Blessing a house.

The effects of de-cluttering and purging on affirmation campaigns

I have been writing a bunch of articles (posts) on how to conduct prayer and affirmation campaigns that work. But I haven’t spent too much time on other things that you can do to increase the likelihood of accelerating or amplifying the campaign.

So, in this post we will look at de-cluttering as a way of clearing away the “trash” that often stands in the way between you and your desires.

Your past, and every one you met, every thing you touched, every thought you have are all being swept up and makes an impression upon you, your life, and your lifestyle. In order for you to free yourself from the influences of your past, you need to take proactive steps to clear away the bad (or stubborn) from influencing your future plans.

Declutter to remove inertial obstacles that prevent your intentions from manifesting.
Declutter to remove inertial obstacles that prevent your intentions from manifesting.


Thoughts and quanta form attachments with physical things. Thus good and bad thoughts, and their associated quanta can be absorbed by physical things, and thus affect the users and owners of those objects.

When you conduct a prayer / affirmation campaign, the thoughts and quanta of the physical surrounds can have an influence in the success of your campaign.

I suggest that you take the time to de-clutter your affirmation “runway”, so that when the time comes for your affirmations “to take off”, there will not be any hindrances, or obstacles in your way.

Step one

The very first thing that you need to do is get rid of any “hexed”, “bad luck”, “cursed” or problematic items in you possession. Maybe you don’t have any, that’s fine. But if there is something that you don’t feel comfortable with, maybe it’s something stuck in the attic or stored away in the garage, toss it out.

Cursed or entangled physical items surround us everywhere.
Christine is considered one of the great classic 80’s horror movies, based on Stephen King’s novel and directed by John Carpenter. It is the story about a cursed automobile.

Forget about who gave it to you. Forget about it’s potential monetary value. Forget about any sentimentality associated or attached with it. Just clear it out of your life.

It does not matter if it is “good”, “bad”, “cursed intentionally”, or just unlucky. Get rid of that fucker.

You see, there are no “good” or “bad” attachments. Aside from those relative to our comfort and our structured desires. Think of it as inertia.

If you want to run a race, you try to be all muscle. You cut away your body fat, you get lighter and you exercise. So you can well imagine this effort as a slimming down and streamlining of your affirmation campaign.

Cut off the fat.

Step two. Declutter clothing.

All those things that you don’t use, that occupy space in your closets and in your drawers, form an inertial mass. It is a big rock that makes it difficult for you to make any changes. This inertial mass is a continuity of the present, and if the articles include memories of the past, then the inertial effect is to tie you to that mass.

If you don’t need the items, don’t use the items, or have no attachments to the items aside from “one day I’ll”, or “it cost so much when I bought it”, then discard.

Here’s some general rules of thumb for clothing…

  • If you haven’t worn it for two years – discard.
  • If you like the clothing, but you no longer can wear that size – discard.
  • If you moved to the tropics, but you retain your winter clothing – discard.
  • Old socks, underwear (and bras) should be replaced yearly. (Do you hear me girls?)

From now on, starting now, come up with a strategy to wear fitting, and stylish clothes and discard your old wardrobe. Now, I am not talking about being a “Jim Dandy” of Town, but rather something quite different.

Replace your clothes and your wardrobe. Invest the thousand or so dollars to do so. Make sure that [1] everything fits, and fits well. [2] That the style is “you” and NOT the latest fashion. And that [3] you feel great, look great, wearing the clothes. Then discard everything else.

Do this by going through your current clothing and setting aside everything that you 1) have not worn for two years, 2) is noticeably stained, and 3) fits so poorly not even a master tailor could adjust it to fit. Package it all up and mark it for the Salvation Army or eBay.

-Building a Men's Wardrobe | The Art of Manliness

For men…

If you are a man, you should NEVER buy clothing yourself. You need a female that you trust to help you work on your look, and a good trustworthy tailor to work with. Tell them what you are trying to do. You will NOT regret this move.

For women, the same thing applies.

There is a significant difference in the spiritual, emotional and quantum “baggage” associated and attached to clothing between the two sexes. Men have a tendency to wear things over and over, and they tend to carry with them a lot of quantum debris and inertia. Women not so much. But women, also have a tendency to have large closets of items that just sit there waiting for the “right” moment to wear.

Both accumulate inertia and resistance to change. Both need to be purged to only what you you need and associate with the GOALS and DREAMS of your affirmation campaign.

Unless you use it, it is just wasted space. Further it is polluting your new efforts to change you life.

Think of it as a big block of frozen shit sitting inside a big tub of water. Slowly it is affected all the water in the tub. If you remove it, the water no longer needs to contend with the pollution. And you will notice that the water level in the tub is lower. You can fill it up with nice fresh, sparking clear water.

Discard what you haven’t used in two years. Don’t pause. Don’t think about it. Just do it.

And do not forget to gain the support of your spouse or the person who will be helping you to pay for all this. I find my clients’ wives are ecstatic and fully supportive of their husband’s efforts to dress better. If you keep your partner out of the decision, however, you could be met with unexpected resistance.


Step Three – Declutter things

Not everything is “haunted” or cursed. Often good memories are associated with things and objects. It’s just that we need to be sure that the object provides us a positive to neutral affect in our day to day lives.

All in all, I would hazard to pronounce that about 20% of the items might have some negative effects that would detract from your life. And another 60% might have a neutral effect. and another 20% might have a positive effect. It all depends on who you are, and what YOUR quantum associations are.

You need to remove all the items that you don't use or need from your life.
You need to remove all the items that you don’t use or need from your life.

So, I would advise that you make an inventory of the things in your house. And just like the clothing above, discard what is not needed. For they do hold and retain quantum connections. And while they might be neutral, the large mass of them will still work to keep you EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW.

So get rid of the bad, and do not argue with your family about that. Discard the bad.

Weed out the neutral. Just keep what you like, want or need. (No one needs 6 mop buckets, 15 flashlights, and your great grandparents Christmas tree lights.) If you have a broken toaster, that you haven’t used, but will fix one of these days, toss it. If you have a throw rug from your old house, but have nowhere to put is, discard it. If you are still keeping the old bird cage from the bird that died five years ago, guess what, discard it.

It’s nice to know that that big serving bowl reminds you of your long lost grandmother. If it fills you with happy emotions and thoughts, well then keep it. If you have a nearly new broom, but years of storage has messed up the hairs in the bottom of the broom, and you just can’t get the nerve to discard it, then set that sucker on fire. Unless you are using it, a tool is junk.

I am NOT advising you all to take on a minimalist lifestyle. I am just simply saying that THINGS collect more than just dust. They collect quanta. And quanta, both good, bad or neutral can act like an anchor holding your and tying you to the current life that you are living.

Step Four – Bless your property

Just like evil, bad, or contrary ideas, thoughts and quanta can become attached to things, so can good will.

All, or most religions, will bless things and objects. I know that this is certainly true for the Catholic and the Buddhist religions.

I personally wear three items on me that are blessed. One [1] is a Catholic cross that I wear around my neck. It was blessed by Monseigneur Pete in Erie, PA when I lived at a monastery / retreat for men years ago. (Yeah. Bet you all didn’t know that, did ya?) And I also wear two bracelets. Both were blessed by Buddhists in the temples. One [2] (with large wooden beads) was blessed in TangXia, China, and the other [3] is a red rope bracelet blessed in Wenzhou, China.

That’s the extent of my blessed items for now.

Perhaps if Trump continues on his rampage of destruction and scorched earth, I might need to take a more proactive approach. In which case, I would certainly pay to have a priest bless my household. heck! I might even put in one of those Chinese mini-shrines near my front door.

Chinese mini household shrine.
Many older Chinese, as well as successful businessmen maintain these mini shrines in their homes and in their companies. They make sure that it is continually stocked with fresh fruit and flowers.

It’s interesting, really.

In the United States, I have uncles and aunties that would have their own religious shrines in their upstairs hallways. These small shrines are for their private purposes and for prayer and other blessings. As they are devout Catholics, they use the shrines to run through their “Hail Marys” and “Stations of the Cross” in their daily prayers.

Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death Amen.

-Hail Mary - Prayers - Catholic Online

Now, I am not saying that I intend to put a small shrine in my home (I think my wife would kill me), but that having a priest come over and bless your home and apartment might be a good thing to do. Most especially if you have any questions why there seems to be a “big potato” or “dark cloud” or invisible wall that lies between you and your goals and objectives.

It won’t cost too much. Provide a meal and offer a monetary “red envelope” to make it worth their while.

Home shrine in a non-Catholic household.
Home alter in a non-Catholic household. Alters are personal affairs and you place upon them what you feel is right, and just in according to your own personal beliefs and feelings.


Try to have items that you always wear blessed. This can be your stinking wrist-watch it you want, or a wedding ring. Or a pinky ring. Or a belt. Or a John Deere baseball cap.

If you feel the need, purify your residence in the ways and manner that your feel appropriate for you.

Part Six – Tattoos

A tattoo is like an anchor. It binds you to a stat of mind and a set of conditions. If you have the ability, I would suggest that you purge yourself of all tattoos.

Tattoos anchor you to a specific set of world-line conditions. Thus are undesirable for practical world-line navigation using affirmation campaigns.
Tattoos anchor you to a specific set of world-line conditions. Thus are undesirable for practical world-line navigation using affirmation campaigns.

Part Seven -Nature

Nature is neutral.

The best way to shed the inertial quanta that collects upon us or around us is to spend time in nature.

This can be a small flower garden, vegetable patch, or a small pond. This can be walks in the woods, or canoeing on a lake.

If, for whatever reason, you are unable to perform any of the suggestions herein to declutter your life and reduce the quantum inertia, then please spend more time in nature. It need not be something all that dramatic, but it does need to occur.

It could be something as simple as leaving the natural air to flow through your house more often.

Or, it could mean that you start putting potted plants all over your house.

It could be something as drastic as turning off all power to your house for a week, opening up all your windows and door, and just giving your old house a good ‘airing out”.

What ever you do…

…Just remember that affirmation campaigns alone often need little “nudges”, and pushes in certain areas to have your desires manifest. Do what you can to “freshen things up”, and provide “baggage free” opportunity.

Oh, and a nice slice of pie in a good old-fashioned diner wouldn’t hurt.

Delicious pies.
A fine delicious pie. Go out to a diner, and do so especially if it is something that you do not normally do. To enact change, you must change things, and that includes habits.


Thoughts and quanta form attachments with physical things. Thus good and bad thoughts, and their associated quanta can be absorbed by physical things, and thus affect the users and owners of those objects.

When you conduct a prayer / affirmation campaign, the thoughts and quanta of the physical surrounds can have an influence in the success of your campaign. It can be good, bad, or neutral, but it will have an effect.

I suggest that you take the time to de-clutter your affirmation “runway”, so that when the time comes for your affirmations “to take off”, there will not be any hindrances, or obstacles in your way.

Do you want more?

I have more articles along these lines in my Affirmation Campaign Index here…

Intention Campaigns

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Working through the affirmation index. Powerful stuff!

When we moved to Finland last year, we were forced to declutter massively. Our little Toyota Corolla fit us, our kids, the dog and the cat. All our belongings went into the trailer and on the roof. Many things were left behind as we have sold a whole house that was built in 1871 and was full of baggage, stuff and ghosts from several generations. It felt good to drive away only with the essentials. (You should have seen the look of our cat when we were on the ferry. She was staring out the window onto the sea, probably thinking that a cat should not be surrounded by water.)

Some old objects I took with me are tools handed down to me from my grandfather. He built a house with those and so am I. I feel a connection with him when I use the tools and they seem to inspire and impart a kind of wisdom. He kept them in good shape and so do I.


As I continue working through this highly enriching content, I find myself doing things that have been in the back of my mind for some time. Example: while reading this post, I stopped halfway through and promptly threw out half my shirts from a company I abruptly left a few months ago on less than stellar terms. At the same time, I got my wife to toss a bunch of nail polish and other crap she’s had forever and hasn’t used in years.

A few days ago, we spontaneously completely restructured the bedroom in a way we’d chatted about for a long time but hadn’t done. The energy feels much better now, and it feels like we have a lot more space.

The company I’m building now got some unfortunate news today which had my partner on the verge on a panic attack, but my brimming positivity pulled him right out of it and within hours he was sharing very positive post-mortems with the rest of the team. Two weeks ago that would probably not have happened, but damn, I’ve felt a paradigm shift since finding this site. The darkest of clouds just feel like a lovely shade, the universe feels brighter, and it feels like literally everything is possible which makes it impossible to feel down no matter what happens.

I’m eternally grateful to have found MM. The further I get in the content, the more refined, precise, and targeted my intention campaign gets. I honestly can’t believe how low the page view count here is.