The origin of consciousness and how we got “here”

Now how about that for a title. Maybe if I’m lucky, it might end up on page 500 in a Google search ranking. LOL.

The other day, I had to go to the doctor.

You see I have been taking blood pressure medicine. Somehow, probably due to my age, and most people my age do take this medicine, I had to join the ranks. And it was a good thing too. Mine was pretty high. On a number of occasions I was just about ready to pop.

Systolic blood pressure readings at least 140 or diastolic blood pressure readings at least 90 usually indicate Stage 2 Hypertension , which puts you at high risk for life-threatening problems such as heart attack and stroke. Once you become 60+ in age, the normal range is 134/87.

Mine was 165/ 96 most of the time. Yikes!

So he prescribed some blood pressure medicine for me. It was a little white pill. Dirt cheap. He said that I would have to take it for the rest of my life. I told him “okey dokey”, and he just looked at me. Being Chinese, I don’t think that he knew what that meant.

So then I said “thank you” in Chinese, and he smiled and all was good.

And I started taking it, every morning when I got up. First thing. pop that little white pill and start the day. And you know, after a while my body adjusted and my blood pressure lowered and stabilized and all was good.

But then, I started to have some side effects.

Nothing too radical, don’t you know.

For one, I started to get “elephant ankles”. My ankles both swelled up and looked like tree trunks.I was embarrassed to show my legs. They looked awful.

And my heart seemed to act strangely. I began to be “aware of it”. Like I knew that it was there, when before I didn’t care. If any of that makes sense.

Then, one night, I woke up clutching my heart. It felt like someone was tickling it.

So the next day we went to the local clinic and went to the doctor there. He looked at my mouth. He looked at my ears. He felt my chest. He checked my spine, and the under-soles of my feet. Then he nodded, and said that “yes, of course I was having some issues.”

So I went and had some further tests done. And then brought the results to him.

Mind you, this was all in the local clinic here. In China, the government treats local medical care as a very important aspect of life. And so not only is it efficient and quick, but it is pretty inexpensive. All told, the total cost was around 600 RMB, or maybe $85 USD.

Anyways, he told me that my heart was perfectly fine. Not to worry. My heart was good. And then prescribed me a bunch of heart medicine. Maybe five different types of pills, and a big garbage bag full of the boxes.

Ah. China.

Anyways, I went and ate a delicious fish afterwards and pondered my life. You do this from time to time, you know. You look at your life and you wonder and compare. You look at what it was like when you were young, and what your life is now. Not in sadness. Just in contemplation.

So I drank some wine.

It’s good for the heart, don’t you know.

And I ate some fish. Tasty, delicious, Chinese fish.

And I thought about things.

Lao Hunan fish. A little bit spicy.

Why the Hell was I living this life?

Which brought me to this point, and to this article.

Today it is the origin of consciousness is what we are going to talk about. We are going to discuss how YOU… that is your consciousness… came into being. And what is going on right now as YOU (as consciousness) are reading this here.

To begin with let’s start with something that both the Alien Interview and MAJestic agrees with.

In the beginning…

There was nothing, and then there was an explosion of quanta / particles that started to group together. They formed clumps. And over many, many, MANY trillions of trillions of years consciousness developed.

Over time…

IS-BEs are not physical universe entities.  

They are a source of energy and illusion. 

IS- BEs are not located in space or time, but can create space, place particles in space, create energy, and shape particles into various forms, cause the motion of forms, and animate forms.

Any form that is animated by an IS-BE is called life.

In Alien Interview, the extraterrestrial referred to these consciousnesses as IS-BE. In MAJestic, we just refer to it as consciousness. Which is pretty much the reason why I stick with referring to consciousness rather than IS-BE. I guess that I am just an old guy, with old habits that die hard.

Anyways, over many trillions of years, these individual consciousnesses started to interact with each other.

They started to communicate with each other.

They started to organize and they started to create a non-physical reality from which they would dwell, work and live within.

Before the formation of the physical universe there was a vast period during which universes were not solid, but wholly illusionary.   

You might say that the universe was a universe of magical illusions which were made to appear and vanish at the will of the magician.

Then, after many, many more trillions of years, they decided to create a physical universe. And so they thought, organized, planned and then created a physical universe. Separate universes were brought together and unified to form one singular universe.

Each IS-BE entered into the physical universe when they lost their own, "home" universe. That is, when an IS-BE's "home" universe was overwhelmed by the physical universe, or when the IS-BE joined with other IS-BEs to create or conquer the physical universe.

We call that “the big bang”. And our “experts” have dated it to around 14 billion years ago.

The Creation of the Physical Reality

And of course, with the creation of the universe, we had the creation of all the planets, stars, galaxies and all of that.

And it took time.

And over many billions of years, these consciousnesses started to populate this physical universe with life.

Eventually creating archetypes that populated the universe. Each archetype had regional variations to live in certain environments. And the consciousness placed regional variants of these archetypes all over the universe.

The notion that human biological organisms evolved naturally from earlier ape-like forms is incorrect.     

No physical evidence will ever be uncovered to substantiate the notion that modern humanoid bodies evolved on this planet.

The reason is simple: the idea that human bodies evolved spontaneously from the primordial ooze of chemical interactivity in the dim mists of time is nothing more than a hypnotic lie.

(It was) instilled by the amnesia operation to prevent your recollection of the true origins of Mankind.  

Factually, humanoid bodies have existed in various forms throughout the universe for trillions of years.

So life abounded all over the universe. First with microbial life, then with plants, fishes, and so on and so forth.

Multiple Universes


There are more than one universe. There are many, many universes. The physical universe (along with it’s non-physical universe components) is but one universe.

Or in other words,

[1] Physical universe + [2] non-physical universe = [3] “our” universe.

And yet there are many, many others. And we tend to refer to them as “Heaven”. Which tends to be confusing as many people confuse “Heaven for humans” with the non-physical reality that surround our MWI (in our universe).

In this fashion, all of the space, galaxies, suns, planets, and physical phenomena of this universe, including life forms, places, and events have been created by IS-BEs and sustained by mutual agreement that these things exist. 

There are as many universes as there are IS-BEs to imagine, build and perceive them, each existing concurrently within its own continuum.

Each universe is created using its own unique set of rules, as imagined, altered, preserved or destroyed by one or more IS-BEs who created it.

Time, energy, objects and space, as defined in terms of the physical universe, may or may not exist in other universes.

The Domain exists in such a universe, as well as in the physical universe.

Now, both the “Alien Interview” and the MAJestic discourses agree about all this, for the most part. As far as I can tell the general overview is identical. MAJestic agrees with Alien Interview and, vice versa.

But now we come to a “fork in the road”. For there is a difference in belief or understanding between the two “camps”. Well sort-of. Maybe the understanding is looking at the same thing from different angles.

A difference in belief – Alien Interview

I am going to simplify my thoughts on this matter, and I might be in error…

According to “Alien Interview”, all consciousness was created a long, long, long time ago.

Airl explained that IS-BEs have been around since before the beginning of the universe. The reason they are called "immortal", is because a "spirit" is not born and cannot die, but exists in a personally postulated perception of "is - will be".

And, the various consciousnesses entered “our” universe at different times.

IS-BEs arrival or invasion into the physical universe took place at different times, some 60 trillion years ago, and others only 3 trillion.

So to summarize, according to Alien Interview, consciousness comes from somewhere outside of time and space and it creates a universe to live in. Eventually, the universes merge with other universes, and the consciousness exists within this growing and expanding universe.

Now, let’s look at what I was instructed during my time in MAJestic…

A difference in belief – MAJestic

This is a compilation of <redacted> (not that it's secret, but the background is way too involved to get involved with at this time.) from a combination of sources that <redacted>.  EBP and ELF sourced.

Consciousness is constructed in “human Heaven”. It originates from Soul. It is built up through the collection of quanta obtained through experiences. And becomes more and more advanced over time.

Thus the purpose of reincarnation, over and over again, is to improve the soul, that consciousness derives from.

Thus, for the humans to learn, grow, mover forward to the “next big thing” they need to experience life, after life, after life, over and over again. Each time getting bigger, and better.

And eventually…

…some day, they will evolve into something else.

I made a graphic of this on one of my articles. How you start off as a microbe, obtain experiences, then are an insect. You obtain more experiences, then become a humans, etc.. etc.

The fundamental difference

The fundamental differences between what Alien Interview said, and MAJestic said can be classified as following…

  • Alien Interview – Consciousness came before the universe, and is perfect as is.
  • MAJestic – Consciousness is created in Heaven, and needs to experience reincarnation to evolve.

Both could be true simultaneously, or one could be true alone.

I suppose it is up to the reader to determine which one is most accurate.

MM thoughts

I suppose that the earliest consciousnesses from the start of everything could be considered part of “The Domain”. And other consciousnesses that formed piecemeal, and have formed in other universes, can also be existent.

And in a universe where anything is possible, the ability to create a consciousness must also be possible.

And if you are going to create a consciousness, wouldn’t it make sense to cultivate and “grow” it? And growth through the accumulation of quanta obtained by experiences does make sense.


[1] Omniscient. According to Alien Interview, once you obtain consciousness, you automatically know everything. You are omniscient. Thus you don’t need to “learn anything”. You don’t need to grow and advance, and evolve.

So why do this?

[2] Reincarnation. There are many ways of obtaining knowledge, and experience. Yet, WHY do you need to reincarnate, back to earth, with your memories erased? Why not build upon what you learned from your previous life? Wouldn’t that be more efficient, and better for the consciousness? You do not NEED to forget things.

Cats don’t.

Dogs don’t.

Horses don’t.

What purpose does amnesia have? And what does it have with building quanta associations? It doesn’t make sense, as far as I can see.

These two points [1 and 2] seem to invalidate the MAJestic belief system. Now, maybe I am being wrong in all this…

But, to me, it seems that the idea that you MUST reincarnate over and over in the hope of some eventual reward smacks of fraud.

It’s like the USA election process. Every four years you have an election, and over and over and over, but nothing changes. You are given the illusion that you have some ability to change things, but in truth you don’t have any ability at all.

Let’s elaborate on this some…

For most of humanity, we are taught that there is one God, and that we must live our lives and fulfill certain requirements and then when we die will be rewarded with Heaven. Different religions have different terms, and different processes, and different laws, but the basic idea stays the same.

The basic idea stays the same.

Then there are “secret” organizations. Some like MAJestic, and occult studies teach (in their various ways) that the truth is something different.

You learn that when you die, you meet guides who will take you to a “tunnel of light”. When you pass through that tunnel you will arrive in Heaven. And there in Heaven, you will be judged.  Then for one reason or the other, you must “return to Earth” as part of some “mission”.

But Alien Interview says something quite different…

As consciousness…

No human being ever assumes personal responsibility for the fact that they, themselves -- individually and collectively -- are gods.   This fact alone is the source of entrapment for every IS-BE.

Thus there is no need for “secret missions”, “growth through suffering”, “reincarnation”, “learning or training” in regards to this belief system.

While the extraterrestrial stated that it did go through some specific training to operate various physical objects and roles, they pertained to interaction with the physical universe in one way or the other. While these other “secret societies” and geography of Heaven  refer to training to improve one’s being or improve one’s consciousness.

Yet, in Alien Interview we learn that once you are consciousness, you know everything. You transcend the universe.

So to me, it appears that this belief that you go through the “tunnel of light” will take you to Heaven is a trap. Instead it appears to be an elaborate system of reprogramming, memory erasure, and extraction of your experiences.

I wrote about this before.

How other species can farm your soul for experiences. Where you have to relive a Hellish life, over and over again, and then extract the quantum associations, and then re-inject you back into the environment.

In fact, it is just like this Bruce Willis movie… Vice (2015).

Bruce Willis stars in this Sci-Fi thriller about ultimate resort: VICE, where customers can play out their wildest fantasies with artificial inhabitants who look like humans.

It is about an artificial human-being (an android) that escapes from a place where people can play out their wildest fantasies. The android (say a woman) would go into this environment with no memories and live out her life, then she encounters a “customer” to the environment who she thinks is a normal guy. The guy brutally rapes her, tortures her, and then kills her. He leaves, a squad a people come into the facility, extract her. Download her memories. Erase her memories, clean her up and send her back in for the next “customer”.

Then, she would go into this environment with no memories and live out her life, then she encounters a “customer” to the environment who she thinks is a normal guy. The guy brutally rapes her, tortures her, and then kills her. He leaves, a squad a people come into the facility, extract her. Download her memories. Erase her memories, clean her up and send her back in for the next “customer”.

Then, she would go into this environment with no memories and live out her life, then she encounters a “customer” to the environment who she thinks is a normal guy. The guy brutally rapes her, tortures her, and then kills her. He leaves, a squad a people come into the facility, extract her. Download her memories. Erase her memories, clean her up and send her back in for the next “customer”.

The movie is about one android who regains her memories and does not want to return back to that world.

That is what the Earth sounds like to me. It’s relive Hell over and over again, and never retain any memories so that you can learn from the experiences.

Vice (2015)


The more that I look at it, the clearer it becomes. The Alien Interview is everything that the extraterrestrial said it was. And as elaborate as the idea of Heaven is, I simply cannot reconcile the need for amnesia as part of a reincarnation process to “improve” consciousness and soul.

It seems to me that the best thing to do is upon death not to go into the “tunnel of light” no matter how much that you are drawn towards it. Instead, you just say put where you are in the incorporeal state.

I will cover, in later articles, how to establish “beacons” to alert others to retrieve you. And some other tools that might be helpful

In the meantime, relax. Make sure you are good and healthy. Eat some fine delicious food, drink some fine beverages (of your choice), and spend time with loved ones. Maybe sit on the porch. Have some lemonade. Watch the sun set. Or perhaps sit in your truck alone on a dirt road near some corn fields. Or, maybe ride to a cemetery. Park there, and eat a sandwich.

Did you ever just sit in your truck…

It’s the little things in life that matter most.

Do you want more?

I have more posts / articles like this in my Heaven Index…



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It would seem then, that even the initial incarnation here would have been forced, or at least fraudulent – perhaps corrupted after-the-fact. In my limited imagination, I can come up with no scenario where my soul would say: “Yeah, I know, drop down into the land of meaninglessness for a few spins… good plan.” Bullshit.

I am strongly leaning towards the “prison planet” scenario.


The only drawback to my relatively excellent health, is that I have to dwell in this shithole even longer. I wouldn’t mind returning to this once beautiful place, if it were absent the 99% idiots and assholes.


Oh, and a question, if you don’t mind:

Why is this world getting worse?

You gonna tell me that I am self-directing that condition? It certainly seems worse given YOUR description of your youth – just like mine.


I recently had a similar voyage with ageing and blood pressure but, as is my style, a little more extreme,
After 14 years of avoiding doctors, due to some awful experiences, last year I went to a “walk-in centre” to get checked out after I was surprised one day that I couldn’t speak properly. I thought I might have had a stroke.

The nurse finally measured my blood pressure manually, after various machines didn’t work, and told me it was around 300/200! I was rushed off to hospital for scans etc and was given various pills to try to lower my BP. The scans showed an old “silent lunar infarct” and it was assumed I had had a TIA.

Long story short I was sent home with a bunch of pills and a sudden acknowledgement of my own mortality.

One year later I’ve lost over sixty pounds and completely given up alcohol. Never been a smoker. I feel much healthier but still have a while to go until I’ll feel I’ve done everything I could. My speech is back but it takes more mental effort than it used to.
A first stroke at 45 is quite a wake-up call! Pondering life and getting used to the idea I could “pop my clogs” at any moment is one of the reasons I stumbled upon this site.

I’ve spent my entire life searching for the truth, or at least reality. Realising the “West” are the bad guys was kind of automatic after the farce of 9/11 but trying to piece together the truth about “spirituality” was much harder. Getting lost and going in circles ended when I had a short near-death experience that left me certain I was not the body.

After reading countless books, when Alien Interview and Geography of Heaven appeared here, I read them in the same week and they brought so much of what I’d come to piece together into a new focus. I don’t have any of your unique experiences, just a head full of freely available info which may or may not be useful.

I don’t know if I really have any beliefs. Being brought up in Catholic schools gives you a healthy disrespect for unquestioning obedience.

Sorry for rambling on, I’m sure I had a point I wanted to make once.

I absolutely agree that the concept of needing amnesia between incarnations is ridiculous. Nothing could be a greater hindrance to advancement and growth. To be expected to believe otherwise if just plain daft.

I’ve always felt that all souls were “created” at the same time. The Christian idea that the soul is created at conception is just plain stupid – wouldn’t that make a rapist more powerful than God? I can’t accept such a notion.

The physical and non-physical does tie in with duality and non-duality. Everything came from Nothing, yet Nothing contains Everything and all possibilities. So many people who have “woken up” (not the modern bastardisation of the term) describe “dying before you die” which I guess is the ancient path to avoid the Old Empire amnesia field.

Do you think the field is no longer active or has been weakened further by efforts since 1947?


Thanks for the reply.

Choosing, while in this form, to not “enter the light” is such an incredible act and of such great importance that it makes me wonder if your existence as MM has been guided so as to reach fellow beings and influence them in the right direction. Maybe you are the “Domain’s” piece de resistance of humankind? 🙂


MM i plan on writing an article going depth about this, when I’ve got the time, but you are soeeding ahead of me that i can’t keep up lol.

My experiences with the Elder Guardians suggest that Airl’s interpretation is the more correct one. I was specifically told that the amnesia was created to keep consciousness dumbed down because the ones in control of it were scared of humans being able to going back to the pure consciousness state. The whole thing was, evidentally, a reunion of 20,000+ earth time incarnates that are being sent here to help lift awareness of this amnesia; i saw these souls myself and spoke to a great number of them – they are being sponsored by members of a greater celestial family we have all but forgotten. I know the operational parameters by which these consciousness are to achieve their task, as I was directly responsible for them; they have the ability to properly initiate an awakening in someone just by being in their presence and talking to them. This will not necessarily be instantaneous and may take several lifetimes, but they will eventually break free of the hypnosis.
MM you stated that:”If an disincarnate body were to somehow (with assistance, perhaps) leave our solar system, to go to another one that lies outside the field, and see the physical and non=physical words there, then…” – this is exactly what I was able to achieve because of over 20 years experimenting with lucid dreaming, though I was not disincarnated. I was also told it was because of skills I’d taught myself during these experiments that these beings were able to contact me; I know how to properly project consciousness out of this solar system and into part of the non physical realms whilst in the lucid state. i escaped the trap to a certain point then the EG pulled me out of the rest of it. I was treated to this because my whole mentality was “fuck the higher powers, I am my own god”. i could see both the physical and non physical worlds at once just like you mentioned; this is what i call the higher self. Hence if humans return to this state of awareness, they (the amnesia controllers) cannot hide and they cannot lie; all their cards are on the table for everyone to see – they become powerless instantaneously. I am 99% certain lucid dreaming is the way out; my whole “assignment” upon returning here was to make others waking up aware of this.
The “field” as you mentioned was, as of May 2012 still active, though I was told in Feb 2019 that great progress had beetn made since then in dismantling it. Think of it like a black hole that permeates through both the physical and non physical planes simultaneously sucking in whatever consciousnesses get too close; the other end of it is a world/ place that is completely external to the one created by the original god consciousness, and is therefore considered “illegal” by the EG. The problem the EG were having with it was that any consciousness that projects into it is immediately dismantled and ripped apart sending it into an incoherent insanity. My consciousness was apparently part of a team or hive consciousness that was sent to investigate it and find out its method of operation; my final task at that gathering was to project into and experience first hand what it does – i do not fully understand how i was able to get back here in one piece, but i suspect i had help; all i know is that is not a place you want to go to. My source from Antarctica suggests there is an ongoing war in the non physical planes over this black hole thing and whether it should be allowed to stay in operation. She has also confirmed that the ET presence under the ice over there is directly involved with helping with the awakening.
For those who are truly serious about escaping, there is a scroll that can be accessed via meditation; it contains the names of all the “real” celestial forces that are helping with the awakening and takes the form of a piece of paper kilometers in length that sits on top of a stone altar. By focusing on this scroll during your meditation, you are stating that you will only be open to help from these particular helpers; no other imposter force will be able to approach you and pretend to offer you help. This isn’t some “I heard it the the grapevine” crap either; I was directed by the EG to write this scroll specifically to help with the awakening, and its existence was to be made known to those who were trying to wake up from the amnesia. i would suggest including it as part of ones affirmation campaign, if that is an ok suggestiogn by your standards MM



First off, thank you for everything you write. It is very much lining up with what I am “sensing” to be true. I want to add as well that there are several other players out there on the Internet that are all waking up to the same thing. There is a very unusual “don’t go into the light!” synchronicity happening.

I have two examples of other ET-related sources which (although radically different from this sites content), concur that Earth is a school-house trap. I refer these not to muddy the MM content, but as always, to show concurrent synchronicities with the MM experience that we can dot-connect and conjecture upon.

1 –
2 – Kim Goguen and her book “The Heart of the Matter” (nutters but again, she deals with the idea of a soul-trap here)

These are only two of several examples that are rather new-ish where the authors essentially say that we are Experience Vehicles and that the line between ET/Human is totally blurred. Allegedly, under these narratives, we are trapped here and recycled over and over again. Entertainingly in the Swaruu narrative, there is major political battle “out there” over whether this abusive system should continue, with the excuse from the powers that be being that we “signed up” for this sh*t during “soul review” (Contract under duress anyone?).

re: Stone Altar and Scroll meditation. Yes: I am dead serious on this one and would like to add this to my campaign immediately. Do you have a moniker or focus-word/title for this scroll? Does it have a name I can refer to in my meditative state which would allow me to functionally envision it better?

re: Astral Travel as the key. I believe you are really onto something. Since my own insane experiences with an Entity, I realized that the reason I was “screwed with” by this Entity is that I was thinking for myself and questioning….including when I was confronted by the Entity (Im Irish, so a natural scrapper). They really HATE it when you ask questions it seems.

Again, thank you.


Big Dog would you like to eleborate more on why you think having amnesia between incarnations is not a good thing.

I seem to remember when you discussed dr. Michael Newton’s work where he talked about having no recollection of one’s previous lives is necessary for learning , you agreed with him.

The last couple of days the general sentiment among my fellow MM seems that they think that having no recollection of previous lives is bad.

I state that having to learn all of what we are learning right now does way more for our soul and quantum entanglements than having had lots and lots of knowledge at hand from previous lives to make avoiding strife much easier.


Based on this reply of yours I think we are talking about different amnesia.

I was only and I would like to stress that, only talking about not remembering a previous life during one’s current life.

I’m not talking about how they erased your memory during this life. That is far from what I would consider a good thing. Far from it.

I’m talking about when we meet up with our guardian angel and work out a new life and pre birth template.

My understanding was that we volunteer to undergo that new life and we dont have to. We’re not forced.
The connotation from you were I thought you agreed with dr. Newton I have to find by going through your articles so that will take some time.

And just for the record but I think you know me by now , my question is because I like to read about your knowledge and opinions. Not attacking them


I am going through dr. Michael Newtons works to find where I think you agreed on starting a new earthly life fresh with no recollections. Because perhaps I misread things.

But it seems from the above comment you are also contemplating if not having recollections could be beneficial.

On a more personal note.

Most of us here have had something bad happen to them to set us on this path.

In my case I know that if I would have avoided that bad thing by having previous life knowledge I would not be who I am today.
Just for the record, thats a better me lol.


Yes very much So. Just like you I try to find out what’s right and what’s wrong.
And not rushing into things is always a good thing.
The same goes for my prayers. Which i’m Starting a new campaign for today by the way.


Eh big Dog I hate to be THAT guy , but I found a comment that gave me the impression that you agree with not recollecting our previous lives. :
Dr. N: But wouldn’t knowing about your past life mistakes be valuable in avoiding the same pitfalls in this life?

S: If people knew all about their past, many might pay too much attention to it rather than trying out new approaches to the same problem. The new life must be… taken seriously.

Comment 52
It’s actually simpler than that. How can you learn through your mistakes when you remember 10,000 past lives and 100,000 similar mistakes? This limitation on what we can remember is part of our soul makeup and it is directly intended to permit us to learn, and grow so that the soul can increase the number of quantum connections..


This is great discourse and is such a relief from the usual BS one finds on groups that are supposedly for talking about this. Chris you made a good point, and I think this is part and parcel of why this is a such a complex subject and cannot just be “revealed” to the masses. what it seems to boil down to is that one ET faction believes that reincarnation is necessary for the soul, while another believes it isn’t; the whole problem is the argument of what is the more morally correct option, and honestly I do not think humans in their current state of collective mentality are even in a position to make a determination such as this.

If you build a robot to make you things and that robot grows a consciousness, do you treat it like a human and allow it unfettered freedom of awareness of the world around you or do you seek to establish its own set of consciousness protocols knowing that it will be succumbed to a life of being turned on and off again where its consciousness will be reset? From a cosmological perspective, there is no right or wrong answer. Though Airl suggests the Old Empire’s reason’s were pretty bad, how does anyone know that Airl doesn’t have an even darker agenda driving it/him/her?

From my own personal experiences, it seems that one is not obliged to undergo reincarnation at all; this seems to be the default setting that you are given when you incarnate here and is reinforced through the institutionalisation we are forced to go through from a young age. How many people do you know go about their lives never once questioning the idea that there is a higher force that must “guide” them on their journey through life? How many people do you know actually take the time to think about their own souls rather than just rehashing some concept of existance dished out to them in church or handed down through family values?

My understanding is that it is up to each individual consciousness to realise they are their own god, and to concsiously declare that they will not take part in the reincarnation cycle; they must make a conscious decision that they are in charge of their own soul and they will not hand authority of it over to anyone, whether they are a human or ET or otherwise. think of it like living at home with mum and dad, while the convenience and comfort is nice, sooner or later one has to venture out of their comfort zone into the big bad {cosmological} world; whilst at home they are still under mum and dad’s house rules, no matter how much they dislike them or disagree with them. You want a roof to protect you from the elements, then too bad you do whatever your parents require of you and you never question their authority.

What makes me trust the word over the Greys rather than the Mantids is that I have done this exact declaration thing over and again, both mentally and physically, and every single time I was met with great animosity by some sort of higher force that tried to dissuade me from making that decision; in several of these instances I was made to undergo Gestapo like punishment from ETs for even thinking the “terrible thought” that my soul deserves freedom from this hell; the dimension spinning thing i mentioned to you MM was one of these
punishments and is apparently where you go if you refuse to play their bullshit game. It seems mum and dad really want me to stay home and live with them eh? So therefore I was either really bad in a past life an undeserving of heaven (though this seems counterintuitive since I already went there and was told about the amnesia whilst there) or it is all just a control mechanism and karma is non existant; a bullshit rule you give your robot slave to stop it from realising there is a whole other world beyond what it is programmed to “know.”

Many of the aforementioned punishment experiences take the form of synchronised lucid dreams that I have had with my wife.
She has also had many visitations by beings that are both physical and non physical in nature that have told her things like “angels, demons and aliens are all the same thing; they play games that suggest they are all different and belong to different races, but they are all essentially the same thing”. She also has past life memories – like actual PTSD memories – that are triggered in the same way, of living life as a PoW in Auschwitz at the hands of the Nazi’s. i’ve showed her photos of the officers in charge of that camp, as well as parts of it, and she has confirmed they were all present in her memories; so then the question becomes is the amnesia block a protection mechanism to stop someone reliving a potentially horrible past life? What makes this an interesting case is that my wife’s grand mother is a Polish Jew and was born in a Nazi PoW camp, so my wife has direct family lineage to that period of time.

She has also had many other experiences (again which are synchronised with mine) of waking up in these sleeping facilities where they seem to be able to dope consciousness down to a zombie like state with some sort of drug before forcibly brainwashing it into accepting a Virtual reality world as being reality – this is like CIA MK Ultra type shit to the max, and time and again we seem to be trying to break free from it, whilst 100% aware of our bodies back on earth; its like i have been finding her in multiple lifetimes to break her out of this shit storm; that is the whole reason why i bothered returning here in the first place. A lot of the times these beings are quite horrified to find the astral drug hasn’t worked and she is able to coherently witness what is going on around her. other times MIB like agents seem to be chasing me to stop me from getting to her and reminding her about the higher realms. It just doesn’t really seem the sort of thing a race that really cares about our soul’s wellbeing would do in my opinion. It seems more like they are desperately trying to cover up knowledge of the other planes where alot of the same thing is going on.

I can tell you that once you start trusting in your own mind’s reality over the one they project out through your pineal gland through your eyes, it really, REALLY pisses them off and they will throw a lot of shit to put you off your course, but it is all just an illusion. Again this doesn’t sound to me like it is very beneficial for a soul’s evolution


Interesting discussions we’re all having here eh.
Lots of things to ponder on.
And now that you mention it.
The pineal gland.
You have probably heard of Wim hof and Joe dispenza.
Both claim that through breathing exercises we can use our pineal gland to reach higher states and or the mantids.
And I get the feeling that when Joe dispenza talks about how he and other people from groups he does the exercises with are able to talk with them are sincere.
He describes them just like MM does.
Would like to hear all your takes on this.


So when you wrote in another article about how we are always protected by our guardian angels , you now no longer stand by that?


Well I hope I taste bad lol.


@congjing yu do you have a link to that article about the experience farmers, or even a keyword that will bring up a hit in your search bar?


@ Chris, when you fall asleep your consciousness falls back inwardly toward the pineal gland. the problem is most people are unconscious when this happens. I have been able to successfully remain conscious during this transition stage, and you can literally feel it reverse direction and as it detaches from the body. it is an incredibly exhilarating experience; you are left floating as pure consciousness in a void of nothingness. I have heard of Wim Hof yes, but not beyond more than he likes to meditate in ice cold water. Not so much Joe Dispenza, and yes you can reach a higher state if you know the proper art of lucid dreaming and astral projection (look up pranayama yoga; this is all about using certain breathing techniques to initiate these consciousness projections), though the beings I interacted with never gave me any sort of identification information, mainly because it wasn’t something I was interested in (they appeared as the Ascended Masters, and as I was trying to contact these specific beings I just assumed that’s who they were).


A couple of weeks ago I was thinking about a phenomenon that most on here have experienced.
And that is that we encounter things that are seemingly unconnected or just partialy connected. And yet at some point they do.
A couple of small examples of my own. With a lot of nuances left out for that would make this comment too long.
Around 2007 I suddenly started experimenting with breathing exercises in between weightlifting sets and mma rounds to recuperate quicker. Around 2016 I saw Wim hof and his breathing exercises were very much like mine.
About 2 years ago I came across neville goddard.
And he had the breathing exercise in his method also.
And at first Joe dispenza was mentioned as another breathing teacher. And later on he also turned out to be doing prayer exercises sort of according to the law of attraction. And to top it off, he claimed to get in contact with guardian angels. And his description was pretty much spot on with MM.
For another seemingly unrelated example.
After my divorce I got in contact with the manosphere and pua.
And I know almost for a fact I was guided there and helped by God and or my guardian angel.
That world would seem unrelated and yet one semi big name was mentioned here by MM. Thats rooshv.
There are dozens of small other examples and i’m pretty sure you and my fellow MM have them too.



For you and the rest of the MM Crew. Please see attached recent paper.

This deals with Breathing and Hemi-Sync and its very concrete. SKY radically changes your mind. Personally I can attest that circular breathing (SKY, and many other techniques are all similar), seems to improve my memory, and even my EYESIGHT a wee bit. Also, I often come upon better and improved ideas whilst contemplating anything during the breathing. I am training myself to do this virtually unconsciously, more or less 24/7. That is very difficult to achieve.

Note – Water consumption requirements seem to increase dramatically if you do a lot of this type of breathing and a bit of sea salt with water does seem to assist. I have found zero downside with breathing like this, aside from the odd pressure sensations in my head constantly. I have been advised that this state is an altered state, and so I take care to entrain my thoughts with discipline during the state.

Very interested to learn more about your breathing techniques and so on.


I am always up for reading proper scientific investigations into the mind utlising spectrum analysis apparatus. Thanks for the link


Wim Hof is pretty incredible. He isn’t just an ice meditation guy, but rather quite an esotericist apparently and a multi-disciplinarian. He strikes me as an authentic warrior-spirit truly showing STO in his teachings. A real mensch.

Breathing – Yes, I can attest personally. My personal breathing exercise allows me to touch “source” (pull energy which I can feel physically/mentally/spiritually) usually within 10 to 20 seconds max, and go from there. I am not sure if I am unusual in this (I have been told that yes, its odd to get there so quickly), but regardless once I breathe in the correct way I feel dramatic changes in my physical and mental state. I will share my technique right here.

1 – Breathe in thru nose, with tongue slammed to roof of mouth (tongue on roof of mouth is critical). Breathing in from diaphragm in a full breath. no short-cuts. Looooong inhale.
2 – Breathe out thru mouth. Make a small “O” hole when breathing out and attempt to do so for the same duration as inhaling.

(Yes, thats it. Mudras, lotus, and so on, are all optional. You can do this sitting on a chair, or laying down)

Effect – For me, its very noticeable. I can feel a tingling typically at my temples, but then rushing forward across my forehead in a half-toroidal shape that is highly pressurized and very very noticeable. Continue to breathe and focus and this is joined by a “dot” painted in pressure between my eyes. Keep going, and then eventually I feel a “swirling” at the top of my head and pulling sensation at crown.

More – If I have something to say internally (declaration/prayer/intention) during the inhale as well as exhale, I will feel a rush of energy from my feet, up my spine, and up to the top of my head. This is a distinct sensation from the temple/torus/crown “pressure” sensation.

The longer I can do this the better. During this time, I find manifestations are far more likely to occur as intended and that visions and other elements can be “accessed”. I do not wish to derail the thread, but there it is. Happy to explain more to anyone that wishes.


There’s a lot I could say after reading your comments , but that would turn my comment into a whole article lol.

So i’ll keep it shorter.

First it’s funny to read that we see So much the same things.

My own breathing exercise pattern has similarities to yours with added details I pickles up from studying different people.

And I treat it from a western perpective. Some takes:

The staying healthy by changing your blood chemistry through breathing always made sense to me. Somewere in the 90ies I learned that people , all people get cancer throughout their lives but it is flushed out before the cancer cells can “settle” somewere. Which to me explained why clearing your blood through small amounts of alcohol and or making your blood more alkaline through breathing made sense.

Another thing I also noticed just like you is when I need to remember something , i’m usually able to recall it when I do my breathing pattern.
And as you noticed a lot of things we talk about here have some connection with other stuff we are interested.


I can tell you that once you start trusting in your own mind’s reality over the one they project out through your pineal gland through your eyes, it really, REALLY pisses them off and they will throw a lot of shit to put you off your course, but it is all just an illusion. Again this doesn’t sound to me like it is very beneficial for a soul’s evolution.

Well stated.



We have had a similar experience, minus wife synchronization. I’ve “argued” with an entity and modified myself dramatically, including personal Sovereignty declarations. Its seems to irritate “them”.

Regarding sleeping facilities : This may be something similar to what has been referred to as an immersion pod in another narrative.

I might add that this immersion pod narrative is gaining traction and I am seeing it in other locations as well. Allegedly some have mastered the technique of “waking up” inside of these entertainment devices. Its supposed to be quite a shock to realize you weren’t human, but rather an ET who paid to “played one”. Also, waking up apparently allows you to remember more or less everything instantly (also a shock). Think – Avatar, yes?

As always, I don’t necessarily subscribe ANY belief to this, but I remain open eyed to synchronicities across the ‘net.


Yes i have heard of others who have “woken up” in the pods just like Neo in the matrix. The sleeping facilities myself and my wife experience suggest more of an MK-Ultra brainwashing against our will type thing rather than volunteered computergaming though. I guess such a shock really depends on if one considers their body as beign the prime aspect of themself over their soul or not. I started lucid dreaming when I was 8, which meant that from a very early age I was aware that I was more consciousness than body. When an off world intelligence allows you to inhabit and remote view from their body specifically to give you a lesson in consciousness when you are 15, it kinda makes these things less shocking for you lol. Thanks for the link though. A lot of it resonates with things I have picked up in my lucid adventures


Hi! I suppose this is a subject for the forum but in still reading all the articles and doubts keep popping in my head. Can I ask your options on angels, Aliens demons? Are they consciences in service to self or remants of the old empire that are actively still part of the ‘fraud’? What is hard for me to understand, honestly is why they would go so much out of their way to entrap souls/humans here, just because of loosh/ to farm our experiences? I suppose there’s something more but maybe I’m very naive and the answer is simply that they want power because oh well they are bored/playing, and act not different than some governments. It’s still hard to digest.


Ok I thought comment 52 were your words.
And my thinking is that there is a HUGE difference between the amnesia done to you by majestic and the amnesia done to us when being Born again. What was done to you was evil.
And maybe i’m thinking a bit to simple here but my understanding is that when we are in heaven we remember all our lives. Like when subjects were discussing with their guardian angel what next life to take.
And when we have evolved into higher beings after our sentience sorting we automatically have all our memories. Just like the mantids have. They can transcend space and time right?


I’m probably going through dr. Newtons work again. Because I thought his subjects new of all their previous lives when they were in heaven and that they together with their guardian angel pick a life to work on mistakes they kept making in previous lives. Again I completely could have misread that.
And on a more personal note.
You always stress, and I agree , that we should always follow our gut.
And you said in the influencer article that you always had a good feeling about the mantids.
My gut still says they’re good.
And perhaps we will all be showen something that tells us that. Just like you were put on the alien interview. That changed your mind.
On a little funny side note.
Just to be sure, I am keeping the salt away from my mantid. Lol


Agreed. It’s foremost in my mind at all times… no way am I voluntarily coming back to this nightmare.

Last edited 3 years ago by DSKlausler

It’s a real anger; a real hatred.”


I refuse to believe that I did this voluntarily.


MM, I do love this topic.

To me, it is perhaps the most important issue on this site. It would almost be the most basic matter that we have to come to terms with at this time. All the other issues like Intention Campaigns/manifesting will be affected by what we eventually decide on the nature of consciousness. Things like the different types of aliens, world geopolitics etc are just fluff and temporary distractions compared to this topic.

Also I like the way Alien Interview forces us to reconsider our previous viewpoints held over many years. I am not saying I totally agree with Alien Interview, in fact I am in many ways very cautious about taking the ideas on board. But I do value the fact that we are now re-examining our perhaps ossified beliefs and assumptions.

I for one, am still holding up in air the disparate and seemingly contradictory viewpoints captured in Alien Interview, Michael Newton’s stuff and others etc. I have not decided if they are an Either/Or situation. They could all be true, but only at different levels of understanding. To throw out one or other at such an early stage in our investigations, is like being the entrenched materialist scientist who says that manifestation with our thoughts cannot work simply because he currently has no instruments to measure the phenomenon.

I thank you, and look forward to your upcoming articles on this topic.


Well I’m reading everything. Some ramblings: I even found this new generation, in tic TOC and youtube, saying that they can shift reality in the astral so it’s happening a awakening in mass – I was quite surprised because I’m not fond of social media but people are discovering that we are gods. Most create realities in astral in which they ‘materialise’ their dream fantasy worlds and fictional characters, for example, some like l live in Hogwarts and creste an universe in which they are ein Hogwarts a d I tract with version of those characters and live ‘double lives’, one in this material world and another in the astral. They claim that they create whole unverwes or planets though I suppose that as we are in Earth while here we can’t create yet because we are somewhat handicapped, but they are, in a way ‘training’ or making projects on astral/heaven or whatever plane they are. Interesting is that we are so limited as humans that most want to reproduce universes that they see on TV becauae they don’t know better (part of the programming?)

Let’s say though that once they are free from earth prison they decide to create their own reality in a more creative universe. One decide to create a world based on Hogwarts and even recreate Harry Potter because they know nothing more interesting. Some of those characters would probably be new ‘souls’ or consciences. I talked with someone who claimed to had created a planet and they say that we can create consciences like we ‘give birth’s we just need to give our intention. And those consciences are creating their own universes with new consciences, those universes which you can live in or just visit. Though some consciences and universes are simpler than others depending of the effort of the creator. Then my supposition is that some places like earth are supposedly for such simpler consiences to experiment themselves. The only problem is that earth ended turning being a prison which some idiots decided that we can’t leave for their own said pleasure. The. They put prisoners, new consciences along with handicapped beings and it turned this mess called earth.

Obviously though, not everyone is interested on creating soils and consciences or universes. And not universe created is nice, complex or interesting. That said, in a more trivial question I wonder who created this universe and planet. I have some ideas considering the things I researched but who knows…

Anyway again sorry for my bad English and big rambling.