Trump’s anti-China rhetoric and actions, including crossing out the prefix “Corona” and replacing it with “China,” are part of a continuation of US empire building that began long before Trump seized power in the Electoral College coup of 2016. -Counterpunch
My feeds are all clogged up with the hate-China narrative out of Washington DC. Ugh! It’s pretty sick and disgusting. Hate, hate, hate! What a messed up way to start the day!
Additionally, the narrative that the Chinese accidentally released it from a weapons lab in Wuhan is an insult to my intelligence. I guess people don’t know the difference between a automobile factory and a local garage that does tune-ups.
Hint; Factories and R&D centers have loading bays, electrical substations, and internal water treatment centers. You can see these structures outside the buildings. They have fences, and security guards. They are huge! Vaccine centers, diagnostic centers, and testing centers are much smaller. They typically consist of a number of offices, and perhaps a small wing devoted to the lab work. They also usually have a parking lot. They tend not to have a fence or security guards. Now, boys and girls, repeat after me: Bio-Weapons Research Labs have fences and security guards. Bio-Weapons Research Labs have fences and security guards. Bio-Weapons Research Labs have fences and security guards. They are not open to the public.They are not on a main public thoroughfare. They are military installations, protected by soldiers, fences, and set far back away from public scrutiny. So please, stop parroting the Mike Pompeo / Alex Jones "talking points" that the COVID-19 was an "escaped" bio-weapons from a Chinese weapons lab. Jeeze!

But that’s how propaganda works, don’t you know. You keep hammering down the same lies over and over again until you start reacting to it instinctively.
You hear it over and over. People talk about it, and make opinions about it. you start believing what you hear without thinking.
Just like billions of dollars had to flow to the software companies to “prevent” Y2K. Remember that? There was a nine month intense narrative that the world was going to collapse unless we immediately “fixed” the Y2K issue!
The Year 2000 problem, also known as the Y2K problem, the Millennium bug, Y2K bug, the Y2K glitch, or Y2K, refers to events related to the formatting and storage of calendar data for dates beginning in the year 2000. Problems were anticipated, and arose, because many programs represented four-digit years with only the final two digits – making the year 2000 indistinguishable from 1900. The assumption of a twentieth-century date in such programs could cause various errors, such as the incorrect display of dates and the inaccurate ordering of automated dated records or real-time events. -Wikipedia
Same thing.
Say the lies over and over and over, until people instinctively react to them as truths. When in reality, it’s all just lies, manipulations and “smoke screens”. But all that doesn’t matter. Because right here we are going to tell you all what is going on. That is, what’s REALLY going on, and how all these things all fit together.
And it isn’t pretty.
“I love war,” Trump declared during a campaign speech in Iowa in 2015. He added: "I’m good at war. I’ve had a lot of wars of my own. I’m really good at war. I love war in a certain way, but only when we win.”
The Thucydides Trap
"There is no such thing as a Thucydides Trap. It is just an excuse by the democrat-controlled media to attack Trump and make him look bad." -Anonymous
To understand what is going on today between the United States and China, we should take a look at history. For history clearly describes the dynamics between an established nation, and a growing emerging nation. This dynamic is well documented, well understood, and quite predictable.
- America is the “established” nation.
- China is the growing nation.
More than 2,400 years ago, the Athenian historian Thucydides offered a powerful insight into the causes of the awful Peloponnesian War; a war that pitted military Sparta against democratic Athens…
“It was the rise of Athens, and the fear that this inspired in Sparta, that made war inevitable.”

Other writers identified an array of contributing causes of the Peloponnesian War. But it was Thucydides that nailed down the true causes and the heart of the matter.
Thucydides, instead of looking at the minute details, focused instead on the inexorable, structural stress caused by a rapid shift in the balance of power between the two rivals.
- Sparta was, for over a hundred years, the dominant city-nation.
- Athens was growing, expanding, and eclipsing Sparta on every front.
Thucydides identified two key drivers of this dynamic:
- The rising power’s growing entitlement, sense of its importance, and demand for greater say and sway.
- And the entrenched, well established nation that possessed the fear, insecurity, and determination to defend the status quo this engenders in the established power base.
In the case about which he wrote in the fifth century B.C., Athens had emerged over a half century as a steeple of civilization. There, there were advances in philosophy, understanding of history, pleasures of drama, new types of architecture, political governance based upon democracy, and naval prowess.
This shocked Sparta. For more than a century had been the leading land power on the Peloponnese peninsula.
As Thucydides saw it, Athens’s position was understandable.
As its clout grew, so too did its self-confidence, its consciousness of past injustices, its sensitivity to instances of disrespect, and its insistence that previous arrangements be revised to reflect new realities of power.
It was also natural, Thucydides explained, that Sparta interpreted the Athenian posture as unreasonable, ungrateful, and threatening to the system it had established—and within which Athens had flourished.
Thucydides chronicled the objective changes in relative power between the two. However, he also focused on the perceptions of change among the leaders of both nations. These perceptions, in both Athens and Sparta, led each to strengthen alliances with other nation-states in the hopes of counterbalancing the other.
But entanglement runs both ways. When conflict broke out between the second-tier city-states of Corinth and Corcyra (now Corfu), Sparta felt it necessary to come to Corinth’s defense, which left Athens little choice but to back its ally. The Peloponnesian War followed. When it ended 30 years later, Sparta was the nominal victor. But both states lay in ruin, leaving Greece vulnerable to the Persians.
And the eventual destruction of the Greeks at the hands of the Persians.
Germany and Britain
Let’s consider more modern times. Where people drive cars, have electricity, fly in the air in planes and have “manners”. Let’s look at the world right before World War I. Let’s consider a rising Germany to a content and powerful England.
As Germany’s economy surpassed Britain’s, Germany would not only develop the strongest army on the continent. It would soon also “build as powerful a navy as she can afford.” In other words, Kissinger writes…
“once Germany achieved naval supremacy … this in itself—regardless of German intentions—would be an objective threat to Britain, and incompatible with the existence of the British Empire.”
Three years after reading that memo, Edward VII died.
Attendees at his funeral included two “chief mourners”—Edward’s successor, George V, and Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm—along with Theodore Roosevelt representing the United States.
At one point, Roosevelt (an avid student of naval power and leading champion of the buildup of the U.S. Navy) asked Wilhelm whether he would consider a moratorium in the German-British naval arms race. The kaiser replied that Germany was unalterably committed to having a powerful navy.
But as he went on to explain, war between Germany and Britain was simply unthinkable, because…
“I was brought up in England, very largely; I feel myself partly an Englishman. Next to Germany I care more for England than for any other country.”
And then with emphasis: “I ADORE ENGLAND!”
However unimaginable conflict seems, however catastrophic the potential consequences for all actors, however deep the cultural empathy among leaders, even blood relatives, and however economically interdependent states may be—none of these factors is sufficient to prevent war, in 1914 or today.
It doesn’t matter.
China and America
The warning lights and the alarm bells have been going off for some time now. It is well established that there would be some conflict or a deterioration of relationships between the two powers. Around 2009 it was unmistakable and this prompted some firm policy adjustments in America; in Washington DC.
President Obama believed that this kind of global realignment was a natural historical progression. He argued that while America might “sunset” in various areas, China could be “managed” in such a way as to derive a kind of “partnership” where both the United States and China would win and profit in a kind of “give and take” international relationship.
For a while, it appeared that the Thucydides Trap was avoided.
But then…
Donald Trump ran for President. His policy platform was MAGA, which means “Make America Great Again”.
Donald Trump campaigned on a long list of extravagant promises: End all foreign wars and reveal “who really did 9/11,” bring the troops home, pull out of the Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA), ban all Muslims from entering the US, wall off the entire southern border at Mexico’s expense, end NAFTA, CAFTA, TPP and all trade treaties, bring manufacturing back to America, end NATO and all alliances (unless the vassals vastly increase their tribute payments, which they won’t), rebuild America’s infrastructure, demand and get vastly better trade terms from China, resurrect 1950s-style family values, and restore Americans’ pride in their history. These are, in essence, the specifics behind Trump’s promise to “make America great again.” -Does the Presidential Election Matter?
Trump’s chief rival target was China and he pledged to [1] bring back American jobs (from China), [2] stop the dependence on imported products (from China), to [3] rebuild and increase the size of the military, and [4] re-work and realign relationships with other nations for American self-interest.
Sound familiar? Once Hitler came to power he wanted to make Germany great again. His chief villains were the Jews. And his actions were all about eradicating the Jewish treat to Germany. It's not that I am equating Trump with Hitler. That meme is so 2015. It's just that all nationalistic movements require an enemy to galvanize the people against. In the 1930's it was the "Jews against Germany". Today it is China against America.
So Trump is in office, and he’s realigning all sorts of issues into his vision for the “perfect” world order.
Neocon Administration
Americans, tired of the social and economic onslaught and minimizing behavior of their leadership for the last three decades flocked to Donald Trump. They attended rallies where he would proclaim that he would [1] make America great again, [2] put Hillary Clinton behind bars, [3] build a wall around the United States, and [4] bring jobs back to America.
He won the election.
Once taking over the reins of power, he staffed his administration with “neocons”, individuals with a particularly warlike views and ideas.
Neocon A small, but constant clique in the US administration that is responsible for most of the recent US military invasions around the globe. To quote neocon Pompeo: 'I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole' -Urban Dictionary
Not only are Neocons very “hawkish” regarding war….
… But they also believe in History, and the role that empires have in shaping history. In fact, they believe in Thucydides and his writings.
If you were to ask any neocon about what is written herein, they would 100% agree with everything this article is saying …
Among their intellectual ancestors neoconservatives count the ancient Greek historian Thucydides for his unblinking realism in military matters and his skepticism toward democracy, as well as Alexis de Tocqueville, the French author of Democracy in America (1835–40), who described and analyzed both the bright and the bad sides of democracy in the United States. More recent influences include the German-born American political philosopher Leo Strauss and several of his students, such as Allan Bloom; Bloom’s student Francis Fukuyama; and a small band of intellectuals who in their youth were anti-Stalinist communists (specifically Trotskyites) before becoming liberals disillusioned with liberalism. The latter include Irving Kristol, Nathan Glazer, and Norman Podhoretz, among others. -Britannica
And surrounded by his small army of War-Hawk Neocons, he set forth establishing policy.
Trump is the embodiment of this looking-for-a-fight attitude. Not good. He has surrounded himself with over-age Cold Warriors, with generals, with the pathologically aggressive hangers-on from think-tank Washington: John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, Nikki Haley, Steve Bannon, and minor squibs of like outlook. He has pulled the US out of the arms-control treaties, START, INF, Open Skies. He has pushed NATO against Russian borders. In the Legion halls of Idaho, this may seem virile, the sort of thing that John Wayne would do. Back the commies down. Show them who is boss. No. It is just pointless and dangerous. -UNZ
In sort order, once Donald Trump won the 2016 election, he immediately, from day one, started his program of MAGA. He did not waste time. He did not pause. He did not relax.
America was (from the top down) full-on MAGA.
Despite campaigning against endless foreign wars and a humanitarian-based foreign policy that promotes democracy, President Donald Trump appointed several internationalists and neoconservatives to his administration, including John Bolton and Mike Pompeo. Alex Jones has claimed that neo-conservatives, as part of a deep state, have been fighting a civil war inside the United States Government in order to gain control of the government and influence President Donald Trump – himself, Paul Joseph Watson, and David Knight also claimed this throughout Infowars segments, and that the recent missiles launched against Assad were a result of the neo-conservatives attempting to control Donald Trump. Stefan Halper, a neoconservative of the Bush Sr. era, colluded with Obama CIA Director John Brennan and FBI agent Peter Strzok to set-up Trump advisors Carter Page and George Papadopoulos as supposed agents of the Russia government, to initiate an FBI counterintelligence investigation and procure a FISA warrant to surveil the 2016 Trump campaign, Trump transition team, and well into the first year of the Trump Administration. -Neoconservatism and Donald Trump
Key to that program was the suppression of China. Much of which involved actions and activities that were NOT reported in the American press.
What does a neoconservative dream world look like? Neocons envision a world in which the United States is the unchallenged superpower, immune to threats. They believe that the US has a responsibility to act as a “benevolent global hegemon.” In this capacity, the US would maintain an empire of sorts by helping to create democratic, economically liberal governments in place of “failed states” or oppressive regimes they deem threatening to the US or its interests. In the neocon dream world the entire Middle East would be democratized in the belief that this would eliminate a prime breeding ground for terrorists. This approach, they claim, is not only best for the US; it is best for the world. In their view, the world can only achieve peace through strong US leadership backed with credible force, not weak treaties to be disrespected by tyrants. Any regime that is outwardly hostile to the US and could pose a threat would be confronted aggressively, not “appeased” or merely contained. The US military would be reconfigured around the world to allow for greater flexibility and quicker deployment to hot spots in the Middle East, as well as Central and Southeast Asia. The US would spend more on defense, particularly for high-tech, precision weaponry that would be used in preemptive strikes. It would work through multilateral institutions such as the United Nations when possible, but otherwise must never be constrained from acting in its best interests whenever necessary. -Neocon 101
January 2017
Donald Trump “hit the ground running”. He wasted no time in building up his team, staffing it with aggressive neocons and working on a strategy to suppress China. It’s an implementation of his campaign promises; Make America Great Again.
Unlike President Obama, Donald Trump embraced (or fell into) the Thucydides Trap.
The goals were simple;
- Reclaim American “greatness” in all fields, in all areas.
- Establish dominance in the Geo-political arena.
- Suppress China in such a way that they would always be “under the control or authority” of the United States.
- Do whatever is necessary to accomplish the above.
Look familiar? 1. Reclaim Spartian "greatness" in all fields, in all areas. 2. Establish dominance in the Peloponnesian arena. 3. Suppress Athens in such a way that they would always be under the control or authority of Sparta. 4. Do whatever is necessary to accomplish the above.
In so doing there were some issues that needed to be addressed and some resources that he had access to.
Outstanding Issues
There were things that China was involved in that were threatening the level of control that America had over China. Trump needed to collapse or mitigate those issues quickly. If he did not, China’s rise would pass the point of no-return. In the collective minds of the neocons, it was now or never.
The primary issues at stake were…
- Relationships in Africa. China was building relationships based on jobs, trade, and social improvements. The time-honored American technique of providing wads of cash to third-world dictators was no longer effective. This was giving China unique mineral and resource access, that America was denied.
- Belt and Road Initiative. As long as the only way that China could maintain trade was via the sea-lanes, the United States could threaten the sea-lanes and completely collapse the ability of China to conduct trade. This threat has been real and substantive. The Belt and Road Initiative would be a land trade route. Completely bypassing the sea-lane trade routes, and rendering the American Naval threat moot.
- Taiwan. Taiwan is a client state of China. Yet the American media presents it as an independent nation in the hopes that once China is weak, an American invasion of Taiwan can occur. The reason why this is so critical is that the United States needs a “safe haven” from whence to launch ground forces. Taiwan is the perfect staging location. Make no mistake, an invasion of China is a long-term dream of the neocon cabal. The first key step is to PUSH China into engaging Taiwan militarily.
- Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a financial and technical hub, not to mention a gateway to the rest of Asia. As long as Hong Kong is stable, Europe will continue to conduct business with China. Therefore creating a unstable Hong Kong would effective disentangle Europe from China.
- Trade. You would think that (with all the news discussing the trade imbalance) that this would be a significant issue. In the grand scheme of things, however, it really isn’t much of an issue at all. The majority of trade between China and the USA is between American companies, manufacturing products in their factories inside of China and shipping them to America. Not Chinese companies. Of that, less than 11% of exports from China goes to America. Looking at the entire issue, it’s really well blown out of proportion.
The Plan
Work on a plan to suppress China, for certain, was formulated prior to President Trump’s inauguration.
No one knows the true extent of the planning, or any details of the discussions involved. However, we can pretty much recognize that the people who helped formulate this war-suppression-strategy were…
- Donald Trump
- Mike Pompeo
- John Bolton
- Robert Lighthizer
- Rudy Giuliani
- Nikki Haley
- James Woolsey
- Frank Gaffney
- Eliot Cohen
All of these people advocate for military intervention to accomplish United States objectives.
The only snag in their desires is military.
- US defeated by Russia and China across most scenarios
- Make No Mistake: China Would Destroy U.S. Cities In A …
- The US Military Would Suffer A ‘Decisive’ Defeat In A War …
- A guide to the ‘horrific’ consequences of a US-China naval war
- US defeated by Russia and China across most scenarios
- China could overwhelm US in military first strike …
- US ‘would lose any war’ fought in the Pacific with China …
You see, the thing is that every single simulation where the American military tries to take on China, the United States LOSES. Often, depending on the scenario, quite badly. Thus, if America takes on China militarily, in the South China Sea, the results would probably be disastrous.
They cannot ignore this fact.
So a direct military campaign was not the first choice of the “task team”.
Instead they had to come up with a scenario or a plan that would be suppress China and meet all the criteria as discussed. While at the same time avoiding armed military conflict with a HEALTHY VIBRANT China. The Trump administration was faced with a “first”. Just how to suppress China, without using any overt military resources that might result in a nuclear response?
They sat down and came up with an idea.
“I love war,” Trump declared during a campaign speech in Iowa in 2015. He added: "I’m good at war. I’ve had a lot of wars of my own. I’m really good at war. I love war in a certain way, but only when we win.”
Neocon Echo Chamber
Their plan is based on what they believe China is.
- Hard-line Communist.
- Multitudes / hordes of impoverished people.
- A deceptive media that hides the “true and real China”.
- A population yearning for “freedom” and “democracy”.
- A hated leadership that rules by sheer power.
Well, since this belief system has been so ingrained in the consciousness of the neocon administration, the came up with a plan that would be able to attack this pre-concieved image of what China is…
Since the people are large in number, and miserable, if you add additional strife and problems, they will revolt uncontrollably. They will topple the government. Then, in the confusion, the USA can establish and control the new leadership. As the USA has become experts in this kind of activity over the last number of decades. It’s an American strength that no one has figured out how to deal with effectively.
The entire plan is based on illusions and falsehoods.
I have been to China several times. I am also in contact with people in China. I can say this. Pompeo's belief that: ... the Chinese people hate the Communist Party of China that runs the country... - is simply not true. Among Chinese citizens there has recently been a huge upsurge in positive opinions about the Chinese system. This is due, in part, to its success in containing the Coronavirus. At the same time there has been a tremendous disillusionment with the United States due to its failure to manage the Coronavirus. There is almost a sense of disbelief that America has failed so badly in dealing with the virus. There used to be a saying in China that "Even the moon shines more brightly on America." That saying was demonstrated a genuine admiration for the United States and its accomplishments. But due to many things - including the institutional failure to deal with the Coronavirus - very few Chinese people say that anymore. A second thing that is spurring a positive belief in the Chinese system by its' citizens is China's ever increasing standard of living. People who have never been there might very well find themselves astonished by what is happening there. I have been there four times in the past ten years. Each time, the improvement in the material standard of living is not just noticeable but dramatic. The Chinese people can see this with their own eyes. Before the virus hit, many Chinese citizens had become wealthy enough to the West and they discovered that, increasingly, China was comparing favorably with the West in terms of their standard of living. This has increased the belief among Chinese citizens that their country is on the right path. There is a third thing that is important to note. There has been a recent rise in Chinese nationalism which is due - not only to the factors mentioned above - but due to Trump and Pompeo themselves. Contrary to common belief, the Chinese have a lot of access to Western media. Many Chinese study English and can read the Western media in English. They know the things being said by Trump and Pompeo which intended to malign China. Many Chinese are, not so much angry but, rather understand this is a sign of increasing weakness on the part of the United States. In short, the actions of Pompeo are not "inciting the Chinese to act against their government" but rather convincing the Chinese that American greatness is passing into history and China's time is arriving. Posted by: Mike from Jersey | Nov 18 2020 21:22 utc | 25
The basic plan
If China could be “broken” with all sorts of internal strife, starvation, misery, distress, and trouble, China would weaken.
It’s people would revolt.
And people would turn to “The shining city on the hill.” for help, “freedom” and “democracy”. These people would wave American flags, they would sing the American National Anthem, and they would display “Pepe the frog” in graffiti as they burned the cities down.
As a result, the United States could capitalize on that situation.
This would, if properly handled, result in forward staging bases on Taiwan, with a naval harbor there.
- Create uprisings and strife at the two gateways for the Belt and Road Initiative. (HK and XinJiang)
- Create Chinese starvation by decimation of all pork, chicken, wheat, and grain industries.
- Offer CIA “incentives” in African nations.
- An anti-China propaganda campaign would galvanize Americans against China and it’s products.
- “Incentivize” American companies to bring factories back to America.
- An anti-China technology campaign would destroy existing business relationships in Europe and across the globe.
- A pandemic that would suppress China, but would ignore America.
- Then prep for a hot war with the establishment of staging bases on Taiwan.
This is an eight-year plan, and assumes two complete terms as President for Donald Trump. The time table would look something like this…
First term in office 2016 through 2020.
- Move the puzzle pieces and assets in place.
- Start famines, trade disputes, regional classes, and strife.
- Keep up an enormous program of anti-China propaganda.
- Create “minor” military skirmishes in the South China Sea.
Then… if China is NOT suppressed and under the control of pro-American forces by the end of the Trump first term (Fall of 2020). A different direction must be taken.
In a strongly worded speech delivered as the relationship between Beijing and Washington plummeted to new lows this week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared that “the old paradigm of blind engagement” with China had failed. Mike Pompeo: "If the free world doesn’t change communist China, communist China will change us." -We must change China or China will change us, Pompeo …
Announce this publicly, and create a military army to attack China. Enlist local nations to do “the heavy lifting” and provide staging locations.
Mr Pompeo accused China's governing Communist Party of "exploitation, corruption and coercion". He was meeting counterparts from Australia, India and Japan - a group known as "The Quad" - to discuss an increasingly assertive China. Under the Trump administration, relations between the US and China have plummeted to their worst in decades. -Mike Pompeo lashes out at China at 'Quad' meeting in Japan
- Build up a military coalition to engage Chinese military locally. (The QUAD).
- Create a “need” for the American military to enter China to “save the people”.
- Then create an “emergency”, blame it on China.
- Go to war. But make sure that the QUAD does most of the fighting.
Since America has “never lost a war”, the victory of America is a foregone conclusion. China hasn’t a chance (in the minds of the neocons).
Additionally there is the possibility of a successful presidential successor that could implement successive states in a complete global realignment to fit the long-term neocon plan. Eventually turning China into a client state of America, like Japan, Australia, or Canada.
This plan of course is secret / confidential. It’s not advertised. Though, it was moving forward with great rapidity throughout the first term of Donald Trump in office.
I’ve covered all the elements in other posts in far greater detail. There you can see the details. Links are as provided herein.
This is just an overview.
- Create strife in HK. The “pro-democracy” protests were implemented by NED / NID insurgents under the guise of being “journalists”. <HERE><HERE><HERE><HERE><HERE><HERE><HERE>
- Create strife in Xinjiang. Radicalized and CIA trained Muslim insurgents creating “fifth column“ activities. <HERE><HERE><HERE><HERE><HERE>
- Forced Starvation. Destruction of the pork industry via drones and aerosol viruses, destruction of the chicken industry, the wheat and rice industries, and multiple waves of germ attacks. <HERE><HERE><HERE><HERE><HERE><HERE>
- African Incentives. This is ongoing. Though lately a number of nations are demanding that China pay billions of dollars to them for COVID-19 damage. I cannot help but see a CIA hand in all this. <HERE><HERE><HERE>
- Incentivize American Businesses. Enormous amounts of money has been handed to American companies throughout trumps first term of office, the greatest amounts came during the 2020 “COVID bailout”. However, no companies have shown any interest in returning operations to America. <HERE><HERE><HERE>
- Anti-China propaganda campaign. This is hot and heavy. Apparently it’s working a full 30% of Americans hate China and blame it for all the American ills. <HERE><HERE><HERE><HERE>
- Anti-China technology campaign. Well the arrest of the Huawei President and the suppression of 5G technology is only the tip of the iceberg. <HERE><HERE><HERE><HERE><HERE>
- A Pandemic that would suppress China but ignore America. This is the highlight of the plan and really interesting. Three strains. A, B, and C. All unleashed on the world. Lethal strain B is for China. It is dangerous and lethal. However, Americans get the A virus. This virus is mild and safe. It self inoculates (or was intended to). It is designed for Americans to have “Herd Immunity”. <HERE><HERE><HERE><HERE>
- An Alliance of other nations. By building a coalition of nations, the entire group could gang up against China in bulk. This includes strong showings by Australia, Canada, and the UK. <HERE>
- Establish American Bases on Taiwan. Ongoing and NOT public.
In fact, the US is already engaged in “multi-domain” “hybrid warfare” with China. This is warfare just below the threshold of direct military engagement. On the ground this involves:
- Economic Warfare: trade sanctions and tariff war, as well as technological warfare: attempted seizure of Chinese companies (TikTok); attacks on China’s international 5G contracts; sanctions on the primary and secondary supply chains of key sectors of Chinese industry (e.g. Huawei’s semiconductor supply chain); attacks on Ant Finance’s IPO.
- Legal Warfare, or “lawfare,” including over 380 anti-China bills in Congress, and 14 individual and state lawsuits against China for over $30 Trillion in “Covid damages”; the long arm “legal” kidnapping of Huawei’s executive.
- Diplomatic Warfare, including consulate shutdowns, harassment of diplomats, breaching of diplomatic pouches and compounds, and calls for regime change .
- Military Brinksmanship and posturing in the South China Sea, the East China Sea, the Taiwan straits; complete encirclement of China with strategic weapons, surveillance, and 400 offensive bases (“The Pacific Pivot”), the use of airbases in Taiwan for military actions, and plans to station intermediate range nuclear missiles all along China’s periphery[2].
- Civil Subversion: color revolution , urban terror, destabilization and delegitimation operations in Hong Kong (and other places where China has interests), including millions of dollars of funneled for organization and training, and encrypted communications infrastructure built to coordinate anti-government activities.
- Academic Warfare: through the FBI’s China Initiative, every 10 hours a case is opened against a Chinese student or researcher in the US (currently 2700 cases) and all Chinese students are considered potential “non-traditional” “collectors, spies” involved in a “thousand grains of sand” collection strategy.
- Integrated Circuit Manufacture. The idea was to stop China from obtaining technology that America leads in. What has happened is that everyone, and their uncle is in a race to make the best, most advanced integrated circuits on the planet. And the Chinese central government is facilitating this with top down direction and resources to make this happen.
- Information Warfare: last but not least, we are seeing total Information warfare.
The stories about so-called “massive human rights abuses,” “Chinese concentration camps,” “Chinese-made-and-released Covid,” “China has harmed us economically,” “China has stolen its way to the top,” “China is oppressing independent Hong Kong,” are part of this information warfare.
This is mass propaganda to incite people to hate China irrationally and unconditionally, to manufacture consent for war. The US military calls this information warfare, “the firehose of falsehoods ” and we are all being drenched with these lies.
This is necessary (in a “democracy”) to justify war against an enemy and to curtail any rational discussion or questioning.
If things went as planned…
If things went as planned, China would be a poisonous stew of conflict with all sorts of internal troubles, starvation, insurrections and conflicts. The workers would be sick and dying and the anti-China propaganda campaign would scare companies from trading (or continuing to trade) with China. No hot war would ever be necessary.
The COVID-19 germ bio-warfare released at the most vulnerable time for social communicability on CNY eve, would completely turn China into a basket case.
Meaning of Idiom ‘Basket Case’. A basket case is a situation that is so nervous or anxious that they are completely incapacitated and thus are considered non-functioning. Something unable to cope with a situation; someone or something unable to function.

Hospitals, civil services, and all government would be overwhelmed. People would be clamoring for peace and stability, and that would open up an opportunity for the United States to begin harassment in the area around Taiwan. HK would be in turmoil. Military actions would fracture Xinjiang, and alliances would crumble.
If you recall, in February and March 2020, two carrier battle groups were being sent to that area…
… up until they had to make emergency stops at Guam for COVID-19A lethal outbreaks.
- U.S. Aircraft Carrier In Guam Asks For COVID-19 Help
- Carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt evacuating in Guam
- In the Pacific, a COVID-19 outbreak sidelines deployed …
By the time the end of the Summer rolled around, American intervention in Taiwan would be in action. Success would flood the airwaves, whether true or not, and trump being a “War President” would take complete control of the government with landslide victories in both Congress and the Senate.
Then with a solid control of the Washington apparatus, the subsequent phases of action could proceed. Which would of course mean military troops, on the ground, to “liberate” the Chinese yearning for “American freedom” and “American democracy”.
Ah. But it’s gonna be a tough sell, don’t you know…
But, the real China is nothing like what the neocons think it is.
China is quite different than what the Neocon echo chamber says it is…
- 95% of the Chinese population are proud of China and it’s leadership.
- Almost 100% of the population has seen dramatic increases in their standard of living compared to their parents.
- The population is hysterically patriotic.
- China is a nation of nerds with over four times the number of STEM graduates than Americans.
- China is ruled by merit.
- China is self-sufficient in food, and most raw materials.
- China is proud of it’s culture, it’s society and it’s history.
Things didn’t go as planned
No, things did not go as planned.
They never go as planned.
Someone should tell these neocons that you have to have a few “projects” “under your belt” first before you try implementing them. Things never go according to plan and if you go ahead and kick a dog, expect him to snap at you and bite your arm. China will not watch while all this happens and not train, prepare, plan and take action.
While all this was going on, China knew what the neocons were planning. China and Russia shared intel data, and combined saw that America was an active and real threat. If China collapses, Russia would be next. If Russia collapses, China would be next. So what did they do?
- Russia and China signed military self-defense treaties.
- The Russia-China Friendship and Cooperation Treaty
- China-Russia: The Entente Cordiale of the 21st Century
- Military Cooperation Between Russia and China
- China Sends Strategic Bombers, Tanks and 1,600 Troops to …
- China Boomer Subs use Russian Boomer sub bases
Then at the same time, they started to warn the United States to stop; just stop… please just stop…
Among the myriad, earth-shattering geopolitical effects of coronavirus, one is already graphically evident. China has re-positioned itself. For the first time since the start of Deng Xiaoping’s reforms in 1978, Beijing openly regards the US as a threat, as stated a month ago by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Munich Security Conference during the peak of the fight against coronavirus. Beijing is carefully, incrementally shaping the narrative that, from the beginning of the coronovirus attack, the leadership knew it was under a hybrid war attack. Xi’s terminology is a major clue. He said, on the record, that this was war. And, as a counter-attack, a “people’s war” had to be launched. Moreover, he described the virus as a demon or devil. Xi is a Confucianist. Unlike some other ancient Chinese thinkers, Confucius was loath to discuss supernatural forces and judgment in the afterlife. However, in a Chinese cultural context, devil means “white devils” or “foreign devils”: guailo in Mandarin, gweilo in Cantonese. This was Xi delivering a powerful statement in code. When Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, voiced in an incandescent tweet the possibility that “it might be US Army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan” – the first blast to this effect to come from a top official – Beijing was sending up a trial balloon signaliing that the gloves were finally off. Zhao Lijian made a direct connection with the Military Games in Wuhan in October 2019, which included a delegation of 300 US military... -
They also watched with some degree of hope that the intel information was incorrect, and that the United States would stop. That the United States would end it’s anti-Chinese propaganda campaign, it’s anti-China technology assault, and it’s anti-China biological warfare programs…
But America wasn’t listening…
Trade. The “Trump Trade Negotiations” were all a “smokescreen”. No one in the Trump administration wanted any kind of agreement. None. Not at all. <HERE><HERE><HERE><HERE><HERE>
Factories Returning. Well, no factories are returning to America. America is over regulated, the wages are too high, the quality of worker is too low, and the corruption at the state and local levels are absurd. <HERE><HERE><HERE>
- Are factories actually returning to the US?
- America’s factories are getting crushed by Trump’s trade
- U.S. Textile Plants Return, With Floors Largely Empty
- Manufacturing jobs in America: They’re not coming back
- First hand account by an American Production / Project Engineer
Famine. The attempt to destroy the Chinese food supply proceeded as planned. It’s just that the image of what China actually is was completely out of alignment with what the Trump advisors expected. So even though the assaults went as planned, the were unable to induce a famine. <HERE><HERE><HERE>
Africa. Africa is still in play.
- China expands influence in Africa as US plays catch-up
- China “Buys” Half of Africa, Expands Territory
- China Expands Its Peace and Security Footprint in Africa
- Chinese Military Expands Into Africa With First Base
Propaganda. The Anti-China propaganda campaign seems to be working, though it’s giving everyone fatigue. On more than one occasion I have seen people complaining. They say “Get this shit off my feed. Heck you need waders to plow through all the muck.”
- In June Donald Trump announced that he would stop the campaign.
- Pro-Trump bots ‘spread anti-China COVID misinformation
Has anyone seen this from Rod Campbell of Australia Institute? He claims thousands of bot accounts controlled by US government spread the Wuhan bioweapons narrative nearly 5 million times in the first half of 2020:
Technology. The Anti-China technology campaign is hit and miss. Certainly the drums are beating and there are skirmishes. Huawei, however is still in business, and many non-American companies, and nations are moving with the Chinese 5G model. But in July, he went all out, and went against all things china…
- Opinion | Trump’s, TikTok anti-China strategy
- Trump’s all-fronted anti-China campaign – CGTN
- Trump wants an ‘alliance of democracies’ to oppose China
- The hole in the Trump administration’s emerging anti …
- Trump bans Chinese students, researchers from entering US
- Trump administration asks FCC to ban China Telecom in US
- Trump likely to sign executive order banning Chinese …
- Trump signs executive order that bans transactions with …
- Trump’s plan to ban US-listed Chinese firms revealed
- Trump bans relationships with Chinese owners of TikTok and …
Road and Belt. This requires Pakistan agreements and ports in the Mediterranean. Everything has been going well. That is up until a massive explosion that some have referred to as a “mini-nuke” totally and completely gutted the Lebanon port in Beirut. An interesting assessment;
The Port of Beirut poses the biggest geostrategic threat to American power projection because China’s Silk Road is fast creeping towards the docks at Beirut Port. The US, having recently forced Israel to cancel its Haifa rail contract with China, has dampened the Chinese advance in the eastern Mediterranean, and what remains now in the path of the US is the Beirut Port. The US must either invade it to block the Chinese geostrategic mission creep, or else destroy it.
And then it appears that a great accident destroyed it. Imagine that! What the coincidence!
Moreover, the Port of Beirut also poses the biggest geostrategic threat for the US’s eastward-bound power projection where China and its new Silk Road operation is fast creeping westwards and is attempting to land at the eastern coastal strip of the Mediterranean, right where the Beirut Port docks. The US having recently forced Israel to cancel its Haifa contact with China has somewhat dampened the Chinese advance in the eastern Mediterranean, and what remains now in the path of the US is the Beirut Port. The US must either invade it to block the Chinese geostrategic mission creep, or else destroy it. Evidently, the US has chosen the latter option – with Israel assigned the task of accomplishing the destruction of Beirut Port. After all, for different reasons, both benefit greatly from Beirutshima. And so very timely is this destruction of the Beirut Port as the Lebanese government has very recently been in official talks with the Chinese over their offer to vastly invest in and develop the Beirut Port: a much needed gateway port and bridge into Europe for China, which represents an absolutely intolerable equation for the US’s hegemony in Europe. The Beirut Port’s rebuilding to its previous standard of activity will be contingent on strict conditions imposed by the US and Israel on the Lebanese government, if the port is allowed to be rebuilt at all, that is. Most certainly, the US is determined not to allow the Chinese any executive, investment or managerial access to it. ... And this larger US project has everything to do with the current US war on China, albeit presently a non-military war, but a war nevertheless, a war that the Pentagon is militarily preparing for – hence the ever increasing and breathtakingly high defense budget that Congress has been allocating to the US military throughout the terms of the last three Presidents. The US having lost Pakistan to the China sphere of influence, thus losing an attack dog bordering China, and having recently assigned Turkey as its new enforcer in the middle east, it now behooves the US to use its Mideast allies of both Turkey and Israel, two infamous terrorist states who regularly break international law with impunity: use them as spoilers and saboteurs against an advancing China and against any of Beijing’s Mideast regional allies. Beirutshima is clearly an apparent US endeavor to push-back the Chinese advance in the highly strategic eastern Mediterranean, as the US attempts to simultaneously pivot eastwards itself through secured territories wherever China is successfully backtracked by the US and its regional henchmen. But, can this grand geostrategic plan really work for the benefit of the US? Can the US really succeed at remaining the only superpower in the world by the incessant knee-capping of China’s new Silk Road project? This is yet to be determined. But judging by the deep budgetary and societal crisis engulfing the US homeland, with no sign whatsoever of its deepening troubles abating, analysts doubt that the US has lungs large enough to last the whole race through with China. Here I will add that the US-China fight over the Beirut Port is not yet over. One wonders what went through the mind of the wily Chinese ambassador in Lebanon to witness the Beirut Port exploding as it shockingly did: to witness his pet project and assignment be destroyed right before his eyes and right before a signed agreement was made between him and the Lebanese government of Diab. -UR
COVID-19. It is the pandemic where China decided to stop playing “defense” and go on the “offense”. This is the way that Donald Trump had decided to wage war upon China. This is how he planned to destroy it, create turmoil, and suppress it.
But the Trump administration did not expect China to be so aggressive, and proactive. They expected them to be passive, and at best muster up some sort of United Nations complaint.
Let’s talk about this…
The COVID-19 bio-weapon attack
"But... but war with China, or even Iran, is crazy! No rational country could even consider it!" Sure, no "rational" country would even contemplate it. I've got bad news for you. Posted by: William Gruff | Nov 18 2020 21:32 utc | 28
America continues in it’s bio-weapon assault.
The six prior viruses against food stuck and livestock were quite successful, but they did not create starvation. Which, I am sure, was a complete surprise to the neocons in the administration. I’m sure that they pretty much “chalked it up” to heavy totalitarian control by the Chinese government instead of the actual reason…
… that China is pretty much self-sufficient in food, and has systems in place to mitigate shortages no matter how extreme.
So Trump decided to release one against the Chinese people directly. I am also sure that the Trump administration felt that “this time” their suppression techniques would work.
They took their time, selected the proper viral agent, and planned the timing directly. Nothing was left for chance. They released it at the exact geographical center of the population, and at the absolutely worst time of the year. They “felt” and believed that China would be unable to handle it, and that the worst elements would be contained within China, and that the rest of the world (those aligned with the USA) would get herd immunity with the very “soft” minor strain.
[1] Location
Indeed, they released it in the exact center of the population of China…

[2] Timing
The timing was also significant. As it was during the peak social time, where the mass migration occurred within China. It is a time when everyone travels, where huge crowds are common and normal, and everyone is in very close proximity to each other.

[3] Anti-China propaganda campaign
it's so interesting when people pretend to be ignorant when it is useful to them. I thought that was a specific American trait. So let's give the answer to the author asking the question: Once the Americans are indoctrinated into hating China, they will be willing to go to war with China and will be willing to accept wha the government will do in the name of "fighting China". Same how the Americans were indoctrinated into hating Soviet Union and Communism during the 50s and 60s and 70s. The government then can throw as much money into the military in the name of "fighting China" and the Americans will be fine with it. Posted by: Hoyeru | Nov 18 2020 19:52 utc | 2
Further, the timing was such that it was coordinated with an anti-China propaganda campaign that was stunning in it’s size, magnitude and breadth of extent. When the incubated viruses started to manifest in Wuhan, the anti-China narrative exploded all across the world.
So America launches a very dangerous bio-weapon attack on Chinese New Year eve.
The timing was such that it would have spread like a fire inside a bone dry barn filled with hay. This was the time when everyone was traveling together in tight quarters. When everyone was drunk and hugging each other. This was the time when the virus could explode upon an unsuspecting China and devastate it completely.
If China did not take immediate action, the entire nation would have turned into a complete “basket case”.
But that is not what happened.
China’s early conventional efforts seemed unsuccessful in halting the spread of the disease. Then on Jan. 23rd and after only 17 deaths, the Chinese government took the astonishing step of locking down and quarantining the entire 11 million inhabitants of the city of Wuhan, a story that drew worldwide attention. They soon extended this policy to the 60 million Chinese of Hubei province, and not longer afterward shut down their entire national economy and confined 700 million Chinese to their homes, a public health measure probably a thousand times larger than anything previously undertaken in human history. So either China’s leadership had suddenly gone insane, or they regarded this new virus as an absolutely deadly national threat, one that needed to be controlled at any possible cost. Given these dramatic Chinese actions and the international headlines that they generated, the current accusations by Trump Administration officials that China had attempted to minimize or conceal the serious nature of the disease outbreak is so ludicrous as to defy rationality. In any event, the record shows that on December 31st, the Chinese had already alerted the World Health Organization to the strange new illness, and Chinese scientists published the entire genome of the virus on Jan. 12th, allowing diagnostic tests to be produced worldwide. Unlike other nations, China had received no advance warning of the nature or existence of the deadly new disease, and therefore faced unique obstacles. But their government implemented public health control measures unprecedented in the history of the world and managed to almost completely eradicate the disease with merely the loss of a few thousand lives. -American Pravda: Our Coronavirus Catastrophe as Biowarfare Blowback?
(For some reason…) China went on full military alert.
It went DEFCON ONE on CNY eve. This is something that no one in any of the mainstream American media, the Alt-Left or the Alt-Right media is talking about. China went DEFCON ONE. China’s military were all called up, and everyone was manning their posts, and that included ALL OF THE millions of reservists and militia.
The last time that this happened in America was in October 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The DEFCON system was developed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and unified and specified combatant commands. It prescribes five graduated levels of readiness (or statuses of alert) for the U.S. military, and increase in severity from DEFCON 5 (least severe) to DEFCON 1 (most severe) to match varying military situations. -Defcon 1
Everything went under lock-down, and then China took aggressive action on an entire slew of areas. Obviously the Chinese intel knew something was up, and had more information about what was going on than what we have been led to believe. China killed the pandemic and stopped it right in it’s tracks.
Imagine that!
But that is only part of the story.
Strange American behavior…
While all this was going on, the American leadership started to act really strange.
The claim that the US Covid-19 response demonstrates that the US can "tolerate casualties" is one of the most asinine statements I have ever read. All that it proves is that the US is shockingly incompetent. Incompetence is not generally viewed as a strength. Posted by: David | Nov 18 2020 21:55 utc | 33[1] Don’t you all think that it was weird that Donald Trump and the CDC would insist on no one wearing masks?
- Top official demanded ‘herd immunity’: ‘We want them infected’…
- CDC Reminds People That Face Masks Shouldn’t Be Worn
- U.S. health officials say Americans shouldn’t wear face …
- CDC Mask-Wearing Policy Not Supported by Science
Wasn’t that strange?
[3] Don’t you think this was strange when there were just terrible videos out of China? With people having seizures, dropping dead on the elevator, and collapsing when they took their children to school? With guys going into convulsions, and women passing out on buses, and little children being rushed to hospitals. [4] Yet, Donald Trump and the CDC told everyone to stop watching videos out of China (Tictok), and meet together and do not wear a mask.Don’t you think it was strange?
Yes. Trump unleashed the COVID-19A all over America. And yes he also gave it to his allies in Europe precisely so that everyone would get the “safe” virus. He wanted everyone to be exposed to the “safe” virus. Notice how the Military Allies of the United States, all of them followed the Trump “ok to wear a mask” narrative.
How nice of him…
He wanted American-friendly nations to be immune. He wanted everyone to get the “safe” light virus COVID-19A. He wanted his allies to get immune by getting the “safe” virus, while his enemies got the bad and dangerous virus.
He wanted Chinese-friendly nations to get the bad version of the virus COVID-19B.
- America & Allies = Herd Immunity with “safe” COVID-19A
- China & Enemies = Saturated with the dangerous COVID-19B

SO what is going on today?
Of course, you all can disagree. [1] You can believe that China was "lucky", and America was "unlucky". [2] And that all the coincidences surrounding this speculation is just coincidences and nothing more. [3] Bad location for the outbreak. [4] Bad timing of the outbreak. [5] Bad coincidence that the key attributes of COVID are all patented in the Untied States. Just coincidences...
The entire time while China was under lock-down, people were dying, and the anti-China propaganda campaign was reaching a fever pitch, what was going on?
Coronavirus Strain | Nations affected | R0 |
Covid-19A (safe) | USA and Allies | 0.1% |
Covid-19B (lethal) | China, Iran, North Korea | 10-15 % |
But America is NOT that “Shining house of the hill”. It is not run by strong leadership, and skilled and talented workers. It is something else, and the idea that America can allow everyone to obtain “herd immunity” is a foolish play.
0.1% of the population of the USA = 32.8 million people dead.
And sure, this is nothing compared to what Trump expected to hit China…
15% of the Chinese population = 195 million people dead.
But China is not what the neocons thought, and neither is the United States. And what is raging around the world is nothing like what was initially intended. It has become something else…
USA deaths (2DEC20) = 1,464,725 Deaths. China deaths (2DEC20) = 4,749 deaths. And, of course, no one in the USA wants to believe these numbers. As thy make Americans look like a bunch of stupid jerks. So they lie. They say that China lies, while all the time, the American news doesn't report the WHO real numbers. The Drudge report is saying that only ... U.S. DEATHS: 270,003... Links; US Daily Deaths | The COVID Tracking Project USA Covid-19 Cases and Deaths Statistics (Update Live ... CDC COVID Data Tracker United States Coronavirus: 13,610,357 Cases and 272,254 ...
And now, in America it is chaos. Everyone is scrambling and confused. Some believe that Trump is right. Get the COVID-19A “Safe” it will be just a minor cold. The flu is far worse. While others are watching people die, and collapse. They think that Trump is an idiot Protests are going on. Shootings, and disruptions in food supply. People are unemployed and people are disobeying the need to self-isolate.
But it’s not just that…
The Chinese are avoiding fighting.
That is America's strength. The United States is used to creating the "playing field" where they define the players, the place, the rules of engagement, and the terms of success. America is used to selecting the place. America is used to selecting the time. America is used to selecting the weapons. America is used to selecting the battles.
China does not play that game.
So China is redefining the narrative, and performing a “run around” all of the neocon’s efforts.
Like this for the “pro-democracy” riots by the CIA/NED…
(this) just came in on Whatsapp from a chauvinistic Chinese friend. Does this also mark the end of Deng's 8 Coastal SEZs? This video conveys the news: *SEPARATE FOREVER* : HONG KONG China has just announced that Hainan Island which is 35x larger than Hong Kong will be established as the new largest Free Trade/Free Tax centre to replace Hong Kong. The Chinese leadership used the Hong Kong riots which lasted for months, made Hong Kong no longer prosperous. They intend to let it be collapse, and replaced with: Shenzhen from the North and Hainan in the South. The special area of Hong Kong was removed. It is now only a city from the Guangdong Province. Eventually, all foreign intelligence services will disband automatically, America and Britain will be confused, all their efforts have been in vain and wasted. ... Strategic! Hong Kong status will be diminished from special to just a city of China and replaced by Hainan 🇨🇳🇭🇰 China is still keen to emulate Singapore which is cited in this video
Today, the NED / NID agents have been rounded up and interrogated. Here’s a particularity interesting take-down of a CIA agent…
All the protests, the violence, the riots and everything all stopped. How?
- Anyone who cashes out the money dished out by the NED/NID for any reason has their Social Security balance zeroed out….forever!
- Anyone arrested, caught on video or associated with the protest in any way have their social standing reduced to “black level”. They cannot buy plane tickets, use public transportation, or use banks. Schooling might be forbidden for their children, and all legal activity relating to normal day-to-day transactions will have to be done in-person in the office, not using APPs.
- All HK protestors in HK are now being moved to Chinese mainland prisons for “punishment labors” and “organ harvesting”.
Yes. We are in World War III
Today the world is wracked with three strains of a bio-weapon designed, concocted in America and unleashed by the neocons in the Trump administration.
- COVID-19A – Safe. Designed to grant immunity to Americans.
- COVID-19B – Lethal designed to kill Chinese.
- COVID-19C – A variation of B, designed to target Iran and North Korea.
And now…
- COVID-19A Lethal
Oh, and by the way. none of the viruses in the COVID-19 family grants immunity. Once you get a mild strain, you are more prone to get a more dangerous strain.
The world is FUCKED.
And so, it’s all a complete FUBAR. Yup. That’s just exactly how and why you know that it is an American military operation. Name one American military operation that was not FUBAR. Name one!
Military slang from WWII, fubar is an acronym for "fucked up beyond all recognition ". " the house was completely fubar." -Urban Dictionary: fubar
It’s a military operation. That is for certain.
No it is not yet “hot”, but it sure is “warm”. People are dying and more people have died so far in America that during the Vietnam war. Just because nuclear weapons are not yet in play does not mean that it is not going to happen.
China realizes this.
Here's China's unofficial response via this Global Times editorial. I wish I could reproduce the art at the editorial's header as it's very spot-on: "There is no new wording in the report, which can be seen as a collection of malicious remarks from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other anti-China US politicians and senators. Right now, only a little more than 60 days are left for the current US administration. An official from the State Department explained that the report is not meant to constrain the next US administration. But the fact is the Department of State fears that the Biden administration will adjust US-China relations, and the release of the report is part of their efforts to consolidate the current extreme anti-China path. "But most Chinese scholars who have read the report believe it is an insult to Kennan by labeling the report as Kennan-style. Kennan, then US charge d'affaires in Moscow, sent an 8,000-word telegram to the Department of State detailing his views on the Soviet Union. At least, there was no special political motive in Kennan's report. But the latest report is trying to leave a legacy for the extreme anti-China policy adopted by the Trump administration and fawning on Pompeo, which is evil in essence. "The impulsive and capricious governing style of Donald Trump leaves sufficient room for politicians like Pompeo to give free play to their ambitions. The Department of State has become the governmental organ that has the most serious clashes with China, outperforming the CIA and the Department of Defense. "Diplomats are supposed to be communicators, but Pompeo and his team have chilled the communication atmosphere with China. In the China direction, today's US Department of State can close its door. "Surrounded by such deep hostility and prejudice toward China and the wild ambition of the secretary of state, how could the Department of State's Office of Policy Planning make out anything objective about China? Their observation ability, cautious attitude toward research, and sense of responsibility for history have been severely squeezed. They are just currying favor from their seniors and manipulating extreme paths, pretending to be 'thoughtful....' "Chinese diplomatic and academic circles look down upon the Pompeo team, which lacks professionalism, and acts like a group of gangsters suddenly taking official positions. They not only have messed things up, but also hope to build their nonsense as legacy. Pompeo's choice of opportunists like Miles Yu as advisor in particular has increased Chinese people's doubts over the 'amateurism' and 'immorality' of the Pompeo team's China policy.... "The US' China policy is very much like 'drunk driving' internally while on the international stage it's like sailing against the current." [My Emphasis] There's not much more to add aside for asking barflies to read the entire editorial. Posted by: karlof1 | Nov 18 2020 20:12 utc | 13
Neocons view war as necessary
These neocons do not give up. They have a near religious vision of the world where America controls everything and everyone. Where American law is obeyed everywhere and where “American greatness” defines the human race.

They even made a coin to commemorate this event, or at least to keep the Wuhan bat-eating Chinese narrative alive.
- What? You don’t think that this is all part of a long-term, well-thought-out plan? Something that has been on-going for years. (At least one year to design and produce a new coin, with 2.5 years being the norm.)
- What? You don’t think that a narcissist like Trump wouldn’t create some type of monument or edifice to record his glories? Like a “special coin”?
What can I say?

Do you think that this entire bio-weapons attack was not planned and unleashed upon China as part of a long-term plan?
Donald Trump has a coin collection of all of his battles. Check it out, and guess which coin has been recently added to this collection?

Can you possibly be serious?
The signs are everywhere. Just little drips and drabs by the spooks involved in this activity. Check out this vehicle that was abandoned in the parking lot of an Airport in Australia BEFORE the CNY eve outbreak.
This vehicle was abandoned (who abandons a BMW?) in an Australian parking lot BEFORE the Coronavirus is officially named as “COVID-19”.
Just another coincidence…

The time-table is still in play.
The Time Table is still active.
Even though things are not going well in America now, the time-table for the grand plan is still alive and active. Some of the things, taken alone are meaningless. But taken as a whole in it’s entirety, show a very dangerous picture of events.
- Trump, right on schedule, declared himself a “war President”.
- Right on schedule sent two complete invasion carrier groups to the South China Sea.
- Right on schedule, military leadership teams went into underground secure facilities.
- Right on schedule, “low yield field nuclear weapons” were placed on military forces in the South Pacific.
- Right on schedule, Australia military is working with American military “advisers”.
- Right on schedule, Trump put Americans on notice to leave China and return to the USA.
- Right on Schedule, all air travel between China and the USA came to an end.
- Right on Schedule, demands for seizing Chinese assets and defaulting on Chinese loans.
- Trump made “arrangements” for a transition of power if he were to lose the election. I have no idea what that means, but if the players like Pompeo are still in office, then that means that the situation will only get worse. They will continue their plans.
- Right on schedule, FIVE complete carrier battle groups were repositioned in the North Pacific for “exercises”.
- Right on schedule, TWO additional complete carrier battle groups are in transit to the South China Sea.
- Right on schedule, the UK is going to add their carrier battle group to the American carrier groups in the South China Sea.
All of this is worrisome.
Eight (8x) carrier battle groups are hanging out all around China.
Each carrier group with two carrier. A large and a "small" carrier. Three in the south China Sea (one British) and five near Guam. Each group has it's own attachment of Marine assault forces and landing craft.
Nothing good can come of this.
Expect some “heat”
I expect things to go “hot” sometime between 2020 and 2023. And when I mean “hot”, I mean a shooting war with America making the first action. It would be some structured military action against either China or Russia, and it involving “safe” low-yield nuclear weapons.
And, China responding… to an exceptionally vulnerable America, upon America soil.
Don't ever mistakenly believe that this event will be limited to the South China Sea. It won't. Any military action against China will result in military action against Americans inside of America. To think otherwise is wishful thinking and a rookie mistake.
America is really fragile. If you think it’s a mess now, imagine what global thermonuclear war would be like…
- A nuclear strike on Mono Lake will render all of California into a radioactive dry desert wasteland for centuries.
- A nuclear strike on New York City would destroy all of American industry as all of the “big” American companies are “public” and listed on the stock exchange. Wipe out the stock exchange, and you create a situation where no one can get paid. Companies all over America will collapse.
- A nation where it’s every man for himself, and where over half the population has guns cannot be considered to unify under a national emergency. COVID-19 taught us that.
This is for certain if Trump gets a second term of office.
A slightly better situation is that he is out of office and a new President takes over. Still, the situation is still in play and many things are set in motions that cannot be stopped…
In any event…
I also predict that it will not go as any one expects, and that America will be devastated, the globe would we completely turned on it’s head, and both America and China would suffer.
- America, a nation that never experienced a “real” war on it’s soil, would be reduced to a balkanized nightmare similar to modern day Yemen, only without potable water, and reliable sources of electricity.
- China, long used to war, strife, and conflict for the last 5000 years, would simply dust themselves off and rebuild all over again.
Those nations that picked the wrong nation to align itself with would face similar hardships. Which is why I strongly advocate 100% neutrality in Geo-political efforts. If a nation is adjacent to one of the two powers, their smartest move would be to align with their closest neighbor.
Let’s hope that this prediction does not transpire.
Other opinions
Or, I could just have an over active imagination. Right?
To paraphrase some of the responses I have read…
Everyone knows that America would never even contemplate such a thing. NEVER. After all, it’s currently fighting eight wars, has 800 military bases and 14 carrier battle groups. America is way too busy to devote time and effort to fighting China. Why fight China when it’s much easier to fight in Somalia, Yemen and Syria?
And Trump and his advisors are fine God-fearing folk. Trump holds “prayer meetings” in the Oval Office. With a God-fearing leader, Pompeo and Bolton would never advocate a war against China. The idea that a neocon wants war is well…silly.
There is no such thing as The Thucydides Trap. It’s historical gibberish.
Trump wants a fair trade arrangement where everyone wins, and the Chinese are just evil, bad and eat bat soup. They are filthy foul liars. They steal and are the scourge of the planet.
And there was an article from the BBC talking about stripping China of it’s Sovereign immunity because of the COVID-19, and we have this response.
With my personal duty out of the way of attacking the trolls and hopefully driving them back under the bridges from whence they came, I would like to ask if there is any way to "strip a country of its sovereign immunity" without a war? I mean, isn't that the whole point of wars? To eliminate or protect a nation's sovereignty? Isn't trying to eliminate another country's sovereignty by just passing a law kinda like trying to simplify math by passing a law to make π=3 ? If you want your sovereignty-stripping law to have any meaning, then you have to enforce it, and that enforcement will look a whole lot like a war, regardless of what you want to call it. Unlike Americans the Chinese are not stupid. They have long known of the approach of the obligatory scene of the Thucydides Trap and have been preparing for it as best they can (which happens to be some quite good preparations). ... I'll let the empire's trolls in on a little secret: The Chinese can lose every single ship they send to the "Battle of the Xisha Islands" and still win the war. That's because industrial capacity is important in a major war. -Posted by: William Gruff | May 1 2020 15:48 utc | 33
It’s like a baseball game…
Yes, the USA can take their itemized list, and pencil off the playing field. And China will sway in the wind for a while. But you know what?
China owns the ball the bat, the gloves, the players, the field, the dugouts, and the fencing. While the USA is so proud to have control over the score, it will be China that will control the game. And no wishful thinking is going to change the reality that you need people, factories and skills to make things.
- Wall street does not make anything.
- Diversity Officers do not create, build, repair, or structure things.
- Lawyers and bankers do not put food on tables.
- Bureaucrats do not provide public transportation, or hospital care.
Thinking that you are accomplishing something by writing about it, comparing it in a spreadsheet, or endlessly debating it on social media is meaningless in the overall scheme of things. Real productive nations make physical things.
And China…
Hate it or love it, is a nation that makes and creates, and builds things. The United States, is a nation that destroys things, then indexes and categorizes the destruction.
The future of the entire world belongs to the builders. Not the destroyers.
Update – 12MAY20
Apparently, since America launched the bio-weapon attack on the Chinese New Year Holiday, and China was forced to go into DEFCON ONE, it has stayed at that state or military readiness.
There is no evidence that the Chinese military has “stood down” or relaxed their defensive posture.
As such, Chinese high-yield nuclear weapons (SLBM with MIRV warheads) have been positioned all around the United States and ready to strike back were any additional neocon military “events” were to take place. This is reasonable. What is unreasonable is to think that China would not take any subsequent action.
Which brings me to this report…
"Reports coming in from some of my former colleagues during my years with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force indicate the US Military is concerned there may be a submerged Chinese missile submarine directly off the coast of San Diego, CA as of abut 4:00 PM eastern US time, Monday, May 11." -Hall Turner
Ya don’t think?
Gosh, how stupid can these people be?
If you launch a WMD (Weapon of Mass Destruction) against a major power (COVID-19B Lethal), you can most certainly expect them to react. Or do you believe that they are political idiots with the brain of a snail? Do you think that they will continue to just “take the hits”? Do you think that they will go “protest” at the UN?
Update – 13MAY20
Messages are being sent to Trump.
China fires its latest underwater nuclear missile into spotlight with science prize. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Rocket Force is developing its third-generation SLBM JL-3, with a range of over 12,000km (7,450 miles), which would allow it to hit the United States if the missile were launched from the Chinese coast.
Update – 23MAY20
Trump is not listening to the messages though.
The Trump administration has discussed whether to conduct the first U.S. nuclear test explosion since 1992 in a move that would have far-reaching consequences for relations with other nuclear powers and reverse a decades-long moratorium on such actions, said a senior administration official and two former officials familiar with the deliberations.
Ai! It's like a bratty snot-nosed kid playing around with a loaded gun.
Update 25MAY20
And Trump is being obstinate about all this.
Navy Sends Subs to Sea as Message to China
The US Navy has mobilized it’s attack subs against China. I guess the four lone “boomer” subs are too much of a threat.
The Pacific Fleet Submarine Force took the unusual step this month of announcing that all of its forward-deployed subs were simultaneously conducting "contingency response operations " at sea in the Western Pacific--downplaying the notion that Navy forces have been hampered by COVID-19. The sub force said the missions were mounted in support of the Pentagon's "free and open Indo-Pacific " policy aimed at countering China's expansionism in the South China Sea. At least seven submarines, and likely more--including all four Guam-based attack submarines, the San Diego-based USS Alexandria and multiple Hawaii-based vessels--are part of the effort. The action also highlights the Pentagon's desire to be flexible and unpredictable in "great power " competition with China and Russia. "Our operations are a demonstration of our willingness to defend our interests and freedoms under international law, " Rear Adm. Blake Converse, Pacific sub force commander, who is based at Pearl Harbor, said in a May 8 release. Attack submarines maintain an outsize stealth capability to sink ships with torpedoes, fire Tomahawk cruise missiles and conduct covert surveillance while keeping adversaries guessing their location. The Navy recently has maintained a flotilla of warships in the Western Pacific as a show of force and proof that COVID-19 hasn't significantly degraded its capabilities, with the United States and China long trading barbs over military activities in the South China Sea and increasingly so over each other's pandemic response. China has been accused of intensifying its occupation of man-made islands and bullying other nations in the region while much of the world has been focused on the pandemic. Geopolitical intelligence platform Stratfor said that the U.S. and China have maintained a "robust operational pace in the South China Sea " amid heightening tensions and COVID-19--signs that point to continued escalation after the virus wanes. When the Navy advertises the presence of its usually unseen submarines, it's often to make a point with an adversary. The Navy released a photo of the Los Angeles-class sub Alexandria transiting Apra Harbor in Guam on May 5. As the U.S. military addresses COVID-19 at home, "we remain focused on our national security missions around the world, " Defense Secretary Mark Esper said the same day. "Many countries have turned inward to recover from the pandemic, and in the meantime our strategic competitors are attempting to exploit this crisis to their benefit at the expense of others, " Esper said. He accused the Chinese Communist Party of ramping up a "disinformation campaign " to shift blame for the virus and burnish its image. All the while, "we continue to see aggressive behavior by the PLA (People's Liberation Army ) in the South China Sea, from threatening a Philippine navy ship to sinking a Vietnamese fishing boat and intimidating other nations from engaging in offshore oil and gas development." Esper said two Navy ships conducted freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea the week before "to send a clear message to Beijing that we continue to protect freedom of navigation and commerce for all nations large and small." The guided-missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill conducted a "FONOP " in the Spratly Islands, and the destroyer USS Barry sailed twice through the Taiwan Strait and through the Paracel Islands in disputed territory that China claims as its own. "These provocative acts by the U.S. side ... have seriously violated China's sovereignty and security interests, deliberately increased regional security risks and could easily trigger an unexpected incident, " the South China Morning Post quoted a Chinese military command saying after the Barry's Paracel passage. The aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt has been sidelined in Guam since late March after experiencing an outbreak of the new coronavirus among its 4, 800-member crew. U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor has been quick to note the ongoing deployment of other assets in the region, including transits of the South China Sea by the littoral combat ship USS Gabrielle Giffords, the destroyer USS Rafael Peralta sailing in the East China Sea and the destroyer USS McCampbell passing through the Taiwan Strait on Wednesday.
These are not to be viewed as a threat to the Chinese navy. Instead they are a threat to any one that ships products from China. This threat is that the United States will start sinking all cargo and container traffic out of China. As (until the BRI is completed) the entire world relies on Chinese sea container shipments.
Update June 2020
China has sped up it’s production of nuclear launcher subs, and has greatly increased it’s production of hyper-velocity missiles.
China Just Added Two New Nuclear Missile Submarines to Its …
2020-6-8 · They are also armed with Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles, wire-guided and wake-homing torpedoes and mines. Perhaps of greater concern, the Chinese have already test-fired an emerging JL-3 nuclear armed intercontinental ballistic missile with a reported range of more that 5,600 miles, according to a 2018 CSIS report. The missile is solid fueled.
Update 18JUL20
Now the Trump White-house is pushing the “America is invincible narrative”.
American media are telling the world that Aircraft carriers are unsinkable, and that America with British support is going to “kick some ass” and “teach China a lesson”…
- The U.S. Navy Proves That Sinking an American Aircraft …
- Why It Is so Hard to Sink an American Super Aircraft …
That America has every right to perform “exercises” off the coast of China…
- U.S. Aircraft Carriers ‘Exercising’ in the South China Sea …
- U.S. Naval Buildup in Indo-Pacific Seen as Warning to …
And that China is no match for the superiority of American military…
- U.S. Aircraft Carriers Would Defeat Chinese Carriers, Says …
- How to Beat China’s Military-Civil Fusion
The sad thing is that Trump and Pompeo has purposely ignored internal voices warning that China has achieved peer-level capabilities and that the American military (while enormous) has greatly eroded in capability since the cold war. They warn that China is not someone that you casually attack and not expect some painful retribution.
- Providing for the Common Defense
- Yes, in 2020 China Could Beat America’s Navy in a War …
- The US Military Would Suffer A ‘Decisive’ Defeat In A War …

Update 25JUL20
Trump STEPS UP the “game”.
Pompeo makes a speech that pretty much says that everything that America did to suppress China did not work. That the old techniques must end, and a series of “new” techniques must begin.
- Pompeo, in fiery speech, hammers China over international …
- State Dept. website promotes Mike Pompeo speech as … – …
- Pompeo says American life is under ‘attack’ in speech …
- MSN – Pompeo’s China speech draws rebuke
Overall, most of the world, doesn’t feel very comforted by the Pompeo speech.
RTop/ed analysis of Pompeo's China containment policy plan, "The Elements of the China Challenge”: "Although it is hardly atypical of the President Trump administration, the document is significant because it represents yet another attempt by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to immortalize his Cold War confrontation between the US and China, bind the succeeding administration to it and most strikingly, institutionalize anti-Beijing ideas into American bureaucracy. "The push against China by the Trump White House is not designed to be a passing phase, but a permanent and defining change of direction, for which this entire term in office has sought to prepare. This document aims to be a blueprint for long-term ideological struggle and a series of aspirations for maintaining hegemony, an affirmation of priority and a statement that things cannot “go back to normal”. But it makes no guarantee that the US can ever adequately understand China, or that it will succeed in its aims. "The reference to George F. Kennan in pitching this document is appealing given the historical parallels, but it is not an exact fit and this, in turn, helps shine a light on Pompeo’s own ignorance of China. It might be described in one simple sentence: China is not the Soviet Union and the ideological stakes are not quite the same." [Emphasis Original] While I'd agree that differences in ideology exist between China and the Outlaw US Empire, it is the Empire that's constructed upon and is living the Big Lie inherent within Neoliberalism, while China continues to perfect its already very efficient system of Collective Libertarianism through its revamped Democratic Centralism. The really big fundamental difference is that China has absolutely no need to lie to its people, whereas the exact opposite's true within the Neoliberal West. After a lengthy period of public input, the government meets and eventually publishes its 5-year plan of development, which is contained within an even larger plan that's also been devised with public input and once put together is also published for public consumption. And since 2010, all plans have existed within China's UN 2030 Development plan, which is also available to the public. In a great many respects. China is a more open society than the Outlaw US Empire. Why? Because it doesn't need to lie to its citizens because it fights against the corruption that provides the reason for such lies--China has no Financial Parasitism it must mask from its citizens whereas the Outlaw US Empire is drowning in a massive sea of corruption that is killing it. Clearly, Pompeo wants that to continue. Posted by: karlof1 | Nov 18 2020 19:59 utc | 7
Further, delusional State Department policy planning paper sees the light.
The Elements of the China Challenge (pdf)
Axios calls it a “Kennan-style paper”. In 1946 George Kennan, then Deputy Chief of Mission of the United States to the USSR, wrote his ‘Long Telegram’ that defined U.S. Cold War policy towards the Soviet Union for the next decades. And we all know how that worked out.
But the China paper which the State Department published is not comparable to the ‘Long Telegram’. It is a propaganda piece that reflects the naive views of the outgoing Secretary of State Mike Pompous.
Pompous’ premise is that the Chinese people hate the Communist Party of China that runs the country and that China is not a democracy. But that is not what the people of China believe:
Charted below are the survey results from 20 countries, and they illustrate some startling beliefs — not least that 73% of Chinese consider China to be democratic, whereas only 49% of Americans believe the same about the U.S.
Read this thread to find out why that is the case:
ShanghaiPanda @thinking_panda – 9:24 UTC · Sep 15, 2020
On twitter, as a Chinese, the most frequently asked question for me is, why don't you oppose the CPC? Why don't Chinese support western style democracy? Why do Chinese people support President Xi, who has no votes? Now, I'm going to tell them why.(1/N)
Also this one.
The recommendations of the State Department paper listed by Axios are not practical steps but pure ideology:
The blueprint: The paper lays out “ten tasks” for the U.S. to accomplish.
- Promoting constitutional government and civil society at home.
- Maintaining the world’s strongest military.
- Fortifying the rules-based international order.
- Reevaluating its alliance system.
- Strengthening its alliance system and creating new international organizations to promote democracy and human rights.
- Cooperating with China when possible and constraining Beijing when appropriate.
- Educating Americans about the China challenge.
- Train a new generation of public servants who understand great-power competition with China.
- Reforming the U.S. education system to help students understand the responsibility of citizenship in a complex information age.
- Championing the principles of freedom in word and in deed.
Note especially the points 7 to 10.
They have nothing to do with China. They call for domestic propaganda, more domestic propaganda and even more domestic propaganda. How brainwashing and stupidifying one’s own people is supposed to challenge China is beyond me.
Update 17AUG20
Military action on the South-West Tier of the BRI.
The Port of Beirut poses the biggest geostrategic threat to American power projection because China’s Silk Road is fast creeping towards the docks at Beirut Port. The US, having recently forced Israel to cancel its Haifa rail contract with China, has dampened the Chinese advance in the eastern Mediterranean, and what remains now in the path of the US is the Beirut Port. The US must either invade it to block the Chinese geostrategic mission creep, or else destroy it.[MORE]
Seems that Trump authorized the use of 6kt mini-nuke to destroy the port of Beirut. This was conducted by aircraft of the Israel Air Force, and they apparently used two missiles.
- Gabriel anti ship missile.
- Israeli Delilah missile carrying a 6kt mini-nuke.
Radiation readings in Europe has confirmed that a nuclear warhead was used.

Trump has admitted to participation and direction of this attack. But he did not confess to using nuclear weapons.
This effort puts a immediate pause on the Chinese Belt and Road initiative with a port on the Mediterranean sea.
Update 25AUG20
Trump and Pompeo are pushing, pushing, pushing…
China has gone from “Most Favored Trading Partner” status in 2016 under President Obama…
… to an “Enemy of America” under trump in 2020. It’s a 180 degree turn in a global relationship.
US lawmakers have introduced a bill to change the way the federal government refers to the leader of China. The ‘Name the Enemy Act’ would require that official US government documents instead refer to the head of state according to his or her role as head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This implies the new bill stands to prohibit the use of the term “president”. -President No More? US Moves to Ban Chinese Leader Xi Jinping’s Title
And China, being what it is, is not blind to what is going on…
Here are some of the key points. 1. On the trade war front, Beijing won’t shut down US businesses already operating in China. But companies which want to enter the market in finance, information technology, healthcare and education services will not be approved. 2. Beijing won’t dump all its overwhelming mass of US Treasuries in one go, but – as it already happens – divestment will accelerate. Last year, that amounted to $100 billion. Up to the end of 2020, that could reach $300 billion. 3. The internationalization of the yuan, also predictably, will be accelerated. That will include configuring the final parameters for clearing US dollars through the CHIPS Chinese system – foreseeing the incandescent possibility Beijing might be cut off from SWIFT by the Trump administration or whoever will be in power at the White House after January 2021. 4. On what is largely interpreted across China as the “full spectrum war” front, mostly Hybrid War, the PLA has been put into Stage 3 alert – and all leaves are canceled for the rest of 2020. There will be a concerted drive to increase all-round defense spending to 4% of GDP and accelerate the development of nuclear weapons. Details are bound to emerge during the Central Committee meeting in October. 5. The overall emphasis is on a very Chinese spirit of self-reliance, and building what can be defined as a national economic “dual circulation” system: the consolidation of the Eurasian integration project running in parallel to a global yuan settlement mechanism. Inbuilt in this drive is what has been described as “to firmly abandon all illusions about the United States and conduct war mobilization with our people. We shall vigorously promote the war to resist US aggression (…) We will use a war mindset to steer the national economy (…) Prepare for the complete interruption of relations with the US.” It’s unclear as it stands if these are only trial balloons disseminated across Chinese public opinion or decisions reached at the “invisible” Beidaihe. So all eyes will be on what kind of language this alarming configuration will be packaged when the Central Committee presents its strategic planning in October. Significantly, that will happen only a few weeks before the US election. It’s all about continuity All of the above somewhat mirrors a recent debate in Amsterdam on what constitutes the Chinese “threat” to the West. Here are the key points. 1. China constantly reinforces its hybrid economic model – which is an absolute rarity, globally: neither totally publicly owned nor a market economy. 2. The level of patriotism is staggering: once the Chinese face a foreign enemy, 1.4 billion people act as one. 3. National mechanisms have tremendous force: absolutely nothing blocks the full use of China’s financial, material and manpower resources once a policy is set. 4. China has set up the most comprehensive, back to back industrial system on the planet, without foreign interference if need be (well, there’s always the matter of semiconductors to Huawei to be solved). China plans not only in years, but in decades. Five year plans are complemented by ten year plans and as the meeting chaired by Xi showed, 15 year plans. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is in fact a nearly 40-year plan, designed in 2013 to be completed in 2049. And continuity is the name of the game – when one thinks that the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, first developed in 1949 and then expanded by Zhou Enlai at the Bandung conference in 1955 are set in stone as China’s foreign policy guidelines. -China: everything proceeding according to plan
You all can buy all the guns and ammo you want. You can read all the social media that you are able to. You can stock up on food and toilet paper…
… but you are wasting your time unless you invest in iodine pills, and Geiger counters. Any attack on either Russia or China will result in almost all American cities destroyed in large, enormous nuclear explosions.
Update 26AUG20
China launches four of it’s “Aircraft Carrier Killer Missiles” into the South China Sea. DoD can confirm that the Chinese military launched four medium-range missiles Wednesday from mainland China,” a defense official said.”The missiles impacted in the South China Sea between Hainan Island and the Paracel Islands,” the official added. “The launch appears to have been part of a previously announced exercise.”
- China test fires so-called ‘carrier killer’ missiles into .
- China test-fires ‘carrier-killer’ missile as U.S …
- Beijing warns the US with test firing of ‘carrier killer …
- China reportedly test fires ‘carrier killer’ missile in …
- China test fires so-called ‘carrier killer’ missiles into …
- China Test-fires DF-26 Intermediate Ballistic Missile …
- China test fires ‘carrier killer’ missile
- South China Sea: China fires ballistic missiles as warning …
Update 3SEP20
A Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base on Wednesday 2SEP20 at 12:03 a.m. The test launch used an unarmed missile that traveled over 4,000 miles, at a speed of more than 15,000 mph.
- Unarmed Minuteman 3 missile launched from Vandenberg …
- Unarmed Minuteman III test launch from Vandenberg …
- Minuteman III launches from Vandenberg AFB
- Unarmed Minuteman III ICBM launched from Vandenberg …
- US Conducts Test Flight of Unarmed Minuteman 3 Missile | U …
- Minuteman III launches from Vandenberg > Vandenberg Air …
9SEP20 Update
Apparently, the China Government agrees with my appraisal. From a message group that I belong to…
Chinese propaganda getting good. Unlike West propaganda, Chinese includes evidence. exactly consistent with Uriah Heep's version. Thanks Jeff, but Kevin it may be a conspiracy that Heep told it in real time and official docu youtubed 8 months later.
Head’s up. I’m Uriah Heep and that is my interview that they are talking about.
On September 19, 2020, China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) published the Provisions on the Unreliable Entity List. That was one day after the U.S. Commerce Department announced its ban on American users downloading the Chinese app WeChat and video-sharing app TikTok.
This article takes corresponding measures against the following actions of FOREIGN ENTITIES:
1) Endanger China’s national sovereignty security, or development interests
2) Violating the principles of normal market transactions, interrupting normal transactions with Chinese entities, or adopting discriminatory measures against Chinese entities, seriously damaging the legal rights of the entity.
3OCT20 Update.
After an entire year in blaming China for the coronavirus. Donald Trump (after a very bad public debate with his election opponent) announced that he has the COVID-19. And was flown to a hospital within a thirty minute drive of Fort Detrick (the presumptive point of origin of the COVID-19 and all American bio-weapons programs).
Minutes before the announcement, American “doomsday planes” were launched. As they control communication with the SLBM MIRV’ s that are housed in the “boomer” submarines around the world.
A look at the bigger picture is in order. Forget about all the “details”. Just name another President (any President) that [1] not only sent three assault carrier groups to the Chinese coast (with a total of five aircraft carriers), [2] launched a series of viral attacks simultaneously with [3] a hysterically-active anti-China propaganda campaign, and [4] went after Chinese industry to the extent that he did, [5] only to have nuclear ships, subs, planes, and ICBMs on active on-call status.
Name one.
If this is not a preparation for a full-scale nuclear war, I do not know what is.
12 OCT 20 Update.
It appears that President Trump might not win reelection. And as a result (I assume) there has been a flood of articles that basically state that no matter who wins the 2020 election, the American foreign policy will not change. It’s a dominant narrative leading up to the election date.
“Biden will continue the Anti-China policies of Trump.”
Imagine that!

Seriously! This is absurd!
Yet, why all the articles? Really?
The latest article from the Moon Over Alabama is a piece titled “U.S. Elections Do Not Change Its Foreign Policies”. It’s part of a nine week long period of articles that pretty much posits that the hybrid-war with China will continue whether Trump is in Office or Biden. The articles argue the same points made by others. Over and over. It’s all a rehash.

The MoA is perhaps the most logical. But all in all they are just nonsense. And they actually are NONSENSE. These articles assume a third grade reading comprehension, with a knowledge of recent history that evaporates within months.
Listen up boys and girls…
Elections DO change American Foreign Policy.
Under Bush, and Obama China has “Most Favored Nation Status”. Today, the status with China is “Enemy” (especially considering the names of the bills being pushed through congress. Namely the “Name the Enemy act”.)
That’s a pretty big change. I would say. Wouldn’t you?
But according to all the articles… “American foreign policy does not change when the presidency changes”. Yet, when Trump was elected the Foreign Polices all changed drastically. In fact, NOT ONE SINGLE POLICY stayed the same.
… what is the true and real purpose of this nonsense?
To convince people that nothing is going to change if Biden is elected? When the fact and truth is the exact opposite. As we used to say in the States “Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining.”
My points.
- [1] This entire premise is a big bunch of nonsense.
- [2] This premise is being promoted in all of the media; mainstream, alt-right, alt-left.
- [3] Our most treasured sources for alternative journalism have been tainted and corrupted to a point where they too, now regurgitate the ‘approved” government narratives.
Think people!
So for a fun exercise, can anyone tell me which foreign polices that Trump DID NOT CHANGE. As to provide some validity to this onslaught narrative? Because if all of these articles are correct, then there must be evidence to base it all on. So, what policies did President Trump leave intact?
The answer is; NONE. He tore up of every single policy that Biden and Obama worked together on. Those that the did not tear up, he openly flaunted and violated. But now, amazingly, Biden is going to embrace the Trump neocon methodology?
Give me a break!
- Remember boys and girls, what’s the purpose of having a “democracy” if you cannot change the leadership when you are unhappy with their policies?
- What’s the point if both political parties have the same point of view and the same policies?
- What kind of government do you have then?
Here’s a infographic showing the differences in the two political parties.

Tracking this narrative on my LinkedIN account pretty much indicates that the (American government) ‘Bot’s are promoting this narrative. The exact same venues that had the ‘bot attacks on China all throughout 2020.
- That Biden would embraced Donald Trump anti-China stance and policies.
- That Biden did not care that Trump tore up every one of the polices and treaties that he developed in the previous 8 years of the Obama administration.
- That there are no changes in policy during an election. That democracies do not change polices and elections have no no effect in policy changes.
I cannot fully understand why the Trump Administration is promoting this narrative right now before the election, unless [1] it expects to lose, and [2] is trying to create a “fall-back position” where the neocons can argue that…
"Biden MUST continue the Trump anti-China policies as it was what the American people expect."
Never the less, the 2020 election will see drastic changes away from the Trump Administration neocon “war Hawk” ultimatums, to a much more balanced and cooperative foreign policy. The Republican party are “war hawks”, with a very small and dangerous group known as neocons that LIVE FOR WAR, and that is who is running the Trump White House. The Democrat party are “doves” that seek consensus and agreements. To believe that somehow Trump’s neocon administration has fundamentally changed the nature of American political discourse is delusional.
After Trump withdrew from the World Health Organization — in protest of what he claim was a bias toward China — Biden this summer pledged to rejoin the U.N.'s health agency on his first day in office. Biden is a “globalist at heart,” wrote Natasha Kassam, a research fellow at Sydney’s Lowy Institute political think tank, in the Guardian. -MSN
In truth, we can see that many (if not all) of the Trump Administration policies will end, be reversed or modified beyond recognition. All these stories out of the American media are partial and half-truths. Biden will need to deal with the Chinese situation. Primarily because Trump has made such a mess of things, and China is on the rise as a ascending power. Biden will need to sort out Americas role in this rise, for good or bad. But hopefully one that isn’t as contentious as Trumps has been.
Such as indicated herein…
- Dems compile list of Trump orders to UNDO…
- If Joe Biden wins election 2020, will he undo Trump …
- Biden aims to jettison Trump’s ‘America First’ policy …
- US election 2020: How would Biden change foreign policy …
- Election 2020: What’s Ahead Under President Joe Biden …
- What’s Ahead Under President Joe Biden, Industry by Industry
Presidential candidate Joe Biden, were he to win the November election, would change U.S.-China policy, Eurasia Group founder Ian Bremmer said in a press briefing. -How a Biden Presidency Would Slowly Change U.S. Policy on ...
Biden pledges to restore U.S. global leadership and reverse many of Trump’s foreign policy actions. -Where Biden and Trump stand on key issues
Although transitions of power can always include abrupt changes, the shift from Trump to Biden - from one president who sought to undermine established norms and institutions to another who has vowed to restore the established order - will be among the most startling in American history. Biden's top advisers have spent months quietly working on how best to implement his agenda, with hundreds of transition officials preparing to get to work inside various federal agencies. They have assembled a book filled with his campaign commitments to help guide their early decisions. Biden is planning to set up a coronavirus task force on Monday, in recognition that the global pandemic will be the primary issue that he must confront. The task force, which could begin meeting within days, will be co-chaired by former surgeon general Vivek Murthy and David Kessler, a former Food and Drug Administration commissioner. But there has also been a recognition of those around him that he may have to lean more on executive actions that he had once hoped. He can reorient various federal agencies and regulations, and he can adopt a different posture on the world stage. -CHRON
Because Trumps policies have been an unmitigated disaster.
13OCT20 Update
Fake anti-China ‘bots and accounts are being discovered, rooted out, and removed from industrial and career websites. This is from LinkedIN…

15OCT20 Update
American “big data” are busy manipulating and massaging all data to make America look strong, powerful and healthy. This is being caught in bits and pieces, here and there. USA media will not cover it. I assume compliance.

This is obviously a fabrication. If this were true all the global stock markets would show signs of serious collapse. But they didn’t. So why is the data being revised backwards? The only thing that I can think of is to make America appear healthier than it actually is, economically.
As far as I am concerned, all data from the United States and England are subject to the need for careful review. I cannot help but question it’s validity. And you shouldn’t either.
Here’s another example, from the same source,…

16OCT20 Update
A second new virus (perhaps another) COVID has hit China, middle of October.
It will probably be named COVID-20 in a few months. It is NOT a variation of COVID-19, as a “second wave”. It is a completely new, and completely different virus. By all reports it is much worse than COVID-19. More lethal. More contagious. More dangerous.
It is being handled differently in different regions and provinces.
Latest news in China is sudden lock downs of all restaurants and public venues starting last night at 10PM. This is for the tier one cities. This will be for a minimum of two weeks. Military is still on DEFCON ONE, of course, but the militia are notified to stand ready. A different type of COVID is apparently breaking out in China. It is unlike the COVID-19, as it was a alpha genome, and this is a beta genome. What ever the fuck that means. I think it means pineapples and toasters. It's not a modified staring of COVID-19 but instead a BRAND NEW virus.
This NEW and UNUSUAL virus is apparently attacking both humans and pigs. It causes violent diarrhea and vomiting, and then your lungs fill up with fluid, it turns to cement and you die.
- Middle of October 2020.
- A totally new virus attacks China.
Stand by. It’s too early to do anything about all this. All residences are in scanning mode. Masks are back on. Public establishments (in certain tier one cities) are shut down for two weeks. Military is still on alert. Militia are called on reserve status.
- American media is clueless.
17OCT20 Update
From MoA. It discusses the fall-back positions (since the suppression of China) failed. Here, the concentration is on the QUAD alliance building. Which is nothing more than an Asian NATO like structure under the control of the US Military.
U.S. Fails To Find Allies For Waging War On China The U.S. wants to counter China's growing economic and political standing in the world. The Obama administration had attempted a 'pivot to Asia' by building a low tariff economic zone via the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). It would have excluded China. The Trump administration rejected the TPP and withdrew from it. It launched an economic war against China by increasing tariffs on Chinese products, prohibiting high tech supplies to Chinese manufacturers, and by denying Chinese companies access to its market. It has also tried to build a military coalition that would help it to threaten China. It revived the 2007-2008 Quadrilateral Security Dialogue and rebranded it as the U.S.-Australia-India-Japan Consultations Quad. The aim was to turn it into an Asian NATO under U.S. command: The U.S. State Department’s No. 2 diplomat said Monday that Washington was aiming to “formalize” growing strategic ties with India, Japan and Australia in a forum known as “the Quad” — a move experts say is implicitly designed to counter China in the Indo-Pacific region. “It is a reality that the Indo-Pacific region is actually lacking in strong multilateral structures. They don’t have anything of the fortitude of NATO, or the European Union,” -U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun said in an online seminar on the sidelines of the annual U.S.-India Strategic Partnership Forum. “There is certainly an invitation there at some point to formalize a structure like this,” he added. But it turns out that neither Australia nor Japan nor India have any interest in a hard stand towards China. All look to China as an important trade partner. They know that any conflict with it would cost them dearly. On October 6 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo flew to Tokyo for a meeting with the other foreign ministers of the Quad. He soon found that no one would join him in his militant talk: In a meeting with foreign ministers from Japan, India and Australia in Tokyo, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urged on Tuesday that they strengthen their quartet of democracies to resist an increasingly assertive China. ... If, as it appeared, Pompeo was pushing other members of the Quad to take the U.S. side in a confrontation with China, he did not score any ringing public endorsements, and his remarks clashed with those of his host. Pompeo aimed straight at the Chinese Communist Party in remarks before the four nations' top diplomats sat down to talk. "As partners in this Quad, it is more critical now than ever that we collaborate to protect our people and partners from the CCP's exploitation, corruption and coercion," he said. But Japan's chief government spokesman, Katsunobu Kato, insisted at a press briefing Tuesday: "This Quad meeting is not being held with any particular country in mind." Australia and India were similarly reluctant to say anything that would potentially offend China. Pompeo's initiative has failed. The former Indian ambassador M. K. Bhadrakumar explains why the Quad won't fly: China cannot be beaten since, unlike the USSR, it is part of the same global society as the US. Look at the sheer spread of the US-China battlefields — global governance, geoeconomics, trade, investment, finance, currency usage, supply chain management, technology standards and systems, scientific collaboration and so on. It speaks of China’s vast global reach. This wasn’t the case with USSR. Above all, China has no messianic ideology to export and prefers to set a model by virtue of its performance. It is not in the business of instigating regime change in other countries, and actually gets along rather well with democracies. ... The US created the ASEAN but today no Asian security partner wants to choose between America and China. The ASEAN cannot be repurposed to form a coalition to counter China. Thus, no claimant against China in the South China Sea is prepared to join the US in its naval fracas with China. China has resources, including money, to offer its partners, whereas, the US budget is in chronic deficit and even routine government operations must now be funded with debt. It needs to find resources needed to keep its human and physical infrastructure at levels competitive with those of China and other great economic powers. Why on earth should India get entangled in this messy affair whose climax is a foregone conclusion? ... China has no need to fight wars when it is already winning. The U.S. also tried to incite its European NATO allies to take a stand against China: NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg warned Saturday that China's increasing influence had created a "fundamental shift in the global balance of power" that should not be overlooked. In an interview with Germany's Welt am Sonntag newspaper, that was released in advance, the Norwegian official said that Beijing had the second-largest defense budget in the world after the United States, and was investing heavily in nuclear weapons and long-range missiles that could reach Europe. "One thing is clear: China is coming ever closer to Europe's doorstep," he said. "NATO allies must face this challenge together." That initiative will sink in Europe just as fast as the Quad initiative has sunk in Asia and for the very same reasons. China is not an ideological or military danger to Europe. It is an economic behemoth and relation with it need to be carefully handled. They require respect and talks and not saber rattling. China has overtaken the U.S. as the EU's biggest trading partner: In the first seven months of 2020, China surpassed the United States to become the biggest trading partner of the European Union (EU), said Eurostat, the EU's statistics organization. ... The EU's imports from China increased by 4.9 per cent year-on-year in the January-July period, noted Eurostat. According to the Federal Statistical Office of Germany, the largest economy in the EU, China, Germany's biggest trading partner since 2016, surpassed the United States for the first time in the second quarter of this year to become Germany's largest export market, and Germany's exports to China in July have rebounded almost to last year's level. It is time for the U.S. to look into a mirror and to awake to reality. It is highly indebted country with a way too expensive but ineffective military. Over the last decades its economic role in the world has continuously declined. The constant militant positions and 'do as we say' attitude has alienated its allies. Without allies the U.S. has no chance to defeat China in any potential conflict. What the U.S. still could do is to honestly compete with China. But that would require humility, a strong industrial policy and a well paid and competitive work force. Neither of that is in sight.
The fall-back position, for the fall-back position is to incite riots in Thailand via CIA sponsored NGO’s. Then seize control of the government, and allow American military to use their bases for staging locations in South East Asia.
- Thailand riot police use water cannons against protesters …
- Thailand latest: Protest leaders arrested amid calls for …
- Thailand declares state of severe emergency – Nikkei Asia
- Thai police resort to tear gas, arrest … –
- Thailand’s ultraroyalists come dangerously close to …
- Thousands of protesters surround Thailand’s Government …
- Hong Kong pro-democracy lawmakers arrested on riot …
- State of Emergency in Thailand – Government announces …
CIA is really pushing this NGO effort to destabilize Southern Asia as part of Pompeo “new way to deal with China” strategy. Nikkei is a “neocon publication” out of America. It is fully funded by the US State department and run by Mike Pompeo.
China is Thailand’s largest and most important trading partner, its largest foreign direct investor, and its largest source of tourism with more Chinese tourists coming to Thailand each year than all Western nations combined. Thailand is also hosting one of the key routes of China’s One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative with construction already ongoing for high-speed rail that will connect China, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, and eventually Singapore. Finally and perhaps most upsetting for the US is that Thailand has begun replacing its aging US military hardware through a series of major Thai-Chinese arms deals including the purchasing of main battle tanks, other armored vehicles, naval vessels including up to 3 submarines, and jointly-developed arms programs like the DTI-1 multiple rocket launcher system. Thailand has also recently replaced some of its US-built Blackhawk helicopters with Russian Mi-17V-5’s. To counter this, the US has mobilized opposition groups and NGOs it has funded in Thailand for years to now demand the current government step down and the nation’s constitution be rewritten, paving the way for US-backed billionaire-led opposition parties of Thaksin Shinawatra and Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit into power. These are opposition parties that have long served US interests in the past and have explicitly promised to roll back Thai-Chinese relations should they take power again. US NED Was Behind Hong Kong’s Unrest, and Are Now Behind Thailand’s Unrest The US was indisputably behind the protests in Hong Kong with the political opposition and protest leaders confirmed to be recipients of US government cash via notorious regime change arm, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Many of the protest leaders literally flew to Washington DC or visited the US consulate in Hong Kong to receive aid, directives, and other forms of support. In Thailand too, virtually every aspect of the protests are funded by the US government. Worse still is that the US is attempting to stitch these various movements together to form a regional front against Beijing with Thai protest leaders regularly traveling to meet their US-funded counterparts in Hong Kong and Taiwan and vice versa while creating an online army with the help of US-based social media giants to stack public narratives in their favor.
Neocons believe that war is justified as long as it guarantees that America can control the world. Thus, a neocon can see an “enemy” behind every bush, every action, and inside every cell phone APP.
Historically, the original neocons were a small group of mostly Jewish liberal intellectuals who, in the 1960s and 70s, grew disenchanted with what they saw as the American reluctance to spend aggressively on the military. Many of these neocons worked in the 1970s for Democratic Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson, a staunch anti-communist.
Neocon is short for neoconservative, which adds the neo-, or “new,” prefix to conservative. Today, they stand within both American political parties. Arguing in favor of war, conflict and CIA intervention everywhere.
One of the primary characteristics of neocons is the belief that America must rule the world, and maintain that rule by aggressive and free unencumbered use of military might.
Mid-October Update
Apparently, while the United States Navy was conducting “maneuvers” in the South China Sea, with the five carrier assault groups and Marine Landing / Attack forces, as well as with the entire British carrier fleet…
…something else was happening simultaneously.
Well reported in the mainstream press, but no one was putting “two plus two” together. These strange “tictac” shaped UFO’s started to appear and “move freely” all over American military bases inside of America. At THE SAME TIME as the American Navy was “probing the Chinese coastal defenses“.
- UFO Video – UFO Sighting – Truth About the Navy’s UFO …
- UFO SIGHTINGS DAILY: Witness REC’s 70 ft.Tic-Tac slowly …
- Tic-Tac UFO Passes Space Station On Live Cam, June 2020 ..
- UFO sighting: Claims ‘worried aliens’ buzz US military …
Whether they are “aliens” or not is a good question.
One thing is for certain, and that is the technology involved in these craft are far up and above (perhaps centuries) more advanced than anything the United States has fielded. They can “pop” into existence out of no-where. They are immune to radar, and thermal signatures. They can accelerate to enormous speeds in a short period of time, and they are equally capable of underwater, air and space travel.
The American Navy, who has tracked and monitored these UFO’s, has strongly suggested that these “tictoc” vehicles are of Chinese manufacture and use.
Docs Show Navy Got 'UFO' Patent Granted By Warning Of Similar Chinese Tech Advances Patent documents indicate that the U.S. and China are actively developing radical new craft that seem eerily... -Docs Show Navy Got 'UFO' Patent Granted By Warning Of Chinese Technology...

21OCT20 Update
A second; MORE Lethal biological attack hits China in October 2020.
Here in China is a semi-alert status since mid month. Everyone is on alert. Military are on full alert, but work and homes are as normal. The primary difference is that there are hyper-diligent monitoring of temperatures and GPS travel histories.
Not well publicized (inside of America or in any of the main-steam or Alternative media of any type) except for a few paragraphs. There is a brand new, never before seen, absolutely novel in biology, virus.
It’s supposed to be much worse than COVID-19. It attacks both humans and swine.
It’s new, and not a second or third wave of the coronavirus.
Though it is in the same family of viruses as the betacoronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which causes the respiratory illness COVID-19 in humans, the scientists said SADS-CoV is an alphacoronavirus that causes gastrointestinal illness in swine.
- Completely new.
- Was discovered by China.
- Associated with bats and pigs.
- No human fatalities so far.
- Technical information leaked out of the United States
- China notified the WHO, who put the world on notice.
It’s called SADS-CoV, which is short for “Swine Acute Diarrhea Syndrome Coronavirus” and, yeah, it’s as bad as it sounds. The virus causes severe diarrhea and vomiting and has been especially deadly to young piglets.
Reading between the lines…
China has been on complete all-hands-on-deck military alert for all forms of warfare since January 2020. (You’d never know this if all you read is the American “news”.) They discovered a brand new and “novel coronavirus” this month. This discovery set a number of things in motion. First was the WHO which sent out an alert, and second was a rearming and re-posturing of all military and militia in China. If it wasn’t for their aggressive alert status, this virus would not have been detected, or preventative steps taken.
[1] Brand new, never seen before, virus. (Imagine that!)[2] More contagious than COVID-19.
[3] More lethal than COVID-19.
[4] More disgustingly painful than COVID-19.
[5] Detected in China by the Chinese military self-defense monitoring teams.
[6] The discovery triggered a global announcement by the WHO.
[7] American scientists familiar with similar viruses provided supporting information.
22OCT20 Update
The Donald Trump three day excursion to a military Base for hospitalization for COVID-19, happened exactly at the same time that China discovered the second bio-weapon attack. The COVID-20.
The United States is now flooding African Nations with anti-China propaganda.
23OCT20 Update
Big Surprise.
CNN told the truth about the so-called respected “Chinese virologist” from Hong Kong. You know the one, that claimed that she was employed by the Chinese government to develop the COVID-19 as a Bio-Weapon. And did so at the Wuhan Virus Lab.
Well, she lied. Not only that, but she is direct-linked to both Mike Pompeo, and Steve Bannon (both hard-core neocons): Excerpt: To make his case for demonizing China, Pompeo will use any source of questionable legitimacy. One example was a paper written by Li-Meng Yan, a virologist and at the time of publication a postdoctoral student at Hong Kong University. Her paper claimed that the Covid-19 virus was created in a Wuhan lab. Her finding was sensational as it seemed to authenticate Trump’s and Pompeo’s accusation that China should be held accountable for the pandemic. The popular media went wild with the story, even though those in scientific circles criticized the non-peer-reviewed paper as weak on science. Rapid Reviews: COVID-19, a collaboration between the University of California at Berkeley and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, quickly solicited reviews of the Yan paper by four renowned scientists in the field and their conclusion was: “This manuscript does not demonstrate sufficient scientific evidence to support its claims. Claims are at times baseless and are not supported by the data and methods used. Decision-makers should consider the author’s claims in this study misleading.” Those reviews followed the publication of the Yan paper by about two weeks. It’s a safe bet that the refutation is unlikely to attract the attention of the mainstream media. An added side note in the comment section was the observation that the co-authors listed in Yan’s paper did not exist but were fictitious – in other words, a blatant lie. So what could have motivated Yan? By now, it has become quite clear that providing material for China-bashing can be very lucrative business. Gordon Chang showed that he could publish a book on China that totally missed the mark – instead of economic collapse, China is about to become the largest economy in the world – and instead of striking out, he became an anti-China media star for the last 20 years. Peter Navarro did even better. He wrote a book and a documentary titled Death by China, a complete work of fiction, with imaginary “expert” “Ron Varra,” who turned out to be the anagrammatic alter ego of Navarro himself. This China-bashing turned him from being a failed politician and outcast academic into the holder of a seat in the inner circle at the Trump White House.
American military forces have been training to take and seize Chinese occupied islands in the South China Sea.
Army paratroopers have practiced flying long distance then jumping onto China’s island outposts in the disputed waters of the China Seas. Seizing outposts—and the strategic airstrips they host—could give U.S. forces new bases from which to strike back against the Chinese. But the Chinese military scoffed at the idea. “The assumption that U.S. troops could capture China's islands and reefs in the South China Sea is no more than media speculation,” Xu Hailin wrote in Global Times, an official mouthpiece of the People’s Liberation Army. That’s untrue. The Pentagon actively is preparing for just such a contingency. Back in July, 350 paratroopers from the Army’s 25th Infantry Division flew in Air Force C-17 transports from Alaska to Guam and practiced dropping onto, and capturing, a simulated enemy airfield. American troops landing on a Chinese island would represent a serious act of aggression and a major escalation of any conflict, Xu posited. “If the U.S. military really reaches out to capture China's islands and reefs, it will declare the start of a total war with China.”
How serious?
Does the declaration of “a total war with China” means that China will “file a complaint” with the UN, or something else? Maybe they might shoot back! (Gasp.) Maybe they might do something that the neocons running the administration is not prepared for…
...In any event, Xu vowed that an American assault on a Chinese outpost would invite a devastating response. “The U.S. troops will have to face an all-out counterattack from the People's Liberation Army and will certainly pay a heavy price for their reckless decisions,” Xu wrote.
Those state-of-the-art Taiwanese chip factories, are actually mainland Chinese operations. One of those things that no one in the mainstream, and alternative media mentions…
I got this thread from a WeChat group, between two Westerners. Interesting history about TSMC, [Regaining The Edge In U.S. Chip Manufacturing:] Yeah can confirm x86 are stagnating due to the cisc designs of the architecture while the likes of arm and mips etc which uses risc design it can be made smaller and more efficient Morris Chang, the founder of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), the world's first and largest silicon foundry, was not "Taiwanese". Chang was Zhejiangese, born in Ningbo. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) is not a "Taiwanese" company. It is a Chinese company located in the Chinese province of Taiwan. Sun Yun-suan, minister of economic affairs and Premier of the Republic of China under Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Ching-kuo, was one of the chief architects of the ROC's "economic miracle" that enabled it to become one of the East Asian Tigers. Sun was not Taiwanese. He was Shangdongese, born in Penglai. Neither, of course, were Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Ching-kuo, who were also Zhejiangese. Sun recruited Chang to become chairman and president of the Industrial Technology Research Institute that spawned major semiconductor companies such as TSMC and the Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park which would serve as a major electronics and semiconductor manufacturing hub. The plain truth is that TSMC is a Chinese achievement. All the figures involved were so-called "mainlanders" -- a pejorative term used by Taiwan independence Quislings to sow hatred between Chinese from the mainland region of China and Chinese from the Taiwan region of China. All the figures involved were patriotic Chinese nationalists and unwavering advocates of Chinese reunification. Indeed. Technology presents us with new opportunities.. Sad though our lot seem to be technophobes more keen in lining their pockets and keeping the starts quo of cleptocracy and "service industry Jobs" rather than innovating What happens when you more your capital abroad and focus on financial sector However with China developing the productive forces it opens up new opportunities for the proletariat to build themselves up -Jeff J. Brown
Reports on what occurred during the American lead naval sortie in the South China Sea in late Summer 2020, are coming in, in drips and drabs.
Recall, that the US mobilized three aircraft carriers – USS Theodore Roosevelt, USS Nimitz and the USS Ronald Reagan – to patrol the Indo-Pacific waters, an act seen as a “warning” to China. Each carrier was teamed up with a “minor” carrier, making a total of 6 American aircraft carriers, plus the British HMS Queen Elizabeth (a “super” aircraft carrier). That is seven aircraft carriers along with their support ships. This is the largest naval flotilla of aircraft carriers in history.
- US Navy launches live-fire missiles in ‘warning to China’
- Beijing slams US for ‘flexing muscles’ in South China Sea …
- South China Sea: Chinese air force ‘sends warning’ to US …
- China news: Pentagon sends chilling warning as China’s …
- Rare gathering of US aircraft carriers ‘to be met with Chinese countermeasures’
- PLA special mission aircraft approaches Taiwan after the island’s missile test
- Chinese mainland slams US military aircraft’s flight over Taiwan Island
The ships eventually left the area, and we have been trying to figure out what happened.
American & British Media – Very quiet.
Very little information. Suspiciously little.
Except that there is going to be a change in strategy. This new strategy would involve the use of AI controlled underwater weapons and drones. The use of a “traditional” assault force using a large force of carriers is not considered to be practical.
Additionally large boost to the black budget has been approved and moving forward. It is supposedly considered to be “urgent“.
Chinese Media – Subdued, but informative.
- Chinese energy beam weapons have been used successfully to disable both aircraft and Naval vessels near China.
- Once disabled, the ships and aircraft lose full control, and all their anti-missile technology is useless.
- Chinese munitions have successfully targeted, and locked on these defenseless vehicles. But none were fired.
- Chinese naval advanced lasers have fired low-intensity beams at US Naval aircraft in the South China Sea. They were obviously meant as a warning, as their design specs are quite deadly.
- The Chinese are able to de-cloak American stealth fighters and bombers.
- American electronic collection aircraft have been using fake civilian aircraft transponders to get near the mainland and probe the Chinese military defenses.
- The location of all submarines, and naval vessels in the South China Sea have been tracked in real time using a very extensive system of redundant sensor systems.
- The South China Sea is just swarming with Chinese advanced underwater drones with independent AI, and the ability to sink carrier-sized vessels.
- CIA spies drowned on secret mission to track Chinese …
(Note; If it is reported, it's NOT secret) FOUR paramilitary CIA officers drowned while on a secret mission to plant an underwater pod intended to track the Chinese military in the South China Sea, it has emerged. The men were reportedly caught in a tropical storm while attempting to place the device, which had been disguised to resemble a rock, off the Philippine island of Luzon.
- The Chinese have intercepted clandestine troops in operations upon Chinese territory. It is unknown what has happened to them…

Curiously, from American Media…
- There was an “accident” when American marine forces attempted a landing on “one of the islands off California”. All eight / nine of the soldiers are assumed dead. None were recovered. The justification is that the ocean is “too deep”, and they all died inside of an “amphibious tank”. But by looking at any oceanographic map of the islands off the California coast, we can see that this claim is simply not true.
Just keep in mind that there were many, many events and actions that were NOT reported to the public during this entire period of time.
Here is a nice interactive map of the (inferred) Chinese power projection in the South China Sea.
Since 2014, China has substantially expanded its ability to monitor and project power throughout the South China Sea via the construction of dual civilian-military bases at its outposts in the disputed Spratly and Paracel Islands. These include new radar and communications arrays, airstrips and hangars to accommodate combat aircraft, and deployments of mobile surface-to-air and anti-ship cruise missile systems.
30OCT20 Update
You all might want to consider what the rest of the world thinks about the Trump Polices with China, and the Asian Pacific Rim. Here’s a great article out of Australia…
The polls indicate, and most commentators believe, that Biden will win, but Trump is campaigning furiously, and the prospect of a legal imbroglio also looms. Neither Biden nor Trump has made much of foreign policy in their campaigns. Biden has said he would not be bluffed by China, and would not hesitate to “call it out” or retaliate against egregious acts, but the end of the Trump Presidency would certainly break the flow of “China is the enemy” that has characterized it. Trump has surrounded himself with “China hawks”, and has personified the US anti-China campaign, but given his record it’s not impossible that a re-elected Trump would reverse policy towards China, if he came to believe that that was in the United States’, or his own, interests. Whoever wins, in the election aftermath it will be important for Australian policymakers to keep in mind that our position (Australian) and the US’s position are not the same. We want a peaceful, prosperous and stable Asia-Pacific, or Indo-Pacific. The US wants that, too, but also wants to be top dog in it. As a US academic visiting Australia said last year, “the US can not tolerate a peer competitor”. But China is one, and many in the US “feel the hot breath”. There are one or two things that can be said in response to the “peer competitor” line.` One is “grow up”. Another is “compete, don’t complain”, and there are certainly voices in the US saying just that. The important thing for us to remember is that while we value our alliance relationship with the US, that is not the policy end-point for us. That end-point is a state of affairs in the Asia or Indo-Pacific under which we and other countries can live peacefully and prosper, in a stable environment. How can that be achieved? Certainly not by following the tack taken by Pompeo, who can’t even bring himself to speak of the “Chinese Government”; rather he refers to the “Chinese Communist Party”. It’s a great pity that at this possibly pivotal time we don’t have anyone at the highest levels of our Government with a strong personal relationship with a Chinese counterpart, as Prime Minister Hawke had with Premier Zhao Ziyang — someone who could effectively make the point that China’s actions in the South China Sea or in regard to the Uighurs aren’t really in China’s best interests, without making a public campaign of it. Perhaps our very able Ambassador in Beijing is saying these things anyway. And perhaps our goal of a peaceful, prosperous and stable Asia-Pacific can only come about if both the US and China can more fully accept that they have to live with each other, make room for each other, and not regard any step forward by one as a step back for the other, as Trump is said to be prone to do. We also have to look at our own bilateral relationship with China. Why is it now described as in its “most frozen” state ever, despite China still being our largest trading partner, and still buying huge amounts of iron ore at record prices, thus preventing our budget deficit from being even larger? Both sides have contributed to the present situation, and we need to recognize that if we are going to improve it.... (more) ...But I firmly believe that what we must try to do is to include China in joint efforts and mechanisms and gradually re-build trust, rather than build alliances to defend against or contain it. One reason is that efforts to contain or limit China simply won’t work; see what it’s already doing economically in Europe, Latin America and southern Africa, as well as in East and Central Asia, and with Russia. Another reason is that it’s such a negative thing in which to invest our efforts and future. Of course it will be up to the Chinese how they respond. But we should have a go.
Just a few days before the election between Trump and Biden, the climate in the Asian Pacific Rim is…
America's choice and Asia's future Whoever claims victory in the US presidential contest this week, Washington’s grasp over Asia’s future is on the wane. It’s not that the United States is no longer a great power unmatched as yet in its technological and military superiority. Despite all its self-inflicted wounds, through mismanagement of the COVID-19 crisis and President Trump’s economically debilitating ‘America First’ strategy, it remains so. The short-term costs of the Trump administration’s mismanagement have been huge, in terms of US deaths, the fragmentation of national cohesion and lost trade and income. But it’s the costs over the next ten years or more that cast a long dark shadow over US societal and economic strength and the role of the United States as a reliable anchor in an open multilateral global order. The costs of COVID-19 continue to mount and the strategy that will see an end to it is still to be articulated. Nor is there a strategy in place to deal with the collapse in the US and the global economies that the pandemic has brought with it. In international cooperation on both strategic fronts, the United States is out of play. The world’s confidence in US power, the moral authority it once commanded and the capacity to deploy it are much diminished. Even the most energetic and driven administration won’t restore it easily, soon or perhaps ever. If Joe Biden had a 20-point lead across the board in the polls as the United States heads towards election eve — and the polls are narrowing not widening at the finishing line — most pundits would still be shy about calling the outcome until it’s all done and dusted. So burnt are they by Trump’s unexpected win in 2016 and scared by Trump’s refusal to be straightforward about conceding power. Yet US political trends and geopolitical realities are clear and key strategic calculations in Asia will be framed by them whatever the electoral outcome. There are few illusions in Asian capitals about what they would inherit if Trump should once more claim the US presidency. East Asian leaders have no inclination to sign up to an ill-disciplined brawl between the United States and China as they are being pushed to do by Trump and his deputies. The priority in Asia is to deal with COVID-19 and navigate recovery around the probability that China, having dealt with the pandemic first, will also lead global economic recovery. As former Indonesian deputy foreign minister and ambassador to the United States Dino Patti Djalal observes, they have no appetite for a New Cold War and ‘framing China as an ideological threat (constantly referring to “Communist China”, not just China)… [adopting] a blanket (rather than a la carte) attack against China: on the coronavirus, trade, investment, technology, TikTok, the World Health Organization, the South China Sea, Chinese companies and students, democracy, human rights, climate change — the list goes on. If there is anything that is clear’, says Dino, ‘it is that China has de-ideologised its foreign policy since the 1980s. No one seriously believes that China’s political intention is to turn Southeast Asian nations to communism. Indeed, China’s strategic intention is no longer about spreading communism (as was the case up to the late 1970s), but rather about strategic acceptance, economic engagement and political influence’. Nor is the happy assumption that a Biden win will lead to a simple American course-correction accepted anywhere that matters in East Asia. Biden has no power to reclaim the past dignity and authority of the US presidency. As former Australian prime minister Paul Keating said of the United States under Trump, ‘if you pawn the crown it is incapable of being redeemed at the same value’. Trump was no political aberration, chaotic though his administration may have been. He captured America’s contemporary populist spirit and unleashed its powerful political angst. Biden’s ambitious climate change agenda or the hope that he might return to negotiating entry to the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement may stir still optimistic, liberal hearts. But, apart from convincing allies and partners, including China, that he’s got the ticker for it, it’ll take time, require superhuman effort and it’s another matter altogether to pass the Pennsylvania test and sell a new global foreign policy strategy to the average American voter, let alone his own political operatives. American morale is already at a low level and has further to sink yet. As TJ Pempel says in our first lead article this week, ‘Trump’s policies were less a one-man aberration than an outgrowth of, and strongly supported by, the Republican Party. The past four years have exposed and exacerbated gaping US socio-economic divisions, the limitations of its political institutions, the contentiousness of its information channels, and the fragility of its democratic norms. Americans now inhabit separate tribes, value alternative priorities, are convinced of competing “facts” and are firmly convinced that eviscerating the other tribe is the path to a better America’. There’s gathering understanding in East Asian capitals that whatever happens in Washington this week, the solutions to the region’s problems will not be readily found there. The foundations on which confidence in regional stability and prosperity might be restored must be found in international cooperation effort in Asia itself that reaches out to, but cannot rely upon, the United States. This is a challenge for which there is little preparation or precedent. In a geopolitically fractured world, strategic competition between the United States and China ultimately limits both countries’ capacity to contribute constructively both to global recovery and renovation of the global order. The United States, the world’s biggest power, has lost its appetite for multilateral cooperation and is at odds strategically with China, the world’s second largest power. Strategic competition between the United States and China ultimately limits both countries’ prosperity and capacity to contribute constructively to global recovery. As Elizabeth Ingleson points out in our second lead article this week, the ‘next US administration has a chance to abandon the framework of strategic competition and adopt a more nuanced policy of engagement … This would allow the two nations to work towards a multilateral approach to the climate crisis. By linking geopolitics and climate, the United States and China have an opportunity to improve the prospects of both’. But as Sheila Smith concludes in upcoming pre-US election preview the ‘intensity of rancour that has permeated US politics will not be solved in one election, and lingering resentments may impede the president’s ability to be attentive to the accelerating shifts in the regional balance of power. A distracted America may be Asia’s lot’. The reality is that small and middle powers in Asia now have to play an unfamiliar leadership role. This ominous responsibility will remain long after the 46th President of the United States settles into the White House. Other recent articles in which you may be interested from the East Asia Forum are listed below. You can click the title of each one or visit for daily content. Editors East Asia Forum 2 November 2020 The latest at the Forum: Reclaiming US credibility after the Trump tsunami TJ Pempel, UC Berkeley
Joe Biden is elected, and Donald Trump and his neocon army will need to decamp from the White House. They will be forced to play their “war games” elsewhere, and the keys and codes to the enormous nuclear and bio/chemical arsenal will be handed over to others. Hopefully, people of a more sensible bent.
We will see what will happen. I, for one, look forward to a return of sanity to the world.
China has been, along with Russia, suspiciously quiet about the election and the Biden Presidency. With various unofficial responses coming out of China that pretty much all say the same thing…
China should not harbor any illusions that Biden's election will ease or bring a reversal to China-US relations, nor should it weaken its belief in improving bilateral ties. US competition with China and its guard against China will only intensify. But it's in the common interests of people from both countries and of international community that China-US relations become eased and controllable. The two countries must work together and take joint actions to explore and work on realizing some kind of stability and predictability for their bad relations and managing bilateral ties from worsening to a destructive extent. -
A pretty good write-up about what probably would happen to the China-USA relationship with Trump and his neocons out of the White House, and a Biden presidency in place…
U.S.-China Business Under Biden Published on November 10, 2020 Status is reachable Brandon Hughes, LLM, PMP Veterans Integration Program Apprenticeship at Goldman Sachs 24 articles Following What an amazing week it has been. Both United States (U.S.) and international citizens watched the 2020 President election with anxiousness and excitement. In the end, Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden became the projected winner of both the popular & electoral vote. While current U.S. President Donald Trump has yet to concede, preparations are already underway for a transition to a Biden administration. Below are a few thoughts from a career in U.S.-China geopolitical & business relations. An Easing of Overall Tensions This does not mean a Biden administration will be soft but likely use a more traditional foreign policy approach to China. This means focusing on human rights, promoting mutually beneficial policies, and taking a more piecemeal approach. What this means for business is that a return to more stable policies will support 3-5 year strategic planning. However, don't expect a return to the status quo overnight. In fact, some policies may never go back. Biden has signaled he will be tough on China in certain respects but business leaders can expect these policies to be much more transparent and telegraphed before implementation. Use of multilateral organizations U.S. foreign policy has long supported the use of multilateral organizations to put political pressure on areas of interest. Regarding China, this means a more coordinated approach to addressing Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and other political issues. This may or may not be effective depending on the level of commitment to policies but it will ensure that changes to policy are communicated well in advance. A Gradual Reduction in Trade Tariffs Similar to the easing of tensions, we may see a gradual reduction or repeal of trade tensions. A large portions of U.S. imports (by U.S. companies) were impacted in addition to export of raw material, agriculture, and high value added goods. These industries have been hit hard (if not decimated) due to the tariffs (and the overall approach to trade with China) and it's likely the Biden administration will take a "mending fences" approach. This applies to not only China but others as well. A Reprioritization of Human Rights This has been on the back-burner of current U.S. policy but it's likely that a Biden administration will put Human Rights on the docket in upcoming negotiations. This is long-standing U.S. policy and moderately effective in some cases. However, this may come in year 2 or 3 of Biden's term as addressing domestic issues and reestablishing relations will likely take priority in terms of policy issues. Reciprocal Easing from China China is unlikely to alter their next 5-year plan but you may see more "easing" of enforcement or legal barriers that have been impacting U.S. business. This may come as an easing of enforcement measures against U.S. shipments to China at the ports. It may result in a more open environment to business or an easing of doing business. However, like the U.S., don't expect an overnight change in priorities or stance. There is a lot to discuss before either side agrees to step back. Takeaways for Business U.S.-China relations will not change overnight nor will the policies. There are significant hurdles facing the U.S.-China relationships that are echoed on both sides of the political aisle. However, businesses can expect a more tempered approach to foreign & trade policy with China and a re-engagement in more multilateral institutions. This is positive news for multinational ventures as stability creates an environment for growth. Businesses who have held off the last 3 years should develop a China & APAC strategy to capture unique policy or growth opportunities that are presented. At the same time, businesses & investors should understand there are still considerable structural issues between the U.S. and China that may not be fixed and still impact bilateral policy. Overall, a Biden administration is positive news for those doing business with the world's 2nd largest economy. This means growth for revenues & growth for company value which ultimately reflected in growth for retirement accounts and investment funds. -

24NOV20 Update
Yes, Trump make it impossible for anyone (in America) to pay for Chinese goods.
Remittances for,, and refuse to allow for payments to Chinese individuals, or banks. I have heard stores about how some of my Chinese friends have had their stores and markets closed on them without notice.
It really didn’t become crystal clear until I started to ask my fellow American expats if they ever received the COVID-19 coronavirus stimulus check that they applied for. And the answer was no. No one received it, including yours truly. So I inquired. Yup. Any one inside of China or using Chinese institutions have their checks zeroed.
And people wonder WHY so many mail-in ballots were for Biden. Heck, he just about threw away one million expats in that brilliant decision of his. Fucker!

Why not plaster a sign that says things in clear English;
No Money to anyone inside of China. Period, by order of Donald Trump.
After all, it was by EO.
Seems that the “firehose of disinformation” that the Biden Administration is going to be harsher then the Pompeo/Trump administration is all just CIA bullshit.
In the speech, Paulson lays out his recommendations for President-elect Biden’s China policy, arguing that competition without unnecessary confrontation should be our goal—because confrontation without effective competition has produced some poor results for the American people. He further recommends that the U.S. pursue a self-interested policy that he terms “targeted reciprocity.” By that, the U.S. should move from being reflexive, responding to anything and everything China does, to focusing on sectors where the U.S. is the strongest and most competitive. In turn, targeted reciprocity can be a negotiating tool and lever to help achieve real results in critical areas of the U.S.-China relationship, including trade and climate change. Below are Secretary Paulson’s prepared remarks. Download “Targeted Reciprocity” Full Text
Yeah. The world is slowwwwwlyyyyy catching on what a mess Donald Trump and his cabal of evil neocons hath wrought…
COVID-19 is a bioweapon deployed against China by the United States to take advantage of the mass migration during the Chinese New Year. To prevent/minimize the blowback from the virus possibly getting out of containment in China, a mild strain (CoV-A; antibody producing strain) was released among the population of the Western countries months before the deployment of the bioweapon strain (CoV-B) in Wuhan (and possibly Qom afterwards). It's akin to innoculating your population with cowpox before hitting the opposition population with smallpox. CoV-A has a much lower lethality rate (around 0.1%) than CoV-B (10-15%) which is why the data on how lethal COVID-19 is all over the place. Let's look at the evidence: 1. Herd immunity: Only a few weeks after reporting how Chinese are welding their patients in their homes (February 6, 2020), at the same time as reporting mass graves near Qom (March 12, 2020). The Western (as well as Brazil and India) governments and media are all talking about herd immunity. With Boris Johnson saying that the UK would "take it on the chin" (March 5, 2020), Merkel stating that 60-70% of Germans would get the virus (March 11, 2020) to Bolsonaro saying that Brazilians are immune (March 27, 2020), with the media touting that the plan is not to stop the disease but to "flatten the curve" so that the medical system doesn't get overwhelmed. Despite COVID-19 being a 'never before seen' virus with unknown properties and lethality, it's almost as if they knew that the disease isn't that dangerous. 2. Theodore Roosevelt, Captain Brett Crozier and the Vietnam outbreak: The USS Theodore Roosevelt is a carrier in the Pacific fleet stationed in the South China Sea. The captain of the ship Brett Crozier, after discovering some of his sailors displaying symptoms tried to get the carrier docked in Guam so that his sailors can be evacuated and quarantined. His email to multiple captains and admiral Baker was leaked to the press, and he was relieved of duty shortly afterwards by Naval Secretary Modly. The blame was on the shore-leave in Vietnam on March 5, but during that time, Vietnam cases plateaued at 16 for weeks, and cases did not increase until after the carrier left. The first wave of the Vietnam outbreak only had less than 300 infected vs. 1156 on the carrier. Furthermore there were no COVID related deaths in Vietnam during the first wave vs only 1 on the Theodore Roosevelt. The scales of these outbreaks highly implies that the first COVID-19 wave in Vietname is actually transmission from the carrier to the Vietnamese population rather than the other way around. Furthermore, the low lethality rate in both cases means that it is the CoV-A variant. The reason is obvious in hindsight:If China were unable to contain the outbreak the U.S. military would take advantage of the chaos and start a hot war while the Chinese are incapable of retaliating, it would thus be necessary to inoculate their own troops so they don't succumb to the bioweapon. Crozier was castigated because in raising the alarm with the media instead of the usual channels so the the story can be buried, China, by looking at the Theodore Roosevelt outbreak and Vietnam, not only confirmed their suspicions that Wuhan was a bioweapon deployment, but also how the U.S. and its co-conspirators plan to limit the possible blowback. So when Germany was raising noise about seizing Chinese assets in the EU for 'compensation' for the outbreak, the Chinese response is basically: "If the virus is from China, where is your patient zero?" Which brings us to the next point: 3. Difficulty in locating "patient zero" in Europe: From months, the EU has been trying to find a patient zero to link back to the Wuhan outbreak without much success. The current theory is a 43 year old Frenchman who got it from Algeria in December, the link to Wuhan is tenuous at best. However, if we work from the two-strain theory, this difficulty is pretty easy to explain: not all patients who contract CoV-A are asymptomatic, those who have it and get tested would be a positive case for COVID-19. Finding patient zero involves working backwards from all known positive cases. Since CoV-A has been in circulation for months before CoV-B was deployed in China, finding a CoV-B patient zero linking back to China is practically impossible with CoV-A positives being around for much longer. 4. False positives: Something mentioned over and over again is the high rate of "false positives" of the PCR test: how the outbreak is not as bad as reported because of the rate of false positives. This would fit perfectly with the two-strain theory: CoV-A and CoV-B should be almost genetically identical since CoV-A is suppose to prime the immune system to fight against CoV-B, if the intricate human immune system cannot tell the difference between CoV-A and CoV-B, there is no way the cheap dime-a-dozen mass produced tests used for mass testing would be able to do so. This would explain the high rate of "false positives" outside of China. Since the Western governments were (and probably still are) going for the "herd immunity" route, they would of course want CoV-A to be spread as much as possible while limiting the CoV-B. The more lethal CoV-B would of course have much more severe symptoms than CoV-A, hence people who test positive for COVID-19 with mild to no symptoms were informed that they are "false positive" so they can continue spreading CoV-A among the general population. The fault is not in the test kits but the people in charge of interpreting the results. 5. Mask policy: Continuing on the previous point. While China started masking up pretty much from the start. The CDC and WHO were both against masks before they were for them. For example the U.S. Surgeon General tweeted on February 29: "Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!" Dr. Mike Ryan in the Geneva media briefing on March 30: "There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit. In fact, there's some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly." Remember Merkel's (March 11) and Bolsonaro's (March 27) mentioned above, at the end of March the prevailing strain detected outside of China, Iran and Italy would be the CoV-A strain, hence the deliberate and systematic campaign to mislead the public against mask use, they WANT the CoV-A strain to reach saturation in the population before CoV-B hits. However, if we look at the Swedish 'miracle' and the Vietnam outbreak, it seems the CoV-A strain spreads much slower than CoV-B. Sweden got lucky and closed their border before CoV-B got into the country, their positive COVID-19 are CoV-A cases (that they got from the U.S.) which spread very slowly even without a lockdown. Vietnam closed their border with China very early and the outbreak most likely came from the Theodore Roosevelt, which makes it CoV-A; with a lockdown the cases were brought down to zero pretty quickly. Given that there is no way tests that don't sequence the entire genome can differentiate between CoV-A and CoV-B, and the reluctance of the U.S. and its co-conspirators to implement a financially crippling lockdown for the mostly harmless CoV-A, once CoV-B gets a foothold in a country, due to exponential increase CoV-B would quickly overtake CoV-A. A lockdown would be counterproductive to the 'herd immunity' approach since slower spreading CoV-A would be much more vulnerable to quarantine. That is even assuming that CoV-A provides immunity: 6. Chinese claims on reinfection: multiple studies from China has claimed that followup checkups on former COVID-19 patients showed that only a minority of them still carried antibodies against the disease thus longterm immunity does not exist in most people, while the UK studies claim that T-cells still remember the disease and thus longterm immunity exists. On the surface, it seems that these are merely academic, however if Wuhan outbreak was a bioweapon attack, it would explain the motives behind publishing these studies. Considering the number of countries going for 'herd immunity' back in March, the number of conspirators is immense; China calling the outbreak a bioweapon attack would be like Julius Caesar confronting the Roman senate on March 14th. However, by raising the specter of reinfection, it definitely shakes the faith of the conspirators in the plan: If CoV-B does not provide longterm immunity against CoV-B, what are the chances CoV-A would provide this immunity?. Absence a working vaccine, if CoV-A does not provide longterm immunity, a hard lockdown getting rid of both strains and abandoning the 'herd immunity' plan is the only way to get the pandemic under control. The big question is whether China is telling the truth about reinfection. China may be bluffing to create a schism between the garden variety blanket-distributor type conspirators and the 'from hell's heart I stab at thee' hardliners; the former would favor implementing a lockdown and taking the loss, the latter would call it a bluff and try to restart the economy assuming that 'herd immunity' will be achieved. That's not to say that the UK studies can be trusted, after all, with their future tightly bound to the U.S., they are pretty much America's mouthpiece in trying to keep all the conspirators on the original plan: as long as the lethality rate doesn't get too high, most of the cases should still be the CoV-A strain. (The closer the death rate gets to the 10%, the higher the CoV-B/CoV-A ratio is.) Posted by: Sid Victor Cattoni | Dec 1 2020 21:41 utc | 26
What? You mean that Biden isn’t going to continue Trump’s Anti-China crusade? How can this be???? After all, since August 2020 through December 2020 the “news” has been all awash at how “tougher” Biden will be on China than Trump.
(CNN) President-elect Joe Biden and his transition team are preparing for an early, all-out push to pass an ambitious new stimulus bill, while also drawing up plans for a flurry of executive actions aimed at delivering on campaign promises and undoing the Trump administration's efforts...
Two decades of endless war and a bloated Pentagon budget that has proven useless in preventing Covid–19 deaths, now 270,000 and counting, are a jarring reminder that America’s foreign policy is thoroughly broken: It actually makes America and Americans less safe. Successive administrations have deployed the military in a costly, counterproductive, and indiscriminate manner, normalizing war and treating armed dominance as an end in itself. In consequence, the foreign policies of the United States are detached from any defensible conception of U.S. interests and from a decent respect for the rights and dignity of humankind. Marginal adjustments to the current approach will prove insufficient. A deeper rethinking of American foreign policy is warranted. This must be an undertaking that puts the well-being of the American people ahead of ambitions to dominate the globe. President-elect Joe Biden appears to recognize the need for a serious reorientation. His just-named national security advisor, Jake Sullivan, recently said that Biden has tasked his foreign policy team with “reimagining our national security for the unprecedented combination of crises we face at home and abroad,” including pandemics and the climate crisis. Moreover, Sullivan said that American foreign policy has to be judged by a basic question: Does it “make life better, easier, and safer” for Americans at home? Our foreign policy, in Sullivan’s words, has to deliver for American families. -A New Direction: A Foreign Policy Playbook on Military Restraint for the Biden Team
- Meanwhile, Russian and Chinese military continue to work together.
It follows Russian President Vladimir Putin’s statement in October that the idea of a future Russia-China military alliance can’t be ruled out — a signal of deepening military cooperation between Moscow and Beijing amid growing tensions in their relations with the United States. Until that moment, Russia and China had hailed their “strategic partnership,” but rejected any talk about the possibility of their forming a military alliance. Putin also noted in October that Russia has been sharing highly sensitive military technologies with China that helped significantly bolster its defense capability. Russia has sought to develop stronger ties with China as its relations with the West sank to post-Cold War lows over Moscow’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea, accusations of Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and other issues.
And Trump awards the highest military honors to the President of Australia for his anti-Chinese actions.
- And Russia and China test fire their nuclear ICBM missiles.
Russian Submarine Fires Four Nuclear Missiles | The Daily ... 2020-12-14 · The Borei-class nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarine Vladimir Monomakh launched four Bulava missiles at targets on a firing range in the Arkhangelsk region in northwest Russia, the Associated Press reported.. Borei-class submarines are capable of carrying 16 Bulava missiles. They displace 24,000 tons of water when submerged, can go up to 29 nautical miles per hour (just over 33 …
2021 New year
I have received some interesting information concerning the directed energy beam weapons employed by China.
- They operate underwater, just like they do in the air.
- They can completely destroy the electronic systems of all types.
- All three aircraft carriers sent to the South China Sea during the Summer of 2020 were nuclear powered.
- The American stealth submarines are also nuclear powered.
The Chinese directed energy weapons systems can cause the American Navy nuclear power systems to go haywire, go into a SCRAM mode, and melt down.
Obviously, no one wants mini Chernobyl meltdowns off their beaches, but were the USA to initiate a hot war in the South China Sea, you can well expect that to be the reality for the United States Navy.
With Donald Trump set to leave office, newly released documents show his strategy towards Beijing has largely failed, and that the US isn’t confident over its ability to contain China in certain areas should a conflict arise. Following the departure of White House Deputy National Security Advisor Matthew Pottinger and with the Trump administration coming to an end, a number of documents have been declassified setting out its ‘Indo-Pacific’ strategy or, more specifically, its gameplan to attempt to contain China over its four years in office. The documents are hardly comprehensive, yet reveal ambitions to contain Beijing in the political, diplomatic, economic and military spheres, including a blueprint of what the US would do in a potential war scenario. According to the papers, the US has aimed to sustain its “primacy” in the region, “support activists and reformers” opposed to Beijing (such as the Hong Kong protesters), create a counter to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and economically integrate the region towards the US, enlist allies against China in the form of the Quad and assist “the rise of India”. But what about in the event of a conflict? The documents spoke of aiming to prevent China “dominating the first island chain” – the scope of islands extending from Japan to Taiwan and around the South China Sea – via air and sea, and to maintain uncontested supremacy over the “area beyond”. Military analysts have described the former objective as being “modest” in expectation. If anything, the file reveals the comprehensive failure of the Trump administration’s strategy towards the region during his tenure in office. Not only have attempts to bolster America’s economic presence failed completely, largely owing to the contradictory priorities of the White House, but in addition the document illustrates subtle doubt rather than confidence that the US is capable of defeating China in this “first island chain” region. The US, above all, is seeking naval containment of China, and in line Beijing has utilized the Belt and Road Initiative to counter it by diversifying its energy supply routes. Throughout its tenure in office, the Trump administration has been unable to accept China’s status as a rising power, and these documents reveal how this resulted in a set of policies aimed at attempting to quell the country’s rise through various means. These methods, however, have not yielded much success, largely because of the US’s understating of the dynamics which underscore Beijing’s centrality and importance to the region as an economic power, and the erroneous belief that it can easily divide the world into cold war blocs and force countries to undercut their relations with China on the premise of values alone. The idea that the US can somehow displace Beijing again as the region’s economic centre of gravity is not realistic, and events such as the signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership underscore that. While it is obvious that the economic balance of power is shifting against America, what about in the military sphere? The documents show the US is looking at the region in two distinct areas; that “first island chain” and “the second one”, which constitutes the wider Pacific. It believes that it should be able to dominate the latter in the event of a war, but can only at best try to prevent China from dominating the former completely, acknowledging that Beijing likely already has the upper hand in the South and East China Seas, and around Taiwan. Based on this, it seems apparent the US would logically aim to defeat China in such a conflict via an attempt at a naval embargo, given a physical invasion could never be possible. This would involve choking off China’s access to the wider ocean and key maritime points such as the Strait of Malacca. This strategic planning by the US subsequently sheds light on the BRI. By strengthening infrastructure across the Eurasian landmass, China is diversifying its supply chain routes and reducing reliance on areas that can be dominated by the US Navy. For example, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and Gwadar Port gives Beijing a passage to the western Indian ocean which would bypass US attempts at containment. This has coincided with China’s first overseas military base in the East African country of Djibouti and a port it is working on there, which would be used to protect its interests in this area and thus thwart any US military planning. As the Indo-Pacific strategy has sought to militarize China’s periphery and enlist partners, Beijing has responded. In this case, the declassified documents reveal the wish-list of a dying administration that has thrown many things at China, with few sticking. It shows the scale of the challenge America faces. Despite the erratic nature of Trump, one should logically expect many of these ideas to be retained and form a template for incoming president, Joe Biden. Objectives such as sustaining US military primacy in Asia and sharpening initiatives such as the Quad will not go away anytime soon, even if there is a substantial lack of realism in them. Yet the element of doubt in how a conflict with China could be managed only alludes to the shift that is taking place. If America is not confident it could defeat Beijing in the first island chain, then what does that mean for the future? And for Taiwan? China’s bet in fortifying its presence in the South China Sea, while diversifying its strategic options with the BRI, seems well placed. And that’s why it isn’t Beijing that is fighting an uphill battle to establish a localized dominance on this side of the world.
As Trump leaves the Oval Office, people are comparing his office to President Biden’s office. One of the big stand outs is the huge amount of military articles in the office.

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MM, I’m sorry to hear about the countless emails that China is the problem. But let’s be honest, it’s all part of a bigger narrative. And in that narrative, everyone BIG (PTB players) agrees, wink at each other, and in their covert meetings the big 20 are all “partners” with the same boss… PTB. THey all sing the same song – but with different songsheets. And they are all pied pipers who lead their people – those who run straight over the cliff are the buffalo – those who stand in the forefront who fight for their freedoms with guns, freedom lovers, antifa, civil disobedience and other go against the system – tricks. The others who get pushed over the cliff are the do nothingers, the dim, nihilistic and the obese. And the nimble people left who refuse to be led astray – these are the ones who discern, who analyze, who sit still, and stand when asked to stand, and sit when asked to sit – all with a smile, with a focus on good health, good feelngs, and sense of propriety for the human race – sentience for others. These relatively few will inherit the earth. THere is one saying that you ‘must be aware of – if u still dont get it. “The meek shall inherit the earth.” If you discern the meaning of this saying, and keep your focus on where the PTB want you to do, you will, hopefully, (I mean I hope the PTB have effective systems in place to recognize thos who are fit to survive – oh, yes, Bill Gates has already intorduced it, ID2020) be a part of the New World. Or, you can get angry and follow your own Pied Piper – whoever he or she is – into historical oblivion. Most people will not understand what I have just said, nor even agree with me. But the moment u do, well, u’d be at another level. Of course, metallicman gets it…. U just have to read between the lines of what he writes….
It is not fair to hear only one side of the story ie. American point of view. We need to know what hear the Chinese have to say.
Sorry for some mistakes on English.
Also please don’t pray for a war. The world would end if there is a WWIII. We will all be dead.
Nobody except the American neocons want war. After all, they were the ones conducting biological warfare to begin with.
But you understand, the Chinese do not need public opinion to make decisions. It’s not a “democracy”. So you will not find what they are doing, reacting to, or taking action on in public forums. They keep their thoughts and actions secret.
Sorry have to explain what I just said using an on the net explanation on one of the most important phrases for the New World: I quote: QUOTE: Why did Jesus say “Blessed are the Meek”?
Jesus said, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5). The word meek from the original language was used to describe reining in a stallion. It is the idea of a horse being controlled by a bit and bridle. The horse is choosing to submit to authority.UNQUOTE. It says there every plainly. If u get it, u get it. If u dont get it, well u r not supposed to know any better…. To each person, his just reward in the New World.
Must be great to have it all figured out and wrapped up in a tidy little biblical package, man!
(G#d save us from the wide awake brigade.)
When you look at the box that the puzzle came in, you can easily see where all the pieces fit.
Quite right, Mr Man. And unnecessary sarky on my part so apologies all ’round.
I’m just frustrated about what’s going on and wonder sometimes whether or not justice really exists; or is it just a concept made up so the weak can pretend that the strong have it coming in this life or the next.
I’m personally unaffected by all this, but economies are in tatters and we’ll have to pick up the tab, eventually. That much is becoming clear.
Each to his own reality, though– I also realise that.
And speaking of realities, I just finished Glory Road. First read of Heinlein, too!! Wow, is all that comes too mind. It’s clear that Robert knew some interesting people back in the day and how what we are told has diverged from the actual world we really do inhabit. And diverged so long ago, too. I do know the Germans crossed over with their Bell; heard that from a trusted source years ago but scant on detail. Now thanks to RAH and youf good self I have a better grasp of what’s REALLY going on. And all the better for it.
Stay safe, and do let us know what’s happening Chinaside from time to time!
Yeah, it’s all a mess globally, and it’s frustrating. And it’s scary. For all of us. MM as well. You just make the best of things and keep on smiling.
Yeah. Glory Road is the BEST science fiction story that accurately describes what our universe is like. Seems strange, eh? Magick and ritual, and world-lines and advanced technology that seems like magic. But that’s the way our universe works.
For some great escapist reading, check out these stories from my Fictional Index…
The Long Watch – Short Story – Heinlein
R is for Rocket – Ray Bradbury
Here there be Tygers – Ray Bradbury
The Rocket – Ray Bradbury
The stories are good reads, quick reads, and will make you feel good after reading them. Check them out.
Take care and relax, this is apparently going to be the new normal for a while. The way the United States is acting, I can see this thing taking far longer to resolve than say in China. Which resolved it in three months. The USA might take a half a decade.
Why don’t China create a virus that will kill all adult white Americans..everyone 40 and above. The virus however sould spare black Americans, Asian Americans and native Americabs. Let all fair minded people stop America from doing what their neocons. So let us help China eliminate all white men and women, everyone aged 40 and above, in America. Let’s make the world great again.
Now, let’s not too specific here. As a white male, over 60, I would fall under your guidelines. Yikes!
Certainly there’s been a lot of bad actors in the West. However, the history of China, and Mongolia also tell tales of woe. In my mind I see a great need for change, on a number of levels. This COVID-19 seems to really be rampaging through the United States. I wonder what changes it will generate?
Not necessary for any virus to kill off d neocons. America will colapse as predicted in d Bible. U can check with d publisher of d former Plain Truth magazine. 50 years ago they predicted and claimed fm their interpretation of d Bible that American will collapse. What v r seeing now is d beginning of this collapse. With all d neocons led by an evil santanic leader, d collapse of American is a sure thing and will b soon. Very soon in indeed.
Next time, please kindly turn off your caps lock, or your comment will not be published. No one likes to be yelled at. It distracts from your message.
Agents of Chaos. How the U.S. Seeded a Colour Revolution in Hong Kong
Agents of Chaos. How the U.S. Seeded a Colour Revolution in Hong Kong
Laura Ru
May 25 · 16 min read
If twenty years ago someone had predicted a colour revolution in Hong Kong, most political analysts would have laughed. Not because colour revolutions are laughable — their tragic consequences can hardly be laughed off — but because they tend to occur in target states with weak governance at the periphery of transnational networks. Hong Kong, on the other hand, is one of the top 3 global financial hubs, following New York and London, and right at the centre of those networks. Though Hong Kong, a special administrative region of China, didn’t apparently fit the profile of a weak target ripe for regime change, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED)[1] and other notorious sponsors of colour revolutions had already set their eyes on the territory even before 1997, when its sovereignty returned to China. As China’s economic growth rates made the headlines in the 1990s, “China’s threat” arguments started to appear in the US mainstream media and foreign affairs analysts began to cast China as the “new red peril”, a potential challenge to the U.S.’ global supremacy.[2]
Although two decades ago the trade war hadn’t broken out yet, anyone looking at the bigger, geopolitical picture could see black clouds gathering.
In this article I will try to explain why the territory, situated at the periphery of China, like Tibet and Xinjiang, was actually a softer target than either of them for those striving to destabilize China. I will also outline some of the strategies used by agents of regime change to prepare the ground for both the 2014 Umbrella Movement and 2019 riots that rocked Hong Kong.
On the surface, post-reunification Hong Kong was running extremely well, but if one scratched the glossy surface typically associated with a transnational business and financial centre, one could immediately see that this efficiency masked much deeper problems. Hong Kong certainly had good administrators, but not many who could truly govern a city that was still politically immature due to its colonial legacy, and dominated by vested interests and cartels. The ‘One Country Two Systems’ experimental model was still being fine-tuned and little progress had been made towards the decolonization of Hong Kong’s institutions and, most crucially, its people’s minds. By all appearances, the process of creating a sense of identification with, and loyalty to, China was still in its infancy. In contrast, transnational actors, most notably churches, NGOs and advocacy networks regarded by the US as “vectors of influence” and “catalysts of democratization” were well-entrenched in the Hong Kong civil society. Working in concert with US-sponsored local media and pro-democracy parties they subjected both China and the local government to constant criticism, exploiting domestic grievances in order to deepen rifts in society and achieve the sort of partisan and ideological polarization that would make Hong Kong ungovernable.
If the local government had acknowledged and defined the risks, it would have been able to recognize a pattern in a seemingly random set of events. All it had to do was gather intelligence and match the information received with what was already known about colour revolutions and their genesis.
Regrettably the Hong Kong government was too busy reassuring opposition parties (whose allegiance to the U.S. is no mystery) and that imaginary entity known as the “international community”, that China was not undermining Hong Kong’s autonomy, to actually notice the big elephant in the room.
Hong Kong lawmakers failed to acknowledge that the political feasibility of One Country Two Systems ultimately rests on the stability of One Country, without which any talk of Two Systems becomes preposterous. System stability is never a given, equilibrium must be maintained through a balance of forces. So, when foreign players started coordinating campaigns aimed at shaking the foundations of this constitutional arrangement and hindering the process of Hong Kong’s re-absorption into China’s sphere of governance, the defense of China’s sovereignty should have taken precedence over other considerations. The “do less, get less wrong” mentality often displayed by civil servants and lawmakers made them ill-prepared to resolve serious crises and tackle social problems. Most notably, their hands-off approach created a dangerous vacuum that could easily be filled by subversive elements and groups with proven ties to the U.S. government.
Anyone familiar with colour revolutions would have recognized the pattern that was already emerging in campaigns aimed at discrediting both the central and Hong Kong government. The process of ideological subversion is always underpinned by a slow penetration into the institutions of a target country, fractious opposition parties magically form a united front, a small army of local volunteers and foreign agents co-operate to promote what is touted as ‘civic action’, a network of foundations and NGOs mushrooms to receive millions of dollars, new media outlets appear.
The ideological seeds of colour revolutions are sown long before anti-government movements organize mass demonstrations and engage in violent confrontations with the police.
These seeds can be dispersed in a number of different ways but can only grow if they fall on congenial soil, otherwise they will stay dormant until conditions in their microenvironment become favorable.
As a former academic studying the semiotics of culture, I would argue that the cultural field is not only perfectly suited for the germination of these seeds, but it’s directly involved in their multiplication and distribution.
In order to understand US-sponsored regime-change we should acknowledge culture and theory as crucial weapons in the overall arsenal deployed to perpetuate US interests around the world and conceive a cultural defense system capable of identifying danger and neutralizing it. Letting a foreign power occupy the field of cultural production, dominate public discourse, and frame the narrative is tantamount to giving a burglar in your home a guest pass. And that is exactly what the Hong Kong government did for over twenty years.
We also need to understand that no matter how abstract they might be, ideas still require trusted agents to sow them and tend the field. The Swarm Model, employed in artificial intelligence and hybrid warfare, provides a good example. Swarming is a seemingly amorphous and yet coordinated type of behavior, where a cluster of agents interact with one another and with their environment. The agents follow very simple rules, and although there is no centralized control structure dictating how individual agents should behave, local, and relatively random, interactions between such agents lead to the emergence of “intelligent”, collective behavior. Interestingly, some agents might not be aware of the role they play as it becomes totally natural to them. Examples of swarm intelligence exist in natural systems such as ant colonies, bird flocking, fish schooling, bacterial and microbial growth, etc.
China’s adversaries operated undisturbed in our city, built strongholds in academic circles, rose to positions of power and influence in the culture industry as even a cursory look at a course syllabus, film festival program or literary magazine would show.
Since Hong Kong didn’t experience anything like the people’s struggles for liberation from colonialist rule that led to the rejection of colonial identity in other countries, it soon became clear that building a Chinese national identity in post-handover Hong Kong would require sustained and concerted efforts. Regrettably very little was done in this respect: when British rule ended in 1997 it left behind a toxic legacy of colonial institutions, British-trained civil servants and a damaged collective psyche precariously held together by a false sense of superiority towards mainland China. The kind of cultural capital that promised social acceptance and distinction in stratified, class-conscious Hong Kong, was largely made of material and symbolic goods coming from the West.
Hong Kong was, and still is, teeming with educators, academics and cultural workers who are either foreigners, foreign-educated or share a neocolonial mindset anyway. They are the swarm pods peddling post-modernist perspectives on the theme of identity, perspectives that dismiss any articulation of Chinese identity as “essentialist”, ridicule the idea of national identity as obsolete in the age of the “global cultural supermarket” where supposedly one can adopt and discard fanciful individual identities at the drop of a hat.
In 2000 Gordon Mathews, an American anthropologist teaching at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, published a book titled ‘Global Culture/Individual Identity’ that soon became a canonical text in the debate about post-colonial identity in Hong Kong. Virtually every paper subsequently published about this topic drew upon his research and its underlying argument that our roots are simply one more consumer choice.
The handover of Hong Kong had taken place at a time when U.S. dominance was not only a matter of political, economic and military might, but also predicated upon a cultural hegemony that needed to be constantly upheld and updated through the media and education in order to shape public opinion. Postmodernism proved to be an exceptionally versatile and well-suited tool to maintain that hegemony. Postmodernist ideas, for all their radical and anti-authoritarian claims, are in fact perfectly acceptable to an imperial power which understands that its rule is safest when it can fragment the identity of its opposition and most vulnerable when it has to face a united front.
It’s not a mere coincidence that in 1980s the CIA took a keen interest in French postmodernism and deemed it the best defense against Marxism. After all, a narrative that questions the distinction between facts and opinions, truth and fiction and regards reason with skepticism perfectly suits the interests of a country that successfully peddles fiction to the farthest reaches of the world thanks to its education, media and entertainment industries. The absurd and yet convincing portrayal of the U.S. as a bastion of freedom, democracy and human rights is testament to the power of these industries.
Paradoxically, the same intellectuals who had dissected the concept of national identity and rejected it as toxic, refused to subject the holy trinity of ‘freedom, democracy and human rights’ to any kind of rational scrutiny. The old skeptics and relativists soon became dogmatic defenders of ethical absolutes that by transcending any cultural, historical and political specificity have effectively become the foundation principles of a new theology.
They conveniently forget that philosophers have been debating the concept of freedom for centuries and that, even within the same philosophical tradition, its interpretation varies considerably. They also disregard the fact that no agreed definition of democracy exists in international law and pay no attention to local rights cultures which preceded the international human rights movement by centuries.
Most worryingly, these concepts serve as empty containers, which can be filled with any content deemed useful to disguise U.S. imperialism.
The US began laying the brickwork for a colour revolution in Hong Kong even before the 1997 handover: NED funding for Hong Kong-based groups dates back to 1994 and was described as “consistent” by Louisa Greve, who was vice president of programs for Asia, the Middle East and North Africa until 2017. Its first strategic objective was to prevent the enactment of a national security law (Article 23) in Hong Kong, as this would effectively make the activities of NED and other foreign-funded organizations illegal.
When in 2003 the Secretary for Security Regina Ip announced a Bill to implement Article 23[3], as if on cue, half a million people marched against the government proposal, Mrs. Ip became the target of a coordinated vilification campaign that forced her to resign from office and the Bill was eventually withdrawn.
So, why did so many people take to the streets to oppose Article 23, even if it had no impact on their lives, didn’t infringe on their freedom of expression and assembly? Why did the legal sector, including the Bar Association and Law professors, so vehemently denounced a law that is standard in many jurisdictions, including the most liberal and democratic societies?
Besides, not even a fraction of those protesters could be described as politically active, for instance they wouldn’t march to defend workers’ rights, demand a minimum wage or the right to breathe cleaner air, as evidenced by the small scale of previous demonstrations.
How could the Civil Human Rights Front, a coalition of NGOs, Christian churches, Trotskyites, small labour unions and opposition parties mobilize hundreds of thousands of people against Article 23? What was the glue that held these disparate groups together?
An irrational fear of China and distrust of its government and institutions might have been contributing factors, as they largely frame the mainstream media narrative about China, but the anti-China sentiment that was cultivated in colonial times could only remain dominant in political, judicial and cultural circles after 1997 thanks to the laissez faire approach of local authorities and the relentless efforts of foreign agents and fifth columnists. Their task was to scupper the One Country Two Systems governance model and contrast any rise of patriotic feelings towards China. If the One Country Two Systems model failed in Hong Kong, the U.S. would also achieve another strategic goal at no cost, because Taiwan wouldn’t be tempted to adopt it in the future. As to the multiple implications of such failure for the rest of China, they fall outside of the scope of this article.
In 1999 a chance encounter with a British acquaintance I hadn’t seen for many years put me in the unenviable position of observing the methods and tactics of a NED “agent of change” at a time when very little was known about US-sponsored colour revolutions. As we lived very close to each other and shared a few interests, I had the opportunity to observe the way she and other agents operated to carry out the legal elements of illegal regime-change operations. After obtaining degrees in both Chinese language and Politics from SOAS University of London she had been offered a paid internship in New York with an NGO called Human Rights in China, mainly funded by NED and Soros’ Open Society Institute, as I later discovered. After being appointed Research Director, in 1997 she was sent to Hong Kong by the same NGO. She was usually evasive about her employers and preferred to introduce herself as a PH.D student at Columbia University pursuing her academic research in the field of Human Rights Law. As a researcher she gained access to Hong Kong universities and soon started to liaise with the Centre of Comparative and Public Law and the newly created Master Program in Human Rights Law at HKU. She co-authored several papers with the most vocal critics of the Chinese Central Government, inevitably designated as an “authoritarian and oppressive regime” in studies that focused on Tibet, Xinjiang and migrant workers, and helped facilitate academic exchanges between U.S. universities and HKU junior researchers and professors, who were often rewarded with invitations to conferences, publications, summer programs, grants, etc. American Ph.D. students researching human rights became conspicuous in the department and after a few years rose to influential positions. One could say that my acquaintance was actively recruiting and grooming academics to create a critical mass of China-haters within the Department of Law. Another important step was forging ties with community leaders, activists, journalists and NGOs through the ‘Street Law’ workshops offered by the Centre of Comparative and Public Law. Unsurprisingly among the financial sponsors of these workshops the U.S. Consulate in Hong Kong features prominently.[4] Because violent political confrontation and anti-government activities often result in legal proceedings, the colour revolution sponsors had to make sure that there would be enough pro-bono lawyers to defend activists, enough legal scholars to challenge the government’s enactment of the most debated article in the Basic Law and to advance Western liberal values. In this light we can read the legal advice and support they offered to minority groups such as LGBT rights organizations. Advocating for same-sex marriage is a good example of how these human rights defenders put the local government in a double bind: if it didn’t meet their demands for same-sex marriage it would be cast as ‘intolerant, oppressive and backward’, if it did, the majority of citizens who held conservative views on this subject would feel alienated.
To prepare a colour revolution, a network of interlocking foundations and charities is usually set up to put thousands of people through training courses, seminars, practical tuition conducted by legal and media specialists. And that was the case in Hong Kong too. One tireless ‘agent of change’ closely associated with my British acquaintance is the director of the LLM in Human Rights Programme at Hong Kong University, a U.S. citizen. She sat on the boards of several organizations including the Hong Kong Refugee Advice Centre (as past Chairperson), Justice Centre Hong Kong, and Amnesty International (Hong Kong) and advises the Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor on a range of issues. While applauding protesters that were holding the city hostage she declared “The rule of law does not demand unquestioning obedience to existing regulations; in fact, defending the rule of law may sometimes require breaking rules”[5]. One can only wonder if she would encourage her compatriots to break rules at home.
My British acquaintance and her American pal were also closely associated with of one of the board members of the Centre of Comparative and Public Law at HKU, professor Benny Tai Yiu-ting, who served as Associate Dean of the Faculty of Law from 2000 to 2008. In 2014 he was one of the initiators of the illegal “Occupy Central” movement, aka “Umbrella Movement”, and was later convicted and jailed for incitement. The prominent role played by legal experts in undermining the government authority, disseminating anti-China propaganda, organizing protests and coaching activists is reflected in the US$460,000 grant they received from NED. The 2012 NED annual report states that the money was to “foster awareness regarding Hong Kong’s political institutions and constitutional reform process and to develop the capacity of citizens — particularly university students — to more effectively participate in the public debate on political reform.”
Twenty years ago my acquaintance was not only active in the subversive cluster that was growing in size at the HKU Department of Law, but was also using her connection with the department as a credential to approach political groups and civil society organizations. Using the usual code word “human rights” she moved with ease from Christian groups such as the Hong Kong Women Christian Council to a Trotskyite ragtag collective called April Fifth Action Group which was led by “Longhair” Leung Kwok-hung.
This group was generally dismissed as a bunch of politically marginal, ridiculous characters better-known for posturing and shouting nonsense into their loudspeakers than their ability to get their point across in a coherent manner. In private she too joked about their intellectual limitations, but she was coaching them with the zeal of a missionary. In any case her coaching achieved some results, as Leung Kwok-hung, in his trademark Che Guevara t-shirt, was elected to the Legislative Council in 2004. It’s worth noting that both his group and the various Christian ones she had ‘befriended’ were among the founders of the Civil Human Rights Front, the coalition of NGOs, civic and religious groups, pro-democracy parties that in 2003 mobilized half a million people against Article 23 of the Basic Law. Such a large-scale demonstration, unusual for Hong Kong, was a swarm response to a threat that had been carefully manufactured and amplified by the anti-China forces that formed this front. By now we know that the National Endowment for Democracy, through the Solidarity Center (SC) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI) between 1995 and 2013, injected more than $1.9 million into the coffers of this coalition.[6]
The role of Trotskyites in enabling the West create contact with members of the opposition in Soviet Bloc countries in the 1980s is well-known and has been researched by historians. It seems that they still have some use for Washington, like Christian groups.
As to my acquaintance’s tireless activism, it was financially well rewarded — she and her unemployed husband could live comfortably in one of the most expensive cities in the world and jet between Hong Kong, New York and London. When her mission was accomplished she was granted a scholarship at an Ivy League university that led to a predictable academic career: teaching and writing about human rights and social movements in China.
By the time of her departure, a network of interlocking foundations and charities, think tanks, education, art and culture groups had already started to proliferate and could not only provide the logistics for the transfer of funds to activists, but also sponsor work visas for foreign nationals and establish channels to recruit local members. The ultimate irony is that many of these organizations and groups even applied for and received public grants to finance their ‘soft power’ operations. They put thousands of people through training courses, seminars, practical tuition conducted by legal, education and media specialists. Their media-savvy, public relations campaigns achieved a great degree of success even before social media entered the fray.
What is to be done?
The process of ideological subversion we have witnessed in Hong Kong required seed capital, both human, cultural and financial. Once the seeds have been sown, it’s extremely difficult to remove the weeds that strangle our society. It takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number of years required to educate one generation and now you can’t get through to those who have been educated to hate China. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still cannot change their basic perception and behavior. Facts no longer matter, emotion is everything. The swarm pods are no different from an echo-chamber and where they create clusters rational debate becomes impossible. We need to accept that Hong Kong is in the midst of a deep-rooted civil conflict of the sort that lasts decades.
In other words for these people the process of demoralization is complete and hardly reversible. It will take another 15 or 20 years to educate a new generation of patriotic citizens who would be acting in the interests of China.
I would argue that China needs a hands-on rather than a hands-off approach in Hong Kong in order to ignite the imagination of Hong Kong’s new generations and mobilize anti-colonial and anti-imperialist forces. Local cadres must be trained to exploit the contradictions of the pro-democracy camp whose empty rhetoric about social justice is backed by an imperialist super-power that is ruled by a capitalist elite. China shouldn’t shy away from the ideological battle that is being fought in Hong Kong: as a more equitable society than the U.S., the Chinese model can provide an attractive alternative to the hypocrisy of the neo-colonialist front, an alternative that draws not only on national pride and tradition but also on the revolutionary history of the Chinese Communist Party. Even during the hardship of the Long March Mao Tse-Tung attached great importance to art and literature, fully aware of the role played by culture in shaping public opinion. Winning the hearts and minds of the younger generations requires a mobilization of soft power not only in the education and media fields, but also in so-called “fringe cultures” where opposition to mainstream cultural norms and values is elaborated.
© Laura Ruggeri, 2020
[1] NED was envisaged by US foreign policy elites to be a more suitable way to provide strategic funding to nongovernmental organizations and opposition parties than via covert CIA funding.
[2] Yi Edward Yang & Xinsheng Liu, The ‘China Threat’ through the Lens of US Print Media: 1992–2006, Journal of Contemporary China.
[3] Article 23 is an article in the Basic Law of Hong Kong. It states that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region “shall enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central People’s Government, or theft of state secrets, to prohibit foreign political organizations or bodies from conducting political activities in the Region, and to prohibit political organizations or bodies of the Region from establishing ties with foreign political organizations or bodies.”
If there is a war, don’t blame China. The world most evil vampire 🧛♂️ is trying its luck… Imagining that it can win.
> ___
> Investigations
> Facing US Bio-Warfare: An open letter to President Trump from the people of
> the world By VT Editors -April 2, 20207569412
> Share
> SARS-US, MERS-US, COVID-US; the World Deserves Answers
> Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman, bio
> below
> Questions the US government needs to answer:
> 1. On the topic of the US using biological weapons in China and North Korea,
> almost everyone today knows the truth, the huge volume of accumulated
> evidence beyond dispute. After lying about it for 70 years, would you care
> to finally admit what you did? (1) (2) (3)
> 2. In your decades-long campaign of biological warfare against little Cuba,
> including the distribution of hemorrhagic fever, and the swine flu that
> caused Cuba to kill all 500,000 pigs in the country, the evidence of US
> responsibility is overwhelming. You have not only lied about this for 70
> years but tried to turn the tables by accusing Cuba of being “a pariah
> state” with a germ warfare program. Would you care to retract your false
> accusations and finally admit to the world what you did? (4) (5) (6)
> 3. Please explain why the US has some 400 military bio-weapons labs
> scattered in (mostly poor and backward) countries around the world,
> including new ones in Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan,
> Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan. Why not build them in your own back yard?
> Several nations are demanding that you dismantle these labs and take them
> home where they belong. Do you intend to comply? (7) (8) (9)
> 4. In 2004, the Hong Kong Wenweipo published an article titled, “Earliest
> SARS outbreak suspected in the US”, quoting AP and Reuters about a
> 45-year-old American woman who became gravely ill with typical SARS symptoms
> a few months prior to the outbreak in Hong Kong and who died within a day,
> with the entire hospital and about 80 other individuals with whom she’d had
> contact all being immediately quarantined. Wenweipo, Chinese researchers,
> Russian virologists, and military experts speculated the SARS-US virus was
> necessarily man-made and almost certainly released from a US military lab,
> the US leak being covered up. Would you comment, please? (10)
> 5. Can you explain how the Western (US) media immediately and unanimously
> knew SARS-US was caused by civets when for months nobody on the ground knew
> anything factual, and later almost everyone on the ground was suspecting
> Fort Detrick as the source? SARS-US was released in China, in Guangdong
> Province, but patient zero unfortunately immediately traveled to Hong Kong,
> sparing China but devastating Hong Kong instead. Would you comment?
> 6. COVID-US, like SARS-US, appears to be Chinese-specific, 99.5% affecting
> only ethnic Chinese, with no infected foreigners in Wuhan or China, which
> naturally raises questions. Harvard University – with apparent funding from
> the US military – conducted a series of illegal and outrageously unethical
> “studies” in China (after having been specifically forbidden to do so),
> surreptitiously collecting hundreds of thousands of Chinese DNA samples,
> then illegally removing them from the country. Many questions were raised
> about the (military) application of those samples. Would you care to
> comment? (11)
> 7. Please can you explain why MERS-US exploded in South Korea at the
> JUPITER-ATD bio-weapons lab on the US Airbase at Osan, and why more than 100
> South Korean soldiers were suddenly quarantined on the base?
> (12)
> 8. Please would you explain why Ebola emerged simultaneously in three
> different locations thousands of kilometers apart, each within a stone’s
> throw of a US military bio-weapons lab? (13) (14) (15)
> 9. Please would you explain why the US military seems to be taking such a
> strong lead in the COVID-US outbreak in South Korea, and why US servicemen
> have such frequent contact, “hanging with a Jonestown outfit” (16) like the
> fanatic Shincheonji religious cult who have been the source of most
> COVID-USA infections in South Korea? Please would you also explain the
> coincidence of both MERS-US and COVID-US appearing to have perhaps
> originated from the same JUPITR-ATD labs at the same Osan Airbase?
> 10. You recently commented that you could kill the entire population of
> Afghanistan within days. “Afghanistan would be wiped off the face of the
> Earth. It would be gone and this is not using nuclear. It would be over in –
> literally, in 10 days.” How, exactly were you proposing to do that?
> Biological weapons would seem the only alternative. Viral Hemorrhagic Fever
> and Hantavirus worked for the US in North Korea once; they should work
> again. Please elaborate. (17) (18) (19)
> 11. Please would you explain to China and the world why the CDC shut down
> the Fort Detrick USAMRIID bio-weapons lab? Was it really due, as your media
> claimed, to a simple “lack of procedure”? Barring massive contamination
> and/or infections, why was that huge (80,000 sq. meters) site kept sealed
> for six months of testing and decontamination before being permitted to only
> partially resume work? Also, could you explain why most English-language
> news websites were suddenly scrubbed of all reference to the closure of Fort
> Detrick when the coronavirus erupted in Wuhan? (20) (21)
> 12. In October of 2019, your country hosted Event 201 that appeared in
> retrospect to have been a live simulation of the virus outbreak that
> occurred in Wuhan shortly after. Also, in a 2019 Netflix documentary titled
> “The Next Pandemic”, your Bill Gates predicted a pandemic resulting from a
> coronavirus-like outbreak – starting at a Chinese market. Can you explain
> these apparently startling coincidences? If Event 201 was an innocent
> civilian exercise, why was the CIA involved as a participant? Did they
> conduct the simulation?
> 13. Odd that in the months prior to the coronavirus outbreak (and again
> during the epidemic), China was hit with 4 unexplained viral outbreaks in
> quick succession, new or unusual animal viruses that destroyed much of the
> nation’s livestock and poultry, causing much economic damage and
> necessitating the purchase of large volumes of US agricultural products. It
> would seem that Mother Nature decided to align herself with US foreign
> policy, not only joining your trade war and assisting your effort to ‘bring
> China down’ but her apparent unprecedented complicity in choosing the worst
> possible time of the year and perhaps the worst possible location. In your
> opinion were these mere coincidences, a run of bad luck, perhaps? Please
> would you comment, and would you care to predict where this will end? (22)
> 14. It seems the swine flu that devastated China’s livestock in 2019 was not
> an act of god or nature but was done by unknown persons flying small drones
> over the country’s pig farms and infecting thousands of locations, resulting
> in the culling of more than 100 million pigs.
> Does this seem unusual to you? Would you care to comment on the probable
> culprits? (See note 2. above) Please note that “Chinese gangs” and “pork
> speculators” have already been eliminated from suspicion. (23)
> 15. With regard to COVID-US, we don’t believe it was brought to China by
> infected soldiers at the Wuhan military games. If that had been true, all
> foreign soldiers would have been infected first and taken the virus to their
> home countries, but events did not progress in that sequence. Please would
> you tell us how it might have happened?
> Certainly, the Chinese people have a right to know.
> 16. It has been conclusively proven that COVID-US did not originate at the
> Wuhan market, nor in Wuhan at all, nor in China. Further, the virus strains
> in most nations are different from the one that contaminated Wuhan. Please
> would you comment on this, in light of your “Chinese virus” statements?
> (24)
> 17. Similarly, the people in Italy and Iran would like to know how different
> strains of the virus might have traveled to their countries.
> As well, the entire world is wondering why there were two large waves of
> global infection, the first infecting 25 countries at the same time around
> January 25, and the second with 85 countries simultaneously experiencing
> explosive domestic multiple outbreaks within a few days of each other around
> February 25 – and mostly different from the strain in China. Since only the
> US has all the various strains, it would seem those infections must have
> originated in your country.
> Would you care to explain how this might have happened? (25)
> 18. Following the above, Japan, South Korea, Italy, and Iran all reported
> that their domestic outbreaks of COVID-US had no confirmed cases of exposure
> with China but showed a connection with the United States. Similarly,
> Australia claims 80% of its infections came from the US, other countries
> also identifying infections that were Made in America. As well, the huge
> pent-up eruptions in Washington and New York were entirely domestic in
> origin, having no proven connection with China. Please will you explain
> this? (26) (27) (28)
> 19. China, Italy, and several other nations in Asia and Europe now have
> documented proof that COVID-US was circulating in their populations for
> several months before the outbreak in Wuhan. Japan and Taiwan have
> documented proof that several Japanese became infected in Hawaii in late
> September of 2019. Please would you address and explain this? (29) (30)
> 20. Two years ago, John Bolton fired the entire executive group responsible
> for pandemic response coordination, eviscerating your nation’s infectious
> disease defense infrastructure. In light of current events, can you explain
> his actions and your approval of them?
> You also cut funding for the CDC, eliminating 80% of their global disease
> prevention efforts, in other words, the department that could have helped
> other nations detect and control the epidemics they later suffered. More
> specifically, a key CDC epidemiologist was embedded in China’s disease
> control agency, but you eliminated her position and brought her home shortly
> before the virus outbreak in Wuhan. Please explain why you withdrew her at
> that particular time. (31) (32) (33)
> 21. For COVID-USA, why did the CDC forbid testing of Americans? Why did the
> CDC refuse to test even those already in an ICU and on a ventilator? Was it
> to prevent Americans from learning of the epidemic already loose in their
> country? Why was Dr. Helen Chu issued a threatening “cease and desist” order
> to stop testing nasal swabs her flu research team had taken in Washington
> State from October 2019 onward? Was it to prevent the knowledge emerging
> that the virus had already been circulating freely months earlier? This is
> pertinent because normally the reason we don’t ask a question privately is
> that we already know the answer, and the reason we don’t ask the question
> publicly is that we don’t want anyone else to know the answer. (34)
> 22. CDC Director Redfield admitted that US flu deaths were actually from the
> coronavirus. How many of the 35 million infections and 20,000 deaths were
> misdiagnosed? Was this accidental? When the cause of death was discovered in
> autopsies, why was the information kept secret? Why were deceased victims’
> families told they died of influenza when the death certificates read
> “coronavirus”? (35)
> 23. I have many messages from Americans in Washington, New York, California,
> Maryland, Virginia, and other states claiming infection, mostly in the
> latter part of December of 2019 but several as early as late September, all
> describing similar symptoms consistent with COVID-US.
> “I am sure you get thousands of emails but wanted you to know how much I
> enjoyed and believed your article. I have been trying to find this
> information online. I firmly believe I am one of the US citizens who had
> this virus in December 2019. Please continue your research.”
> “I live in southwestern Pennsylvania. I became sick very quickly on December
> 23 at work. I figured I had caught the flu. Although it was unlike anything
> I have ever had before. In hindsight, I see that I had all of the exact
> symptoms of the Coronavirus.”
> “It was September 30 2019-October 9 2019 when my husband was hospitalized.”
> Please would you comment on the apparent existence of COVID-US being
> widespread in America from September 2019?
> 24. The WHO emphasized the most important thing was to “test, test, test”,
> but the US is the one country that steadfastly refused to test, using many
> excuses that appear both lame and suspicious in retrospect.
> Harvard Global Health Institute’s Dr. Ashish Jha said America’s “response
> has been abysmal. It’s hard to imagine how they could’ve done it worse.
> We’re still the only major country in the world that [is not doing]
> widespread testing for coronavirus . . . That’s insane given our technical
> and scientific capacity.” Please would you comment on this? (36)
> 25. You gave yourself a top grade in handling this crisis, saying, “I’d rate
> it a 10. I think we did a great job.” Would you care to explain how you
> arrived at that figure? Meanwhile, even the NYT disagreed with you, saying,
> “The failure to tap into the flu study [Dr. Helen Chu], detailed here for
> the first time, was just one in a series of missed chances by the federal
> government to ensure more widespread testing during the early days of the
> outbreak, when containment would have been easier.” Please would you
> comment? (37)
> (38)
> 26. Your White House and US media made much play of the proximity of the
> Wuhan University to the seafood market – where you claimed the virus
> outbreak originated. Please would you have one of your staff perform a map
> search for the following address?: Trade Tower I, No.
> 568, Jianshe Avenue, Jianghan District, Wuhan 430022. (39) Now, would you
> care to write a paragraph on the following topic: “US Consulate General
> suspiciously close to the seafood market in Wuhan”?
> 27. In early March you amazingly declared as classified all COVID-US
> information and meetings, with all communication to be rerouted through the
> White House and coordinated with NSC officials. Only specified individuals
> with security clearance are permitted to attend secret meetings, with no
> mobile phones or computers allowed. Excluded staff members claimed they were
> told virus information was classified “because it had to do with China”.
> Please will you comment on the need for such extreme secrecy (while
> condemning China for lack of transparency), and please would you explain how
> coping with a virus epidemic in your country has anything “to do” with
> China? (40) (41)
> (42)
> 28. Virologists are unanimous that the first act after a pathogen outbreak
> (whether natural or contrived) is to hunt down the source and locate the
> ‘patient zero’, so as to stop the infection at its origin.
> All major countries made great efforts in this regard – except the US who
> made no apparent effort of any kind. Please could you explain why this is
> so?
> 29. For several months now, Chinese, Italian, and Iranian Medical and State
> authorities have been calling for international collaboration to trace the
> precise genetic trail of the global outbreaks and identify the true origin
> of the virus. Since all of the humankind desperately wants the answers, is
> the US cooperating in this effort?
> 30. The US media made a great fuss about China punishing its so-called
> whistle-blower Li Wenliang, some inventing false claims he was forced into a
> confession and even imprisoned. The official narrative, of course, is that
> America treasures its whistle-blowers while the Chinese are mean to theirs.
> But today, Li Wenliang is a national hero in China. Would you care to
> comment and compare his position with those of Edward Snowdon, Julian
> Assange, and Chelsea Manning?
> 31. It is documented that your Radio Free Asia created and promulgated
> widely the falsehoods that the University at Wuhan is a bio-weapons lab and
> the coronavirus leaked from there. Since Radio Free Asia is an integral part
> of your misinformation machine and reports to Mike Pompeo, would either he
> or you care to comment on this apparent slander?
> 32. Your White House and media have tried to shame China with accusations
> and insinuations of a bad record of biological pathogen leaks, even though
> China had only two or three small leaks about 10 years ago, and nothing
> since. However, your own CDC verifies that between 2005 and 2012 the US had
> 1,059 instances of theft or leaks of dangerous pathogens that broke
> containment. One every three days for seven years. Please would you comment
> on this disparity? (43) (44)
> (45)
> 33. A virus test in China costs less than $100 and is paid by the
> government. In the US, the cost of the same test ranges between $1,500 and
> $3,000 and must be paid by the patients – who may have no health insurance.
> Please would you comment on the relative attractiveness of the US Health
> Care System, and please would you note for whom it is attractive?
> 34. This is the documented China timeline for the COVID-US outbreak:
> Dec 26, 2019: Jixian Zhang detects four anomalous pneumonia infections in
> Wuhan and reports them to the provincial CDC the next day. The provincial
> authorities immediately inform the national CDC which prepares to implement
> the pandemic response protocols. Prior infections had still not been grouped
> or identified.
> December 30, 2019: China’s national CDC notifies the WHO.
> December 31, 2019: The WHO publicly reports the new virus outbreak.
> January 7, 2020: Chinese virologists identify the virus and confirm a full
> genome sequencing five days later.
> In light of the above, please would you explain your claims that Chinese
> medical authorities “covered up” the outbreak and “cost the world two
> months” of preparation time. The claimed two-month delay would mean China
> had to notify the world in October of a virus that would not emerge for
> another six weeks. Please would you elaborate on your claims?
> 35. If it were China with the above history and SARS, MERS, AIDS, EBOLA,
> bird flu, swine flu, and COVID-19 first erupted in the US, you would claim
> this as 100% proof that China was responsible. It cannot be a surprise that
> much of the world today is naturally tending to lay these outbreaks at your
> doorstep. Would you care to comment?
> 36. Mr. Pompeo instructed the global State Department staff to vigorously
> blame China for COVID-US, although I believe Mr. Pompeo is on record as
> having stated that the government “lies, cheats, and steals” in order to
> accomplish its objectives. If memory serves, he publicly admitted that lying
> is one of the most powerful American abilities, sprinkling baseless
> accusations like pouring dirty water into clean water, to leave a polluted
> slurry. Since Mr. Pompeo functions at your pleasure, would you please
> comment on the extent to which you share his philosophy? (46) (47)
> 37. Mr. Pompeo issued the global State Department staff with specific orders
> to paint the US “in every interview” as “The greatest humanitarian nation in
> the history of the world”. But you recently increased sanctions on Iran,
> preventing the purchase of critical medical supplies, and you ensured the
> World Bank would decline Venezuela’s plea for financial medical assistance.
> While China, Russia, and Cuba have sent medical supplies and physicians to
> nearly
> 100 nations around the world, your USA has provided assistance to nobody.
> These actions would seem inconsistent with your self-image of a ‘great
> humanitarian nation’, instead of appearing to the world as almost savagely
> inhuman. Please would you reconcile this apparent discrepancy?
> 38. Many people in Iran and Venezuela too, are dying every day now as a
> direct result of your policies. Please would you explain the pleasure
> derived from killing?
> 39. Recent news reports that you called the President of tiny South Korea to
> beg for medical supplies. That seems a bit pathetic, but perhaps you could
> explain. Reports that China is shipping thousands of tonnes of medical
> supplies to the US. Would you care to comment on the position that the world
> should treat the US as the US is treating Iran, and refuse to send
> anything?
> 40. The 1918 “Spanish” influenza pandemic that killed between 20 million and
> 50 million people were proven to have originated in the US and propagated
> throughout the world from secrecy and recklessness. The
> 2008 H1N1 pandemic also originated in the US and spread through the world
> from the same causes, your CDC for 6 months unable or unwilling to identify
> the pathogen, while maintaining the secrecy and promoting misinformation,
> causing between 200,000 and 500,000 premature deaths worldwide. HIV-AIDS
> also originated in the US, its simultaneous spread to two other continents
> still a matter of fierce debate. Would you care to comment on US culpability
> in these deadly epidemics? Do you plan to apologize to the world for your
> carelessness? Would you support class-action lawsuits in favor of the
> victims?
> Epilogue
> I believe the truth about COVID-US will eventually come out. There must be
> many people with personal knowledge of the source and method of
> distribution. What we need now is one more brave Edward Snowdon or Chelsea
> Manning to leak the information. We will then see how truly the US treasures
> its whistle-blowers.
> Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has
> held senior executive positions in international consulting firms and owned
> an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at
> Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international
> affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is
> currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the
> West. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization
> (CRG). He can be contacted
> at:
CGTN is getting into the mix too:
Baba Beijing is going into Mao mode. At some point, Lao Zi and Confucius just don’t work anymore.
Time to go toe to toe with Uncle Sam.
It would be more credible if you could cite your source for the 3 + 1 variants of Covid-19.
Google is your friend.
We Chinese is not easily wipe out no matter where we are in every corner of this world we will survive
You should find someone to translate this into Mandarin and post it onto Zhihu or Weibo in China. Let the Chinese know and alert them early on. What you have here might be conspiracy theory, but it makes a lot of sense once we connected all the dots.
I could translate it myself, but my Chinese is still at an intermediate level. Good idea though.
Can someone translate this into Chinese?
The Chinese people need to be on high alert.
Interesting blog/site… here are some of my thoughts summarized about this whole situation… I think you are right on the money with regards to the bat coin not being a coincidence. Just like the 9/11 false flag, its obvious to me that they picked September 11th as a special date, so each time people have to dial 911 they remember how much they need the protection of the government etc…
But I think the US POTUS is a fake position in that ever since CIA took out JFK, the American President doesn’t have true power anymore. Bush probably didn’t know about 9/11 beforehand, and its very likely that Trump was not let in on the CIA COVID biovirus plan… or he might have been told very general things like “hey America about to be great again” and then gave “hints” of it at the DAVOS early in January telling the world that there is a big surprise and America is going to make a big comeback in a huge way etc…
The whole “this is war”, “wartime president”, etc thing I believe was the US expected China not to fight back, they expected China to collapse due to the biovirus just as detailed in the Jack London “The Unparalleled Invasion” and now when the Yanks say “this is war”, they really mean in the context of “how dare the Chinese fight back with their own virus!!!”…. Even though America started the biowar first, they still think China is supposed to take it and not return fire and when China does fight back, its now an “act of war”….
As a Chinese American, I know I’m going be in a US concentration camp by the end of this year for sure… I was thinking about this all last year and by December figured that the only way America could defeat China was via a biovirus and lo and behold…. Last December around 14th or 15th, before Xmas, etc I recall vividly one night browsing the web on my gaming PC late at night, and on the main CNN US page scrolled down towards the bottom there was a middle insert about this new mysterious Chinese virus that was related to SARS etc… it gave me one of those weird vibes like you know the lawyer couple experienced when they saw for their own eyes this “sharply dressed [CIA] man” escorting that underwear bomber (another false flag) and I should have taken screenshots but now even Internet Archive scrubbed it out, long story short for a few nights in mid December I saw CNN ran articles about this new mystery China virus and back then it just felt like they were planting this story for a sinister reason… but I had no idea what it would turn out to be. Then I totally forgotten about it, until in Mid January about a month later we here about Wuhan and the rest is history… I think they ran that CNN story too early, and then pulled it…
Great post. And thank you for all this.
How these pieces came together is just as you described it. A forgotten news article here, and another snippet there. Then, when you start putting the puzzle pieces together it starts to look really sinister.
The entire thing about the Wuhan military games. All the strange events, pa
rticularly the fact that the USA military just doesn’t participate in these things, and when they do the result was so abnormally bad, the quartering of the US troops in the same hotel as the Koreans, the Italians and the Iranians… the videos of American servicemen and women in the Wuhan “wet market” touching all the vegetables and foods so profusely. Why? Can’t they eat in the restaurants? Where would they buy the food and cook it?
And the complete reorganization of the bio-warfare office under John Bolton of all people, and the bio-warfare trials and studies that were conducted immediately afterwards…
Let’s not forget the drone assaults on the pig industry. And all the custom made drones, and the custom spraying mechanisms and the swine flu viruses in vials…
And of course, Chinese New Year DEFCON ONE lock-down. If that does not scream “world war III” then you are not paying attention. On Chinese new year. And Americans do not have a clue as to what the significance all this is.
Now, people are saying that if it’s a “hot war” it will be limited to the South China Sea or Taiwan. Again, more idiotic American ignorance. China is playing this game and China is making the rules. Oh, no. It will not be in the South China Sea, it will be up-front and directly in the face of Americans.
It is now…right?
China is fine. Back to work. Living life as if nothing has happened.
The USA is a full-on shit storm of mess. How can you possibly say that any hot war would be limited to the South China sea. If the USA wants to escillate things, then be prepared to see an America without any cities. Because it will all be over very quickly.
You said;
I believe was the US expected China not to fight back, they expected China to collapse due to the biovirus just as detailed in the Jack London “The Unparalleled Invasion” and now when the Yanks say “this is war”, they really mean in the context of “how dare the Chinese fight back with their own virus!!!”…. Even though America started the biowar first, they still think China is supposed to take it and not return fire and when China does fight back, its now an “act of war”….
The thing about the SCS is that if China “allows” the US to take control of these islands then not only does it deprive China of its zone of protection for purely self-defense it also turns the tables around in terms of giving the US the ability at a later time of its choosing to use it was forward operating base to effectively strike/attack mainland China if the US were to take over those islands “in the name of world peace”… So you see news now that America is trying to claim the moon for itself by signing “international agreements” with other nations purposefully leaving out Russia and China, and US wants to buy Greenland, wants China and Russia out of the artic up north, but then proclaims “freedom of navigation” in the South China Sea. So it’s all propaganda and hypocrisy and “might is right”, whilst abusing the term “rule of law” just to benefit itself with ill-gotten gains.
In an interview a while back Steve Bannon (who by the way is regaining favor in the Trump Whitehouse again) suggested that Trump give the Chinese a 72 hour period to take all their military gear off the islands and leave or else the US military would go in and do it for them. That’s like Bush telling Saddam to get rid of all his Al Hussein missiles in Iraq or else the US would invade, Saddam stupidly got rid of them, then got invaded anyway… Anyone thinks if US fights China off those islands that US wouldn’t take it for themselves? No, they would say they must put their own installations to deter against China ever getting tempted to use those islands again…
I’ve always suspected that African Swine Flu was US covert operation to destabilize Chinese food supply and also to fight back China’s tariffs in the middle of the trade war, to force China to buy more pork from US farmers etc… although biowarfare on animals is cruel, I could even see it as just another weapon in the economic war… but COVID-19 really crossed a red line in terms of directly targeting the Chinese population itself, and going after not just curbing China’s rise or slowing Chinese ascension but actually with intent to completely destroy and obliterate China itself… its pretty clear at this point “the gloves have come off” and anything goes…
The reason the US did the elaborate Wuhan military games was purely for plausible deniability. They could have easily sent a team of spies, (or maybe they did in parallel anyway) but needed the Wuhan games as cover, not just so in case China found out, but really to get ahead of the narrative and starve off any chance the world finding out and collectively turning their backs against America… likewise those leaks in Fort Detrick labs was also done on purpose, layers of layers of plausible deniability so when the pieces are all finally put together they can claim it was all a string of unlucky incidents/events.
There are studies published that show had China reacted just five days later than it did in terms of lockdown that the total infected would have been at least three times as much. Had China not reacted until after the New Year’s celebrations was over and everyone went home, then its likely each major Chinese city would have turned into an explosive Wuhan and there would have been no help from outside provinces since each province would be too busy to just take care of themselves, the death rate would have skyrocketed, situation would have completely been out of control, and America was hoping to take advantage of such a crisis to turn the Chinese people against their own government just as Steve Bannon was calling for “Takedown of Xi”, and breaking the back of the CCP in his Warroom:Pandemic series when this whole thing first started… Xi himself was calling it a “People’s War” and that the devil must be exposed and must not be allowed to hide… I think this was the closest he could hint at something without coming out and saying it.
As a Chinese American who grew up in the US, the issue I see with most Chinese people and even the Chinese government is that they are still too naive. They want to see the best of people but don’t realize how the mind of the white man (or those White folks in charge and in power of geopolitical world events) truly operates and thinks. It is not about what is logical or practical, its something akin to fanatical religion. Shared prosperity and win-win is not acceptable to the US because it would mean being an equal to China, and that goes against the exceptionists non-negotiable American way of life etc… It is also an innate element of superiority and racisms in terms of the ingrained believe that “white is right” or white is best, etc. For example, China made the grave mistake of minimum nuclear deterrence, they should have long ago stockpiled at least 10 times as much nuclear weapons and delivery systems capable of fully wiping out the US as what they have right now…
There are even some Chinese cucks on SinoDefence forums stating their opinion that if the US suddenly surprise attacked China with a nuclear first strike that decapitated the Chinese government, CCP, C&C etc that the remaining Chinese commanders out in the field capable of retaliating should just give up and refrain from the retaliatory second strike since what was the point of extracting revenge on the US when it wouldn’t be a “deterrence” anymore if all of China was essentially already wiped out…
This is a very dangerous way of thinking…
Not to be philosophical or anything, but I’m of the opinion that if China should ever go hard down, it best make damn sure to take America with it, no exceptions. As some US politicians have said, “there are things more important than living” and I agree. Other than civil war and revolutionary war, America homeland has more or less been untouched (Pearl Harbor was a standdown event as entry into WWII, they already cracked Japs codes, and 9/11 obvious inside job obviously) but keep pushing their luck and I think one day sooner or later luck may run out…..
Firstly, Thank you for your long and insightful comment.
Secondly, the USA did actually go into a war with China. It’s on all fronts and does involved WMD’s. Its just that China is much smarter than the USA and does not resemble the neocon / conservative image of what it is. The mere fact that the mainland America is dealing with all these COVID-19 problems is on it’s face, pure and obvious that a war is being fought on American territory. Not on Chinese territory, as planned. But on American soil, involving Americans.
Thirdly, Do not worry about Steve Bannon. He does not make policy. Just influence it. He’s only one of a multitude of neocon “war hawks”.
Fourthly, and listen up closely. If you read all of the American neocon / conservative publications, everyone is saying that if a “hot” war were to break out, that it would be in the South China Sea. It would be comfortably far away. That is nonsense. The moment any military action is conducted against China, will the the moment that the mainland USA feels the brunt of Chinese wrath. Maybe the neocons don’t want to believe this, but the Pentagon generals realize that that threat is a direct possibility. Try to do what Bannon suggest, and good by Los Angles, Good bye New York City, good by Chicago, Good by Boston, Good by Houston. What would America be without those cities?
Fifthly, oh don’t be so sure that the Chinese leadership is weak. China has over 5000 years of warfare “under it’s belt”. The Chinese are “hard scrabble” people capable of survival under the harshest of conditions. China is a traditional conservative, single party nation ruled by merit. What is America? A pretend “democracy” covering a global oligarchy / military empire.
You are a Chinese – born, American.
I am an American-born, long duration Chinese resident.
We see many things that others are unable to see simply because they are ignorant and have no idea how out of touch their ideas are. It’s a dangerous situation, no doubt. And seeing how the USA is reacting right now to the COVID-19A lethal, you can well imagine how chaotic and crazy it would be with the ten largest cities completely glassed over. America is not a big, healthy and robust nation. It is a fragile nation tottering on the abyss and it will not take much to push it over the edge.
I agree with you, and so does the Chinese leadership. IF this nonsense continues both China and Russia will need to perform a “double tap” on America, and then occupy it as a conquered territory for about 500 years in order to fundamentally cleanse it.
As Robert Green says in his book “The 48 Laws of Power”, you need Law 15: Crush your enemy totally.
Law 15: Crush Your Enemy Totally: The 48 Laws Of Power …
48 Laws of Power | Law 15: Crush Your Enemy Totally
Back when this whole thing first started almost everyone, including myself, thought this was just gonna be contained entirely to Asia and even then largely within the borders of mainland China itself… (much like SARS 1.0)
I had a little brief discussion with an ex-NSA bioweapons guy on his blog, the dude was peddling “accidential Wuhan labs leak” theory way before Tom Cotton or Pompeo started doing it, but I recall at some point I stated that I guess we will know/see if China responds if something mysteriously bad happens to America within the next few months/years… It hadn’t actually dawned on me the very real and likely scenario that China may in some way have already fought back until I read your blog recently and it clicked as a possibility…
Western society had been so successful because at its core it was able to do organized applied violence using science and tools better than anyone else. This is not necessarily a good or bad thing, just a reflection and observation that in this world “might is right”,… as in the animal kingdom, – and humans are also animals when it comes down to it.
We are all just vicarious spectators observing on the sidelines the macroeconomic trends, battle of hegemonies, geopolitical shifts and watching the grand scheme of things all unfold and play itself out… people root for different sides/teams but in the end none of it is really in anyone’s particular control, nor a difference that makes a difference. One of the few things we can do is individually come to emotional terms with how the world events unpack.
And in a more meta/existential sense the universe itself is the ultimate underlining calculator/computer, everything else are higher order emulators including abacus, slide ruler, microprocessors, human brains, and even virtual CPU in minecraft… whether reality and existence is deterministic or not, it appears to strictly follow these universal laws of physics, and we are all informational substrates along for the ride, many sides of the same multifaceted coin…
Yes I do feel like we are already living in the midst of WWIII, opening salvos being covert bioweapons as opposed to raw kinetic force. There is a sense of visceral surreal-ness to it all… With regards to the SCS, I hope you are right, I hope China will escalate if it comes down to it, but my honest fear is that the CCP will be too peaceful and just let America take it without so much as a real fight. Look at today, the US banned Huawei from doing business with TSMC (Taiwan semiconductor chip producer), basically doing a killblow to China’s most valuable company and what did China do in return? Did it ban PPE and all medical shipments to the US? Did it ban rare earth exports to the US? Did it announce it will stop buying oil from OPEC in USD dollars and start only accepting the digital blockchain Yuan? No, it did none of these things… China by showing so much weakness is inviting the Yanks to attack it even more… I just hope that this is the patience before the strike, just like what happened with Korean war when MacArthur pushed too far… and then got handed it to him.
People marry into different families and adopt new names (if one is female), people can change their passport/citizenship and even national allegiances over time, but one thing we cannot change is our DNA. And unless one is very racially mixed, a lot of our core identity is derived from our DNA. When the going really gets touch and push comes to shove, then the real differences will surface and override the superficial ones that we have adopted during normal times. Political correctness goes out the window, social progress will go back to the stone ages, and people will unite based on the color of their skin. This doesn’t bode well for Chinese Americans in the US nor Americans living in China for that matter…
Back in 2001 had Bush focused on containing China instead of doing that stupid War on Terra we wouldn’t be in the position today where the US felt compelled to do covert biowar on China and inflict Scorched Earth policy on the world. China would have been easily contained merely 20 years ago. Had Nixon not got greedy and did the overplay to reduce the USSR even further by approaching China (USSR was going to sooner or later collapse on its own anyway) then today China might still be a closed off North Korea and wouldn’t be a threat to the US. Or at least the Thucydides Trap could have been postponed another 30 years.
But given the choices America has made in the past and the dynamic we are in today, China needs to rapidly stockpile its nukes in the name of real and true world peace. Otherwise this won’t end well for anyone. After biowar I’m predicting cyberwar, EMP, SCS hot action, and yes Nukes… I have feeling something very bad about to happen before the year is over… we’ll see…
I actually prefer not to have to even think about politics nor its implications but in the post-COVID era politics finds you… when I was younger I thought the American dream was the white picket fence, 2.5 kids, marrying an attractive blonde-hair blue-eyed white-skinned “All American” or “Miss America” type of woman etc… Little did I know that there is not a Chinaman’s chance in America lol
China is doing things. Keep in mind that it is a privilege to know the little that we know. 90% of what is occurring is not being reported. Also keep in mind that the USA, and Russia and other nations are doing things as well. What we see on the surface has little resemblance to what is going on under the cover of darkness.
Yes, it’s easy to think that China is just being naive, based on it’s actions or lack of action. However, I have my own thoughts…
[1] China and Russia are unified militarily. You attack one, and both will attack back. It’s in their best interests. If the USA collapses one, it WILL attack the other.
[2] China doesn’t need more nuclear weapons or delivery systems. It’s weapons on hand is more than enough to send America back to the stone age. More is not necessarily better. It’s how you use what you have. Not to mention that any hot war will involve Russia.
[3] Do not be under the impression that the COVID-19A lethal is the sole push back. Other things are going on, and by the way things are being played out in America, it looks like the United States will self-destruct long before tensions escalate.
[4] The elections are coming up. No matter who wins, the other side will get hostile. Expect an increase in severity of violence domestically. The years after 2020 will be domestically volatile.
How any of this will play out, I do not know. What I do know is that the fall of the United States has been predicted by many models, and it is just following the models in a textbook style. You might want to read my SHTF posts here.
In 1995, Michael Pillsbury, an expert on China who has worked with
every US president since Nixon and has, he writes, “arguably had more
access to China’s military and intelligence establishment than any
other Westerner,” was reading an article written by “three of China’s
preeminent military experts” about “new technologies that would
contribute to the defeat of the United States.”
Enlarge Image
Michael PillsburyWikipedia
It was in this article that Pillsbury first saw the term “Assassin’s
Mace,” which refers to a weapon from Chinese folklore that guarantees
a small combatant victory over a larger, more powerful opponent.
The article described goals including “electromagnetic combat
superiority” that would allow for “naval victory,” and “tactical laser
weapons” that would “be used first in anti-missile defense systems.”
They also discussed jamming and destroying radar and various
communications systems, and the use of computer viruses.
In time, Pillsbury began seeing the term “Assassin’s Mace” with
regularity in Chinese documents.
“In the military context,” he writes, “Assassin’s Mace refers to a set
of asymmetric weapons that allow an inferior power to defeat a
seemingly superior adversary by striking at an enemy’s weakest point.”
Enlarge Image
An antique Chinese “assasin’s mace”
At first, Pillsbury writes, he considered these statements
aspirational. But as US intelligence analysts translated documents
over time, he came to see otherwise. The Assassin’s Mace, he came to
believe, was part of a cunning and much broader strategy, a
100-year-long effort to overtake the US as the world’s superpower.
The point of Assassin’s Mace — which, Pillsbury learned, the Chinese
were already spending billions of dollars to develop — was to “make a
generational leap in military capabilities that can trump the
conventional forces of Western powers,” but to do so incrementally, so
that by the time they achieved their goal, it would be too late for
the US to respond to, much less reverse.
China duped us
In a sense, the new book “The Hundred-Year Marathon” is Pillsbury’s
mea culpa. He readily admits that, as a key influencer of US
government policy toward China for the past four decades, he had long
been one of many in the federal government pushing the US toward full
cooperation with China, including heavy financial and technological
support, under the belief that the country was headed in a more
democratic, free-market direction.
Enlarge Image
“The Hundred-Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America
as the Global Superpower” by Michael Pillsbury (Henry Holt)
“Looking back, it was painful that I was so gullible,” he writes.
Pillsbury notes that he and many other China experts were taught early
on to view China as “a helpless victim of Western imperialists” and
that as such, assistance should be provided almost unquestioningly.
Now, he says, he has come to consider this view — which he now
believes came about as a result of intentional deception and
misdirection on the part of the Chinese — as “the most systemic,
significant and dangerous intelligence failure in American history.”
“We believed that American aid to a fragile China whose leaders
thought like us would help China become a democratic and peaceful
power without ambitions of . . . global dominance,” he writes.
“We underestimated the influence of China’s hawks. Every one of the
assumptions behind that belief was wrong — dangerously so.”
“For decades,” Pillsbury adds, “the US government has freely handed
over sensitive information, technology, military know-how,
intelligence and expert advice to the Chinese. Indeed, so much has
been provided for so long that . . . there is no full accounting. And
what we haven’t given the Chinese, they’ve stolen.”
A superpower by 2049
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“The General Mirror for the Aid of Government”
Part of what Pillsbury sees as America’s naiveté on the issue derived
from fundamental misunderstandings about the nature of Chinese
Pillsbury now believes that since the time of Mao Zedong, China has
been engaged in an effort to establish China as the world’s premier
superpower by 2049, the 100th anniversary of the Communist Revolution.
The reason this has been so little known, he says, is that the Chinese
consider physical battles just one minor aspect of warfare. China’s
main weapon, he says, is deception — the constant appearance of
achieving less than they really have and needing our help more than
they actually do.
Pillsbury believes this philosophy’s origins derive from a book — the
title of which translates to “The General Mirror for the Aid of
Government” — that Mao brought with him on his long march in the
1930s. Described as “a statecraft manual with lessons from history
that have no Western counterpart,” one section of the book “centers on
stratagems of the Warring States period in China, and includes stories
and maxims dating as far back as 4000 BC.”
Enlarge Image
A Chinese military policeman stands guard outside the portrait of the
late Chinese leader Mao Zedong in Tiananmen Square.Getty Images
Included in these are lessons on “how to use deception, how to avoid
encirclement by opponents and how a rising power should induce
complacency in the old hegemon until the right moment.”
Mao, it turned out, read this book many times while ruling China, as
did subsequent leaders. Chinese students even use passages from it in
their writing lessons.
Pillsbury believes that China’s actions since just after World War II
are derived from this book and that they’re working just as intended.
“One of the biggest mistakes made by American experts on China was not
taking this book seriously,” Pillsbury writes, noting that “it was
never translated into English,” and that the US didn’t begin grasping
its possible importance until the 1990s.
Pillsbury believes China has strategically positioned itself as a
nation in great need of our help since the 1960s, noting that contrary
to popular belief, President Richard Nixon’s opening to China in the
’70s was initiated by China, not the US.
During early meetings between Mao and Nixon, Mao pushed for the two
countries to work together against the Soviet threat, with Mao urging
the US to “create an anti-Soviet axis that would include Europe,
Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, and Japan.”
“A counterencirclement of the Soviet hegemon was a classic Warring
States approach,” Pillsbury writes. “What the Americans missed was
that it was not a permanent Chinese policy preference, but only
expedient cooperation among two Warring States.”
Demonizing America
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The late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping, on a billboard in Shenzhen,
China.Getty Images
As Deng Xiaoping came to greater power in China in the late 1970s,
America rejoiced, believing him a reform-minded moderate. Pillsbury,
though, says that behind the scenes, he was far more hard-line.
Believing that China had erred in following the Soviet economic model
and that the country had “failed to extract all they could” from the
Soviet relationship, “Deng would not make the same mistake with the
“He saw that the real way for China to make progress in the Marathon
was to obtain knowledge and skills from the United States,” Pillsbury
writes. “In other words, China would come from behind and win the
marathon by stealthily drawing most of its energy from the complacent
American front-runner.”
In the decades to come, Pillsbury believes, America helped build
China’s economy and military while unknowingly following the Warring
States script. (He admits that it was he, in a 1975 article in Foreign
Policy, who first “advocated military ties between the United States
and China,” and that the idea had been proposed to him by officers in
the Chinese military.)
Following a Warring States philosophy of tricking your opponent into
doing your work for you, Deng knew that technology would be the driver
for building the Chinese economy and “believed that the only way China
could pass the United States as an economic power was through massive
scientific and technological development. An essential shortcut would
be to take what the Americans already had.”
Meeting with President Jimmy Carter in 1978, Deng arranged for what
would become 19,000 Chinese science students to study here, and Deng
and Carter reached an agreement for the US to provide China with “the
greatest outpouring of American scientific and technological expertise
in history.”
Under President Ronald Reagan, for whom Pillsbury served as a foreign
policy adviser, the Pentagon agreed to “sell advanced air, ground,
naval and missile technology to the Chinese to transform the People’s
Liberation Army into a world-class fighting force,” later including
“nuclear cooperation and development . . . to expand China’s military
and civilian nuclear programs.” Reagan also assisted in China’s
development of industries such as “intelligent robotics, artificial
intelligence, biotechnology, lasers, supercomputers, space technology
and manned spaceflight.”
“Before long,” Pillsbury writes, “the Chinese had made significant
progress on more than 10,000 projects, all heavily dependent on
Western assistance and all crucial to China’s Marathon strategy.”
Similar assistance has continued to this day.
All along, Pillsbury writes, China secretly continued to view us as a
tyrant, so much so that “starting in 1990, Chinese textbooks were
rewritten to depict the United States as a hegemon that, for more than
150 years, had tried to stifle China’s rise and destroy the soul of
Chinese civilization.”
In time, Pillsbury would come to believe that, despite a great amount
of American assistance to China over the years, the Chinese people
never saw or read anything positive about America.
Two days after 9/11, Pillsbury writes, “two [Chinese] colonels were
interviewed for a Chinese Communist Party newspaper and said of the
attacks that they could be ‘favorable to China’ and were proof that
America was vulnerable to attack through nontraditional methods.”
Looking ahead, Pillsbury quotes a RAND Corporation study as saying
that China will have “more than $1 trillion” to spend on their
military through 2030. This “paints a picture of near parity, if not
outright Chinese military superiority, by mid-century.”
Baring their teeth
Enlarge Image
The Warring States strategy advises the underdog to keep its
intentions secret until sufficient power against the hegemon is both
strong and irreversible. Then it should show its teeth.
Pillsbury says that China’s rapid economic rise has led to the
beginnings of this stage. He cites how in 2009, when President Barack
Obama attended a climate change summit in Copenhagen, there was “a
significant shift in the public tone of Chinese officials” that
included “uncharacteristic rudeness,” including the organization of a
secret meeting with other countries about blocking US initiatives that
excluded the president. (He and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,
Pillsbury says, crashed the meeting.)
During visits to the country over the past three years, Pillsbury
says, he has seen a stark shift in China’s attitude toward the US.
Chinese scholars he’s known for decades, he says, have long denied any
sort of “Chinese-led world order.” Now they are showing a sudden brash
willingness to admit to what Pillsbury believes is China’s true
intent. “The hard truth,” Pillsbury writes, “is that China’s leaders
see America as an enemy in a global struggle they plan on winning.”
Thanks for the additional input and sharing. I understand the basic gist of the American point of view, and I agree that without American’s opening up to China that Chinese development progress would not be on the same timeline that it is on today.
However, it is in each nation’s best interest to do whatever they perceive to have the most likely odds of favorable outcomes and results for them, and the Ends being more important than the Means, as I’m sure Mr. “We Lie, We Cheat, We Steal” Pompeo will tell you about the Glory of the Great American Experiment… If you look at it from the biggest picture 100,000 foot view, the US petrodollar hegemony that came after the Brentwoods agreements was indeed the greatest theft, control and financial colonization and enslavery of the world. As far as “great deceptions” goes, this is probably it at the very top. It is under this paradigm that China was propped up and allowed to grow with the US hoping and fully expecting that China would kowtow at the right time just as the Japs had done before them during the great acquiescence of the Plaza Accord coercions during the 80s. The Westerners thought was once China grew ripe enough it will be harvested by the US and that the Chinese rise was always going to be under the shadows and umbrella of US hegemony, that it would be a complement to further strengthen American dominance rather than a competitor against it.
Yesterday on May 15th 2020, exactly a year to the date when Trump first put Huawei on the US entity list, the US dropped the hammer on all of China, banning Chinese companies like Huawei from not even being able to work with foreign chip producers such as TSMC (Taiwan). (through threats of sanctions of sanctions etc)
Sure AI is important and AI is the future, but I’ve long said that AI is predicated upon the lower stacks and that without homegrown supply chain of microprocessor manufacturing then Chinese tech ascension will be stopped and reversed and forever capped. While Huawei has HiSilicon that designs its specialized ARM based processors, China doesn’t yet have the ability to manufacture the actual microprocessors (especially at 7nm, 5nm, 3nm etc) themselves and this whole thing was outsourced to TSMC in Taiwan. Computer chips are the new oil in this digital age, and a US blockade of chips, cutting China off from being able to procure microprocessors is ten times more devastating than compared to US blockage of oil to the Japs during WWII.
This is America dealing the technological and thus economic killblow to China after its covert biowar CIA COVID virus failed to obliterate China in one go…
Now the Yanks are stealing TSMC patents to create an American “national champion”
In light of the disturbing events these past few days where:
*The US has moved to ban TSMC from supplying Huawei with chips, whilst extending a 90 day waiver (effectively giving the USG the power to decide whether or not Huawei gets the chips, rather than TSMC).
* US moving forward with this ban only 12 hours after TSMC agreed to set up a 5nm plant in Arizona, and thereby also making TSMC vulnerable to US pressure on this factory.
*The US has a history of forcing Asian nations in giving up patents (eg Japan and Toshiba, Plaza Accords)
*The US via private equity groups recently tried to buy Nokia to create a 5G American competitor.
*The US has a history of using its military/natsec to steal industrial patents (via Snowden’s revelations, Tailored access operations, PRISM, Echelon).
*The US has banned lithography manufacturers from exporting to China; also, strangely a lithograph machine destined for China was destroyed in an industrial fire in 2019.
* The US under the current Trump admin is overtly economic nationalist and mercantilist.
I posit that the US is moving to get TSMC to move its fabs/factories to the continental US, whereby the US will create its own national champion and if Taiwan changes government to a friendlier government, then the US will simply drop all pretense and destroy TSMC. Everyone in China are deathly concerned with regards to lithography systems and how the US government just blocked ASML (Dutch) from exporting their most advanced EUV systems it to Chinese customers. This is a crucial nod in the semiconductor industry and ASML has a de-facto monopoly over a technology that is quite difficult to master. Not having access to these systems definitely hinders the development of Chinese semiconductor companies.
There is only one China, America admitted and accepted this policy back in the Nixon days. Now after reaping the benefits of decades of cheap Chinese goods, cheap Chinese labor, and using China as America’s dirty factory and basically getting Chinese goods for free by printing/exporting fake money via the petrodollar hegemony and weaponizing the dollar for colonization etc American then turns around and pits China against itself in the forms of the CIA/NED induced and enhanced riots in Hong Kong, to the assistance of rigging of Taiwan elections to make Taiwan more anti-China to starve off any hopes of a peaceful reunification with mainland China, and now through the raping and stealing of Chinese (TSMC) technology and forced tecch transfer to that of America factories so that the US can cheat itself to the top (since Intel is forever stuck at 10nm) whilst stealing (via invalidation) Huawei’s 5G patents and depriving China from the ability to work with Taiwan to produce the necessary critical computer chips that any modern civilization nevermind the world’s number two superpower needs to survive and thrive.
America is the greatest deception in the history of all humanity without a doubt. And I fear the worst is yet to come.
You believe that China is defeated. That the USA has put China in a corner and that it will forever lag behind the USA. Or that these actions will enable the United States to buy enough time to push harder and develop more factories and industries in the American homeland?