COVID-19 mortality rate.

The Amazing Differences in Mortality Rates for the COVID-19 Coronavirus.

Today, I read a couple of posts that discussed the unusually low mortality numbers for the COVID-19 coronavirus in America. While the American mainstream media was all “doom and gloom”, and doing their usual propagandized “reporting”, others were looking at the more substantive portions of this event; the numbers, the preparation, the response (failures and successes) as well as the human-events stories.

Ech! It’s all over the place.

Opinions and Biased “Reporting”

In general, in regards to the “numbers”, the “reporters” (article writers – no one ever truly reports things these days) were pretty much equally divided on this issue.

On one hand, they said that the COVID-19 mortality rate would, of course, be lower in the United States. As America is an “exceptional” nation, with exceptional healthcare, and has freedom and liberties in a wonderful democratic utopia. They argue that for most Americans this coronavirus would only be a “blip on the radar screen”. They still maintain the argument that “mostly older folk will get sick”, “the influenza is far worse”, and “it’s just like a mild cold”. This is pretty much the American politically conservative narrative. (Alt-Right). (Rush Limbaugh, and Townhall, etc)

On the other hand, the other authors argued that the virus cannot discriminate between races or geographic location. So something is amiss, and they suggest that the United States is lying. They claim that the Chinese “invented” this virus, and that the Chinese has been lying about everything from day one. That they cover up and hide the “real” numbers. Strangely enough, this narrative is also from the American politically conservative “echo chamber”. Only this is the “Hard-Right” narrative. (Alex Jones, Hal Turner, etc.)

The American left-wing is pretty much silent on all this. At most, they go along with the American mainstream media and don’t really question anything. In their mind, the global human utopia of a one-world has a “cold” and this will shape up world governance for decades to come…

So what is actually going on?

What is going on?

Here’s a chart that I compiled from data obtained by MSN on 29 March 2020…

COVID-19 Mortality Calculations 29MAR20
COVID-19 Mortality Calculations 29MAR20

Aside from the really large values (Iran), and the really low values (USA, Germany and Switzerland), the confirmed mortality of this virus apparently varies from 4 to 8% or best described as 6% +/- 2%. I like to attribute this variance to social behaviors, and the healthcare operations within a given nation.

Keeping in mind that the influenza (the flu) has a mortality rate of 0.1%, every nation is experiencing the COVID-19 at a rate at least ten times higher, and in many cases, many many times higher.

Strange Conclusions

The issue is not really just how high the COVID-19 mortality rate is compared to the influenza, but rather WHY the mortality rate is not similar between different races, and different geographical areas and national borders.

Truthfully, the mortality rate should be identical for each and every nation, and only deviate in the event that the medical care system in a nation collapses.

All things being the same, we can come up with some interesting conclusions regarding the COVID-19 at this snapshot in time.

It favors people of one geographic nation over another.

Strange, eh? But that is the conclusion that you MUST come to if you assume that every nation is telling the truth and every nation is reporting accurate numbers to the WHO.

This thus implies that there is some sort of geographic or regional variable that provides some people with advantage over others.

Nations with the highest percentage of ethnic Germanic Whites have the lowest deaths to COVID-19.

The top three nations (with the smallest number of deaths) listed in the table above, all have significant populations of Germanic Caucasian people. That would imply that this virus is race-specific, or in other words, favors one race over another.

These Conclusions cannot be correct!

These findings are preposterous…

Which leads me to the final conclusion;

  1. The different nations are using different criteria to determine who has the virus and who does not.
  2. As well as why a person dies and does not.
  3. As well as reporting methodology on those following variables.

If this is the case then, the situation becomes very simple.

Nations are obscuring their COVID-19 reporting to some extent. The degree of which varies from government to government.


None of this should be a surprise. However, a good solid look at the numbers (above) indicate some rather frightening potential possibilities.

  • To keep the mortality number low, the nation can either provide ICU’s for all the patients inflicted, or outright lie and be deceptive about the true numbers.
  • To keep the number of infected people low, and thus skew the mortality numbers, the nation can either retard (or delay) the testing for the illness or lie.

My “gut feeling” is that the United States is doing exactly this. (Whether intentionally or accidentally, I do not know.) And, I would not be surprised if Germany is also taking part in this type of action.

To believe otherwise…

… is to believe that this COVID-19 virus is [1] race specific, and [2] geographic specific in it’s behavior. Which then, of course, implies all sorts of other Frankenstein concoctions, that we won’t bother with now.

Be safe everyone.

That night I woke up in the middle of the night with chills, vomiting,  and shortness of breath. By Monday, I could barely speak more than a few  words without feeling like I was gasping for air. I couldn’t walk to the bathroom without panting as if I’d run a mile. On Monday evening, I tried to eat, but found I couldn’t get enough oxygen while doing so. Any task that was at all anxiety-producing — even resetting my MyChart  password to communicate with my doctor — left me desperate for oxygen. 

- 26-year-old Fiona Lowenstein 

A Welshman who caught the coronavirus in China has  described how the deadly disease hit him “like a train” leaving him  “suffocating” and in blinding pain for weeks. Connor Reed, from Llandudno, got ill while working as an English teacher in Wuhan.The 25-year-old described how it started as “just a sniffle” on  November 25 – a month before authorities officially announced the virus –  but over the next three-and-a-half weeks he got increasingly ill and  was unable to move. 

- 25-year-old Connor Reed 

Update 5APR20

The mortality rate is climbing.

Mortality rate 5APR20.
Mortality rate 5APR20.

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Thank you for this information. With all the debate about mask wearing (outside of China), do you know when was the earliest time that the general public was required to wear one in China? On January 27th, CGTN published this: