COVID-19 coronavirus the seven misconceptions about the virus.

Seven myths about the COVID-19 coronavirus.

No one can know the severity and consequences of this epidemic until  it's over. The present reaction may be needlessly excessive,  pathetically inadequate or wise and prudent. We can't know now what will  be self-evident in hindsight. 

We do know we're being misled,  kept in the dark and lied to by lunatics with credentials. We just don't know which ones are the lunatics.  

-Woodpile Report

When I read American media, and listen to people like Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh say how this coronavirus is a big nothing; that’s it’s not as bad as the flu. That everyone can relax and just ride it out and rest, I shudder.

Nothing to see here ... carry on ... it's less to worry about then the common flu  

- C D  

I scene from the movie “Aliens” comes to mind. Here, the Marines are called up on deck. There is a pre-battle briefing. During it, Ripley is trying to warn everyone about the xenomorphs. Unfortunately, no one takes her seriously, and the cocky Space Marines joke and laugh about it…

“Oh, it’s just another bug hunt.”

 Sigourney Weaver’s Ripley stands in front of the squad of ten cocky,  poised space marines. They laugh and joke, oozing bravado and  testosterone—even the women. As the shavetail lieutenant lays out the  situation, Bill Paxton’s mouthy PFC Hudson interrupts: "Is this going to  be a stand-up fight, sir, or another bug hunt?"

 "All we know is that there’s still no contact with the colony,"  replies the lieutenant, Gorman, "and that a xenomorph may be involved."

 "Excuse me, sir," interjects PFC Frost from the back row, "—a what?"

 "A xenomorph," repeats Gorman, emphasizing the syllables. 

-ARS Technica
"Oh, it's just another bug hunt."
“Oh, it’s just another bug hunt.”

Yeah. It’s like that.

Then they get their asses handed to them on a platter.

Lots of famous people are peddling fairy tales that will collapse in the face of reality within 90 days

Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Drew and Elon Musk are all spinning delusional fairy tales, by the way. So is President Trump. If you ask them the simple question above — by what mechanism does the virus stop replication? — they can’t provide any rational answer.

Rush Limbaugh says “98% of the people survive,” which is an admission that 2% die. If half the U.S. population gets infected, a 2% fatality rate is about 3.3 million people, or 100 times more fatalities than the flu. But since Rush can’t do math, you can’t walk him through this simple equation. Rush has become the propaganda broadcast hub for Mike Pence, who knows nothing about virology or epidemiology. When Mike Pence talks about the coronavirus, it makes about as much sense as Joe Biden talking about firearms.

Dr. Drew is a celebrity doctor who says it’s, “no worse than the flu.” Yet unless he’s been lobotomized, he must know that the mortality rate of seasonal influenza is only around 0.1% (, while the mortality rate among those infected with the coronavirus is, according to the WHO, 3.4%. That means the coronavirus mortality rate is 34 times higher than the season flu. Surely Dr. Drew can follow this simple math, unless he’s gone the route of Brian Williams on MSNBC who thinks 327 million multiplied by one million is only 500 million. (Hint: The correct answer is 327 trillion.)

Elon Musk is a high-tech huckster and hype artist whose entire financial existence depends on fluffing falsehoods and denying financial reality. He’s been able to sucker millions of investors into his soon-to-fail “Tesla” fiasco, but the virus can’t be bamboozled by billionaires. The virus doesn’t care if Elon Musk is loved by millions of deluded, ignorant youth who literally think he’s Iron Man. The virus can’t be reasoned with or threatened on twitter. It just replicates.

Similarly, President Trump now repeats propaganda lines from Dr. Anthony Fauci, uttering shockingly uninformed things like, “One day it will just magically disappear” (or some similar paraphrased statement). Yet the virus doesn’t respond to magic. It only responds to biochemistry and physiology. The virus can’t even hear President Trump since the virus has no ears. So it offers no consideration to the spin of Mike Pence or Trump himself. Their words are irrelevant. The only thing that matters is stopping the replication of the virus.

 President Trump's comments on the COVID-19 coronavirus diverge slightly from other officials.

 During a Tuesday press conference, Trump sought to reassure the  public, saying everything from "it will go away, just stay calm," to  stating the U.S. has done a "very good job" in testing for the virus,  reports CNN's Daniel Dale. 

-The Week

So we ask you, dear reader, by what mechanism will the replication of this virus be stopped?

Here’s seven lies that everyone with a microphone are promoting…

[1] It’s not as bad as the flu.

If flu has killed ~300,000 worldwide this year, and coronavirus has killed 3,000, then flu is …. 100 x worse. 


I see this all over the American blogsphere.

Yeah. I get this.

 Can we put the Wu-flu into perspective? 
 It is something serious.  But like I stated in another thread, it's not an end-of-the-world serious. 
 We're nearing the end of the regular flu season. 
 A season where 18,000 people died WITH an available vaccine. 
 And no one bats an eye.  
 Hell, many threads on anti-vaccinations are on this site.  I don't get the vaccine. 
 This is a novel virus.  There is no vaccine. 
 So wash your hands, cough into your sleeve.  If you're sick?  Stay at home. 
 The last few days I've been working from home because I've caught a  nasty cold and I work in a hospital so I didn't want to freak people  out.
 Now I'll be in work tomorrow to check on Power Charting and time change  issues because of Daylight Savings Time, but I'm also feeling a little better. 
 This is the flu.  A new flu, but the flu all the same. 
 I am not stockpiling on water, toilet paper, or rice and canned meat. 
 I did stock up on scotch, vodka, wine, and beer but that's because I'm an aging booze hound and it was a Friday.  
 I won't tell people not to stock up, but you're wasting a perfectly good worry on what (in my opinion) is a minor issue.  


Go ahead.

Don’t wear a mask.

Try to self-heal in bed at home…

A healthy comparison between the COVID-19 and other illnesses.
A healthy comparison between the COVID-19 and other illnesses.

Look at the graph and read this conservative bloggers opinion…

 “Oh, but this is not the ‘flu, this is the KUNG KILLER WUHAN DESTROY  US ALL ‘FLU™”, we hear from usually sane sources. Yes. A ‘flu with about  the same infection parameters, symptoms and slightly higher mortality  than the regular ‘flu which has, last we checked, so far failed to End  the World As We Know It™ after Dis even knows how many regularly  scheduled outbreaks ever since we came up with a name for it. It’s so  regular now that we even have the name “flu season” in the vocabulary.  It’s more regular than a newborn’s bowel movements. Heck, even the  seriously dangerous Spanish ‘Flu of WWI fame failed to make much of a  mess of civilization, and that was back when we had absolutely no  flipping clue what we were dealing with.

 Not to mention SARS, MERS and H1N1, every single one of which were  more lethal by orders of magnitude than this one. Quickly, everybody  tell us about the MERS Panic™. No? Didn’t happen? Civilization didn’t  end? Well colour us surprised, because by current levels of hysteria, it  certainly should have, considering that it was every bit as infectious and 36, that’s thirty-six, times as lethal.

 Yet this one, THIS one is definitely, DEFINITELY at least one of the horsemen of the Apocalypse! THIS time it will get us!
 Listen, we’re not saying to not use your brains here, like washing  your hands, not hanging around people coughing and hacking their lungs  out without covering their mouthes, but perhaps a little bit of  perspective is in order? 

-Nice Doggie
 Further perspective:

 In the US-alone flu season, we saw at LEAST 220,690 new cases per day, on average. Over TWO-HUNDRED THOUSAND.

 The peak day WORLDWIDE for COVID-19 was 15,100. Just 6.8% of the US  AVERAGE for flu. (That day was an extreme outlier, because it  represented China changing reporting standards from confirmed-by-testing to diagnosed-by-symptoms.)

 As of 3/5/2020, new COVID-19 cases WORLDWIDE: 2,800. 1.3% of the average US flu cases.

 If you truly believe you’re going to die from COVID-19, you either 1)  have some extremely high risk factors like being an 80 year old man  with diabetes and a bum ticker, who’s been french-kissing your  girlfriend from Wuhan; or 2) you already died from the frickin’ flu.

 Sure things could change. The virus could mutate again. We could  import a bunch more infected people and turn them loose. But as things  stand…

 1. Eat decent food.
 2. Wash your hands often.
 3. Avoid sick people.

 Sound familiar? Yes, it’s the same basic precautions you be be taking  to avoid the flu and common cold (which I’ll remind you is often yet  another coronavirus, too; and for most people COVID-19 is amounting to a common cold).

 People need to stop losing their shit. 

-Bear Buss

Yeah. It’s just like the flu. Right?

Just like the “common cold” right?

 The disease  is certainly a handful. It has caused and will cause tragic deaths,  economic damage, and social disruption and uncertainty that always  attend a serious pandemic. Its R –∅ rate (the rate at which the virus  spreads) seems to be high, close to seasonal flu.

But I’m getting more optimistic about the actual public health impact of the virus  because its virulence appears to be much lower than the 3.4  percent mortality rate claimed by the World Health Organization. 

The New York Times spoke with “a number of experts in epidemiology, and they  all agreed that 1 percent was probably more realistic.” 

-Jim talent on FOX News

Sure… whatever those un-named “experts”, have to say…

FOX is the same as CNN. They just have a different audience, but they spout the same narrative.

What ever you say…

"People! You can read Ripley's report."
“People! You can read Ripley’s report.”

If you are talking about number of people who die, well no one knows that answer as this is a new virus. We know that statistically the influenza tends to kill a lot of the older and infirm people in large quantities. However, to assume that it will always be in the top spot is foolish.

Coronavirus is far deadlier than the flu. Thus far, the  mortality rate for coronavirus (the number of reported cases divided by  the number of deaths) is around 3% to 4%, although it’s likely to be  lower because many cases have not yet been reported. The flu’s rate is  0.1%.  

-LinkedIN Pulse

This virus is certainly appearing to be quite the contender. It looks like it will displace the influenza for that top ranked spot.

Incidentally, If you have a chance to to an old cemetery. One from around the time of the American Civil War. You will find entire families wiped out by the flu. In those days, they just were not able to handle viruses like we can today.

Now, if you are looking at the need to go to a hospital to get better, the COVID-19 is far worse. With the flu, you can have it and stay at home and nurse yourself back to health. Not so with the coronavirus. If you have it, you MUST go to a hospital, and be observed. If you have the more serious strain, it will attack your central nervous system and you will go into convulsions, followed by complete and absolute organ failure, while your lungs fill up with water.

By the criteria of mobility, the COVID-19 is far more contagious than the flu. I have seen values ranging from 8x to 20x more contagious.

By the criteria of mortality, the COVID-19 if far more lethal than the flu. The R0 version of 4.5 – 6.6 that is from Wuhan is only after the entire nation went DEFCON ONE and all the medical doctors for the entire nation converged on to that city. Before that happened, the R0 value was 14%.

A Los Alamos National Laboratory analysis of the outbreak in China in December 2019 and January 2020 puts the unrestrained R0  of Covid-19 at between 4.5 and 6.6. (The R-naught figure indicates the  contagiousness of a disease in a given environment. If the number is  above one, it’s spreading.)  

The R0 for the flu is 0.1%.

Under every criteria, the COVID-19 is far worse than the influenza.

[2] Only old people die from it.

Once the hospitals were set up (two brand new hospitals in Wuhan built within ten days), and everyone who was ill went to the hospital and immediately went into ICU… the situation improved dramatically. Only the older folk and those with preexisting conditions were dying for the most part.

China built two complete 1000-bed hospitals in Wuhan within a ten day period.
China built two complete 1000-bed hospitals in Wuhan within a ten day period.

So, yes. The data clearly says that the old and those with previous health conditions are dying from this COVID-19 virus.

What is not being said is that tens of thousands of people are in ICU, and getting around-the-clock care. These people have a high likelihood of surviving. And only the sickest do not survive.

"They completely wiped out my entire crew in less than twelve hours."
“They completely wiped out my entire crew in less than twelve hours.”

Which means, that if you have access to a month in the ICU, you will pretty much be able to survive the COVID-19 virus.

That’s the good thing.

And hospitals that can handle maybe 30 in an ICU at any given time, will now be forced to deal with hundreds. There will be those that will not be permitted to stay in the ICU.

That’s the bad thing.

If you cannot make it to the ICU, cannot afford a month in the ICU, or have preexisting issues that you might not be aware of, the lethality of this illness increases exponentially.

So… Your chances of surviving from this virus is very high if you can afford a month in the ICU and get a spot in an already saturated hospital. Aside from that, survival is not guaranteed.

 — Coronavirus appears to spread more slowly than the flu. This is probably the biggest difference between the two. The flu has a shorter incubation period (the time it takes for an infected person to show symptoms) and a shorter serial interval (or  the time between successive cases). Coronavirus’s serial interval is  around five to six days, while the flu’s gap between cases is more like  three days, the WHO says. So flu still spreads more quickly.

— Shedding: Viral  shedding is what happens when a virus has infected a host, has  reproduced, and is now being released into the environment. It is what  makes a patient infectious. Some people start shedding the coronavirus  within two days of contracting it, and before they show symptoms,  although this probably isn’t the main way it is spreading, the WHO says.  (However, one non-peer-reviewed article this  week also suggests that coronavirus patients are shedding huge amounts  of the virus in these early stages when they have either no symptoms or  just mild ones.) The flu virus typically sheds in the first two days after symptoms start, and this can last for up to a week. But a study in the Lancet this week,  which looked at patients in China, showed that survivors were still  shedding the coronavirus for around 20 days (or until death). One was  still shedding at 37 days, while the shortest time detected was eight  days. This suggests coronavirus patients remain contagious for much  longer than those with flu.

— Secondary infections. As  if contracting coronavirus wasn’t bad enough, it leads to about two  more secondary infections on average. The flu can sometimes cause a secondary infection, usually pneumonia, but it’s rare for a flu patient to get two infections  after the flu. The WHO warned that context is key (someone who  contracts coronavirus might already have been fighting another  condition, for example).

— Don’t blame snotty kids—adults are passing coronavirus around. While  kids are the primary culprits for flu transmission, this coronavirus  seems to be passed between adults. That also means adults are getting  hit hardest—especially those who are older and have underlying medical  conditions. Experts are baffled as to why kids seem protected from  the worst effects of the coronavirus, according to the Washington Post.  Some say they might already have some immunity from other versions of  the coronavirus that appear in the common cold; another theory is that  kids’ immune systems are always on high alert and might simply be faster  than adults’ in battling Covid-19. 

[3] It originated from a Wuhan seafood market.

But when the time came, the bastards were prepared: The  Weird Animal Market! The bat soup-slurping Chinese! 

And hey, if that  didn’t work: ‘The Wuhan Level 4 Biolab!’, which was conveniently minutes  away from the designated ground (or patient) zero, at the Market. 

(Talk  about convenient! As is the coincidence that the outbreak occurred in  the midst of the ultimate Chinese travel week, the Lunar New Year. Yes,  the better to spread not only The Bug, but the panic; and to make sure  both spread world-wide, via air travel.)   

But blaming the bio-lab would be a fall-back position; ever the  optimists, the real perps were hoping mother nature as patsy would hold  water, at least for a few months.    


The idea that it originated from a seafood market in Wuhan has been disseminated throughout the internet with such relish that it is taken for granted that this is the truth.

It isn’t.

Aliens is among other things a Vietnam war allegory, pitting military arrogance against the implacability of an enemy unshackled by conventional definitions of combat. All the technology in the world, even these giant guns, won't save our heroes. If they really are supposed to be our heroes.
Aliens is among other things a Vietnam war allegory, pitting military arrogance against the implacability of an enemy unshackled by conventional definitions of combat. All the technology in the world, even these giant guns, won’t save our heroes.

When the outbreak occurred XiPeng ordered his scientists to find out the top two questions about the coronavirus;

  • Where it it originate from?
  • What was the underlying cause that created this virus?

After one month of study, the scientist came back and made their determinations…

The virus broke out all over Wuhan in widely divergent locations. At the same time, within hours, the virus broke out in the North of Wuhan, the East of Wuhan, the South of Wuhan, and the Western sections of Wuhan. One of the virus carriers, ended up infecting the seafood market.

From that point, the virus propagated the most rapidly throughout Wuhan.

The COVID-19 coronavirus brokeout on one day in widely separate regions within Wuhan. Then, one of the infected persons, apparently made their way to the seafood market, where many subsequent people were infected.
The COVID-19 coronavirus brokeout on one day in widely separate regions within Wuhan. Then, one of the infected persons, apparently made their way to the seafood market, where many subsequent people were infected.

The COVID-19 coronavirus brokeout on one day in widely separate regions within Wuhan. Then, one of the infected persons, apparently made their way to the seafood market, where many subsequent people were infected.

[4] It’s a natural virus.

 I’ve been reading lots of stuff about this thing – none of it clearly  definitive or trust worthy.  Hype aside, it seems there are about equal  cases to be made for the extremal “it’s nothing” and “the world is  ending” views.

 I’d opt for what I hope is true: that this isn’t a big deal, except that there are some weird things going on. Two examples:

 1 – china’s apparent over reaction. Their view of human life is rather  different from ours and I can’t see them shutting down whole cities over  a few hundred, or even a few thousand, deaths; and,

 2 – the apparent death rate among senior government people affected in Iran. 

- Paul Murphy 

This narrative is one where it originated naturally by eating bat soup. This narrative is so absolutely preposterous, it is amazing just how gullible people are.

Then it is bolstered with pictures of Asians in Indonesia and Papal New Guinea eating bat soup. While the Chinese do actually eat bat soup, they don't do it in Wuhan. They do it in the smaller more rural sections of China.

One of the questions that XiPeng asked his scientists was…

  • What caused this virus?

After studying this issue, they came back and in February had their answer.

This virus was man-made.

Even before the toll in China reached the current 3,045 dead and  80,711 infected, the Chinese Communist Party had called the pandemic a  biological weapon of the USA following the revelations of Asian  scientists on the anomalous “modeling” of the S protein.  

As reported first by Veterans Today and then by Gospa News, the  American journalist Jeff Brown, founder with other international journalists and authors of the Bioweapon Truth Commission, an independent research organization on the history and innovations of biological weapons, has supported this thesis, that with the passing of the hours finds more and more supporters.  

-Veterans Today 

Officially, and yes… OFFICIALLY, the Chinese government considers this virus to be of human manufacture.

If there is a way to cripple a country without warfare, this is how  it's done. 

I don't doubt there is a pandemic occurring, but the sheeple  will buy into this more than what actually occurs from a health  standpoint. Don't get me wrong, people will die from this, but it will  absolutely cripple our economy.  God help us and continue stocking up.  

-  Bill Krejci   

Officially the Chinese government considers this virus to be of human manufacture.

It is the American mainstream press that promotes the idea that this is natural. Not the Chinese media.

[5] It has the same symptoms as the flu.

 The  Chinese are so scared of it they shut down their industrial base to  keep it from spreading.  And Commies aren’t know for being overly  worried about deaths.

 The problem we still know very little of what happened in China since they are not letting in CDC virologists.

 And nothing is getting shipped from China to the U.S. I live near a  rail line that brings in Chinese made goods from Long Beach Harbor to  the rest of the U.S. and those big freight trains used to run by me  every hour or so. They haven’t for over a week.

 This is no flu. 

-  Rwc1963 

No it does not have all the same symptoms as the flu does.

Here’s a comparison for your enjoyment.

Comparison between the COVID-19, the common cold, and the influenza.
Comparison between the COVID-19, the common cold, and the influenza.

The big give away is the “dry cough”. It will be like there is a little tickle in your throat. You won’t be coughing up white or green mucus. It will just be like you need a glass of water.

Also, do not look at all the symptoms, and assume that they are all of equal weight. diarrhea and a runny nose can happen, but are not typical. The typical “give aways” for this illness is the dry cough, the soreness in your body as it tries to fight the virus, and the fever.

 "Bug Stomper" nose art on the first of the Sulaco's two UD-4 Cheyenne gunships.
“Bug Stomper” nose art on the first of the Sulaco’s two UD-4 Cheyenne gunships.

The COVID-19 has different symptoms than the Flu. The most common are a dry throat, a fever and general tiredness.

[6] You do not need to wear a mask.

China found that one of the best preventions for all citizens was to  always wear face masks. This is a lesson for the world. Everyone  deserves to have an adequate supply of masks. 

-LinkedIN Pulse

In China, they made it a law that you must wear a mask at all times until this DEFCONE ONE emergency is over. You cannot ride public transportation, enter buildings, enter complexes, do anything without a mask. It is fundamental. They enforce it with police, drones, and volunteers. Everyone must wear a mask. No exceptions.

Why is China being so gosh-darn anal about this?

Because this COVID-19 can be transmitted by the air.

Federally  funded tests conducted by scientists from several major institutions  indicated that the novel form of coronavirus behind a worldwide outbreak  can survive in the air for several hours.

A study  awaiting peer review from scientists at Princeton University, the  University of California-Los Angeles and the National Institutes of  Health (NIH) posted online Wednesday indicated that the COVID-19 virus  could remain viable in the air "up to 3 hours post aerosolization,"  while remaining alive on plastic and other surfaces for up to  three days.

"Our results indicate that aerosol and fomite  transmission of HCoV-19 is plausible, as the virus can remain viable in  aerosols for 42 multiple hours and on surfaces up to days," reads the  study's abstract.

The test results suggest that humans could be  infected by the disease simply carried through the air or on a solid  surface, even if direct contact with an infected person does not occur.  That finding, if accepted, would come in stark contrast to previous  media reports that suggested the virus was not easily transmittable  outside of direct human contact. 

-The Hill

The idea that you do not need to wear a mask came from the American media that insists that the flu is far worse, and that people shouldn’t buy up all the masks, but instead, leave the masks for the hospital staff to use.

Worst Case: It's some bio-engineered frankenvirus, with who-knows what lethality, r-naught, and incubation time. 

 -Woodpile Report 

People!, you all need to start wearing masks, NOW!

Writer and director Cameron takes pains to set Gorman up as the embodiment of Vietnam-era military officer hubris and jargon-veiled incompetence, and the lieutenant holds himself above and entirely separate from the squad under his command. Dropping a fancy college word like "xenomorph" is just another way to lord rank and position over the jarheads—people whose names he hasn’t even really bothered to learn.
I guess just because you’ve done 38 simulated drops doesn’t really mean you’re ready for command. Writer and director Cameron takes pains to set Gorman up as the embodiment of Vietnam-era military officer hubris and jargon-veiled incompetence, and the lieutenant holds himself above and entirely separate from the squad under his command. Dropping a fancy college word like “xenomorph” is just another way to lord rank and position over the jarheads—people whose names he hasn’t even really bothered to learn.

You need to wear a mask and perform extra-careful sanitary procedures outside of your home.

[7] China seriously bungled the coronavirus outbreak through sheer incompetence.

You might get this impression by reading the absolutely insane level of Anti-China rhetoric that came from Washington DC, and the American media. They couldn’t do anything right.

Well, that was a lie.

The early work found that infections were doubling roughly every six  days, and that for every three to four rounds of transmission—or once  every 20 to 30 days—one minor mutation was occurring, Bedford said in a  Feb. 13 interview. “We are watching very carefully for more local  transmission,” he said at the time. 


They locked down the entire nation under DEFCON ONE after the first person died by the COVID-19 virus. They built up two hospitals from scratch in ten days, and mobilized the entire nation to fight this illness.

They also took these other steps…

  • COVID-19 medical care was free.
  • Medicines no longer need a doctor prescription.
  • Orders for medicines are now of three month duration, not one.
  • Quarantines, at every level with road blocks are everywhere.
  • Military decontamination units sweep the cities.
  • Suspect patients are held in isolation wards and monitored.
  • APPs are available for news, help, assistance and police that everyone in China can access.
  • Self-quarantine was advised for everyone for three weeks.
  • Food delivery was mandated to continue, hoarding was prohibited, as well as price gouging.
  • Decontamination robots were designed and put into use.
  • Robots deliver food.
  • Drones scan the people for sickness.
  • Drone monitor and make sure that everyone is wearing a mask.
  • Every business is checked by the regional community centers for compliance, and get free face masks by the government.

There’s many more things going on, but that is just a thumb-nail sketch. Now, compare that to the foolish and comical farce of the American response…

When a country is run by engineers, things get built to solve problems.  

When a country is run by lawyers, laws get passed to solve problems. 

And  when bankers are in charge of countries, more loans are issued to solve  problems. 

Yet, sound finances are necessary to run a country. And  indebtedness is not a sound financial state. 

Put lawyers appointed by  bankers in charge, and nothing good happens. Oh, at first it does. A  sound system can take a lot of abuse before breaking. You are drawing  down the capital built up. 

- James Dakin talks of the epidemic of stupidity. 

Anyone that still thinks that America is handling this COVID-19 out-break better than China needs to have their head adjusted. Especially now that Trump has appointed a committee to look into this matter and report it’s findings, instead of taking direct and immediate action.

What is he thinking?

You can believe what ever you want.  I know that China has taken deadly serious action against this virus. They identified it as a biological weapon, that was made in the United States and they went DEFCON ONE on CNY, of all times! But you can listen to CNN and Rush Limbaugh if you wanna. It's your life.
You can believe what ever you want. I know that China has taken deadly serious action against this virus. They identified it as a biological weapon, that was made in the United States and they went DEFCON ONE on CNY, of all times! But you can listen to CNN and Rush Limbaugh if you wanna. It’s your life.

Some Videos

This is a serious illness, and nothing like the Flu. Check out some videos…

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Taking the kids shopping.
Riding the elevator
Going home from work.
Checking into the hospital.


The COVID-19 virus is a very nasty illness. It is being handled expertly with the authoritarian Chinese government, and hopelessly bungled by the inept American government. To best survive, you need to self quarantine and practice rigid and absolute cleanliness measures immediately. Make ZERO exceptions.

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