The American Civil War is now considered in process. The narrative is not about what or when, but is all about the how.

Its going to get a lot worse regardless of who wins in November. Get ready


As the good Metallicman readership should know, the Second American Civil War started early in 2020. It was at that point in time that a number of unique events transpired that would have been impossible, were American to be a healthy and productive nation. Since then, things have gone downhill fast. Now, prior to the 2020 elections, no one knows who will be elected. But one thing is certain, who ever is elected will not make any difference in the course of what American will go through.

This is true on both sides of the political spectrum, and perhaps that is the only thing that is unifying America right now.

The long, long postponed collapse of the oligarchy run military empire is in process, and no matter what happens, you can rest assured that…

  • No one will really know what is actually going on.
  • The “news” is never reported upon. Instead, a confluence of confusing “media reports” and disinformation will occupy much of American media.
  • External enemies will be identified, and effort made to direct American attention outside the US borders.
  • Money will continue to be made, but only at the oligarchy level. Everyone else will steadily lose everything.
  • The stratification of the United States is complete. Most Americans will not be able to ever leave their current status in life.

Now, what this post is all about is something that I have noticed over the last few months, and it is really becoming evident now. It is that idea that [1] the United States is in the middle of an ideological conflict right now, and [2] that it is right before the shooting starts.

Most people, on both sides, agree to this assessment to one extent or the other.

Further, most [3] agree that the election will have a very minor impact on what transpires. That a “hot” American civil war is “in the works”.

I have been told that if President Trump wins the election, that the Progressive Marxists are all set and ready to “burn the nation down”. And the Conservatives, by and large, pretty much agree with this assessment.

In a like way, if the Democratic candidate, Mr. Biden wins, then most Conservatives that I know pretty much expect a forced socialist takeover, and that they would have to fight a militarized Social Marxist America.

Of course…

Life goes on.

Businessmen conduct business. Students go to school. Families make babies. Workers go and toil. Rich people get wealthier. The stock market keeps on going higher and higher. And China is evil, bat-soup slurping monsters. Yada. Yada. Yada.

But behind this colorful exterior lies a cauldron of turmoil that you can cut with a knife.

Yes. All along the “watch-towers” (the modern day equivalents; personal blogs, and small-isolated alternative media) the signals are clear. America is embroiled in a Civil War Right Now. And everyone needs to prepare for the time, in the near future, when things will get ugly.

Most of these blogs are pretty much saying the same thing.

  • Civil War is going to happen, or is happening.
  • Other nations will not get involved.
  • Whatever “external distractions” that are planned will only make things worse.
  • Prepare.

This article is typical…

The following is an article titled “The U.S. military would not be invincible against domestic revolt” It was written on 19 September 2020, and all credit to the author. IT was edited to fit this venue.

The U.S. military would not be invincible against domestic revolt

September 19, 2020

Among those who discuss the prospects of overthrowing the United States government, there’s a common belief that it would be impossible for domestic rebels to militarily defeat the U.S. armed forces. This inevitably leads to speculations about alternative ways for the rebels to prevail. Maybe we could win most of the U.S. military personnel over to the side of the revolutionaries, or maybe we could get a powerful U.S. rival like China to come to the aid of the rebel forces.

But upon thoroughly examining the situation, these hopes look ever more wishful. China’s goal is not to help foment revolutions abroad. And given that a civil war in the U.S. would no doubt prompt many U.S. allies to get their own militaries involved, Russia, China, and other superpowers would be especially hesitant to intervene given how much risk this would create of world war. Maybe Cuba or the DPRK would come to our aid, but we can’t bank on any foreign army to turn the direction of the class war in our favor.

Propagating Marxist-Leninist theory among U.S. troops is a worthwhile goal. But for every armed forces defector towards the socialist movement that appears in the coming chaotic years of U.S. imperial collapse, there will be plenty of other military members who remain loyal to the forces of fascism and capitalist reaction. Thus comes the recently articulated conclusion from communist YouTuber Hakim that:

The U.S. military and police will never, and I mean will never, join a potential revolution in the U.S. They are a barrier to a revolution. These are the agents of capital sent worldwide to rob, steal, and murder, all for the wealth and power of the bourgeoisie. Reactionary attitudes and counter-revolutionary mindsets are manufactured within the American military and police. For every soldier or policeman that lays down his weapons or, even better, joins the revolution, there will be a hundred, if not a thousand, cracking black skulls and shooting children. I saw it in Iraq. It isn’t far-fetched for it to be the norm in the U.S.

As you look at these facts, you slowly come to realize the stark reality of your situation as someone who’s committed themselves to liberating the world from U.S. capitalism, imperialism, and colonialism. This reality is that you can only rely on the revolutionary organizations within the U.S. to help bring you to victory against the forces of bourgeois reaction. In all likelihood, an army from across the ocean isn’t coming to save you. The throngs of heavily indoctrinated fascists in the U.S. military aren’t going to overwhelmingly join your side. Victory is only going to come from how good you are at sticking with the revolutionary tasks that the material conditions will demand from you.

These tasks are apparent from looking at how the Taliban, despite lacking tanks or warplanes and despite having always been outnumbered and technologically outmatched by the U.S., has managed to prevent the U.S. from defeating it after nineteen years of war. The Taliban has done this by winning the loyalty of much of the local populations in the parts of Afghanistan that they control, using the massive violence and corruption that U.S. imperialism has brought to the country to get many people to see aligning with their organization as the best option.

The Taliban has had advantages that rebel forces in the U.S. won’t necessarily have the equivalent of, like highly mountainous terrain and support from Pakistan. But even if we don’t manage to get military support from Cuba or the DPRK, and even if the U.S. surveillance apparatus forces us to operate with great secrecy, we’ll be able to gain a comparable advantage if we do the work to build popular support for a revolutionary guerrilla effort. 

This step is where agitation and organizing come in. If we spend the coming years using the country’s crises to get many more people to join communist parties, and if we do this while educating the masses about the capitalist and imperialist contradictions behind the crises they’re experiencing, we’ll gain a large base of support. Not one that includes the enormous population of reactionaries in the U.S., but one that’s capable of providing a guerrilla struggle with popular backing. With this vision in mind, Hakim has articulated the actions which must accompany these efforts: 

Arm yourselves. Establish armed wings of revolutionary organizations. Start coordinating armed actions across the country with as many organizations as you can. Remember, never terrorist activity-only military and state targets. Establish Red bases around the country, and begin building dual power. People’s war is the solution. If you truly want radical change, and if you really want to turn the U.S. from an overwhelming agent of bad in the world into an agent of good, you will need to turn upheaval-with sufficient development-into a civil war.

When this war starts, we’ll need to apply the guerrilla tactics that can make us win. These are the tactics that focus around attrition, the action of gradually weakening the forces of the enemy. Attacking military and state targets, as Hakim said, is how we can accomplish this. If we sustain these attacks, the forces of the U.S. will over time be forced to retreat. 

And despite what the “a rebellion can never defeat the U.S. military” perception seems to imply about how such a conflict would play out, the U.S. won’t initially use its heaviest military tools for attacking the rebels. The U.S. will start to cripple itself if it begins bombing cities and infrastructure, and the more military resources it has to sacrifice at home, the less ability it will have to project power abroad. This certainly won’t be good for them in a future scenario where the current resource, climatic, economic, and social crises have all been massively exacerbated, and where U.S. imperial decline will have gone on for much longer than it has so far. Our enemies may have the might of empire on their side, but we’ll have the advantage of fighting against a power structure that’s destabilizing itself amid the collapse of global capitalism. 

The foundations of capitalism are falling out. Through guerrilla warfare, we can tear the whole structure down. What this will require from you is the psychological commitment needed to carry forth this operation.

The guerrilla warrior has to endure great bodily sacrifices. In addition to the risks of being killed or injured in battle, the life of a guerrilla can consist of severe hunger, thirst, lack of domestic sanitation, demands for great physical exertion, and the other costs of hiding and traveling outdoors. The accounts of the great guerrilla Che Guevara make these costs apparent. But when you realize the value of revolutionary sacrifice, these things will no longer deter you. The alternative to joining the struggle is to remain complacent, to keep standing by while the U.S. empire collapses into fascism and while your material conditions keep deteriorating. Without making the necessary sacrifices, we won’t be able to defeat the ruling class.

Capitalism and U.S. imperialism may be collapsing, but revolution won’t come of its own accord. It won’t happen after a grand foreign invasion, or after thousands of armed fascists suddenly have a change of heart. It will happen after we realize that the U.S. military is not invincible, and that we have the capacity to win the class war ourselves.


The American media, and the Alt-left and Alt-Right branches are all controlled by the United States government. There is no such thing as a “free independent press” any longer in the United States. That pretty much disappeared in the middle 1980’s. And the narratives that they are promoting today includes a Civil War.

The American media, controlled by the American government / oligarchy, is promoting the idea of an American Civil War.

So here you have an American government that controls the media, promoting the narrative that a civil war is either ongoing or will happen soon. This narrative saturates modern life. It affects how Americans view their life, their friends, and their families.

Why are they doing this?

This pushing, this pressing, this march, and drum beat of civil strife is leading up to something. It has a profound influence in what Americans do, how they act, how they save, and how they survive.

People are reacting. But not in ways that you (the reader) and I would presuppose. People are guarded, more cautious, and gloomy… but hopeful. Many hold this secret desire that the pain of this year (2020 pandemic, trump trade wars, trump twitter storms, and the city wide riots, not to mention unemployment, etc.) will all come to an end. People want normalcy.

But the media is not giving anyone a break.

Economist Stephen Roach warns next year will be brutal for the dollar.

Not only does he see growing odds of a double-dip recession, the Yale University senior fellow believes his “seemingly crazed idea” that the dollar would crash shouldn’t be so crazy anymore.

“We’ve got data that’s confirmed both the saving and current account dynamic in a much more dramatic fashion than even I was looking for,” Roach told CNBC’s “Trading Nation” on Wednesday.

-Economist Stephen Roach issues new dollar crash warning, sees double-dip recession odds above 50%

It’s non-stop “the world is falling apart” headlines…

Republicans hope Supreme Court fight boosts President’s reelection bid…
But private fears it can backfire, energize the left…

Supreme Court to be most conservative since 1950…
Kavanaugh Emerges as Liberal Hope?
Dems worry Feinstein can’t handle battle…
MAGA clashes over Barrett vs. Lagoa…
Abortion stirs Republican tensions…


And of course those “evil Chinese” , and “deadly Russians” have to be dealt with, don’t ya know…

Hint: You can tell that the article originated out of the United States government when you see the "index key words" in the title. 

In this case "repression". 

Let's Google "China + Repression" shall we? I found 10,400,000 results.

So, the United States is careening towards a major domestic “hot war”. The government is aware of this, is active in setting the stage for this to occur, and plans to “manage” it in some way.

What we know, from past histories…

  • The conflicts will be splotchy throughout the United States. Some areas will be basket cases, while other areas will be unaffected.
  • The leadership plans to be able to ride out the events safely.
  • The United States (recently) has a terrible record of managing anything.
  • When the leadership is threatened, the final card will be played (a conflict with a major external power).

What does all this mean?

It means that the next two to three years are going to be testy in the United States. It means that if you planned well, that you will be in a safe area that will be relatively unaffected by the civil assaults. You will not be able to believe the American media. That includes most all alternative media.

Your life will look completely different from what is being “reported”. Just like my life looks completely different from the anti-China “news” reports out of the States.


Keep in mind, that this is not all.

When things become unmanageable, when the violence they created starts to flow outside their containment structures, then they will set up their back up plans. This will be when the leadership and oligarchy is threatened, they will invoke a war with a major global power. And they DO KNOW the risks. No matter what, they are convinced by their analysts that it will be a long and prolonged conventional war, and that it will be fought far away from the American shores.

But people… listen to me.

It will NOT be [1] a long duration, [2] conventional war, [3] fought in far away battlegrounds, where [4] Americans can be distracted by nightly updates.

It will be a short war.

It will be a nuclear war.

It will be absolutely devastating for the United States.

That war will end the United States as we know it.

Why? Because America as big, and plump and juicy a target as it is, the top leadership, and all the infrastructure has collapsed. It’s a very inflexible, behemoth run by fixed intransigents.

America is FRAGILE.

America is remarkably fragile. All the wealth and industry are concentrated in only a handful of locations.
America is remarkably fragile. All the wealth and industry are concentrated in only a handful of locations.

Ten nuclear missiles is only ONE Chinese ICBM with MIRV’s. One singular submarine can reduce the United States to a third-world shithole within five minutes from launch. (As they tend to carry ten of these missiles each holding ten of these nuclear devices.) And let’s not even talk about the enormous nuclear might of Russia

America IS fragile.

As I see it…

  • The United States has an enormous military, with far-flung bases all around the world that are dependent upon well-established and fixed lines of supply. But once they logistics channels are interrupted, they are vulnerable.
  • The United States has some amazing high technology weaponry. But these are complex and need to be maintained, unit readiness is at best 60% and they require fully capable supporting logistics and talent to repair, maintain and operate. All these great weapons systems are vulnerable.
  • The United States (Through Donald Trump) has pissed of the world. His sole global alignments are Canada, the UK, and Australia. The rest are mercurial, and will change when situations warrant it. Politically, globally, the Untied States is vulnerable.

The oligarchy, and their minions, the American “leadership” fully expect the United States to undergo dramatic change within the next five years. 2020 through 2025.

They have planned for this.

This planning has been in place for decades, and instead of Donald Trump being an aberration in the plan, it is perhaps all a part of the grand scheme of things.

It is curious how the isolation of America "from the world stage" will absolutely limit any chaos and damage that will in America during this period to... ONLY America. There will be very little "spill over" to the rest of the world.

These members of the oligarchy are not fools, and they do not follow the “news” like you and I do. They can see the real picture (to an extent) and know exactly what is going on. And that includes all the various factions vying for power and control in the United States.

What will happen?

No one knows. Certainly I don’t, and I’m perhaps the only “spook” that has some insight into things that’s gonna tell you all the situation publicly. (I am actually much more than a “spook” but you know what I mean.) But all this should be obvious to anyone who spends sometime outside of the American media echo chamber.

But I can say this…

John Titor’s Vision

John Titor claimed to be a time traveler from the future. The world he described is exactly identical to what we are seeing today. The only significant difference are his dates. But, if you add exactly ten years to his dates you get the following….

  • American civil war starting in 2020 with the first shots fired.
  • Democratic leadership in control of government afterwards.
  • Democrat President trying to hold things together and using the DHS (Federal Police) to control the “rebels” in the rural areas.

Well, we will see what happens in November, eh? Who will win? Will Trump win reelection, or will there be a complete sweep of Government to the far-left Marxists? We will find out.

Anyways, John Titor further says that under the democrat President (DHS in control of forces that hunt down Conservatives, according to John Titor.) We have a…

  • A civil war that lasts for three years.

And then…

  • An event that triggers a war with Russia.
  • A possible “First strike” by Russia that devastates all the major cities in America.
Chinese SLBM with MIRV (dummy) warheads launched in a practice fun right after Trump pulled the three Carrier Assault flotillas off the Chinese coastline in July 2020.
Launch of a Chinese SLBM with MIRV (dummy) warheads launched in a practice fun right after Trump pulled the three Carrier Assault flotillas off the Chinese coastline in July 2020.

What is not stated, but implied…

  • America surrenders.
  • America is then “sacked”.
Sacked - having been robbed and destroyed by force and violence; "the raped countryside". despoiled, raped, ravaged, pillaged. destroyed - spoiled or ruined or demolished; "war left many cities destroyed"; "

Ten years of so afterwards, after a great “sorting”, many people will die. Many will starve. In fact, John Titor said that the majority of deaths were from Starvation, followed by illness. Then, Guns and radiation, in that order.

A “New America” rises from the ashes of the old.

  • America is broken up into five nations.
  • A new world order emerges.
  • Russia (and China) remain the top trade partners to America.

How accurate is John Titor? I don’t know. But he made these statements back in 1998. He’s been pretty much spot-on, regarding a large number of innocuous predictions and how he described his life. You all might want to plan on his predictions coming true.

It would probably be prudent to plan on his predictions coming true.

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Bo Chen

America prefers scorched earth policy. COVID was basically the latest attempt to stop China even if it meant burning the world economy to the ground. Next time the fires will be literal instead of figurative. China builds, America destroys. This is asymmetric and inherently unfair to China. No one can build faster than others can destroy.

My only advice to China is that if America is going for the kill and wants to wipe out China, is for China to use the DF-41 and launch whatever triad it has preemptively and get it over with… if all of humanity has to perish then so be it, at least make sure America doesn’t get to genocide/”Native America”‘d the Chinese people and get away with it with impunity…

Scorched earth policy works both ways and is double edged sword… If China cannot someday be number one again, I’m okay with it. Just make sure USA is out of the game as well…

Bo Chen

Huawei Lab Fire was US sabotage 华为实验室火灾是美国的破坏行为


Thanks. As always very interesting.
I am confused, I don’t pretend to understand much in American interior stuff. I do get that the Oligarchy through media are pushing some narratives and realities including Civil war.
only for what I understand civil war usually is between two ( or more) oligarchies fortes( economies/ideologies to support the power structure). one example could be south cotton salve barons and north industrial finance dukes.
As for the last 60 years or more I see only one oligarchy in the US, one power structure ( although flexible as to accept new barons like Gates, Zukerberg and the guy who bought the Washington post). the system is almost omnipotent with two parties illusion to serve the idea of “Democracy” which became popular with the public.
I do not see much difference when looking at Trump or Biden. different persons, personalities, of course. but they serve same power structure more or less, same ideology, more or less.
I can clearly see the RESET. and a divide and rule policy in the making.
I do think all politicians in the west are controllable ( including Trump) and if not they will be eliminated. The oligarchy/PTB are smarter then that. so I recon not a surprise but a scripted plan with small modifications according to the result of some events, elections etc …
This leaves us with Tutor prediction( never heard the name before your blog) which I don’t have any idea of it’s legitimacy or accuracy but it’s sounds definitely plausible. My only complain … is that Tutor predictions center on the US aftermath, which honestly is not of my concern. I would love to hear more about his predictions for the rest of the World; you know … Europe, Asia, Africa, south America ..
US is not the world. only small part of it. and my only concern with those predictions, that if someone from the future is still into “US is the World” paradigm. well, maybe he’s not really from the future but very much stuck in the present.


Titor’s predictions are for things to carry on very much as normal throughout the rest of the world.
America as a sovereign nation will be completely destroyed, then broken up and restructured by force. And by design, it seems. I guess if plans are afoot to dismantle the world’s most powerful military empire this side of the Flood, and in a reasonably short period of time compared to historically, internal chaos and traitorous deeds designed to castrate major defensive functions (as on 911, and then some) coupled with overwhelming external, offensive force is one way to go about it.
It is just one man’s prediction, though. I say it’s all theatre designed to cover up a failed bioattack on China and Co.
China may even be pĺaying along provided they get their pound of flesh in revenge, and when they need it. 4000 year old civilizations know how to play the long game. Balls of cholesterol and shit can only focus on their own worthless existence. Or on a 4 year election cycle.
But I tread a lonely path in this conviction, granted.
Stay safe~,


Thank you very much for your answers. I need to read more about Titor, but First I need to catch up with “48 Laws of Power” posts.
Next milestone then is US presidential elections. Let’s hope we reach it in one piece.

Bo Chen

Steve Bannon isn’t the only one who gets to have wet dreams
( … -london/28)

Indulge mine for a moment…

Magically, by 2030 China makes it well past the “middle income trap” and somehow avoided getting nuked by the USA… Then within another decade of that, China solves nuclear fusion for a near infinite supply of energy and thus buys it another couples decades of development time… by the year 2100 America has ceased to exists, but China once again is the world’s sole unipolar unilateral hypersuperduper power… everyone is speaking Chinese as the default language and yellow skin people have become the global cultural dominance status replacing the white kkk supremacists status quo of today…. blondes and blue eyes will by 2200 have entirely ceased to exists and been breed out as matter of fact… the world population has normalized to a much more sustainable level… by now China has colonized mars and sent robot missions to the stars…

By the year 3000 AI machine lifeforms imbued with Chinese characteristics would have set out to colonize the rest of the entire milk way galaxy… China by now has become a Type II civilization on the Kardashev scale and on its way to becoming Type III

Far into the future, perhaps 100,000 years from now, the Chinese and their descendant aritifical lifeforms have spread to every corner of the milky way galaxy and by now have discovered and mastered warp FTL travel as well as being able to send information back in time….

It is then discovered /revealed that the period between 2019 and 2024 was the most critical period of Chinese development, and that if China succumb to the USA during these crucial five years that not only would the Chinese civilization cease to exists, but indeed a nuclear war world III would have triggered the final extinction of all mankind and there never would have been life proliferating across the galaxy…

So this future advanced Chinese civilization that made it past this great filter then retroactively actually designs what we now know to be COVID19 and send it back in time to 2019 via a singularity technology developed 100,000 years from now when China is Type III on the Kardashev scale to in essence help the past China bootstrap itself onto the belt and road of success and miraculously sidestep and slide past the Thucydides Trap without getting nuked by the jealous and insecure Uncle Sam of Amerikkka… the future China also shares with its current/past self the technologies and knowledge that helps it bridge the gap and surpass the Amerikkkans in short amount of time…

In essence the China of the future is what is helping out the China of yesterday and today and of tomorrow… it is a closed loop but entirely self referential and internally consistent… there is no time travel paradox, its just a static temporal loop. The China of the future saves the China of today which grows up to be the China of the future that then sends back the help to its past….

It is like an immutable law of physics, final destiny, China forever… and always…..


Thanks, MM again, for the important information! But I’ll say this again, and please MM, let me say it, and then you can do your LOL… STOP! STOP! STOP! All of you have not understood what I have written previously (except for MM, who is BOSS here. Hey, you don’t get to be BOSS in your own place UNLESS you know everything about your place [or you’ll get whacked sometime in the night and someone takes your harem and marital bed + place…! True story – somewhere in 48 laws)…. Obviously, I lack intelligence and communication ability as I have told you that my reasoning is called Rob “Knows F*ckall about Anything” methodology. OKAY! I get why you don’t get it! Now let me give you this quotation from a book that is more than 1000 pages long and is only read by people who go to Oxford and places like that. I don’t know if you’ve ever read it or heard about it: Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley… Hah! Gotcha! Of course, you haven’t. I do quote (Watchers if you wish shoot somebody for this, shoot Quigley and not me – I am just the messenger. BTW, he’s dead). Read this and weep: Quigley wrote, “The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international…(therefore the) argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers…Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.” pp1247-1248. (Seriously. A big brick of a book. Great for flattening up rats that are stuck in your rat traps, MM..! HAHAHA! ) What was that? Would you please read the quotation, again. Slowly. Discerningly. Meditatively. Yes, Hmmm, penetratingly…. If our masters can tell you this right out in the open, in a 1000+ page book that NO ONE has heard of, let alone read, don’t you think you should do a bit of discerning here? I told you that if our masters own the Bank of International Settlements, and if you were one of the masters, wouldn’t you OWN every politician in a democratic system that requires the use of media and money to gain election power – when you have all the resources to own them? Wouldn’t you OWN every democracy in the world as you have unlimited money? I mean, would you, or wouldn’t you? And if so, why is that our Mr. Trump when he visits Mr. Putin in a big G something meeting, and in one picture I SAW with my own eyes, Mr. Putin winking at Mr. Trump after all the different umpteen sanctions that Mr. Trump and Mr. Obama have slapped on Russia and Mr. Putin? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Er? No, you don’t get it? (Watchers, don’t you just laugh everyday looking at the stuff that we cattle think and write? You know, by the end of this, our masters will end up with 200,000 of their own family and close acquaintances and probably 5 million doers – yes like you – but you’ll find that you wouldn’t be able to come up with the other 496.5 million. Because we are that stupid and we’re all going to die because of our lack of discerning…. MOO, MOO gets the prize!). I sound like I have a bad hair day. But I’m actually having fun – I just looked at Drudgereport today and it was hilarious! But from my perspective, of course. Most people are REALLY scared…. I mean, really, really scared. FEARPORN! The cattle love it and our masters just shovel it out to us moomoo’s. See, you first GOT TO UNDERSTAND the first principle. Principle 1: Our masters OWN everybody and everything. You don’t know that, you don’t feel that, you don’t agree with that, but that’s how it is and that’s why they are our masters. If you don’t believe me, and don’t agree with me, you need to get someone with true supernatural ability who can for a sizeable fee call upon the spirit of JFK and ask him what happened and who did it. According to Michael Collins Piper who still had to admit this fact – even though he faults the “people he writes about in the book” – and I paraphrase: “When you bite the hands of people who handed you the presidency – these people believe that there must be serious consequences.” They put presidents up, and they take ém down – even in 1963. Some conjectured that all American presidents who “died unnaturally” before JFK had been similarly “consequenced” by our masters. My friends, do you not understand that only masters get to do stuff like that? Can you do stuff like that? The earlier you deal with that, then the easier you can discern how things are happening at a BREAKNECK speed TODAY. And, then you’ll know you can stay on the masters’ GOOD SIDE…. I loved the movie Cloud Atlas which is one of the most important revelatory movies commissioned by our masters. EVERYTHING about the future is in that movie (at least glimpses of all of it). And right now, everything is like in the movie when you know the end is coming, because the action is quickening and people are being whacked, odious things, soylent green stuff…. FEAR, ANTICPATION, STRESS, What’s gonna happen next? And, then the end comes…which is so unlike the ending you expect. It’s the New World that is born. A much, much BETTER world. Watch the movie if you haven’t watched it. PRONTO! And finish your 48 Laws homework, boy! Go read this instead- a Coles notes version: . Blessed be our masters as they are brilliant and may G*d bless us all and INCREASE our ability to discern so that we are MORE READY for the tribulations that will come. And, this will help us FILL up more of that big hole of 496.5 million (Watchers, you are doing much too good of a job with the Edward Bernays thing. You’re going to kill everybody because you have succeeded beyond the goals set by our masters….). There’s no time left to navel-gaze. May G*d bless you and open your heart. Before it’s too late for you and family. 800 empty FEMA camps in the U.S. Empty – for now. Huh? What the f*ck was that? Moo-f’ing-moo…. Do I really need to spell it out for you? Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. What happened next for 10 years? Many Russians died of depression, sucides and deprivation. Why? Cull the weak to encourage the very strongest, resilient, obedient and resourceful genes. Same thing China over many years, and all the Eastern Bloc Countries after 1991. Who went up to “save Russia?” Who do you think is going to save “the world” next? Interesting times…. Yeah, I know, I am making this too easy for everyone. BECAUSE there is no more time. We need 500 million. We’re not getting it. You mean you want 499 million useless cows? Why? That’s just dumb! 500 million people like our masters, MM, the doers and, yes, goys like me… Then we will rock this world…. Which of you MM readers want to make it? Then, DISCERN! NOW!


Dear watchers, readers and MM, I write the following with the greatest respect. And, I do so, as I feel that thos is how our masters wish to reveal the truth to us in different ways. Readers, answer these questions using research. Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner were married and they are very closely associate with a special organization. That special organization also had its members meet with Mr. Putin, Mr. Netanyahu as well as Mr. Trump at different times. Dear readers, if you want to be fully prepared for the New World, please acquaint yourselves with the Noahide Laws (I provided link previously). You can make it really easy and read-up on MM’s BE A RUFUS – as best as you can in everything you do. It’s all there in MM’s way of communicating with us. The following article is the most important article an enlightened and discerning American should read: Thanks to our masters…. Thanks, MM!


I would like to add to the following article that I wrote that you must discern what was written. And as always, the truth is hidden in the opposite of truth. is exactly the way our masters reveal the truth to us – and it takes TRULY wise and discerning people who our masters want to populate the NEW WORLD to understand what was actually written here. If you do not discern, you will focus on hatred for our masters, because our masters want TRUE discerners, true adepts, and true partners who understand why things have been done the way they haveen done. And, why many scarfices of human beings were made, simply not as a sacrifice to an opposing entity, but simply to refine and cleanse the masses of humans. So, that we have improved IQ, improved personalities and improved RUFUSness. They designed everything so that the dimwitted, the angry, the non-discerning, the gullible, the haters, the deceivers, the weak will be identified and “removed.” This article is an example of the GREATEST form of truth within lies…. Our masters truly seek people who discern when they put out articles like this…. As they have put out masses of information like this in the last 5 years. They are asevidenced beautiffuly by MM’s post: RAT TRAPS. I will not answer this anymore, but I wrote this, because I fear that the watchers and readers would misunderstand my meaning. BUt to epxlain further would be to nullify the meaning of this article – which I shall not do. Discern. Would our masters want faithful subordinates who follow the Noahides and RUFUSness, or NOT? Thank you. I’m sorry if I am making this too easy for you all….


One more, really, really last thought for today. Really. In the article above, we had 6 sitting U.S. presidents and the UN deferring to the ideas directly presented by representatives and members of our Master clan – and supporting the idea of an Education Day – which is a very special day that makes things so different for all the different groups out there. Only schools run by our masters attended by their children by definition and practice teach morals, ethics and spirituality, and this is now almost never done in most schools in the west. Why is that so? Think about this question and you will understand how they create people of value in the next generation…. I recommend this – and you can and do have the right to REALLY diagree with me – Do not ever misunderstand or insult these very special people in any communications you make out there…. Thank you, MM. Really last comment today. Sorry!


100% agree with you, Rob.
And I’m one at least who has read Quigley. It’s all laid out right there in plain text, fo’ sho.
Only real question is when.
COVID was the opening salvo, though. I’m convinced about that.
I’ve heard from a source I personally know and trust, too, that 911 was a complete fuck-up, operationally speaking. And foiled by white hats in the U.S. military industrial complex.
If this operation had succeeded as planned in its entirety, we’d all have been living in a very different world now. Maybe COVID– ‘of the coven’ (possessive sense), in old English, FYI– is their second attempt to kickstart the Great Unravelling.
Another great, earlier read from Quigley’s mentor– and I bet you haven’t read this little beauty– is The Power Elite, by CW Mills.
(Just in case you thought it was Quigley who grabbed that particular scoop!)
Current events have been planned decades in advance, even if the details are spun out on the fly. But the big and brutal End Game is set in stone.
Georgia Guidestones, older books as above, it’s all there.
And it’s coming. I can feel it.
Richard Thieme is another author you might be interested in, and his take on The Masters is very, very similar to your own.
His sources are NSA white hats with a similar world view to our very own Mr Man, it seems.
Check him out!