Here are some more videos taken during the Chinese New Year Coronavirus emergency. At this time, and when these videos were taken, the Chinese government pretty much locked down most cities, and placed travel restrictions everywhere else. Everyone must wear a mask, and everyone must stay indoors unless it is an absolute emergency and they NEED to get out.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Video 1 – Viral task team.
The Chinese have established task teams to go forth and tackle specific issues and problems specifically and surgically. Here we have a video describing one such team.
It was an urgent order. Many members left their Chinese New Year's Eve family reunions to get ready to board a special plane to the capital of central China’s Hubei Province. Three nurses from Shanghai Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine are in the team. - Medics abandon reunions to head to Wuhan - SHINE News
Video 2 – Disinfecting the public areas.
All areas are being disinfected. Here’s one in process.
Cleaning involves getting rid of dirt and gunk where germs can grow. The friction of cleaning -- often with soap and water -- removes most surface germs, which is adequate for most household surfaces. In other cases, however, it's a good idea to disinfect, which destroys or inactivates most of the germs.
In this case anti-viral agents are being sprayed.
Video 3 – Police drones telling everyone to stay indoors.
No one is to go outside. Everyone must stay indoors. Here we have a police drone telling a village woman to go back to her house.
The use of police drones is notable, because the drone allowed surveillance of gaming operators who otherwise would have been difficult to track. While old-fashioned surveillance works best in some situations, drones in this case allowed investigators to plan a raid with 3D intel on the target site. China is the world leader in the use of drones. -
Video 4 – Regional militia and police roadblocks.
Road bocks come in different sizes and shapes. Here’s an overview.
Video 5 – Virus is killing everyone.
This is a deadly virus. It stays inside of you and then when it’s ready to hit, it hits you with incredible force.
On January 10, gene sequencing determined it to be the new Wuhan coronavirus, namely 2019-nCoV, a betacoronavirus, related to the Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome virus (MERS-CoV) and the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome virus (SARSCoV). However, the mortality and transmissibility of 2019-nCoV are still unknown, and likely to vary from those of the prior referenced coronaviruses.
Video 6 – Police drones telling everyone to go back home and stay inside.
In the cities, the drones were out in force and instructing everyone to get home as quickly as possible.
Video 7 – Handing out face masks.
I have hundreds of these videos. Everyone is donating face masks and handing them out.
Video 8 – The virus attacks the hospital staff.
As I’ve stated before, this is a deadly lethal virus. Hospital staff are not immune. Already doctors and nurses have died. The first doctor was a man who was 62, and collapsed in the elevator.
Video 9 – Roadblocks and checkpoints.
More road blocks and checkpoints.
To all my valued clients, overseas friends and family: With regard to the infection of the New Corona Virus, the Chinese government is currently taking the most effective and powerful measures to actively respond, and at least in Shanghai people are calm, and staying at home, except for journeys to the grocery store , which by the way (despite media reports) are well stocked! Most cities in China are normal, albeit unusually quiet, and only cities close to the source of the outbreak around Wuhan have been affected by stricter travel restrictions . Although we expect the infection numbers to rise in the short term, we believe everything will be back to normal soon as the control measures slow down the spread of infection . The government has extended the official CNY holidays until Feb 9th to help facilitate the measures taken, but some companies and factories will reopen earlier according to the local situation. Thanks for your understanding and support through this challenging time. - post on LinkedIN 31JAN20
Video 10 – Arresting one of the “criminal elements” who operated the drones that sprayed swine flu and wiped out the pork industry in 2019.
As strange was it seems, the complete collapse of the pig farm industry in China in 2019 was propagated by drones. This is why so many isolated pig farms became infected. “Criminal elements” were using drones to spray the pigs with flu to devastate the pork industry.
This is the Swine-flu pandemic in 2019.
Here’s the arrest of one such CIA / NED agent.
Video 11 – Rural roadblocks.
Here are some ways that the people in rural areas blocked the roads to keep their villages safe.
Sometimes its with piles of dirt. Sometimes it’s will huge boulders. Sometimes, it’s with fencing, and sometimes it’s with bricks. Curiously, sometimes it’s just with a sign saying “keep out – infected area”. And, sometimes it’s just a few sticks and tree branches on the road.
Video 12 – Canceled wedding.
When everyone was told to stay inside, many events were canceled. Here is a wedding.
You know, many weddings are planned to occur on CNY as that is the only time during the year where everyone can come together in one spot. Canceling the wedding means that everyone will need to wait until next year to get married.

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