Heroes to the rescue.

More stories of personal heroism, rescue, and kindness in China. Part 22.

Let’s start 2020 off right. Let’s look at how average people… people like you and I… can make a difference in the lives of others. Let’s look at how people are being kind, rescuing others, and helping people in distress.

Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.

Make a difference. Be like Rufus!

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

These are all micro-videos of very short duration. From ten seconds to three minutes. I would suggest that you, the reader, allow them to load to get the full experience.

Video 1 – Woman tries to kidnap a child

Yes, they try to kidnap children all over the world, and they do so so expertly. Often, a bystander wouldn’t know what is going on.

In this case, a woman thinks this child is alone, and just grabs her / his hand and starts to walk off with him. Luckily the mother was right there. She stopped her and called the police. Smart move woman.

The woman who tried to kidnap the child has two children already. One is one years old, and the other two years old. She wanted to get another child for them to play with them.

Except… she had no intention of registering this child with the government (you can only have two or else pay enormous amounts in taxes), and had no intention in providing the child with schooling. In China, you need to pay for it out of pocket.

She’s average looking… but a demon inside.

Video 2 – An honest beggar returns money.

Here’s a guy who is begging on the streets. He has some mental issues and is unable to hold a job. Yet, a friendly stranger gives him some free food. And, inside the bag is some money for him to have.

The beggar doesn’t know what to do.

He takes the money to the police. They immediately size up the situation and buy the beggar some more food and supplies with the money.

Video 3 – Beggar rescues a baby from inside a hot car.

Speaking of beggars. Here’s one who is rooting around in a trash can. He can collect plastic and glass bottles and get the deposits back and live off that money that he collects.

He hears a baby crying inside a locked up car.

Watch what happens as he tries to save the baby…

Video 4 – Catching a girl that jumps from a building.

You can try. Right? I mean, breaking the fall of any person falling from over three stories high is going to kill both of you. But it doesn’t matter. You need to try first. A real Rufus reacts. He doesn’t think.

And when the girl plummets below, you do your best to break her fall.

Video 5 – Cat saves boy from a dog attack.

People do not understand, but a cat will defend it’s humans. It will do so aggressively. As this video so clearly illustrates. A wild dog starts to attack a five year old boy. Lucky for him the cat will not allow it…

Video 6 – Creepy old man tries to kidnap a girl, bystanders stop him.

Yup. Creepy old men are everywhere. This fellow is trying to seduce a young girl to come with him. He promises more toys and more dolls in his van. Good thing that the bystanders protect her.

Video 7 – Doing your part for the community.

We share the world together. Shouldn’t we do our part to make it a better place?

Video 8 – Drug dealer arrested. In China, this is a death sentence of “death plus three”.

In China, selling and dealing drugs is a very, very serious crime. Doing drugs will land you in a two-year rehab. But selling drugs will get you death plus three. That’s three years of organ harvesting and then death. Here’s an arrest in progress…

Video 9 – Emergency CPR on the street.

This happens enough, and when it does happen, are you ready to save a life? Consider it. These are other people with friends, family and loved ones. You can make a big difference, not just by saving a person’s life, but with the entire family. Be the Rufus.

Video 10 – Emergency ride to take the baby to the hospital.

Here we have a policeman taking a baby that has stopped breathing to the hospital. Minutes matter. Yet, he speeds along and saves the baby. He’s a real Rufus.


We do not know when the calling will come.

However, when it calls, you must take action. It will not make you wealthy, rich, famous, or attractive. But, it will make a difference when you are judged upon death. Be the Rufus. Make a difference. Help others. It’s our highest calling.

If you enjoyed this post, please click on this link and check out the rest of my Rufus series…

Hero Stories

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