Deagel August 2020 Forecast For America has the population dropping a full 70% by 2025

It’s one thing to have Alex Jones predicting that the United States is going to collapse any day now, and it is another thing entirely when an intelligence analyst says so. And thus we have this bit of shocking news. A global military intelligence website has revised it’s five year forecast to predict a massive drop in American population by 2025. is apparently some sort of global military intelligence site. They have had an online presence since 2003. They report on high-level military equipment assets and keep track of military expenditures by country “with nearly impeccable numbers”. It’s very similar to Janes.

However, unlike Janes, this is not an “Industry” outlet. But rather an “intelligence” outlet staffed with retired or former intelligence and military folk. As such, it is interesting to those of us that follow the military trends in industry.

Now, since the Military-Industrial cabal has pretty much the “lion’s share” of the oligarchy control over the United States government, any military intelligence related to this should be considered important. For this level of intelligence is what industry uses to make forecasts and projects for markets and survivability of the sales generation options.

In Late August, the Internet was all buzzing about a forecast on this website…

Deagel Forecast For USA – Population Drops 70% by 2025

One aspect of their site is to “forecast” financial outlooks for countries around the world. They track GDP (gross domestic product), defense budgets, and even population (forecasts) for each country.

No one knows for sure, but I’ve read that their sources are “the ‘deep state’ with the CIA, US Department of Defense, US Department of State and World Bank contributing data for their forecasts.

According to their own website, Deagel provides news and intelligence on international military aviation and advanced technologies.

Little is known about the real owner(s). The site name is registered in France. All online information about them is “redacted for privacy”. The site hosting company is located in Old Tappan, New Jersey. Which is pretty much in a semi-rural location with some nice wooded hills and nothing much else. The only thing that I can recall (personally) about that area is the rather large contingent of Jewish establishments there.

Deagel Forecasts Massive Depopulation in the USA by 2025

They have been forecasting a huge population drop in the United States for several years. They haven’t changed their forecast. It’s been projected to decrease for a long time now. And the election of Donald trump made no difference in the projection.

Current population of the USA is about 327 million.

Deagle forecast for 2025 is 100 million.

What this means is that the defense intelligence organizations represented by Deagel believe that there will be some kind of event or series of events that will result in a major population drop by 2025.

Deagel site projections.

From the chart above we can clearly see a number of conclusions or extrapolations that they have made.

[1] USA Population (Red notations)

According to their projections, by the years 2025, the population of the United States would decrease. It would go from 327 million people to 100 million people. This would be approximately a 70% decrease in population over a short period of time (from now 2020 to 2025 = five years).

[2] World Population (Purple notations)

According to their projections, the entire world would suffer through a depopulation event. With the population decreasing from 7,385 million people to 6.870 million people. This is a drop of 515 million people. This is about a 7% decrease in the world population.

Thus taking [1] and [2] together, we can see that they expect the United States to take the brunt of most of the population decrease.

[3] American Defense Budget (Blue Notations)

We can see that they anticipate a very drastic decrease in American military spending by 2025. From $637 billion to $32 billion. It would be a reduction to 5% of what the current budget is.

Certainly they anticipate that the American military would be repurposed to a significant extent and this budget would not be able to support any kinds of expeditionary foreign operations.

[4] Global Defense Budgets (Green Notations)

This is very interesting, while there is a slight decrease in global defense spending, the change in spending values is small (comparatively). The global spending would go from $1.7 trillion to $1.2 trillion dollars.

Obviously they believe that the rest of the world’s military would still be funded at nearly the same levels as presently shown.

What are they saying?

To look at the chart and observe the numbers, they anticipate some kind of event or series of events that will take place IN AMERICA between 2020 and 2025.

These event(s) will dramatically decrease the size of the United States population.

The global population will also be reduced as well, but not at all at the same level of catastrophic drop that America will experience. It will not be as catastrophic to the rest of the world as it will be for Americans.

By 2025, the American military would be severely scaled down to a mere 5% of what it is now (by budget). But the rest of the world would pretty much keep their military budgets as the same level.

And this all means that…

  • America’s GDP will collapse from $19T to $1.6T.
  • PPP (Power purchasing parity) would collapse from $60,000 to $16,000

The resulting America would not look like anything that would be recognizable to anyone today. Those survivors would be struggling financially, and economically. America would not longer be a global superpower or “the policeman” for the world. Most of the rest of the world would move on, and continue with their lives and societies. While Americans would be undergoing some very severe changes to it’s society and cultures.

How did they arrive at these conclusions?

No one really knows how they came to these numbers and figures. But we do know that these are the same kinds of figures that the intelligence and military agencies use to make forecasts for spending, planning and purchases.

What I can pretty much say is that these figures pretty much match up with the John Titor narrative. He claimed to be a time traveler from the future, and pretty much said all of what is being presented here. It’s just that his dates were off by exactly ten years.

You all can read what he had to say in my John Titor Index here…

John Titor

But these figures pretty much agree with the Fourth Turning predictions and other predictive sources that I have mentioned in my SHTF Index. Many people are pretty much convinced that the USA is under a state of collapse. The question is not “if”, but “When” and “how bad” it will be.

And let me offer some thoughts…

Metallicman commentary

There’s much I can say, and much that I cannot. But I will throw out some things to give the reader pause to contemplate…

  • A 70% decrease in the population signifies either [1] massive starvation, [2] a bio-weapon (i.e. smallpox. Something with a high R0 and high lethality.) WMD, or [3] A MAD level nuclear exchange with Russia.
  • China is “small potatoes” in regards to nuclear weapons. Their entire military is defensive in nature. They are no slouches, and could render the top ten American cities into radioactive glass. But they are not equipped to wage this kind of war with the USA. This level of destruction involves Russia.
  • Many people could die in an American Civil War, but not at a 70% level.
The low estimate of 600,000 is 1.91 percent of the census population. And 750,000 deaths would represent 2.38 percent of the total population. All told, the Civil War likely claimed somewhere between 2 percent and 2.5 percent of the total population.

-What Percentage of Americans Died During the Civil War ...


Intentional starvation is the ONLY method, short of a full-on MAD-level nuclear exchange would result in these kinds of deaths. History tells us that Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot all were very successful in this effort.

In fact, the starvation of the Eastern European peoples by Stalin is exactly the kinds of events that can result in these high and terrifying numbers…

So I would have to suggest that it might be due to starvation.  This is a true and real possibility. Either through the loss and destruction of crops, or transportation and distribution channels, or by pricing the foods to un-affordable levels.


The only nation that still maintains bio-weapon inventories and development is America. Last I heard it was under the control of neocon John Bolton.

The rest of the world just simply isn’t a threat.

Russia scaled down their operations back in the 1990’s. If the Russians still have this capability I would be surprised.

China has no bio-warfare labs, nor do they train and practice in this environment. Their only concern is defense.

North Korea might have bio-weapons, but there is no actual verification of this. Iran might also have bio-weapons, but again there is no actual verification of this.

The rest of the world just simply doesn’t have the resources to develop such weapons.

Since there is a real lack of “enemies” with this capability, it is unlikely that a bio-weapon event would ever occur. The only way that it would occur is if America used the weapons against some enemy and it boomeranged back to the United States.


True to form, Donald Trump has been re-configuring the military to use nuclear weapons in a strategic and tactical “humane” way. If so, this could trigger the Russian “Dead Hand” system, and unleash holy Hell upon an unprepared America.


How many times have you wished that you invested in Google back in the day when you had a chance? How many times do you lament not buying stock in Walmart, McDonald’s, Starbucks, or Microsoft? Well the future seems to be written on the wall…

Well, it pretty much looks like anyone who is going to remain in the United States for the next ten years is in for a very exciting and dangerous time. I do hope that it does not materialize, but it looks to me that a nice small bungalow cabin in Chile might be preferable to a penthouse apartment in Los Angles, a suburban house near Portland, or a mobile home in Kentucky.

As I have stated before, if you can

…then leave the States. At this point, it doesn’t matter where, or how ill-prepared you are. I think you all need to start making the preparations to either shelter-in-place, or bug-out to less dangerous neighborhoods.

  • Those top-tier oligarchy members left for their underground bunkers in early March 2020.
  • Their highly-paid enablers and support “armies” are all publishing articles like this one. You can well recognize that “the writing is on the wall”, and that action should be well in process by now.

What ever happens, please keep in mind that food storage is important, as is being armed with something simple and reliable and dangerous. Like a shotgun. (Forget about those AK-47 look-alike clones. They cannot hit the side of a barn.) Learn skills like first aid, and other things that can enable you to be a well liked and well-needed person in your community. And finally, stop being a lone wolf. You work as part of a community, or you will DIE.

Good wishes.

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Bo Chen

Interestingly I checked Internet Archives for what their webpage looked like back in 2018, and even then they were pretty spot on in terms of predicting this pandemic covid…

Couple of possibilities:
1) they have a time machine or are from the future
2) they use remote viewing or some other technique or method to accurately see into the future
3) everything is pre-planned well ahead of time, something by as much as 30 years or more, such as 911, etc and they know “the plan” or are in on it
4) they are just astute in the workings of the world and thus are in position to make the best predictions, puts ray dalio to shame

Such a massive population drop can only mean one thing, America exercised the scortched earth policy against China and the world and in the process sacrificed 2/3rds of it own sheeple aka useless food eaters.. a nation that was created by genocide and slavery on the way up will resort to genocide and slavery on the way down…

Keep an eye open for October. Something massive will happen next month


Yes. Now you’re talking IMHO.
My wife watched that ghastly TV show ‘The Walking Dead’ for years and then stopped when it became too silly.
I watched a few seasons myself and on reflection: was this all predictive programming? Except not walking zombies, but the walking starving being fought off and destroyed by those with the wherewithal to organise and survive.
Hold fast, ya’ll. Something big is going to happen.
But if Trump wins it, this may well be postponed. He’s being attacked relentlessly now. This is significant.
I honestly think he’s being built up as the ‘saviour avatar’ by very powerful forces behind him.
And I don’t mean dumbassed QTards. Libtards obviously want him gone. But don’t call me crazy just yet.
Let’s wait a bit more and see.
And stay safe, ya’ll.

Bo Chen

Thanks CLR, nice novel I will try to read it on kindle sometime….

Kim is also no Alex Jones:


Also take a look at the author (and his background) and what he has been writing for the past decade or so (on his blogs about the long descent). Connect the dots.


Hi Metallicman,

I think the deagel forecast is not that complex and this is someone’s scenario of a potential russian attack agains largest population centers in their adversaries. Here are some basic calculations:

– Japan’s population drops from 126 to 103 mln and GDP from 5.4 trl to 2.4 trl – this is Japan without Tokyo
– Australia’s population drops from 23 to 15 mln and GDP from 1.2 trl to 0.28 trs – this is Australia without Sydney and Melbourne
-Turkey’s population drops from 81 to 72 mln and GDP from 2.1 trl to 0.83 trl – that is Turkey without Instanbul

USA, UK and Germany and other core western alliance countries have massive losses, as they have more cities and targets – and it will not be that hard to repeat deagel “analysts” calculations. US non-core vassals get large thermonuclear bombs on their capitals only to get them out of the war game.

Someone made an effort to check how much each city contributes to the country GDP and how much of it will be wiped out – and the calculaions include only the majority of the metropolian areas because the bombs will not wipe out 100% of the populations there, but most of it.

So my suggestion is that deagel authors are some US people that realise the danger, and want to show what’s going on in case of nuclear retaliation. The russian losses are not shown, as the website is obviously in english and not intended to warn russians.

Just my opinion – there may be somthing else of course.

Bo Chen

OCT 15


If Bubonic Plague is seeded in every key node. I wouldn’t be surprised to see mega deaths as a result.


Concur, Mr Man. It’s also clear that relatively ‘clean’ mini-nukes and other radiation free but super destructive munitions have been developed and deployed globally, already.
Scenarios and strategies/battle plans have been perfected along with this tech, too, obviously.
911, Fallujah, Bali and on and on.
Yes, they want destruction but not of the environmental kind. Joe Sixpack and his offspring is the target. As well as his elderly and sick relatives. This much is becoming clear.
It’s organised chaos, par excellance. Only question is now that the bioattack on China has failed, what was their plan B?
And despite what some say, I refuse to believe that they were too stupid to have one.
The ball just might be in China’s court, for now.
But then again if COVID was also an attack on the frail and elderly could there have been some understanding at the very top of both camps given the sentience sorting angle?
Some say China gets Asia and Europe. The US to get N and S America. Already mapped out, delegated and decided years ago. And there’s also a large US naval battle group in the Panama region. But this could be to check China’s East Pacific intentions and canal access, granted.
Interesting times. But I’m starting to think S America is the real US target. Also based on a chance conversation I had a few years back with an old school friend in an ‘interesting’ job. US/China may be theatre and Russia may be their real designated mark.
Russia is Xian and has to go from a broader ‘spiritual’ perspective.
After all, all warfare is in effect warfare not between nations (which do not really exist) but between secret societies; or factions.
I knew this years ago.
But I’d never discount Titor or Swann, either.
Take care,

Bill Bradford

I hope you’re ALL ALL Wrong….Look WHO has the guns & ammo in America 2020….something like a “civil war” / “purge” could easily result in 50 -100 million dead in 5 years….and no great loss, either.
But there’s a much BETTER paradigm. AWAKENING. The end of all the bullshit. What if something “Qanon-like” is more actual, real, and IMMINENT than you want to admit?….
As intelligent, educated, logical, & rational as you people are, you are ALL ALSO ignorant, uneducated, sick, and morbid. Spiritually bereft. You might know technology & statistics, but you do NOT know LOVE, and WISDOM….
I will pray that you all awaken from your nightmares….
WWG1WGA / Semper Fidelis Morbidus AMERICA….

Bo Chen

I was a Trump supporter too, until I figured out the motherfucker wanted to genocide my entire race…

Trump can get fucked, and I hope he does

Joe j

I have read your comments and predictions and can see that depopulation seems to be the broad concern along with the methodology involved in it’s achievement. Another more seductive, longer term option to consider would be sterilization, voluntary at first, then compulsory. Begin in the large population centers of the world by offering a reward for the procedure. Individuals most need who are the least productive members of society would come forth first. Results could be noticed after 1 generation, reduced crime, incarceration, law enforcement expenditures etc. Fewer people draining the planet of natural resources would lead to a gradual ecological recovery. No conception at these lower levels of the social hierarchy would include the drug addicts and disenchanted, more importantly, those who should not be procreating for any reason. I could go on but anyone with any intelligence can get the idea. While the death rate would remain at it’s current level, the reproductive rate would decrease immediately upon implementation, leading to a gradual depopulation of the planet. A world wide cooperation would be essential to the success of this program, however, and this is a huge hurdle to overcome. Along with this is also the idea that procreation is a Godgiven right that nobody seems willing to challenge on any level. The people who shouldn’t be procreating at all seem to be the ones doing it the most which ultimately will lead to the failure of the human race. Unregulated growth cannot be maintained in a finite theatre. The idea of a cataclysmic event with much suffering and resulting death is not necessary to achieve depopulation and those of you that consider it should realign your thinking and step up to address the issue of responsible reproduction with as much urgency as you entertain the aforementioned conspiracy theories.