This is going to be the “everything but the kitchen sink” kind of post. I wander. I spew out videos and pictures. I discuss things like girls and hot dogs. I even spend some time on Russia and then throw in some stuff about unhappy Americans. So I guess you can actually call it a true garbage bag of stuff. A “sack” of stuff.
There is NO set theme, for those of you who like everything nice and orderly. But rather this is like a messy mechanics work bench, a chef’s kitchen during the preparation for a large and elaborate meal, the living room after three two years olds entered it, or what happens when you give a dog a laxative and lock him in the house. The shit is everywhere.
And that is what this is, don’t you know. It’s a collection of videos that I picked up out of Chinese media, and what I myself recorded, as well as some interesting articles that are banned or not being presented inside of America these days.
I took a bunch of videos over the last few weeks. I am going to post some of them here so that you all can get an appreciation for what it is like here. And that’s really good.
I also have collected some more pretty girls videos. And I am going to post some of them here too. I mean, why not?

While I am at it, I have collected some Chinese military themed videos which are interesting if you follow that sort of stuff. And who in America doesn’t these days? After all America is a big enormous military empire. Even the multi-trillian dollar budget was just throwing billions of dollars to ramp up the already enormous military to fight world war III.
And some pork and beans.
Oh, and some other themes too. I guess you could call this the “kitchen sink” of Chinese videos.
As an aside, we have all been having mass testing for COVID. Really, really efficient. They announce it, then three days later, it’s all completed. In a city five times the size of Seattle.
Today I made myself some hotdogs. I suppose that I am getting homesick a tad bit. I do miss those days where (as a boy scout) I would gather around a fire and cook up hotdogs and marshmallows. It’s that time of the year, and if you have the means I would suggest you all go out and explore and have some fun in the countryside.

You all should go out and do this.
It’s cheap. As I recall, a package of twelve hotdogs was under a dollar. If you buy a loaf of bread, and some ketchup, you can end up feeding a family for under $5 USD. Just don’t forget the beer. Add a bag of ice for a $1, and there, for around ten dollars you’ve got the great makings for an outing.
Well, things might be a little bit more expense today. But still, the point is that it’s a very inexpensive way to have fun. And just doesn’t the memories evoke stirrings in your soul?
There’s nothing quite like watching the hot fiery embers while roasting a hotdog and drinking beer. It’s a special treasure. One that seems to be over-looked in today’s society.
But before we get into the videos, let’s see what Mr. Putin has to say. Like Xi Peng, he is a calm and stable leader. When he speaks the world listens. Unfortunately the Western press refuses to to report on it. Thus leaving Americans and their allies unaware of the events going on in the world that America is part of.
Of course Putin has things to say. America is one BIG mess, and it is angry, belligerent, cocky and arrogant.
Sometimes, it just seems to me that there a only a precious few “adults” in the room remaining. Us “normal’s” are like rambunctious high school students, and the American and European leadership are like spoiled three year old children.

Excerpts of Putin’s Meeting with heads of international news agencies, St Petersburg, June 4, 2021
A. Causes of the Covid-19 pandemic:
Allow me to refrain from speaking about the causes of the pandemic because so much has already been said about it that I think it makes no sense speaking on this topic, and I am unlikely to say anything new or intriguing.
Keep in mind that in 2020, both China and Russia filed formal complaints about the Coronavirus and the United State's role in it.
But I suggest we proceed from the fact that we have faced this pandemic and we are living with it now. The world has yet to overcome these challenges and restrictions and we must continue our joint fight as an effective outcome cannot be achieved unless we work together on combating the pandemic.

Mr. Putin discusses the American led "QUAD", the "Asian NATO" that is designed to counter, contain, and suppress China.
We do (not) participate in this initiative, so I do not think I should give any assessments on the participation of other countries in it. Each country makes its sovereign decision about with whom, how and in what capacity, and to what extent it builds its relations.
Let me state, though, that any partnership between countries should not be aimed at being friends simply to align against someone else. We need to be friends with each other so as to achieve common goals, to solve the tasks that states face.
I will repeat once again that we do not see ourselves in this configuration.
However, this does not prevent us from working both with India and China. I do not see any contradictions here. Moreover, we have created conditions for India, China and Russia to be able to work within the same organizations and they are well known: we collaborate in BRICS, and the SCO, and we work together in the United Nations.
Yes, I know, of course, there are certain issues related to India-China relations.
But you see, there are always a plethora of issues arising between neighbors. But I know the attitude of both the Prime Minister of India and the President of the PRC, these are very responsible people and in their interactions they treat each other with great respect.
And I think that they will always find a way to resolve the problems and issues they face. The main thing is that extra-regional powers should not standing their way.
Mr. Putin wants the two nations of India and China to continue to work on their differences together, and he doesn't want "outsiders" (you know, like America) to interfere and cause problems.
As for Russia-India relations, I repeat, they are unfolding very successfully and in a trustful and traditional manner. We really appreciate this level of relations with our Indian friends.
These are relations of a truly strategic nature, as they cover a whole range of areas for interaction. They include economic issues, energy, and high technologies.
They also include the military-industrial complex, and here we are not only talking about the sale and purchase of Russian weapons.
I have already spoken about this more than once, that we have very deep and trusting relations with India, which manifested in the fact that we and India (probably the only such partner of ours) take up joint efforts to design and produce, including on Indian territory, cutting-edge and advanced weapons systems, including missile equipment.
Russia and India are working together to design cutting-edge military technology, and systems. This is R&D and NPD for brand new weapons systems.
But these are just a few; there are other areas in which we cooperate.
This is why I have no doubt that Russia-India relations will continue to develop consistently to the benefit of the peoples of India and the Russian Federation.
The outlook for India to work with Russia on strategic developments is highly positive.
You mentioned the [2011] Treaty, which undoubtedly played a vital role in the development of Russian-Chinese relations.
They are truly unprecedented in terms of the quality and level of interaction.
But we both understand that it is not just about the Treaty, although it really is a very important thing, an important document, and an important milestone.
The point is that Russia and China have many overlapping interests. This is what underlies the development of our interaction.
In this regard, one of the key fields of cooperation is the one you already mentioned at the start, and that is economic cooperation.
Quite so, several years ago now, President Xi Jinping and I worked out a plan to reach the $100 billion mark in our mutual trade.
Now I should tell you (you know about this) that we did actually reach this milestone, and more than this, even despite the challenges of the pandemic in 2020, we kept to that level. Despite the slight decrease, it amounted to 104 billion.
China and Russian foreign trade and cooperation is proceeding splendidly.
And I think that over a period of the next few years, as we agreed, as we wanted, we can reach 200 billion even by 2024, despite that slight decline. We have also discussed this with President Xi Jinping. The pace we have gained and the growth rate we have achieved in the first quarter of this year also confirm this.
It is of upmost importance that we cooperate across a wide variety of areas.
We are following global trends and we are increasingly focusing on the most important fields of high-tech.
I have repeatedly mentioned that we continue to work together in aircraft manufacturing, we are more and more expanding our cooperation in space, including the joint lunar program; there are very interesting prospects here.
Quite recently, you are aware, President Xi Jinping and I broke ground for four new nuclear reactors in China. This is very important high-tech collaboration.
Work continues in other segments in the energy industry too. On the other hand, I believe our cooperation in nature conservation and in the humanitarian field is no less important.
From year to year, we hold a variety of forums, all kinds of cross year projects.
This brings people ever closer together. All this requires good support in terms of infrastructure, so we are developing it as well. Quite recently, you know we have opened a bridge in one of the most important regions of the Russian-Chinese border.
Roads and rail between Russia and China are opening up, being forged and trade is increasing at an astounding level.
Russia and China are jointly working on major projects that have an international dimension.
As you are aware, China is promoting the New Silk Road idea, including in the economy. This is quite consistent with what we are doing within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union.
The BRI benefits not only China but Russia as well.
We have many overlapping interests and fields of activity. I simply do not doubt for a second that we will continue to be as active as possible, keeping in mind both Russia’s and China’s interest in maintaining collaboration on the international arena…
… and this interaction is undoubtedly one of the most important factors of stability in international affairs.
The stability of the world depends on Russia and China working jointly and together in unity.
You know, I am not expecting any breakthroughs following this meeting.
Now, what does that tell you all about how America is viewed by the rest of the world?
But I believe that (you are absolutely right) that, despite the disagreements, which were not created by the Russian side, we, nevertheless, have coinciding interests.
You have now mentioned some of the subjects that would be of interest to the United States and the Russian Federation.
This includes the solution of environmental problems, strategic stability and joint work to resolve a number of regional crises.
All this is highly important because this is linked with our countries’ security matters, considering intra-regional crises, such as in the Middle East. What do these unresolved crises lead to?
They cause an upsurge in terrorism, and this is extremely dangerous for everyone, including the United States, Russia, Europe and other regions.
These unresolved matters are the cause, and terrorism is the direct consequence of what is happening in these regions.
Strategic stability is extremely important.
Strategic military power is extremely important to maintain global balance and stability.
We don’t want to scare anyone with our new weapons systems.
Yes, we are developing them, and we have achieved certain results and successes here.
But all leading countries and leading military powers are doing this, and we are just one step ahead.
We realize that other high-tech countries, such as the United States and other states, will achieve similar results sooner or later.
Therefore I believe that it is better to reach agreement in advance on how we will live together in a changing world.
We are ready for this.
I assume that President Biden is a very experienced politician who has been dealing with politics all his life, he is well-versed in many of the problems I have mentioned because he was time and again involved in assessing similar matters, in different capacities.
This is why I hope that our meeting will be constructive.
Germany is one of our priority partners in the economy; on a global scale, it is one of our largest trade and economic partners, our largest partner in Europe and one of the biggest in the world after China.
We have a large number of friends in Germany and we have a strong interest in developing our trade and economic links.
Thousands of German companies operate in Russia, with our mutual investment amounting to $29 billion.
These are significant resources, and our business partners invest not in financial operations but in the real economy and real production.
We very much appreciate this and try to provide our help and support, which we intend to continue
In the political sphere, I really hope that, considering the special nature of our relations and our people’s particular interest in continuing cooperation, Germany’s future leadership will build its political relationships with Russia accordingly.
We are ready to fully cooperate to overcome all the difficulties you mentioned.
It is true that Angela [Merkel] and I have a businesslike relationship, and I appreciate her a lot.
She is a very experienced politician and a straight-forward but reliable person.
If we have agreed on something, then I see – which is frankly surprising to me, but it is true – that she is consistent and knows how to defend her position.
We feel it too; we feel it in our joint affairs.
Some things we may like, some things we may not, but she is a reliable, stable partner.
I would like stability and reliability to remain in the activities of the German government to come, too…
Let me say this once again: Germany is an important partner for Russia, both in Europe and in the world, and we very much hope that the situation will consistently improve.
The main thing that needs to be done is to treat each other with respect and take into account each other’s interests in the broadest sense of the word.
But this is not a general phrase, it is a meaningful matter.
It's not a platitude, or a saying. It's a very serious issue.
President Biden belongs, in my opinion, to the most experienced class of international politicians, as I mentioned earlier, because in different capacities and at various times over the course of many years, he has personally participated in the discussion and preparation of the decisions on all issues that matter today for the entire world and bilateral relations.
But it was not us who drove Russia-US relations into the state they’re in today.
We didn’t do this.
After all, we have never taken a single first step in matters that are detrimental to Russia-US relations.
Did we impose sanctions on the United States?
No, it was the United States that imposed sanctions on us and continues to impose them for every reason or for no reason at all, just because we exist.
But they will have to live with this, because Russia was, is and will be here.
Just as there is and will be the United States, which plays a very important role in the world.
I would very much like it to play a stabilizing role.
But in this context, in my opinion, Russia-US relations are also important.
To reiterate, I would very much like our meeting to be held in a constructive manner.
President Lukashenko explained to me, he did not order the plane to land.
There was a bomb alert and, as far as I remember, the captain, who could have landed in Vilnius, since the plane was closer to Vilnius than to Minsk, decided to land in Minsk.
Nobody forced him to land – at least this is President Lukashenko’s account of the events. That is it.
And I would like to strike the ball back to you: what do you think about President of Bolivia Evo Morales’ plane being forced to land in Vienna, escorting him off the plane and searching the presidential aircraft?
So, the same thing happened in Vienna; in Vienna they grounded the head of state’s airplane…
If you can ground the plane of the president of an independent country in Vienna, why can’t they land a plane in Minsk, especially if there was a signal that a bomb had been planted on board?
We just need to measure similar situations with the same yardstick, and not only in this case, but in general.
We need to get rid of double standards; you can’t always say that one person can do this, and another cannot.
Not with the United States. The USA is all about "double standards".
Let’s work out common approaches and come up with common assessments.
Using tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannons to disperse demonstrations in Europe, and knocking out eyes with rubber bullets, is okay, but when there is an arrest in Belarus, maybe, done in a harsh manner, it is unacceptable.
Because European countries are democratic and they can do this in Europe.
Let’s then come up with acceptable ways of handling street protests and define what exactly is unacceptable.
Let’s develop common criteria and approaches, at least develop common definitions that will be understood by everyone the same way.
Then it will be easier for us to give assessments to the events that are taking place in various regions around the world, including Europe.
The vaccine market is estimated at about $100 billion a year, probably even more…
…the delays in registering the Russian vaccine in Europe are due to the commercial interests of those who are doing so…
…since they are thus gaining time for the competitors of Russian producers of the vaccine to take over the European market…
… since long-term contracts are being concluded for the supply of vaccines.
When the relevant European agency issues a permit to use the Russian vaccine in Europe, it will become clear that the market is already 100 percent full, and long-term contracts have already been concluded.
That’s it; the ship will have sailed for our companies.
We are the only country in the world that is ready to pass on technology.
We are doing so and starting production at foreign facilities.
We are ready to do this in European countries as well; we can see no obstacles here.
In fact, this is just another myth about the use of the vaccine.
Before this, we had not produced vaccines at such a large volume, and primarily only for Russia.
I think that in July we will reach a production level of 20 million per month. We have enough for domestic consumption now.
The United Kingdom is one of few countries in Europe, and even the world, where economic relations continue to be on the up side.
Even last year – the pandemic year, when our trade with many countries slumped, trade with the UK grew by 54 percent.
This is record high.
So, if nobody interferes, everything will be good and mutual trade might help Russia turn from a withering country into a prosperous one.
If the USA doesn't interfere...
We strongly hope that Russian-British relations will contribute to this process…
The most important thing is that we have respect for each other, trust each other and hope that nothing occurs in the UK…
…that would allow us to come up with assessments like those given by the new head of your country’s intelligence service [MI6]…
…with respect to Russia [namely, that it is a declining power and behaves irresponsibly.]
We welcome the normalisation of relations between different states of the region, including between Arab countries and Israel.
When ties between states are restored, it always benefits the peoples of these states.
At the same time, and we are now clearly seeing this, it is hardly possible to achieve a stable peace and a stable situation in the region without a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Here, we need to restore multilateral formats of cooperation and multilateral formats for discussing the problems at hand.
There are issues that require special attention from the international community.
Of course, overcoming inter-Palestinian differences is among the essential elements.
I think that this entire range (I am not talking now about Israel’s settlement policy etc., but many questions accumulated in that area), the entire range of issues, of course, needs to be studied very carefully.
And Palestinian settlement must not be pushed back to the periphery of international politics given the pressing nature of this issue and the importance of this problem not only for the Arab world but, I think, the entire world as well.
We very much hope that the issues of fundamental importance, namely, the creation of two states, including the Palestinian state, will be resolved on the basis of mutual interests of the peoples living in this region, and taking into account the future.
It is very important to look into the future, it is very important not to be guided by fleeting political opportunistic considerations, but to create conditions for a lasting long-term settlement.
As for the dollar, I have already said that we are not trying to get rid of the dollar…
It’s not that we do not like the dollar because the United States is bad and it imposes sanctions on us, which forces us to get rid of it; of course not.
The question has a practical dimension. Let’s assume we are unable to make payments in dollars with our partners in defense cooperation.
Such as with Iran. -MM
You see?
We have a problem.
What should we do?
We switch to paying in national currencies or currencies of other countries.
Our US partners force us to do this.
We are not moving away from the dollar purposefully, we are compelled to do so.
When we do this, a system of financial relations with our partners is formed outside dollar transactions.
But why are the US political authorities doing this?
They are cutting off the branch they are sitting on and will crash to the ground in the end.
Everyone in the world can see this, you know?
Everyone can see it, hence the question about the reliability of dollar transactions.
This is leading to the decline of gold and foreign exchange reserves in dollars, and not just in our country, but almost all over the world, including US allies.
The volume of settlements in dollars is on the decline…
You will see that the volume of dollar transactions is decreasing every year, and gold and foreign exchange reserves in dollars are also going down, and not just in our country.
All of that is being done as part of some internal political processes in the United States.
The people who are doing this seem to operate on the premise that the economic power of the United States, its military and political power is so strong that it does not scare them – “we will get through this,” is what they are thinking.
America is about printing money endlessly without consideration of the mountain of debt that it is creating.
You know what the problem is? I will tell you as a citizen of the former Soviet Union. What is the problem with an empire?
And so he answers.
They think they are so mighty they can afford minor faults and mistakes. It is okay, we will buy these people and scare other people; we will reach an agreement with still others, give beads to those and threaten others with our warships – problem solved.
But he notes...
But problems are piling up, and there comes a time when it is no longer possible to cope with them all. And the United States is firmly and steadily following in the footsteps of the Soviet Union.
You don't say...
I will say it again: this is not our initiative. Some of our companies, for example, in the oil sector, are reluctant to leave the dollar, mindful of the volatility of national currencies. But if the United States continues to force them into this, eventually, they will find a way to de-dollarise their settlements and convert to national currencies or currencies of third countries. They will just find a solution, end of story. And this will be a severe blow to the dollar as the global reserve currency.
Multiple reserve currencies and units of account are a good thing for the global economy if we want to achieve a more stable situation in international finance and the global economy in general.
Nothing that you will find in the American “news”. Though you will find this understatement of the year…
Now that Mr. Putin said his piece, let’s get on with the videos…
Videos of pretty girls
"Chinese women look like pre-adolsecent girls. that is why all the child predators flock to China. So that they can have uncontrolled violent sex with these child-appearing women."
Long duration readers of MM know my love of the female form.

Here’s just some more videos of Chinese girls being cute and attractive. I have other dedicated posts elsewhere, but I just wanted to throw some out right now and get them off my hard drive. Pretty girls, yeah, but I only have so much room. Don’t you know.

Aside from girl after girl, I threw in two special videos.
- One is a Tictok girl (just like these here) who died. And the hospital staff honoring her death.
- A CGI showing the Chinese ideal.
Ugh. It’s a pretty big collection and it might take a little long to download. You can download the videos in a ZIP file HERE. Just open them up and they will play one by one. 345MB.

What is going on in America today?
I just read this most interesting article. It says…
Worn out and disgusted by crushing neoliberal policies at home and murderous neoconservative policies abroad, Americans elected a political neophyte who ran on a populist platform which criticized both Bush and Obama. Trump promised to “drain the swamp”, end the wars, and fight the establishment in the interests of ordinary people. This time for sure there would be change.
But the wars kept going, and the swamp got even fuller, and the US empire kept chugging along on the same trajectory it had been on throughout the Bush administration and the Obama administration. Despite all this, the Democratic Party and its allied media institutions acted as though some drastic deviation from the norm had taken place, insisting that the United States had been plunged from a free democracy respected around the world into an isolationist fascist dystopia.
In order to stop fascism, the American people had yet another people’s uprising against the corrupt status quo and… elected Obama’s vice president. Lifelong corporate crony and empire lackey Joe Biden now sits in the White House, advancing all the same murderous, oppressive, exploitative, authoritarian policies as his predecessors, as a result of the latest fake, decoy revolution against tyranny.
And that’s all mainstream electoral politics ever is in the US empire: a fake, decoy revolution staged for the public every few years so that they don’t have a real one. A symbolic ceremony where the public pretends to cast the abusive status quo into the sea so they feel like the battle against their oppressors has been won. And then their oppressors just keep right on oppressing them.
Every few years the public gets to choose between two reliable lackeys of the oligarchic empire, and then all of the evils of that empire get pinned upon the winner. The public then directs their rage at the lackey rather than the actual power structure which has been oppressing them, after which they have another election to rid themselves of the scoundrel once and for all. They hug, they cry, they celebrate, and the oppression machine continues completely uninterrupted.
And it is accurate, I believe.
As Gore Vidal once said:
“It doesn’t actually make any difference whether the President is Republican or Democrat. The genius of the American ruling class is that it has been able to make the people think that they have had something to do with the electing of presidents for 200 years when they’ve had absolutely nothing to say about the candidates or the policies or the way the country is run. A very small group controls just about everything.”
That small group is the plutocratic class whose legalized bribery and propaganda machine has immense influence over US politics, as well as the imperial war machine and special interest groups with whom the plutocratic class is allied.
It is necessary to form coalitions of support within that power cluster if one wants to become president in the managed democracy that is the United States, and no part of that power cluster is going to support a president who won’t reliably advance the interests of the oligarchic empire.
From this point of view, the oligarchic power cluster is essentially running its own employees against each other and having them promise to end the injustices which are inextricably baked in to the oligarchic empire.
Americans live in a totalitarian state whose most important elections are rigged from top to bottom, and they’re fed news stories about Evil Dictators in other countries rigging their elections to remain in power.
Politicians cannot change the status quo to one which benefits ordinary people instead of their oligarchic owners, because the oligarchic empire is built upon the need for endless war, poverty, and oppression.
You cannot have a unipolar global empire without using violent force (and the threat of it) to uphold that world order, and you cannot have a plutocracy without ensuring that a few rulers have far more wealth control than the rank-and-file citizenry.
For this reason, even politicians who run on relatively progressive-sounding platforms are themselves a part of the fake decoy revolution unless they demand a complete dismantling of oligarchy and empire.
The politicians who present themselves as progressives in America today offer only light opposition to some aspects of empire and oligarchy, in effect merely supporting an oligarchic empire that gives Americans healthcare.
Since keeping Americans poor, busy and propagandized is an essential dynamic in the hub of a globe-spanning oligarchic empire, this is a nonsensical position; the oligarchs don’t want ordinary Americans to have money to burn on campaign donations and free time to research what’s really going on in their world, because then they might meddle in the gears of empire...
...A power structure built upon economic injustice will never permit economic justice.
The door to meaningful change in America via electoral politics has been closed, locked, bolted, welded shut, and barricaded with a metric ton of solid steel.
The only thing that can cause an end to the oppression and exploitation is an end to the oligarchic empire, and the only thing that can cause the end of the oligarchic empire is direct action by the American people: mass-scale activism, general strikes, and civil disobedience the likes of which the nation has never before seen, in sufficient numbers to bring down the plutocratic institutions which maintain the status quo.
The problem is that this will never happen as long as Americans are being successfully propagandized into being content with their fake decoy revolutions.
There is a zero percent chance of electoral politics leading to an end of the empire, but a concerted effort to spread awareness by those who understand what’s going on just might.
All positive changes in human behavior are always preceded by an expansion of awareness, whether you’re talking about awareness of the consequences of one’s addiction leading to their getting sober or an expansion of awareness of the injustices of racism leading to racial justice laws.
Making people aware that the mass media are lying to us about what’s real, aware of the horrors of war, aware of the underlying dynamics of the economic injustice which is grinding Americans into the dirt, that can lead to a chain reaction which sees the collective using the power of its numbers to shrug off the chains of oppression as easily as you remove a heavy coat on a warm day.
What’s needed is for the people to awaken to the truth. An entire empire is built upon a pair of closed eyelids.
Please read the entire article at the Greenville Post HERE.
Videos of Chinese Military Aviation
"The Chinese air force is a joke. The best that they have are 1980's old-Soviet Union hand me downs. All cobbled together with that shoddy Chinese workmanship and piloted by CCP members that would defect to the Untied States in a heartbeat."
It’s a narrative that has been pumped into the American heartland for decades. The truth is something all together different. Especially since 90% of the American military aviation, and parts are currently made inside of China. If China can design and manufacture for the United States Aviation companies, they can do so for themselves. Which is why we see all sorts of interesting home-grown and home-designed, and home-manufactured aircraft in China these days.
You can download the videos in a ZIP file HERE. Just open them up and they will play one by one. 41MB.
Oh, I almost forgot about Pepe…
You know the drill. From HERE. All credit to the author and edited to fit this venue.
The upcoming G7 in Cornwall at first might be seen as the quirky encounter of “America is Back” with “Global Britain”.
The Big Picture though is way more sensitive. Three Summits in a Row – G7, NATO and US-EU – will be paving the way for a much expected cliffhanger: the Putin-Biden summit in Geneva – which certainly won’t be a reset.
The controlling interests behind the hologram that goes by the name of “Joe Biden” have a clear overarching agenda: to regiment industrialized democracies – especially those in Europe – and keep them in lockstep to combat those “authoritarian” threats to US national security, “malignant” Russia and China.
It’s like a throwback to those oh so stable 1970s Cold War days, complete with James Bond fighting foreign devils and Deep Purple subverting communism. Well, the times they are-a-changin’. China is very much aware that now the Global South “accounts for almost two-thirds of the global economy compared to one-third by the West: in the 1970s, it was exactly the opposite.”
For the Global South – that is, the overwhelming majority of the planet – the G7 is largely irrelevant. What matters is the G20.
China, the rising economic superpower, hails from the Global South, and is a leader in the G20. For all their internal troubles, EU players in the G7 – Germany, France and Italy – cannot afford to antagonize Beijing in economic, trade and investment terms.
A G7 rebooted as a Sinophobic crusade will have no takers. Including Japan and special guests at Cornwall: tech powerhouse South Korea, and India and South Africa (both BRICS members), offered the dangling carrot of a possible extended membership.
Washington’s wishful thinking cum P.R. offensive boils down to selling itself as the primus inter pares of the West as a revitalized global leader. Why the Global South is not buying it can be observed, graphically, by what happened for the past eight years. The G7 – and especially the Americans – simply could not respond to China’s wide-ranging, pan-Eurasian trade/development strategy, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
The American “strategy” so far – 24/7 demonization of BRI as a “debt trap” and “forced labor” machine – did not cut it. Now, too little too late, comes a G7 scheme, involving “partners” such as India, to “support”, at least in theory, vague “high-quality projects” across the Global South: that’s the Clean Green Initiative , focused on sustainable development and green transition, to be discussed both at the G7 and the US-EU summits.
Compared to BRI, Clean Green Initiative hardly qualifies as a coherent geopolitical and geoeconomic strategy. BRI has been endorsed and partnered by over 150 nation-states and international bodies – and that includes more than half of the EU’s 27 members.
Facts on the ground tell the story. China and ASEAN are about to strike a “comprehensive strategic partnership” deal. Trade between China and the Central and Eastern European Countries (CCEC), also known as the 17+1 group, including 12 EU nations, continues to increase. The Digital Silk Road, the Health Silk Road and the Polar Silk Road keep advancing.
So what’s left is loud Western rumbling about vague investments in digital technology – perhaps financed by the European Investment Bank, based in Luxembourg – to cut off China’s “authoritarian reach” across the Global South.
The EU-US summit may be launching a “Trade and Technology Council” to coordinate policies on 5G, semiconductors, supply chains, export controls and technology rules and standards. A gentle reminder: the EU-US simply do not control this complex environment. They badly need South Korea, Taiwan and Japan.
Wait a minute, Mr. Taxman
To be fair, the G7 may have rendered a public service to the whole world when their Finance Ministers struck an alleged “historic” deal last Saturday in London on a global, minimal 15% tax on multinational companies (MNCs).
Triumphalism was in order – with endless praise lavished on “justice” and “fiscal solidarity” coupled with really bad news for assorted fiscal paradises.
Well, that’s slightly more complicated.
This tax has been discussed at the highest levels of the OECD in Paris for over a decade now – especially because nation-states are losing at least $427 billion a year in tax-dodging by MNCs and assorted multi-billionaires. In terms of the European scenario that does not even account for the loss of V.A.T. by fraud – something gleefully practiced by Amazon, among others.
So it’s no wonder G7 Finance Ministers had $1.6 trillion-worth Amazon pretty much on their sights. Amazon’s cloud computing division should be treated as a separate entity. In this case the mega-tech group will have to pay more corporate tax in some of its largest European markets – Germany, France, Italy, UK – if the global 15% tax is ratified.
So yes, this is mostly about Big Tech – master experts on fiscal fraud and profiting from tax paradises located even inside Europe, such as Ireland and Luxembourg. The way the EU was built, it allowed fiscal competition between nation-states to fester. To discuss this openly in Brussels remains a virtual taboo. In the official EU list of fiscal paradises, one won’t find Luxembourg, the Netherlands or Malta.
So could this all be just a P.R. coup? It’s possible. The major problem is that at the European Council – where governments of EU member-states discuss their issues – they have been dragging their feet for a long time, and sort of delegated the whole thing to the OECD.
As it stands, details on the 15% tax are still vague – even as the US government stands to become the largest winner, because its MNCs have shifted massive profits all across the planet to avoid US corporate taxes.
Not to mention that nobody knows if, when and how the deal will be globally accepted and implemented: that will be a Sisyphean task. At least it will be discussed, again, at the G20 in Venice in July.
What Germany wants
Without Germany there would not have been real advance on the EU-China Investment Agreement late last year. With a new US administration, the deal is stalled again. Outgoing chancellor Merkel is against China-EU economic decoupling – and so are German industrialists. It will be quite a treat to watch this subplot at the G7.
In a nutshell: Germany wants to keep expanding as a global trading power by using its large industrial base, while the Anglo-Saxons have completely ditched their industrial base to embrace non-productive financialization. And China for its part wants to trade with the whole planet. Guess who’s the odd player out.
Considering the G7 as a de facto gathering of the Hegemon with its hyenas, jackals and chihuahuas, it will also be quite a treat to watch the semantics. What degree of “existential threat” will be ascribed to Beijing – especially because for the interests behind the hologram “Biden” the real priority is the Indo-Pacific?
These interests could not give a damn about a EU yearning for more strategic autonomy. Washington always announces its diktats without even bothering to previously consult Brussels.
So this is what this Triple X of summits – G7, NATO and EU-US – will be all about: the Hegemon pulling all stops to contain/harass the emergence of a rising power by enlisting its satrapies to “fight” and thus preserve the “rules-based international order” it designed over seven decades ago.
History tells uss it won’t work. Just two examples: the British and French empires could not stop the rise of the US in the 19th century; and even better, the Anglo-American axis only stopped the simultaneous rise of Germany and Japan by paying the price of two world wars, with the British empire destroyed and Germany back again as the leading power in Europe.
That should give the meeting of “America is Back” and “Global Britain” in Cornwall the status of a mere, quirky historical footnote.
Oh, and let’s talk about some food.
It’s near supper time, and it is early Summer. To me, that means buttered corn on the cob, watermelon, baked beans, hamburgers, fried chicken, tomato-onion-salad, cole slaw, and potato salad. Most of which you simply cannot get here in China.

Well, you can get mashed potatoes at KFC, and potato salad at a Japanese restaurant. All of the others you can get, but they will all be cooked Chinese-style, which for the most part doesn’t resemble what I think about as hot Summer American food.
I’m not really complaining.
It’s that you adjust to your situation. You appreciate what you have when you have it. You realize that it is fleeting and the idea that you just “can always go out and get a hamburger” isn’t really true outside of the United States. Just like you just cannot go out in America and get some Hunan fish when ever you feel like it.
Now, it’s kind of “cheating” to take frozen fries, some left over chili and cheese and wrap it all up in aluminum foil to throw onto a campfire, but I don’t care. This is the year 2021, not 1854. You learn, you adapt, you strive, and you accept.

Once, I am fed…
… I have some videos about the Chinese military forces. Well worth a look.
You see, China must build up it’s forces. America is eyeing it for invasion. And it is not going to go away, back down, or moderate it’s position. Conflict is inevitable.
And the world spins around and around…
Meanwhile from HERE, we have this jewel from UNZ …
China Notes That the Same Journalist Pushing Wuhan Lab Hoax Pushed Iraq WMD Hoax

Neocons. They are some sick people.
The people who hypes up the #Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis is the same people who fabricated the fake information about #Iraq's "attempt to acquire nuclear weapons" 19 years ago.
— Spokesperson发言人办公室 (@MFA_China) June 4, 2021
China is inching dangerously close to dangerous anti-Semitism.
China’s Foreign Ministry blasted the resurgent interest in the Covid-19 lab-origin theory, noting that the journalist behind a report about Wuhan scientists falling ill is the same one who peddled lies that led to the Iraq War.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin took aim at Michael R. Gordon, a national security correspondent for the Wall Street Journal and one of the authors of the report that added fuel to speculation about Covid-19’s lab origin.
“Not long ago, Michael R. Gordon, an American journalist, by quoting a so-called ‘previously undisclosed US intelligence report,’ hinted [at] a far-fetched connection between the ‘three sick staff’ at the Wuhan lab and the Covid-19 outbreak,” Wang said at a briefing on Friday.
“Nineteen years ago, it was this very reporter who concocted false information by citing unsubstantiated sources about Iraq’s ‘attempt to acquire nuclear weapons,’ which directly led to the Iraq War,” he charged, referring to the 2003 US invasion.
The WSJ piece, published on May 23, cites “a previously undisclosed US intelligence report” as saying that three researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology fell seriously ill in November 2019 with symptoms “consistent” with Covid-19 as well as a seasonal flu.
The report got picked up by other mainstream media, which recently began shifting their coverage on Covid-19’s origins from outright dismissing theories that the virus was man-made to admitting that a lab leak remains a possibility.
Gordon is supposedly not Jewish, but he co-wrote the New York Times pieces with the Jew Judith Miller.
Furthermore, I wouldn’t personally point to Gordon as the source for the “Wuhan Lab Leak Hypothesis” – I would point to the Jewish neocon Josh Rogin.
Rogin, like Gordon, spent years promoting various atrocity hoaxes in the Middle East and pushing wars for Israel, and is the original source for the version of the “Wuhan Lab theory,” that is currently circulating, writing a Washington Post column promoting the hoax on April 14, 2020.
The point of course is that everywhere you look, there are neocons – most of them Jewish – promoting this Wuhan Lab stuff. They are the absolute source of the claim – they and a Falun Gong Hong Kong CIA feminist woman, Li-Meng Yan.
She is claiming to be a “whistleblower,” despite the fact that she in no way meets the definition of that term. The term necessarily implies insider knowledge – usually, a whistleblower is an employee or former employee of the organization they are blowing the whistle on.
Though none of the media promoting her says it outright, there is an implication that she worked at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. She did not. She worked at a university in Hong Kong when she was funded by Steve Bannon to write a paper making the claim that the supposed coronavirus is a Chinese bioweapon.
Bannon has recently been associated with Guo Wengui, a billionaire who was exiled from China for fraud and various crimes. In June of last year, Bannon declared that Guo is now the real ruler of China in a bizarre video on a boat.
While they were on the boat in front of the Statue of Liberty saying they were going to “overthrow the government of China,” they flew planes around with signs announcing their new government.
What does it mean? The sign in English says “Congratulations to the Federal State of New China” at least 5 planes flying over the Hudson in circles
— Chris G (@GreyFlea) June 3, 2020
No one understood what was going on, and even Fox News reported on “confusion” regarding the banners and the livestream on the boat. The livestream has since been deleted, and there is no news from the Federal State of New China. But there is a Wikipedia page documenting this incredibly strange event.
Guo also runs a fake news website (I use that term in the most literal sense) where he published the Hunter Biden footjob videos.
The point is: this is a very weird operation, and it is absurd to take a person funded by these people seriously, as Tucker Carlson shamefully has.
(I’m not attacking Tucker over this, he’s overall great and is sometimes just really slow on the uptake, unfortunately – but it is shameful to get involved with a Hong Kong woman who was literally given money by Steve Bannon and his “Federation of New China” group to write a fake science paper.)
To pretend that she is a whistleblower, to pretend that political organizations funding papers with a predetermined outcome is serious science, is non-serious behavior.
The first time I heard the Wuhan lab leak theory it was being promoted by neocon extremist Tom Cotton. It was then promoted by neocon extremist Mike Pompeo, who was then in the process of trying to start a war with China. Now, it is being promoted by the Jews of CNN.
There is no one involved in claiming that the supposed coronavirus came from a Chinese lab who doesn’t have vested interests in starting a war with the Chinese. This goes for all of these Jews, as well as Steve Bannon, who has actually declared “overthrowing the government of China” (his words) to be his goal.
It’s very obvious to see how people who want a war with China would use this hoax, and it is great that China is making the link to the Iraqi WMD hoax. It truly is the same thing.
The United States is a country with a lot of problems. None of those problems are the fault of China. China is not promoting gay sex to children, they are not flooding us with millions of brown people, they did not steal our election, they did not take all of our freedoms and collapse the economy.
Our enemies are domestic and they are Jewish. Any attempt to fear-monger and attack China is intended as a distraction from what is going on in this country, and intended to stoke a war.
Furthermore, this “lab leak” nonsense is designed to get people to continue to believe in this coronavirus hoax.
I need a beer…
I swear, the United States is seventeen degrees shy of the loony-bin.
Everyone is pointing fingers at everyone else, and all of them are just shear nut-cases. I swear.
I’ll tell you… the world cannot take much more of this insanity. Something is going to break. Sooner or later
Videos of Chinese Military Forces
"The Chinese military are nothing more than a bunch of uneducated conscripts that has been handed a cheapo AK-47 clone, and told to fight. They are a cake-walk and nothing to worry about."
Um. Don’t test them. The Chinese are a serious-serious people. And if they fight, they will be defending their homes and their families.
I’ve got some great videos showing the Chinese forces using some of their weapons. The one with their unique flame-thrower / plasma projectile weapon blaster is really interesting.
Some of the videos are propaganda with a rah-rah-rah feel. Others are just illustrative of the techniques and the means that the Chinese military train to use. And some are just interesting.
You can download the videos in a ZIP file HERE. Just open them up and they will play one by one. 377MB.
Videos related to Technology
"Just some videos related to technology".
And here they are.
You can download the videos in a ZIP file HERE. Just open them up and they will play one by one.
Videos related to America
"America is the bight and shining house on the hill that everyone wants to emulate, copy and be part of."
Um. Sure.
Here’s a collection of videos that show how America is viewed upon by the rest of the world. Some of the videos are just scenes from things like the televisions show “cops”, while others are international scholars discussing the Role of America on the global stage, and it’s relationships with China. It’s good stuff. This is how America is viewed by the rest of the world.
You can download the videos in a ZIP file HERE. Just open them up and they will play one by one. It’s 73MB.
I could use a beer. The world seems to be fucked seven ways past Sunday, and all I want to do is chill out, hang out with pretty girls, drink a few brews and munch.
BluEidDvl says:
June 6, 2021 at 9:46 am GMT • 5.1 days ago • 300 Words ↑
These times we’re living in are absolutely surreal. Not surprised though, we’ve been doing this for a long time now. Alas, a great many of my fellow White Americans will fall for it completely & be all in for a war with China.
None of them ever even contemplating what that would mean for us & the world. But, these are the same people who boast “we’re number one” when we rank at or near the bottom in positive stats for all developed nations, beset with crippling societal ills.
The same people who think we can vote ourselves out of this mess & Trump will win in ‘24 & somehow save the day. The same people who think our best days are ahead when our productivity base has been utterly gutted, our infrastructure is collapsing & our ability to maintain it & the skill set needed to sustain that productivity/infrastructure is slipping away. The same people who boast of “muh freedoms” when their freedoms & their children’s future is being pulled from right under their feet. The same people who think we’ll always be on top even when every example of history shows that every empire in history has collapsed.
We’re racing toward a cliff but they still think “god” is on their side & won’t let it happen or we’ll stay on top because, well, “we’re America”..
Utter denial & abject delusion seem to be a central aspect of our people..
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New Beginnings.
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There are many people that are awake. They know what’s going on. They can’t do anything directly about a major conflict other than participate in their local towns. Have a mass protest or sit down that last for a few days? Average Joe citizens have no say so. Once the first false flag bomb drops or bullet is fired by the US military, there isn’t any turning back. Just like Vietnam conflict and the Gulf war, people tried to stop it before it even began, but once the wheels started turning, all the anti war organizations were infiltrated and controlled or disassembled.