Uh oh.
Two of my staff are at the hospital for severe chronic diarrhea. A close friend and his entire family are also in a different hospital, for the same god-damn thing. A friend just called me and told me that he cannot meet with me as planned because of…
Guess what?
Chronic Diarrhea
The American news is such a pile of horse-manure it boggles my mind that I still pay it any attention. But there you are, once an American, it’s hard as Hell to break out of long-standing habits. Here, I am going to straighten up some misconceptions that the American “news” still promote. As well as say that “it’s all not over”. Trump does not take losing easily… he’s a sore, sore loser. And actions… his unreported actions… indicate this.
One of the things is that once the COVID-19B failed to devastate China, and China thwarted his efforts in HK, Xinjiang, and Taiwan, the USA threw two additional biological weapons at China. The first [1] was in mid-Summer when China started arresting all the CIA agents and NED / NID agents in Hong Kong. And the second [2] was in October, after the enormous US Navy flotilla returned back to the United States with it’s tail between it’s legs in defeat.
This post is going to discuss these two subsequent biological weapons attacks. For purposes of simplification, we will give them the following names;
- COVID-20 The June 2020 biological attack.
- COVID-21 The October 2020 biological attack.
The Big Lie
There is one pandemic. It’s a variant of the flu. Now it is evolving. It only kills the old and the sick. Once you get it, you are inoculated. And you don’t even need to wear any masks, or take any protections. You are now “forever” safe.
That is false.
The Truth
President Trump waged biological warfare on China starting in 2017. This was a four year campaign of intensive and constant bio-warfare attacks. It began with viruses designed to destroy grains, and poultry. Then advanced to include meats. To attack the pork industry, the CIA used drones to spray remote farms. And when China was still not starving and “begging for mercy”, he unleashed COVID-19 against the world.
Against the world…
Why the world?
Of course the entire world knows about how COVID-19 ravished the world. What no one has been paying attention to is the timing and distribution of the COVID-19.
There are different strains of COVID-19. They go by the indicators of A, B, C, D…etc.
The first COVID-19 strain to hit the world was the COVID-19A. This strain was discovered throughout America. And it seemed to appear “out of nowhere” in a very short period of time, with clusters originating out of all of the major American cities. This strain is a very light strain. It has an R0=0.1%. In most cases it doesn’t even cause a sniffle, let alone a cough. It is no wonder that Donald Trump wanted everyone to get this stain. As it was his belief that once you get sick with this “harmless” strain that you get immunity to all further strains.
That is FALSE.
The Second COVID-19 strain to hit the world was COVID-19B. This is a lethal strain. Not only does it cause seizures and death, but it’s got a horrific R0=15-20%. This strain was identified and traced directly to the Wuhan “wet” market where American servicemen and women were filed touching and fondling the produce, and the fish tanks there. While this strain was first detected inside of China, it was also found in Russia, Iran, and North Korea. It began to propagate at the exact moment of the major Chinese holiday CNY and forced the Chinese government to go into a complete lock down or else a sizable percentage of the nation would be dead or dying.
If this sounds suspicious, you are correct. It is suspicious.
It appears that someone unleashed a mild COVID-19A to immunize the United States and it’s allies, while unleashing a horrific and lethal COVID-19B against the “enemies” of the United States. China. Russia. Iran. North Korea.
If this sounds suspicious, you are correct. It is suspicious.
While there are some minor mysteries surrounding this. You need only listen to the studies that China presented to the United Nations in August 2020 when they (and Russia) accused the United States of launching a biological weapon attack against them. For instance, the mystery of how Italy become infected with COVID-19B is easily explained that the Italian soldiers shared the same hotel as the American solders did in Wuhan in December 2019.
If this sounds suspicious, you are correct. It is suspicious.
Anyways, I’ve covered this entire subject in great detail elsewhere. If you want to go spelunking through the data, there’s some great tools available. The WHO and the Chinese have mapped the various strains of COVID-19. And it is all pretty damning for the United States.
You can use this tool…

Exploring the unreported
Of course none of this is reported inside of America. It’s all a HATE-CHINA-fest.
"It's not fair to say that Americans are silent about everything. Americans are very vocal about China stealing and China having no freedom and China having the largest concentration camp for Muslims and China having no human rights for Tibetans. All these must be true because our politicians and free press say so. Americans are right to stand up against China imperialism of Belt and Road. Americans will never be silent about China trying to take over the world's islands and oceans. As for the Capitol insurrection, we blame China for poisoning the minds of Americans with their Hong Kong revolution footage. We also blame Hong Kong freedom fighters for taking American money and then messing it up. In fact, China gave Trump the royal treatment and then suckered him into a trade war which damages America. China is to blame for Trump and his trade wars. China is to blame for discovering the Covid virus. We now know that it's been all over the world with no one the wiser, but China had to make a big stink and shut down the country. China has few Covid deaths but China also has no freedom and no human rights. What do you prefer? Don't forget some spokesmen for some secret American agency said that China may have corrupted American elections. China is to blame for destroying American democracy. Who can we believe if we don't believe in patriotic American elected officials, the free press, and American agencies? Don't worry Jay, Americans will be very vocal about China. They will support more patriotic wars by any means and sanctions against the great evil China with their democratic elections and tax dollars. God bless America! -Jay Janson's Blog
If this sounds suspicious, you are correct. It is suspicious.
Well, a pissed of Trump, furious that the enormous flotilla he sent off to China returned back with it’s tail between it’s legs, unleashed a very nasty virus aimed directly at China.
The following is "COVID-19: China Reseeded with COVID-20" by Larry Romanoff written on June 22, 2020 with 292 Comments.
From the date of the initial outbreak in Wuhan I watched carefully on a daily basis the dispersion and progression of the coronavirus in China and then abroad, collecting as much data as were available on each location. By late May of 2020, China had been infection-free for many weeks, the concern turning to the identification and quarantine of imported cases. At the same time, the US became once again ‘the leader of the world’, this time in virus infections and deaths, producing 20,000 to 30,000 new cases and around 1,000 deaths per day.
At the time, American hostility toward China’s success in stopping the virus was palpable, with many nasty media articles and White House accusations about China’s false statistics and blaming China for “spreading the virus” to the US. CNN stated, “Chinese state media has repeatedly touted China’s effective measures in containing the virus as the number of infections and deaths surged abroad, contrasting its success with the failures of Western governments, especially the United States.”[1] Clearly there was much surprise and bitterness at China’s success and America’s failure, this coated in a sticky layer of resentment based partly on a justified suspicion that the Chinese were not overly distressed at the Americans enjoying the fruits of their own labor.
But even then I had a sense of an apparition, a version of Dickens’ ‘ghost of coronavirus past’, accompanied by an uncomfortable feeling the Americans were sufficiently bitter (and vicious) to deny the Chinese their apparently easy victory.
My fear was that the Americans would try to reseed China as they did Russia, and it would seem my fears were not unjustified. The new virus that broke out at the Xinfadi market in Beijing was a different strain than any previously existing in China, one that existed only in the US and Europe and could only have been brought in from the outside. And once again at a seafood market with no identifiable patient zero, no clear epidemiology (source and distribution) of a virus that did not exist in China. It almost had to be deliberately seeded, the odds against being infinitesimally small.
In terms of what I am calling COVID-20 (to differentiate it from the initial outbreak), China may have been fortunate to detect and corral this new pathogen before it could spread. The outbreak did expand to three other provinces but in single digits and the medical authorities have taken extreme action to prevent further spread since this variety – which again did not exist in China and had to be seeded from another country, appears to be much more contagious than the original COVID-19.[2]
In response, Beijing has locked down everything and sent a group of experts to guide the fight against this new potential epidemic, so far with good success. Nucleic acid testing has been initiated on a massive scale, already many millions of people tested, and all those in contact with the Xinfadi market being in quarantine. Many residential compounds in the city strictly prohibit anyone from entering or leaving, with residents having their temperatures checked and reported on a daily basis, and their food and daily necessities delivered.[3]
Before this new outbreak, Beijing had been virus-free for nearly 60 days, meaning there were no local viruses and that this new pathogen was definitely an import (or an American export). On June 19, China’s CDC experts, after intensive investigations of the Xinfadi market, announced what they termed “a groundbreaking virus tracing discovery”, which was that the strain of the new virus in Beijing was the same as that in much of Europe – but much older than those in Europe, and “had been around for quite some time” – and that can mean only that it came from the US because that was the source of all the original varieties many months ago.[4]
The investigators said they obtained so many positive samples that the entire market was “severely contaminated by the virus”, but also that no one should form the conclusion that the market was the origin merely because the outbreak took place there. More importantly, they also said “Beijing’s outbreak gives us the opportunity to re-examine our previous speculation that the virus originated from wildlife”, because unlike Wuhan, “the possibility of wildlife causing Beijing’s latest outbreak is slim.” Their conclusion was that “an infected individual or object contaminated with the virus entered the wet market, and the market only gave it an environment to multiply”.[3]
The authorities have already produced the genome sequence and are now establishing when and how the virus was likely imported into China, and how long was the transmission chain. There is no question this pathogen was brought into China “by people”, the question being the identity of those people and their purpose.[5] And, what better way to “teach those smug Chinese a lesson” and attempt to derail China’s rapid economic recovery.
The use of open, public areas with produce and food is the preferred environment from which to launch a bio-weapons attack. Not just in Wuhan with COVID-19, but in America at a Salad Bar.
Russia Re-seeded
There is something equally strange about the virus in Russia. For a long time, Russia had only a few infections, rising steadily by only five or ten per day, then suddenly it exploded, rising by 5,000, then 10,000 and 20,000 per day. Virus outbreaks don’t normally manifest that way. The normal process upon an outbreak is a rapid acceleration in the number of infections until it peaks, as happened with all other countries.
But with Russia, the infections were minor for a long time, steady at very low numbers, with all the indications of an unsuccessful epidemic, and the Russian government took strict measures to control the spread. The US government was clearly resentful at the failure of the virus to devastate Russia and the US media bemoaned the fact that Russia’s death rate was so low. I would be very interested to see the genome sequences from the first infections in January and February, and for those happening in April and May. I haven’t any definitive proof, but I am certain Russia, as China, was seeded again with another variety for a second attempt.
Virus Distribution
But to return to our main point, it isn’t necessary for us to determine the physical origin of the virus. We know the virus originated in bats; that much is confirmed, but the more important issue is the epidemiology, particularly the incidence and distribution.
First of all, for China and most other nations originally infected, there were so many multiple and simultaneous sources that locating a patient zero was a hopeless task. Virus outbreaks, left to their own natural devices, do not behave in this fashion, but begin with one person in a tightly localised situation and provably spreading from that point. Equally distressing is that we have the truly unprecedented “two waves” of worldwide infections. For this, let’s review my observations from an earlier article[6] and take a quick look at those two waves of infections that circled the globe.
The First Wave simultaneously infected 25 nations within a few days centered on January 25.
One month later, the Second Wave simultaneously infected 85 nations within a few days centered on February 25.
A natural virus hasn’t the ability to simultaneously (within three days) infect 85 different countries on all continents of the world. More peculiar is that these countries were not all infected with the same variety of the virus, and that most reported simultaneous outbreaks in multiple locations.
Considering the above information in light of the basics of virus transmission, the only theory that fits all the known facts is that these waves resulted from many people leaving Fort Detrick on the same day carrying a pail of different live viruses, because those multiple varieties at the time existed only in the US. It could not possibly have resulted from air travel because that timing would have been scattered. When 85 countries experience a virus outbreak on virtually the same day, this can happen only with human assistance. The Americans have steadfastly refused to address this point.
Experts on biological weapons are in unanimous agreement that eruptions in a human population of a new and unusual pathogen in multiple locations simultaneously, with no clear idea of source and cases with no proven links, is virtually prima facie evidence of a pathogen deliberately released.
Since natural outbreaks can almost always be resolved to one location and one patient zero. But with COVID-19 (or COVID-20), not one country out of 200 has been able to do this.
It should be firmly noted that this new infection in Beijing is not a “second wave” as termed by the Western media. This is an entirely new and different infection by a new virus and totally unrelated to anything prior, a strain of a new and different virus that was deliberately carried to Beijing and flooded in the Xinfadi Market.
This infection is not related to COVID-19 but is the seeding of yet another biological pathogen in China, making that now seven different biological attacks on China in two years. And China has suffered others similar.
One of the most notable was the H1N1 virus that caused the 1918 flu pandemic – and which was extinct for decades – but which suddenly appeared in 1977 in both China and Russia causing a global pandemic, prompting immediate claims by the Americans that it “escaped from a Chinese lab”.
But the only sensible explanation is that the H1N1 virus ‘escaped’ from the Americans because there were persistent reports that the US military had found or saved samples of the original ‘Spanish Flu’ virus and were attempting to re-activate it. There was never a shred of evidence that either China or Russia had anything to do with this, and both were taken entirely by surprise.
It is my view that the world needs to stop pretending that COVID-19 was an accident of nature.
Consider China’s recent experience. In addition to SARS – which was indisputably man-made, China has suffered repeated viral pandemics in the past two years.
- February 15, 2018: H7N4 bird flu.
- June, 2018: H7N9 bird flu.
- August, 2018: outbreak of African swine flu.
- May 24, 2019: massive infestation of armyworms.
- December, 2019: COVID-19.
- January, 2020: A “highly pathogenic” strain of bird flu.
- June, 2020: China is hit with COVID-20.
Are we to tell ourselves it was merely a run of bad luck that China was the only nation in the world to be hit repeatedly with so many different biological pathogens in such a short time? And merely more ‘bad luck’ that China became the only country in the world that was domestically virus-free and was suddenly hit again with a foreign strain in another wet market? This assumption is too ridiculous to bother refuting.
It is unfortunate that so much of our information today comes to us in a passive receptance from the mass media because one result is the loss of our ability to examine information critically and use our minds to assess the presentation.
As an example, it was very clever for the Americans to use a wet market as a distribution point for a virus and for the media to give this point massive air time, because we instinctively associate such markets with at least a possibility of germs and bacteria and thus passively accept the claims as true without the necessary evidence and thus avoid using our brains as intended. Our assessment of wet markets as unsanitary may be correct, but common germs and bacteria are a very different thing from a coronavirus that makes its home in bats and has no business being in a vegetable market.
It isn’t important for our purposes to decide if COVID-19 was created in a lab; the important point is that a coronavirus [1] has no means of transportation from bat caves in Sichuan to a market in Wuhan, nor [2] the ability to mutate itself in such a way as to be energetically contagious to humans, and much less [3] the conscious intelligence to choose China’s largest passenger transportation hub as the distribution point and [4] the Eve of the Chinese New Year as the best time to attack. For these, the coronavirus required a helping ‘black hand’.
The Noose Tightens on the US
There is almost daily an increase in the volume of evidence that COVID-19 was circulating in the US far earlier than admitted, and serving as incriminating proof that the CDC’s deliberate (and threatening) forbidding of testing was to bury this evidence.
The most recent example is headlines in the US media on June 21, 2020, stating, “Over 40 mysterious respiratory deaths in California could dramatically rewrite narrative of COVID-19” in the US.[7] The LA Times reported on “a cluster of mysterious respiratory deaths” beginning in December of 2019. The local news website www.bakersfield.com stated this meant that COVID-19 was circulating in California “way earlier than we knew”. And let’s not forget too quickly that Japanese tourists were infected in Hawaii in September of 2019.
And on June 20, 2020, the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS) revealed that they had discovered that COVID-19 was present in water samples dating back to mid-December of 2019. The results were confirmed by two separate labs that used two entirely different testing methods, and also showed that environmental wastewater from Milan, Turin and Bologna returned positive traces of the virus dating back to December if not earlier. Apparently, the RNA from COVID-19 does not readily dissolve or disintegrate in water and polymerase chain reaction testing allows scientists to identify the RNA after many months.[8][9]
And it wasn’t only Italy. Dutch researchers discovered COVID-19 RNA in a wastewater plant in the Utrecht, Netherlands, city of Amersfoort. French scientists detected “high concentrations” of COVID-19 RNA in samples of sewage water from greater Paris that were obtained before Paris first recorded any deaths. Sputnik News reported in May that a Paris hospital confirmed it had treated Amirouche Hammar, the country’s first COVID-19 patient, on December 27, 2019 – one month before France’s first announcement of infections and four days before the WHO China bureau was informed of a “pneumonia of unknown etiology” on December 31.[10]
The Irish Mirror reported on June 19 that “many countries are beginning to use wastewater sampling to track the spread of the disease”, scientists claiming these detections were “consistent with evidence emerging in other countries” that COVID-19 was circulating around the world long before China reported its first cases, all of which would of necessity have had to have originated in the US and transported around the world.
It is now beginning to appear that many countries were seeded at approximately the same time, perhaps in their water distribution systems. Following these discoveries, the ISS told Reuters it intends to launch a new study of the wastewater of Italian tourist resorts. I suspect other nations will follow.
And it would seem the NYT, WSJ, WP, CNN, ABC, NBC, National Post, Globe & Mail, have no knowledge of this. The Chinese and Europeans know, but the Americans and Canadians don’t know because the owners of their major newspapers and TV networks don’t want them to know.
A Brief Update
If you look at the graph (courtesy of CNN), you can see the European infection pattern (in pink) and the American (in green). The Europeans followed China’s protocols in varying degrees, and thus with varying degrees of success. Europe’s infections peaked at around 30,000 per day then descended to around 2,000 near the end of June, while the Americans, led by a man who is living proof that democracy is the worst possible form of government, saw their infections peak at the same level, slightly decrease, then revert to 30,000 infections and around 1,000 deaths per day where they will now remain until the virus surges through the entire population. Twenty-six states are already experiencing dramatic spikes reaching new records each day, so Trump ordered the CDC to “stop testing” because it makes him look bad.

The next graphic is a list of the top ten nations for COVID-19 infections. Missing from this picture is a comparison I want to make about leadership and competence, to say nothing of intelligence.
Shanghai is a city only two hours from Wuhan and, when the infections exploded, had no warning and almost no time to prepare, but acted so quickly and decisively that the city had only 26 infections and 7 deaths. Missing from the graphic is Canada, with a population very similar to Shanghai, and who, with months to plan and prepare, had 101,000 infections and 8,400 deaths. Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau is also living proof of democracy’s vast failings.

The Americans elected a pathetic buffoon who lives in outer space, while the Canadians elected a bullied child so painfully unintelligent and indecisive his wife would have to tell him to call the fire department if his house were burning down. I would include here the Brazilians who, with excessive assistance from the Americans, elected an arrogant sociopath who said famously, “It’s not my fault. What do you want me to do about it?”
In all three countries the leaderless pandemic results are the same, with infections and deaths likely increasing until at least the end of the year. China, with a population of more than 1.4 billion people, had about 80,000 infections and little more than 4,000 deaths, and stopped the virus cold in about three months. But according to the NYT, WSJ, WP, and Canada’s terminally-obnoxious National Post, the “free-market capitalist” countries are God’s first choice while “socialist authoritarian” China should incur yet more sanctions for all its mistakes.
Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He can be contacted at: 2186604556@qq.com. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.
Trump goes into hiding
When China discovered the COVID-20 President Trump suddenly was whisked off to a military base, the Nation goes into DEFCON ONE, and on full-alert status. Then when China does nothing, President Trump is miraculously “cured” of the COVID-19 coronavirus illness and he returns to the White House.
Imagine that!
What a coincidence!
[1] https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/15/asia/coronavirus-beijing-outbreak-intl-hnk/index.html
[2] https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1191598.shtml
[3] https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/15/asia/coronavirus-beijing-outbreak-intl-hnk/index.html
[4] https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1192146.shtml
[5] http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202006/15/WS5ee6b33da310834817252ec9.html
[6] COVID-19 – Two Major ‘Waves’ of Global Infection; https://www.moonofshanghai.com/2020/05/covid-19-two-major-waves-of-global.html
[7] https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1192389.shtml
[8] https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-italy-sewage-idUSKBN23Q1J9
[9] https://www.news.com.au/world/coronavirus/global/italy-sewage-study-suggests-covid19-was-there-in-december-2019/news-story/2fd865f7b12a33698f3e9ab2f15a35e3
[10] https://sputniknews.com/europe/202006191079667103-scientists-find-traces-of-sars-cov-2-in-italian-wastewater-predating-2019-wuhan-outbreak/
Pretty Crazy, eh?
Well. It is.
If this sounds suspicious, you are correct. It is suspicious.
I do not know how everything will work out. But I can tell you my opinion on this matter. And I will.
My opinion;
Trump and his little army of Neocons attacked China with unconventional warfare. It was the first massive use of biological weapons in a full-spectrum spread. China survived it, but the world is now infected with but one of the viral agents.
Other viral agents lie dormant and are winding through society. How and when they will hit is unknown. One is the "death by shitting" virus. Which is just now getting noticed within China. This is the case, even though China has implemented very strict controls to control this particular and spectacularly nasty virus.
And that means that…
… all human transmitted viruses will always circle the globe. national borders are meaningless. And you cannot isolate a nation and pretend that the virus will not escape.
I would advise everyone to maintain very strict isolation and anti-virus protocols. Wear a mask, even if no one else is. Make sure that you always wash your hands, and if you touch something, make sure that you use hand sanitizer afterwards.
Sure, it seems like over-kill. And maybe it is. If nothing further happens, at least your exposure to the common cold will be greatly reduced. But if something does actually happen, you will be well protected against it.
Do. Not. Follow. The. Herd.
- Johns Hopkins Doctor Predicts Covid ‘Will Be Mostly Gone By April’ – Mediaite
There is more than one virus out there. And the nasty strains have yet to hit the USA. You heard it here first. Let’s pray that I am WRONG.
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Greetings MM, Things are certainly a shit show right now. I don’t know how or if it can be fixed but i pray for for all the good people and the planet. Once it starts we all suffer and lose. So perhaps cooler heads will prevail? We all feel it here too. Bless those in both countries.
Thanks for that. We will see. So far those with the problems are just telling me that it’s terrible cramps and the gals describe it like giving birth. And of course you empty your entire body out. You get terribly dehydrated and have to be put on drips and need medical observation in the ICU, but no one is talking about death or anything worse than that. They just describe it as terrible fatigue and exhaustion. They are all “out for the count” for at least a week. But it does not seem to be fatal for humans as it is for pigs. We will see. Outside of China there isn’t a peep about this at all.
There is a herbal remedy for common diarrheoa from GuangZhou 广州 named XianCao 仙草. Makes for a nice dessert when taken with honey, much like GuiLingGao 龟苓膏. Stops the dehydration pronto.
Thanks for the heads up on the subsequent virus strains Mr. Man
Really appreciate the information you share
Thanks for that. Most people tell me that after a day or two at the hospital, they are just fine. So maybe I’m making too much of a normal occurrence.
Looked up XianCao 仙草 and turned out it’s called “grass jelly” too. Widely available in South East Asia. We usually cut it into small cubes / strips and drink it with fresh sweetened soy milk 豆奶.
Trump and his neocon psychopath buds are really pushing China with this virus and thought that nobody would know! They are playing with “nuclear” fire. It is sad that Asian people got the blame and some folks who live the US got beaten-up and harassed so bad by them racists. The fall of America Babylon is coming!
Isaiah 47: 10
“For you have trusted in your evil wickedness (scheme); You have said, ‘No one sees me’ (sees my plan dropping Covid19BC/20/21).”
Well, certainly MM did see their plan very well. Thanks MM
Urgent: Diarrhea
Dear Friend, first time on your place. Great – your revelations on virus attacks against China. I want to translate it – but today I had an eye operation – seeing worse HAHA HAVE TO WAIT SOME DAYS- But you have a problem with Diarrhoe. I lived for 2years with my family in Africa. We came to a province where Diarrhoe was just spreading out. We ate in a small restaurant, and even as we walked out, we quickened our steps faster and faster. I quickly collected a few pieces of charcoal. Cleaned them at home and each of us chewed a piece the size of a hazelnut. The diarrhea was finished ON THE SPOT.
2 years ago I had a severe pneumonia, got on top of it in the hospital a diarrhoe – very strong – medication did not help. everything became inflamed. When I was discharged after a few days, I remembered the charcoal. I took a piece out of the oven. In 2 days everything was over.
I hope for the best. Now I’ll finish your article.
Best regards
Thank you for that. Great stuff. I will need to research some more on this remedy before I would try it on myself. LOL.