The Lazy Man’s technique for altering your life, and your destiny without using intention prayers, rituals or other established methods to achieve your desires

Phew! Yet another insanely long title.

Here, in this post, we are going to look at a (very) simple technique that enables you to change your destiny. It doesn’t have the degree of control that a prayer affirmation has, nor is it as illustrative as a dream board. Yet, this technique has advantages, and can be used in conjunction with a  prayer affirmation campaign. It is ideal for those with very busy schedules, and too preoccupied with the rigors of life.

It’s a great way to “throw a wrench” into a life or situation that you are unhappy with.

The problem with it, is you really have zero control over the MWI navigational aspects.

Introduction & Review

I have covered the use of intention to control your life in other posts.

Essentially it is a technique that is derived from the most fundamental laws of quantum physics. Which states that; “What you think about eventually manifests within your reality”. And it works. It really does.

It has been proven in various scientific studies, and has been practiced by many people since the advent of such works as “The Secret”, and the movie “What the bleep do we know?”

The only thing is that people don’t really understand WHY it works. They argue that since we all share the entire universe together, how could one person’s thoughts alter the fabric of the entire universe? Isn’t that a tad bit outlandish? That one single lone person can change the entire enormity of the universe!

At which point I state the obvious.

The universe is not what everyone thinks it is. It is something else.

The universe is a series of world-lines, infinite (or near infinite) in number. Our consciousness occupies one world-line at a time. But for only a moment. Each world line then passes by and is replaced by another, and then another, and then another. Much like a movie that runs frame to frame.

What time is within the MWI. We go through many world-lines in our life, and the navigation through these world-lines is controlled by our thoughts.

It is our thoughts that manifest which frame we will visit next.

And each frame is for our consciousness alone. All those others, and those other things within that world-line are but shadows of a much bigger existence.

And that is how the universe works, and why guided thoughts enable you to navigate the world-lines to create your very own utopia.

I have other posts that go into a great deal of detail on how you can use various techniques to navigate your life. I have simple and basic technique. I have presented moderate and slightly more advanced techniques, and I have presented some truly advanced stuff that only the well-practiced expert should tamper with.

In this post, we will look at the simplest and easiest way to alter your destiny. And it doesn’t use conscious thought.

It uses odd and random behaviors to break your thought processes up.

Fate or the pre-birth established world-line

Every soul and consciousness establishes an “entry point” from which to enter a body for an experience upon Earth. It leaves Heaven and enters our physical reality universe.

Our physical reality universe is a complicated place, don't you know. It is filled with all sorts of "stuff" and "things" of which we as physical Humans nothing about.

But it has laws. It has order. It has structure.

The souls creates a consciousness within Heaven.

The consciousness is then sent through a “transport tube” or a “path of light” into another universe. It enters the physical universe.

This “entry point” consists of three aspects;

  • A physical body with an associated family, environment and lifestyle.
  • A particular world-line that the body happens to exist within.
  • A “default” “arrow of time” that is the most probable development of the earth experiences for that body.

For simplicity, I have referred to this set of initial conditions as the “pre-birth world-line”. When in reality it is [1] the set of initial conditions that [2] will establish the “fate” that [3] the consciousness will experience.

So, before anyone starts throwing potatoes at the computer screen, realize that we select (our consciousness) selects a fated reality… one where the highest probability of events (that our soul wants us to experience) will occur. Of course, we are free to make decisions within this reality, but it is actually fated in that there is actually very little deviation that the actual person will make in the life that they lead.

I’ve used this example before, but it’s a good example.

You are walking down the street. You see a little girl eating a vanilla ice cream cone. She takes a lick and the ice cream falls to the sidewalk. She starts to cry and you watch all this transpire.

There are numerous things that you can do.

[1] Continue on as planned. You are late for work, and being late is not good.
[2] Comfort the little girl and buy her a new ice cream cone.
[3] Bend down and lick up the ice cream that is on the sidewalk.
[4] Beat the crap out of the server at the ice cream stand.
[5] Go up to the little girl, press five dollars in her hand, and leave.
[6] Just stop everything, and change your plans and go watch a movie instead.
[7] Pull off all your clothes and do a little dance, and leave.

Your default fated world-line will evolve as expected if you select option one [1]. As it is what you would normally be fated to do.

You will move off the world-line the moment you select any of the other options [2 - 7]. The more extreme your action, the greater the change to your world-line travels. Some are minor, and you will (more than likely) "snap back" onto your previous (well established) world-line path. Some are major and your life is forever changed afterwards.

Any time you deviate from the expected course of action; the pre-birth established world-line, you change your destiny.

Use of this technique – The deviation from the expected

Now let’s talk about “deviations from the normally expected activity” which is the heart behind this technique.

Any deviation from your normal behaviors will result in a change to the course of your world-line direction and manifestation of life.

This technique defines that you make unexpected random decisions within your life that permanently alters your world line direction.

Some notes:

  • First of all, the Pre-birth determined world-line is selected by soul to provide a near fated frame work for you to learn lessons. It is like a little child riding a bicycle with training wheels and parents are all around them helping them so they will not fall. You can ride the bike. You can steer the bike. But no matter what you do, your parents will not permit you to ride onto the highway.
This is for your consciousness to obtain specific experiences. 

When you approach an opportunity that might change your life and fortunes, situations, or conditions will arise that will force to back on track within the previously fated world-line. Just like a parent helping your learn how to ride the bicycle.

The way to break this level of control is to do the unexpected; the random odd-ball activity.

Like (for instance, using the example herein) jumping of the bicycle and running straight into the highway yourself.
  • You are permitted to deviate from the world-line your are riding on, because our life is not fated.
So you are free to do anything you like. 

However, if you pay attention, your actual choices are usually very tightly constrained. 

Sure, you have a choice between two jobs. One pays five times more more than the other, but you do have the choice to pick the job that pays less.
  • Any deviation will have a great deal of influence in your new world line.
Even the smallest deviation can result in big unforeseen changes.

In the example of the child riding a bicycle, what if the child just stops, and doesn't do anything? Perhaps a parent will come over and give the child a toy to play with, or try to urge it to continue, or maybe replace the bicycle with a pony.
  • The degree of deviation, and the radical nature of the deviation, will influence new world-line generation.
Shooting a person, for instance, might end up getting you arrested, sent to prison, and forever spending the rest of your life in a small cinder-block cell.

Or, using the child bicycle as an example, running into upcoming traffic might result in some terrible accidents to occur.  
  • It is difficult to predict the effect that any deviation from the norm might have.
Using a blue pen instead of a black pen might create some changes to your life. Using a purple pen might have even make greater changes.

In the case of the child riding the bicycle, the child does not know about what a highway is, or that cars can run them all over. The child doesn't even think about this or even consider this situation.
  • Making a habit of doing random “odd ball” and strange deviations from the “normal course” of your world-line will add a degree of randomness that will absolutely provide you with opportunities to change that life.
One day you feed a stray dog an old hamburger, the next you throw away all the clothes that you haven't worn in two years and buy new ones. You talk to the pretty cashier in the grocery store that you have never said "hi" to.

How it works

This system cannot guarantee any directed results. As the deviations from the norm are random, so will be the results. You do not know what will happen to your life. All that we can say is that the fated life that your soul and consciousness selected at the time previous to your birth has now been changed. You are now on a new path, you are in uncharted territory.

This can be good, or it can be bad.


This is a method that you can use and incorporate into your normal affirmation campaign, or it can be used from time to time to add a degree of versatility to your world-line selections.

The way this works is NOT by the controlled use of thought to manifest your reality. But rather to “jolt” yourself off the fated world-line path that the arrow of time is carrying you away upon.

As with “slides” this can have all sorts of repercussions.

Do you want more?

I have many more posts about controlling your life though the control of your thoughts. You can find them in my Intention Index here…

Intention Campaigns

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WOW! I come here virtually every day because of these super-genius level knowledge. I sometimes use this method without even knowing the theory – sometimes just on feel. Because of the 48th law in the 48LoP (and if you havent yet entirely read the book, WTF are you waiting for?). Thanks, MM!

Bo Chen

When I was a young kid I sometimes wondered what would it have been like if I was never born? I suppose the answer to what it feels like after one passes away is the same as the response to what it had felt like before one was born… If each self-identity of this internal “me” is tied to or associated with a particular distinctive body then had my parents never met or if they met under just slightly different circumstances it would be someone else as their child and “I” would never have existed. I suppose in that case the only difference between existing and forever not existing is that of the brief experience of being alive sandwiched between the two ends of the nonexperience of all-time leading up to before one was born and the nonexistence for the rest-of-time after one has died. But, were it not for the fact that there exists this notion of ‘qualia’ at some level of reality (what perhaps Descartes really meant by Cogito, ergo sum) there wouldn’t been any experiential difference between existing and never having existed in a reality completely devoid and seperated from any sort of qualitative epiphenomenon of the “What it is like-ness” of experiencing a particular subjective canonical qualia such as the raw ‘redness of red’ and other accompanying higher order correlates of conciousness, etc…

Since this qualia could never be encoded or contained by the language of math or in the QM wavefunction or the standard/classic physics, it shows that the true totality of reality is more encompassing than any explaination-space or symbolic-mapping that would/could ever be allowed by our mathematical constructs or any other formulas, equations or laws of physics that we could ever come up with or proscribe. Put simply, for a scientist who has been colorblind since birth and has never intimately experienced first hand the direct raw sensation of the qualia of the redness of red, for example, then no amount of math, physics, or anything else that we can formulate, describe, model, etc can actually convey that information other than the actual experience of it itself.

Perhaps the reason qualia exists wholly outside of our so-called physical universe or our description and model of such a physical universe and its corresponding laws and maths is because this qualia is the only thing we can ever directly know, and everything else is an inference or abstraction layer above that. Therefore our base-level reality is never anything more than this so called fire-in-the-equations, this ghost-in-the-machine, this canonical-qualia… and everything else including the physical-world and even this notion of “physicality” itself is merely emergent and derived from the ways and patterns these qualia are encoded that gives rise to the illusion of an external outside world “out there” seperate and independent from what we actually directly experience. It’s the inference and assumption that there is something more, and its the qualia that we experience in such and such a way to leads itself to be predictable (for the most part) giving rise to our ability to create formulas and models of our experience of reality that we can then create this mental construct and abstaction that we call the “physical” world, which we denote to be seperate from our “inner world”.

Here is a thought experiment, if we lived in a universe in which everything was exactly identical to our current universe with the only exception being there wasn’t any qualia in that universe/reality/existence, would anything (from a purely physical perspective) end up being any different? Put another way, Imagine hypothetically far into the future when we have superpowerful computers capable of simulating entire worlds (trillions upon trillions of times more powerful than the simulations of today such as OpenWorm, BlueBrain, etc) and we were able to simulate an entire planet earth, with all the billions of human beings, starting from the initial evolution of life all the way to the existence modern humans… Since this whole planet is still merely an elaborate simulation (a la The Thirteenth Floor movie concept except instead of just a town its the whole world now) the assumption is that these digital simulated human beings don’t actually “feel qualia” and cannot have the sort of unique inner subjective experiences that we as flesh and blood real humans enjoy. Since they are in a digital simulation we can slow time down, speed time up, even freeze time itself inside the simulation and look into their brains on nueral chemical level and see exactly the virtual physical processess going on inside of their brain at any given moment… So the question would be in such a simulated world with virtual human beings that were otherwise ‘physically’ identical to us, would they still ever have brainstates where they are pondering the questions of qualia and debating among themselves this so-called “hard problem of consciousness”? If not, if they don’t ever find themselves in any sort of physical configuration or brainstate to ponder and ask themselves why qualia exists etc then what was the difference that made a difference? Namely, if qualia somehow interacts with the physical world, by what mechanisms does it do the interfacing and interacting? If there is no interaction a
nd its merely completely isolated and simply runs parallel to it, then wouldn’t a sufficent elaborate/complex simulation of human mind also be prived to this qualia field/sieve as does its human flesh counterparts?

Yet indeed on some level all computers be it the abacus, slider ruler, or ENIAC or the human brain are merely higher-order emulators… (not to mention the simple emulated virtual CPU instead of minecraft game that itself runs on an actual physical CPU which itself leverages the physical laws of the universe in terms of electrons, silicion, semiconductors/gates etc) in the sense that ultimately it is the laws of physics, the behaviors of individual atoms/ moleculars that do the actual “computing”, and everything else, all other computers be it our brains or our silicon processors are merely less efficent higher-order emulators… In that sense it would be the processing of information itself that gives rise to qualia or at least this common notion of epiphenomenon of conciousness as the result of emergent property of certain complex physical interactions etc… and not the underlining physical substrate. So it wouldn’t matter if the human brain is simulated at level 1 (natural physical layer as evolved by mother nature) or encased in some supercomputer and thus a digital simulator (level 2 or higher), in both/all cases the human would subjectively experience this sensation of qualia because it is the information processing that gives rise to qualia, and qualia is not dependent upon any particular physical substrate itself! But if we assume that physicality exists within qualia and not the other way around, that it is the machine that is in the ghost and not the ghost that is in the machine, then the question becomes rhetorical and the dilemma or paradox immediately resolves itself…

Solipsism is perhaps a more reduced form of Boltzmann brain concept. Boltzmann brain still assumes an external objective independant physical world “out there” as the base-reality of existence and that its merely adopting some variant of occam’s razor to assert that its more likely entropically speaking for a random collections of atoms combining together to form a human brain itself (however fleeting) that gave rise to conciousness bootstrapped with a particular configuration state or brainstate that came loaded with the “memories” of the past from “birth” up to the “present moment” etc than it is for the extremely low entropy state of the physical universe at the moment of the big bang that gave rise to the creation of all the stars, galaxies, our sun, planet earth, life in earth, evolution, and everything else that eventually lead there to be a human species, and a unbroken chain of life that resulted in this human being born, grown up, and the cumulation of experiences leading up to this precise moment in time…

By definition we cannot actually ever prove or know that a physical reality, objective and seperate from our awareness and conciousness of it, actually exists in reality somewhere “out there”… Einstein once said that Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one… Yet as far as I actually know, at least in the ‘Cogito, ergo sum’ way, it has not persisted beyond the years/time that I in this human body form has “physically” existed in this world… we merely infer a universe and world that existed before our birth and presume and assume that it will keep existing after our death… yet instead of a Boltzmann brain randomly occuring out of mere chance and probability in the physical universe, its more likely and more direct for a string of qualia/conciousness to have occured/existed and played out in such and such a way as to give me the experience of this notion and concept that I call “my life” ranging from my earliest memory as an infant and all the way to the present moment right now… as one experiential flow to the next… a universe (or reality) in which the only thing that exists and has ever existed or can ever exists is just pure raw qualia itself, encoded and patterned in such and such a way as to give rise to the notion of this persistent illusion that I label as physicality and thus the larger construct and inference/framework of this objective external universe that exists independent of my perception of it, somewhere “out there”…

If reality at base level is nothing more than qualia, and existence as I know it to be nothing more than my own direct experience of it, then maybe “intentionality” can actually have a direct impact on the “real world”, but even if not, at the very least what we choose to mentally focus on becomes a large part of our inner world-within-a-world and helps reshape our perceptual filters and thus impacts our subjective realities…