Emerg Decom

When I was a teenager I watched a (made for television movie) that depicted a horrific post-nuclear war reality.

The story line was that a top-secret military operation in Carlsbad Caverns had frozen a “time traveler” inside a sealed capsule for what was intended to be a short period of time. However, there was an earthquake and he was buried alive.

Years passed.

Many years, and a global nuclear war.

Coming out of artificial hibernation.
Coming out of artificial hibernation.

The movie starts when an archaeological / salvage crew was digging inside the ruins of the old underground military base. As they dug around, they saw a complete, and intact, hibernation chamber.

They twisted on the door handles and swung open the port. They then entered his containment chamber and saw that he was still alive. Alive for all these years!

One of the scientists, pushes some debris off the control panel and brushes off the dust revealing an array of controls. They start to look for an emergency shut-down switch.

One of which was the button to revise him in an emergency. The button was labeled “EMERG DECOM“.

She presses the red button, and revived him to his new reality.

This term and the scene has stuck with me all these many decades.

This 1973 movie Genesis II stuck with me at the bask of my mind for all these years. I could never forget the scene where the hero awakes to a new horrific reality after the EMERG DECOM button is pressed.
This 1973 movie Genesis II stuck with me at the bask of my mind for all these years. I could never forget the scene where the hero awakes to a new horrific reality after the EMERG DECOM button is pressed.
Dylan Hunt, a scientist, puts himself into suspended animation in a NASA cavern in 1979 to establish if he could be brought back to life in a couple of days to research into extending the process to astronauts. However the cavern collapses during an earthquake and Dylan doesn't recover until the year 2133. 

During the 154 years he had slept, war has broken out and the world's scientists rebelled against the war-loving military and developed a society known as the Pax, whose goal is to keep the spirit of mankind alive. 

However there are also the mutant Tyranians who plan to be Nazi-like rulers of the slowly recovering world. Dylan is tricked by the Tyranians who plan to use his knowledge of the past to rebuild their nuclear generator and therefore make their plans complete.

-Genesis II (1973)

Crazy Times

I write this in April 2020. The COVID-19 has been tamed inside of China, but is rampaging all over the United States. The American government seems to feel that if they print more money and hand it out to everyone that everything will end up just fine. So to this end, they plan on giving everyone a little over a $1000.

Woo. Woo!

Maybe people will be able to make a partial rent payment and buy a few tacos with it. You know, it’s not going to be enough for a six month span of unemployment.

But what do I know?

To me it looks like Trump (and cohorts) are trying to buy votes for November. Rather than trying to take control of a bad hand of cards that was dealt to you.

Right now, the news is all pointing fingers and blaming everyone. With the villain de jour being China.

Beware of the elite that promises you riches, happiness and free stuff. Especially if they have two belly buttons.
Beware of the elite that promises you riches, happiness and free stuff. Especially if they have two belly buttons.

Throwing money around is not the kind of solution that is needed right now. This is a failure of government, and it needs to be reformed… STAT!

Meanwhile the nation is going into an absolutely unsustainable debt. The first bill was $2 trillion dollars, a secondary bill for another $2 trillion dollars is being considered and Senator Pelosi is wanting to have a third bill for a minimum of another $1 trillion dollars.

I cannot imagine that this is going to be good.

In my mind, I picture this enormous balloon that is getting filled with more and more air. Eventually the surface area of the balloon will be too thin to hold all the internal pressure…

…and like the movie, it will either explode or someone is going to have to press a big red “Reset Button”. You know. The one that says “EMERG DECOM” on it.

What does it mean?

This 1973 movie Genesis II stuck with me at the back of my mind for all these years. I could never forget the scene where the hero awakes to a new horrific reality after the EMERG DECOM button is pressed.

And maybe, just maybe, that is exactly what is going to happen here.

Action needs to be taken. We just cannot all the government to keep using the same old tired playbook in this particular emergency. It is not appropriate, and very dangerous.
Action needs to be taken. We just cannot all the government to keep using the same old tired playbook in this particular emergency. It is not appropriate, and very dangerous.

A series of events might cause someone, or something to press the EMERG DECOM button and we will all awake from our slumber to a new, harsh reality. A reality that is similar to what we know and are comfortable with, but one with many changes that we will not be at all comfortable with.

In the movie, there were numerous changes that the hero ended up waking up to…

  • A caste system of genetically, and evolutionary modified “improved humans” and their servants.
  • A system of control using electronics (A “Stem”) that gave both pleasure and pain as needed.
  • A loss of knowledge and skills.
  • A destruction of infrastructure.
  • Isolated groups of military that still tried to fight wars and hold on to old ways of doing things.
  • People who were trying to improve the lot of mankind, but had to live underground and hide.
  • A vast bulk of ignorant, primitive humanity that spread disease and illness.
  • Rule by the 1% PTB oligarchy.

Perhaps Gene Roddenberry was on to something, eh?


There are many articles discussing the dangers of printing more money, the failures of the American government to deal with this crisis, the failure of the Trump administration on the international scene, and the worries about how Americans will deal and adjust to the changes.

All are speculative.

What I am saying right here and right now is that a big reset is on it’s way.

In many ways it is similar to the John Titor writings nearly twenty years ago. Domestic upheaval, government crackdowns at an extreme level, and a lead up to nuclear war. The cancellation of sports events and Olympics are mentioned, as are social changes. Such as people watching home-made videos instead of mainstream news, simpler life and closeness to local family and friends, and a lesser reliance on consumerism.

Isn't that all what is happening now?

Maybe you all might want to read my John Titor posts in my MAJestic Index.

Anyways, the BIG RESET is on it’s way. Make no mistake.

What everyone needs to recognize is that they are facing a choice of systems, not a choice of people. Either stick with the same systems or switch over to new systems. That’s the choice now facing the American people.

-Is It Time for a New Direction?

We do not know what form it will take, but we do know that someone is pressing the EMERG DECOM button.

Welcome to the New World and your role in it.
Welcome to the New World and your role in it.

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