The American deep state is going to plunge America into World War III, and most cities in America will become nuclear wastelands.

Lately I have been really driven to throw things out. It’s almost like a real crush. I feel that I must send out as much as I possibly can, for some strange compulsion. It’s darn strange and tiring me out.


You all would be surprised at the rate my fingers are typing and the pace that these darn articles are coming out.

It’s a good thing that I have to go to a couple of factories and give my typing fingers a rest. It’s wearing me out. I’m set up for some fun in my near future. Some great friends, some fantastic food. A goodly amount of booze, and some friendly environments from where I can make some new friends in. I’m trembling in anticipation, I’ll tell you what.

I think that it’s a fair time to go play with some dice, make some new friends, and sing a song or two.

Anyways, I would suggest that all of you all also take the time to spend with some friends and play some games. Talk a little bit, chat some and have a good time. Don’t forget the food. And don’t buy cheap booze. Life is too short to waste on cheap booze.

And if you have the means, go ahead and make some new friends. There’s an entire world of interesting and colorful people to meet.

The world is filled with all kinds of interesting and colorful people. Everyone has a story, and everyone likes food. So what is stopping you?


The thing that I have been trying to underline all week is a very simple point.

Which is…

Make no mistake. A war with a major military power will result in the complete annihilation of America.

I’ve really been somewhat fixated in driving this point home. I don’t understand why. I don’t think that I have tapped into any kind of non-physical data stream or anything like that. But never the less, I am driven. Who’d figure.


Don’t poke the Panda, or kick the bear.

Not that anyone will listen to me. It seems that either the United States leadership has a death wish, or that they are seriously retarded morons without a lick of sense.

Consider just how dangerous the “deep state” has become.

Now… imagine that a serious REAL war takes place. Missiles are flying back and forth. Entire cites are blasted out of existence, and evil people at the local level take up arms to defend their little patches of land and territory. Here and there.

What do you think the “deep state” would do?

You just cannot assume that they would all disappear, or slink under a rock, or go a hiding in the bushes. they will still exist, and given their (former) levers of power… what do you think they would be capable of? And how far do you think that they would go to exert full regional control in a nation that is in the process of going absolutely mad?

It’s bad enough that they are poking the bear and panda…

…but they will utilize what ever happens to their own personal benefit.

Military, Deep State and the American Naivety

While only 11% of Americans trust Congress, a whopping 74% have a “great deal or quite a lot of” trust in the military, which also vastly outperforms newspapers (23%) and even the US Supreme Court (37%).

Similarly, the CIA and the FBI get an “excellent” rating from 58% of Americans.

While reverence to military is quite common all over the world — perhaps related to evolutionary fear — it behooves us to be a bit more critical and objective.

Like the Old Testament characters who never asked Moses for evidence regarding the burning bush, Americans blindly accept all verdicts from the intelligence agencies.

The rise of the colossal military and the “Deep State” are new phenomenons in American history, and a dispassionate scrutiny underscores the need for more vigilance on our part.

Military-Industrial Complex – Eisenhower

While many Americans consider it heretical to question the US military, none other than a five-star military general and US president did just that.

In an extraordinary farewell speech in 1961, Eisenhower went on national TV and said,

“we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”

Such a speech would now be derided as a conspiracy theory and even labeled as treasonous.

CIA – Truman

Guess who thought that the CIA had turned into an American Gestapo?

Harry Truman, the US president who created the CIA.

He said in his biography,

“Those fellows in the CIA don’t just report on wars, they go out and make their own (wars), and there’s nobody to keep track of what they’re up to. They spend billions of dollars on stirring up trouble. The CIA has become a government all of its own.”

Former Director of the CIA, William Colby, described CIA’s culture in his memoir as follows:

“cult of intelligence … that held itself to be above the normal processes of society, with its own rationale and justification, beyond the restraints of the Constitution …”

Election Meddling and Coups by the CIA

Since World War II, the CIA has meddled in more than 80 foreign elections around the world (doesn’t include coups and regime changes!).

And the RAND corp has the nerve to refer to Russia as a "rogue state". I discussed this HERE.

The US Senate’s Church Committee in 1975 documented several instances of US meddling in other nations.

The operations included suitcases of cash to bribe politicians and voters, manuals for psychological warfare, sensational fake news, organized mass protests, armed violent oppositions etc.

Starting in the 1980’s, the Deep State refined its plans for regime changes, resorting to the use of sophisticated NGO’s such as the USAID, NED and Open Society Foundations of George Soros, which all specialize in mass propaganda and color revolutions.

When asked a few months ago, if we still meddle in other countries’ elections, CIA director James Woolsey grinned and responded, “myum, myum, myum.”

There are incontrovertible proofs for some of the coups, thanks to declassified CIA documents – for example, the overthrow of democratically elected leaders in Iran in 1953 and in Guatemala in 1954.


Recently released “JFK Files” from the CIA archives show detailed plans to assassinate Fidel Castro that included exploding cigars and tuberculosis-laced diving suit.

Other leaders targeted in these documents include General Trujillo of Dominican Republic and Patrice Lumumba of Congo.

William Blum has done extensive research and documented numerous foreign assassinations – successful and attempted – by the CIA and/or the US military.

Theoretically, nothing stops the killing machine in operating within the US.

Even intellectuals like David Talbot — founder of Salon magazine and editor of Time magazine — are convinced that some from the top echelons of the CIA assassinated JFK.

President Truman also seemed to suggest the same when he wrote an extraordinary op-ed in Washington Post one month after JFK’s assassination saying that CIA’s covert operations must be terminated.

By the way, the phrase “conspiracy theorist” was invented by the CIA in 1967 to discredit anyone challenging the official narratives!

Coddling Dictators and Tyrants

Right now, the US arms/funds about 3 in 4 of all dictators around the world!

How’s that for spreading freedom and democracy?

The US has supported and installed numerous brutal tyrants and authoritarians all over the world in the last century.

Suharto in Indonesia, for example, killed two million people, but was loved by the West, since he let western corporations exploit his people and plunder his country.

Nazis and Jihadists

After the defeat of Hitler, the US recruited more than 1000 Nazis, including high-ranking officials, to work against the Soviet Union.

Under Operation Paperclip, the CIA brought numerous Nazi scientists into the US.

As I explain in my book, Deconstructing the Syrian War, the US has trained, armed and funded Islamic terrorists in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Libya, Syria etc. to wage proxy wars.

Drug Trafficking

From 1950 to 1975, the CIA — using a fleet of planes and helicopters known as Air America — was involved in massive heroin trafficking from the Golden Triangle area in Myanmar, Thailand and Laos.

After the Vietnam War, the Deep State in the 1980s used heroin in Afghanistan to fight the USSR and cocaine in Central America to fight leftist leaders. According to Gary Webb, the CIA also imported cocaine into the US.

In 1998, a Congressman entered into official records a shocking document called “A Tangled Web: A History of CIA Complicity in Drug International Trafficking” that summarizes CIA’s nefarious drug activities from 1947 to 1996.

Since the US invasion of Afghanistan after 9/11, opium cultivation there has exploded. Correlation or causation? As a NY Times investigation revealed in 2009, the biggest Afghan drug dealer was on the CIA payroll.

Propaganda & Psy Ops

America did this for “democracy”. What do you think that a leader would do to you and your family for his own personal power.

CIA’s Operation Mockingbird was an extensive operation to infiltrate and control all the major news organizations.

Over the decades, the CIA and the Pentagon have actively participated in over 800 major movies and 1000 TV shows to make sure that the right (propaganda) message reaches the audience!

Declassified documents on MK-Ultra and other mind-control and brainwashing programs and experiments –LSD and numerous other drugs, hypnosis, electric shock etc. – are right out of a sci-fi horror movie.

Wars and Lies

Remember all the deceit and fearmongering that convinced us to go to Iraq war after 9/11?

  • Saddam was trying to buy Uranium
  • He had reconstituted nuclear weapons;
  • There will be “mushroom cloud” in the US
  • He had biological weapons in mobile labs
  • He could launch chemical weapons against Israel and British soldiers (in Cyprus) in just 45 minutes

Through innuendos and bold lies, the Establishment convinced 70% of Americans that Saddam was responsible for 9/11 and even the Anthrax attack that followed.

Go back in history, there are many such lies, including the Gulf of Tonkin claim that helped the US launch the Vietnam War.

Wars and Corporatism

America did this for “democracy”. What do you think that a leader would do to you and your family for his own personal power.

Every American should read General Smedley Butler’s amazing testimony titled, “War is a Racket.”

John Perkins’ book, “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” is another must read to understand how banks and corporations drive geopolitics, coups, regime changes and wars in the 21st century.

False Flag Attacks

Somehow, it’s psychologically hard for people to think that their government might stage false flag attacks.

However, as recently declassified documents show, the CIA had many such ideas – killing boatloads of Cuban refugees or blowing up ships and then blaming Fidel Castro;

…carrying out “terror campaigns” – their own words – with bombs in Miami and Washington D.C. to frame Castro;

…and buying Russian planes to attack US soldiers to start a war with the Soviet Union.

Shockingly, these plans got approved all the way up to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and only got stopped by JFK or his brother.

There are convincing evidence to prove the CIA carried out similar false flag attacks — Operation Gladio — in Europe in the 1950’s through the 1970’s to blame the communists and shift the political landscape to the right.

In recent years in Libya, Syria and Ukraine, false flag attacks were used to launch the regime change operations.

Wild accusations such as the Novichok poisoning in the UK by Russia also bear all the hallmarks of fake or false flag attacks.

Torture and Human Experiments

America did this for “democracy”. What do you think that a leader would do to you and your family for his own personal power.

While our politicians are skilled at crying crocodile tears over human rights abuses by our geopolitical adversaries, the CIA runs secret torture prisons in many countries to avoid scrutiny.

Sometimes we do it ourselves, like in Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib, Iraq.

According to a 1994 government report, hundreds of thousands of Americans were subjected to unethical radiological, chemical, biological and medical experiments between 1940 and 1974.

The US military even conducted biological warfare testing on the entire city of San Francisco!

Nuking 1200 Cities

Another deeply held American belief is that our elites always hold high moral standards, value lives and are compassionate.

In September 1945, merely one month after Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the US military drew up plans to drop 204 atomic bombs on 66 cities in the USSR, who was our ally during World War II and still an ally at that time!

Then a decade later, in 1956, the US military had detailed plans to drop 2,000+ atom and hydrogen bombs on 1,200 cities in Russia, China and Eastern Europe.

This would have immediately killed 500 million people, 99% innocent civilians.

Think about what kind of evil monsters and sociopaths would come up with such genocidal ideas.

Also, if they had carried out their psychopathic plan, the nuclear fallout might have ended the entire human race.

Perpetual Wars

Since 9/11, the US/NATO wars have already cost $5.6 trillion and killed 5 to 7 million people, but clever propaganda hide or justify such atrocities.

In the 1990s, half a million Iraqi children died from US sanctions, which Sec. of State Madeleine Albright said was “worth it.”

Wars and conflicts are extremely profitable for the military-banking-intelligence complex, which uses the soldiers as pawns. 2.7 million Americans have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan since 9/11; and more than 400,000 of them suffer from PTSD.

If diplomacy, free trade and fair wages become the norm, we wouldn’t need 800 military bases in 140 countries to prop up friendly dictators, bully competitors, and enforce the Ponzi scheme of the Petrodollar regime.

The unsustainable Empire thrives because we cannot question or challenge it.

Mass Surveillance

America did this for “democracy”. What do you think that a leader would do to you and your family for his own personal power.

In the land of the free, Americans don’t mind NSA spying on them.

While many assume that it’s to protect us from terrorists, Edward Snowden revealed that the mass collection of phone calls has been going on since 1985.

If the spooks have dirt on every single American, it’s no wonder that no politician speaks out against the Orwellian nightmare.

The attacks on Wikileaks and Julian Assange also reveal how much the Deep State hates transparency and accountability.


The zeitgeist in America demands blind support for military, defense industry and the intelligence community.

Like fish in the water, Americans have lost the ability to notice the pervasive and omnipresent propaganda.

However, we owe it ourselves to be more knowledgeable and objective in processing and reacting to information.

We also need to be more cynical about our government and the mass media.

Freedom, liberty and prosperity are not achieved and maintained through willful ignorance, blind allegiance and naïve faith.

Now, when a full SHTF event occurs, these very same people will capitalize on the situation and turn it into their own personal benefit. You all need to be ready and aware of that. For this is what always happens after the dust settles and the war subsides.

Where will you be when that happens, and will you be ready to handle the new leaders that rise up out of the ashes? Are you ready?

I’m getting ready. I’m spending my time getting drunk and making all sorts of new friends. Because, as I have stated over and over again, it is your friends that will be able to help you when you need it the most. Nothing else.

I’m spending my time getting drunk and making all sorts of new friends.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my SHTF Index here…

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I think your numbers on trusting the military are off quite a bit. Those are very old numbers. The leadership has been changing the last 10 years. And now the forced feminizing and diversity as well as lowering all standards are destroying what was a strong military. Saw an article recently where China is toughing up their military and we are destroying ours from the inside. So here is what most of us think will occur. Without getting into the South China sea business eventually a situation will occur that our leadership will surrender our country without a shot being fired. War mongers are running the country but all they want is money and power. A great post though. Thanks MM.


The military analyst site, the Saker, states that world war is very close….

The latest US moves against Russia (OPEN THREAD #11) UPDATED!!!

Last edited 3 years ago by dzr

About your fears of the Deep State: you have blamed Trump himself for unleashing COVID-19 and other bioweapons, such as swine viruses, in China.

With all due respect, I think that blame is misplaced. Broadly speaking, he actually tried to defuse, not inflame, potential hot spots, and targeting China in this evil way doesn’t fit that style. Yeah, he made a lot of noise about unfair trade agreements, but accusing him of masterminding biowarfare is over the top. Is Trump an angel? No. Hardly anyone is. A blowhard capable of saying stupid stuff? Sure, sometimes. But is he capable of genocide? Uh, that’s orders of magnitude over the top.

No, I suspect planting viruses in China had to be Deep State operations, and if the Chinese discovered the process and blamed Trump, so much the better—or so the apparatchiks working to undermine him would have thought. These operations were probably in the works before he became President and would have happened had Hillary or anyone else won in 2016. So I say blame the Deep State, not Trump.

There are good reasons to fear the Deep State blundering into war, and getting caught planting viruses in China could have done it. The US was lucky. Maybe our luck is about to run out.


Tom Cotton has been probably put on standby as Bilderberg’s future pick for President. He was invited and attended their annual meeting in 2017.

The same way:

Tony Blair was invited and participated in 1993 and became PM in 1997.

Gordon Blair was invited and participated in 1991 and became PM in 2007.

Margaret Thatcher was invited and participated in 1975 and 1977 and became PM in 1979.

Bill Clinton, who out of no where became the Democratic presidential pick, was invited and participated in 1991 and became President in 1993.

Emmanuel Macron was invited and participated in 2014 and became President in 2017.

The West’s PTB run through Bilderberg. It is so out in the open it is crazy. Just like the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset”.

Last edited 3 years ago by TorontoSamIAm

No worries about Trump, Mr Man. It’s clear he was never more than a TV reality star walk in piece of shit. Placed there to do a job. Only thing puzzling me is, how a NYC frat boy of inherited wealth, with questionable/murky business connections and a number of civil case settlements for abuse of minors behind him, ever won over legions of American blue collar workers throughout that fine land of yours. That’s one thing us foreigners with close cultural and familial ties to the US can never figure out. Mass MKUltra style brainwashing techniques honed all over the globe on fragile, defenseless societies, perfected, and then unleashed back on the public who paid for it all originally is the only possible answer.
I think the other comment on here alleviating Trump from any blame bears witness to the power and effectiveness of the cognitive infiltration techniques used, IMHO. And at a time when the US itself has become very, very fragile; socio-politically speaking, at least.
And the sorriest part of the whole tragic saga is that– as the Yugoslav survivor of that particular breakup whom you’ve referred to over and over again in your SHTF index has noted– most of the ghouls who are instigating the trouble and chaos not only thrive from it and get rich in the process, but are returned to positions of power and authority once the shit finally settles. Tragic.
I think it’s only a matter of time b4 they start coming for the guns over there. That’s clear from my perspective. When millions upon millions of folks can be written off merely for their political views and preferences, you know something really bad is in the works. History bears witness to this.
Best, and stay safe. Do keep us updated on how things are developing in SinoLand when you can.

Bo Chen

There are rumors recently Chinese navy forced a US nuclear sub to emergency surface…. and it was caught on spy sat

Anyway, if US intervenes in the Russia thing, China will take this time to retake Tiawan… or at very least, send TSMC some DongFeng Express packages to level the semiconductor playing field if you catch my drift…

Yall think there is a chip shortage now? Just wait until China strikes TW semiconductor factory with some missiles and enforce a rare earth ban and we can all collectively go back to the stone age for the next decade… no iPhone, no Graphics cards, no new computers, nor Internet of Shit devices, etc etc etc

Stock up on your electronic gagdets now

Ohio Guy

Meh, I think I’ll just go to the state liquor store, stock up, have a stiff drink and engage in some serious introspection. Thanks MM.