Entering a state of understanding

Have you ever suddenly came to “an understanding”, or a”realization” that what you have thought, what you have known, and what you have “felt” was all wrong?


This happens to all of us, at one time or the other.

We realize that what we thought at one time, was entirely wrong, or false or not at all the entire picture. Do you know what I am talking about? A realization of the way you think the world works, or how things work, or a relationship works, is not what is really going on? It’s usually a shock. Right?

You can say that about anything really.

You can say that you thought America was one thing, when it was really something else.

Or you could say that you thought China was one thing, when it was something else.

Or you could say that you thought Boston was one place, when it was something else…

But you could say that about relationships as well.

You thought he was one thing when he was really something else.

Or your friends were one thing when they were really something else.

Or your company was one way, when it was really something else entirely different.

It’s a sudden realization that what you thought existed was all a big lie.

And no. I’m not going to start delving into secret government programs, the lifestyles of the rich oligarchy, the casting couches in Hollywood, or the secrets of the Lincoln Bedroom. I’m not going to discuss how your high school text books “got it wrong” or whether or not your best friend is sleeping with your spouse. We are going to go in a different direction here…

We are going to talk about a state of mind where there are NO preconceptions of what reality is. Things are as you see them, or not. And what you might want to happen, could or could not occur.

We are going to talk about your little universe.

The picture above.

The picture at the top of this post above is pretty amazing, eh? It depicts a gladiator over his dying opponent asking the audience for guidance as to whether to kill him or not. It’s stunning. Actually. Not only in the subject matter, but also in the artistic technique.

Now. I want to conduct a thought exercise with you. Let’s go from character to character in the painting. Try to imagine their thoughts, feelings and life that day prior to that snapshot in time.

  • The Audience that is giving a “thumbs down”. What do you think their life was like on that day? Maybe ate a boiled egg, and some bread and looked forward to “The Games” at “The Circus”. And after the bloody gore, will probably go home and hand out with their friends. maybe enjoy the day, and perhaps do a little shopping in the market.
  • The Emperor. He sits there watching on. IS this what he wants? And if so why? What does the loss of this life mean to him? After the “Games” he will have a nice big meal, cavort with women, and drink enough wine until he falls asleep.
  • The Losing Gladiator. He struggles for his life and asks the audience for pity. What do you think is going through his head right now? What do you think he thought about the day as he was getting ready to fight? What was his morning like?
  • The Winning Gladiator. He’s panting. he fought hard. He is over another person like himself. But he must do what is asked of him. Does he want to do it? Is there any emotion or any compassion? What is he feeling?

In this example, you can see that there are a host of different people in this painting. All with different stories, different histories, different ideals families, passions and futures. Some experience pain. Some experience emotions – such as elation, adoration, fear, terror, and agony.

But there is one person in that painting that doesn’t seem to be showing any emotion, or any care. It is the Emperor. He sits there in numb isolation. Those people are nothing to him. Kill them. Not kill them. It doesn’t matter. Not to him now. Not to him in the future. He just doesn’t care.

He cannot feel. He cannot emote. He is typical. He is a psychopath.


…Consider this. Almost every single person in the American Government today, no matter how they appear to you in public, or though the media are psychopaths. They have no feelings, no cares, and no desires. They do what they need to do to stay within their roles, but that is it.

They put on a show, of course…

Donald Trump hugging the flag.
Donald Trump hugging the flag.


Consider Hillary Clinton…

Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton showing that she loves and respects farmers.


Al Gore showing that he is relatable to the folk in the “rust belt” states…

Al gore hunting.
Al Gore, he’s one of us, don’t you know?


The truth is that they are all just playing a “song and dance”; a “puppet show” for all of us to watch because it’s all just a big “game” to them. To them, well they don’t think like we do. They don’t act like we do. They don’t live like we do.

And all this “stuff” is what they do (naturally) to convince us to do things for them, to give them money, power, respect, and anything else they desire. This is what they are. Their desires, and actions are not that of the humans that you see around you.

Instead they are something else…

They have evolved.

These “politicians” might look like humans, dress like humans, and talk like humans, but they are different. They are a different type of creature entirely. They have a different sentience.

They have a different sentience that the rest of us.

If you were to look at their non-physical body with the kinds of eyes that <redacted> then you would see that their appearance is very superficial. They are something else.

No they are not reptilians, or some other kind of obscene joke, they are a kind of distorted humanoid shape. And yes, you could say that their non-physical form greatly resembles a galactic quantum archetype.

Have you ever wondered why so many people BELIEVE the fantasy that Reptilian extraterrestrials, that can shape form, have taken over control of the United States?

Could it be that these people, who are in control of the levers of power, are not acting and behaving like the "normal" people that surrounds you and I?

As such, then what is YOUR role regarding them?

Your role

Saint Eulalia
Saint Eulalia
There are several paintings that had a particularly strong impact on me  and remain memorable.  First is John William Waterhouse's painting of Saint Eulalia.   

The painting depicts, in a startling manner, the murder of a  12-year-old girl, Eulalia, who was martyred because she refused, as a  Christian, to worship the imperial Roman gods.  

The 4th  century Spanish poet, Prudentius, places her death in 313 AD, and tells  of the miracle, signaling her martyrdom, that occurred after her  death-it began to snow and doves flew out of her mouth. 

He further  describes her torture as being brutal, with hooks tearing her flesh and  her body being burnt with torches. 

Waterhouse has been inspired by this  poem as is explained in the exhibit's text. 

Waterhouse does something  remarkable in this painting.  He eliminates the gory signs of her  extreme torture, and yet impresses upon the viewer the horror of what  has happened.  

She is partly undressed, her upper torso bare, but her  lower body is covered in her torn brown-red and dirty garment.  Waterhouse has taken poetic license in order to give the child dignity  and yet convey the suffering and indignities she endured.  

He makes a  masterful use of perspective by placing Eulalia in the foreground.  He  uses extreme foreshortening which he accomplishes with masterful skill, a  very difficult feat.  Eulalia, in this foreshortened pose, is lying  headfirst on her back and her image takes up one third of the large  canvas.  

The viewer is looking up the length of her body to her legs  that are turned slightly askew to the viewer's left.  Her blood red hair  (a red with dark burnt umber and sepia) is reminiscent of spilt blood  beginning to age.  The hair flows toward the viewer almost to the edge  of the canvas.  

The thin layer of snow on the ground accentuates the  sense of drying blood, as does her garment, which gives, at second  viewing, the look of flayed skin.  The snow is of course also a symbol  of her virginity. The doves that have issued from her mouth are now just  ordinary doves and flit about her indifferently.  

This adds to the dead  child's sense of abandonment.  

On her left wrist remains a piece of  tied rope, symbol of her torture.  As your eyes move up the canvas you  are met with the shaft of the makeshift cross she was roped and nailed  to on your right, not far from where the she lies.  Moving further away  from Eulalia, the remainder of the upper canvas depicts Roman guards and  a cluster of people on steps that lead to the square where Eulalia lies  dead.  

The backdrop is of Roman columns. 

The crowd seems only to be  there out of curiosity.  

One figure, a woman in white robes, kneeling,  head down, at the top of the steps, grieves.  One wonders if it is a  sister or maybe the girl's mother, forbidden to go to Eulalia by the  foremost guard who holds a spear.   

There is absolutely nothing sexually  titillating about this painting.  It takes an overwhelming stretch in a  critic's mind, in order to fit this image into a predetermined  aesthetic agenda, to see otherwise. The all-over coloration of the  painting is in hues of white, gray, brown, gray-blue and the dark  drenched reds.  

This powerful image will stay with me. 

-Art Renewal center        

In this painting we see how a young innocent girl is hurt, tortured and killed by the uncaring machine that government has become. People do their jobs. They follow their orders. They obey their commands.

We all know about how uncaring, methodical and ritualized our governments have become. You enter the “system” and you become “processed” by it.

But you know, there are two mechanisms at play. There is a mechanism of government that favors the wealthy oligarchy in power, and one that is used on everyone else. Needless to say, it is the one used on “Joe and Suzy Average” that is harsh and brutal. But that system used against the oligarchy is trivial. Those in power live a different kind of life than you and I do.

It’s not just that they are surrounded by wealth and opulence. It’s that they, their friends and all their associations are with those of one singular sentience.

America is segregated by sentience. Not class.

Voluntary sentience segregation

Nothing that I have so far mentioned should come as a surprise. We all know how “well heeled” the oligarchy that runs America is. And we all know that they seem “off” or a little different from you and I and the rest of the people around us. But would you accept the notion that this kind of sentience segregation fits an approved galactic archetype?

The powers-that-be censoring books.


I guess that the big shocker that I have to announce to the MM readership is that things have advanced for the human species. And while the past have always had a wealthy class and a poor class, advances in technology has moved the human species to a point of inflection. It’s a “tip over event”. It’s a point where sentience becomes established within a society, and in our cases, within a species.

Throughout the Metallicman writings I have pushed the idea that our human species has been striving to weed out the confused sentience’s, and establish a unified sentience.

What ever it might be.

And to this end, I have stated that it would take years, if not centuries to do so. In this regards, I have suggest (if not stated out right) that humans must choose between either a [1] Service-to-self sentience, or [2] a Service-to-others sentience.

However, what appears to be happening is something quite different, and my personal biases are hereby notified to stop being so “black and white” about everything.

You see, all that matters to our benefactors is that Humans get their collective acts together and work out a unified sentience. They don’t really care what it would be, just that it is unified, and that it fits (or can fit with some RNA changes) into a galactic archetype.

It has nothing to do whether they like or hate humans as a species. It has to do with the generation of the thoughts that we have, their power and our ability to entangle with other species. If our sentience does not develop into an approved archetype, then our thoughts and actions can be ruinous for the rest of the galaxy (as well as the rest of the universe).



But you know, there is every evidence that the oligarchy that runs the United States and much of the world are already within a galactic archetype. It’s a Service-for-self archetype.

They are no longer evolving.

They ARE evolved.

And for the world to fit within the matching schedule made by our benefactors, that means that the rest of the earth must fit within one of two (remaining) complementary sentience’s.

  • Service-for-self. (Where 100% of the human species has the same sentience.)
  • Service-for-another. (Where a caste system forms, and the rest of us serve the oligarchy.)

Or, perhaps a picture would explain it better. Consider the HG Wells science fiction class “The Time Machine“.

On January 5, 1900, a disheveled looking H.G. Wells  - George to his friends - arrives late to his own dinner party. He  tells his guests of his travels in his time machine, the work about  which his friends knew. 

They were also unbelieving, and skeptical of any  practical use if it did indeed work. George knew that his machine was  stationary in geographic position, but he did not account for changes in  what happens over time to that location. 

He also learns that the  machine is not impervious and he is not immune to those who do not  understand him or the machine's purpose. 

George tells his friends that  he did not find the Utopian society he so wished had developed. 

He mentions specifically a civilization several thousand years into the future which consists of the subterranean morlocks and the surface dwelling eloi, who on first glance lead a carefree life.

In the movie, the wealthy, the smart, the powerful move underground. They evolve in that environment. They become a new kind of human; The Morlock.

The evolved American oligarchy.
The evolved oligarchy. A sub-species of humans that has fully adopted a service-for-self sentience. Scene is from the 1960 movie “The Time Machine.”


The rest of the people stay above ground. They live in the abandoned cities, and live a pastoral life. They are the people that serve the Morloks. They are the Eloi.

The evolved human species. This is the other sub-species. This species is full of service-for-another humans. Scene is from the 1960 movie “The Time Machine”.


Is that the direction that the world is heading towards right now? That the human species is segregating into two separate sentience’s intentionally? Or in other words, two completely different sub-species of humans?

Spelling things out...

If the human species is already at a point where a portion of the human species has decided to branch off into their own species - A service-to-self species.


That leaves the rest of us to become either [1] Like them. We too become a service-for-self species. Or [2] we take on the role of a sub-servant species of human. The service-for-another species.

And understanding this fact, will help to explain a lot of the strange and freaky (deaky) things that are going on contemporaneously.

What things?


Let’s look at this. Ok?

You know, Trump tried to suppress China. He conducted a “hybrid war”, declared himself a “War President”, he festooned his office with war-themed objects and flags, posted his “campaign coins” prominently on display and did everything possible short of nuclear war.

And one aspect of this “hybrid” war was the release of six viral bio-weapons to collapse the Chinese agricultural and livestock industries (2017 through 2018), followed up with three strains (2019 and 2020) to take out the Chinese people themselves.

Got me down.
I have to admit that it really bums me out. (Sigh.)


The first assault was on CNY 2020 with the COVID-19B.

Subsequent assaults (after the six attempts of the destruction of grains and livestock) were the COVID-19. This came in numerous strains. A, B, C... and mutated into many others...

Bu the USA launched other biological weapons against the Chinese people as well.

There is the (yet unofficially named) completely new virus COVID-20. This is not a strain of the COVID-19, but yet another "novel" virus, and yes it is unusually enormous in size. This nasty virus was unleashed about a month after Trump "gave up" the "color revolution in Hong Kong. Super nasty. This was super lethal and caused death by vomiting. It lies in the gut and in the anus. It was discovered by the PLA by monitoring one of the Chinese CIA "assets" (that was involved in drone spraying of the swine flu in 2019.) This was the reason why Trump went into hiding for three days, and America went DEFCON ONE. He feared military retaliation. Not the "Trump caught coronavirus" nonsense that the "news" reported.

Drat! Trump snarled and twisted his evil long mustache. "I'll show them who's boss!"

What followed was the worst virus of all. Yet another (unofficially un-named) novel new, and enormous in size COVID-21 new virus. This nasty, nasty, horrible virus was unleashed about a month after the seven battle carrier Naval fleet left the South China Sea. Also very deadly, and with a very high R0. Also found in hyper vigilant sweeps of all imported food and visitors to China. It lies within the gut and anus and results in death by diarrhea. 

Today 28JAN21, the Western media is finally reporting on the Chinese "new" swab testing regime that was implemented right after the new year during the first week in January. The new technique uses swabs of the anus to detect for viral infections. Of course, the media are perplexed. Why do this with a COVID-19 with is a virus that affects the nasal passages and throat? Why test in the gut and anus? 

That is because the new test not just tests for COVID-19, but also the two new lethal viruses COVID-20 and COVID-21. Both of which affect the gut and the anus.

And part of this plan was to protect Americans from “blow back”. Meaning that he didn’t want any of the bio-weapon released upon the Chinese to end up hurting America. Which was why trump insisted that COVID-19A be spread to all Americans and that no one is to wear a mask. He wanted everyone to be immunized.

...unintended adverse results of a political action or situation.

He wanted the light strain COVID-19A to spread to all Americans and the “West” to get this virus. Why? So that they would be immune to “blow back”. This was through giving everyone “herd immunity”.

The plan was devious. And extensively documented.

Two strains were released…

Because of President Trump…

… the COVID-19A ran unchecked through America and the nations of “The West”. As it did so, it gave everyone “herd immunity” to the nasty virus; the COVID-19B, the Chinese, Russian and Iranian strain.

And don’t give me the Alex Jones / Rush Limbaugh / Sean Hannity / CIA narrative that the Coronavirus was a Chinese bio-weapon gone wrong. Sheech!

๐—›๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ ๐—ถ๐˜€ ๐˜„๐—ต๐˜†  ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—–๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ถ๐—ฑ-๐Ÿญ๐Ÿต ๐˜ƒ๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐˜‚๐˜€ ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐˜€ ๐˜‚๐—ป๐—น๐—ถ๐—ธ๐—ฒ๐—น๐˜† ๐˜๐—ผ  ๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐—ด๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ฒ ๐—ณ๐—ฟ๐—ผ๐—บ ๐—–๐—ต๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฎ. The Covid virus genome was found  in waste water samples in Barcelona in March 2019, almost a year before  it was first reported in Wuhan China. A USA mayor said he tested to  have COVID antibody as early as November 2019, meaning he was infected  much earlier. Scientists at University of Milan confirmed the virus was  present in Italy since November 2019.


But, suddenly the entire “news” dialog has changed.

Now everyone MUST take this new vaccination. It is very important or you will die! You must do it now! Hurry up take it NOW! Now. Now. Nowwwwww!

 6 signs of 'new Covid' to watch for... Changes to tongue, hands or feet... 
 Americans warned against travel as variants spread and testing rules go
 Shape-Shifting Virus Threatens Cycles of Illness, Lockdowns... 
 Vaccine Rollout Misses TSA Screeners... Hollywood elites skipping line...
 Philly let 'college kids' distribute jabs. Result was 'disaster'... 
 Wear THREE masks?
 Oregon Weighs Race-Based Preferences...
 Pandemic Fueling Deaths Of Despair...
 Germany mulls cutting all international flights...
 Life inside quarantine hotel:  Locked windows, police guarding room... CCTV...
 Billionaires thriving as poor suffer...
 Tech companies could see blowout fourth quarters... 
 Fertitta optimistic: 'Going to be Roaring Twenties'...
 Bill Gates Shocked by 'Evil' Microchip Theories...

Nothing has changed.

It seems like things have changed. The news media leads one to believe that things are different, and that things have changed.

Oh sure, there’s all sorts of warnings and alerts about new strains popping out of nowhere inside of America…

Sick child.
No one wants to be a casualty in a pandemic. It’s heart-rendering.


Now, pay attention.

China, Russia and their allies are using the viral inoculation for the very nasty COVID-19B. This is a unique vaccination and is quite unlike what has been bantered about in America. This is necessary, and the Chinese version, the COVID-19B has a R0 or 15% to 20%. Much more dangerous than the “lite” American strain COVID-19A with a R0=0.1%.

But suddenly, America has a vaccination and everyone MUST take it!

This viral inoculation is very, very different from the Chinese solution, and involves changing the RNA of the person so inoculated.


I find it very curious that there is this urgency to inoculate every America, and every citizen of a nation allied with America, with a RNA altering vaccination for COVID-19A with a very low R0. It’s very odd.

And I am not the only one questioning this either…

Pretty amazing claim, especially seen news about China releasing the  virus genome data to the world early January 2020, and subsequent  vaccine developments based on the isolate:

Another amazing claim…

SARS-CoV-2 has not been proven to exist: the shocking research  of Christine Massey ยซ Jon Rappoport's Blog (nomorefakenews.com)

Now, the “news” is all filled with bullshit. So it’s pretty hard to make heads or tails out of what is going on. I can tell you the following are as clear as day…

  • President Trump declared war on China. And launched biological warfare attacks to that end.
  • The COVID-19B is real. People die from it. China locked the entire down over it, and went DEFCON ONE with armed nuclear weapons over it. This is the deadly strain.
  • The COVID-19A is real, and this strain was exposed to Americans almost six months prior to the release of the lethal strain in China. This is the inoculation strain.
  • For the Trump / Bolton / Pompeo / Tom Cotton plan to work, it is important that herd immunity be obtained using COVID-19A inside of America.

So what is going on with this sudden frantic “need” to inject everyone with a RNA changing vaccine against a mild strain of COVID-19A?

What indeed?

Right now inside America everything is a big mess. Certainly no one can disagree. The “news” or what constitutes it’s modern replacement is all over the place and fear-mongering is the norm. It’s hard to figure out what is going on.

Don’t allow MM here to be yet another tale of fear and woe.

I really don’t know what is going on in America and the West. To me, it really seems to be in a state of turmoil, where everything is upside down and there are a lot of crazy atmospheric conditions that point to dangerously dark storm clouds a brewing. And in and among all this turmoil is a sudden “change in direction” regarding the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Recall that in January 2020 the narrative was DO NOT WEAR MASKS. It’s not as bad as the flu, and “herd immunity”.

And now, one complete year later…

In January 2021, the narrative is WEAR MASKS. It’s much worse than the flu. Take the vaccination or die!!!!


Is this just because there is a new President…? Or is it because of a bigger plan? Or is it that the United States is so confused that it is like a thrashing elephant out of control and in a rage?

I. Do. Not. Know.

What I do know is the following…

  • This change in direction, it’s suddenness and crazed haphazard implementation is not a comforting sign. It points to an out-of-control government and leadership system.
  • From the point of view of DNA / RNA, any use of a vaccination that alter genetic structure should be of concern. (Look what happened to the tomato). It doesn’t matter if the intentions are good or bad. New technologies require vetting and careful controlled trials and experimentation.
  • What ever eventually does happen, the benefactors are just fine with it.

And if you get the inoculation…

And the RNA does it’s work. What then? You will look human, but what changes with the RNA alter?

Could it be like the 1956 movie “Invasion of the body snatchers”…

He looks like my uncle. He sounds like my uncle. He dresses like my uncle, he acts and walks and talks like my uncle.

...but he's NOT my uncle.
Scene from the science fiction movie "invasion of the body snatchers".
The 1956 movie “Invasion of the body snatchers”.

America seems to be going the way of the former Soviet Union

Unknown to most Americans, in the 1980s and 1990s, the Soviet Union break-up created a host of changes and discomfort for the people there. Many lost their incomes, their places of employment, food supplies dwindled and everything was very “iffy” for a while. Angered youth took over a ballistic nuclear submarine, for Pete’s sake. It was a trying time.

But now things have settled out and calmed down.

All that remains of the “glory days” of the former Soviet Union are abandoned buildings…

Abandoned research hospital in Russia.
An abandoned medical research hospital.


And this, an abandoned space complex….

An abandoned space complex within Russia.
An abandoned space complex inside Russia.


And this telecommunications station left to rot…

Abandoned telecommunications station.
An abandoned Russian Telecommunications station.


Or all these planes and aircraft in an abandoned Russian “skunk works”…

An abandoned aircraft R&D facility.
Abandoned Russian “Skunk works”.


Um, yeah it’s all sad.

If you liked these photos, you can find a ton lot more at this great site; https://rusue.com/. It's got urban explorers going through the bones of the old former Soviet Union. It's a great site to explore.


It seems like the changes inside of America are starting to manifest, and guess what? It’s not like anyone thought that they would be like. Nope. It’s not an American Civil War II – thought that is still on the table, or a scene from “The Walking Dead” and a Zombie apocalypse. It’s bio-weapons, invisible dangers, government authority, and massive control, with pockets of balkanized folk all over the place that are angry, pissed off, confused and out of their minds in blood-lust anger.


So we enter a state of understanding.

The war for sentience domination has begun in the United States. It is following the Former Soviet Union model, and involves all kinds of new and novel characteristics that places “common citizens” at a great disadvantage, and the ruling oligarchy at a great advantage. The only people who seemingly will survive during the culling process are those that will fit within the niche’s provided for them.

I suggest the MM readership to be aware, cautious and accommodating. But not to be in agreement. Just keep your thoughts to your selves. Do not place a big “bulls eye” on your chest. Do not flaunt disgust or anger. Be as publicly neutral as possible you need to survive thought this stressful time by keeping your wits about your and controlling your emotions.

Clan up with friends and family. Know who your neighbors are and be helpful and a participant within your own closed society. Be good. Be the kind ear to listen and the strong shoulder for other to cry upon. Remember this time WILL PASS. What it important that you pass through it unscathed.

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Hey, Mr Man. Hope alls well on your end. Fantastic insights of late, so thanks again for that.
This is interesting– I’ve been following along with Davos 2021, and the big elephant this year– that of course nobody’s mentioning in the daily shit-rags out here in puppet land– is the absense of Bite-em and Rubber Johnny.
Curious, eh?
Not welcome?
Not invited?
After what happened over the past year it’s not really all that surprising; and as usual it’s what’s NOT being said that reveals so much more than what is. And the obscure source of this revelation– something that one would think quite remarkable, otherwise– tells us a lot.
Just FYI, anyhoos.
More corroborating background (of a nasty bioattack gone tits up) for anyone who knows the ins and outs of higher level diplomacy.
Or would care to learn!
Have a good wkend,