Well there is this guy in China that is obsessed with building mouse and rat traps. He’s also a kind of inventor / mad scientist or evil genus. And he has posted his magnificent machines on the internet for others to replicate. I, as an inventor / engineer, myself find these devices very interesting and fascinating. Let’s look at some here, and take note that I broke this article down into two posts. This is part two. Part one is HERE.
Who says that the Chinese cannot innovate?
It looks to me that they are innovating with aggression quite readily right here, and the results speak for themselves. Note that the videos are not for the squeamish. Rats and mice get trapped and some die. It’s sad, but it’s life, and for those of you who have lived a sheltered life, these critters carry illness and can hurt your family. Not to mention that they also can carry the COVID-19 to your home. Yikes!
Learn to swim.
This is rather simple. There are two diving boards with a small tunnel upon each that prevents the mouse from seeing the danger below. When it reaches the end of the paper tunnel, it’s weight causes the entire tunnel to tumble below into the pool of water. There the rat or mouse becomes trapped. As it cannot climb the slick sides of the PE box.
Other improvements might be to substitute bleach for water. That way, the vermin that are piggie-backed on the hair of the rats / mice are killed once they take the splash into the container. You know, with the COVID-19 all around us, special care must be taken to control the virus as well as the animals that carry it.
Trapped in a bottle.
This is pretty ingenious, and relies on the weight of the mouse to trap it.
The only way out of the bottle is through the opening. The thing is that when the mouse goes to the opening, it’s weight causes the bottle to pivot, and thus it moves in such a way as to block the exit from the bottle. Overall, it’s pretty ingenious.
Electrical chop sticks.
This is a shocking video. The shock on the metal bands on the chop stick isn’t enough to kill the mice or rats, but it is enough to startle them. In earlier videos a voltage generator was used to generate 6000 volts, but here you can just use wall outlet 120 volts AC current. It’s enough to shock, but not to kill.
The thing is that when the mouse is shocked, it falls off the chop sticks and into a nice pail of water. Splash! Except that once you are in the pail, you just cannot get out. And as such the mice keep on trying to climb onto the floating blocks for safety.
Under the blue balls.
This trap makes use of deception. The rats climb up to the edge of the pail. Looking down, they see a nice tray of delicious food on a flat blue surface. The only thing is that the flat surface is not what it appears to be. It’s a lie. And when the rats jump down, they do not land on top of the flat surface. No. They fall through into the liquid water below.
And after a few hours of rat-paddling (a rat version of doggie-paddling) they succumb to exhaustion and die.
Ya just can’t get out.
So many interesting things about this video.
For starters, notice how the rat is using it’s tail to hold on to the handle at the edge . Notice how deceptively easy it appears to be to get out.
Notice that if the white metal wall in the back is positively charged, and the bowl is negatively charged, that when only one rat closes the circuits all the rats get electrocuted.
Rat race track to nowhere.
Here we have foot tied to the hamster wheel. The smell of the delicious food attracts the rats / mice. As they try to get close to the food, the wheel moves and eventually, no matter how hard they try, they eventually end up falling into the water below.
It’s simple and ingenious.
Get a cat
Of course, if you have a rodent problem, the best solution is a cat. Humans and cats have had sustainable living arrangements for thousands of years. It’s no error and no mistake that cats are worshiped in ancient Egypt and today in Turkey. They can control the varmint problem and really go a long way to prevent disease and sickness.
If you have a rodent emergency, who are you going to call?
You go and get a cat.
Final Thoughts
I do love inventing and finding answers to problems. The rat and the mouse are creatures that can bring in disease and pestilence. As such they need to be controlled so that they will not bring those problems to your home. There are various ways to do this with the time-honored spring-trap cage or board being the most time-honored and popular. But there are other methods as well, and the new innovations seen herein are pretty spectacular, don’t you agree?
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Hahaha! I love the way you tell stories…. And people go wtf, mousetraps? Hilarious! THe mice which cause disease and pestilence and cause fires by chewing up copper wires, are a pest for the world – and they need to be gotten rid of in various ways. And, there are so many in this wretched world! Except those who do not discern, think you’re just a crackpot talking about mice traps & mice. MM is talking about the mice that represent certain other “sentient” beings who are being caught in mousetraps today – in similar hilarious fashion. SOme make it out as you can see. Many will not – that’s the point of a good mousetrap. Like the cutie kitty mice killer. Guess who are the people watching hilariously at the “mice” running, & getting zapped and dropping into water and checking out the mousetraps that are the most fun? I should leave the point to be savored by those – who get the point. Thanks, MM. Hilariously poignant about the times we are in…. I’m getting my house in order, and going extra safe. No venturing into any mousetraps for me. I’m training myself to be that cutie kitty….
Watch out for attractive green pellets too.
QUOTE Watch out for attractive green pellets too. QUOTE Yah, and you being where you are had better watch out for those “attractive yellow pellets”. I do not mean this in any derogatory way. THe different peoples in the world generally have different color ranges…. Of course, SJWs are color blind – because they are also blind. In my younger days, I have found attractive yellow pellets very very appetizing. I’m just glad I never truly dropped into the water, although I came close…. MM, pls keep them comin…. DEEP HILARIOUS STUFF, Man. Nobody does it better! How do u say it? Intellectually stimulating with a whiff of mirth and esoteric dust mixed in with existential meaning. My high schol English teachers thought I was too wordy in my writing…. Bless them!