Nations come and go.

There is no such thing as a hybrid-war. What we are witnessing is the initial stages of World War III.

It all began when I was researching "hybrid war". In almost every occasion, a "hot" (shooting) war would erupt. The only exception was the "cold war" with Russia in the 1960's and 1970's, but actually "hot wars" did actually erupt - via proxy in other lands. It got me to thinking. I started to wonder just what is a "hybrid war".

Still the COVID-19 bio-weapon fiasco is rampaging and tearing apart the fabric of human civilization. Still the “news” is reporting on deaths, pain, sorrow, economic collapse and suffering. Still, the “news” is relating on all sorts of “bail-outs” and “stimulus plans”, and “blue ribbon panels” to “solve” some of the imperfections inherent in modern American governance…

Yada. Yada. Yada.


What’s the big friggin’ deal?

It’s all pretty simple.

America started out as one thing, it grew and grew and grew. It changed and changed and changed. Evil and greedy people took over and now the United States is a military empire that serves the top 1% of the global elite. They farm the American people as serfs and “cash cows” and bludgeon the rest of the world into submission through raw military power.

And China has changed.

Today it is an adaptable, young, and modern country ruled by merit. They realize what the USA is, and they also realize that the future is one of global cooperation, not 19th century military might.

Global politics today is a power-struggle between the USA and China. It need not be that way, but the Trump administration, led by his neocon army of advisors want it that way, and thus they are fighting a “Hybrid war” with China.

And we, yes all of us, have a “front row seat” to this entire mess.

We sit here and watch the events unfold in absolute and abject horror.

Sure, it was ok, trying to destroy the Chinese pork industry, the Chinese chicken and poultry industry, the Chinese wheat industry, and the Chinese rice industry. These were events that were far away from America. They could be contained and controlled.

But trying to kill the Chinese people with the COVID-19, now that was when the “bullet hit the bone” and things got ugly really quick. Because, human viruses and pathogens cannot be easily contained within a far-away nation. They can come right back and “bite you in the ass”, “sure as shit”.

And that is exactly what happened.

What America is going through right now, is what the Washington DC neocons and the Trump Administration had planned for China. Except…


It didn’t happen that way.

China saw what was going on and took immediate action. Maybe the readers of the “National Star” and CNN, FOX and Rush Limbaugh hadn’t a clue as to what was going on, but not the Chinese leadership. They knew exactly what was going on.

And so when the Americans unleashed this bio-warfare attack on China during the CNY holiday, China went military DEFCON ONE. They mobilized the entire nation, and tackled the virus, and controlled the outbreak and took control of it.

In three months it was all over.

All the time, the Trump Administration treated it as yet another long-remote war that would never come back to “bite the hand of it’s master”.

It did boomerang back

But it did boomerang back to America.

And America, soft, lazy, slothful and used to centuries of peace and feared respect was unable to adapt to it. Americans demanded their “freedoms”, and openly defied their government. A government that they did not trust and did not believe.

Right from day one, while Trump turned a propaganda war against China, he was telling Americans not to worry, that it was a hoax, and that no one should wear masks. American stockpiles of medical supplies, now depleted, were funded (on paper) with billions of dollars from the Treasury. But that money went no where. Instead the money was spent on other things.

It went into the pockets of the Washington elite. Where it was squandered on expensive cars, homes and luxuries.

And America, and Americans are caught in between the reality of the ultra-rich (PTB) rich elite, and the harsh reality of the bio-warfare out of the Trump administration.

It’s not pretty.

It’s not comfortable.

It’s not nice.

Hybrid War

Now, if you read the “news” you might think that all this is just part of a “hybrid war” that America is conducting against China. A “Hybrid war”, how nice and sterile and pat. It’s not a “hybrid war”.

America is not conducting a “hybrid war”.

This is not a “hybrid war”.

It is a instead a “prelude to a hot war”.

And that is exactly what it is.

A prelude to a “hot war”.

The machinations, and elements of this “hybrid war” are all identical to the preparations necessary in a “hot war”. It’s just that no one wants to believe that President Trump would actually try to launch a “hot” war against China and Russia.

(And it would be against Russia as well, let’s not pretend that China and Russia are isolated and do not have military coordination.)

So people refuse to believe that this is what is going on.

They call it something else.

It’s a “hybrid war”, not “the prelude to World War III.

Events leading up to a “hot war”

The events leading up to a “hot” war are all well documented. You can go ahead and read some history books if you do not believe me. All these things that we are watching as part of the Trump “hybrid war” are the exact same elements that occur right before a full-on “hot” war. It shouldn’t be any surprise to the history buffs out there.

Primary Attributes

No one seemingly pays attention to the characteristic lead-ups to a “hot” war. But they are actually well documented. They include such things as…

  • Propaganda campaign of demonizing a nation.
  • Destruction of food, livestock, and farming to create famine and distress.
  • Restrictions on use of a nation’s exports and technology.
  • Arrest or seizure of nationals from the other nation.
  • A trigger “event” from which can be used to BLAME the other other nation.

All of these characteristics are part and parcel of all the major World Wars, and all are going on right now as part of the “hybrid war” campaign.

The Propaganda Campaign

For illustrative purposes, let’s take a moment and study the anti-China propaganda campaign unleashed by the Trump administration.

As you get into the details, please ask yourself “just what other purpose would this campaign serve, were it NOT to be a lead up to a hot war”.

Because, people…

…it’s exactly that, and these kinds of campaigns take time. The larger the target, the longer the campaign.

I give a “hot” war with China two to three years. 2023 – 2024.

It’s pretty horrendous.

Here we look at one of the aspects of this war; the aggressive and relentless non-stop anti-China propaganda campaign to turn the world against China, and to jimmy-up support for a “hot war”.

There are various people writing about this subject.

One of the better articles is here and I do think that it is worth a read. The author tackles some of the well-known “givens” that pretty much saturate the internet these days. And I do mean saturate. Heck, you cannot click and go anywhere without encountering one of the millions of anti-China articles that are saturating the internet.

It’s sickening.


This article was initially posted on Passages here. It is titled” Don’t Blame China For Your Government’s COVID-19 Failures” and was written by Davide Mastracci. It was formatted to fit this venue, but aside from that left intact. All credit to the author.

Trump and his advisors.

The anti-China narrative is based on falsities, and serves to distract people from the failure of neoliberalism.

April 7, 2020

In early January, COVID-19 was largely limited to China. Now, just three months later, it has spread far beyond China’s border, and has effectively been halted domestically within the country. 

There are currently around 1.36 million reported COVID-19 cases globally, with more than 76,000 deaths. China accounts for just 6 per cent of all cases, and 4.4 per cent of deaths. Yesterday, China reported no new deaths for the first time since January.

Countries in the West, meanwhile, have gone into lockdown, hospitals have been overwhelmed and markets are crashing. There appears to be no clear end in sight for us here.

Despite that, a group of ideologues already have their eyes on the post-pandemic world, and are concerned China may emerge as the new global superpower. As part of an effort to prevent this, these figures think other countries should hold China “accountable” for the pandemic, and are working to create popular demand among the public for this to happen.

In his 1997 book Blackshirts and Reds: Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism, political scientist Michael Parenti wrote, “In the United States, for over a hundred years, the ruling interests tirelessly propagated anticommunism among the populace, until it became more like a religious orthodoxy than a political analysis. During the Cold War, the anticommunist ideological framework could transform any data about existing communist societies into hostile evidence.”

We’re currently seeing that happen with China, from columnists, reporters and politicians alike. 


When the Chinese government had yet to put millions of people into lockdown, it was because they cared about their image more than fighting a pandemic.

When they did enforce a lockdown, it wasn’t about fighting a pandemic, but a totalitarian move for more power.

Attack again…

When China was reporting hundreds of deaths a day, it was proof their government was incompetent because of just how bad the numbers were.

When death counts dwindled, it was proof they were lying about numbers. 

And again…

When global health organizations say anything remotely critical about China’s handling of the pandemic, it’s proof the country should be punished.

When they say anything positive, it’s proof they were bought off by China.

Attack some more…

When China had yet to send aid to other countries, they were portrayed as cruel.

When they did send aid, it was portrayed as a propaganda effort.

Time for another attack…

When Chinese citizens complain about the government, it’s a sign the entire state is on the verge of collapse.

When Chinese citizens praise the government, it’s evidence they’re being forced or brainwashed. 

What about these streaming attacks?

COVID-19 does appear to have originated in China, and so it makes sense, to an extent, that the country will be part of most conversations about the pandemic. However, this isn’t the reason these ideologues have focused so intently on China. Instead, it’s because of the ideological function their attacks serve. 

Those in power, or adjacent to power, in the West see their government failing to deal with COVID-19, but don’t want to shoulder any blame. So, instead of criticizing policies they adopted, or failed to adopt, they direct anger outward. 

For example, on March 21 the Daily Beast reported they were given a leaked government cable that contained “guidelines for how [United States] officials should answer questions on, or speak about, the coronavirus and the White House’s response in relation to China.” Unsurprisingly, officials were told to blame China for the pandemic when giving statements or answering questions from the press. 

On March 21 the Daily Beast reported of an upcoming propaganda campaign the White House was launching against China:

As the number of coronavirus cases continues to grow at a rapid pace in the U.S., the White House is launching a communications plan across multiple federal agencies that focuses on accusing Beijing of orchestrating a “cover-up” and creating a global pandemic, according to two U.S. officials and a government cable obtained by The Daily Beast. The cable, sent to State Department officials Friday, lays out in detail the circumstances on the ground in China, including data on coronavirus cases and deaths, the local business environment and transportation restrictions. But it also issues guidelines for how U.S. officials should answer questions on, or speak about, the coronavirus and the White House’s response in relation to China.

The talking points appear to have originated in the National Security Council. One section of the cable reads “NSC Top Lines: [People’s Republic of China] Propaganda and Disinformation on the Wuhan Virus Pandemic.”

Soon the mainstream media started to spread the new talking points. A Google News search for the search term "China Cover-up" now finds 449.000 results.


Those who aren’t in power, such as rightwing journalists, realize their neoliberal ideology is unequipped to deal with the pandemic, and therefore is under attack. They won’t abandon their views, so they have to shift blame to an outside country with an ideology that is different in the right way. Attacking China clearly serves this purpose, and offers a chance for anti-communism, which, as Parenti notes, people have been primed to hate for more than a century. 

For example, Postmedia’s executive editor Kevin Libin wrote in a March 23 National Post article, “We will likely persevere, but what the world can no longer afford is the threat to our collective health and well-being that is the Chinese communist regime.”

These attacks aren’t justified, and I will break down three of the more popular pieces of the anti-China narrative in the media to show the lies or half truths they’re built on. In order to ascertain what these pieces of the narrative are, I went through the pages of the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail, the National Post, the Toronto Sun and the Ottawa Citizen, and read through every opinion piece they published that focused on China and COVID-19, from January until early April 2020. 

China Imprisoned A Whistleblower

A main piece of the anti-China narrative is that the government arrested or imprisoned a COVID-19 whistleblower. 

The story goes that a doctor found out about a new virus, tried to tell the world, was arrested and imprisoned, and then died from the virus. Commentators claim China did this because they wanted to cover up the existence of a deadly virus in the country, and that the result was COVID-19 spreading quicker and further than it otherwise would have. 

Most of this narrative is false, or at least based on half-truths

Doctor Li Wenliang was an ophthalmologist, not an epidemiologist. He initially misidentified the novel coronavirus as evidence of a SARS outbreak. He shared that claim, along with patients’ medical records, in a WeChat group on December 30 with a few colleagues, not to any hospitals or public health organizations. Li was not arrested or imprisoned. He was called in to a police station on January 3, after a screenshot from his WeChat group leaked and caused panic. At the station, he was reprimanded for falsely claiming there was a SARS outbreak, asked to sign a document pledging not to continue spreading the misinformation and then was free to leave. Unfortunately, it’s true that Li did die on February 7 from COVID-19, which he reportedly got from treating one of his patients who had been infected. 

This narrative also serves to distract from another sequence of events. 

Zhang Jixian
Zhang Jixian

On December 26, Zhang Jixian, the director of respiratory and critical care at Hubei Provincial Hospital, noticed that four patients in her unit who sought treatment for suspected pneumonia — an elderly couple, their son and someone who had come in from a seafood market — all had similar and unusual CT images, which led her to believe they were suffering from something else. The next day, Zhang — who played a crucial role in combating the 2003 SARS outbreak — reported it to the head of her hospital. Within the next two days, the information was passed on to the provincial Centers for Disease Control, which then initiated full scale research into the hospital.

All of this took place before Li shared those screenshots in his WeChat group. Zhang wasn’t punished for her efforts — she was given an award by the regional government.

I used the ProQuest database to search through the entire print editions of the five publications I mentioned earlier in the article. Li was mentioned 44 times between them. Zhang wasn’t mentioned at all. 

China Didn’t Act Fast Enough

Another core part of the narrative, mentioned in nearly every one of the opinion articles I looked at, was that China didn’t react to the outbreak quickly enough due to malicious intent. 

Here are quotes from just a few of the many examples I examined: “Beijing’s authoritarian government hid information about its origins, spread and severity for weeks”; “It wasn’t until Jan. 20, 40 days after the virus was first detected, that Chinese President Xi Jinping first issued instructions to control the virus, but by then it was too late”; “We know they hid this for at least a month before they told the [World Health Organization]”; “It wrapped the communist cloak of silence around the then-unknown virus running wild in Wuhan and kept it a secret until word got out.”

What these articles fail to mention is the unique difficulties of dealing with a novel coronavirus, as going through the process of noticing something is happening, identifying what it is and confirming the extent of the danger it poses takes time. This effort should not be viewed as something China was doing for itself, but rather on behalf of the world. Any country the pandemic started in would have had to do the same thing, and there are several steps involved before widespread action can be taken. 

Here is a timeline of China’s efforts, continuing from the one mentioned in the previous section.

On December 31, just a few days after Zhang noticed strange CT results, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission issued a public notice about the disease. That same day, officials informed the WHO. On January 1, officials shut down the market where they believed the virus crossed over to humans, and a day later the WHO activated their incident management system. By January 7, China had isolated what was at this point believed to be a new coronavirus. All of this happened before the first confirmed COVID-19 death, which occurred on January 9

On January 12, China shared the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus for countries around the world to use in creating diagnostic kits. The next day, the first case of the novel coronavirus outside of China was reported, in Thailand. 

As of January 14, the WHO was still noting that “there is no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission,” a crucial component of determining how dangerous a virus may be. The first confirmed case of human-to-human transmission came more than a week later. It wasn’t until January 30 that the WHO declared a global health emergency.

So, the idea that the disease was wreaking havoc within China and in neighbouring countries before the government did anything about it is false. This isn’t to say China’s response has been perfect, although it’s unclear what perfection would even look like. 

Whether China reacted quickly enough to the outbreak is a matter of opinion, which I’m sure will be debated and investigated — including by the Chinese government — long after the pandemic is over and people are able to see everything in scale. For now, however, we can look at what the experts have said about China’s performance.

In a January 30 statement, the Emergency Committee convened by the WHO Director-General wrote, “The Committee welcomed the leadership and political commitment of the very highest levels of Chinese government, their commitment to transparency, and the efforts made to investigate and contain the current outbreak. China quickly identified the virus and shared its sequence, so that other countries could diagnose it quickly and protect themselves, which has resulted in the rapid development of diagnostic tools.”

In a series of tweets the same day, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO’s director-general, wrote, “In many ways, #China is actually setting a new standard for outbreak response.”

A February report from the WHO noted, “In the face of a previously unknown virus, China has rolled out perhaps the most ambitious, agile and aggressive disease containment effort in history.” The report added, “The remarkable speed with which Chinese scientists and public health experts isolated the causative virus, established diagnostic tools, and determined key transmission parameters, such as the route of spread and incubation period, provided the vital evidence base for China’s strategy, gaining invaluable time for the response.”

The examples go on, and beg the question: Why do columnists feel more qualified to assess China’s response than the WHO? Some would say the WHO is lying, but what’s more likely: a successful conspiracy to silence the global health organization or a columnist who wrote about cancel culture a week ago being wrong? 

China Is Responsible For The Crisis Globally

Commentators accusing China of failing to act quick enough likely aren’t doing so out of a concern for Chinese citizens. Perhaps that was the case initially, but now that we see China, with a population of 1.3 billion, has thus far managed to keep their death count to around 3,300, these concerns seem motivated by something else.

The reason, sometimes stated explicitly and other times just implied, is that these commentators believe the carnage in other countries is because of China. Here are just a few examples of these sort of headlines or statements: “China’s lies allowed the coronavirus outbreak to spread”; “now the whole world is paying dearly for Beijing’s behaviour”; “The virus is no conspiracy, just a cataclysmic natural phenomenon tragically mismanaged by the puppeteers in Beijing.”

This is absolutely not the case, and, difficult as it may be to accept, the carnage COVID-19 has caused within our countries is almost entirely the fault of our governments. The clearest example of this is the stark difference in how South Korea and the U.S. have dealt with COVID-19.

Both countries reported their first confirmed COVID-19 case on January 20. Since then, as of writing this article, South Korea has reported around 10,200 cases, and 192 deaths. The U.S., meanwhile, has reported more than 367,000 cases, and 10,900 deaths. Accounting for the population difference between the two countries, the U.S. has reported 5.6 times the cases, and 9.5 times the deaths. 

President Donald Trump recently predicted a best-case scenario of 100,000 to 240,000 deaths within the country from COVID-19, although experts who put together the data the projection was based off of have said they’re unclear how the number was reached. South Korea, meanwhile, seems to have beat back the virus for now, with just six new deaths on April 7.

These stark differences are due entirely to the varying approaches the two countries have taken in combating COVID-19.

For example, as of mid-March, South Korea had tested more than 290,000 people for COVID-19, while the U.S. had done just 60,000 tests. Accounting for population differences, South Korea conducted 31 times more tests than the U.S. According to the Nation, “Many of the Korean tests were administered in drive-in centers around the country, where the procedure was available for free to any citizen who asked for one and results were available by text or e-mail within six to 12 hours.”

Moreover, South Koreans were encouraged to wear masks, and they were readily available. People were able to pick up two a week from their pharmacy, with the distribution of them based on the last number of one’s birth year. The U.S., meanwhile, has had a massive shortage of masks, even for frontline healthcare workers. In recent days, they’ve resorted to essentially hijacking shipments of masks intended for other countries, and asking manufacturers to stop sending them elsewhere, including Canada.

South Korea is not the only example of a nation that has performed far better than the U.S., or Italy, France, Spain and various other countries. Vietnam, for example, with a population of more than 95 million, has had zero reported COVID-19 deaths, and around 240 cases. Their success has had less to do with testing, due to a lack of resources, and instead has come from aggressive tracing measures, enforced quarantines and the conscription of medical students and retired doctors and nurses’ to fight the virus.

All of this is to say that China’s initial handling of COVID-19 didn’t doom other nations to the fates we’ve seen in the West. Instead, as journalist Ajit Singh argues in Monthly Review, China actually bought time for the rest of the world. As such, the countries in crisis are in that position due to their policies alone. Their governments should get the blame, not China.


The anti-China propaganda campaign is well-funded, active, aggressive and saturating the American media at an unprecedented level. It makes both the anti-Trump propaganda campaign, and the anti-Russia propaganda campaigns look like “pikers” in comparison.

This level of ferocity is dangerous and it well illustrates how the United States is falling right into the The Thucydides Trap.

When ever you see or hear the term “Hybrid war’ please replace it with the term “lead-up to nuclear World War III on American soil”.

Hybrid War = Nuclear War on American Soil.

Please take care, as I have stated earlier, this current sequence of events are all part of a great sentience sorting exercise. This is but the first volley of about fifteen to twenty other events that will occur over the next century or so. The good news is that this upcoming nightmare will pretty much end around 2030 to 2045, and at that time there will be a nice long period of prosperity and calmness.

Just turn off the American Alt-Right propaganda outlets. They just cannot wait for World War III. It’s all China’s fault, don’t you know!

UPDATE 11:48 PM EDT --

At 11:15 PM Eastern US Time Tonight, I got a communication via SECURE methods informing me of the following (VERBATIM):

"Valhalla, (my former FBI Code Name)  things are very bad and getting worse.  Listen closely . . .
COG (Continuity of Government) has already gone to Cheyenne mountain.
DHS (Department of Homeland Security) goes to PN mountain.
Reservists are called up (1 million).
Expats are called home.
People are told to "stay put at home and get masks."
Long standing military patterns are suddenly changed.
War rhetoric against China is at a TOP PEAK

What comes next?"
I respond with my personal assessment by saying "We are going to war with China."

In the meantime, take what ever actions that you feel appropriate to survive the sequence of turmoil that is starting to manifest. Try to maximize your luck.

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