America under DEFCON conditions in the 1960s.

More curious videos of the Coronavirus event in China that has Wuhan as it’s epicenter.

Lordy! American media is in la-la land, I’ll tell you what. And most Americans are following the big lie. No one wants to believe that America is involved in persuasive germ warfare to put pressure on China for the Trump trade wars. I guess that neocons like John Bolton would NEVER even consider such a thing, right?

What's so difficult to believe?

You all know that Trump wants America to be number one in the world and is doing everything possible to control the rise of China.

You know that that is why the "Trump Trade Wars" are on-going.

You know, if you are paying attention, that America only represents 11% of Chinese exports, and a far smaller percentage of imports. China is self-sufficient and doesn't really NEED America.

So in order to leverage China to bow to America, "other" pressures must be used...

... but biological germ warfare is "off the table".

So everyone is out there grasping at straws.

For suggesting this obvious “elephant in the room”, I’m an evil spook that gives people the heebie-jeebies for suggesting this.

Instead, it’s a natural viral “bug” not anywhere near as bad as the seasonal flu… If anything, if it is a biological weapon it’s something that came out of stolen technology, or from some kind of fringe revolutionary group.

OK. Ok.

Don’t shoot the messenger. Got it?

It’s a biological weapon. It was unleashed in China on THE Chinese New Year holiday and it is designed to create mass causalities. It’s rampaging through China now.

All you need to know is this…

[1] China is treating it as a biological weapon, and they [2] WILL NOT ALLOW AMERICAN RESEARCHERS ANYWHERE NEAR IT.

Doesn’t that tell you something?

Here’s some more videos. To youse guys who think that it’s nothing to worry about, you can ignore this post. FOX and CNN has better news with well-paid “experts” for you to believe. I’m just posting videos of what is going on, taken by people that are right here at ground zero, and who (like me) are dealing with it.

You all can sit comfy in your homes and dream that it’s just a way for the Untied States government to force you all to take vaccines, or for the dark cabal to exterminate the human race, or for Reptilians to feed on humans. Remember, it’s your reality. Not mine.

You might be right.

I might be wrong.

Here’s what I am seeing. Come to your own conclusions.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Video 1 – Going Crazy inside the apartment.

Like me, the rest of China are all stuck, cooped inside the house. As I write this it’s been ten days of isolation and we are beyond stir-crazy. So the Chinese social media is full of people making the best of things. The best way to protect yourself and you family is to stay isolated, if you go out, you go protected and disinfect yourself, and do not touch any surfaces.

This coronvirus is so darn dangerous. So most people stay inside, and my little dog cannot understand why I won’t take him outside for a walk (and a shit), but we are not going to take any risks.

Going crazy.

Video 2 – Ambulances going to the hospital.

Once the new hospital was constructed in Wuhan, sick patients were transported to it. They were moved from the military field tent hospitals to the new wings of the sprawling mega-hospital. The convoy of ambulances is impressive.

Video 3 – Baby in trouble!

It’s heartbreaking for anyone to get this Frankenstein coronvirus HIV monster. But it’s especially heartbreaking to see young innocents get stricken with it.

That’s precisely why the Pentagon forbid all the military not to view or use Chinese social media. It’s not that they want to prevent people from watching lip-synchronization to pop songs.

They don’t want the troops “getting soft” watching the heart wrenching events of American germ warfare unfold.

Video 4 – Breaking through a quarantine roadblock.

Not everyone is with the program. Some fight it. They don’t care. Some, like this fellow, plows through the roadblock.

These selfish people are very dangerous and put an entire community at risk.

Video 5 – Containing an infected girl.

So you’ve been diagnosed with this killer, super contagious Frankenstein virus, what do you do? You flee from the hospital and try to run away. Not the brightest of decisions.

Video 6 – Hope

You have a loved one in the hospital dealing with this illness. They are your family and they are there, and the last you saw was when they collapsed going to empty the garbage. Now, you are scared silly that they would die…

That’s what is going on in China today, right now.

China is at Level One alert.

People! This is equivalent to DEFCON 1 in America. The Chinese government is treating this as a WMD bio-weapon attack and it is very serious. People are sick and dying.

Defense readiness conditions (DEFCONs) describe progressive alert  postures primarily for use between the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the  commanders of unified commands. DEFCONs are graduated to match  situations of varying military severity, and are numbered 5,4,3,2, and 1  as appropriate. DEFCONs are phased increases in combat readiness. In general terms,  these are descriptions of DEFCONs: 

DEFCON 5 Normal peacetime readiness
DEFCON 4 Normal, increased intelligence and strengthened security measures 
DEFCON 3 Increase in force readiness above normal readiness 
DEFCON 2 Further Increase in force readiness, but less than maximum readiness 
DEFCON 1 Maximum force readiness. 

- DEFCON DEFense CONdition  

The closest comparable American situation was during…

  • Pearl Harbor
  • 9-11

Luckily the Chinese government took quick action. But still, it means nothing when your loved ones are in the hospital dying.

Video 7 – Eating lunch.

You are having lunch with friends and your one friend suddenly slumps over and is in distress. That’s coronvirus. That’s China today. They American media is all about this not being as bad as the flu. Well, I have never seen the flu have such rapid an onslaught, and act so stealthy in application.

You don’t know when he picked up the bug. Probably 14 days ago. He was normal. He felt normal. He went out to eat with his friends. Ordered some dishes. Now this.

Video 8 – Decontamination.

This is a sight that is not at all uncommon. Everyone is wearing full cat #4 costumes and decontaminating themselves. This germ is so darn lethal. But it’s more than that, it’s got an unusually long life outside it’s host.

12 hours (!) on metal and plastic surfaces. 6 to 12 hours on clothing.

Video 9 – Delivering supplies.

All aircraft are available to transport supplies. They are arriving from all over the world, from India, to Japan, from Australia to NZ. Nothing from America though…

Instead, America is acting “strangely”…

Yeah, the Gates foundation owns the patent on this virus, and held a meeting discussing the possible scenarios of a release of it…

…the day before American troops were in Wuhan.

Video 10 – Going shopping.

This is what it’s like going shopping right now.

You go out wearing all sorts of protection, you go straight from point “A” to point “B”. Then you select and buy your groceries. Then return back as quickly as possible. Then you disinfect yourself.

You wash all of your clothes immediately.

Then you scrub yourself raw in a hot, hot water shower, and put on house clothes.

Video 11 – Everyone is getting disinfected.

Here we have a Chinese government official being disinfected on his way to the office. Disinfecting is mandatory. You just cannot go outside without taking care of yourself. This virus can “jump” as far as two meters (two yards), and it can do some from people who appear completely healthy and normal.

Video 12 – Hotel Cleaning

One sick person was staying in a hotel. So after the new hospital was constructed he was moved to it, and the hospital room was sanitized. The bedding, mattress and pillows were hauled off to be incinerated. The rest disinfected thoroughly.

Video 13 – Military at work.

As stated earlier, this is a level one military event. It is equivalent to the American DEFCON #1. All the military are mobilized and are on high alert. This includes the nuclear forces as well as the police and medical services. The most visible, of course, are the medical services. Here was have a video showing the men and women at work.

Video 14 – Passing out in the 7-11.

This sickness happens so rapidly. You get on your coat and put on your mask. You grab your keys and cell phone. You go downstairs to make a dash to the 7-11 on the corner. When suddenly…

…you don’t feel so well.

It’s like this. Real deal.

Collapsing in the Sinotecc.

Video 15 – Seizure of an infected person.

Not everyone wants to cooperate. Some fight tooth and nail. They do not want to go to the hospital. They do not trust doctors. They do not trust medicines. They do not want to be injected. And so they run, they hide and they put up a fight.

Of course, the police are called in and they are captured, secured and medicated.

Video 16 – This is what it is like.

You are hiding and locked down inside your house. You look outside your window and you see a bunch of police cars and ambulances outside in your courtyard. You see them do into your building and you see them take away an entire family.

It’s like living a horror movie.

That’s about it for this post. Too many videos take forever to load and freezes the entire article / post. More is on the way. I hope that you enjoyed this post, and if you liked it, please watch some of my other similar posts on my China index…


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