Snapshots of America, while cutting away all the bullshit. A good look at realty, karma, culture, and whats next.

Well, I just received a comment that I have been living in China too long. That I have lost my understanding about what America is, what it stands for, and yada, yada, yada. Yeah, I get it. I am not promoting any of the narratives out of the American government. So therefore, I must be a traitor!

A quick recap for anyone who doesn’t understand what I am talking about;

  • The United States government controls ALL American for-profit media.
  • The mainstream media was acquired in the 1980’s.
  • The Alt-Left was acquired around 2000.
  • The Alt-Right was acquired in the second decade of 2000.

If you listen or read anything out of any of those media sources, then you are feeding at the trough of the American Government. And as such, you are believing everything Washington DC wants you to believe.

  • MSNBC = USA Government.
  • Huffington Post = USA Government.
  • Rush Limbaugh = USA Government.
  • Polico = USA Government.
  • Alex Jones = USA Government.

Yeah. Do you “get it”?

Take note that Rush Limbaugh is functionally a mouth-piece for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. At NO time has he ever said anything in disagreement with him, his actions, or his activities. While it might have "questioned" them, they would always turn that questioning into something favorable.

They are not “independent” and represent an alternate view. They are snares that trap people of similar mindsets into an environment where the government can intentionally manipulate…and control.

If you enjoy the “alternative media”, then you are caught up in the government propaganda snare.

The only non-influenced sources of information on the Internet are “independent bloggers”. And of that, it’s a mixed bag. With many simply placing their opinions and observations based upon the (government controlled) Alternative narratives instead of their own first-hand experiences.

Regarding the derogatory comments. It’s what happens when the uninformed stumble upon Metallicman. They read an article or two, come to some snap and quick opinions before going through the voluminous stacks of information and come to conclusions.

They cannot see what this venue is, what it represents, and how it is different. They are searching for articles that they believe or that they want to believe. And NO ONE in American want’s to see the truth. They want to live the lies that they are being spoon-fed. Which are…

  • America is the best,the greatest, the most powerful nation on the Earth.
  • The USA is blessed by God, and give domination over all else.
  • Americans are better, kinder, and more understanding than the rest of the world.

And if you mostly follow the Alt-left sites…

  • America is growing in diversity, allowing for differences in individuality.
  • America is historically corrupt and is in the process of correction.
  • Russia is behind all the problems in America today.

But if you mostly follow the Alt-Right sites…

  • A Marxist takeover is imminent.
  • The Progressives are going to disarm you, and probably do nasty things.
  • China is behind all the evil in America today.

It’s all nice to read. If a bit terrifying. Over all, it tends to make you feel good about yourself and help you reach out to others of a similar mind-set. That’s why it is called an echo chamber. But, a lot of it is not really true. Not by a long shot.

Yes. There are going to be some dicey times ahead for America.

Yes. Some Progressive Marxists are going to secure areas near urban areas using historically successful methods.

Yes. Changes are going to be implemented that not everyone will agree with.

Yes, there will be some conflict and confrontations, and maybe a very nasty global war as a result of the American idiocy.

But it’s going to be in fits and starts. It’s going to be confined to certain regions, and might not affect everyone.

Probably not.

But what is going to actually happen will not be what is being presented in any of the government controlled media. They do not want the citizens to know what is going on. Instead, they have set the media on “auto pilot” and they are leading their readership towards blind alleys and dangerous objectives. All for the government to capitalize upon.

  • Within the first year of the Biden Presidency; 2021 will be a horrific gun-related event. The media will launch into a hysterical anti-gun campaign. And this will kick off a serious escalation of the ongoing American Civil War.

What follows are just glimpses into the “mixed bag” of what the world is today. In short, it is just a bunch a stuff about America, good and bad. It doesn’t necessarily mean that America is horrible, but rather that the alarm bells have been going off for decades now. The USA is in a shit-load of hurt, and unless people start taking active and proactive steps to correct things, a big fiery catastrophe is sure to follow.

Just because you live in a nice home, drive a nice car, and eat nice food does not mean that you are successful. It just means that you are thriving in an environment AT THIS PARTICULAR MOMENT IN TIME. Unless you are able to determine the duration of this environment, you are just living on “borrowed time” and your future can change in unsavory ways unless you take adequate precautions.

So first, an opinion…

Even if the American people wake up, it will not help because they'll have to first look in the mirror. 

The American people are not  pawns. They elect the war-mongers and give them impunity. They pay taxes  to feed the beasts of war. They send their sons and daughters to  perform the atrocities for their ruling class masters. As long as the  American people continue to live in the lie of their hypocrisy, they  cannot be saved. 

Ask yourself how is it  possible for 99% to be ruled and fooled by the 1% in a democratic and  free society if the people don't allow it? 

It won't even happen in an  authoritarian society. 

Don't blame it on the ruling class and the  war-mongers because the American people empower them. 

Don't blame it on  the freedom-to-lie free press because the people want the freedom to lie  and slander. Why else would Americans accept 250,000 deaths and blame  everything on China? 

In fact, if this happened in China, such egregious  liars and perpetrators of atrocities would be festooned on trees. China  does have a long and rich history of peasant rebellions. Don't blame it  on that nebulous "they." Blame it on ourselves. We have met the enemy  and he is us. 

By the way, globalization is an  American idea. America has the dollar hegemony. It buys everything with  money it prints. Others must earn that US dollar in order to pay for  things that they need for development and trade. 

America is the  wealthiest, most powerful, and freest country in the world, why would  the people want shit jobs mining or making shoes at minimum wage? In  American politics, everyone wants jobs. Have the American people turned  to brainless zombies? Do people want the freedom to be ignorant? Why  would they need 80-hour a week shit jobs that pay two dollars an hour so  their children can grow up without a family? 

China sacrificed a  generation of its people to working in shit jobs for Americans so  China's children can get educated and be more competitive in the global  market dominated by America and the West. Americans don't need jobs.  They need the basic guarantee of a home, healthcare, education, food,  and the means to communicate. They can use their spare time to stop  raping and bombing other countries, sanctioning whoever whenever for  whatever reasons, and travel the world to learn about how to live and  let live. 

The American people are not pawns.  They are America. Wake up indeed and look in the mirror. Change yourself  and then go out and change America. That is the only hope for America  and the only possibility of peace for the rest of the world.

Peter Man

Let’s take a look at things from my point of view. Here’s what America is…


The worst, absolutely worst thing in America today is the political scene. Lordy, it is awful. I try to avoid it, but no matter what I do, it sort of creeps up on me and throws me to the ground. Screeching in agony and writhing in pain.

Here’s a twitter about the election of 2020, and an opinion about the election loss by Donald Trump…


Look guys, part of the problem with America today isn’t just one singular person, or their behaviors. It is the accumulation of decades if not centuries of selfish, intentional mismanagement. So don’t get too down on Mr. Trump, there’s lots of blame to go around.

Yes, it is so easy to point to a figurehead, a media celebrity or anyone else who is well-known and famous, we really do need to get to take a full “360 degree review” audit…

And, you know, it’s not all bad…

Of course it’s not all bad.

Here are some positive things that show the general resourcefulness of Americans during the entire horrible COVID-19 pandemic…


And no it isn’t. But you know we need to look at the good along with the bad to see the bigger picture. Instead of showing all doom and gloom, we have to look at the positive elements of life in the USA, don’t you know.

Here is what I call innovation…

Real American innovation.
Real Innovation.


Now this is something that I wholeheartedly support.

Messed up?

But the fact is that the United States is terribly messed up. It really is, and even though we look at the good inside America, it’s usually on a small level – a interpersonal level where it manifests. Anything on a large scale is corrupted beyond functionality.

In an attempt to change what is wrong with the United States, those in power want the citizens to change. And to change their history, their cultures and their society. Not change the ruling class. That is fucked up.


We’ve all heard a thing or two about the American healthcare system. To put it simply—it’s probably not the best system in the world. Well, as a person who has used medical systems in other parts of the world, I can pretty much say that the American system is perhaps one of the worst.

People who get ill are often left with huge debts, it costs hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars to call an ambulance. It’s an out-of-control for-profit mechanism, and it is running amok. Heck, hospitals in America even charge you for “skin to skin” contact when you give birth to your child.

That is not a “great” system. Rather it is a wholly corrupt one.

When it comes to medicine, the situation seems even direr. Recently, Emily Porter, a doctor based in Austin, Texas, shared an infuriating Twitter thread about the cost of drugs and ridiculous markups on medicine.

The thread shared by an Austin-based MD has caused quite a stir and received more than 56k likes and over 18k retweets. A lot of people on Twitter found the thread infuriating. “Why aren’t Americans smashing [things] up over this and demanding a better system?” someone tweeted. “The worst thing is that American healthcare ideology is bleeding over the pond. There needs to be some direct action ASAP.”

Uh. Well DUH! But you know, if you are an American, that nothing is going to change. Those in power are far too powerful. You just cannot do anything about it.

I can tell you that this medicine is actually very cheap in the rest of the world, and inside of China, not only do you NOT need a doctors’ prescription (and the costs for a visit), but a bottle of 50 pills of Ondansetron OD is under $2.


Well… Trump promised to change things and make America great again. And he went about changing the Healthcare system. He scrapped the “Affordable Care Act” and implemented the CARE Act to help people who had COVID-19 related illnesses.

The idea is that America is a nation run for the people and by the people. And this narrative is heavily promoted. But is it really true?

Let’s look at the CARE Act. In 2020, President trump pushed through, with great fanfare and loud posturing, the CARE act.

The government says (and people believe)…
The CARES Act Works for All Americans The CARES Act provides fast and direct economic assistance for American workers and families, small businesses, and preserves jobs for American industries. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was passed by Congress with overwhelming, bipartisan support and signed into law by President Trump on March 27th, 2020.
-The CARES Act Works for All Americans 
And how it manifests…
How the average American benefits from the CARE Act.



In the example above, the cost for the medical treatments were $41,649.50. The big, and heavily promoted “help” from the government was $371. So the measured impact of this assistance was 0.89%. Functionally equal to ZERO. Thus pretty much the American citizen must pay full price minus an insignificant amount if they catch COVID-19 and need hospitalization to any degree.

In comparison…

And I will use China in this example because that is where I live, and that is where I have data that I can use to make a comparison with. Thus, using this as a baseline. If you are in China, and you get COVID-19, all treatment is free including all associated hospital costs.

Hospital treatment for COVID-19 in America$41,650
Hospital treatment for COVID-19 in ChinaFree

Americans roar with glee! We are the best! America is number one! Hurray for us! Woo Woo. Freedom! Democracy! Yay!

Woo woo.
Proud to be an American.


But what about the costs, and the minuscule “help” that the government promised? Well, when you point out the facts, and the figures and the numbers the reactions are…

Face the facts.

In America the “health care system” is a for-profit mechanism that the oligarchy uses to fleece the American citizenry. There are very few exceptions to this rule.

American health care truths.
American health care truths.

But why is everything about money in the USA today?

Well, maybe this chart will put things into perspective.

Perspective on why.

And how it affects most people like you and I.

This chart pretty much sums up the life of a serf-sheeple, work-slave, for the Federal Government racket.

American reality.

Yeah. Let’s review…

So let’s review. On the small interpersonal level, Americans are pretty good folk. And it doesn’t matter if you are politically left or right, most are pretty decent folk. The problem comes when you start talking about larger organizations, government, programs, and money. then it’s completely “off the rails” and a complete “cluster fuck”.

And the people, independent of where they lie politically, hate this. They want to change it. They want America to survive and become something better than the fucked up mess that it is today…

… and the leadership of America know this. They have spent decades preparing for the backlash and they have systems in place to mitigate the effects of this populist revolt. The biggest and primary mechanism, the tried and true device to redirect American anger, is to identify an external threat. You identify it as evil and use it as the scapegoat from which to vilify and attack. And since the problems in America today are so horrible and out of control, the villain must be a large nation. But you all know, those large nations do not like that villainization.

So as a recap.

In 2016, under President Obama, China retained the “Most Favored Trading nation Status” as sent in place two decades earlier by Presidents Bush and Clinton. Then Donald Trump came to office. Suddenly the name of China became equated with evil, disgust and horror. Most certainly the Alt-Right promoted this narrative ruthlessly. With it all coming to a head in 2020 with China being named as “enemy”. The unleashing of biological warfare to destroy food, livestock and people, and an enormous naval armada to the South China Sea to wage war against China.

It didn’t happen.

The American military was sufficiently told to back down, and they did. The armada steamed home and Trump Fires Mark Esper, Defense Secretary as a direct result of his inability to create a war.

Well, good thing though.

I really don’t want to see Boston, New York, San Francisco, Houston, or Chicago reduced to huge craters of ruin. You see I do know a few things about China. A war with China would be fought on American soil. NOT in the far-away South China Sea.

So now…

Biden is in office, and now the narrative is going to change to Russia is the enemy.

Uh oh!

God Loves Cowboys

You all don’t know what I am talking about do you?

Aaron Watson – That’s Why God Loves Cowboys


When America is spiraling out of control. And all the institutions, the leadership, and all the famous people are shown to be evil or incompetent or both, that is when us individuals must “step up to the plate”. And do what needs to be done.

Which is why we need to be part of a community.

We all will need to “carry our weight” to get though this time. We will all need to be strong, compassionate and helpful. Instead of embracing the hate-hate-hate narrative out of Washington DC that are using the media to pit us all one against the other, we need to unify and throw those bastards in the slammer; French Revolution style.

But they are never going to allow that.

Sanity Check

It’s so very easy to get all caught up in the nightmare that America has become. But the truth is that if you aren’t listening to the internet, and have no dealings with banks, or any government institutions, your life is pretty tranquil. The “news” floods our consciousness with dangerous and toxic shit…

It is only when the Federal Government gets into your life that you start having problems. And to this I argue that not only is the Federal Government dangerous, but that it is toxic and is a major contributor to all the ailments going on inside of America today.

The Federal Government has problems. They need to be diagnosed and corrected.

If you turn off, and tune out from anything that involves the Federal Government, your life would tend to be quieter and gentler.


And that is pretty much the way it is.

There are a host of good things going on in the United States. You just need to appreciate them. You really need to stop all the fear-mongering. And as I have said earlier, yes there are radical elements, and their fears are being inflamed by interested Federal Government entities. Please do not fall for the fear.

Yes. Bad people are going to try to “improve” America in some way over the next few years. And, Yes, you probably won’t agree to the “improvements”. But you must realize that this roller-coaster will eventually end, and it is up to you to survive it. Do not get too caught up either way in what you read in the news. It’s mostly bullshit.

Look at the good things around you…

Delicious BBQ.
America is full of decent people doing good things. Do not be manipulated into thinking otherwise. Wouldn’t you enjoy a delicious icy cold beer with this delicious BBQ?


But you do know that the rest of the world is watching America right now. They have observed Trump and the mess his neocons made, and they are watching with increased worry what the Biden Administration might do. Everyone pretty much agrees that the United States needs to identify a villain from which they can wage war upon. And if it isn’t going to be China, then it’s going to be Russia.

And Russia does not play…

As I have said before…

To repeat…

Oh, the narrative about “us vs. them” is going to continue all right. America needs an outside enemy to direct it’s frustration and anger towards. Perhaps you know what I am talking about. If you don’t read George Orwell’s book “1984” and refer to the Geo-political issues as described in that masterpiece.

The book is set in 1984 in Oceania, one of three perpetually warring  totalitarian states (the other two are Eurasia and Eastasia). 

Oceania is  governed by the all-controlling Party, which has brainwashed the  population into unthinking obedience to its leader, Big Brother. The  Party has created a propagandistic language known as Newspeak, which is designed to limit free thought and promote the Party’s doctrines. Its words include doublethink  (belief in contradictory ideas simultaneously), which is reflected in  the Party’s slogans: “War is peace,” “Freedom is slavery,” and  “Ignorance is strength.” The Party maintains control through the Thought  Police and continual surveillance.

-Nineteen Eighty-four | Summary, Characters, Analysis ...

You all can consider the following Geo-Political alignments…

  • USA = Oceania
  • Russia = Eurasia
  • China = Eastasia
There are three major powers in the world right now.
USA = (Oceania) Oligarchy controlled military empire running amok. Populated by an intentionally dumbed down, weakened society, of work serfs. Military operations are the norm, and America is military empire with over 800+ military bases all over the globe, and currently fighting 8 hot wars. Americans view it as a normal occurrence, being in a state of war. Military is geared towards offensive conventional weapon operations outside the USA in far away lands.
Russia = (Eurasia) Fierce, pissed off people, who do not want another War where they are positioned within a defensive posture. They will NEVER allow that situation, a replay of World War II to reoccur. Russia suffered horribly during it, and Russians have never forgotten. Military is geared to preventative operations at a large and harsh scale.
China = (Eastasia) Old, smart, intelligent, and diligent. Does not want war, but will respond in a measured manner. On their terms. Using their timing. Planed for their advantage. Any attack on China will have an equal measured response within the continental United States. Military is geared towards responsive operations.

You will see the anti-China propaganda to decrease substantially and sharply, as it is already doing. And you will see a rise of anti-Russia propaganda. And I watch all this as an educated observer, and it horrifies me.

  • Firstly, because the lead up for war with China was so effective. Most Americans now hate China and support the idea of a (far off) war in the distant South China Sea. They actually believe that China would take the hits and not retaliate. They actually believe that it can be “contained” in a far away land. And now, soon it will change to Russia with a (supposedly) far-off war in Eastern Europe.
  • Secondly, that the ignorance of what China is, and what it is truly capable of is ignored, as it is discounted by most of the West. Which pretty much is the general American attitude of all other nations. And that is magnified by a factor of ten with Russia.
  • Thirdly, that the lead up for a war with China pretty much parallels what happened in the lead up to World War II. And we can expect it to be duplicated with Russia. So buckle up. Yeah. It’s not over yet.
Ugh! There is this recent article:

Now, from my point of view, the activities will be directed towards Russia instead of China.


Russia? Seriously?

Russia knows whats next.

And so do the readers of MM.

The Defense Ministry  said that the Vladimir Monomakh submarine of the Pacific Fleet launched  four Bulava missiles in quick succession from an underwater position in  the Sea of Okhotsk. Their dummy warheads hit their designated targets  on the Chiza shooting range in the Arkhangelsk region in northwestern  Russia more than 5,500 kilometers (over 3,400 miles) away, the ministry  said in a statement.

The  Vladimir Monomakh is one of the new Borei-class nuclear submarines that  carry 16 Bulava missiles each and are intended to serve as the core of  the naval component of the nation’s nuclear forces for decades to come.  Another submarine of the same type performed a similar launch of four  Bulava missiles in 2018 — a costly demonstration of the efficiency of  the country’s nuclear deterrent mimicking the conditions of a major  nuclear conflict.


In  a report to President Vladimir Putin, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu  said that Saturday’s launch wrapped up large-scale drills of Russia’s  strategic nuclear forces that began Wednesday. As part of those  maneuvers, another Russian nuclear submarine also performed a practice  launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile from the Barents Sea, a  ground-based ICBM was launched from the Plesetsk facility in  northwestern Russia and Tu-160 and Tu-95 strategic bombers fired cruise  missiles at test targets at an Arctic range.

And no one in the American media are taking notes?


So if no one is paying attention, then what are they reporting on?


Seriously. This is not note worthy, or “news” worthy?

Russia has expanded  its military drills in recent years amid tensions with the West as  relations have sunk to post-Cold War lows after Moscow’s 2014 annexation  of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula. 

The  series of missile launches comes less than two months before the New  START U.S.-Russian arms control treaty expires in early February. Moscow  and Washington have discussed the possibility of its extension, but so  far have failed to overcome their differences. 
New START was signed  in 2010 by U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry  Medvedev. It limits each country to no more than 1,550 deployed nuclear  warheads and 700 deployed missiles and bombers, and envisages sweeping  on-site inspections to verify compliance.

After  both Moscow and Washington withdrew from the 1987 Intermediate-Range  Nuclear Forces Treaty last year, New START is the only remaining nuclear  arms control deal between the two countries still standing.

Arms  control advocates have warned that its expiration would remove any  checks on U.S. and Russian nuclear forces, in a blow to global  stability.

Ah. But Russia is not what everyone thinks.

Just like China did IN NO WAY reflects the narrative as promoted by the Alt-Right, Russia does not resemble anything that the Alt-Left is promoting either.

Russia, like China, is different from the United States, but an evil empire desirous of taking over the United States through invasion is absurd. Actually their view of America is one full of weak-wristed wimps that are living the high life because their inherited their wealth though their hard-working relatives. Now Americans are squandering what they have, and they deserve to be put back into their place…


This is an opinion that you will not read anywhere in American media. But them again, all the sheeple must believe in their strength and ability. Even if it is a lie.

Contemporaneous Russia.
Contemporaneous Russia.


Yeah. There’s a lot of pretty Russian girls out there in them hills. And speaking about Russian hills…

Contemporaneous Russia.


Yeah. It looks a lot like Modern America, at least in the countryside.

And yeah. This is also modern Russia. At least there their rights to own weapons is NOT INFRINGED like in America.


Sure, there are some cultural differences you know.

Russian Wedding Party.
Russian wedding party.


But that is no reason to point at them and say loudly “They are trying to steal our democracy”. Seriously that is so fucking absurd.


But the fact remains that facts do not matter. The USA government NEEDS to redirect attention outside of America and eight “brush wars” are no longer capable of that feat. A major serious war is necessary. And it cannot be China. Because China has clearly demonstrated that the USA will lost it’s entire Navy in the process and anger the rest of the world.

Both of which would result in unintended consequences for the American people.

Look guys…

America must stop. Just stop and get on fuck of a new type of government. If no one can think of anything, then just dissolve the federal government and resort to State Governments. Right now the Federal government is a real mess and it is going to destroy the USA in the process. The rest of the world realize this and put Trump in place to minimize the destruction to the shores of the Untied States.

Washington DC and the surrounding area will resort to a radioactive swamp / bog with ruins and with numerous and massive fresh-water craters.

Please try to avoid the red areas on the map.


Personally, I do wish it can all be avoided, but looking at the current crop of “elected” officials, I see little hope in that happening.

So at which point I need to post this following image. You know to make it perfectly clear to the slower folk in the MM audience….


Now what?

God, I truly hope that the crescendo rises and then falls before anything peaks. I hope that you all can say MM was full of it. I will never read his writings ever again. I hope that this is as bad as it gets and sensible people take the levers of government inside of America and steers it away, far away from the shit storm of disaster that it is barrelling towards.

I hope.

But our leadership in America doesn’t think like that. They have another view of themselves, and this view is nothing that us serf-sheeple can understand. It is alien to us.

They think of themselves as something wonderful and great.

American leadership today.



So whats next?

I am predicting an American civil war from 2020 though to 2025. It will not be well reported. It will be regional and it will involve the extreme elements of both the Left and the Right, with both sides being financed by shadowy oligarchy figures and organizations. They will commit atrocities.

Atrocities will be committed..


The Federal government will use the DHS to keep the peace. It will be hit and miss. Nothing will be reported.

Meanwhile the Federal Government would unleash a “fire hose of disinformation” an anti-Russia barrage that will make it clear that war is imminent.

Only that Russia will strike in the USA preemptively.

Russia will strike in the USA preemptively.


The USA will suffer immense causalities. And it will end up a ruined nation, and will resemble the nations that the USA has “liberated” for “democracy” already. Like Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Liberia.

The spiritual picture

Folk, you have to realize that we think about, and what we do eventually creates OUR reality. And if America has been spending the last fifty years destroying all sorts of nations using the excuse of “democracy” then the connection between wars and democracy will strike the USA. It’s a point that I have been hammering down for just about forever.

American trust plummets.
Trust in America reaches the lowest levels in history. In one year it went from “trust” to “distrust”.


You can call it karma or something else, but the fact is the USA is in the cross-hairs of a violent reset, of the same nature and permanency of the damage that it has set upon the rest of the world. And that’s the way it is.

Oh, perhaps you all don’t know what I am talking about when I say “karma is a bitch”…

American Improvements to Syria for “democracy”

The main reason for US intervention in Syria was the apparent use of chemical weapons by Assad outside the Syrian capital Damascus on August 21, 2013. The US has blamed the Syrian government forces for the deaths of hundreds of civilians in the attack, an accusation vehemently denied by Syria.

-Reasons for US intervention in Syria
American Improvements to Syria for “democracy”

American Improvements to Libya for “democracy”

U.S. bombs terrorist and military targets in Libya On April 14, 1986, the United States launches air strikes against Libya in retaliation for the Libyan sponsorship of terrorism against American troops and citizens.

-U.S. bombs terrorist and military targets in Libya - HISTORY
American Improvements to Libya for “democracy”

American Improvements to Afghanistan for “democracy”

The Bush administration then commenced a bombing campaign and invasion of Afghanistan, asserting the need to capture or kill bin Laden and crush his terrorist organization so that they could not launch another deadly attack on the American homeland.

-Why Did the United States Invade Afghanistan?
American Improvements to Afghanistan for “democracy”

American Improvements to Yemen for “democracy”

The United States has, for more than a year now, been quietly participating in a Saudi-led war against the Houthis, providing valuable logistical support for Saudi Arabia’s airstrikes. So this missile exchange isn’t something out of the blue. It’s an escalation of current US policy, moving from indirect to direct participation in the Saudi offensive. 

-Why the hell is the US helping Saudi Arabia bomb Yemen?
American Improvements to Yemen for “democracy”

American Improvements to Iraq for “democracy”

The chief reason for U.S. involvement in the Iraq-Kuwait conflict was concern over Iraq’s antagonism to Saudi Arabia, a key Western ally. Iraq’s presence in Kuwait gave them strategic positioning in relation to Saudi Arabia.

-Why Did the U.S. Get Involved With Iraq
American Improvements to Iraq for “democracy”


You can call it karma or something else, but the fact is the USA is in the cross-hairs of a violent reset, of the same nature and permanency of the damage that it has set upon the rest of the world. And that’s the way it is.

You just don’t spend every day kicking dogs, and not expect to have a pack of dogs attack you. You just don’t expect to gorge yourself on food, over and over again, and not throw up. You just cannot expect to devote so much time and thought to hurting other societies and not expect it all to “come to roost” in your own backyard.

Things need to change.

Yes. Things do need to change. But the good thing is that change is how we grow as individuals. The United States is set for a massive reset, and that is going to create all sorts of opportunities for positive and constructive change. Opportunities that you can take advantage of.

Wrapping it up

Let’s try to summarize this rant-a-thon that I have been locked into today.

On a personal level, Americans are pretty decent folk. But everyone pretty much recognizes that the Federal government is a big mess.

They have poisoned everything inside the nation with their toxic ideas, and their horrible sadistic behaviors.

There are elements within this evil governance that are conspiring to “further improve” America by forcing a Civil War to “purge” it of opposition forces. It will not go as they plan.

To distract attention, a world war is necessary, and both China and Russia do not play. American leadership isn’t really aware of this disconnect, as we have seen with the Trump and Pompeo misadventures with China. We can only imagine what might happen with Russia…

And, Biden isn’t even in office yet, and already the anti-Russia narrative is in full swing…

Russia will launch a preemptive attack. America will respond with a much weaker military. Russia will get dinged. And to a lesser extent, so will China. But, for the most part, most of the remaining world will be spared. America will be in shambles.

Again, with the John Titor stuff…

Add ten years to his dates, and take notes.

Part 1 – 25:00 A message for the world leaders in government. “Revel in your confidence today, because you will not win tomorrow.” 

Part 2 – 1:45 “There was an armed resistance (from the cities).  We killed most of them by 2020.”

Part 2 – 3:10 Question: “Why do you think that our future will be like your future?” Answer: “Because our world-lines are so similar.”

Part 2 – 12:11 “There were no Olympics after 2004.”
Part 2 – 17:40 Most people blamed the “government organizations” for the nuclear war.

Part 2 – 20:50 “When the civil war broke out most decided to stay in the cities and lose most of their civil rights in the guise of security…”

Ah. It’s crazy times that we live in, but you know, it’s NOT really as bad as the news media makes out. And I want to describe why…


Imagine that you are a tiny small flea riding on the back of a old, crazed thrashing angry elephant. Some of your flea-friends see the jumping and the thrashing as something bad and they really want to do something about it. Every flea has an idea about what is going on and how to control it. But no one knows for sure.

The fleas are fighting among themselves and that is just fine with the elephant. As long as the fleas aren’t biting the elephant he is just fine. He doesn’t want to get bit. Not at all. He, the elephant, knows that too many flea bite can cause him to get sick and even die. So it is important that the elephant keeps all the fleas busy fighting each other, and not him.

But he is one uncomfortable elephant. He has done some bad stuff over the years and it is all starting to catch up with him.

The Western financial  system is basically in a coma and kept alive only by generous IV  injections of central bank liquidity.  We are living the end of Western  hegemony.

Today we are observing the transition from a so called  unipolar world, one in which a single nation (or group of allied  nations) dictates the terms of life for all global citizens, to a more  balanced and natural multipolar world.

The current dominating  group, the “western” bloc of nations, is led by the United States along  with numerous vassal states; this order has persisted since the end of  the WW2. This construct is held together using a combination of  supranational organizations (UN, WTO, World Bank, IMF etc.), propaganda  (mainstream media complex), armed might (MIC,NATO, private mercenary  forces) & chiefly economics (central banks, corporations).

The  true “rulers” of this bloc are a cabal of very wealthy & powerful  oligarchs that work in the background (shadow banking, dark pool  finance, shadow governments, think tanks, NGO’s) to subvert the various  sovereignties to their advantage. These oligarchs are the principal  owners of, not just the industries and corporations that front for them,  but the governments that rule over the masses.

Most importantly this Western cabal owns the means by which real wealth extraction is carried out:  fiat currency, chiefly the “worlds reserve currency”- the United States dollar and it’s derivatives. 

These currencies are backed not by equitable assets; such as natural resources, precious metals or productive capacities; instead they are backed by the CREATION OF DEBT. 

Debt that represents a claim on real assets that virtually all participants in global commerce must pay. 

A new bloc of nations has been pushed toward an alliance. 

This bloc of nations consists of principally China, Russia and Iran (“eastern bloc”). These nations are led by various actors who seem to comprehend the likely nature of the end game inherent to the current financial construction. They are out of necessity seeking a path toward a different and more balanced and hopefully sustainable economic and global governance paradigm.

-Comment by Lisa Yuen on the article titled Analyzing the Emerging World Order

He (the elephant) is now caged, loaded inside a plane and is being sent to another place. A place where he will no longer be the top-elephant. And he does not like this. Not one bit. So he is thrashing about, howling and screeching with anger at everything around him.

And you, as a lone flea, are seeing all this with worry and concern.

You also see your fellow fleas gear up towards fighting each other. That is worrisome as well. You don’t want to have any part of that. That’s for certain.

So what can we say about this moment in time?

  • There’s the makings of a civil war. But you don’t want to participate in it.
  • The Federal Elephant Beast is dangerous and is unpredictable and causing all sorts of disruptions.
  • This Federal Elephant beast might create a situation that is far worse than what it seems to be heading towards right now.

And that is pretty much it, isn’t it? Left on it’s own, the plane will take the elephant to a destination that it will not like, and that unhappy elephant will make life for the fleas very unhappy. As we used to say in the States “shit flows downhill”. And so now the elephant is trying to burst forth from it’s chains and attack the rest of the crew and creatures on the plane. As such it’s one fuck of a bumpy ride.

US foreign policy.
United States Foreign Policy

2020 was not random, or bad luck, it was the direct result of Donald Trump trying to suppress global trade and suppress China. It didn’t work out as planned, and instead the entire world was suppressed, and China is doing well.

And so what is next…

Will the elephant calm down, and resign to it’s fate, or will it rebound it’s efforts to “rock the plane” break loose from it’s shackles and do something drastic? Which would mean taking the plane down and crashing it, and in the process killing the rest of the people on the plane.

And will the rest of the plane need to shoot the elephant dead so that the plane can at least land safely?

  • If you were on the plane, what would you do to the elephant?
  • If you were the flea what would you do?

Analyzing the Emerging World Order

This is a reprint in full of the referenced article by Lisa Yuen above. It can be found HERE, and is reprinted in full with only minor editing to fit this venue. All credit to the author.

The global community today is clearly in a state of flux. This is not an aberration – we are in the midst of a normal and periodic global reordering. We shall briefly take a “big picture” look at this phenomenon and attempt to glean an understanding as to the direction that we are heading as citizens of a global society.

It is my hope that these observations can foster a more in depth discussion between reasonable people; leading to the development of ideas which can then be implemented to improve the human condition.

Current Paradigm

We live in a world subdivided by societies: nations and their respective subdivisions. As a matter of fact, there are over 200 nations recognized by the United Nations (UN). We are taught that a society must conform to a binary label such as “free” or “unfree”, “democratic” or “non-democratic” and so on. This is done principally for two reasons – to provide a tautological definition, also for easier control of the masses via manipulation.

The current overarching narrative provides that we are divided between the “western” and “eastern” worlds. What does this really mean? We can distill this down to one principal root: economics. What do we mean by economics? We can say that in it’s purest form, it is simply the structured allocation of finite resources.

Today we are observing the transition from a so called unipolar world, one in which a single nation (or group of allied nations) dictates the terms of life for all global citizens, to a more balanced and natural multipolar world.

The current dominating group, the “western” bloc of nations, is led by the United States along with numerous vassal states; this order has persisted since the end of the Second World War. This construct is held together using a combination of supranational organizations (UN,WTO,World Bank, IMF, et cetera), propaganda (mainstream media complex), armed might (MIC,NATO, private mercenary forces) and chiefly economics (central banks, corporations).

The true “rulers” of this bloc are a cabal of very wealthy and powerful oligarchs that work in the background (shadow banking, dark pool finance, shadow governments, think tanks, NGO’s) to subvert the various sovereignties to their advantage. These oligarchs are the principal owners of, not just the industries and corporations that front for them, but the governments that rule over the masses.

Most importantly this cabal owns the means by which real wealth extraction is carried out: fiat currency, chiefly the “worlds reserve currency”- the United States dollar and it’s derivatives. These currencies are backed not by equitable assets; such as natural resources, precious metals or productive capacities; instead they are backed by the creation of debt. Debt that represents a claim on real assets that virtually all participants in global commerce must pay.

How did this cabal come into power? This is a complex question that is subject to many possible answers and interpretations. Briefly, we know from historical fact that a global empire is a central part of this construct, today the United States empire holds that role (previously British, French so on…). This provides the controlling force behind such a cabal. The privately owned quasi-governmental western central banks are at the heart of this operation. They form the crucial nexus between sovereign governments and the financial world in which they derive their revenue stream, and by extension, their power.

The current seat of this construct (United States) was founded as a Constitutional Republic. Unfortunately, the United States Constitution is quite amorphous. Using many acts of legislative, executive and even judicial fiat, this cabal has been able to effectively take over the reigns of the nation. With that feat accomplished, near world domination was made possible.

A complex web of regulations, laws, and rules; coupled with a financial system few fully comprehend has been put into place across the west. This became the mechanism by which this “new world order” has been enforced.

The unsolvable problem here is that this debt based system is really just an elaborate pyramid scheme predicated on ever increasing amounts of debt in a world where sources of real wealth are finite. At present, the growth rate and the total amount of debt issuance, is outpacing the extraction rate and amount of available reserves of resources on the planet.

A Path Forward?…..

A new bloc of nations has been pushed toward an alliance. This bloc of nations consists of principally China, Russia and Iran (“eastern bloc”). These nations are led by various actors who seem to comprehend the likely nature of the end game inherent to the current financial construction. They are out of necessity seeking a path toward a different and more balanced and hopefully sustainable economic and global governance paradigm.

Not individually formidable, these nations collectively are quite powerful.

Lets take a look at the derivation of that power. Firstly we examine a crucial metric: energy, it is well documented that these nations collectively possess enough energy resources to adequately power their economies for a long time. They also possess much of the worlds’ known stores of natural commercial use resources (metals, minerals, rare earth elements).

Additionally, owing in part to technological advances and also to long term changes in the earth’s climate, they possess the means to adequately feed their populations. They are also taking advantage of the fact that scientific knowledge and technological innovation (the key to a sustainable and competitive economy) are geographical location independent, as scientific axioms are immutable and provable anywhere on the planet.

Lastly, the differences between these nations is paradoxically what makes them a powerful bloc. As example: China has become the world’s workshop and an innovation leader whilst Russia proper contains large deposits of natural resources, carries very low external debt levels and possesses a very technologically advanced war machine.

Initiatives led by China such as the OBOR (One Belt One Road) infrastructure project, the AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) and the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) are aimed at providing distinct alternatives to western backed organizations such as the World Bank, IMF, UN, et cetera. The key piece of this strategy seems to be the use of the fiat system itself to fund the accumulation of tangible assets (businesses, technologies, resources, PM’s).

These assets can be then be utilized as a hedge against probable future turbulence with the current western based fiat regime. Why are these nations not publicly clamoring for this system to be dismantled sooner rather then later? First of all, this is a dangerous proposition, as they would likely be economically punished (Greece, Brazil) or worse, suffer an armed attack/invasion (Iraq, Libya).

One just needs to observe the large amount of vitriol directed toward these nations in the western mainstream press to connect theses dots – these nations surely get the message. Secondly, they are slowly dissolving this system on their own terms (direct bilateral trade agreements via own currencies, accumulation of PM’s as a potential partial backing to their respective currencies).

As of now, these nations are taking advantage of the current system to build up their economies and national infrastructures for the long term. As an example, Russia and China have begun co-developing a wide body passenger aircraft using their respective indigenous technologies and knowledge bases. These activities are made possible by their embedment into the current monetary system.


For the human condition to improve, the following possible actions should be taken under serious consideration.

The western fiat currency regime should be dissolved, most outstanding debts should be extinguished (debt jubilee, massive write offs, large scale revaluations), and national sovereignty must regain prominence across the entire globe.

Load the elephant on the plane and ship it elsewhere.

A balanced financial system based principally on equitable assets must take the place of the current debt based system. Sovereign governments should look to take on the crucial role as their own primary issuer of currency; this of course would require much more honest and transparent governments’ than we currently have in place.

The workers must use currency based on tangible items. Not promises.

A new system of loose decentralized global governance should be constructed to act as an impartial arbiter in geopolitical and economic affairs. These are but a few of the possible reforms that could be made to affect a more intelligent paradigm of globalism. Whether the alternative system(s) being pursued by the emergent eastern bloc will fulfill these objectives still remains to be seen, as big challenges remain, e.g. environmental degradation.

Centralized government control has created the elephant that exists today. It is not sustainable and not desirable.

The best outcome for the world at large is a general reset of sorts. A new paradigm in which malinvestments are discouraged and cleared away, success and effort are rewarded, and opportunity for all is sought as a societal virtue, should be pursued. Worse case is a long term continuation of the current system. This outcome is likely to lead to increasing levels of civil and political unrest, and possible widespread conflict as the planet’s capacity to support the growth rates demanded by a debt based system is diminished by a declining real ROI.

The elephant must be taken away before it can do more damage.


Yes it appears that the United States is fucked. But it doesn’t mean that you and your family are as well. It’s all a matter of [1] planning and [2] thought control.

You need to gather your priorities together and then plan accordingly. I have written about affirmation prayer campaigns, and if you really are concerned, then start breaking out your affirmation campaigns and work your life from that angle. It does work. Please believe me, and remember that things are not all or nothing. It’s all going to be periods of highs and lows, and you want to be in the most tranquil area as possible.

Your priorities might be something like this…

A man’s priorities.


Or perhaps, as a woman you might have different priorities…

Life goals.


I really cannot write an article where I can provide a “one size fits all” solution to the myriad of needs that people have, or their many, many desires. All that I can do is provide ideas, suggestions and some general direction vectors, and maybe some hope.

If you all are going to do something about this “crazy elephant” that the United States has become, and you are trapped riding this crazed elephant as it bounces and carries on so, then please find what your priorities are personally. Sit down. Think hard. Discuss hings with loved ones.

Then figure out what you want, and what you need. Then work the plan.

Simple dreams.
Some people have simple dreams.


Some people have simple dreams. While others are more complex.

What are yours?

2021 is the time to plan, and implement that plan. Truth.

Work your plan.

A final note

Since it’s a few weeks before Christmas, let me recommend one of my favorite Christmas movies to all the viewers to MM might enjoy.

Die hard.
Can you guess what movie that I am recommending?

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Ohio Guy

Who is John Mcclain in Die Hard, Alex? BTW, Thanks for this post, aka, dose of reality. You are quite correct on the media narratives on the left, right, alt. media. I liken it to a powerful vacuum that sucks all reason and critcal thinking from any within earshot. I am stupified at the level of mind theft going on, right now, even in my relatively small area of operations. Being the “grayman” and spending time with trusted friends and loved ones. Merry Christmas, MM.


So this comment will surely be labeled as treasonous by my fellow Americans but for the life of me I can’t understand why the US and Russia do not come together and work together. We have much more in common than most people are allowed to understand.
Preferred trade agreements and socio-economic ventures would greatly benefit both countries.
But no, Russia is the bad guy.
It’s all bullshit reinforced to keep a boogeyman target in front of the illiterate masses and to keep the Military Industrial Complex running to the banksters they are in bed with.
BTW, I see you actually do read my blog.

Rod Cloutier

I don’t agree with everything you say, but much is right on target. I think the forces that prevented a war with China will also prevent a war with Russia- I’d bet on it. I notice you didn’t mention the election fraud issue, which even if you don’t like Trump is obvious and totally apparent to anyone with a functioning brain- why don’t you think that is important?

Also as an aside, with your background with the extraterrestrials, what is your take about the alien monoliths appearing all over the world right now ?


For me, the most interesting takeaways from this post are;

  1. Highlighting American people’s refusal to blame themselves and constant looking for an enemy outside
  2. Karmic consequences of destroying other countries

A deep spiritual truth (and one that has many implications with the MWI theory) is “As above, so below, as within, so without”. That what the leaders do are a reflection of the people, and the problems we see outside the world are but manifestations of our own inner demons.

For a long time now, America has interfered and rigged many foreign elections, started, encouraged, propagated civil conflict/ war by supporting the ‘rebels’/opposition, especially through the infamous CIA. Thus, the foreign interference, the election rigging, the makings of civil conflict and war, all almost certainly involving the CIA, that we see now in USA are but the fruits of Karma ripening.

Always, Americans patted themselves on the back and justified all the wars that they waged on foreign countries as ‘justified’, thinking of themselves as the good guys, the world police, and that the ‘bad guys’ were out there. Certainly, America was probably right to enter the WW2 and participate in the Korean war, but after that, there probably was no justifiable war it should have committed itself to.

Karma has a funny way of working itself out. Whilst the White American Male previously reserved enemy tags for ‘those commies’ or ‘islamic terrorists’ or ‘evil dictators, now the ‘White American Male” is the very identity made into an enemy today.

MM points out that the alt-left regards Putin-Russia as the enemy, whilst the alt-right regards the CCP-China as the enemy, But truly, the real enemies are within, the domestic Deep State terrorists that have run amok in their own country for so many years. But I say again, the real enemies are within, and it is the ultimately the cowardice and conceit of the American people that believed that they could do no wrong as they cheered on their own government as it waged war elsewhere on other people. And now their own government is waging war on its people.

Actually, Karmic payback need not necessarily come from bombs of other countries. They can often come in the form of ‘natural’ disasters like hurricanes, wildfires, or pandemic and can wrought as much, if not more destruction than bombs.

MM’s perspective is that Trump is ultimately still a Deep State puppet and that the Karmic debt will be resolved and settled in the next few years.

My own intuition tells me that the Karmic lessons have come home to roost, and that Trump is a symbol of America’s possible salvation. Never has it been clearer that the enemies of the American people are within; their own corrupted institutions, their own Deep State, and ultimately, their own cowardice and conceit. What they do in the coming weeks and months will determine if America can return to the path of righteousness, or descend into years of civil conflict and war, fighting and killing themselves.


Ahhh, Die Hard with the legendary line “Yipee-kah-yay, Motherfucker”. If only movies today are as entertaining.

It was the start of Hollywood movies where the bad guy was ‘European’ (well, never mind that the late Alan Rickman was a Brit) and the start of casting more Brit actors as bad guys in movies.


I really enjoy reading your articles. And yes I have become a contributor and will continue to do so. You offer a different perspective that i find enlightening. It has taken a while to read and reread your writings. in complete agreement with you spiritual beliefs and many others. I know many don’t agree so i rarely say anything. Still reading your stuff and want to say thank you. Please keep up the great work.