The girls of China.

More pretty girls and learning about China by looking at their videos.

This is a continuation of my posts on learning about China by looking at pretty girls. As with my most recent posts, just click on the picture to open up a short video of the girl. It’s all good fun. The idea behind this, is of course, to help expose people to what China is like, and by doing so while watching pretty girls. As the women within a nation are the best description that you can ever get of a nation and it’s society.

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Pretty Chinese Girls

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Bo Chen

I believe the true value of any man is not defined by how much money he makes nor how spiritual he is nor how much weights he can lift, nor by how hard he works, nor how smart he is, etc but that it is actually measured by the beauty of the woman he partakes and behold. In essence, Beauty being the most honest signifier in any woman, the real measure of success of a man is if he can obtain an extremely beautiful woman in his life to love and to hold, everything else is secondary.

I think in a post-UBI (Universal Basic Income) world in which income is decoupled from work, machines taking over for physical and intellectual labor, and the cost of all labor from janitors to CEO across the board reduced to mere electricity or electric costs, then more important than ever is up keeping and perfecting the aesthetic physique in both genders. Esp. that women will become much less reliant on men for resources, therefore decoupling status, wealth, intellect, power from that of attraction in terms of mating strategies.

Since the modern world has all but completely decoupled from its evolutionary underpinnings (and make no mistake in the long term this is not sustainable but for now its the way it has been for the past several decades/centuries?) its important to see the big picture first, and then having the frame of references, frameworks, datapoints and fuller context, go and identity and decide if happiness is the goal, which particular types or archetypes of happiness are best suited for oneself, and how to go about pursuing and enjoying that happiness…

We are thus hardwired to instinctively find most salient, compelling and visceral the elements of being alive, and it is this that truly brings out the most genuine forms of happiness in each of us. There are many perspectives in life but I choose to think one of the greatest of them all is the enjoyment of femininity, there is nothing more alluring than to take in the raw essence of such a sensually captivating woman, such an emotively poignant woman, and to be graced by the view and the gift of her absolute tenderness, total vulnerability, and flowering surrender.

For me, happiness has always been about being with an extremely attractive White Woman of the Miss America type… As a Chinese American I was in New Zealand last year, right before the CIA Biovirus was deployed to Wuhan, and I realized the real question that I ask myself is if hypothetically I could actually be with a woman just like her, how would the rest of my entire life be different from an emotional and experiential perspective. I imagine that the hedonistic pleasure that I am able to constantly and perpetually derive from the enjoyment of her most perfect feminine aesthetic beauty, elegance, and grace would permeate and expand into every other aspect and component of my entire life, thus making the highs even higher and even the lows far more bearable, perhaps even enjoyable when cast under such a different light and unique perspective. Her presence, her essence and her beauty would simply serve as a sort of tint that colors and reshapes my entire lens and view on life. While objectively nothing in my external world reality may change, I know that subjectively everything changes forever. Life would simply never be the same again for me.

That sort of ubiquitous, expansive, and pervasive happiness and joy obtained from chasing, catching, and loving such an existential supremum beauty is the absolute pinnacle of existence for a man. There is nothing better or more compelling than to be able to glance at such a beautiful creature and realize anew for the first time, every time, just why she is so captivating and to re-examine her absolute memorizing beauty in such awe-inspiring wonderment. Such beauty is devastatingly distracting, and it overwhelms the senses, and yet it is calming and soothing. It nurtures and feeds, inspiring and evoking it’s counterpart masculinity. Deep down, I do believe that to be able to finally behold at long last in the flesh the physical instantiation and exact embodiment of the sort of idealistic, archetypal and classic quintessential beauty would actually be enough for me. Enough to be fully contented, immensely satisfied and happy forever. Being in that state-of-being and that zone-of-awareness feels like finally coming home and being fully completed. That illusive missing piece of the puzzle resolved.

Indeed, any man lucky enough to have a woman like that would surely feel like he had won the ultimate prize in life. Every time he makes love to her he would instinctively know that he was experiencing the very best life had to offer him, and that nothing else could ever be better nor more sweeter than that. To wake up with her by his side in bed, such satisfying experience could never be topped, duplicated or substituted by anything else he could ever hope to do on this earth or in this life.

To be loved by such a woman is perhaps not an achievement earned but a gift freely bestowed. If love is such an intensely powerful force of life, then perhaps there are none more compelling, more liberating, more exhilarating and more intensely moving than to be truly loved, fervently, deeply, most endearingly loved and loved back in return by a woman like that.

As a man I can think of no higher highs nor more perfect of perfections than this. In the entire domain, range, and spectrum of the totality of all reality and existence, taking into account and consideration the vastly ennumerable palettes of qualia, such categorical perceptions, analytical overlays and neural correlates of consciousness , and the aggregate mosaic of the emergent structures of all accompanying emotions, emotive constructs, experiential flows, sensations, feelings, moods, modes of existence, states of beings, and possible moments and experiences etc, if I could only make one singular wish in life, it had always been just this. I would want above all else this to be the real center of my life that everything else revolves around, and she being the central theme and fabric and tapestry of the story of my life.

Bob Chen

Americans EXPLAIN the REAL reason the US hates China


Sorry about this… it’s really just a test outside my corporate VPN.

I might as well say that this could just be that I don’t travel the world, but I have NEVER seen large-breasted Asian women ANYWHERE. Actually, not one… and I am just outside Chicago.


Sorry about this… it’s really just ANOTHER test outside my corporate VPN.

Beautiful… none of that around here however (in my limited experience).


Found your site last week, good reading, good information, thanks. I have been living and exploring SE Asia since early 1980’s. living in Thailand largely and can speak Thai, been in Cambodia for 12 years now with my son and daughter. If it wasn’t for the Pretty Girls I’d think life has no meaning.


Thank you for replying, and I have read your KTV posts and am familiar with such but not my cup of tea really. Too much noise,drunkedness and approval seeking nonsense, being a sentient person I prefer quiet, trees, gardens, birds talking, the sound of the sea etc. When quite young I read about the ‘Butterfly effect’ and it caused me to think deeply about a lot of things. After reading about the way you were (mis)treated after giving your consent to participate in the MAJ projects I felt a compunction to say a few words. What you were involved with is beyond the comprehension of the vast majority of people and your “interpretations” of your experiences is disconcerting. You should have been given lots of information beforehand but being the military its just a matter of blindly following ‘orders’, probably your superiors didn’t know either but what you were involved in can be very dangerous without the appropriate ‘knowledge’. If you feel the need to discuss more so be it, preferably not online.


That is good if you can be comfortable with a ‘sort of’ understanding of what happened. In the absense of better understanding one must compartmentalize to a degree so as to move on in ones life rather than be maddened by it all, and that can be a big problem when there is no-one to be able to talk to that does know. Travel broadens the mind, so does music.