Here’s a bunch of videos that I collected during the (so far) six week long quarantine that everyone in China experienced. The videos are a selection of virus related subjects but generally relate to how China handled the biological weapons attack, and how society adapted to it. As of this writing, things have stabilized and people and companies are cautious and careful in their actions and movements.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Western media about China: Xi Jinping is not the president but the "paramount leader" of China. Chinese media don't bring news because they're the "mouthpiece" of the Party China doesn't fire officials, it "purges" them China doesn't requisition private hospitals during a health emergency by passing laws, it "seizes" them Chinese leaders don't strengthen laws, they "concentrate power" China doesn't give out loans, they "trap" countries in debt. China doesn't punish corrupt officials, they "net" them Chinese media doesn't report news, it reports "propaganda" China doesn't revise counting methodologies, it "under-reports" cases Chinese companies don't innovate, they "steal IP" Chinese people are not patriotic, they're "brainwashed" Chinese provinces don't win PISA tests, they "selectively nominate the best schools". -Maitreya Bhakal on Twitter @MaitreyaBhakal Feb 13. 2020
Video 1 – Virus strikes a motorcycle rider.
The thing is that this virus comes with a one-two punch. It is light and you seem to get over this minor cold, and then it goes into remission. It borrows deep. Then out of the blue, while you are feeling just fine and normal, it will suddenly strike you. It will be sudden and you can be doing anything. From walking, to riding a motorcycle to driving a car.
Once the virus hit, there was an increase in vehicular accidents on the highways and roads. Some of them seemed strange. Like the woman who was just pulling out of the driveway and crashed into the wall unconscious. Or the truck driver that ran over the car ahead of him, or the delivery truck that ran through a red light and crashed into the trees. Or, the truck that drove clear off the die of a tall bridge. These stories are horrifying.
Like this motorcycle rider…
Video 2 – What it is like when you are tested as positive at a road block.
My brother asked me what it was like if you went through a road-block and you were tested positive for the illness. Well, it’s like this. They just cannot test for the illness, but they can test to see if you are having any symptoms of an illness, and if you are, they will sequester you and pull you aside and take you into to quarantine. Like this…
Video 3 – When it strikes it is sudden and swift.
WHen the second phase of the illness kits, it’s a Knock-out punch and it is sudden. This video says it all. It is frightening and alarming.
I keep hearing that this isn’t as bad as all the hype makes it look. I would like to remind the people saying this that this particular virus was CUSTOMIZED IN A LABORATORY. Who knows what it will mutate into now that is out in the world FOREVER? -Busted Knuckles
I just cannot grapple in my mind how anyone can possibly say that the flu is worse than this. Obviously they are back-seat drivers who are just paper-pushers living within their own sweet bubble. Well, you all had best wake up. The reality can get to be pretty harsh. I’ll tell you what.
Video 4 – Medical staff collapsing from the KO punch when the illness strikes
I’ve presented many such videos of hospital workers collapsing during this emergency. Sometimes it due to exhaustion, but more often than not, they contract the COVID-19 illness and succumb to it. It’s a very sad and tragic situation, indeed.
Sadly, many hospitals are experiencing this event and watching their staff succumb to this frightening illness; this evil horror.
Video 5 – Remote temperature and vitals check on quarantine housing.
The Chinese have been very proactive in using drones to check on the health of the people under quarantine. As can be easily seen in this video.
Video 6 – Collecting some infected people that refuse to stay in quarantine.
here we have a family of people that are infected. They know that they are infected. So they were put under house quarantine, and they broke quarantine. Thus they became a risk to the community. So the police came to seize them an put them into more secure quarantine facilities.
Video 7 – Road block
This is what a road block looks like on a highway off-ramp. It is pretty much the same all over China.
These roadblocks are covered in other posts as they are both interesting and come in all sorts of sizes and shapes.
Video 8 – Going back to work.
Now that most of the Chinese factories have reopened, new procedures are in place. The factory, as a closed eco-system must maintain the strictest health guidelines for safety and control of this serious COVID-19 virus. Here is a video that pretty much shows what it is like throughout China today…
Video 9 – Some closeups of the Chinese decontamination vehicles.
Here’s a video that shows a decontamination vehicle close up. It gives you a great idea of what it is like and it’s design. These vehicles are handed out to the local communities but they are military vehicles. The Chinese have a complete army of them, and they are now in all the top tier cities.
Unlike most military vehicles, they are not painted green or grey. They are used during public DEFCON ONE emergencies so they are treated as part of the hospital units. So they are painted white like the ambulances are.
This is a very unique time in this world. Yes, not just for China but for the world. This event is unheard of, or at least the modern incarnation of it is. It’s a horror movie right out of “12 monkeys” where an evil man tries to kill a huge swath of the global population by releasing a virus on Christmas eve. Funny how this hit stride during CNY eve.
I have hundreds of videos to post, and I will get to them as time permits. In the mean time please be safe.

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