Here we are going to talk about a very common theme with intention / prayer campaigns. It’s when you stop running a campaign because some of your objectives and goals have been realized and materialized.
- Is it desirable?
- What are the consequences?
- What are the benefits?
Here, and let me be clear on this, there is a big difference between a pause between campaigns and the complete end of doing any kind of intention campaign.
Once you start working intention campaigns you need to continue to do so for the rest of your life. If you do not, all your gains will eventually evaporate away. And like dust, everything that you have worked towards will just blow away like dust in the wind.
And you will regress back to the pre-birth world-line template “path” that you started out on.
I’ll bet that you weren’t expecting that.

It’s all about the pre-birth template world-line
The issue here, and what I want to emphasize, is that the pre-birth template is very important. It is more than just the world-line that you started out as. It is the box of the entire set of initial conditions that will control you for the rest of your life.
For those of you that believe in astrology, it is similar to how if you were born a Leo, or a Libra, or a Scorpio that you would continue to behave with those traits no matter where you move to, who you know, and what career you take. It is fundamentally encoded into your physical body.
As long as you conduct intention campaigns and prayer affirmations, you can navigate your ways and paths throughout your life. And when you pause between campaigns the affirmation campaign has a chance to run the program that you put into motion.
But when you stop, not pause, but come to a full and complete stop your world-lines will start to “drift” back to your initial conditions. This is not something that you want to happen.
And thus we have the term “drifting back”.
It’s easy enough to prevent, however. You just make sure that you continue conducting periodic “maintenance prayers” that provide good will and acknowledgement of the good things in your life that you want to keep and maintain.
“Maintenance Prayers”
If you ever decide to “hang up” and end your life of on and off prayer intention campaigns, you will find that your life will start (over a period of time) to drift back to the pre-birth initial conditions world-line that you began this embarkation upon.
Obviously you do not want that.
As most of your materialized desires will evaporate.
So what do you do? You don’t want to conduct any more prayer / intention campaigns, and you also don’t want your life to regress back to what it was when you started. How to reconcile these two attributes?
The thing to prevent, and the thing to do, is to conduct periodic “maintenance prayer” affirmations. These are nothing more than a set of unstructured verbal affirmations that you make from time to time. Something like this…
- My current life is stable, safe and secure.
- There are no major serious or adverse things that happen to me or my loved ones.
And that is it. You don’t need to do much more than that.
The ideal way to run long duration affirmation campaigns
To prevent “drift back” you need to conduct on and off intention prayer campaigns for the duration of your life. You run a campaign and then you pause. Then you run another campaign and so on and so forth.
These campaigns need not be long or large or have ambitious goals. But they should contain your prayers and desires so that you are able to navigate your life towards what you desire it to be or become.
You also need to include the aspects of your life that you have, and that you appreciate within your affirmation campaign. If you are happy in your life, then you must add an affirmation that says that you are happy and satisfied with your life. If you like having Saturday morning breakfasts with bacon and coffee and that is important to you, then please go ahead and make that part of your campaign.
The point is that if you do not maintain the things that you love about your life, they could just as easily evaporate away from your grasp.
The disappearing items
I once had an affirmation campaign for a “big luxury automobile”. This was years ago, back before 9-11. And in those days the way and means for me to control my crazy life from the jarring amount of slides and jiggling world-line realities was to focus on my affirmations. And, as a result, in a very short period of time I learned that I could pray for just about anything, and it would appear.
So a Cadillac DeVille appeared in my life. And I loved that sucker. It was big and roomy. It has a white / creme interior and a teal blue exterior. It was roomy. Roomy. When you got inside, all the noise of the outside world left and you were in a calm and nice relaxed bubble. And I loved to accelerate while going up a hill. That was great.
But, alas, once my goals were realized. I was living fine. And so I stopped my affirmation campaigns. I just went ahead and lived life. I was just happy “doing my thing”, and chilling out with what I had.

And then, just as suddenly as I obtained the car, I lost it.
And then (at that time) when I looked around me, I noticed that just about everything that I had materialized via my affirmation campaigns were all disappearing. One by one, they were all going away. And I found myself…
- Living in the same county where I grew up in.
- Driving a vehicle with the nearly identical set of problems that I had when I first started my campaigns.
- Single (which was my marriage state when I first started my campaigns).
- A near zero bank account balance. Just within a few dollars of what it was when I first started my campaign.
And I came to the conclusion that maybe I shouldn’t have stopped my affirmation campaigns.
The morphing of relationships
To really and truly understand what is going on here, you need to go back to the most fundamental premise. That thoughts create our reality.
Now, get go even deeper.
Thoughts ARE our reality.
And if you look at life in this far deeper and richer way, then you can actually see that everything you see around you is a physical manifestation of a thought. And while they might have a degree of “stickiness” to your world-lines (that you travel upon) the “stickiness” will go away as your thoughts start taking your situation for granted.
If you don’t water a flower, it will die.
If you have a skill and don’t use it, you will forget how to use it.
And if you have materialized realities and items, relationships and lifestyle, unless you maintain them within your affirmation campaigns, you will lose them. All things that exist in your reality are comprised of organized quanta.
And the organization is shaped by your thoughts.
If you do not materialize, and refresh those thoughts, they will be influenced by the thoughts associated with “shadow consciousnesses” and they will change and morph into something else. The only way that you can stop that is to …
- Maintain periodic on / off intention prayer campaigns.
- Include affirmation text and saying that reinforce that you want to keep the things you desire and discard those that you do not.
The “grow back” effect
So unless you “water your garden” periodically, and tend to it you will have all sorts of problems. You will have weeds start to grow. You will have cross-pollination of plants. You will have rabbits that came in and nibble at the leaves, and children that will come in and pick the green tomatoes. You will have insects chew up your bounty, and weird plant diseases that will devastate your entire crop.
You will need to be vigilant.
So you do not want that “old life” of yours to “grow back”. You want to be in control of your life and you don’t want all the old things that you have discarded to start to manifest back into your life again. You need to continuing to navigate through the MWI. And like a plane that is flying through a storm, you just don’t say “Well, I’m gonna stop of a while and see what happens”. Life does not work that way.
When you start to navigate your life on the world-lines, you will need to continue to do so until your life ends.
Affirmations that you can use
If you have no plans to terminate a lifestyle that includes rolling prayer/intention campaigns, you might want to add this affirmation to your campaign…
- My affirmation campaigns continue with normal pauses and continuity.
And if you do not want to continue your campaigns and get back to a pre-affirmation life, then you might want to add this affirmation into your final campaign…
- All of what I have manifested by any of my actions, thoughts or intention campaigns does not regress back to a previous level that existed prior to launching any of my campaigns.
Thoughts ARE our reality. Once you stop navigating the MWI, your old previously determined world-line path will begin to materialize all over again. And you will start out pretty much, where you left off.
The only way for you to prevent this is to constantly conduct periodic on and off prayer affirmation campaigns for the rest of your life.
And know that the IMAGES that you observe, and the IMAGES that others see you in are all contributors to the lifestyle that you will obtain. Be careful. Be good. Be kind, and above all else think good thoughts towards everyone.

Do you want more?
I have more posts related to this in my Affirmation Campaign index here…
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Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
Holy! Another GEM for humanity – except not many people have the opportunity to get this knowledge. I really didnt know this!!! And, I am ensuring that to the very day I leave this earthly body, I will be affirming & focusing on my ideal MWI. You are a worthy human being! THANKS MM!
Glad to hear it.
Most people have no concept about the pre-birth world-line template and how it influences your life. While thoughts can navigate through the highs and lows of your life, the fundamental path associated with your initial birth conditions will not change. You can only over-write them. So never, ever believe that you will (someday) achieve that idea, that worthy goal and you can bask high and mighty atop that insurmountable mountain. It’s not gonna happen. You need to get there, and then you need to stay there. And that takes effort.
I have 2 questions
1) So if you interact with someone, your behaviour can affect their actions which in turn can reflect back on you ? And thereby contribute to a certain outcome?
2) What about say someone stuck in a war-torn country. Surely things are set by the surroundings? I guess this is related to the combined thoughts of many? So the question is how would you go against the flow to achieve any sort of positive outcome in a scenario like that when presumably there are so many negative thoughts and things likely to happen in that world line?
Very good questions these. I think that I do need to write a post on it.
Every world line is filled with these other “shadow people”. These people are our loved ones, our co-workers, our pets, our government, our casual acquaintances, everyone. And while each and everyone of them has a soul associated with the body, the percentage of their consciousness occupying your world line is very small.
You, for instance, might have a percentage occupying “your” world line at 80%. All the rest of 20% is out there in a hundred trillion other world-lines. And each person in your world line might only have 0.0000000000000!% of their occupancy. For for simplicity purposes, I have stated that you occupy your world-lines alone.
These “shadow people” generate thoughts.
Not “shadow thoughts”, bur real by-goodness thoughts that are just as powerful as your thoughts are. And they affect you. If you are a sensitive (like myself) you can feel them. And oh these other thoughts can affect you. They can affect you physically, emotionally, with can affect your actions, thoughts and other behaviors. Ugh!
So, what do you do? What do you do when you are in a world-line when everyone else is so full of negativity and bad thoughts?
The answer is simple. You take action….
No matter how bad the situation is. Whether it is a war, or a prison, or just surrounded by a really negative family, your actions in a prayer affirmation is your tool-kit to help you out of the situation. You need to implement corrective actions. You need to vocalize and run a intention campaign EXACTLY to the formula. Then you need to stop, to the formula, and then renew again afterwards.
Do not get too caught up in the world around you.
If it is really bad, you can slide right off and out of it. Most slides, while seemingly really different, for people not like me and my “experiences” won’t be anywhere as abrupt and shocking. You all will do just fine. Keep to the script. Everything will change.
Now, yes. Of course, everything that you do, and every action that you take can “come back on you”. You betya. But, you know, certain actions, and thoughts (thoughts are just as powerful as physical actions in the MWI) have different responses depending on the World Line Template that you occupy or that you have slid down upon. One one world line template, you thoughts, even the most tiniest thoughts might result in all sorts of contrary problems, while on others, they won’t have any effects at all.
How can you control this?
Your intention affirmations in your affirmation campaigns. That is how.
Speak clearly. Speak directly. Be precise what you want and what you do not want. Guard your affirmations away from others to read. These are your personal and private thoughts and affirmations. No one else need to know anything about them. Make it happen, and follow the formula. The formula works. If there is one thing that I can say is that it works.
It seems plausible that your pre-birth soul plan probably included your involvement in MAJESTIC, and given how heavy the involvement in sliding in and out of MWI is, it seems likely that learning and teaching how to do intention-affirmations could be a part of your pre-birth soul plan as well.
It seems logical to me that, as our consciousness shapes reality, a ‘permanent’ shift in consciousness should also lead to a permanent shift in reality. So, violent and angry person could perhaps inhabit an environment that reflects that – things often being spoilt, broken, damaged, situations that tend to be both fragile and frustrating – both a consequence and reflection of the angry an violent consciousness. But after working on his issues for a couple of years and transforming into a calm and peaceful person, I’d expect that the person’s reality would also reflect his changed consciousness – things working smoothly, helpfully, objects staying in good condition as they are treated with care, etc, and that it would persist as long as the person’s consciousness remained of good standing.
Perhaps a shift in consciousness is distinct from more ‘neutral’ intention-affirmations. To the soul-consciousness, material wealth, looks, relationships, health, etc are all probably ‘neutral’. Neither good nor bad, but simply constructs to be placed for the soul to learn its lessons. For instance, a happy person will probably inhabit an environment that is relatively peaceful, but could be rich or poor. And a rich person could be spiritually enlightened, or still of a ‘lower’ sentience. But until we reach a truly enlightened state (where I imagine, the soul-consciousness can easily traverse all worldlines), our consciousness will still find certain ‘material’ conditions more pleasant, more fun, more enjoyable than others. The more enlightened a person, the less the material matters; but until you reach that point, it still matters!
You are getting to be a personal favorite in your comments. Your insight is precious and serves as a launching board for other things.
Yes. You are correct. It did. There is no question in my mind about this, and I want to elaborate on that statement, but I just cannot right now. The ideas, the concepts are not going to be easily understood or absorbed by he readership at this time. Sorry, they involve quite a lot of bullshit that I haven’t even began to touch upon. And I have to write about six other topical posts just to cover the basics.
And yes, all that sliding in and out was part of a learning schedule. Not for fun, but to learn.
And yes. Also correct.