should have some protection for individual development and liberty.
Granted progress takes time, most of mankind if self serving at least in some ways, you cannot say this is true of one culture and not of another, because these are essences of humanity.
None of us are born with chains over our hands, locks over our hearts, or blinds over our eyes.. these are not of natures of intent, they are constructs of men; perhaps men who think they are doing you a favor by thinking for you, by changing reality for your benefit or maybe some men are simply self serving.
Regardless these constructs are designed to control others, dominate and change the realities of the oppressed into what the oppressors wishes them to see and believe, and ultimately robs them of their true destiny and potential. Do not so willfully let someone rob you of natures gifts, the people of Germany were so persuaded by such manners to ultimate doom.
Natures grants us each an intelligent mind to think with, eyes to see with and a heart to make choices with. When you limit a persons intellectual growth, you also limit their true potential.
I would not so quickly bet against nature. Clearly the pandemic created different problems for different groups of people around the world, but there was nothing to suggest the United States had previous knowledge of what was coming. In fact the opposite seemed to happen, when greeting people returning from overseas initially none of the standardized safety precautions were properly taken, such as wearing masks or preventing the spread of aerosols, both of which were widely known containment measures to stop the spread of disease, which would have done if we had knowledge of what was coming.
Your storyline is from personal bias and hate. Why would all the outbreaks not have been covered up when happening in America if we were guilty, why does our government not jail or persecute anyone speaking out about covid-19 to prevent knowledge, or scrub events it from American history? Why did we not use our the prior knowledge to prevent the advantageous spread among our children and people? I first noticed the plague being sent home little children ages 8-10 years old when it started.
Your story line doesn’t make much sense, you paint Americans as incompetent to fill the void of missing logic. Clearly many have suffered and no favors have been done for humanity as a whole. But, If your storyline was a mathematical equation it would be the equivalent of saying 24 + 6 = 78.
You cannot judge a collective or group simply by only those who are weak of mind. Or judge a nation by it’s worst highlights as seen on tv because they were not edited by their government prior. Some of what you state is not common place, but more of an exception, I’ve never once seen an empty grocery store in America. Do not promote hate or someone else’s edited reality. It is only in the heart that mankind is united, not by culture or religion, or by border.
The entire article is about CHINA. But somehow you twisted it around about AMERICA. And therefore, since it is visual proof that America is the land of insane dim-wits you feel offended.
You blame me for pointing out things that you as an American are forbidden to see IN ANY WAYS OR MEANS of comparison. Pretty fucking brilliant for you to judge an entire website and author by reading a singular video post in a sea of 1000 other articles.
I am an American. I have lived all over America. I am also something else. And being able to see “both sides of the coin” gives perspective and balance to see the world as it is, and not as you want it to be.
I am sure that you are shocked! at the MM narrative and how it absolutely doesn’t match up with the “fire-hose of disinformation” that spews lies, hate, disinformation about China. You know, what you have become conditioned to be comfortable with.
Pretty soon, you and your family will go marching off to war! To fight the heathen communists for democracy, and freedom! And you will die. And that will be it. You will have learned nothing.
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