How to get around paywalls on internet news sites.

This is a very quick and short article. But it is my hope that the benefit that it provides to the MM readership makes up for it’s brevity.

Many traditional news websites expect you to face a barrage of annoying ads AND give up precious coin to pass through a paywall. They have various ways of doing this, though most have adopted an enormous screen filling dialog box that you must respond to in order to read their “news”.

While each such site may have a unique workaround, there are three simple ones that usually always work. They are;

  • Clear your browser history
  • Disable JavaScript
  • (or) Open the link in a private browsing tab.

Here we can talk about the easiest and most effective way to do so. You simply open the link in a “private browsing tab”. Here, We look at the different ways of doing this depending on the browser that you use…

Open the link in a private tab

For the last one, the added bonus is that Google, Big Brother, ad cookie traps, etc., etc., etc., can’t track you. Well, supposedly they can’t. I have learned in my long life, that anything is possible. Never say “never”.

Either follow the menu options at the top of your browser, or do the following:


Incognito: Ctrl + Shift + N

Internet Explorer

In Private Browsing: Ctrl + Shift + P


Private Window: Ctrl + Shift + P


Private Tab: Ctrl + Shift + P

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Hey this is great. Ctrl+Shift+P will bring up the printer in my Brave browser, but Ctrl+Shift+N will bring up the private tab, same as with Chrome.

To get past a paywall in my case I disabled JavaScript. This link helped me do that:

It is useful to know that when you disable JavaScript (at least in the Brave Browser) you only disable it for a particular website and not all websites.