As I have mentioned before, we only see the tip of the iceberg in our day to day lives. This leads to some odd and strange phenomena. Nothing is more poignant than when it is associated with a global situation or catastrophe. As is the case with the COVID-19, coronavirus. And thus we have this curiosity…
Here we have a new American coin.
It was designed and developed years back and just hit the “streets” in February 2020. Just about the same time when the COVID-19 is starting to assault the American population. Check out the design.
Notice anything interesting?

On February 13, 2020, the U.S. Mint released a quarter honoring the National Park of American Samoa in Utulei, American Samoa. The quarter is the first release of 2020 and the 51st release of the America the Beautiful Quarters® Program.
Keep in mind that the mainstream American media narrative is that the COVID-19 virus came into being by Chinese slurping bat soup. Bat soup made from “rare” (in China) South Pacific bats…
Imagine that!
Conspiracy Considerations
What better way to keep Americans thinking about “bat slurping” Chinese than to have them confront that idea every time they pay in cash?
It’s like the Will Smith movie “Focus”…
Nicky and Jess go to the football game. They make small bets with each other such as if one fan will catch a hot dog, and if another is too drunk to get up for the wave. They see a woman in short shorts and bet how many men will look at her ass as she walks by. Jess bets 8 while Nicky bets 3. A curious man named Mr. Liuyan (B.D. Wong) joins the game and bets 5. Seven men check out the woman as she walks by, making Jess the closest. Liuyan makes more bets with Nicky over the game, practically begging him to play when Nicky tries to back out. Nicky plays and loses $1,000. The bets escalate as the two men double the bets, even as Jess tells Nicky they should just leave. After losing $100,000, it looks like Nicky has finally had enough and is about to walk away. Mr. Liuyan goads him back in, and Nicky bets all the remaining cash ($1.1 million) on a simple high card draw. Liuyan pulls the card with a higher number, winning all their money. Nicky and Jess are heartbroken. Nicky chooses not to walk away and decides to double the bet again. He tells Liuyan to pick any player on the field, and he will guess which one, seemingly impossible odds. Mr. Liuyan thinks he is crazy and doesn't bet on crazy, so he refuses. Nicky sweetens it when he says Jess will pick the player that Liuyan spotted, much to Jess's terror. Liuyan can't turn down free money, so he picks a player. As Jess nervously looks through the binoculars, Liuyan gives them a chance to back out. Jess looks to Nicky, seemingly begging him to take this chance to back out, but Nicky tells her to pick. Jess again nervously scans the players. All of a sudden, she spots Farhad wearing a jersey with 55 on it. She grins and picks him, and to everyone's surprise, that's the correct answer. On the taxi ride home, Nicky, now with a LOT of money on him, explains to Jess that this was set up from the beginning of the day. He knew that Liyuan is a notorious gambler, so he had it set up so that Liuyan would see the number 55 throughout the day, thereby subconsciously getting him to pick that number when the moment was right. -Focus

Another Coincidence

Airport worker said the vehicle has been left in the staff car park since before Australia’s coronavirus lockdowns began.
The disease caused by coronavirus was first officially labelled “COVID–19” on February 11, and was declared a pandemic one month later.
Mr Spry said as far as colleagues could recall, the car had been there since “February or even earlier”, and was definitely there from mid-March when most airport staff went on four weeks of forced leave.
Remember the time to have a custom license plate made in Australia is typically six months.
Did you know that Donald Trump collects a coin of every “battle campaign” that he has ever fought?
It’s true. And if you look carefully, you will certainly see that new US Nickel in his display. Check out the picture…

What can I say?
Just a coincidence, eh?
People! Listen up. NOTHING in this universe is a coincidence.
As an aside, I have visited this park. It is beautiful. I used to live in Tafuna. And my work project was in Pago Pago, which was not too far from the park.

The only thing about it is the holes in the road going up and down the mountain. The locals have placed large stones near each pot-hole so that people can avoid hitting the bumps. Though, aside from that, it’s a truly beautiful place. It’s towards the North side of the island, and very picturesque. It’s worth a visit next time you are in the South pacific.

Oh, and those fruit bats are noisy. When they fight it sounds like a cross between a cat fight and a car wreck.
Anyways, not bad mouthing American Samoa, but all things considered it’s pretty strange. Yes, all in all, it’s pretty strange. With a bat coin developed that would enter America just when the COVID-19 was hitting the United States.
It’s a curiosity. Don’t you think?
Especially when the “go ahead” to make this coin corresponds with the restructuring of the American bio-weapons office under John Bolton in 2017. Curious.
Have a nice day.
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How incredibly astute. Love your writings. Peace and happiness to you. Ohio Guy
This is amazing. I showed the picture of the coin to my girlfriend, she thought I was joking. After that she said for her it’s an irrefutable proof. With everything going on lately, one can feel he’s getting crazy, but actually it’s the world, not us.
I have to thank you for getting back to Ray Bradbury. it’s hard for me, no translation for Hebrew, but it’s a pleasure. I am listening now to The Illustrated man.
About the coin, it’s Hubris and it’s sickening. Seems it was made to celebrate the triumph. China was supposed to be in a mess, but the plan didn’t went well as planned.
Take care
Thank you for that.
I am thinking about writing a post titled “We are in the middle of World War III” or some such thing. As the sole entirety of everything points to some very ugly things.
Nasty stuff.
The plan was to suppress China. People call it a “hybrid war”. But it’s been no-holds barred full-frontal attack on all fronts against China. If you disagree, please tell me. Name something that the USA has not done short of launching nuclear weapons…
Well, it did work. GDP went negative. The chart looks like a cliff.
Trump expected the world to continue with a minor “flu” COVID-19A. He expected China to be crippled and devastated. You saw what happened in Wuhan. A one or two day delay in DEFCON ONE and the entire nation would look like that. China would be a basket case.
But China fought back. And the USA cannot take it’s own medicine. Now it’s America that is the basket case, and everyone is running around pointing fingers, confused and getting ready to infect each other. No one knows what to believe. The only thing is hate China. Hate, and hate. Blame and blame. But we will see what happens.
I’ve said it before. China does not play. They are a serious, serious nation. They are “big league” and all those neocon plans to suppress them isn’t working. The next phase will be too nasty to contemplate.
All this is too ugly to contemplate, but it makes complete sense.
Thanks for this Mr. Man– and original commenter.
The big realisation for me and my colleagues that something was going to happen was when that nuke was detonated in Tianjen(?) a few years ago.
The story was dropped after a only day by Western ‘media’– a fucking nuclear detonation at a major Chinese port– and put down to an ‘accidental’ fertiliser blast, or some such shit. Try and see the images now– scrubbed from the internet. A crater the size of an Olympic swimming pool. And twice as deep. Remember?
And China said nothing. I guess it could have been a last-minute desperate attack by China on a bunch of its own traitors trying to smuggle something in or out of the port; or something else entirely. Very strange, though. And thousands of casualties.
Or the truck full of one ‘Covid’ (we heard a complex form of S,,,A,,,r,,,i…,,,n – or H,,,a,,,N,,,t,,,a) laced one-dollar notes intercepted by a ‘joint U.S.-Canada customs team’ (yeah, right!) earlier this year near the Manitoba crossing. (Kicker: One truck got through, at least– they caught ‘the second’.)
What, you never heard about that one?
Scrubbed story, also.
Something’s about to give, and it’s not going to be good.
Stay safe, all.
Thanks, Mr. Man. That’s weird about the domain name. But I have heard that kind of thing is more common than we all realise. As you said yourself and many of us know, already: Reality is not black or white as normie people are taught to think; it’s actually many shades of gray and very, very underhanded.
Anyway, I dropped a few comments about Tianjing blast a few years back and a recent intercept of ‘COVID’ (read: In actuality a variant of Sarin in this particular case, thank you very much. How nice!) doused one-dollar bills at the U.S. Canada border (in Manitoba) by ‘customs officials’ (yeah, right!) earlier this year. One truckload of many, apparently. And purported to be from China.
So yeah, China knows what really happened and responded in kind.
We really are kept in the dark and fed shit from main-stream sources. Just as well some of us have others.
Stay safe,
Thanks for this Mr. Man– and original commenter.
The big realisation for me and my colleagues that something was going to happen was when that nuke was detonated in Tianjen(?) a few years ago.
The story was dropped after a only day by Western ‘media’– a fucking nuclear detonation at a major Chinese port– and put down to an ‘accidental’ fertiliser blast, or some such shit. Try and see the images now– scrubbed from the internet. A crater the size of an Olympic swimming pool. And twice as deep. Remember?
And China said nothing. I guess it could have been a last-minute desperate attack by China on a bunch of its own traitors trying to smuggle something in or out of the port; or something else entirely. Very strange, though. And thousands of casualties.
Or the truck full of one ‘Covid’ (we heard a complex form of S,,,A,,,r,,,i…,,,n – or H,,,a,,,N,,,t,,,a) laced one-dollar notes intercepted by a ‘joint U.S.-Canada customs team’ (yeah, right!) earlier this year near the Manitoba crossing. (Kicker: One truck got through, at least– they caught ‘the second’.)
What, you never heard about that one?
Scrubbed story, also.
Something’s about to give, and it’s not going to be good.
Stay safe, all.
Thanks for this Mr. Man– and original commenter.
The big realisation for me and my colleagues that something was going to happen was when that nuke was detonated in Tianjen(?) a few years ago.
The story was dropped after a only day by Western ‘media’– a fucking nuclear detonation at a major Chinese port– and put down to an ‘accidental’ fertiliser blast, or some such shit. Try and see the images now– scrubbed from the internet. A crater the size of an Olympic swimming pool. And twice as deep. Remember?
And China said nothing. I guess it could have been a last-minute desperate attack by China on a bunch of its own traitors trying to smuggle something in or out of the port; or something else entirely. Very strange, though. And thousands of casualties.
Or the truck full of one ‘Covid’ (we heard a complex form of S,,,A,,,r,,,i…,,,n – or H,,,a,,,N,,,t,,,a) laced one-dollar notes intercepted by a ‘joint U.S.-Canada customs team’ (yeah, right!) earlier this year near the Manitoba crossing. (Kicker: One truck got through, at least– they caught ‘the second’.)
What, you never heard about that one?
Scrubbed story, also.
Something’s about to give, and it’s not going to be good.
Stay safe, all.
Thanks for this Mr. Man– and original commenter.
The big realisation for me and my colleagues that something was going to happen was when that nuke was detonated in Tianjen(?) a few years ago.
The story was dropped after a only day by Western ‘media’– a fucking nuclear detonation at a major Chinese port– and put down to an ‘accidental’ fertiliser blast, or some such shit. Try and see the images now– scrubbed from the internet. A crater the size of an Olympic swimming pool. And twice as deep. Remember?
And China said nothing. I guess it could have been a last-minute desperate attack by China on a bunch of its own traitors trying to smuggle something in or out of the port; or something else entirely. Very strange, though. And thousands of casualties.
Or the truck full of one ‘Covid’ (we heard a complex form of S,,,A,,,r,,,i…,,,n – or H,,,a,,,N,,,t,,,a) laced one-dollar notes intercepted by a ‘joint U.S.-Canada customs team’ (yeah, right!) earlier this year near the Manitoba crossing. (Kicker: One truck got through, at least– they caught ‘the second’.)
What, you never heard about that one?
Scrubbed story, also.
Something’s about to give, and it’s not going to be good.
Stay safe, all.
Sorry, mr man– I’m having difficulty accessing your site through the usual engines and also with posting over the past week– very strange.
Western Europe.
Just FYI– are others having probs?
I am getting a couple of complaints. But I am unable to identify a source or root problem.
Last week an American company tried to seize my domain name for Metallicman. They tired all sorts of variations, almost all were *.cn or *.china, etc. It seems to me that someone wanted to clone and disseminate “other” information using my domain name.
But to have a domain name ending in *.china, *.cn etc, requires that they ask me (the primary domain name registrant) if I am doing business inside of China or are working with a business in China. So I confirmed that this is, indeed, the case.
Hey! I’m just a “little guy”. No need to any kinds of nonsense.
Thanks, Mr. Man. That’s weird about the domain name. But I have heard that kind of thing is more common than we all realise. As you said yourself and many of us know, already: Reality is not black or white as normie people are taught to think; it’s actually many shades of gray and very, very underhanded.
Anyway, I dropped a few comments about Tianjing blast a few years back and a recent intercept of ‘COVID’ (read: In actuality a variant of Sarin in this particular case, thank you very much. How nice!) doused one-dollar bills at the U.S. Canada border (in Manitoba) by ‘customs officials’ (yeah, right!) earlier this year. One truckload of many, apparently. And purported to be from China.
So yeah, China knows what really happened and responded in kind.
We really are kept in the dark and fed shit from main-stream sources. Just as well some of us have others.
Stay safe,
Thanks, Mr. Man. That’s weird about the domain name. But I have heard that kind of thing is more common than we all realise. As you said yourself and many of us know, already: Reality is not black or white as normie people are taught to think; it’s actually many shades of gray and very, very underhanded.
Anyway, I dropped a few comments about Tianjing blast a few years back and a recent intercept of ‘COVID’ (read: In actuality a variant of Sarin in this particular case, thank you very much. How nice!) doused one-dollar bills at the U.S. Canada border (in Manitoba) by ‘customs officials’ (yeah, right!) earlier this year. One truckload of many, apparently. And purported to be from China.
So yeah, China knows what really happened and responded in kind.
We really are kept in the dark and fed shit from main-stream sources. Just as well some of us have others.
Stay safe,
Thanks, Mr. Man. That’s weird about the domain name. But I have heard that kind of thing is more common than we all realise. As you said yourself and many of us know, already: Reality is not black or white as normie people are taught to think; it’s actually many shades of gray and very, very underhanded.
Anyway, I dropped a few comments about Tianjing blast a few years back and a recent intercept of ‘COVID’ (read: In actuality a variant of Sarin in this particular case, thank you very much. How nice!) doused one-dollar bills at the U.S. Canada border (in Manitoba) by ‘customs officials’ (yeah, right!) earlier this year. One truckload of many, apparently. And purported to be from China.
So yeah, China knows what really happened and responded in kind.
We really are kept in the dark and fed shit from main-stream sources. Just as well some of us have others.
Stay safe,
anyway here was the intended:
Thanks for this Mr. Man– and original commenter.
The big realisation for me and my colleagues that something was going to happen was when that nuke was detonated in Tianjen(?) a few years ago.
The story was dropped after a only day by Western ‘media’– a fucking nuclear detonation at a major Chinese port– and put down to an ‘accidental’ fertiliser blast, or some such shit. Try and see the images now– scrubbed from the internet. A crater the size of an Olympic swimming pool. And twice as deep. Remember?
And China said nothing. I guess it could have been a last-minute desperate attack by China on a bunch of its own traitors trying to smuggle something in or out of the port; or something else entirely. Very strange, though. And thousands of casualties.
Or the truck full of one ‘Covid’ (we heard a complex form of S,,,A,,,r,,,i…,,,n – or H,,,a,,,N,,,t,,,a) laced one-dollar notes intercepted by a ‘joint U.S.-Canada customs team’ (yeah, right!) earlier this year near the Manitoba crossing. (Kicker: One truck got through, at least– they caught ‘the second’.)
What, you never heard about that one?
Scrubbed story, also.
Something’s about to give, and it’s not going to be good.
Stay safe, all.
Thanks for this Mr. Man– and original commenter.
The big realisation for me and my colleagues that something was going to happen was when that nuke was detonated in Tianjen(?) a few years ago.
The story was dropped after a only day by Western ‘media’– a fucking nuclear detonation at a major Chinese port– and put down to an ‘accidental’ fertiliser blast, or some such shit. Try and see the images now– scrubbed from the internet. A crater the size of an Olympic swimming pool. And twice as deep. Remember?
And China said nothing. I guess it could have been a last-minute desperate attack by China on a bunch of its own traitors trying to smuggle something in or out of the port; or something else entirely. Very strange, though. And thousands of casualties.
Or the truck full of one ‘Covid’ (we heard a complex form of S,,,A,,,r,,,i…,,,n – or H,,,a,,,N,,,t,,,a) laced one-dollar notes intercepted by a ‘joint U.S.-Canada customs team’ (yeah, right!) earlier this year near the Manitoba crossing. (Kicker: One truck got through, at least– they caught ‘the second’.)
What, you never heard about that one?
Scrubbed story, also.
Something’s about to give, and it’s not going to be good.
Stay safe, all.
Thanks, Mr. Man.
That’s weird about the domain name. But I have heard that kind of thing is more common than we all realise. As you said yourself and many of us know, already: Reality is not black or white as normie people are taught to think; it’s actually many shades of gray and very, very underhanded.
Anyway, I dropped a few comments about Tianjing blast a few years back and a recent intercept of ‘COVID’ (read: In actuality a variant of Sarin in this particular case, thank you very much. How nice!) doused one-dollar bills at the U.S. Canada border (in Manitoba) by ‘customs officials’ (yeah, right!) earlier this year. One truckload of many, apparently. And purported to be from China.
So yeah, China knows what really happened and responded in kind.
We really are kept in the dark and fed shit from main-stream sources. Just as well some of us have others.
Stay safe,