
It’s too late now. You should have gotten out while you could. Now it is too late.

I have some things to say. So brace yourself. I’ve got some strong ideas about life, happiness, peace, freedom, and liberty. I also have ideas about property, hamburgers, beer, wine, and pizza. So fortify yourself with some strong drink and something to crunch upon. Here we go…

You know, the sole purpose of government is to protect it’s citizenry.

That is it.

Nothing else matters. It should make sure that the people are fine and living life, or as they used to say in the United States, being in the “pursuit of happiness“.

Now, this can mean many things, but most fundamentally it means that the people are protected from thieves, robbers, and hoodlums. It also means that they are protected from other nations who might which to perform large-scale robbery, rape, and crimes against people, property, and things.

Different nations handle this differently.

  • Some (like early America) were small, and provided only the necessities.
  • Others believed in a central government that controlled everything.
  • While others set up military empires that pretty much ran the nation through strength.
  • And still others have varying degrees of “democratic” rule.

All nations change over time. Sometimes those changes are gradual, and sometimes those changes are rapid and violent. But change is the norm in human society and it’s high time that America starts to experience some of the long-delayed changes that have been building up for decades, if not centuries.

America today is an oligarchy (PTB) run military empire undergoing the pains of social, financial, economic, and leadership contraction.

It’s painful to watch.


Fundamentally, at the most basic level, a nation that cannot protect its people and that cannot provide for its people is no longer a nation. It is a dysfunctional “something”. It might have a flag, and passports and colored lines on a geographic map, but functionally it has ceased being a nation.

It’s people can see this.

And when they can no longer rely on the police and the government to protect them, they make changes. They seek means of protecting themselves. One of the greatest indicators in a loss of respect and confidence in a nation is when the citizens start buying up firearms and weapons.

When the government can no longer protect it's people, the people try to protect themselves. they purchase guns and ammunition.
When the government can no longer protect it’s people, the people try to protect themselves. they purchase guns and ammunition.

Most of the citizens in a dysfunctional nation can see this.

Only those living within protective enclaves of the elite are unable to see this. Yet, over time, even they too can see what is going on, and those with the necessary means, flee. They construct safe places far away and abandon the nation under collapse.

Those that remain behind have only two options available to them…

  • Accept the status quo and adapt.
  • Or change the nation into something that is functional.

If you, for whatever reason, are unable to participate or accept these options then you must leave. Because no matter how you look at it, there is going to be trying times ahead.

And things could get… uncomfortable.

Things can get uncomfortable when there is no order, no skills, and when laws are not followed. Accidents can happen. Both accidental and intentional.
Things can get uncomfortable when there is no order, no skills, and when laws are not followed. Accidents can happen. Both accidental and intentional.

There were numerous people writing articles arguing that you should construct a “life boat” and leave before things get worse. I was one of them. Here’s another fellow named Llpoh. He wrote an article about escape a few years back, and now he revisits it with some interesting insight…

The following article is from the Burning Platform Blog. In it he revisits an earlier article that he wrote titled “Llpoh: Get Out While You Can”. This article updates it with the day to day craziness that is the norm in America today. It’s a pretty sobering look at what the USA is, or what it has become. All credit to the original author.

Llpoh: Get Out While You Can, Revisited

Just under two years ago I wrote the article that follows. It garnered a lot of comments, and I encourage you to revisit them to see how well they have stood the test of time. The original article can be found here:


If anything, I was far too optimistic in my assessment. It is now too late to get out, as you can easily see. I did what I could to sound the alarm. I told you so, and it brings me no pleasure (well, maybe a little) to say that.

Interestingly, there are a number of posters on the original thread that said they would fight when the time came. I called bullshit then and still do. Things are far worse today than then, but no fighting is happening.


The other side is better organized, and they are marching armed and un-impeded wherever they choose. It looks more and more like the normal folks are surrendering without even a dying whimper. Much as I suspected and predicted. It is not a criticism, just a statement of fact. The left and the minorities have won. If the Hispanics ever join the leftist march, it is well and truly over.

Does anyone see a way out?

The $5 trillion or more yearly deficit, the loss of Liberty to the pandemic, the acquiescence of all organizations and businesses to the demands of the left, the inability to even argue with a black person without losing your job, the loss of freedom of movement, the ability of the radicals to commandeer interstate highways and cities without so much as a “that is illegal” from elected officials, the erasure of history, the inability to defend your person or property, etc., are just some of the thousands of examples that show the normals have lost.

If they are not standing up now, then it is not going to happen.

Because this is as bad as it gets.

Oh, it can get worse, but when you have reached Hell, and you have, it is just the particular level in Hell that is the question.

So the question is – does anyone see a way out? And if so what is it. Because there is nothing happening now that I can see. Please give me some hope. I sure could use it about now. I just do not see it.

This is the text of the original article, for reference:

LLPOH: Get Out While You Can

I am currently stateside. It has been a few years, and I had to take care of some business. My wife and I have revisited some of our favorite spots, and caught up with some family. We have driven through some of God’s finest works. There is no more beautiful landscape anywhere on earth than the west coast, Route 66, southern Colorado, the Badlands, etc.

That said, I say this most sincerely, and with great sorrow. Those of you who can, get out now.

Discussing what to do over drinks.
Discussing what to do over drinks.

What I have seen leads me to depression, and there is no road back for the US, in my opinion.

The blinkered people, the tax collectors roadside (police everywhere collecting taxes), the tax collecting at every opportunity, the welfare state, the severe drop in service at restaurants, the tattoos, the green hair, the lard-asses everywhere, the severe over-population of great swathes of the country, the hideous media out only to inflame, and not to report, the aged and infirm working at whatever jobs they can find, the homeless everywhere, the beggars, the filth roadside, the severe health issues seen at every turn (people everywhere too fat to walk, carrying oxygen, diabetes inflicted, toothless), casinos one after another, hideous roads, etc. ad naseum, lead me to but one conclusion: the US is fucked. It grieves me to say it. It disgusts me to see it.

Of all of these things, the most serious is the blinkered people. They have no insight, no curiosity, no sense of understanding of the world, no vision of anything outside their tiny bubble.

Put together a "go bag" also known as a "bug out bag".
Put together a “bug out bag”.

There are far too many people. California has 40 million, almost double that of Australia, which is more or less the size of the lower 48. I struggle to breathe around such masses.

I can feel the desperation wherever I go, but the people cannot see that they cause their own issues by living far beyond their means, with leased cars and pickups, and mortgaged to the hilt.

I spoke with many relying on pensions, who do not realize the precariousness of their positions. I ask how well funded are their plans, and they stare at me mouths agape, unable to even grasp the question.

If you have the means then use them and go to a safe place.
If you have the means then use them and go to a safe place.

I spoke to many business owners, who are so angry it defies belief. To a man, they are wanting to throw in the towel. The government has choked them to death, and dealing with employees is killing them day by day. One has seven lawsuits going and has been sued 25 times. He services equipment for other companies. Whenever an idiot maims someone with the equipment he services, he gets roped into the lawsuit. The equipment never fails, but some idiot, not employed by him, runs over someone, and he gets sued, guilty by association.

The immigration policy of the US is helping destroy the country. As a reference point, Australia takes a couple hundred thousand immigrants a year, talent-based. Talent based. Compare that to the US insanity.

On and on it goes.

Pick a destination and leave.
Pick a destination and leave.

So I say this. Get out if you can. I recommend New Zealand or Australia. Others might recommend somewhere else. These countries have issues, but they are a few decades behind those that the US has. If not that, then if possible move away from the big cities.

My Concluding Thoughts

Ai! The USA is certainly a big mess.

I know, I left it and ended up in my “life boat” in China. You might hate China, but most people who do, do so out of ignorance. They just don’t know what I know, or what China is like.

I can tell you one thing, though…

China is a functional nation, run by serious people, who do not play. They invest in their people and in their society. They honor their traditions and make sure that they are preserved. All of them, including the 80+ minority groups. It’s beautiful here. The sky is blue, the trees are lush green, the ocean is a rainbow of light blues to dark greens, and all the flowers are vibrant and sweet.

The people are relaxed, and nice. The roads are new and well maintained. The police are alert and there are many freedoms that most Americans have long given up ages ago.

But that is my story.

What is obvious is that the United States is a mess and the elite in positions of power are so “off the grid” in reality that they don’t know if they are coming or going. It can only get worse before it gets better.

If you are stuck in the United States right now, I would suggest that you fortify your home, stockpile supplies, and practice, practice and practice. While it might not end up as a shooting hot conflict, that is (after all) the historical norm. Be prepared.

I would suggest that you fortify your home, set up strong fencing, add strong metal doors, and 2x4 barricades that you can put in place. Hide your supplies and plant shrubbery to hide you home from view.
I would suggest that you fortify your home, set up strong fencing, add strong metal doors, and 2×4 barricades that you can put in place. Hide your supplies and plant shrubbery to hide your home from view.

Do not expect things to get better.

In fact, I argue, that if suddenly things did get better, then I would dig a hole in the ground and hide. For it is possible that even worse things are down the road.

It’s long past the time for “temporary fixes” and “band-aides” and other “kick the can down the road” solutions.

Things have run out.

We all can see the wreck that the United States is today. We can see that the entire government is dysfunctional, that the police are either dangerous or useless, and that the leadership are nothing but greedy evil people who will sell you out in a heartbeat.

It’s game over!

It's game over.
It’s game over.

Things have run out. The end of the road is getting clearer with each passing day.

As the car barrels down the highway and pumping the breaks no longer work… you can see the signs on the highway that read “Dead End”, “Road Closed”, “Bridge Out”, and…

..and when your car crashes through the wooden roadblock and sprinters of the sign are all over the windshield…


You realize that perhaps it’s too late.

Maybe you should jump out of the speeding car. Even though it is going 60 mph on a twisty and winding road…

Even though you might get scratched in the process, it will probably be far safer than getting trapped inside the car as it goes engine first diving onto the rocky shores below.

If you are stuck and trapped in the United States right now, I would advise living a quiet low-key life. You would need to tone down your internet presence. Keep your private home and personal life quiet. Keep your political opinions quiet. Blend in, and then only come out when the “all clear” siren sounds.

Only come out when it is safe to come out.
Only come out when it is safe to come out.

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Bo Chen

USA is at it again, released a new bioweapon deadlier than COVID, now going after China’s Belt and Road friendly countries


I told my parents and friends that Chinese Americans living in US will be in death camps before the end of the year… Its indeed “too late” to get out…

In the meantime, I made a DF-41 simulator on Steam and published it as free game, hope CIA doesn’t take notice and take it down, lol:



WOW! Most of us already know what’s happening in the US just by followingthe usual fake news – but as you know, don’t normal people who read how f’ed up things are realize that IT’S REALLY F’ED UP! How is that possible that a nation that since the late 1800’s has lead the industrial revolution and basically created the greatest tsunami of wealth, knowledge and resource utilization capabilities, be so F”ed up today? HOw can a country and ppl do so badly when they were on top of the world? DOnt they see something there? DOnt the ppl who are screqing things up see what they are doing wrong personally – and lets just leave the bankers and PTB out. Just normal ppl. How can ppl be so utterly DUMB? Well, some of us can point at the answers and just shake our heads…. I just hope that MMs “presentation on reality” on the benefactors requiring sentience sorting and hopefully, it will be a STO solution, as IMHO the US and the world is so screwed because of STS – that we cant do that anymore. As readers of this site, we need to start “quietly” influencing ppl and events around us to steer them to STO, and to sanity, to a NEW WORLD where good ppl take care of each other – and that’s not a f’ing pipe dream. The benefactors and those empowered to do so, have to get rid of the self-selected and final-selected miscreants and misfits STS shitfcks. Sorry if that hurst anyones feelings. Because those of us who are STO want to be kind and nice and reciprocal with other STO ppl, and lets face it, its time to call on the benefcators to thin the herd off the shitfcks…. Just my two cents. And yes, I will submit to a STO test of qualification to earn OR NOT EARN my place in the NEW WORLD. I am willing to work with those who are in power and our benefactors for a better world without the lardasses, naysayers, liars, druggies, violent offenders, thieves, religious crazies, donothingers, warmongers, snowflakes, extremists, SJ sillyfcks and you can add ur own list members. What do you think, dear friends? The time will come for you to identify yourselves. MIght as well get ur values & qualification interview speech ready to justify your continued acceptance (I think it was Huxley [or somebody else] who believed that all citizens should come before a trubunal and actually justify continue living their lives, or be removed from the living world for wasting resources. The selection time will come – we are being made aware of this via many means. Thanx MM!

Bo Chen

Amerikkka trying to get China to voluntarily de-nuke…. I guess the CIA thinks the CCP is Native Americans 2.0??



Everything you predicted is coming, Mr Man. Everything. Just as well you skedaddled while you could. This guy is former CIA and yet he’s still a) very concerned and b) clueless as to what’s ultimately going on.
That tells us all we need to know.
America is fucked. It’s so sad.
Thank you so much again for the heads up in advance. And blessings to you.
Take care~
Im fucking going crypto. And not Bitcoin.


And as a slight aside, Mr Man, Everything you predicted stateside is coming to pass. Everything. Just as well you skedaddled while you could. This guy is former CIA and yet he’s still a) very concerned and b) clueless as to what’s ultimately going on.
That tells us all we need to know.
America is fucked. It’s so sad.
Thank you so much again for the heads up in advance. And blessings to you.
Take care~
Im fucking going crypto. And not Bitcoin. Luckily I’m in the E.U. which is an economic mess, but functioning reasonably short of a second wave. But still, anything can happen in the next half hour, as they used to say in Stingray! Remember that one?


Spot on. I saw the same things when I lived in Cali. Fat, stupid, semi comatose as they waddle through a store piling crap food in their basket. I live in mountains of Montana now and i hate going to visit friends in Cali. You are right. There is no hope for the majority of them. None. All of your writings are so damn good.