The mass exodus from American cities has begun. This is telling on many levels.

When a beloved pet dies, the first thing that you notice is that the fleas start to move off the body. And when a ship is sinking, one of the noticeable aspects is to watch the rats and mice as they try to jump over board. Could the rapid, and (some say) crazed departures from the American urban cities portend something of significance?

I tend to say “yes”.

The following article is titled ” America’s Summer Exodus: Thousands Flee The Cities Every Day Because They Don’t Feel Safe”. It was written on by Michael Snyder . All credit to the author. Please note that it was edited to fit this venue.

America’s Summer Exodus: Thousands Flee The Cities Every Day Because They Don’t Feel Safe

In modern American history, we have never seen such a sudden mass exodus away from our major cities.  Overall, the U.S. economy is a complete and total disaster in 2020, but moving companies and real estate agents that work in desirable rural and suburban areas are absolutely thriving right now.  Each weekend we are seeing long lines at U-Haul rental facilities, moving companies can’t handle all of the requests that they are getting, and property values are shifting at a pace that is difficult to believe.  Homes in our core urban areas are losing value very rapidly, and at the same time we are seeing bidding wars for some rural and suburban properties that are absolutely insane.

I certainly can’t blame anyone that wants to escape the violence.  If I was living in a major city that was being torn apart by violence, I would want to move too.

New York

At one time we had some of the most beautiful cities in the entire world, but now the word “apocalyptic” is being used to describe them.  The following comes from an article by Victor Davis Hanson

Nine months ago, New York was a thriving, though poorly governed, metropolis. It was coasting on the more or less good governance of its prior two mayors and on its ancestral role as the global nexus of finance and capital.

The city is now something out of a postmodern apocalyptic movie, reeling from the effects of a neutron bomb. Ditto in varying degrees Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, and San Francisco — the anti-broken-windows metropolises of America. Walking in San Francisco today reminds me of visiting Old Cairo in 1973, although the latter lacked the needles and feces of the former.


Chicago is one of the cities that has been the most affected by the violence, and the Chicago Tribune recently posted an article about the mass exodus that the city is now experiencing…

Incidents of widespread looting and soaring homicide figures in Chicago have made national news during an already tumultuous year. As a result, some say residents in affluent neighborhoods downtown, and on the North Side, no longer feel safe in the city’s epicenter and are looking to move away. Aldermen say they see their constituents leaving the city, and it’s a concern echoed by some real estate agents and the head of a sizable property management firm.

Following the horrific looting in Chicago a couple weeks ago, a Tribune reporter visited some of the wealthier parts of the city, and that reporter encountered residents that indicated that they would be leaving “as soon as we can get out”

The day after looting broke out two weeks ago, a Tribune columnist strolled through Gold Coast and Streeterville. Residents of the swanky Near North Side told him they’d be moving “as soon as we can get out.” Others expressed fear of returning downtown in the future.

Of course Chicago is far from alone. 

In a previous article, I discussed the fact that the New York Times has reported that hundreds of thousands of people have already left New York City.  After losing so many residents, you would think that the mass exodus would be slowing down, but that does not appear to be happening. 

In fact, we are being told that “moving trucks were out in force” on the Upper West Side on Saturday…

Moving trucks were out in force on Manhattan’s Upper West Side on Saturday — leaving Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa practically tripping over them.

“The mass evacuation of Upper West Siders from NYC is in full effect,” Sliwa, who lives on W. 87th Street, lamented, blaming the city’s decision this summer to house hundreds of emotionally disturbed homeless and recovering addicts in neighborhood hotels.

And someone filmed a stunningly long line at a U-Haul rental location in New York on Saturday.  In all my years, I don’t think that I have ever seen anything like that at a U-Haul facility.

Rural New Jersey

Of course all of those people need to have somewhere to go, and this is creating massive bidding wars for properties in the suburbs…

Over three days in late July, a three-bedroom house in East Orange, N.J., was listed for sale for $285,000, had 97 showings, received 24 offers and went under contract for 21 percent over that price.

On Long Island, six people made offers on a $499,000 house in Valley Stream without seeing it in person after it was shown on a Facebook Live video. In the Hudson Valley, a nearly three-acre property with a pool listed for $985,000 received four all-cash bids within a day of having 14 showings.

Isn’t that crazy?

But this is what happens when vast hordes of wealthy people are trying to relocate all at once.

San Francisco

On the west coast we are seeing similar things happen.  Property values in rural and suburban communities are being driven up, and meanwhile prices in core urban areas are falling very quickly.  For example, just check out what is taking place in San Francisco

San Francisco has seen a greater increase in price drops than any other U.S. metro, with the share of sellers slashing prices more than doubling from a year ago as the COVID-19 related panic drives homebuyers out of the Bay Area, reports Redfin.

A quarter (24.5%) of San Francisco-area home sellers cut their list prices during the four weeks ending Aug. 16, the highest share since at least 2015, when Redfin began recording this data. That’s more than double the rate from a year earlier, marking the largest annual increase in the share of active listings with price drops among the 50 most populous U.S. metro areas.

Some Californians are choosing to relocate within the state, but of course many others are fleeing the state entirely.


One of the places many of them are heading to is Arizona, and one recent Yahoo News article commented on the “surge in California license plates” in the state…

Driving across Arizona, it’s hard not to notice a surge in California license plates. The reason for this is becoming more apparent every day. California is a failed state.

If you currently live in an urban area and you are still thinking about relocating, I would make a decision rapidly.  Summer is almost over, economic conditions are going to continue to deteriorate, and much more civil unrest is coming.

In an interview that I just did with Greg Hunter, I explained why I am so concerned about the times that we are moving into.

And countless other Americans also seem to be deeply alarmed about the near future, because we have never seen a mass exodus of this magnitude in modern American history.

The times, they are a-changin’, and life in our country will never be quite the same again.


This migration out of the cities is more than just interesting. It is more than just “a sign of the times”, or a reaction of riots and trouble. It is a sign that the cities have fallen into disarray, where the Rule of Law no longer exists, and that mob rule is the norm. Those that have the means to leave, do so.

And they are.

All the elements of a civil war are happening. Burning buildings, government in disarray, wealthy fleeing, empty store shelves, and a serious drop in industry. The only thing that we are not seeing is armed conflict involving tanks, planes and big-bore weapons.

Is that next?

Or, is this all there is? A peaceful migration of the capable out of the population and cultural centers.

To me, looking from the outside, it appears that a “stage is being set”, or in other words, conditions are being laid down methodologically. What we will see in the next few months should give people pause to consider…

  • The cities will be populated with mostly urban poor, and trapped middle class.
  • The coronavirus has disrupted food supplies, and industry, creating a situation of large numbers of people staying at their homes IN PLACE.
  • Government laws, and services at all levels are non-functional.
  • The citizenry are fearful, worried and unsure of their future and looking for change.

What scenarios can take advantage of this situation?

Or more precisely, which scenarios would utilize this situation to exert a level of massive change to the United States?

My guess is that is what we all can expect to occur; those scenarios that fit the build up and situation that we see unfolding before our eyes. Which makes sense that all of this is INTENTIONAL and not accidental. Which means that no matter what occurs in the future, it is planned to occur. And as such, it is planned to occur in a precise and exacting way.

That is the only thing that makes sense right now.

The USA must downsize in order to be governed properly. That can occur via two methods;

  • Restructure the United States into smaller local regions (states) and abolish the federal centralized government. Smaller governments rule over smaller populations.
  • Keep the government as it is, and depopulate all of the urban areas.

There are no other options.

Which scenario lies ahead? We will see.

Which scenario would the PTB; the oligarchy opt for?

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Bo Chen

Trunp likes to say China raped USA but ironically its USA that raped China and Trump himself is known rapists in real life and those peepee tapes….

US has this all backwards, it’s not US making China strong, it’s China making US strong.

China is the one supplying the US with slave labor and cheap goods and unlimited credit for Americans to spend while they get to sit down and innovate.

It’s like back in slavery days when the field slaves did all the work while the whites worked on science. Then they dumped the slaves for machines starting the industrial revolution.
But now the Americans are trying to take advantage of cheap Indian and Vietnamese labor, after taking advantage of Chinese.


I would like to thank you, MM, for giving us a website with unique resources that prepares those of us who choose to listen, a lighted, yet forcefully & unavoidably turbulent, path to the New World. Our masters are powerful both politically and financially, and, thus, have many truly ingenious, insightful and capable advisers – and yes, “doers” – implementing the New World in the present world. As such, many concurrent operations have been initialized and are being finessed, assessed and re-calibrated – before these operations terminate.

There is a timetable – but only the top managers of our masters are privy to it. In many New World operations there appear to be seemingly antagonistic or conflicting movements and results in place. But the simplicity is the One – to conquer all, one must conquer ALL dualities by which humans can be defined. Good/evil; Capitalism/Communism; G*d/Satan; West/East; Unipolarity/Multipolarity; Left/Right; Democrats/Republicans. The Key is this – our masters on a macro level CONTROL every nation, every faction, every economy, every movement of import in this world. It has taken them 300 years when they succeeded on the formula. To know that formula, do examine the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” – but after one has read the 48 Laws of Power and knows how to utilize “48 Laws” Thinking, Analysis and Judgment). The protocols were not released to the public by a Victor Marsden, but it is a statement of intent and truth but nevertheless coyly encapsulated in a fabricated lie that “It is a hoax” by our masters to give the universe and the world population ample justification and warning what hey plan to do to the world. As the millions of people who have read the book envision the consequences of such plans, our masters WIN simply because millions of people have used the POWERS of INTENTION to bring such dreams to reality. Do you now see the brilliancy of our masters? If you do not have a trillion dollars, or better yet, unlimited funds, what gives you the right to question the wisdom of our masters and their “G*d-given prerogative” to make this a better world – for everyone who wishes to exist in it? One needs to truly understand the nature of the issue, before one – UNWISELY – criticizes our masters? This may appear to be a little understated based on the “hate on J’s” comments one sees on many ALT-sites that are inevitably controlled by our masters…. Yes, indeed BIG DATA is being recorded by the very Big Beast of a computer – and everyone has a file, and it isn’t just a Google profile of one’s commercial proclivities, either.

Why the cacophony of chaos today? Human beings are by nature, special beings – and very different from the rest of the animal kingdom. As members of Animalia, we are beautiful, yet horrendous; resourceful, yet stupid – as a population of 7.2 billion. Our masters have known for several hundred years that they must first gain full political power – and this was only possible through their use of fiat money and the overthrow of the feudalistic monarchies of past empires. Then, through time they created upheaval mechanisms in all countries to mold societies and populations based on Hegellian dialectics and social experimentation. Wise are our masters, but these human beings with different cultures have different responses to set formulae that seemed to work for many situations but now do not in new situations. Thus, our masters’ advisers created different constructs, systems and timetables to suit the natural course they have envisioned. 1984 was written by George Orwell who is, I argue, not warning us of the New World, but quite surely, putting down a marker of how it shall be in 1984 as a minion of our masters (I do note that in so saying I am not denigrating anyone who is privileged to become a minion of our masters – whom I believe, would be amply rewarded by fame, wealth and unsolicited lascivious attention from the fairer sex. I do so note with extreme jealousy – and not with personal experience. A pity, indeed). You will note that 1984 passed without most of Orwell’s predictions having come true. I daresay by the year 2025 – all of Orwell’s predictions shall indeed have come to pass. Well, in a much nicer way and a better taste in the mouth, as it were. when they are ineffective, or eventually disagreeably incalcitrant (in which they are dispatched through new elections, media exposure of wrongdoings or the miracle bullet that changes direction six times…). Chaos is required so that the magician moves his invisible hands to create illusions to mesmerize the populations. Chaos is required as emotional distress, unbound fear and perceived hatreds, cause irrational behavior from unstable individuals. I believe that individuals grounded with values and abilities appreciated by our masters will outshine the rest of the chaff and riffraff in artificially created New World borne chaos. This explains the end for it is the will of our masters that they shall remain masters in the New World – a word that they have earned through their resourcefulness and hard-work. Other notions that some may use to define the work of our masters such as crookedness, vileness, immorality, dastardliness and so on shall be struck from history in the New World. New World inhabitants have no use of such knowledge as they shall be perfect, well, almost perfect due to our humanness.

Only those whose abilities, values and worth to society are valued by our masters shall pass the test of tribulations that we, as in the world population, are undergoing. When animals are culled using an optimally designed system, only the fittest are allowed to survive. And, these are individuals whom our masters appreciate with whom they can share their world. Yes, those who survive will be our masters’ minions. If you have a visceral objection to that reality, do be assured that in the ensuing chaos that will get worse in the coming future, that your objection shall define your fate.

I have said that I believe that MM’s site is a positive spiral site and that it might be the only one. MM has been very helpful in signalling another very unique positive spiral site – that of Michael Snyder’s. I urge you to read this article as in time – it will have great meaning:

I have said that the majority of ALT-sites are influenced by our masters and their representatives. I am going to ask you this question, and when you answer it, you will see something of great import. Let me pose the following question: If you are a trillionnaire and are an integral individual among our masters, and you know that of the global population, 2 million people are Roman Catholics and Other Christians; 2.2 billion people are Muslims; X millions are Jewish (by religion and race); 1 billion are Buddhists; 0.5 million are Hindus; what would be the QUICKEST and most DIRECT way to control these groups?

You must analyze this question as best you can. When you see the light, everything will be clear. You will understand MM and Michael Snyder and their work in the creation of the New World.

I end this with one note of encouragement as well as warning. “Prepare to learn how to bow before those who have absolute power.” If you fail to understand this statement, you will receive just reward.


In hindsight, although I have tried to write “gooder,” I have noticed several errors above. It has been at least 25 years since I have written a proper report worthy of my “paygrade” at the time. Sigh. I am a failure, in my opinion…. Some individuals, a few J’s, did much better than I did – very simply because they were better at the job than I was. And, that’s why I don’t fault the J’s for anything. When you, as a group, are better than the rest of us – as a group, you deserve to do better & get more…. I know I shall receive much criticism for this statement. But it is only *my* experience. How many trillionaires out there have J’s origins? Do you still doubt me? Anyway, in my comment above, there was a serious error that did not make any sense as part of a sentence was cut-off. Here it is after […Well, in a much nicer way and a better taste in the mouth, as it were.]: Where such systems and plans failed to achieve their aims, or selected individuals successfully placed in positions of power become ineffective, or eventually disagreeably incalcitrant, then such projects or people were terminated (as for politicians they are dispatched through new elections, media exposure of wrongdoings or the miracle bullet that changes direction six times…).