Everyone seems to be confused with the role that America has in the world. Is it a force of stability, and a leader offering geopolitical guidance (and inspiration), or is it something else?
Long since President Trump came on the picture, these questions have been swirling around in people’s minds, and “muddying up” their opinions of the United States.
- Just what kind of “neighbor” is America?
- Is America a partner, or is it a threat?
- Can America be counted on to contribute to the stability of the world?
- Is America a destabilizing factor that might become a large problem in the future?
Here is an article that sorts this entire situation out.
It explains the military doctrine that was established during the Bush Administration, and how it has evolved into the totalitarian Military Empire America is today.
This is a reprint of an article titled “The Pentagon’s New Map: How to Know if America Is Your Enemy”. It was published on February 27, 2020 by Enrique Suarez and printed within “Global Research” on February 26, 2020. It was initially released on the “Strategic Culture Foundation” on the 24 February 2020. All credit to the authors. Please kindly note that it was edited to fit this venue, but every effort has been made to keep the content as pristine as possible.
The Pentagon’s New Map: How to Know if America Is Your Enemy
If your country is friendly toward Russia, China, or Iran, then today’s American Government is probably applying subversion, economic sanctions, or maybe even planning a coup …
… or (if none of those will succeed) probably is war-gaming now for a possible military invasion and permanent military occupation, of your country.
These things have been done to Russia, Iran, China, Yugoslavia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Cuba, Ukraine, Georgia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and some other countries.
A Second Justification for war…
However, after the 9/11 attacks in America, the U.S. Government has added another system for selecting countries to immiserate…
… and those are mainly [1] the countries that already suffer the most misery, some of them are countries that were listed above…
… but others (many others) are not, and are selected instead largely because they are [2] already in misery, and also because America…
.... that is, the Deep State which controls it, America’s hundreds of billionaires, who control international corporations and the press in America and not just control the politicians who win public offices...
…. wants to [3] control the given target country in order to extract its natural resources …
…. or [4] simply in order to place some of U.S. military bases there so as to be better able to invade other countries.
The New Category for war…
This relatively new category of America’s targeted enemies was invented, mainly, in 2003 and 2004, by Thomas P. M. Barnett.
Thomas P. M. Barnett is a professor at the U.S. Naval College and columnist and writer for various popular magazines, as well as of best-selling books.
His 2004 book The Pentagon’s New Map, presents that map, to show the areas, mainly around the Equator and including all of Central America; plus all of South America except Chile, Argentina, and Brazil; plus all of Africa except South Africa, all countries of which are supposedly not connected to globalization…
i.e., they are Third World instead of First World.
…and he says that they are unstable and therefore need to be policed by the world’s policeman, which is the U.S. Government.
The United States, to serve there as the judge, jury, and executioner, of anyone who lives there.
And those who resists that judge, jury, and executioner.
His key statement is on page 227,
“A country’s potential to warrant a U.S. military response is inversely related to its globalization connectivity.”
Here is the map, which shows which countries are supposedly high globalization connectivity and therefore inappropriate for America to sanction, coup, or invade and occupy; and which countries are supposedly low globalization connectivity and therefore appropriate for America to sanction, coup, or invade and occupy:

As can be seen there, the following countries are not to be policed by the U.S. Government: Canada, U.S., Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, UK, Greenland, Iceland, EU, Switzerland, Ukraine, Georgia, South Africa, Russia, Mongolia, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, N.Z.
He calls those the “Globalized Functioning Core.”
All others are “the Non-Integrated Gap” countries, America’s virtual free-fire zones, to control (at will) so as to ‘prevent terrorism’.
America makes the rules.
Instead of international law being what the United Nations says it is, this “new map” theory says that international law in the “Non-Integrated Gap” countries should be what the U.S. Government says it is.
The Reasoning.
According to Barnett’s theory, as he expressed it in its original version in an Esquire magazine article titled “Why the Pentagon Changes Its Maps: And why we’ll keep going to war,”.
He listed these countries as “THE GAP” or third-world countries, “My list of real trouble for the world in the 1990s, today, and tomorrow, starting in our own backyard”.
And these are listed here by the names that he gave to them:
- Haiti,
- Colombia,
- Brazil
- Argentina
- Former Yugoslavia
- Congo
- Rwanda/Burundi
- Angola
- South Africa
- Israel-Palestine
- Saudi Arabia
- Iraq
- Somalia
- Iran
- Afghanistan
- Pakistan
- North Korea
- Indonesia.
- China
- Russia
- India.
So, if you live in any of those countries, then [1] Barnett, and [2] the many U.S. generals who respect his theory, and [3] the U.S. billionaires, who want the resources in those countries or else just want military bases there…
…view you as an enemy, not as a citizen of a sovereign foreign country.
This is very DANGEROUS thinking.
His Esquire article says,
“it is always possible to fall off this bandwagon called globalization. And when you do, bloodshed will follow. If you are lucky, so will American troops.”
He assumes that you need a “policeman” from America because what your own country provides is too primitive.
“Conversely, if a country is largely functioning within globalization, we tend not to have to send our forces there to restore order or eradicate threats.”
On 22 August 2017, Thierry Meyssan at Voltairenet headlined “The US military project for the world” and gave his progressive critical interpretation of Barnett’s theory by placing it into the long-term evolution of U.S. geostrategy.
On 26 September 2004, Razib Khan gave his admiring racist-fascist or ideologically nazi interpretation of it, under the headline “IQ And The Non-Integrating Gap”.
He assumed there that lower-income countries are “lower IQ” and therefore need to be directed according to the master’s whip, not as sovereign countries.
The book’s publisher places online an informative excerpt from the work. under the headline “An Operating Theory of the World” and Barnett says there:
As the “vision guy,” my job was to generate and deliver a compelling brief that would mobilize the Defense Department toward generating the future fighting force demanded by the post-9/11 strategic environment. Over the next two years, I gave that brief well over a hundred times to several thousand Defense Department officials. Through this intense give-and-take, my material grew far beyond my original inputs to include the insider logic driving all of the major policy decisions promulgated by the department’s senior leadership. Over time, senior military officials began citing the brief as a Rosetta stone for the Bush Administration’s new national security strategy.
The strategy remains in force, though there now is a return to focusing on the main enemies being Russia, China, and Iran.
The “gap” countries are currently viewed not only according to the “gap” but also according to their relationships to Russia, China, and Iran.
Conclusions and Thoughts
As with most policy papers and briefs, they are written with long run-on sentences, and jargon. They remain ensconced within an elite and tight circle of leadership due to the often impenetrability of their writings. But if you take the time to look into their ideas, their narratives, and their beliefs, the picture becomes quite clear.
Frighteningly clear.
America is not a nation that wants to work with other nations.
America does not trade on a “win – win” relationship. America intends to rule, and it will devote all of it’s energies to rule the world and stomp on and extinguish any person, nation or organization that stands in it’s way.
You might be ok with this if you are a 20-something gung-ho American cannon fodder type… Or if you are living inside the bubble of “American Greatness”….
While I find Rush Limbaugh and Donald Trump enjoyable as entertainment, the extent of my beliefs on their abilities end there. Seriously, the idea that other people, children and families need to be killed so that “American Democracy” prevails is an idea that is dangerously sick.
I am not alone.
The rest of the world agrees with me.
That includes the billions and billions of people in India, China, and China. All who are holding on to nuclear weapons and all of which see the behaviors of America with great ALARM.
What do you do?
When you have a rabid dog running around your neighborhood, what do you do?
You call the dog catcher, and he utilizes the best equipment and techniques at his disposal to control the dangerous beast.
What if he cannot control the beast…
…then what?
…sometimes they just simply have to put it down.

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