Well, America is in a process of change. And it is happening, though it is not being reported. Both the alt-Left and the alt-Right are silent on what is actually going on. The American people are being kept ignorant. But you can rest assured that changes are in process. Pieces are moving into place, and not a peep is being reported to anyone.
Things are occurring.
They are not being reported.
Do not be under the impression that it’s all part of [1] the COVID-19 vaccination issue, [2] the round-up of the participants in the White House Riots, or [3] the moves towards diversity, reparations, or [4] any such quasi-political posturing. Those are nice distractions that the “news” likes to take issue about.
Nothing is being reported. Secrets and orders are being carried out in isolation, by trusted operatives, and done in absolute secrecy. You can guarantee that.
Instead, other things are being “reported” in the American “news”. It’s just one distraction after the other. Hey! How’s all that 5G “brain damage” working out, or those dangerous giant zombie killer hornets (from China)? How has the “news” about this improved our life?

The New Chinese Year of the Bull starts this evening.
And all of China is subdued.
Part of it is because after last year (2020) most people are cautiously guarded. (Which I think is pretty much the same all over the world). But also because of the risk of war (from the United States and the Quad). The USA, even though Biden is President, is still sending military weapons, equipment and a presence to sit off the coast of China and threaten. And that is what it is. Don’t you know.
They sit there and threaten.
Not for “democracy”.
But to appease the wealthy oligarchy cluster (inside the American military Empire) that Biden will not stop the anti-China narrative. You know, a target; a scapegoat, a “evil” must be identified so that the military war machine can gear into action!
But really the silence is deafening. Why? Well, for the first time in all of Chinese history, fireworks have been banned. Which makes a very quiet holiday, I’ll tell you what.
We put up our yearly door decorations, and bought some food for the holiday. We’ve got a lot of booze, fine delicious food, and plenty of snacks. But, unlike other years, this year we won’t be off going to a ton load of parties.

There’s a heightened sense of awareness regarding biological weapons (after what happened last year) has got the inspectors running overtime. They are on a ruthless search and destroy mission to catch the (still officially unnamed) COVID-20 and COVID-21 bio-weapons. The ones released in the fall of last year by a very vindictive President Trump. And the Chinese government has taken action in Beijing and Hong Kong regarding the strange appearances of these bio-weapons.
The virus kit now has throat testing for COVID-19 and anal swabs for COVID-20 and COVID-21. Which is making it rather uncomfortable and unpleasant. But (after all) no one really wants to die by vomiting or diarrhea. So you take the exam lying down. Well, actually, on your side. And you allow the masked and garbed medical professional to shove a long cotton swab in your anus and swirl it around about ten times. They do this twice, you know.
Any ways, it’s really making this CNY feel awfully strange and odd.
Just a reminder. COVID-20 Unusually huge sized virus. Swine-based. Human-transmission. Lethal. Causes death by vomiting. Discovered in a Beijing "wet market" within weeks of the Huge Trump-led US Navy Armada sailing home without a military confrontation. When the PLA discovered the virus, President Trump went into a three day "retreat" causing the USA military to go DEFCON ONE. The cover story was that he had the Coronavirus. COVID-21 Unusually huge sized virus. Tick-based. Human-transmission. Lethal. Causes death by diarrhea. Discovered in Beijing in October right before the US Presidential Election.
The military are out.
Not as a show of force or intimidation. Not for “riots” or any such nonsense, but because China is back at DEFCON ONE. And you can see the military manning their stations. Here’s a picture at the local mall about a fifteen minute walk from my house.
Nothing of concern, mind you. They are just manning their stations.

Usually, it’s a time of “the great migration”, or when everyone goes back home for a month long orgy of eating, drinking, and drinking, and drinking and more eating.
Not this year though.
Everyone is asked to stay home. The local villages have gone door to door asking everyone to tell their relatives to stay put. And bigger cities, like mine, is giving people money to spend at the stores and restaurants to help with the unexpected deviance from tradition.
Now, people ARE having parties, dinners and going out. Just not in their home-towns, and in much smaller and subdued groups.

And while all this is going on…
… a very quiet time on the Chinese home-front.
The Chinese military are conducting joint Naval and missile test runs with the Russians and the Iranians. These latest exercises are much bigger and more involved than the earlier ones. And the US department of the Navy has sent a few more Assault Carrier battle groups to China... you know…
…”for democracy“.
What is all this delicious "democracy" that I keep hearing about? It must be something wonderful and great. It has to be, don't you know, for America to spend trillions of dollars destroying a third of the world for it's survival.
I guess that none of you all realized that this was going on, eh?
Meanwhile, most “normal” and regular folk are having meals with their families. They are all happy affairs, and look sort of like this…

Not what you would see in an American “Chinese Restaurant” eh?… That’s because what most food in an American-Chinese restaurant are Americanized versions of Chinese food. And it’s sort of the “fast food” version of actual Chinese food.
It’s equivalent to thinking that a McDonald’s “hamburger” is “authentic” American dinner food.

But back to my rant…
Oh, yeah.
Sorry about the food digression. I’m talking about the digression of CNY, and how it is muted because of the Coronavirus, the vomiting-to-death virus, and the Beijing tick virus.
BTW... Did you know that there were ticks in Beijing? I didn't. It's too cold and dry, and dusty for them to live. So the ticks must be a hardy species indeed. Wouldn't you think. That is why they have to use remote-controlled drones to spray human-transmissible tick viruses over the populated Northern cities of China.
(Forehead slap!)
I wonder how America would do if some nation decides to conduct this exact same activity on New York, Chicago or Houston? At the rate America is playing with "fire", it might be a good idea to maintain strong bio-weapon discipline and preventative measures as a matter of habit.
Have you ever watched a magician perform a magic trick? One hand is doing the secret activity, while the other hand is involved in the big deception.
All by the American “news”. Hey! What’s in the “news” today, eh?
- DOJ says Oath Keepers leader waited for Trump’s direction before Capitol attack…
- More Proud Boys Arrested on Conspiracy Charges…
- Impeachment trial video shows vast scope, danger…
- Computer programmer downloaded streams as PARLER went offline…
- Managers say acquittal could embolden extremists…
- MAGA mob ‘wanted to lynch the VP’…
- ‘Oh Naaaaaaancy’…
- Some rioters believed they answered God’s call…
- Dems rest prosecution with Donald’s ‘lack of remorse’…
- Senators Show Signs of Fading Attention…
- Defense to Take Only Day…
- Expose ‘hypocrisy’…
- Where’s John Roberts?
You all shouldn’t get too riled up about all this. The big build-up is gearing towards Russia. After all, America needs China to keep supplying the parts, materials and electronics for it’s fighter planes and expensive weapons systems.
The hate-narrative is building up against Russia…
What else is new? Eh? Just like Ancient Rome that HAD to continually right on the outskirts of the empire and "defeat the barbarians at the gates", America must constantly fight against, terror, hunger, obesity, poverty, communism, and everything else it can find... ...for "democracy!"
…now those dirty commies are putting bounties on killing Americans. How dare they! Stinkin’ dirty commies!
- Russia Secretly Offered Afghan Militants Bounties to Kill U.S. Troops, Intelligence Says
- US intelligence indicates Iran paid bounties to Taliban for targeting American troops in Afghanistan
- Scoop: Trump administration declassifies unconfirmed intel on Chinese bounties
All this nonsense is nauseating.
But it’s a new year; the year of the Bull, and it’s gonna be real exciting.

But it’s the world we live in.
Right now. Anyways.
The people running the levels of control of America (and Britain) are a tad crazy. And I need to remind everyone of this, because you aren’t watching how the rest of the world are reacting to the craziness that America is today.
I have to show it to you all in a very elementary form.
You know. Something like this…

Now, if I were in the USA I would lie low and make sure that I knew my neighbors really, really well. You all need a true and real sense of unity during times of high stress and upheaval.
I am not advocating armed rebellion.
But rather a way of connecting with friends and family, and a serious decline in the social networks and communication screed that passes for modern American communication these days. Get back to your roots and help each other. If you try to be the “lone wolf” you will end up…
…being alone.

And while President Biden is trying to put a “adult in the room ” aura don’t let that fool you. There are elements in government that are working hand-in-hand, and behind the curtain, to force some changes that many people will be very uncomfortable with.
Only this time…
…those in government are smarter and better prepared to implement the changes that they desire.

You know, as someone who actually lives inside a communist country, I can tell you first hand that the rap it gets has little in common with the actual reality. Don’t fear what you do not understand, and please be more understanding of those who hold different views from you.
That being said, do not turn a blind eye to history. There are some very evil people out there. many of whom prefer to dwell around large urban areas. You know the places, like Washington DC, New York City and Chicago. And they are capable of really taking a wrecking ball to your life. So you need to be alert.
And speaking about changes…
…maybe a review of some history might be in order.
The following is an article titled “46 things I learned from being gulaged Varlam Shalamov spent much of the period from 1937 to 1951 gulaged in the arctic cold of Kolyma. These are the 46 things he learned from the experience”. It was written on January 15, 2020, and described the life inside a Gulag camp in the former Soviet Union. Reprinted as found with notations as shown. All credit to the source and the author.
46 things I learned from being gulaged – Varlam Shalamov

Varlam Tikhonovich Shalamov (June 18, 1907 – January 17, 1982) was a Russian writer, journalist, poet and Gulag survivor. He spent 15 years enslaved in Soviet gulags — six of them in the gold mines in the bitter arctic cold of Kolyma — due in part to having supported Leon Trotsky and praised the anti-Soviet writer Ivan Bunin.
One of Shalamov’s surviving writings is a 1961 list of 46 things he learned from his gulag experience.
You will benefit the most from it by already knowing the basics about these slave camps which worked many inmates to death (and in some cases even forced the slaves to eat each other).
The essay was translated by Dmitry Subbotin and Robert Denis, and editorial additions are marked in bracketed italics.
What I Saw and Learned in the Kolyma Camps
1. The extraordinary fragility of human nature, of civilization. A human being would turn into a beast after three weeks of hard work, cold, starvation and beatings. [People can easily turn feral. Do not be under the illusion that we (as humans) are beyond our base natures.]
2. The cold was the principal means of corrupting the soul; in the Central Asian camps people must have held out longer — it was warmer there. [Humans can survive in warmer weather, but colder weather will absolutely kill you.]
3. Friendship and solidarity never arise in difficult, truly severe conditions — when life is at stake. Friendship arises in difficult but bearable conditions (in the hospital, but not in the mine).
[ed: u/LevantineJR had an interesting comment on this: “That this is less than a universal, profound truth, has been demonstrated in the labour camps of Imperial Japan during WW2, as recorded by company commander Ernest Gordon in “Miracle on the River Kwai” a.k.a. “In the Valley of the Kwai” (1963). It’d be very interesting and important to understand why widespread solidarity appeared in the WW2 labour camps in Indochina after a period of ~10 months, while in the GULAG it failed to appear for years, or even decades. Harshness of conditions? The death rates in the Japanese war labour camps were several times higher than in the GULAG. So, the general harshness of conditions is ruled out. Nor could it be simply culture or genes, because those very same inhabitants of Kolyma created resistant collectives of solidarity in the Moscow prisons. Now, what of a particular factor: cold? Plausible, I think. Shalamov may be right that cold was an exceptionally strong, and a sort of a key factor.”]
4. Spite is the last human emotion to survive. A starving man has only enough flesh to feel spite — he is indifferent to everything else.
5. The difference between prison and work camps. Prison strengthens character, and work camps, corrupt the human soul.
In America you can see the difference. In Pennsylvania, the purpose of prison is to rehabilitate. So Prisons are designed to help people correct their behaviors. In Arkansas, the purpose of prison is to punish. So all prisons are hard-labor work-camps. It is to make people fear the government and incarceration.
6. Organization is important in survival against an oppressive government. I learned that Stalin’s «triumphs» were possible because he slew innocent people: had there been an organized movement, even one-tenth in number, but organized, it would have swept Stalin away in two days.
7. Humans are resilient. I learned that humans became human because they are physically stronger, tougher than any animal — no horse endures work in the Far North.
8. You need faith, and belief in a higher purpose. I saw that the only group that retained a bit of their humanity, despite the starvation and abuse, were the religious, the sectarians, almost all of them — and the majority of the priests.
9. The easiest to corrupt are those in government. The first ones to be corrupted, the most susceptible, are the party members and military men.
10. People who have never been exposed to raw force, and who expected to debate were often surprised how serious, and how quickly events can go from “neutral” to “hot”. I saw what a forcible argument a simple slap could be for an intellectual.
11. You start to rate people by their ability to be brutal. That people distinguish between camp chiefs according to the power of their punches, to their enthusiasm for beatings.
12. A beating is almost irresistible as an argument («Method number three»).
13. Show Trials was how everything was actually run in the DOJ. I learned the truth about the preparations for the cryptic trials [ed: the show trials of the Great Terror of 1937] from masters of the craft.
14. The “grapevine” is real. I learned why in prison you get political news (arrests, etc.) sooner than on the outside.
15. Rumors always had a basis on reality. That prison (and camp) rumours [ed: known in Russian prison slang as parasha — “the slop bucket”] always turn out to be anything but slop.
16. I learned that one can live on spite alone.
17. I learned that one can live on indifference.
18. Hope is bleached from your life. I learned why a man lives neither on hope — there are no hopes at all, nor on will — what will?, but only on the instinct of self-preservation, the same as a tree, a rock, an animal.
19. Don’t stick out. You become a target. I’m proud that at the very beginning, back in 1937, I decided to never become a foreman if my decision could lead to another man’s death, if my will would be forced to serve the authorities oppressing other people, prisoners like myself.
20. My body and spirit proved to be stronger in this great trial than I thought, and I am proud to have betrayed no one, to have sent no one to death nor to the camp, to have denounced no one.
21. It’s easy to give in and sign “the papers” showing your guilt. I’m proud to have made no requests until 1955.
[ed: In 1955 Shalamov made a request for rehabilitation].
22. Bad people are terrible and awesome in their evil. I saw the so called «Beria amnesty» there and then — it was something to see.
[ed: Lavrentiy Beria was one of Stalin’s henchmen He was a serial rapist and mass murderer who was responsible for, among other things, coming up with the idea for and then carrying out the execution of all of the Soviet Union’s 22,000 Polish prisoners (the Katyn massacre). Shalamov’s “Beria amnesty” is a reference to when Beria released a large number of criminal class gulag prisoners as a political play that backfired on him.]
23. I saw that women are more honest and selfless than men — there was not a single husband at Kolyma who came after his wife. But wives did come; many did (Faina Rabinovitch, Krivoshey’s wife) [ed: See Shalamov’s Green attorney].
24. People still held on to their roles within families. I saw the amazing northerner families (civilians, former prisoners) with their letters to their «lawful husbands and wives» etc.
25. The Wealthy did terrible things to become rich. I saw «the first Soviet Rockefellers», underground millionaires, and heard their confessions.
26. Political prisoners suffered the harshest punishments. If your ideology did not match that of the people running the government, then run for your lives. I saw the hard laborers, and also the large E and B contingents, the Berlag camp.
[ed: Berlag, or Beregovoy Camp Directorate, Special Camp No. 5, was an MVD special camp. These were camps established exclusively for political prisoners convicted according to the more severe sub-articles of Article 58 (enemies of the people). Wrote Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in The Gulag Archipelago: “There is no step, thought, action, or lack of action under the heavens which could not be punished by the heavy hand of Article 58.”]
27. There are tradeoffs to everything you do. I learned that one can achieve a lot (a hospital, a work transfer), but at the risk of life — at the cost of a beating and the isolation cell cold.
28. Cells some in different shapes and sizes. All are unpleasant. I saw an isolation cell carved out in rock, and spent one night in it myself.
29. Power is seductive, and entraps everyone. The lust for power, for unpunished murder is great — from big shots down to regular police operatives with rifles (Seroshapka [ed: See Shalamov’s Berries] and his ilk).
30. To protect yourself, you learn to rat-out others, anyone else, just to survive. I learned the unrestrained Russian lust to denounce, to complain.
31. There are no “good” and “bad” people. I learned that world should be divided not into good and bad people but into cowards and non-cowards. 95% of cowards are capable of any meanness, lethal meanness, after light threatening.
32. Prison and work camps do not improve anyone. It’s all a corrupt system of suppression. I am convinced: the camp is a negative experience — entirely. If one spent but an hour there — it would be an hour of moral corruption. The camp has never given anything to anyone — and never could. Everyone, both prisoners and civilians, are corrupted by the camp.
33. Work and “rehabilitation” camps were everywhere, just not advertised to the public. In every region there was a work camp, there was one at every major construction site. Millions, tens of millions of prisoners.
[ed: Estimations of gulag slaves between 1928/9 and 1953 (earlier gulag stats much harder to analyze) range from 14 to 25 million. This number excludes the millions who were “internally exiled” to the wilds or just outright murdered.]
34. A corrupt government leadership corrupts everything. Repressions touched not only the ruling elite but all levels of society — in every village, at every plant, in every family either relatives or friends were repressed.
35. Being helpful to others provides inner peace. I consider the best time of my life to be the months spent in the cell of Butyrki prison, where I managed to strengthen the spirit of those who were weak and where everyone spoke freely.
36. Live day to day, in the “now”. I learned to «plan» one day ahead, no further.
37. Bosses become a different kind of animal. I learned that kingpins are not human.
38. Everyone becomes equal in a work camp. That there are no criminals at the camp, there are your present (and future) neighbors caught behind the line of the law and not those who crossed it.
39. Being a thief is a survival skill. I learned how terrible the ego of a boy, of a youth is: better steal than ask. This and their boasting throws youth to the bottom.
40. When you are isolated away from women, you don’t enjoy their pleasures. Women didn’t play a big role in my life — camp is the reason.
41. Character discernment is useless. The discernment of character is a useless ability — I am unable to change my ways for any scum that comes along.
42. Avoid being the last. The last in the row, which are hated by everyone — by guards and inmates alike — are those dropping behind, the sick, the weak, those incapable of running in the cold.
43. Power comes from a gun. I learned what power is and what a man with a gun means.
44. The balance of justice shifts in a work camp. That the scale is shifted, and this is what is most typical in a work camp.
45. Returning to civilian life is difficult. That passing from a prisoner condition to civilian is very hard, and nearly impossible without a long adaptation period. [It took me about three weeks to get used to soft chairs, commodes with seats, electrical wall outlets, and being able to go outside at will. Not to mention being able to taste salt and sugar, and seasonings. Cheese, butter, and fruit are all glorious.]
Yeah. It’s an interesting piece of history. I think that it gives us an insight into our human nature. Now, let’s all pray that the conditions for mass enslavement of citizens is never replicated ever again. But, let’s be real. OK?
It can.
All it takes is a national leadership that wants to do this (for their own purposes) and an ineffectual department of Justice, and a complete lack (or omission) of leadership policing organizations.
Here in China it’s a new year. It’s 2021 and it’s the year of the Bull. Most people are optimistic, even though they are cautiously guarded.
For a while I used to get a new coffee mug at every New Year. It was my little pleasure; to have a new coffee mug to drink out of each year. Unfortunately I feel out of the habit. But that is neither good nor bad. It’s just a sign of change… and a sign of change tends to indicate growth.
Here’s some pictures from my friends. Taken as a whole it might give you all a “flavor” as to what this very strange and odd year of the Bull is starting out as…

Seems strange? Yeah. But it’s a different culture. They aren’t afraid of losing their jobs for drinking wine on their holidays (like I was threatened at General Motors, Delco Electronic, and Poulan Weed-Eater.) And so, living without fear of “consequences” enables people to live life freely.
It’s called “freedom”. You all should try it some time.

This shows what it is like to get a “red envelope” from a brother or sister. Or perhaps a friend, or an uncle. It’s all very typical.
While I have discussed the enormous red envelopes that companies would give to their employees (in prior articles), this article is on a more personal basis. It’s about celebrating holidays with friends and family.

Again. All this is very typical, and very normal. And isn’t at all being reported by the “informed news” out of America. Have you ever heard of FOX “news” reporting on the red envelopes in China? Have you ever heard Rush Limbaugh discuss it? What about Ellen DeGeneres?
And yet some people have the nerve to think that they are well “informed” on the Geo-political issues of the day by listening to “American news”. Give me a break.

Anyways, money is great, and we could all use more of it, don’t you know. But What I really like about the Chinese new year is all the eating and drinking. I just love food. Yes. It is true, I am a “foodie”, and who can blame me?

And here’s some more pictures of what is going on in China right now, today. Tell me about how CNN is reporting on it. Tell me about what Twitter, and Facebook has to say about it. Please give me insight in how you all can understand China by listening to MSNBC. I’d like to know.

Almost like what you would see in the United States. Almost. Only here in China, the adults drink alcohol alongside with the children who drink whatever they want. Since there are no prohibitions (read LAWS) banning things, most children have the opportunity to drink with their parents, and can get exposed to alcohol very early age.
They don’t drink because it is meaningless to them. it is something that ‘adults do”, and you all know that adults are ‘square” and not “hip” and “groovy”. So they tend not to become addicts.

All this is what is happening right now. People are celebrating the end of 2020, the year of the rat, and welcoming in 2021, the year of the Bull. I pretty much assume that this is what was going on in America as well, though to different extent. And in a different manner.
As well as on a different date.

It’s different and even shocking for most Americans. I think that this is because they don’t know what “freedom” is. They have been repeating the mantras for decades with no understanding, and when they see how other nations live, they become horrified.
“This can’t possibly be true!” They retort.
Everyone knows that….
“Everyone knows…”
Who told them?

Sometimes the strange image out of America are just the “tip of the iceberg”, and are but distractions from the master hand-movements of the master deceptions made by the oligarchy? And if so…
Maybe Americans are already living in a nice Gulag already, but they don’t yet realize it.
That maybe it’s all just a matter of degree. Why construct work camps here and there? Why not turn the entire nation into one gigantic labor camp? Why not? When you can print unlimited money? Control the media, and have a forever-lock on the government, and can make rules and laws with no opposition,and not even follow “guidelines” let alone the “guaranteed” Rights…
…what’s stopping you?
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Hello MM, I just wanted to ask if they are considering the possibility of engineering virophages to eat the coronavirus. Viruses that hunt and eat bacteria and viruses do exist in nature. Have they considered this, and if not, would you know what misgivings they have in going in this direction? My understanding is if it’s perfectly possible to bioengineer a pathogenic virus, it’s definitely possible to bioengineer a hunter or predator virus just for this pathogen. Many thanks for your great articles by the way. While I don’t always agree with you, I really do appreciate the work you do.
Thank you for that. Unfortunately, my background excludes bio-engineering. I don’t know what is really going on regarding all the plans regarding these development vectors. But it seems quite possible to have hunter-killer viruses. And you all don’t have to agree with me. That’s fine. Really. My experiences are one thing, and yours are elsewhere. But perhaps there are some areas that overlap.
Thank you for your response. I know that before, the Soviet Union and some of the former soviet republics did research in phage therapy. From my research, there were some promising results but improvements came along too slowly. I imagine that things would be different now with proper investment and out of the box/new paradigm thinking. Given that I’m just an armchair warrior, my hope is that the brightest bioengineering experts in China and Russia have already considered this and are currently pursuing phage based solutions in parallel to other, more conventional solutions.
Have a happy year of the ox to you and your family!😃
Another superbly done post. It’s obvious that you put a lot of effort into these posts, and that you actually have something to say, as opposed to most blogs, where the free content is worth what you pay for it.
Half story, half classroom lecture, with a seasoning of a southern Babtist sermon to keep the faithful on track.
It’s exactly the sort of thing that keeps me coming back. Thanks for the efforts!
You really should take a closer look at the Tavistock Group. Some posted the URL to my WordPress article in your comments section which is why I came looking.
Yea–right. I don’t follow her and she doesn’t follow me. She is distracting from the real culprit–the Tavistock Institute.
In all my posts from now on, I do so with respect to MM and all, and if you or anyone consider it inconsistent with your editorial focus or controversial or might upset certain powers, please do not put my post up – I accept full editorial oversight from you. I’d like to add to your post to focus on certain concepts. I do understand that the majority of the people who read this site are by definition special people, so what I say is low-level analysis for them. But if anyone should find this useful, I’d like you to know it’s because MM and his site has given life changing catalysts that have significantly improved my life, and this is my way of RUFUSing the gifts that MM has given me. I speak from my heart – but I cannot prove that what I say is true nor accurate – all are IMHOs. Concept 1): IMHO, the Wise and Power People (WAPP – a new term I am using to distinguish them from other denigrating terms used by others) have done this for many many years and they consider it their duty to make humanity better – whether anyone of us like it or not, or wish to participate in it or live outside it – all with attending consequences. Concept 2) They protect the truth because they know if they were to just tell us the truth, many of us would reject it, belittle it, disagree with it, or plain do a “Meh, tell me something I don’t already know, etc.” So, WAPP ensconce the truth with lies and half-truths. So, that people who want to find the truth or have the worthiness and human value to appreciate the truth WILL FIND IT – and hopefully, benefit from it. MM is a bringer of sublimated truth and if you find this site enlightening, WAPP are interested in your development in the future world – in the sense that many of YOU represent HOPE for future humanity. And, why not? You know the answer in your heart. Concept 3) WAPP cannot retain everyone because of population levels that continue to grow without stopping will result in depletion and the eventual Fruit Flies in a test tube outcome – death of all fruit flies because the limited environment poisons every individual. So, WAPP since they have been in ascendance and in power, focused on creating human evolutioning systems that include the flattening and equalization of individual power and opportunity – from the serfs of 300 years ago, to the world citizens of today. For those who moan about human equality today, have no appreciation for the opportunities that WAPP have given humanity TODAY compared to limited opportunities and freedom 300 years ago. Today, a son of a goatherder in an Asian country who works hard and studies in his backward school, can through superior test results enter the most prestigious university in that country, and head to the world class universities as a graduate student, and return to his mother country as an important future high level government official. True stories happening in many countries in the world. The gift of WAPP. But many people don’t understand this, and don’t appreciate WAPP. Concept 4)WAPP wants there to be directed misinformation to sieve out extremism, gullibility, sycophancy, psyhopathy, bad genes, so that unworthy people with undesirable genetic traits and genetically transmitted behaviors and values will be sorted out by various selective mechanisms. The people who are left after all the sieving, comprise the people who hopefully will survive and prosper with fertility in the New World. I hope that compris many of us MM readers. Concept 5)Whatever brought you here to MM, that is destiny and I believe a calling from a Great Power in the Universe (GPU). I do not believe this is a coincidence, but grand design. I suggest that you apply MM’s suggestions that have been put forward for your consideration, sublimated with other riffraff (as it has to be sublimated or it would not have true value) such as KTV girls, bouncing Chinese boobies, fake VSOP and taking out technicals with directed fire. The truth must be sublime…. Concept 6)The gist of this article above is IMHO all about protecting yourself. Note why Vadim was detained – that was his CRUCIAL mistake. MM’s article without telling you the truth directly, has given you the answer (i.e. Do not be a shit disturber that attracts attention from the NKVD). The key is to do ALL that MM has suggested in the past. Be agile. Don’t take sides. 48Laws everything. Be invisible. Delete all your posts on social media. Delete all your social media accounts. Yes, do it. Read Jaron Lanier’s Ten reasons for deleting your social media accounts rigght now. I read the book. You can buy the book or just read the summary and the reviews from the Net. Or just trust me, do it. Cut the tether to the culling mechanism called Social media that creates human underlings that will not survive in the New World. (or, some of you can get special gifts from the rabbit hole I mentioned in my last post in October, 2020).Concept 7) Believe in HOPE for humanity. I cannot tell you everything that I think I know, but what is IMPORTANT are already noted for you here. WAPP wants GREAT Humans to populate the New World. I hope as we are all MM brothers and sisters that all who read and appreciate MM will make it as RUFUS’s in the New World. I’d say that I didn’t mention any sensitive names or processes, right? Oh,by the way, see if you can fully understand the WAPP, and if you do, learn to appreciate what they do. Then, a new world of possibilities will open up. And, that is how MM’s site has helped me. Thank you , MM! (I hope I am being sublime enough so as not to upset our friends…).
Too valuable to keep hidden.
Nice to hear from Rob. It’s been awhile.
“Maybe Americans are already living in a nice Gulag already, but they don’t yet realize it.”
I know. I tell people it’s all just window dressing. They look at me like I’ve lost it.
The only difference is that the clothing and the language are different. There is nothing fundamentally different from an American “Sex Offender” and a Russian “Gulag Prisoner”. Zero difference. Keep in mind that everyone in Russia knew about the camps, but they were called something else, and it was considered important to make the nation “safer” for “the future”. How is this any different from “safer for the children”?