My Interview on the CNY Wuhan Coronavirus emergency

My Interview on the CNY Wuhan Coronavirus emergency

I was interviewed to speak on my thoughts of the CNY Wuhan Coronavirus emergency. I accepted, as after all, we are all locked up inside our isolated and quarantined areas, and have nothing better to do, eh? It’s my very first interview and I do not think that it is all that great, but others think that it is interesting. Oh, I don’t know.

In it I go by the name of Uriah Heep, cool eh?

Taking their name from the scheming, parasitic lawyer in Charles Dickens' 1850 novel David Copperfield, Uriah Heep is a progressive rock institution who, alongside bands like Deep Purple, Queen, Black Sabbath, and Led Zeppelin, helped lay the foundation for the United Kingdom's vibrant hard rock/heavy metal scene, via combustible hits like "Easy Livin'," "The Wizard," "Sweet Lorraine," "Lady ... 

- Uriah Heep on Spotify 
Uriah Heep
Uriah Heep

I’m retired with a quiet life, kids, dogs and beer. I just want to chill out in my sunset years. I really don’t need social justice trolls and their ilk causing me trouble. So while you can read what I have to say, know what I know, and see what I look like… personal contact is by invitation only. I don’t want someone crashing my party and losing my buzz. Understand?

Anyways, you can watch it here…

You can visit the site directly HERE.

You can read the transcript HERE.

And then, the detractors started to assault everything I said. Fine. I wouldn’t bother to nod to them on the street, let alone share a pizza with them. Anyways, China-Rising responded HERE.

Funny thing about on-line personas. I suppose in real life I am more a combination of Pauly Shore, David Lee Roth and Rodney Dangerfield.

9SEP20 Update

Apparently, the China Government agrees with my appraisal. From a message group that I belong to…

Chinese propaganda getting good. Unlike West propaganda, Chinese includes evidence. exactly consistent with Uriah Heep's version. Thanks Jeff, but Kevin it may be a conspiracy that Heep told it in real time and the Chinese officials docu youtubed 8 months later.

Keep in mind that I am Uriah Heep in this interview.

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I actually enjoyed this interview very much, you sell yourself short.
Being a full on Red Neck living in the US, I am subject to the putrid state of news reporting in this country of course. As you said, there has been zero mention of these drones. I don’t remember hearing about this sporting event with military participants either.
The more evidence you laid out, the more you confirmed my very early on gut feeling that the Chinese have been under a sustained Bioweapon attack campaign.
Woe be onto the sheep on this side of the Pacific if they decide to do a little Tit For Tat.
It was also nice to put a face to the “voice” your Blog displays.
One thing that stood out to me right away was the fact that I didn’t see ONE gray hair on you even though you claim to be older than I am and you even appear to look younger than I do at sixty. Must be that Chinese beer you been drinking, right?


BTW, I saw Uriah Heep in concert for the first time here recently. They still rock it hard.

Oliver Jones

There was a very interesting comment on how the globalists are being neutered in China, recently – I found this very interesting comment on the Saker website:

It would seem that lots of things are happening in China that we’re not being told about.