Humanity breaks out all over the world. Good signs are everywhere.

This post is about people. It’s about families. It’s about relationships. It’s about cultures, societies, and life. It’s about lifestyle. And I want to start the year with a good humane post that discusses these elements in our life.

Unlike previous years, there seems to be an increase in videos and movies about humanity. Sure there’s the action videos, and lots and lots of guns. There’s monsters and super heroes, but a new kind of video is emerging from the old. It’s a video about people and their humanity. And these videos are becoming more an more common.

This article, this post, highlights those videos.

Please kick on the picture to see the video. It will open up in another tab. Allow some time for it to load. Most videos are in the 20MB range, but one is 65MB. I do hope that you all will enjoy them as much as I have.

A Chinese video about a father and his daughter..

The night before my father died, he left me an email message. It was a stupid one-sentence email along the likes of “do you have the link for the website we talked about?” And I kept that message. It’s still there, sitting in a dusty file folder on my long disused Yahoo! account. And account I only refresh every year or so to keep my old archives and records intact.

The following is a video. It’s a Chinese video. It’s about a man, now an old man. He’s a man, a father, who likes to listen to the voice-mail message left by his (now dead) daughter. We don’t know how she died, or what their personal situation is. But we do know that they had a relationship, and hearing her voice was very important to him. So important that he has paid for her cell-phone account to stay active for years and years.

But then suddenly, her voice-message disappears. And a story ensues…


I hope that you all enjoyed this video as much as I have. You don’t need to understand Chinese. Just watch what is going on.

So what might the oligarchs think of Chinese people with their resounding support for the Communist Party of China? 

They will hate them  with every bone in their body, they will be furious that this country  resists and denies them a chance to plunder it - yet again. 

The  oligarchic death cult will be extremely angry that a single country  presents an excellent and achievable system of government and financial  management and community betterment to all the other nations on earth.
-Posted by: uncle tungsten | Jan  5 2021 20:48 utc | 14

Two strangers in Europe

This next video is about two strangers. It’s a European video. And they get stuck in an elevator. You know those places where you just stand and focus on the lighted numbers, the buttons or the advertisements on the walls. never communicating with the other people that you share that brief moment of time with.

Enjoy, it’s actually a little cute.


That was good. Right? A nice fun and kind of cute video. But the message is important.

How are you going to behave this month?

A sense of community.

In the next video we have a typical small family run business. These places are everywhere in China. You can get a breakfast for under $1. Usually some hot Jiu (which is a rice porridge soup), some Baozi (which is a small roll with meat or vegetables inside), some noodles, and some sweet bean drink. The business is thriving…

…but there is an emergency and the entire family must leave now. And all the people are stuck with no one to serve them, and the family devoid of income for the say. What is going to happen? As these establishments typically don’t have doors, are out in the open, with the family living in the back room watching the store.

What is going to happen?

It’s all about community.


It’s all about community and our role in it.

Lets look at what China plans to do over the next 5 years.  The article provides a very broad explanation then links to some  specifics at the bottom, the item about the Yangtze River Economic Belt  being most important. I found this bit of reporting highly important:
"More specifically, these days the government uses the five-year  plans to reinforce and complement the market dynamic by providing  regulation and guidance. That includes providing the legal and social  framework, such as issuing monetary and fiscal policies, providing  public goods and services, such as building high-speed rails, and  correcting for market failures like pollution."
There's a vast difference in focus between China and the West--China's sharply focused on its development in ways the West isn't  whatsoever, and it makes certain its citizenry knows that and everyone's  working as a team--every job has its own value and is important. 

The  best explanation I have is that China is doing while the West is watching and not doing; therefore, China continues to grow ahead of those standing watching with their jaws agape. 
China outnumbers the Outlaw US Empire by more than one billion people. That's a huge team working together to advance their nation and  themselves. 

Within the US Empire, at least 30% of the labor force is idle  and not even counted for unemployment purposes since they aren't  actively looking for non-existent jobs while about 24% of the active labor force is unemployed. That's 54% of your human capital that's not  being used at all to better themselves and their nation. Honestly, which  one has the better outlook? 
- Posted by: karlof1 | Jan  5 2021 22:57 utc | 28

Bravery, sacrifice and respect

The next movie consists of excerpts from a Chinese war drama.

Most Americans haven’t a clue to the fact that China has been embroiled in centuries of very, very bloody warfare. People have suffered well enough, and one of the great polices of modern Communist China is to avoid war and get off that “bandwagon” of exporting “communism”, or “democracy” to the rest of the world.

Instead, China has adopted a “live and let live” attitude, and all of China, from the laws, to the media play this narrative over and over.

Never the less, if you need to fight, you fight to the best of your ability. And you do your best. You fight for family, and your die for family. For in China your community is who you are.

Which is the opposite of what it is in America.

In America, it is “every man for himself“, it’s a “dog eat dog” world and you need to “carve out a life for yourself“, or you are a failure. So in America you don’t have teams. You don’t have families. Instead you have successful individuals.

Instead of Huawei’s leadership committee supported by the Huawei engineering group, you have Elon Musk.

You have Jeff Bezos, you have Hugh Hefner, you have Bill Gates, and you have Donald J. Trump.

In Chinese movies the emphasis is on being the best you can be as part of something bigger. While in American movies it is the individual that fights against all odds.

This next clip is a Chinese war drama. Notice the depictions of bravery for the community of friends. It’s all very Chinese, but maybe…

…just maybe…

…it’s that we are all part of something bigger, and we need to contribute to it.


War is not going to help humanity grow.

It’s working together, not fighting apart.

The tale of the thermos

In our culture, well in most cultures, it seems very odd to open up to strangers. It’s difficult to meet them, to talk to them without feeling a jerk. For in most societies the people that tend to come up to you are typically undesirable…

  • A policeman.
  • A beggar.
  • A mentally ill person.
  • A drunk asshole.
  • A mass murderer.
  • A religious zealot.

And so we avoid others. We stare at our shoes. We read our cell phones, we look at the scenery, we stare off into space. We do anything and everything possible to not engage into inter-personal contact with others. We self isolate. We go home to our dark home and there we stare into the flickering blue glow of the monitors until the next day, when we get up and drive alone to our destination.

This is undesirable.

Humans are social creatures. We need society. We need to communicate with each other. We need that inter-personal level of relationship.

The next story, is a cute one. It’s about a boy who wants to strike up a communication with a pretty girl, but there is nothing to “break the ice with”, just his thermos.


This is the central theme behind the first Howard and Kumar movie; Harold and Kumar go to White Castle (plus a heady dose of smoking that marijuana.)

Help others by active participation…

The next video is from the Middle East. And a man decides to help a beggar out. And maybe the point is clear. Rather than pass by, or rather than just give him a coin. Perhaps assisting in a more active way…

…even if it seems trivial…

…is important.

I personally believe that every action that we perform has meaning and substance. Everything that we do, and every thought that we have, all combine towards the reality that we create for ourselves. Maybe the fellow in the video cannot change this beggars life, nor does he want to. He just wants to help him out a little bit more.

The world would be a much nicer place to live in, if everyone stopped thinking about themselves and instead abandons the “for-profit” model embraced by the capitalist oligarchy out of Washington DC and starts going on the local level ….

…helping each other out.


And from Europe we have a similar themed movie. And in this one the same type of action is performed. The point should be clear, you all…

…all over the world…

…most especially in Asia…

…people are waking up to the realization that we all must contribute to the well being of each other, and that the greedy “mine, mine, mine…” oh, you are “bad and evil, we must destroy you“, and all the bans, the nonsense and the hate must end. It is a time that is long over due.


Funny thing about all these videos.

I pulled them off of DouXing which is the Chinese version of Tiktok. You know, the one that Donald Trump banned in the United States for “natural security reasons“.

Perhaps, if you are an American, you will need to destroy your computer now because you watched these dangerous videos with their dangerous ideas. You don’t want the American thought police to come banging in your door and arrest you.

Do you?

It always gets me when the American press says that there can't be peace without "democracy" and "liberalization."
Huh ...  try 20 million dead in America's wars since WW II. 
And as for "democracy," living in America I would love to see some of it. 
Posted by: Mike from Jersey | Jan  5 2021 20:41 utc | 12


I think the main problem are the two different approaches taken by  the US or Chinese, which are diametrically different.  The Chinese seem  to use a "Cumulative" approach, while the US is based on what I call "Winnowing" as a state. Take their respective attitudes towards the poor.

 First the Chinese; Cumulative, we are all in this together.  If everyone has a "job" be it ever-so lowly, selling food on a street  corner for example, then for the Chinese this is a "plus". The person is  more or less responsible for his own well being, is not a burden on the  State for handouts, and could be (potentially) taxable etc.  The object  being that ALL Chinese then become positive factors in the society.  They are also more motivated because they have a "place" in society. The  recent case of Jack Ma and an IPO is not the opposite, but he was  trying to get ahead by means that would have led to more unemployment -  on the back of the Chinese Government. He was not adding to the  cumulative good of the country. Only his own riches. (The Chinese do  have billionaires and riches - but are constrained by Corporate credit  ratings as explained on a previous - very interesting - thread. Thanks  to: psychohistorian | Jan 5 2021 2:08 utc | 162. The MoA Week In Review -  OT 2021-001)

 The US. The attitude is to beat out the chaff leaving only the "kernel". To "Winnow"  the population leaving only the top. ie the poor are sidelined, they  become a problem for the Government (needing support, food etc.). A net  negative value to US society. (The Rich also get handouts from the Fed.  as free money has become an habitude, but that is an another way of  winnowing out the chaff - as others do NOT get the trillion dollar  handouts) The poor have no "place" in a society that has rejected them  and so are less motivated. They must fend for themselves and are  expected to obey. If they do not there are always the police to enforce  obedience. 

 "Cumulative = win-win", and "Winnowing = Only the top win". 
 Posted by: Stonebird | Jan  5 2021 20:26 utc | 11

The world is changing, and it is a good thing. Awareness of it, and awareness of our role in the world is very important. And we do not need to subscribe to any service, pay any fee or provide any user login information to participate. All that matters is to smile, and be more open to the world around you.

Who knows what interesting people you might meet?

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