My brother, and a number of friends, have been warning me all about the dangers of 5G. They tell me to “stay away” from it, and avoid any technology that might have it. They do so because they earnestly believe that it is dangerous. They know that it is dangerous ever since there was a flood of articles about how dangerous it is.
The articles are convincing. They have great charts, links to impressively worded scientific studies, and stores that tug at my emotions.

The articles talk about cell damage due to radiation. They discuss about how once the cells are damaged, that you can get ill. You can catch diseases, and that you are receptive to such things as cancer, strange and exotic illnesses and even the COVID-19. Yikes!
Nasty stuff for sure.
China has been wired for domestic 5G for a couple of years now. It’s NOT coming soon to you and you need to avoid it and stay clear of it. It arrived years ago, been here, been everywhere, and the fear-mongering is three years too late…
…inside of China.
Sorry, but that’s just the way it is.
Like how there was an article in 2019 about how the Chinese were afraid of the implementation of "face recognition" technology. Except that "face recognition" technology was implemented around 2014 and today is considered a mature, and well established technology. I guess the point here is that the United States is not leading the world in "cutting edge" technology. It is lagging behind. So the products and the "innovations" that Americans need to be fearful of are all chimeras. Americans are roughly (right now) approximately 3 to 5 years "behind the ball".
Yes. China is where all of the world’s factories are and where most of the technology development occurs. My 5G Huawei phone is almost two years old, and my Wifi station is a full year and a half old.
And that is the way that it is.
The anti-5G narrative.
Like most of the fear-mongering American media, it only applies to Americans.
When other people, outside of the United States, read the American “news” they end up scratching their head. “WTF?” they ask.
It’s not just China, Europe, Russia and all of Africa. It’s places that Americans consider to be “Third World Shit Holes” like Cambodia and Vietnam…

In the United States, 5G is a new, and unobtainable, technology for Americans. It’s a big dark “boogieman” that Americans must fear.
But for China, nah. The first 5G towers domestically are over three years old.
We’ve been using 5G and getting (according to the US media) “dangerously irradiated” for almost three years now…
My theory on why…
So 5G technology came out and started to be disseminated everywhere. It went to China first. Then to Vietnam, Germany, Poland, France, Brazil, and then started to snake into the American markets after the American agencies finished their near-glacial approval process…
The American industry could not compete.

The 5G technology is so over-the-top better than 4G and it’s predecessors that it is “mind blowing”. It’s like comparing modern CGI animation with 1920’s black and white cartoons. Fast is only part of the story. The first time I turned on my phone, I was actually startled in how fast it turned on and how blazingly quick it worked.
The American industry could not compete.
Over the last decade they laid off American engineers, outsourced to India, and China, and contracted work to China. Meanwhile they spent enormous amount of time, resources and expenditures on “Diversity Directors” and social engineering causes.
- Corporate social responsibility home page – Cisco
- Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Value Sprint
- Diversity and Inclusion in our Workplace | About Verizon
- Insight Out: T-Mobile’s Innovative Approach to Diversity …
- Responsibility | Community, Sustainability & More
Now, do not misunderstand.
It’s not that I do not think that “fairness”, and “corporate responsibility” and the “environment” are not important. They are. Very much so. I believe that we all need to step up to the plate and work together to make the world a far better place to live in.
The point that I am making is that the emphasis on what a company does, it’s “bottom line” and the salaries and the work force do not reflect a healthy working and corporate environment in America. Instead other considerations have taken over. While I use the social re-engingineering as an example, it actually consists of an entire litany of ills. From shareholder desires to human resource policies.
- The salaries of one “Diversity Director” at any of the companies above is around $450,000 / year.
- The salary for a design engineer is around $50,000 / year.
My argument is that instead of hiring five design engineers to develop 5G technology, the America companies opted, instead to hire social re-engineers. This resulted in a slew of meetings, training, and policies for social justice. While other nations, and other companies, focused on improving their products, their services and their manufacturing.

Now, with that understood…
The anti-5G cabal
The anti-5G narrative only came into being when Huawei completely eclipsed their American counterparts in technology leadership, and their CEO’s came to Trump and begged for his help.
It did not materialize in a manner associated with scientific concern or distress. It came about precisely when the political scene narrated an anti-Huawei, and thus anti-5G stance.
- Trump signs order setting stage to ban Huawei from U.S …
- Trump official calls Huawei ‘Mafia’ as White House works ..
- Trump’s latest explanation for the Huawei ban is …
- Trump and Mnuchin on Huawei, trade, national security
- Why is Trump blacklisting Huawei? – The Washington Post
- Huawei and the Trump debacle: Everything that’s happened …
The American industry, lead by Cisco approached the Trump administration, latched on his “Make America Great Again”, anti-China screed, and demanded for action. Their arguments were valid. They donated millions to the Republican and Trump campaigns, and now they needed government help and action.
They genuflected in front of Trump. Kissed his signet ring and placed accolades at the feet of John Bolton and Mike Pompeo. And then…
…lo and behold, it suddenly became a “national security issue”.
- Is Huawei a national security threat? | Penn Today
- US defence secretary warns Huawei 5G will put alliances at …
- Exclusive: U.S. prepares crackdown on Huawei’s global chip …
- Is Huawei a National Security Threat to US and its Allies?
- Without proof, is Huawei still a national security threat …
The flood of articles came immediately hard and fast, once President trump declared war on Huawei.
One wonders why America ends up with Trump as president. Trump is just a symptom. He is not the only one doing the non-stop and endless lying. America is an empire of lies and its leader is the emperor of lies. One shouldn't be surprised. All this talk about US-China conflict is just wishful thinking. All China needs to do is ignore the lying liars and go its own way. America will self immolate. A people so delusional with its own lies will wake up one day to notice that reality and viruses do not care. Nature abhors a moron; it most certainly abhors a moronic and delusional nation. There is no news in truth and no truth in news. -Peter Man
When I point this fact out, they retort, well the President is (after all) looking out for people. He wants to protect them. You know, from the evil dark communists that want to take over the world. We know this, because Trump told us so.
Well. Personally, I think it’s more an economic issue rather than a health issue.
You know, like how GM bought up all the trolley cars in Los Angles, or the way that GM rode Preston Tucker out of business. It’s an American norm. If your company has a monopoly you use everything in your power to crush the opposition.

An American company is being eclipsed by a Chinese company that spent money on scientists and engineers. While the American company spent money on social engineering programs, diversity, and diversity officers (all very, very well paid for, of course).
This is the result.
- Huawei: US will lag in 5G if it is blocked after Trump …
- Trump rejects nationalizing 5G, weakens US hand
- Boris Johnson defies Trump and gives Huawei the green …
- Huawei says Trump’s ban will hurt US 5G deployment – CNET
The result of all this.
Well, all these events have created a very interesting situation.
- People in Vietnam have access to 5G, and Americans do not.
- People in Burma, Cambodia, and Japan have access to 5G. Americans do not.
- People in China, Russia and Poland have access to state-of-the-art 5G technology. Americans do not.
Don’t you think that there is something wrong about this picture?
But, you know, Americans are just fine and dandy with that. You see, 5G is bad. It is terrible. It’s evil communist technology. Not the pure, free and wonderful “democratic technology” constructed through “American exceptionalism”, don’t you know. Just google it. It’s outrageous.

So Americans can live without that terrible, icky, nasty technology.
How do I know?
I’ve been using 5G phones and a base station in my house for years now.
I have a 5G router in my living room, and another on the nightstand beside my bed. (You see, the 5G technology cannot penetrate walls that well. You need to have multiple wifi stations to use it effectively.)

Now I am not sick, I haven’t been sick and none of the problems that all those articles profess that should happen to me are no where to be found.
Now the reader should not be confused.
Just because the radiation has not affected me, my family, those around me, the city that I live in, or my nearby business associates, does not mean that the American narrative is a fiction. It could be that we are all the exception rather than the rule.

Tab soda drink
I well remember the 1970’s. My father was trying to keep his weight down, and so he switched from drinking Coke-cola to “Tab”.
He would go to the local “beer distributor” and pick up cases of the stuff. And he ended up guzzling that soda just like it was water.

Tab was similar to Coke except that it didn’t use sugar.
Tab is a diet cola soft drink created and produced by The Coca-Cola Company, introduced in 1963. Coca-Cola's first diet drink, Tab was notably popular throughout the 1960s and 1970s, and several variations were made, including a number of fruit-flavored, root beer, and ginger ale versions. Caffeine-free and clear variations were released in the late-1980s and early-1990s. -Wikipedia
And it really started to take a big bite into the Pepsi-cola franchise. They started to lose money, and their competitor (the one who manufactured Tab) started to gobble up Pepsi market-share.
So what do you think happened?

That’s right!
All of a sudden, studies “proved” that the sugar substitute in Tab was dangerous. As I recall, lab mice started to die.
Of course, it came out later that they were given near-lethal does of sugar-substitute to begin with. I think it was an equivalent to a human ingesting a 50lb sack of chemicals every day until they died. It was pretty gosh-darn horrific, I’ll tell you what.

Anyways, this is all “ancient” history. Those that have a monopoly do everything in their power to keep and hold market-share. This was true of GM, Coke-cola, and is very true with Microsoft and Cisco.
So I am not at all surprised that they decided to create an exclusive market for their products.
You WILL use American made cell-phones! You will use what ever technology we say, and we will make it a law to punish you if you refuse!
Just like how the American military-industrial market has forced the DoD to purchase inadequate, outdated, and very expensive products with questionable utility and dangerous application.
- The 10 Most Blatantly Wasteful Defense Items In … – Forbes
- A Reality Check on Military Spending
- Pentagon Tells Congress to Stop Buying … –
- U.S. Military Bases Around the World: Unnecessary …
The problem is, it’s only a short-lived phenomenon.
Soon, they will lose ground in the market unless they develop innovation, product design and development. But that is not what I am seeing. Instead, I am seeing more of the “same oh, same oh”. With no real aggressive technical efforts.
I use 5G technology. I haven’t had any problems with it. I like it’s speed and the amazing things that it can do. It is revolutionizing technology outside of America and while the rest of the world are advancing in leaps and bounds, the United States is hunkering down and entrenching.
If this keeps up, the prognosis will not be good for America and Americans.
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My information is that the demonisation of ‘5G’ is necessary in order to undermine Chinese technological advances (which is waaaaaay ahead in this area; kind of like Microsoft missing the whole mobile revolution thing. It happens! U.S infrastructure is crumbling, too. Everybody knows this; while EVERYTHING in China and South Korea is brand spanking new) as they are years ahead in this area of research and many others; and have, or are on the verge of securing multi-billion dollar 5G contracts with a number of governments, worldwide, which will place them in an unassailable position (in terms of funding for further research and innovation) for the foreseeable future, at least. The Americans and their allies will never be able to catch up.
Instead, the Americans torpedoed the global economy– as well as their own– rather than allow China’s rise to preeminence, economically, at least. (Plain as day to those with the eyes to see and experience of what Uncle Sam really represents and is capable of.) Now things can be re-arranged using the remnants of empire and the British Commonwealth in order to ensure trade-routes and supply chains are rearranged, sourced and located elsewhere. i.e. Non-reliance on China. Which would, of course, have a disastrous effect on China’s bottom-line. Temporarily, at least. And allow enough time to either attack China or rearrange the trade routes in ways that would isolate China while they still have the ability to do so. In 20– or even 10– years it’ll be too late.
What a risky game they are playing.
Huawei harassment; ‘5G’ security concerns and Britain ‘accepting’ Huawei’s bid to upgrade their security networks (was never gonna happen, but they used Huawei as bait in order to get the average chump in the street crying blue murder! The Chinese will be listening in to all our communications! ……You know how it goes.)
We’ve had a 5G test in my own rural area over the past year, or so, and our avian visitors from sunnier climes are more abundant than ever– cuckoos; finches and tits; swallows; you name it. A rich wildlife– and not to even mention the barn-cats. If 5G was harmful in any way, they wouldn’t be near the place. Sure, there may be some issues arising further down the line– it is microwave radiation, after all– but nowhere near as dangerous as is being made out.
CV19 was/is a bio-weapon; released intentionally; and the cover stories of 5G bullshit and seasonal ‘flu were prepared carefully AND in advance. I’m personally convinced it’s only a matter of time before we are hit with Version 2 and have prepared accordingly. Something big is going to happen. I hope I am wrong, but I feel it in my bones. And through senses that have been honed well over the years.
9/11 will seem like a picnic by comparison.
Thanks again for the information and heads-up, Mr. Man.
Stay safe, you and your readers.
My information is that the demonisation of ‘5G’ is necessary in order to undermine Chinese technological advances (which is waaaaaay ahead in this area; kind of like Microsoft missing the whole mobile revolution thing. It happens! U.S infrastructure is crumbling, too. Everybody knows this; while EVERYTHING in China and South Korea is brand spanking new) as they are years ahead in this area of research and many others; and have, or are on the verge of securing multi-billion dollar 5G contracts with a number of governments, worldwide, which will place them in an unassailable position (in terms of funding for further research and innovation) for the foreseeable future, at least. The Americans and their allies will never be able to catch up.
Instead, the Americans torpedoed the global economy– as well as their own– rather than allow China’s rise to preeminence, economically, at least. (Plain as day to those with the eyes to see and experience of what Uncle Sam really represents and is capable of.) Now things can be re-arranged using the remnants of empire and the British Commonwealth in order to ensure trade-routes and supply chains are rearranged, sourced and located elsewhere. i.e. Non-reliance on China. Which would, of course, have a disastrous effect on China’s bottom-line. Temporarily, at least. And allow enough time to either attack China or rearrange the trade routes in ways that would isolate China while they still have the ability to do so. In 20– or even 10– years it’ll be too late.
What a risky game they are playing.
Huawei harassment; ‘5G’ security concerns and Britain ‘accepting’ Huawei’s bid to upgrade their security networks (was never gonna happen, but they used Huawei as bait in order to get the average chump in the street crying blue murder! The Chinese will be listening in to all our communications! ……You know how it goes.)
We’ve had a 5G test in my own rural area over the past year, or so, and our avian visitors from sunnier climes are more abundant than ever– cuckoos; finches and tits; swallows; you name it. A rich wildlife– and not to even mention the barn-cats. If 5G was harmful in any way, they wouldn’t be near the place. Sure, there may be some issues arising further down the line– it is microwave radiation, after all– but nowhere near as dangerous as is being made out.
CV19 was/is a bio-weapon; released intentionally; and the cover stories of 5G bullshit and seasonal ‘flu were prepared carefully AND in advance. I’m personally convinced it’s only a matter of time before we are hit with Version 2 and have prepared accordingly. Something big is going to happen. I hope I am wrong, but I feel it in my bones. And through senses that have been honed well over the years.
9/11 will seem like a picnic by comparison.
Thanks again for the information and heads-up, Mr. Man.
Stay safe, you and your readers.
My information is that the demonisation of ‘5G’ is necessary in order to undermine Chinese technological advances (which is waaaaaay ahead in this area; kind of like Microsoft missing the whole mobile revolution thing. It happens! U.S infrastructure is crumbling, too. Everybody knows this; while EVERYTHING in China and South Korea is brand spanking new) as they are years ahead in this area of research and many others; and have, or are on the verge of securing multi-billion dollar 5G contracts with a number of governments, worldwide, which will place them in an unassailable position (in terms of funding for further research and innovation) for the foreseeable future, at least. The Americans and their allies will never be able to catch up.
Instead, the Americans torpedoed the global economy– as well as their own– rather than allow China’s rise to preeminence, economically, at least. (Plain as day to those with the eyes to see and experience of what Uncle Sam really represents and is capable of.) Now things can be re-arranged using the remnants of empire and the British Commonwealth in order to ensure trade-routes and supply chains are rearranged, sourced and located elsewhere. i.e. Non-reliance on China. Which would, of course, have a disastrous effect on China’s bottom-line. Temporarily, at least. And allow enough time to either attack China or rearrange the trade routes in ways that would isolate China while they still have the ability to do so. In 20– or even 10– years it’ll be too late.
What a risky game they are playing.
Huawei harassment; ‘5G’ security concerns and Britain ‘accepting’ Huawei’s bid to upgrade their security networks (was never gonna happen, but they used Huawei as bait in order to get the average chump in the street crying blue murder! The Chinese will be listening in to all our communications! ……You know how it goes.)
We’ve had a 5G test in my own rural area over the past year, or so, and our avian visitors from sunnier climes are more abundant than ever– cuckoos; finches and tits; swallows; you name it. A rich wildlife– and not to even mention the barn-cats. If 5G was harmful in any way, they wouldn’t be near the place. Sure, there may be some issues arising further down the line– it is microwave radiation, after all– but nowhere near as dangerous as is being made out.
CV19 was/is a bio-weapon; released intentionally; and the cover stories of 5G bullshit and seasonal ‘flu were prepared carefully AND in advance. I’m personally convinced it’s only a matter of time before we are hit with Version 2 and have prepared accordingly. Something big is going to happen. I hope I am wrong, but I feel it in my bones. And through senses that have been honed well over the years.
9/11 will seem like a picnic by comparison.
Thanks again for the information and heads-up, Mr. Man.
Stay safe, you and your readers.
“5G” is part of what this covid is about, the lag you describe. To hobble China by striking its food supply, then the eaters, too, with
p[l]andemics in the works to reset globally social and economic patterns such that they do not fall out of the angloworld ambit and into China’s readying grasp. This talk of 18 months for vaccines etc likely relates to how long banks et al figure it’ll take to get things ready for the coerced changeover away from the self- stricken USD to whatever else the overlordship are trying to get together.
But if you’re a “metallic” man maybe you are a “metal” type, likely if you feel no symptoms after all the exposures you have likely had from your e-equipment and ambiently and maybe occupationally esp if military one ‘d expect. Those whose guardian aspect is “metal” tend to be less outwardly affected by artificial radiation. But it gets them all the same eventually. Their being tougher at skin-level makes for less recognition of what is apt to build up and eventually lead to keeling over. The science is so copious on the dangers of “electrosmog”, not to mention tons of anecdotes of suffering and by now many medical people understanding what is going on. Books abound now as well to get a sense fo the history of it all.
Chinese and Russian scientists have basically mocked the basis of western public exposure standards, and have stricter ones, whether or not they are adhered to. In any case, all these standards are beside the point because everyone is still quite in the dark as to how quite to account for what is going on with all its getting under our skin, with myriad symptomatic and disease effect. I suspect that apart from certain types of greater outward fortitude in ability to withstand for longer the e-onslaught, since cumulative dose, as with “ionizing” radiation, appears to count for much (notwithstanding the official capitalizing on the distinction between ionizing and non-); I expect that e.g. in China and “developing” countries where there will have surely been far less general exposures to manmade electrical pollution over the past generations – and epigenetic effects must be expected, “sensitizing” subsequent generations more and more – there wil be a longer time before people in larger numbers notice the deleterious effects of “5G” related stuff and all the rest.
Your reports from inside China are appreciated, all too uncommon still. Sadly Chinese will have to learn the hard way about electropollution, in their breakneck zeal to go modern. And it is my view that their medical tradition has an actual leg up over western ways in its focus on “qi”, so as to get a handle on how we’re being hurt. What we have loosed on the world 1g2g3g4g5g6g and all before and after for all its benefits all adds up to errant energy for all of biology.
I’ve not looked at any of the edgier stuff you mention on your site and invite us to look at, but if your interest is trained celestially, i urge you to ponder that re radio alone which exploits the atmospherically transparent part of the spectrum, everything creaturely on earth should be expected to depend on the clarity of that spectrum part, which radio etc has grossly interfered with. From insect disappearances all over to “diseases of civilization” the culprit is severely bad qi.
“5G” is part of what this covid is about, the lag you describe. To hobble China by striking its food supply, then the eaters, too, with p[l]andemics in the works to reset globally social and economic patterns such that they do not fall out of the angloworld ambit and into China’s readying grasp. This talk of 18 months for vaccines etc likely relates to how long banks et al figure it’ll take to get things ready for the coerced changeover away from the self- stricken USD to whatever else the overlordship are trying to get together.
But if you’re a “metallic” man maybe you are a “metal” type, likely if you feel no symptoms after all the exposures you have likely had from your e-equipment and ambiently and maybe occupationally esp if military one ‘d expect. Those whose guardian aspect is “metal” tend to be less outwardly affected by artificial radiation. But it gets them all the same eventually. Their being tougher at skin-level makes for less recognition of what is apt to build up and eventually lead to keeling over. The science is so copious on the dangers of “electrosmog”, not to mention tons of anecdotes of suffering and by now many medical people understanding what is going on. Books abound now as well to get a sense of the history of it all.
Chinese and Russian scientists have basically mocked the basis of western public exposure standards, and have stricter ones, whether or not they are adhered to. In any case, all these standards are beside the point because everyone is still quite in the dark as to how quite to account for what is going on with all its getting under our skin, with myriad symptomatic and disease effect. I suspect that apart from certain types of greater outward fortitude in ability to withstand for longer the e-onslaught, since cumulative dose, as with “ionizing” radiation, appears to count for much (notwithstanding the official capitalizing on the distinction between ionizing and non-); I expect that e.g. in China and “developing” countries where there will have surely been far less general exposures to manmade electrical pollution over the past generations – and epigenetic effects must be expected, “sensitizing” subsequent generations more and more – there wil be a longer time before people in larger numbers notice the deleterious effects of “5G” related stuff and all the rest.
Your reports from inside China are appreciated, all too uncommon still. Sadly Chinese will have to learn the hard way about electropollution, in their breakneck zeal to go modern. And it is my view that their medical tradition has an actual leg up over western ways in its focus on “qi”, so as to get a handle on how we’re being hurt. What we have loosed on the world 1g2g3g4g5g6g and all before and after for all its benefits all adds up to errant energy for all of biology.
I’ve not looked at any of the edgier stuff you mention on your site and invite us to look at, but if your interest is trained celestially, i urge you to ponder that re radio alone which exploits the atmospherically transparent part of the spectrum, everything creaturely on earth should be expected to depend on the clarity of that spectrum part, which radio etc has grossly interfered with. From insect disappearances all over to “diseases of civilization” the culprit is severely bad qi.
Best wishes for everyone’s health. I hope one day we discover exactly how the electromagnetic body works as hinted at in Chinese Medicine and other so-called “ancient” and therefore “non-scientific” practices.
Indeed. We have been using Western medicines alongside Chinese techniques with amazing results. You would be surprised.
That would be very interesting to read more about. Just a note about terminology and your mentioning of “2.4G” alongside “5G”. If you do that, you might be confusing frequency range (that is the 2.4Ghz wifi signal from your old router) with a very nebulous term about technology generation (5G) which will and has involved the testing of various frequencies, new modulation schemes, etc including frequencies much beyond 5Ghz.
These whole health worries thing has been studied by official bodies internationally for decades with results that always involve some amount of controversy from various characters but the safety standards are set. It was a worry with 1g mobile devices and it was worry with cordless home phones. As a layperson I have been aware of these telecom studies at least decade before Huawei was in the news in the West. I have 5Ghz router as well but I like my CAT 7 cable even more.
Baby monitors also use similar frequencies, and no one is worrying about the health of their babies. Eh?
Not to mention that I have been receiving ELF frequencies directly since 1981. If my arms start to fall off I’ll tell ya.
Actually, some groups are with those baby monitors and anyone can look that up elsewhere and decide independently what to think about it. I don’t disagree with you.
Personally, I think that everything affects everything else. For instance putting sugar in baby-food has lead to an obese nation. Lord only knows what the GMO’s will do. I grew up with rooms lit by florescent lights. Yet, I think that people would be happier with more natural light spectrum.
Ultimately it’s what this technology is “supposedly” leading to…transhumanism??
We are addicted to this technology, it made “Social distancing” for covid 19 very easy to implement… people are already socially distancing… Walk into any restaurant (if and when they open again) and watch how people who are out to enjoy a meal together are texting and reading their phones rather than actually talking face to face with the person they are sitting with.
Interesting…very interesting…
Yes. The fear-mongering by the USA Government / PTB is at an insane level these days. Anything to “stop the rise” of China. What do I mean about anything…
Cutting hair of poor concentration-camp Muslims and selling it to Americans
Mysterious seeds are being shipped from China to destroy American ecosystem.
Chinese hates dogs and has huge festivals to kill and torture them
Gosh and golly.
Only four years ago they were our “most favored nation trading partner”, and now after four years of neocon control, they are an “enemy” that must be destroyed.