I practice what I preach. I, like you all, run and operate intention prayer campaigns. The big difference is that I have been running them for decades and out of necessity. But even I need to keep a focus and an overview of how this all works. And to this end, I utilize a like “cheat sheet” to remind me. In fact, I will go as far as to say that the “cheat sheet” is a necessary component to all affirmation prayer campaigns. In this article / post I replicate my “cheat sheet” that I use daily. I do this to keep me focused on the “big picture” and as a reminder as to how all this works within our reality.
I hope, sincerely, that it is as useful to you as it is to me.
The rules
There are six (x6) major rules, or laws, that you must obey to have your prayer affirmations work. They are…
- You attract good, or bad, experiences based on your thoughts.
- Thinking about something invites it into your reality. This is true even if you don’t want it.
- The more you focus on something, the more powerful it becomes.
- It’s far better to trust your emotions than to over-think or reason things out.
- You can make good things happen by thinking about them more.
- Your environment affects your thoughts, and your thoughts affect your environment.
Let’s go one by one through these rules.
You attract good, or bad, experiences based on your thoughts.
The one that speaks most about an illness, ends up getting the illness. The one that speaks about success and wealth gets prosperity and wealth. You attract everything you think about. By focusing on something you make it happen.
Thoughts are the ONLY way that conscious is able to control the reality that it inhabits. That’s it. Thoughts, create actions that the brain is commanded to obey. In order to have a life that you enjoy, you must silence your brain, and improve the command of your emotions. Once you are successful in doing this, your entire world becomes your creation, and you become as God intended.
If you do not, then you are just a five year old in a china shop. You will end up destroying valuable opportunities that are destined to manifest in your life. But now, cannot, because your thoughts destroyed the opportunities presented to you.

Thinking about something invites it into your reality. This is true even if you don’t want it.
When you think about something, it tends to spawn other thoughts. This is true whether it is "good" or "bad". The key to this is to only think about that which you like and want to happen. Stop thinking about what you fear or are afraid of.
Worry and fear are not just a nuisance, they are “wrecking balls” to your reality. Anyone who is trying to generate fear, or cause you to worry are taking an active effort to destroy your reality. Realize this.
They are bad, evil and dangerous to your reality.
Now, it is true that these other people are “quantum shadows” but within your reality they are REAL. They create events and you end up reacting to the creations that they spawn. You have a responsibility to identify the source of all your worries and fears, and then take active and proactive actions to prevent them from influencing your reality.

The more you focus on something, the more powerful it becomes.
This allows you to create your own reality by attracting the things that you want to have in your life. This can be physical things, people, relationships or the environment which surrounds you. Fears and worry allow bad things to enter your reality and manifest. The volume of the specific thoughts that you have is directly proportional to the power they manifest.
One of the biggest problems to our happiness is the constant onslaught of negative “news” bombarding us from social networks, alternative “news” and our government. This in turn shapes what we think about. We start dwelling on those thoughts and before we know it, all of our positive affirmations disappear in a flood of negative news.
Do not allow it.
- FBI and Secret Service join hunt for Florida water system suspect who hacked city’s supply and tried to load it with dangerous levels of chemicals…
- Talk radio on verge of being drowned out…
- Feds say he’s extremist who directed siege. He also worked for FBI…
- Dershowitz Blasts: ‘No Idea’ What He’s Doing…
- Multiple Victims In Shooting At MN Clinic…
- NYSE threatens to abandon New York if trading is taxed…
- For rural family, covid felt like distant threat. Until it devastated them…

It’s far better to trust your emotions than to over-think or reason things out.
Listen to your intuition. Your brain is a machine or a computer that runs commands. Your higher self; your consciousness is accessed by our feelings. Not by the brain. Let your "feelings" or your emotions guide your life, and use the brain to fill in the day to day details that you must deal with.
To do otherwise is a very common mistake. Never allow your brain to “do the heavy lifting”. It just runs programs. Get in tune with your feelings, run on instinct more, and then use the brain to carry out your commands.
When I was waiting in jail to go to prison, everyone around me were constantly berating me and telling me about all the horrible things that awaited me. I was quite shaken up. That’s true and I was a nervous wreck. I think that they took a real sinister bent in doing that. But my over all feeling that it wouldn’t be all that bad, that I would be fine, thought it wouldn’t be enjoyable.
In hindsight, it was my feelings that were correct, and my brain that was wrong.
Do not allow yourself to over-think and get all caught up in your imagination or your thoughts, and most certainly do not get all worried about the “news” or what others think. Trust your feelings. They will tell you exactly what is going on.
A Special Note... Sometimes your "feelings" will describe a bad or horrible event. And it is something that you will want to avoid. It is at those moments that you will conduct a prayer / affirmation campaign to thwart the impending doom that you feel. Such is the case with the Trump Trade War leading towards a thermonuclear exchange between Russia & China against the USA in 2020. MM readers will know what I am talking about. You use your "feelings" to guide your prayer campaign. Not the other way around.
- People Share How Their Intuition Saved Their Life
- 10 Unnerving Premonitions That Foretold Disaster – Listverse
- 8 Truths About Intuition | Psychology Today
- Premonition and Plane Crashes
You can make good things happen by thinking about them more.
"Want" and "desire" consists of focusing attention on a given subject, while at the same time experiencing positive emotion. When you target a subject, event, person, or item... and only direct positive thoughts and strong emotion regarding what you want. It will enter your reality very quickly.
It’s not just that you need to control what you think, but you need to control how often you think about things. People with OCD will have an easy and a hard time with this. Being able to focus all your thoughts and energies towards a singular objective is the guaranteed methodology to make your dreams and desires manifest.
Think only what you want.
Do not think about what you fear or are afraid of.
Realize that things will work themselves out. Do not obsess on working out ways and means to make something happen. Just think and believe that they will happen the way that you want them to, and they will. Put all of your thoughts and energies into good, solid, productive actions that will manifest your dreams.

Your environment affects your thoughts, and your thoughts affect your environment.
Your reality is constructed from your thoughts. If you control your thoughts you can control your reality. Thus if you want to live in a tropical paradise with a tropical drink in your hand, and a straw hat on your head focus on that and think about it to the exclusion of everything else. It will manifest for you.

After I left prison, I noticed that no matter what I did, I kept on running into fraudsters, tricksters, and petty criminals. This was true even though I really had not desire to think about where I just left. It was almost like I dragged an non-visible reality around me that was “polluted” by the environment that I had just left.
Once you find yourself in a good environment, you should never leave it. Not for money. Not for “success”, or not for promises of [fill in the blank here]. Your reality is the environment that you create, and whether it is good or bad, it transcends much more than the physically observed attributes. It includes the non-visible reality as well.
It will take time for the “poisoned” non-physical reality to dissipate. So be aware of this, and work only on building upon and improving the reality that you manifest.

I pretty much review and remind myself of these six points at least once a week. If you don’t do so, it’s easy to fall into the trap that you mind constructs for you. You must always strive to be in a state of constant awareness of who and what you really are. And not get caught up in other non-important activities.
Do you want more?
I have more posts like this in my Affirmation / Prayer Index here…
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This is the best advice out there. With all the crap going on out there i really needed this. My daily read. Thank you. And thanks for posting the sci fi stories.
I’ve found that I can manifest what I want with about a 67% success rate. I’m looking to improve that score so thanks for the help.
Yes! The grocery store had red bell peppers today – just as I had prayed for.
Fantastic! My cat meowed at me today – just as I had wished for.
I have no idea what you are wishing/hoping/praying for, but at 67% these things must be trivial. You’re making a 0.0001 degree deviation off your world-line – YES!
How about you tell us about the IRS admitting that their Audit and attack on you was fraudulent, and that all your money was returned.
Tell us about something that actually made a substantive difference in your life.
I’m not mad at you; I’m mad in general.
And I’ll add that you all have no idea the discipline that I have; and the actual effort I put forward relating to “Affirmations.”
I had a near death experience 6 years ago. I asked God to show me ultimate reality and it was granted. While there I received three gifts, which could only be described as supernatural abilities in this realm. I’ve learned to use them through trial and error, and believe me I’ve made some whopping errors. (The Beirut bombing was an unanticipated consequence of something I did, 300 dead 10 billion in damages) I’ve had major successes as well, with a success rate of about 67 %
WOW! Brilliant! I just have to say this! My life has changed through catalysts set on by reading and using MM’s ideas. Thank you! (hahaha, just have to comment, ya know, I can never leave this place, it’s just destiny and Someone up there who’s got greater ideas than what most us can imagine. It’s going to be better, but it sure doesnt look like it now).
Great to hear from you NewRob. You have many fans here. And your kind words will put smiles on all their faces.
Love is the secret ingredient to creating the life you…well, LOVE!
I am in complete agreement with everything MM has said here…the only question I have for him is…why still the posts on ‘negative’ stuff regarding America? xD
We are not human bodies inhabiting an ‘objective’ reality outside that we perceive with our consciousness…We are consciousness projecting an ‘external’ 3D reality, the shape of which entirely depends on our consciousness. What we think, what we feel, what we imagine, what we believe.
We are the Creator-Gods of our reality, given full and complete creative power to create the world of our choosing…so everything in life is perfectly fair. But so many of us have ‘miscreated’ – created a world of suffering and pain for ourselves!
How many of us denied ourselves to fully imagine, assume, fantasize, dream about the perfect lives we want to lead, the fulfilment of our desires, simply because we feared that it was ‘unrealistic’. that we were setting ourselves up for disappointment and frustration?
How many of us practice Loving our reality and ourselves (which are one and the same – our Reality is simply our consciousness ‘projected outwards’ – so to love ourselves is to love our reality)
Now, to create the life you LOVE, just do this;
LOVE yourself ENOUGH to let yourself imagine the fulfilment of all your desires – whether or not they come true, why not LOVE yourself enough to let yourself enjoy the imagination of the fulfilment of them? The only reason we don’t fully imagine, fantasize and believe that our desires will be fulfilled is due to fear – fear that it won’t happen, fear that its unrealistic, fear that we are undeserving. Imagine people admiring you, praising you, loving you. Imagine them treating you like a king, a queen, a God. Imagine huge amounts of money, love, blessings flow to you endlessly and effortlessly. Imagine the fulfilment of your desires. Now don’t bother if they come true or not; all that matters is that you enjoy imagining it happening. Then see what happens. If it doesn’t manifest in 3D reality, you still enjoyed imagining the fulfilment of your desires. But if it does manifest, if the affirmation-prayer campaign does indeed work, if 3D reality truly is created by your consciousness…WOW
Next, LOVE all that you do not LOVE in your current reality. Love, embrace, accept, allow, run towards, hug, all that you do not Love, for those are the very things that you especially need to LOVE. If its a specific situation, or a specific emotion arising in you, LOVE IT, ESPECIALLY IF YOU DO NOT FEEL LOVING TOWARDS IT. Love transforms everything into itself, the only way to get rid of something you do not love, is to LOVE IT. If you have negative, painful thoughts or circumstances, don’t run away or try to get rid of them – run towards them, love and embrace them. You will see an improvement quickly, sometimes immediately.
So grateful you took the time to do this post. Someone close to me needs to understand this material. Happy new year, MM.