Rufus hero

Do you qualify? Are you worthy enough to be considered a Rufus?

Rufus is the man who helped Jesus carry the cross upon which he later died. Rufus did not need to do it. He did so out of kindness and humanity. Our world, today, is reaching the end of a growth spurt. This period of growth has been long, many centuries in duration, and is now coming to a close. It is not sustainable. Mankind needs to evolve, and there are really two, and only two courses of action. You can be a productive and helpful member of society, or you can be a user who consumes and does not produce anything. Which are you?

Here are some videos (taken within China) that illustrate the kinds of things that true Rufus-being do. You might not ever be called upon, but when you are, and how you act, will determine your spot in Heaven. Mark my words.


The world today is a big mess. It is in a state of turmoil, and the systems that have created this mess must change for the entire population of the earth are trapped inside a car that is charging, full throttle, towards the abyss.

And fucking idiots are driving it.

Trump and Pompeo.
Trump and Pompeo are trying to keep the world as they desire it to be.

We simply just CANNOT keep doing this like we have done in the past. They might work for a handful of people, but not for all of humanity.

Things need to change.

All change starts locally and personally. It is one person here, it is a kind word there, it is a helpful hand over there. As long as the bulk of society works towards the common good, we will be able to survive this time period and thrive.

If, however, we cling onto the selfish, the greedy, and the desire to lord power over others “I am the biggest and best!” or “You will do as I demand, or else I will…” then we are in for a Hellish experience…

And it will be very, very Hellish.

Be the Rufus or not. It’s your life, and your community. Make the decision and be the best you can be, or be the users that consume without ever producing. You can be the person who covets tons of piles of green paper, or the person that shares their meals with friends. You can be the person that holds the door open for others and puts tips in the tip jar, or you could be the person who crashes into a store demanding things be done “their way”!

You are either a contributor to society, or you are a user of resources.

The earth can no longer sustain a nine billion population of users. It can only sustain a much smaller population. And that population must be contributors to the well being of mankind.

The Basics

Remember, the world and humanity is one where the most basic of principles are maintained…

  • Things are being used.
  • People and relationships are treasured.

Today’s Normal

In all the world, where there is confusion and strife, we can see that these most basic principles have been reversed. These places, such as America, such as England, and such as Australia have adopted a skewed vision for humanity. It is one where…

  • People are being used.
  • Things are being cherished.

It is not sustainable, and the Great Reset will no longer support this philosophy.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Rufus Index here…

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The recent Beirut explosion foretokens the USA fate. For seven years, the powder keg of ammonium nitrate lay cooking in a downtown Beirut warehouse, in summers of triple-digit heat. Various lawsuits had been filed to have it removed elsewhere, but the diabolically corrupt Lebanese government and other criminal interests blocked all such attempts.

Then, one fine day, for reasons unknown, the powder keg blew up with disastrous effects. Perhaps a cockroach short-circuited a live wire somewhere, or perhaps the devotees of Allah performed the trick, anticipating their eternal sex with 72 virgins. Impossible to tell.

In America, the political parties of our bottomlessly corrupt Congress continue jockeying for power as the nation dissolves into a morass of lethal narcotrafficking, bankruptcy, and general insanity. Both parties are responsible, the Democrats more so. Their actions are determined by bribes from sources of immense wealth, and they could not care less about the citizens they allegedly lead. They would murder their own mothers if you offered them enough cash.

The leadership likes to hype American wonderfulness by blathering about patriotism and “freedom,” and especially about how the U.S. killed the nasty Nazis — White, of course — and “democratized” (their word for “destroyed”) Europe, its true fatherland.

But the die of fate has been cast. The refusal to accept the reality of evolution-wrought human inequality, and of life’s finitude in space and time, along with the fact that infinite “growth” is a mirage, is now leading to certain collapse. Every Ponzi scheme contains the seeds of its own collapse within itself. And so it is with Yankeeland. That collapse may happen quite suddenly and unexpectedly, like the Beirut event. The D.C. demigods may try to divert attention by starting some kind of low-level war with China. A major conflict, of course, would be suicidal for the “indispensable” nation. This is no longer 1941, where Washington could ensnare China (or Russia) into a U.S.-planned Pearl Harbor event. If the Communist Chinese sink an American aircraft carrier in the South China Sea due to intentional U.S. provocation, the Pentagon had better not try anything funny in respnse.

Because the results would be vastly worse than the Beirut explosion.

US is doing a probing move to testing if China is really willing to defend its waters and also defend the Iran deal etc and if China backs down now it sets bad precedent to the rest of the world that China cannot protect their alliances and won’t come to the rescue of its partners or even defend its own shipping lanes etc..

America seems intent on provoking and forcing a confrontation in the SCS/regions and possibly escalate to nuclear from there. (look at what happpened to Beirut yesterday, it effectively got nuked, Trump hinted it was a weapon)


I was curious, so I googled “Rufus” and found: 1. The name Rufus was the Latin equivalent of “Reuben,” meaning “Behold, A Son.” 2. In the Bible, Rufus was a son of Simon of Cyrene, the man compelled by the Romans to carry the cross of Jesus of Nazareth. 3. The richest man in British history was Alan Rufus, a French immigrant, who came over to Britain to help his uncle William the Conqueror in 1066, and amassed a fortune worth an estimated 81.3 billion pounds ($165 billion) in today’s money. All interesting.