Tony Soprano

Hollywood vs real life. A good reminder of the differences

As a child of the 1960’s I was brought up and raised by the illusions of Hollywood and television. I had grown up with the idea that Hollywood and television pretty much accurately showed us how other people lived their lives. And yes, I know that much were extreme characters, but that deep-down inside everyone was pretty much like what was portrayed.

  • Mafia Dons were like The Godfather.
  • All American soldiers were like Rambo.
  • Spanish-Americans were all members of a cartel.

And on and on…

Well, this post is a reminder that not only is Hollywood (and by extension, television) a big fiction, but it is a horrible distortion of the way things really are. If you were to get to know “rich people”, “Mafia Dons”, real “Kings and Queens” and others, you would find that they don’t even remotely resemble the cardboard cut-out that is so aptly promoted by the American (and Western) media.

And I know this.

And you should too.

I have written about [1] the big lie that is the “China Narrative” in America. I have also written about [2] the big lie about “prostitution”, as well as [3] the big lie about “the alien agenda”. All of these things are really horrible, horrible, just HORRIBLE distortions. So distorted in fact, that their resemblance to the real thing is not even close.

And if you are one of those people that is “drinking the electric Kool-aide” then you need to wake the fuck up. You are just peasants being programmed to behave in certain ways. The top controlling vectors are [1] fear, and [2] sex. Followed closely by [3] prescribed emotion-controlling drugs.

So let’s spend some time and look at this.

What is real and what is fake?


I had worked for many supervisors, and managers and business owners over the years. Some good, many pretty darn bad. But it wasn’t until I moved to Pago Pago in American Samoa where I met a real (honest to goodness) “Boss”.

The Tony Soprano (crime) family / operation.

Yessur. He was an honest-to-goodness real-life boss. He was a consequence of the culture, the environment, and of marrying into the right family. He owned the biggest business on the island, was one of the richest people on the island, had a nice house, a following of people, a large staff of workers, and controlled everything. he even ran a Church where he gave sermons every Sunday.

He was, perhaps, a “legitimately legal” version of Tony Soprano.

I learned a lot from him. And yeah. He was younger than me, but he commanded respect. And I gave it. I actually liked this guy ALOT. And yes, I have modeled some of my life around some of the many, many, many lessons that I learned from him.

I would say that while he was involved in legitimate business, and he was a businessman, the situation and the deals that he would work out pretty much transcended what the law said. You see, once you “rise to the top” of the society structure you learn that laws are only for the peasants, the people, the “civilians”, the “average Joes”. They don’t apply to you.

He ran “back room” deals and conducted business using a kind of “good old boy” network.

If things went wrong, there would be a “sit down” with other elders on the island. And the issue would be negotiated fairly. (Does this remind you of anything?)


In many ways he was very much like a “real live” Tony Soprano.

I attended his church and he was a Man Of God. That is for certain, and he took his role seriously. And you need to understand that you need to master both the spiritual side as well as the physical side of your life. And he had done so and that brought my immense admiration.

But you said…

Yes, I said that Hollywood does not resemble real life. Instead it is a distortion under the following guidelines…

  • It describes what we WANT to believe.
  • It mixes fact with fantasy.
  • It caters to the narrative that makes the most money.
  • It is designed to lure people away from truths.

Now, I will tell you that the televisions show “The Sopranos” is pretty darn close to the real thing. At least going by my personal experience. That is.

Tony Soprano and his small group of lieutenants.

Distortions of the truth are everywhere

Which is pretty much why I tell everyone in Metallicman Land that unless you experience it first hand, then what you reading is pretty much a fantasy. Today modern “news” is just a combination of “manipulations” and “opinion” packaged around a contemporaneous subject. That may or may not even be legitimate.

  • Well, is every American soldier like Rambo?

Ask anyone who has been in the service, or the National Guard.

They will tell you that indeed there are some, a few, that might be a kind of Rambo at some level, but that most of the people are just average people doing a job. And that’s about it. It’s just average people doing an average job.

  • What about those “White Hat” extraterrestrial aliens that want to have sex with human females?

Nope. Sometimes the narrative is so outlandish that it slides off the fiction plate and enters the trashcan of pure fantasy. In the case of extraterrestrials, and UFO’s and other things such as that, it’s just a bunch of horse manure. The truth is quite different from the colorful nonsense. Which, by the way, sells a lot of books. Because people want to read the nonsense. They don’t want to read about the truth. Because the truth is boring, and well… disturbing to people.

  • What about China?

Ah, I’ve covered it pretty extensively. Look, if you all want to think that the Chinese people are dirty and filthy. That they drink bat soup, eat dogs and cats, and spend their lives cheating others like greedy little slime-lords. Go ahead. It’s the current narrative being tossed about in America today.

But it’s not the truth. So why waste your time on it.

  • What about “White Privilege”?

I know nothing about that. It seems to me that the only people that are harping on about this are either African-American folk (Negroes) and spoiled rich kids. I was raised up in a household that was on the lower-middle-class end of the spectrum. My father studied hard during night school using the “GI Bill” (a system to compensate people who had served int eh military by giving them subsidized collage tuition), and that raised our lifestyle up to central middle-class.

I then worked hard in the coal mines and steel factories to save up money to get a college education. Our joint family goal was so that I would become part of the upper-middle class. Ah, but that was derailed by MAJestic. (Sigh)

I have been all over the world, and all over the United States. I pretty much see that social mobility depends on two factors. [1] Who you are (as there are some dirt poor people in Zambia making a real “killing” in profitable business opportunities), and [2] the social-economic structure where you live. (It’s hard to get ahead in modern America with so many “little hands” in your wallet and obstacles in your path.)

The “White Privilege” nonsense is just a narrative used to control others for political objectives.

So what?

And maybe that’s the point in all this.

What you see is often occluded. Most Americans (and people in the West) go from one bubble of reality into another. They don’t get an opportunity to experience life first hand up close and stark. They rely on the stories of others for their illusions. And indeed they are illusions.

And if you stay rooted in one illusion over a set period of time, it becomes an echo chamber. One that reinforces the illusions over and over.

If you get your information electronically…

If you get your information electronically, you can expect it to be 80% manipulation. It doesn’t matter if the news or information is believable or not. For the most dangerous propaganda is that which we want to believe.

It doesn’t matter if it is a televisions show, a movie, a “news” cast, or a blog. Anything electronic is subject to distortion. And thus I tell this to everyone…

If you do not experience it FIRST HAND, it's best that you don't believe it at all. For you are getting things second hand.

Why so much bullshit?

I have been asked why there is so much bullshit and nonsense in the American (and Western) media. And the answer to that is simple.

In a “democracy” you must rely on the thoughts and opinions of mass groups of people.

Thus, if you can control the thoughts of people, you can control what they do.

And if you can control what they can do, you can control their voting choices and their opinions in such a way that they approve or “rubber stamp” everything that you do. And that is why lying, distortions, and false narratives and “false flags” are so prevalent in the West and in America.

Unlike China.

China does not need to lie. They do not need to twist public opinion. They tell you the way things are and whether you like it or don’t has no bearing on anything. So if you don’t like what they do, or the figures in the documents, or what their actions are…. well, tough cookies!

So if 3400 people died by COVID-19 in China, you can rest assured that they died. But if the Washington DC reports that 200,000 Americans died by the COVID-19 you aren’t quite sure. It all depends on who is reporting that figure and why.

OK, back to the Boss

Anyways, let’s get back to the Boss.

The Boss in Pago Pago was just like the fictional character Tony Soprano.

Now being a boss isn’t for everyone. But the point is that he was pretty much an average guy. He was average. Not that smart or bright (I suppose) but was in the right place at the right time under the right conditions and he became boss. And like all bosses he reported to higher powers. In his world he reported to his wife, and to God. He also reported to the network of other bosses on the island.

He had a normal, but largish family. A lot of children. A lot. And they were everywhere. He definitely was fruitful and did multiply.

He led banquets with his supervisors, managers and other “lieutenants” (such as myself) would be invited and attend.

Tony Soprano with his lieutenants.

He was autocratic and would do and act in ways that might be repulsive or shocking in the United States. Such as demanding that I shave and cut my hair a certain way, gave me some money to buy myself a new shirt, or told me that my wife had to act a certain way and do certain things.

He ran a profitable business, a church, a school, and numerous other ventures.

We referred to him as “Boss”.

And he was the Boss. In the office, his desk was at the end of the huge office room raised up on a platform a few inches above the rest of the office. There he would sit back and every morning the local school children would vie for a role in bringing him plates of food and sundries. Others would take a run out to “Carl’s Junior” and pick a a selection of breakfast burgers. (He wouldn’t have more than one, and would hand the rest of the bag to other workers around 11am.).

And then…

It came to an end

For me at least.

My time on the island was up and I had to leave. It’s an interesting story about unwritten laws, society structure, and necessities of life. But, I left and opened up a new chapter in my life…

But, you know, this post isn’t really about my experience on the island with the Boss. It’s about impressions and thoughts that are generated prior to real and actual experiences.

And it doesn’t matter what the thoughts or impressions are either…

I had no idea what life would be like in Pago Pago. None what so ever. Somehow I imagined something similar to Florida or Hawaii. I imagined that the company would be like a state-side company, and run by a CEO with managers, and supervisors. I pretty much pictured a kind of scaled down USA, but located on a small island.

I had never watched the television show ‘The Sopranos” at that point, but even if I did, I wouldn’t be expecting that to manifest in the South Pacific Ocean.

I pictured (in my mind’s eye) something that did not exist.

That is because all that I had to go by was American media, American books, American stories, and my American friends.

My adventures in Pago Pago had it’s ups and downs, but overall it was a very positive experience, and one that has affected me deeply. The Boss was an amazing man, and I have incorporated many of the things that he did, acted, behaved and implemented in my very own life and actions. As well as part of my affirmation campaigns.

Exposure to him, his life, and that environment caused me to grow in so many, many ways.

Life is about experiencing things first hand. Not by reading about it on the internet. Or by watching a movie or a television show.

If I had experienced what I was expecting I would not have grown at all. I would just be moving towards a new environment which was much like the old environment that I was leaving. And I believe that this is a critical point. What is presented to you, the reader is always nonsense. Always. Unless you experience it first-hand, it hold no value or benefit to you.

The work-arounds

So how do you get around this? How do you get to experience the things that you read about?


Well… ?

Yah! You go out and forth and experience it yourself. That is what you do. Seriously, that is what you do. In my case, you find attractive situations, fun situations, interesting people that are all around you. You walk up to that situation and you embrace it. And if you like it, it becomes part of your life.

You cannot be shy about this.

There is a world of experience out there, just waiting for you to participate in it.

And if you situation is such that you cannot see how you will ever get a change to do so, and you have no physical ways to do so…

…then you generate a affirmation / intention / prayer campaign. And follow the techniques (exactly, to the letter) that I have laid out for you.

And you live life.





The world today is heavily influenced by electronic manipulation. Most of which are lies if not distortions of reality…

And the war with China edges closer and closer. You all don’t think that this isn’t part of the neocon plan do you?

Sure. What ever you say.

To keep yourself happy, calm and content, please FOR THE LOVE OF GOD shut off that “news” nonsense. instead, buy a bottle of wine (something red. Or sweet if you don’t know wine … like a Zinfandel), grab a member of the opposite sex (doesn’t matter who) and go for a walk in a park or a nice place in the country (less than a ten minute drive). Can you do that?

Just say. “Let’s go out and do something silly.”

Enjoy life.

And do it your way, on your terms, with the people that you care about.

And if you do this enough, the influence that the “new” has in your life will become progressively less. And as such, you will start to question why those around you are so upset about certain things or “issues” of the day. You will start wondering “what drugs they are on”, when in reality it is actually “what nonsense is being pumped into their skulls”.

Live life.

Anything less than that is below you.

And take note.

I have created the life that I live now through conscious effort.

I used my skills, and intention campaigns to describe the life I want, and to guide me towards the realization of that life.

And part of it requires exposure to different ways of doing things, and different kinds of experiences. And the television or Hollywood narrative is not helpful in the least. You must be exposed to the “real thing” to benefit from it.

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This is why “news” is the N.E.W.S., making you spin around and around in those cardinal directions.

Bo Chen

American doesn’t want to sell what China wants to buy anymore(technology, semiconductor equipment, jet engines, processor chips, etc etc) yet turns around and bitches about the so-called trade imbalance, then forces China to sign an unequal agreement (Phase I) mandating China met certain quotas of over-buying useless commodity things that China doesn’t need (or can get elsewhere easily from less adversarial nations) that which America wants to get off its hands/rid off, etc which itself was recently declared illegal practice (and Trump’s entire trade war) by the WTO.

Look at recently the US based Nvidia company buying up the UK/Japan owned ARM to shore up its semiconductor industry after Intel fell behind TSMC… do you think the US would okay a sell of Nvidia or AMD to China? Not a Chinaman’s chance when its actively forcing successful China companies like TikTok to sell to US firms while Trump wants to take a cut of the transaction… this is nothing but subjugation, and vassalage is what has kept the American empire alive post WWII

SWIFT is an outdated relic in the modern age, its like the Dewey Decimal Classification system used by libraries when the age of ebooks, wikipedia, and kindle has arrived. The future of money is all digital and authenticated trustless via blockchain, and the privilege the dollar enjoys was always going to come to an end sooner or later, but QE infinity has accelerated that day of reckoning…

5% of the world population consuming 25% of the world’s resources was never going to stay status quo forever… That is what the MAGA hats don’t understand. The average Chinese works much harder than the average American, and yet under the current system (US dollar exorbitant privilege) and nominal way of calculating things (account and GDP sleight of hands) its deemed the Chinese worker is only 25% as productive as the American worker. Obviously this is a farce

America realizes that if it cannot kneecap China and prevent China from rising above the middle income trap and ascending the technology value add ladder etc that it will lose China as its cheap labor factory and also in China find itself the greatest economic and geopolitical opponent and competitor it has ever seen since it its entire history since 1776. This is why the US is strategically utilizing its military might to encircle China in the East and South China seas with support Taiwan independence and putting tactical nukes around China, preparing to wage war against China in the SCS and arming Japan, Philippines, etc now with 400+ US bases around the mainland China landmass, the same reason for the CIA/NED supported Hong Kong destabilization last year and the destabilization of China’s BRI by stirring up stuff in XinJiang, Tibet, telling India to provoke China in border disputes to keep China busy, planting of the CIA biovirus in Wuhan, and sabotaging ports like Beirut, whilst color revolutionizing Bolivia, Lebanon, Belarus to wage the larger cold war and geopolitical war against China…. its in hopes that China will surrender, capitulate, and do another Plaza Accord 2.0 following the submission of the Japanese the last time the US felt threatened economically by another power…

Civil War 2.0 in USA can’t come soon enough…


Bo, you’re geopolitical nous is plain for all to see, great insights, and you know your stuff, fo’ sho.
But what’s not that well known is that Taiwan, S. Korea and Japan are rumoured to be nuclear armed, too. And not just via US military presence in and around these powerful states. The pits that were ‘removed’ from the Pentex facility (1990s) in Texas didn’t all end up in the recycling process. They were reengineered and sold on by parties unknown to, well, other parties unknown; and ended up– again, rumoured– in the arsenals of several militaries globally. N. Korea, certainly, and one was removed/secured by Delta Force out from under the noses of the British from a warehouse in London just before the 2012 Olympics. I lived in London at the time and the military presence in and around the capital was phenomenal. SAS troopers on RIBS, in the streets– I mean, jeez, they even had a frikking helicopter carrier and a destroyer parked up thd Thames as far as London Bridge.
Some serious shit went down that week. And thanks to a true patriot by the name of Mike Shrimpton, Delta Force swiped that nuke before somebody got stupid.
Things haven’t been the same in the ‘special relationship’ ever since.
God knows what they planned to do with that little baby.
Nor is it clear WHY the Asian nations secured these devices to begin with. But clearly they didn’t trust the US as a nuclear deterrent on their behalfs, and decided to take matters into their own hands. And as defence against what?
China? Possibly.
But this is by no means certain.
A CIA agent, Roland Carnaby, was gunned down in broad daylight in a mob hit in Heuston as he investigated the thefts on behalf of George Bush Sr. And Raymond Davis barely escaped with his life hunting a nuke down in Pakistan around the same time. Remember that clusterfuck? He had to shoot his way out.
My point is, I don’t think China is as isolated as you seem to imply. And no matter how much the US Navy rattles its sabres in the SCSea, they know they’re vulnerable to hypersonic missiles and torpedoes armed with God knows what. I mean, you could fire that shit fron a junk off of Hong Kong at a supercarrier and split before they knew what hit ’em.
Extremely vulnerable WW2 era platforms. And the Navy knows it even if Trump doesn’t.
I say it’s all theatre. China is secure.
MAJestic tech could also be acting as a deterrent. And not just against the PLA.
But let’s wait until the election and see what happens. Your October 15th prediction has been well noted, too.
The US is throwing shapes, but they’re not crazy.
They were hit by that COVID bioweapon, too. Have that from a source whom I personally know and trust.
Somebody is playing a very dangerous game, but that peek behind the curtain remains very, very elusive, still.
Trust no one.
I think the danger lies in considering the US as one, monolithic state or place, when really she’s a very complex set of realities. Factions are shooting it out, and this could also include aspects of the Chinese hierarchy, too; and they are very much ‘in the game’.
Stay safe, ya’ll. It’s gonna be a wild Fall and winter.
But I predict a return to some kind of normal toward Christmas while the powers regroup.
And whatever the REAL eventual plan is one thing’s fo’ sho: We won’t know until it hits us.
Only question is when.
Mr Man predicts a sentience sorting series of events with an ultimate outcome planned by entities beyond our comprehension. And the US, China and their respective lackeys are merely in the pissing place.
Time will indeed tell.

Ohio Guy

MM always finds these beautiful Asian chicks with huge racks. Awesome, that!

Bo Chen


Thanks for sharing your thoughts it was an interesting read… As a Chinese American (later naturalized) whom came over with my parents at a young age this whole geopoliticial saga truly only impacts me on a personal level when shit gets bad enough that being of ethnic Chinese living in America will be almost impossible, we arent at that point yet but all it takes is one sunken US aircraft carrier to do the trick, if you know what I mean…

I dont actually have an affinity for any actual Chinese people on an individual level, I dont know any of them, and most of them would be wholly indifferent to if not outright despising someone like me, Im not naive about that. While at the same time there are those portion or percentage of ‘good’ white people in America who arent racists and do try to value people based more on content than color, and I think these folks arent aware of the geopoliticial implications and the bigger picture, happy in their ignorance perhaps… nothing wrong with living a simple contented life at all…

I think its more of an identification and assocation on an aggregate averaged out level, at the nonscale invariant national, civilizational level… people eventually root and cheer for the success of their race, its more much deeply rooted than what it says on their passport.

Part of me always like siding with the underdog, even when it was Kavanaugh during the confirmation hearings… he seemed posed to get the seat but was getting sabetoged every step of the way, when those two ladies bumped into that senator or congressman in the elevator and bullied him into changing his mind as part of the critical point of inflection it was too tough to watch/stomach…. something like watching defeat from the gaws of victory…

Like UK decided to not ban Huawei, then Trump did COVID to force Boris hand… wouldnt put it past CIA to have personally injected Boris with something to threaten him into complancy. And now UK is anti-Huawei and part of the USA “Clean Network” alliance… Or the Navalny bullshit… anyone really thinks this wasnt about getting Germany to finally change its mind on NordStream 2 so Pompeo can keep selling Freedom Gas to Europe?

It just seems America has been cheating, lieing, and stealing its way to the top and even when it was supposed to be in a relative managed decline giving way to a more fair multipolar world, it has the magical ability to yet once again get the upper hand in the grand scheme of things by whatever means possible…just like right now…

I think objectively even if I was a white person I would be rooting against America, knowing its true evils and propaganda, although being ethnic Chinese makes it that much more easier and clearer in that respect… and more personal

In the long run I think history shows peoples eventually return back to their roots…. Hong Kongers and Tiawanese seem to hate China now but if the world (modern civiliation) still exists 50 or 100 years from now I think the days of white worship for them will be long gone. Over similiar periods of time, the Asian nations will unite and go back to being for Asia again as opposed to sellout vassals to their Western masters… This is also why over time Americas racial problems will only get worse and worse and not better no matter what the government does or tries….

My fear is US will be the first empire to break the rise/decline cycle and actually stay on top forever, the so called End of History… Say America kneecaps China tech industry, thereby first to solve AGI, super AI, and creates a perfect UBI society for its population and uses the super AI to solve fusion…. thereby infinite energy sources and one day even masters time travel for reals…. any advanced civilization with AI and a time machine will be definition stay on top for the rest of time….


That last paragraph nails it, IMHO, Bo. And thanks for sharing that background– this farther explains your own particular take on things which may yet prove correct. But I can’t shake the strong sense that China and the SCSea is theatre. Call it gut instinct fortified by sound observation and a few insider breadcrumbs picked up here and there over the years. Looks to me like “they’re” settling in soon for another Cold War that’ll provide trillions in funding to the military industrial educational complex of both blocks.
(The dollar will last as long as the US maintains military supremacy, which it SEEMS to be doing for now.)
Think the ‘pro-democracy’ demonstration in Bangkok this weekend just arose simultaneously, along with reactivated Iran sanctions, by accident? As well as that big ball of cholesterol and shit masquerading as SecState issuing new global threats in a ‘with us or against us’ fashion; sounds like a new Cold War that your and my increasing taxes are gonna fund. Regardless of ethnic affiliation.
As far as the fate of the stateside Chinese population goes, I’m reminded of the Muslim population post 911. Not only did they survive intact, but are thriving more than ever and suffered no more harm than the occasional bigoted cretin mouthing off or trying to burn down a store or mosque, or two. And a few shootings that may even have been faked if I recall. Then as now, there were a bunch of dangerous psychopaths clumped at the top. But normal folks are normal folks everywhere, and social realities on the ground are not political realities. Most people don’t give a shit and just want to live their lives; go to their churches; do-up their homes; whatever.
Although the use of advanced psychological entrainment tech can never be discounted. That can make people do some weird shit according to Ingo Swann.
If there are groups with end of history plans and the concomitant technical abilities mastered, I’m totally convinced they’re over and beyond the US Government but can access at will ANY government or institution all the way down to the janitor. And might even be helping out Xi and his faction.
The rest of us regardless of background– because I believe there are no such things as nations or nationalities, any more– just get to watch.
Of course, if Mr Man’s hypothesis prove correct, it’s not gonna matter a shit. Sentience sorting? Bring it on. I know plenty of anthropoids I’d gladly see flushed down the toilet with extreme prejudice.
Justice will be served eventually; you can count on it.
Stay safe and keep youre head down just in case! Bullets might fly, yet!

Bo Chen

Speaking of Hollywood vs Real life

Apparently US think tanks believe they can occupy Beijing and overthrow CCP without even using nukes


Crazy stuff. It is only his “playground” and can simulate whatever conclusion he wants. Since it is election year, an interesting Hollywood film to watch would be “Being There” from 1979 with Peter Sellers.