My cat knows.

My Kitten Knows – (Poetry)

This is a little poem that I composed years back. As I recall, I was waiting at an airport for a connecting flight on the way home from a very long and difficult trip. I just started writing and this poem popped out. Enjoy.

My Kitten Knows

My kitten knows.
Quiet She, but can see...
Things inside.
Things I must hide...
From others who dare not know the truth about me.

Feelings inside that stay.
And feelings inside that say...
How I care about you.
And all you do...

For sometime when we can play.
How it will happen I dare not say.

No one knows my secret raw...
How I broke the sacred law...
And fell in love...
With one so pretty.

No one knows...
Except my kitty.

For here I am. 
In the dark.

Thinking of you and the mark...
... you made on my heart.
Dear. Let's not stay apart...
...too much longer.

And when you see a kitten near...
Please, please remember me dear...

For feelings we so boldly hold...
Are shared with cats that know them cold.

As I recall, I read this poem at a poetry recital in Boston sometime in the late 1990’s. The beatnick wanna-bes and the cute girls in the sheepherder clothing all did seem to dig it. As did the lesbian couples, and the lone chain-smoking bongo-drum player.

I wrote up a ton load of poems. All lost amongst the debris of time. This is the only one that I remember, and the only one that I wish to share at this moment in time. If there is one things that I would like to be remembered for, it would be for my love of wine, my love of friends and companions, and my passion for poetry.

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

Space Cadet (Full Text) by Robert Heinlein
The Last Night
The Flying Machine
A story of escape.
All Summer in a day.
The Smile by Ray Bradbury
The menace from Earth
Delilah and the Space Rigger
The Tax-payer
The Pedestrian
Time for the stars.
Glory Road by Robert Heinlein
Starman Jones (Full Text) by Robert Heinlein.
The Lottery (Full Text) by Shirley Jackson
The Cold Equations (Full Text)
Farnham's Freehold (Full Text) by Robert Heinlein
Invisible Boy (Full Text) by Ray Bradbury
Job: A Comedy of Justice (Full Text) by Robert Heinlein
Spell my name with an "S" by Isaac Asimov
The Proud Robot (Full Text)
The Time Locker
Not the First (Full Text) by A.E. van Vogt

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Child protection

Nice Post Thanks For Sharing. Hope To See More From You

Ohio Guy

I love finding these very personal nuggets of gold from our kind and sharing host. Of course, I’m a bit biased, being a cat lover too.