The big lie about rags to riches. So you want to be instagram famous, or make a ton of money with bitcoin?

It’s been one Hell of a year, eh? 2020 sucked big time. And I am sure that I am not the only person to feel this way either. My personal trials and issues were just one headache after the other.

For instance, my little dog is now 13 years old. Which is old for a dog, but not ancient. He’s maybe in his doggie 70’s. He’s an old dog. Well, he’s acting old. And this year it’s gotten really bad. First he lost his teeth, and now his eyesight is on the way out. Which pretty much sucks.


Well, he just cannot find anything. So he doesn’t know how to get around. And he figured out a work-around. You see, he’s figured out that if he pee’s everywhere that he can smell his way and orient himself in the house

So he’s been peeing everywhere.


But then he figured out that I’ll pretty much mop up his messes when I discover them. So he’s been getting sneaky about where he pees. He now stealth-pees. He sniffs around and tried to find hard to find, and difficult to reach areas to pee.

But I’ve been finding them out also.

So he’s got a new technique. He has started peeing on things that’s really difficult to clean up. You know, like seat cushions, pillows, blankets, comforters, clothing (especially freshly cleaned clothes), and boxed up food that he can jump on top of.


Yessur! It’s been one fuck of a year.

The last straw was when he liberally saturated my baby’s Coronavirus plushie toy with dog pee. Jeeze! Can I get a break?


Any ways, trying to deal with shortfalls in income, raising taxes that Trump has levied on all expats (especially those in China – BTW, what is his fucking problem?), and the other issues that are magnified during a pandemic is just a real headache. And the answer is to start looking for alternative ways to earn a few extra dollars.

So the wife looks on the internet and low and behold are these other chicks. Perfect mothers all. Living in McMansions. Their children all perfectly behaved, and experts playing on the living room grand pianos and other bull shit. I tell her that it’s really obscene and ill-advised to flaunt your wealth, good fortune, or advantage when the entire fucking rest of the world is trying to pull through difficult times.

But she doesn’t care. She looks at me and say’s “why can’t we live like that?


2020 really sucked.

Anyways. It got me to thinking. Why is everything so fake? Why is there this driving force that says that you MUST climb up to the top of the pile of money and then flaunt it to the rest of your peers? It really pisses me off.

Why is everything so difficult?

Why is it so hard just to make a “getting by” income?

Why did out parents, and our grandparents get by with a single breadwinner, a stay-at-home wife, a mortgage paid off in ten years, with only a high school diploma? What happened?

What the Hell happened?

Greed happened.

You too can be RICH!

It’s all over America. “You too can become a Bill Gates, or a Steve Jobs, or start Amazon, or use Kickstarter to become a multi-millionaire.

But it’s just bullshit.

Having patents won’t make you rich. Nor will blogging. Writing books, or being an artist won’t make you rich. Having a pretty set of boobs won’t make you rich, bitcoin won’t make your rich, and having a great APP won’t make you rich either.

Well I am here to pop your bubble and tell you the truth.

You see, the United States today (not what it was founded as) relies on a myriad of lies to exist. These lies are promoted through a government / oligarchy controlled propaganda organization. This organization has three main branches. All of which are controlled, and construct the narratives, that Americans are exposed to. They are…

  • Alt-Left
  • Mainstream
  • Alt-Right

It’s an enormous subject, and understanding it will help to explain why Americans are they way they are and the actions of the American government. But that is not really our focus at this time. Instead, we will discuss a MAJOR lie or theme that is propagated over and over inside of America which is…

You can become rich all by yourself, alone. It just takes a little bit of work, some effort, and a pinch of luck.


Well, we have all heard the stories, haven’t we?

How Steve Jobs started his “shoe string” business in a garage. We hear about Steve Jobs, about Google, about Amazon. We hear all these stories about the small guy, the little guy, who through hard work and scrimping and saving that he (or she) was able to make it BIG!

And I am going to bust your bubble.

Our Society, not our Government, is the driving force behind this kind of action…

If you look at all the lone individuals who became a success, you will notice that they have one thing in common.

They grew during a time of very little government oversight and regulation.

When the computer moguls (Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates) started, the local, state and federal governments didn’t even know what computers were. Let alone regulate them. And in the period of time, their small business enterprises grew…

…and as they grew, so did the need for the government to grow. And to make laws and regulations to control those new enterprises.

Look at how the “Railroad Barons” came into being in the last century. Or look at how the early investors in Fast Food franchises became rich.

Look at the software moguls (Google, Amazon), the same is true for them as well. They became large before the government had time to regulate them and stymie their growth (inadvertently, of course).

Then as soon as the slow sluggish government regulatory agencies, and the slow moving bureaucratic arm of the government got moving, they had all ready established a “home” for themselves in the business world. And the resulting regulations and laws served to keep their franchises alive, while making it extraordinarily difficult for any different new-comers to create competitive alternatives.

Ok, well this dynamic is also well understood.

It’s difficult, but not impossible, to create new software alternatives. And the same is true with other industries as well. It’s not not impossible, just difficult.

But the difficulty that one experiences today, in setting up their own business, is quite different than one of the “early pioneers” setting up a new business. And that is the BIG LIE that is functionally omitted by the government propaganda outlets. Instead, they constantly promote the idea that you too can become a mega wealthy oligarch.

You too, can be another Steve Jobs.

It’s not true.

The fundamental structure of the USA government is the culprit

I think the main problem are the two different approaches taken by  the US or Chinese, which are diametrically different.  The Chinese seem  to use a "Cumulative" approach, while the US is based on what I call "Winnowing" as a state. Take their respective attitudes towards the poor.

First the Chinese; Cumulative, we are all in this together.  If everyone has a "job" be it ever-so lowly, selling food on a street  corner for example, then for the Chinese this is a "plus". The person is  more or less responsible for his own well being, is not a burden on the  State for handouts, and could be (potentially) taxable etc.  The object  being that ALL Chinese then become positive factors in the society.  They are also more motivated because they have a "place" in society. The  recent case of Jack Ma and an IPO is not the opposite, but he was  trying to get ahead by means that would have led to more unemployment -  on the back of the Chinese Government. He was not adding to the  cumulative good of the country. Only his own riches. (The Chinese do  have billionaires and riches - but are constrained by Corporate credit  ratings as explained on a previous - very interesting - thread. Thanks  to: psychohistorian | Jan 5 2021 2:08 utc | 162. The MoA Week In Review -  OT 2021-001)

The US. The attitude is to beat out the chaff leaving only the "kernel". To "Winnow"  the population leaving only the top. ie the poor are sidelined, they  become a problem for the Government (needing support, food etc.). A net  negative value to US society. (The Rich also get handouts from the Fed.  as free money has become an habitude, but that is an another way of  winnowing out the chaff - as others do NOT get the trillion dollar  handouts) The poor have no "place" in a society that has rejected them  and so are less motivated. They must fend for themselves and are  expected to obey. If they do not there are always the police to enforce  obedience. 

"Cumulative = win-win", and "Winnowing = Only the top win". 
 Posted by: Stonebird | Jan  5 2021 20:26 utc | 11

I argue that the United States has become something else other than what it was intended to be, and like a the big monstrosity that it is has created all sorts of safeguards to keep the people separate. The super wealthy lives a life of protected ease, and the rest, live below in a caste system where everything has a price.

From having to pay for water, to taxes and regulations on your abode, to what you do when you are off work and in the privacy of your home, to even what you think about and read. To watch television to listen to music, there is always a price.

In the 1960’s, and 1970’s watching television, listening to music, and making tapes of what you listen to and watch, were all FREE!

Water fountains might be free, but are typically not filtered. But neither is the bottled water that you buy at the local convenience store either.


In the 1970’s water fountains were everywhere. Now if you want a drink of water, you have to buy a bottle of water. In the 1980’s if you wanted to send out a message to a friend you sent out a letter in the mail, and it’s privacy was protected by law. Today, if you want to do the same thing, you use either a “free” email service that collects all your personal information and tracks you, or you pay a yearly fee for that service. A fee mind you, many, many times larger than the cost of a postage stamp. And none of the aforementioned protections of privacy are provided.

This is not “freedom” by any stretch of the imagination. Nor, is it an “improvement”.

It’s the worst form of slavery.

I would add that Chinese Communist Party was great mostly because Mao Zedong and his comrades created a new culture not only for China in the past, but most probably will be for future humanity.  

That new culture empowered the ordinary people and created a new social climate in which the officials were supposed to live and work with common people, which is what real democracy should be.   

People would eventually realize what has enabled China to develop better is democracy rather than what the western press and politicians called authoritarianism. 

-Mr Pan

Anyways, we are going to discuss my argument that…

The idea that anyone can become a rich and wealthy person through “hard work” and a little bit of luck, is a fantasy inside of America today.

The basics of this post is what is known as “the bell curve”. And we are going to overlay upon that curve a concept that I like to call “the big lie”.

The Bell Curve.
The Bell Curve.


Essentially, people and their abilities (when plotted on a graph) form a nice bell-shaped curve, and you and your friends are somewhere on that curve. This curve is very well known and it is an important indicator on where individuals lie within a group setting.

The “big lie” is that the top 0.1% position on that curve is attainable by everyone. And it is simply not true. Particularly in the United States where there are nine levels of social strata or classes of people.

The “big lie” is the believe that you can duplicate the luck, conditions, skills, and environment of another to achieve their same results.

Here we are going to discuss some stories about all those “rich and wealthy” people that we read about in the internet, the social media and on television.

Confessions Of An Instagram Model

Reprinted as found. Originally titled “Confessions Of An Instagram Model” and written on November 24, 2020. All credit to the authors. Edited to fit this venue.

I am a fitness model with a big Instagram following (no I will not be sharing my IG or other accounts here, please don’t ask). Most people think we make most of our money from sponsorships and affiliate posts – we do make some money that way – but you’d still need a 9 to 5 to make ends meet unless you’re one of the top accounts. The open secret in the industry is that we get hired to spend time with really wealthy men overseas.

A typical instagram girl.
A typical Instagram girl. This one has a big chest and extra big pouty lips.

This happens almost entirely with rich men in Dubai, although I’ve been all over the world. Bali is another hot spot for meet ups. Basically they contact you directly offering a price and make sure you agree to what they want ahead of time. You always check their accounts to make sure they’re legit and lots of times they have other models who have already met them verify in case you have any doubts, but I’ve never had an issue.

They want all kinds off different things. The first ones I agreed too were just casual vanilla sex. But once I got comfortable with it and saw how much the money went up, I started doing crazier stuff and soon after that there were no more limits for me, the money was always worth it. I struggled with it at first but the money was so good and there is something liberating about being totally disgusting for someone. I went from an everyday promiscuous but mostly standard sex life to living a life that rivals porn stars. It’s easier to list things I haven’t tried at this point than what I have!

Dubai Rich.
Dubai Rich.


How old are you and how long have you been doing this?

I’m in my 20s been doing this about 4 years

Are you one of those big booty instagram models, or the workout in yoga pants one?

I have a booty but I do all around fitness modeling

How much money are we talking?

I made 5k my first time. I made 20k my most recent. I’ve made up to 35k for a week

How much do the men generally pay for different acts? Does the donation matter with the attractiveness/popularity of the model?

It depends on how popular you are and what you do.

What is the craziest thing you’ve done, sexually, that you wouldn’t have even considered before escorting?

Group sex and orgy type of stuff. I’m glad I was exposed to it because it’s beautifully intense and hot, but I was closed minded to it before. There are more extreme things that would be considered crazy too that I liked like BDSM, so it’s hard to pick one. But the one I’m most grateful for being exposed to is the group.

Most guys at once?

Most guys at once was 6

Most surprising interaction (whatever that means to you)?

Most surprising was a young, very short, very skinny guy – when he dropped his pants he was packing a horse dick LOL.

Who are these men?

Some are very wealthy businessmen, some are from wealthy families. Some are related to royalty and occasionally even a well known celebrity

Who was the celebrity?

An American actor staying in Dubai. I can’t share his name but I was totally starstruck!

Was he one of the vanilla ones or one of the disguisting ones?

Not disgusting but he was not vanilla either. He liked being a little rough and kinky

Are you picky with your clientele?

I was at first but not so much now unless what they want is totally off limits to me or if they come across as super weird.

Is there anything that is off limits for your clients no matter the price tag?

Anything that would involve blood, defecation, or being seriously hurt. Other than that I would probably negotiate most things

How do you find the interaction is with most of your clients? By this I mean do then tend to take you out and treat you like there girlfriend showing you off as arm candy or are you generally kept away at a house or resort and used more for sex?

It’s rarely being taken out. You kind of do that on your own time but on their dime

What was your most (positive) exciting experience on these adventures so far?

The overall experience is the most positive. I travel the world getting spoiled making tons of money and having wild sex while enjoying some internet fame. I did get to go skydiving in Dubai for the first time which was crazy exciting

Worst situation you ever found yourself in (in regards to being an escort) and how you handled it?

I was never in a truly bad situation, but some kind of were terrible in other ways. For example, I was booked at the same time as another girl for the same two guys. When I get there, it’s another model I know and we hated each other. It sucked and I wanted to bail because she’s such a bitch. But that would’ve caused issues so I stayed. The funny thing is though, these guys were brutally rough with us, and at one point we were holding each other’s hands as we grit our teeth through some painful rough anal and even cuddled each other for a little bit after. So we aren’t friends now but we kind of bonded.

What causes beef between Instagram models/escorts?

It’s not because of that it’s just because she has a terrible personality and attitude and makes rude comments about people that are supposed to be friends

Where you ever put in a situation where you didn’t feel safe?

It always feels a bit unsafe to tell you the truth, there’s no way to know you’re safe unless it’s someone you’ve been with a bunch of times. Even then, if they’re rough or into really kinky stuff you get nervous. But that makes it exciting too.

Besides talking to other models, how is a potential client vetted?

Honestly the person I pay to run my IG account verifies them for me so idk what goes into it exactly but I know that in some cases it’s an online presence or proof that they are who they say they are.

You’re going to want to contact via email or their managers email or something similar. DMs are rarely even checked when you have a huge account. And we won’t answer directly from our accounts either becuse a single screenshot can ruin our reputation.

How do you funnel the money? Isn’t it suspicious to receive 35k just for a weekend or is it deemed a “shoot” as a model even if nothing takes place?

My manager handles everything

How much do you pay your manager?

He gets 10 percent

How much were you making in your day job?

I was making like 30k a year before I started doing this with my day job.

What do you tell your family?

I just tell my friends and family it’s from my Instagram business

Sounds like you make loads of cash….. the gig wont last for ever, are you investing?

I definitely invest and take care of my money! Remember too that I don’t really pay for anything myself on these trips

Do you have simpler plans, like marrying and stuff?

I would love to get married and have a family one day but I don’t feel ready to settle down yet.

My Metallicman comments on this dialog.

So, here’s a young girl in her 20’s, making wads of cash. Is it really from just posting nice pictures on social media?


She uses social media to advertise her body for sexual liaisons. In other words, she’s a courtesan. And throughout history, courtesans have been known to make good money.


Courtesan, in modern usage, is a euphemism meaning a sugar baby, escort, concubine, mistress or a prostitute, for whom the art of dignified etiquette is the means of attracting wealthy, powerful, or influential clients. The term originally meant a courtier, a person who attends the court of a monarch or other powerful person.


She’s no different than this…



I am not judging her.

If you are beautiful and you have the ability and skills necessary to become a courtesan, I say go for it. But realize that the amount of money that they get is from sexual activity, and not from pictures on Instagram.

Which is the point in all of this.

For us to grow and live, we need to realize the reality of the world that we live in. Because inside of America is is one lie on top of the other, on top of another, and another… and yet another.

And this all cause people to behave very strangely compared to the rest of the world.

Get rich from blogging!

Another big lie.


Get rich blogging.


Not quite. You are not going to have people throw money at you because they like your personal stories. Oh, you might make a few dollars, but from your articles alone. No. The money comes from other sources that you advertise from your blog.

These other sources can be…

  • The sales of books.
  • Sales of vitamin or herbal supplements (Alex Jones)
  • Speaking engagements
  • Paid subscriptions
  • Videos

Anyways, blogging or having a website as MM can be used as PART of a mechanism for a for-profit venture. Must like the Instagram chick above, the internet is used as a tool to derive profits from.

Hey! You guys, do you see me using MM to sell books, videos, or products? Eh?

Well, truthfully I have been asked to write some books.  And truthfully I am considering it. But the books will have to provide more than what I offer for free here. Otherwise I will feel like I am taking advantage of my readership. This is complicated by the fact that there are some things that I am simply not permitted to discuss. Anyways, I am considering it. Maybe something about Prayer and Affirmation Campaigns. Or maybe about one of our benefactor species. Something unique and very different.

Which brings me up to the next subject.

Writing a book

Yes you can make a handful of change; a few dollars writing a book. It’s not much, and it is not going to be something that you can rely upon for a steady source of income.

Get rich writing.


So, unless you are big and famous, and can use it as a method to “launder money”, the odds of you getting wealthy are very slim. Oh, sure there are exceptions. Like the author of the Harry Potter series. But again, the exceptions do not describe the norm.


It’s like anything else, you write because you like writing and you have something to say. But it’s not an avenue to get wealthy from.

It’s more often than not used as a way to launder money for bribes and pay-offs.

Creating a Patent

Oh Vey! What a big lie this one is. You will never get rich on having a patent. Oh sure there are all sort of stories about people who had this patent and became filthy rich. And there might just be one or two guys, but in general forget it.

Heck, I have 11 design patents to my name, and I haven’t even got the mandatory $1 transfer fee from the company. So forgetaboutit.

Grow rich through inventions and patents.


It’s one of those bullshit stories about a friend who knows a guys who… or an article that you once read about a guy who invented…

Just forget about this entire route. It’s a dead-end.

Painting or creating art

Oh, art is a great way to “launder money” because there are no restrictions on the amount and the value of art is subjective. But if you want to become rich doing it, then dream on. It’s a long tall mountain to climb. You must…

…guess what?

Paint because you love painting, and if someone pays you money for it, then that is a big plus. But expect to starve and live at the poverty level while you do so.

How do I know? It’s also one of my loves. And yes, I can paint, in oils. I paint figurines using the Flemish technique. And no. I haven’t made any money of significance out of this love of mine. At best, I broke even. Meaning the cost of the materials equaled the selling price. Labor costs were a loss.

Art is how the oligarchy moves enormous amount of money about legally.

Check out these following examples of using art to launder money. Obviously the oligarchy has been ridiculing the rest of us folk for decades if not much longer. It’s, well, insulting.

An example of overt money laundering disguised as "art".

Some examples of using art to launder money

So how much money is transferred in this money laundering technique? Let’s start at the low end. You know, “pocket change” for the oligarchy…

  • Blood Red Mirror by Gerhard Richter – $1.1 Million
  • Concetto spaziale, Attese by Lucio Fontana – $1.5 Million
  • Green White by Ellsworth Kelly – $1.6 Million
Some examples of using art to launder money


Now, let’s go into the mid-range transactions. Say $2 million to $80 million pop.

  • Untitled (1961) by Mark Rothko – $28 Million
  • Untiled (Stoffbild) by Blinky Palermo – $1.7 Million
  • Peinture (Le Chien) by Joan Miro – $2.2 Million
  • Untitled (1970) by Cy Twombly – $69.6 Million
  • Cowboy by Ellsworth Kelly – $1.7 Million
  • Blue Fool by Christopher Wool – $5 Million
It is not art.


All in all, it’s a very common way for the oligarchy to move money around.

  • Riot (1990) by Christopher Wool – $29.9 Million
  • Onement Vi By Barnett Newman – $43.8 million
  • Black Fire 1 by Barnett Newman – $84.2 Million
  • Orange, Red, Yellow by Mark Rothko – $86.9 Million
  • Anna’s Light by Barnett Newman – $105.7 Million
Another example of art money laundering.



Well, you should be.

Well, unless you are a super wealthy oligarchy, painting and selling paintings for hundreds of millions of dollars isn’t in your future.

Well, what is?

Get rich with bitcoin!

Um. Sure.

Bitcoin millionaire.


Ugh. maybe if you bought bitcoin in the first couple of months when it was young and just being developed. Today… it is a potential, but highly risky venture. I would mark it as unlikely.

Like anything. There are potentials and avenues of success.

Rich with little work?


Is that part of your pre-birth world-line template? Are you destined to become filthy wealthy?

Only you know.

Selling Snake-oil

In a nation where a person’s value is determined by the size of their bank account, and success is measured in dollar signs and spreadsheet, it’s very difficult for good and stable people to make a difference.

Only those who are adept at making money, manipulating money, stealing money, or getting money become powerful and are considered meaningful.

And in this environment, ONLY those people will obtain positions of power and importance.

I need three hands to count the number of times myself and my design teams were let go from American companies simply because the company wanted to sell a division, down-size to make the value of a company attractive to investors, or discarded good robust designs in favor or low cost, disposable “improvements”. All for money. None for the great breakthroughs and technical innovations that we were working on.

That is the reality.

And it sucks.

There is something fundamentally wrong with exchanging tokens to represent labor, and then using that system to generate debt. I know it’s a difficult thing to consider. It will change your entire world-view upside down.

The United States is currently $25 trillion dollars in debt.

Who the fuck does America owe all that money to?


US debt chart.

Kind of depressing…

Ah, but it need not be.

In the American culture, you must be the “lone wolf” and climb up that mountain of success alone. “You can do it” we are told. It’s just a matter of hard work, perseverance and maybe a little luck.



But you know, in the American society (and the other societies in the West who have adopted this kind of culture) it’s difficult to break out and through the class barriers that surround your social class. It’s true and YOU KNOW IT. So let’s forget about the government’s propaganda narrative.

Instead let’s focus on looking at things from a completely different perspective. It’s a perspective that can be found in both China, Japan and Russia, as well as Brazil and parts of Europe. Which is…

…find your niche and become the best at it as you can.

Maybe you will get rich. Maybe you won’t.

But the issue about making money never enters the equation of the value of what you provide to your community or your society. And this is what is important.


The world needs, yes NEEDS, to move away from the primitive model of money for labor, and rather embrace the concept of participation within a society for the good of all. Instead of the selfish “me, me, me” of previous traditions.

Which is curiously…

…exactly the world as described by “time traveler” John Titor.

For he described a world (at least in America) where everyone was part of a community, and you needed to apply to become part of that community. Where no one was automatically a member, and once in a community, you needed to contribute to the good of all. No slackers, no welfare queens, and no lazy bums were permitted.

I like to believe that this will be the future, whether his predictions manifest or not.

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Thanks for keeping it real! And let’s not forget the cutouts: Schmuckerberg, Lusk, unGrates. Ellis son? The carney barkers of illusory expertise and wealth, all created by the state
Was McAfee? Did he commit the greatest sin of believing his own PR or was he the maverick exception? I don’t know enough about him to answer that, I can only observe the results… gone…. there but for the Grace of god….