Heroes and Heroines.

Some cool videos of everyday people performing heroic feats.

As most American are “sheltering in place”, and the cloud of COVID-19 is slowing evaporating from China, I think that many people are stressed, and feel uncertain about their lives. I really do not think that the $1000 gift from Trump in the $2 trillion dollar emergency bill is going to amount to anything Mostly it’s the rich bankers that are going to pocket millions of dollar. Most Americans realize this. So this results in fear and uncertainty.

It need not be that way. There was a time when America was self-reliant and self-contained. Men went about and conducted their business freely. They never had to ask permission, report their actions or pay taxes to the American government. They were on their own and self-reliant.

They were heroes.

Here are some videos of normal “everyday” people performing heroic actions. I do hope that they can inspire you to be the best that you can be.

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Boy helps old man.

An old man collapses while crossing the street. But a young boy goes forth and helps him up. This is a good story and a great lesson that we all need to take heed of. Good going son. Good going.

Video HERE.

Woman rescues children from burning car.

Here’s a woman who braves the engulfing fire that has trapped young children inside a car. Does she pause? Yes, but then she steel’s herself and brave the heat, the fire and the smoke. She does what ever she needs to. She must go and save the baby. It’s her sole purpose and focus.

Video HERE.

Thief stopped by shopping cart.

Purse snatcher tries to make a get away. Unlucky for him that there are others in the parking lot who are aware and ready to deal with this miscreant properly. Nothing like a spare shopping cart to take care of problems.

Firemen rescue trapped family.

Firemen are all heroes. Here we see some Chinese firemen rescuing a family that is trapped inside a burning building. This is why they exist. This is their job, however that does not mean that they are not heroes. They are and their actions are heroic.

Rescue of a boy in the street.

This is a head-slap event. What the Hell is this kid thinking? He’s going to run out in the middle of an 11-lane super highway? Lordy! You need to keep your eyes on the children at all times, that’s for certain.

Emergency CPR.

An old man collapses on the sidewalk. A stranger sees this and immediately starts emergency CPR on him. It’s all captured on film. This is what heroes do. They don’t get on CNN and talk about how great they are. They live quiet lives and help others when the need and time comes.

Climb up to rescue the children.

Bravery is what we see in hindsight. True heroes react immediately without thinking. Here we have a man crawling on his 6th floor porch to get to the apartment above to rescue some screaming children.

Prevent an accident.

Kids do the strangest things. Like perhaps riding out into a busy traffic road. What are you going to do? Allow him to get squished and turn into jelly, or are you going to do something about it, eh?

Catch a falling child.

OK. So you are walking down a sidewalk and you hear frantic screaming up above you. You look up and it seems like someone is outside the building scrambling, but that they might fall. What are you going to do? Maybe call 9-11? Maybe pretend nothing is going on?

I hope that you enjoyed this post. I have others that are similar to it in my Rufus Index here…

Hero Stories

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I notice a kind of more or less precise progression in the action of the rufus being STO as if there was a way of acquisition and of hierarchical importance of the understanding of the problem encountered by rufus and following his attitude of processing the data to stimulate, will include a kind of dimension where he can become that hero. It goes without saying to weigh intangible values. Rufus is a hero thank you MM you are.


That said, the resulting type of meta-ability with the indirect advantages and disadvantages likely associated with consideration measures, can be lost and taken away or eaten by our prying egos, please help us. cultivate this importance and we remain vigilant in the upkeep and share the secrets of rufus and give it back its radiant values. The melody of silence that the rufus sing.