Videos of china

Snapshots of life in China. Surprise! It doesn’t look anything like Alex Jones says it is.

Here are some videos taken around China during the Summer of 2020. During this time, China has pretty much recovered from the Coronavirus, but remains guarded and cautious. The rest of the world is still fighting the virus, and the United States is a “basket case”. The videos are a collection of home movies that I took and Tictok videos from the original platform Douxing, which has always been banned in the United States.

Incidentally, all those laws being made in the United States about banning or changing Tictok or Wechat has absolutely ZERO effect in China. 

American laws end at the American shoreline, and as far as the influence that they will have, it will be minimal. The primary generation of income for all the Chinese companies come from within China itself.

So, as an example, Tictok revenue in the USA is less than 2% of what it makes in China.  

Here, I use Alex Jones as an example (in the title) as he is pushing the “China Bad” narrative (generated by the Pompeo CIA / State Department) very rigorously. He, like others of his market segment, (such as Rush Limbaugh and Hall Turner) use China as the scapegoat for all the problems that America is experiencing. It’s a convenient villain.

It’s also absolutely and completely false.

It's like a fight in a school yard between two bullies. The teacher comes out to break it up. And one of the bullies points to the teachers car and yells"Someone is trying to steal your car!"

China does not look anything like these multi-millionaire television and radio personalities say. And because they are so very, very, very far off the “deep end” in their speculative fantasies, those that listen to them, end up making decisions based on bad intel.

They make bad decisions based upon their illusions instead of based on reality.

Such as Donald Trump / Mike Pompeo when they decided to “institute a regime change” in Communist China “for the Chinese people”.

Not realizing that the Communist Government IS the people of China.

Not just in "flowery words" and "pithy sayings", but really in reality. Their entire society is structured as that of an individual having membership within something greater.

America, is set up the opposite. It is a nation of "lone wolves", or individuals who fight alone and reap all the benefits of their hard labors for themselves alone.

So the Pompeo speed and the Trump public positioning, is of course very silly, and absolutely insane that a (supposedly capable) government would even dare publicly announce such a strategy.

"Ah. I do not like their government. We will do everything to destroy that government. We will build a coalition to enable us to destroy it as a collective group.

We are doing it for democracy, and freedom, and for the people of China."

Now, for the record, I have listened to these television personalities for decades. For the longest time I believed every word that they said, as they provided me with a news and opinion outlet that was not (then) available on the “mainstream American press”. And in so believing everything, I became a rabid nationalist conservative.

Then life happened.

Uh oh.

I saw how “Justice” actually works, and how absolutely out of touch the mainstream conservative narrative actually is with the many facets of American society. Some things just did not add up. (How can a nation be a Republic with the election of Senators? If America is so great, why was I always “treading water” and desperately trying to play “catch up?)

I started to move to the left (politically) and for the longest time I oscillated back and forth between left and right trying to find a “middle ground”. I guess you might say that I was a Libertarian at heart. I just pretty much wanted to be left alone. I wasn’t hurting or harming anyone. I just wanted to be left alone.

If America was the land of the “lone wolf”, then let me take on that role. Leave me alone! As it is my right as an American!

No one in the USA would let me.

There was always something I was doing wrong. From not wearing a seat-belt, to smoking in a restaurant, to drinking beer on Sunday, to not reporting a sale (I made to a friend) to the IRS. It got so bad that I was afraid to do anything. When I was driving, I would always look at my speedometer if I saw a police car. I would only carry just “enough” money in my wallet so that I wouldn’t be questioned “why” I had so much money. It was NOT a life that I wanted to live.

Then I moved to China.

Whoa! Was it nothing like I expected!

I expected something out of a dystopian novel. I expected darkness, pale faces and dour expressions. I expected goose-stepping security guards everywhere. I expected sadness, grey skies and a bleak landscape. I expected third-world hovels, and a remote and impossible to reach ruling class. I expected filth, squalor, bad habits, nasty behaviors, and oppressive regulations and endless lines of bureaucracy.

I expected the “cardboard cut-out” illusion that has been drummed into my head for the last six decades.

I did not see it.

I saw something else.

I saw FREEDOM. Real, honest to goodness, freedom. I saw people who were living life without fear of the police. I saw people who were able to save money. I saw people smoking (gasp!) at their desks at work (gasp!) and pin-up of nude girls on the office walls (gasp!) and buying beer at lunch as if it was nothing. Nothing! I saw people that had hope and dreams and a strong belief that their government would stick by them, and help THEM when they needed it.


Let me show you what I saw, and continue to see, in China to this day…

Each picture contains a movie. Please click on the picture to watch a movie that will open up in a new tab that will illustrate the story within the picture shown.

The videos

Here are some videos that I have collected and that provides some sort of “snapshot” of life in China. Good or bad, you can say that [1] it is different from that in the United States, and [2] that it doesn’t at all resemble anything like the news media (on all levels) say it is.

And that is the point.

These videos are a selection of videos that point to how life is within China in various aspects. They are a mix of some “home videos” that I took (like the first one) and videos that I have collected using various Chinese APPs. I suggest you check them all out.


One of the many things you learn when you leave the Untied States (or any of it’s satellite nations, like the UK or Canada) is that the world looks nothing like the American media says it is. In fact, it looks absolutely and stunningly different.

This goes as far as what other nations are like. As in the example of China. To, just how welcome all the Americans are when they are busy “spreading democracy and freedom” to the rest of the world. Like here…


Or, being an example for the rest of the world to emulate. Like how the United States has handled the Coronavirus. As shown clearly in this video…


The future belongs to people who will work together as a society for the benefit of all. Not to those who take, who demand, and who do not contribute. Their ideas no longer work in this small place that we call the earth. Being selfish is not going to help society as a whole. We will all need to work together.

The best example that I can give is this;

You can be the best basket-ball player in the world. But up against a team of other players, who are all well trained in working together, you will lose. You will fail spectacularly. 

Don’t be selfish. Work together to make the world a better place. That is what China is trying to do, and you can see it if you study the culture long enough. The opposite is the United States. Lead by a “self made” man who accumulated piles and piles of riches all by himself.

Be part of something greater. Work as part of a group.

Or die alone.

Do you want more?

I have many more posts along these lines in my China Index. You can see it here…


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Bo Chen

Alex Jones got “turned”….. back in the day when he produced documentaries like TerrorStorm, highlighting Western hegemony by means of false flag operations he was largely legit… but by 2018, when all of a sudden out of the blue Alex Jones started sprouting ChiCom this and Communists China that, I knew he was or had become a mouthpiece of the CIA.

Ohio Guy

I think I’m in love with China and the Chinese culture! Instead, I’m living in a bad movie called, “Escape the Cancel Culture”. Perhaps I’ll pop up in China in my next life. I certainly deserve it, after fighting tooth and nail to survive in the land of the free slaves, home of the brave dead.

Ohio Guy

Thanks, MM. That was awesome. Christopher Walken is one of my favorites….”More cowbell!” (An SNL skit reference in case you were unawares)

Ohio Guy

Yessir! I enjoyed that well rounded post indeed.


I am glad I found this site. I was looking for a fresh perspective on China that was not the mainstream perspective given by MSM in USA (I live on the eastcoast, USA). I agree with MetallicMan, the US media is heavy propaganda and it’s impossible to know what is real anymore with any confidence. On a side note, the SHTF stuff by this author is scary, and seems very possible to occur because of the current us vs them rhetoric being spewed here.

Lee Smith

This is an interesting article. I hope you don’t mind me being honest. I generally like your articles. As an Australian (one of those US colonies), I’d like to respond to what you’ve said.
As a country, we are very woke. Gender and race politics have become very important to us. Our governments are more divisive than I’ve ever seen. You mentioned the scouts and they are heavily focused on gender politics, however, they still largely operate well. The reason for this is that the people involved in Scouts are usually good people – ordinary people coming together to help kids. The interference from HQ is minimal. I’d guess that many of those activists that tore apart our social groups have gone into government and steering committees where they can wreak havoc across the nation instead.
Australia’s policies on China are not as one-dimensional as you make them out to be (not even close). We tend to lean heavily toward America for business. However, we openly sell large areas of arable land to China and other assets like Darwin Harbour which are key assets. This isn’t China’s fault – it is my government who are at fault. Yes, China are one of the biggest property purchasers in recent years. We know this from Australian government statistics (which are usually quite credible).
However, generally speaking, the average Australian’s relationship with Chinese is quite constructive. I tend to get along with plenty of Chinese people. Near me is a major market where you see all nationalities. One thing I do notice is that elderly Chinese people are (generally speaking) extremely rude by Australian standards. My young children have been pushed out of the way (aggressively) too many times to count. That’s just unacceptable, however, it appears to be cultural. However, they don’t do it to adults like me. Yet, i’ve witnessed it and spoken a few times in a calm/firm voice to make it clear that rough handling little children is not acceptable.
You also made comment that if someone collapsed or was injured that you’d be hard pressed to see people help in a western country. I have never experienced anything like that in my life. I’d call that an extremely misleading statement and I’m sorry if that’s been your experience. If you said my government was arrogant, i’d accept that. If you said the average westerner would walk past someone in need of help, I’d say that’s extremely misleading.
I notice you also have a thing against conservatives. In this respect, I’d say that you and I see the world through a very different perspective. This doesn’t make either of us right. I find (for want of a better term) lefties to be most of the intolerant people I’ve ever come across in my own life. It’s a topic I won’t go into in great detail. However, I will mention extreme censorship, BLM, Antifa, etc.
On a similar point, you mentioned how western Christians (and I am not a Christian myself) are spreading lies about Uighurs in China. I thought i’d do a quick check to see what Nancy Pelosi (US senator) had to say. I do not feel your characterisation of Christians or “non-left” people is accurate, nor is it even close to accurate. This is what Ms Pelosi (a fairly strong left-leaning Democrat) said,

At best, I’d say it’s a bipartisan position.

Personally, I’ve never been to China. I purposely am not commenting on China (except to ask questions, below). I have been to East Asia quite a few times. I love spending time with the locals when I go there. I am probably not your average westerner. I’ll happily eat at a warung (a street cart or street food service). I love that mingling with locals.

However, I will comment on your American woman who wears a mask. In Australia, we have police openly beating people who don’t follow illogical, inconsistent and non-scientific covid-19 rules. We are not allowed to debate the sketchy science or the harm being caused by these specific gene-therapies (as they are called in Pfizer’s own documentation). On one hand, you have a “greater good” argument. On the other hand, there is tyranny (censorship, dictatorship, violence against peaceful citizens, lack of debate). There are many medical professionals (including respiratory specialists with decades of experience) who are questioning not only the narrative (eg. lock-downs) but harm being caused by these gene-therapies. I have looked into quite a few of these doctors (at length) and they are extremely credible and they come from across the world (including places like India and Israel, etc). The Great Barrington Declaration is a good starting point (but ignore Wikipedia’s coverage and listen to the people who wrote it and the 60,000+ doctors/specialists who endorse the declaration). Then ask why you will never hear an open debate about this declaration from governments or any conventional media.
This is a long way of saying that your “for the greater good” only works when the experts involved are honest, open, transparent and benevolent. I have concerns over each of these words I’ve used when it comes to covid-19. I’ve been tracking the data and listening to many professionals. I have many reasons to be quite concerned. I wouldn’t consider that I’m characterised by any newspapers accurately either. I follow the science. I consult personal friends who are experienced medical doctors. I listen to many other doctors. I probably consult about 50 doctors regularly for what’s happening, probably more than most people bother to. It’s a topic that’s beyond this posting. Sufficive to say there are many concerns that the science behind the masks is not as robust as some people might assume. That perspective comes from many investigations and specialists. If there’s one commonality that you and I share in this article and my posting … it’s that the media lies, a lot!!!

I genuinely hope you don’t take my comment as an affront. It’s absolutely not intended to be that way. I found your view of western countries to be very different from my own. In some ways, I do prefer east Asia to Australia (because Australia has recently become such an intolerant country in many ways). However, I feel that your firm perspectives about the west needed to be countered.

There are a few topics I would really appreciate you talking about at some stage. Firstly, if you have covered Hong Kong in recent years, i’d like to hear more. I know a Chinese youth from Hong Kong who described it as a disaster with an out-of-control government. Also, I’ve recently seen and heard horror stories of Shanghai and Beijing. Are these genuine? What’s going on? Supposedly people have been locked down for more than a month with no support. There are videos of people in white suits beating up what appear to be innocent civilians. I have no idea if it’s true – which is why I thought you may have some first-hand accounts. Either way, I’ll carefully take on board anything that you’re willing to provide me/us with.

You’ve piqued my curiosity on China with those photos. That’s a good thing! Photos of lovely and interesting people!
Again, I hope no offence is taken. That’s certainly not my aim. I’m quite tired. I’ve re-read the post to sanity check it. I am trying to be honest. I think that on this topic, we have quite a gap in our understanding. That can be a good thing.