Satan II nuclear detonation.

Train with iron sights. An EMP blast will render all electronics, including electronic sighting, inoperable.

While it is the “fashion”, perhaps to have the latest in prepper and para-military gear. Much of it relies on batteries and other electronic means to operate. This includes reticle lighting, laser sighting, range finders, and night vision goggles. They will all be inoperable, and worthless junk, were World War III to actually occur.

For during World War III, the USA will be attacked, and an EMP burst can be expected.

The fantasy that America can attack either Russia, China or one of their aligned states without nuclear retaliation on American soil is a neocon fantasy. So listen up and take heed. If you play with matches, don’t go lighting them inside a kerosene soaked barn.

The neocon party is going to get America “bitch slapped” and it ain’t gonna be pretty.

Here we discuss this issue.


The American propaganda engine is fully geared up to garner support for a major war. They (the oligarchy) wants war. And since President Donald Trump has pledged not to get involved in a new war, they want him out, and a Democrat elected to power.

This should not be news to anyone. Democrats pull Americans into wars. This follows the same pattern used with Kuwait, Syria, and Afghanistan. The American oligarchy NEEDS a war. Because they are doing an absolutely horrific job managing America domestically.

A war is expected to distract Americans away from domestic problems.

And they are telling everyone that there will NOT be any consequences…


Russia and China don’t play.

They are serious, serious nations with centuries of warfare ON THEIR OWN SOIL. They are not going to tolerate America turning their nation into Syria, Libya, Yemen or any one of numerous American exploratory ventures “for democracy”.

This is especially true for modern China and modern Russia. Heck! Chinese cities look like they belong in a scene from the Jetsons for Pete’s sake!

Shanghai, China.
Shanghai, China.

Now, maybe you have heard some of these propaganda talking points…

  • Hong Kong wants democracy. All they need is a little help from America.
  • Taiwan wants America to intervene and chase the mainland Chinese away.
  • Russia needs to be punished for the Ukraine.
  • China has 11 million poor Muslims in concentration camps. The USA must do something!
  • Poor Tibet needs to break away from China!
  • Russia is fostering war in Turkey.
  • China is prosecuting Christians. We must do something.

Etc, etc.

The Jetsons is a prime-time animated sitcom that was produced by Hanna-Barbera for Screen Gems (and later Worldvision Enterprises). The original incarnation of the series aired Sunday nights on ABC from 23 September 1962 to 3 March 1963. It was Hanna-Barbera’s space age counterpart to The Flintstones.
The Jetsons is a prime-time animated sitcom that was produced by Hanna-Barbera for Screen Gems (and later Worldvision Enterprises). The original incarnation of the series aired Sunday nights on ABC from 23 September 1962 to 3 March 1963. It was Hanna-Barbera’s space age counterpart to The Flintstones.

Yes, and you probably believe all this nonsense. Most Americans do. If you check the comment sections on these types of articles, it is along the lines of “bring it on“. Not realizing just what this term will actually imply…

For simplicity’s sake, let’s just say that America is planning to get involved in a major war with a major superpower in the next ten years or so.

Nothing destroys your day like global-wide thermonuclear war.
Nothing destroys your day like global-wide thermonuclear war.

The American leadership is convinced that America will prevail, and that the American heartland will be unscathed. They are not even bothering to think it through.

I beg to differ.

One attack by America on any major superpower will be a disaster. It will result in full-scale nuclear response. This will not be a few nuclear weapons.

It will see ALL of the fuckers launched.

Nuclear war will be a nightmare for Americans. It will unleash domestic turmoil, and embolden the radical elements in society to wreck havoc on the remaining infrastructure.
Nuclear war will be a nightmare for Americans. It will unleash domestic turmoil, and embolden the radical elements in society to wreck havoc on the remaining infrastructure.


… and detonated in such a way that America will get a “double tap”, and a second and third one for good measure. This will be nuclear, EMP and neutron bombs all at once.

Russia and China don’t play.

America will be sent back to the stone ages, and the survivors will be fighting each other with blood filled blisters on their eyes, and foaming puss out of their anuses.

Nuclear war, radiation, starvation and social unrest will be the least of worries for the American survivors. Bio-warfare will be the real nightmare.
Nuclear war, radiation, starvation and social unrest will be the least of worries for the American survivors. Bio-warfare will be the real nightmare.

Americans will be too busy fighting each other for moldy turnip remains.

In this nightmare scenario…

… not at all unreasonable

… no electronics will work.

Those nice cell phones, and GPS systems will be useless. All automobiles from old cars to new Teslas will not work. Wristwatches will not function, and even battery powered flashlights will be trash. EMP will have burned out everything and drained all batteries turning them into nice handfuls of slag.

Every product that uses electricity will be useless.

If you think that the millennial youth of today will panic, you haven’t seen anything yet. Wait until every single piece of electronics is fried beyond use. All social media is gone. Gone. Gone.

Panicked and crazed people will take on mob behaviors and they will not be easy to control.

Nuclear Weapons

The nuclear weapons fielded by both Russia and China are dangerous and nasty designs. Make no mistake about that. They are designed to kill in the most horrible way possible.

Chinese nuclear armed MIRV.
Chinese nuclear armed MIRV.

Were America try to conduct anything other than a remote proxy war on either of the nations, the consequences would be horrific. DO NOT THINK THAT they will not press the red button. It’s a rookie mistake.


During a hearing on October 12th, experts warned the U.S. House of Representatives that a single EMP bomb could kill as many as 90% of all Americans within a year.

It’s a bit of a stretch.

But it is a very dangerous weapon.

EMP stands for electromagnetic pulse, which is considered a short burst of electromagnetic radiation. This kind of burst can come from a variety of sources, including our own sun, but in this case we’re talking about a pulse from a nuclear detonation that occurs at an extremely high altitude.

When a nuclear explosion occurs in space above a target, three types of electromagnetic pulses follow: E1, E2, and E3.

  • An E1 pulse involves high-energy gamma rays colliding with air molecules nearly 20 miles above, then raining down electrons that get pulled in by Earth’s natural magnetic field.
  • An E2 pulse comes from high-energy neutrons that get fired in every direction.
  • A E3 pulse occurs due to the size of the nuclear fireball itself affecting the Earth’s magnetic field.

These pulses affect everything in line of sight of the nuclear blast. For example, a blast at 60 miles up can affect a 700-mile radius on Earth.

EMP bombs do not cause casualties directly.

EMP detonations will render all electronics on all systems inoperable.
EMP detonations will render all electronics on ALL systems inoperable.

The blast happens much too far away from people. Their power comes from interfering, disrupting, or damaging electronic equipment. That could mean power grids going down, cars and planes losing power, computer systems going berserk, and possibly even losing emergency backup power at facilities like hospitals. It’s sort of like the Y2K nightmare come to life.

The three different types of pulse—E1, E2, and E3—affect various types of electrical systems in different ways.

  • E1 affects local antennas, short cable runs, equipment inside buildings, integrated circuits, sensors, communication systems, protective systems, and computers;
  • E2 is similar to a lightning strike (so not as damaging since we know how to deal with it), and affects longer conductive lines, vertical antenna towers, and aircraft with trailing wire antennas;
  • E3 affects power lines and long communications lines like undersea and underground cables, which could wreak havoc on commercial power and landlines.

Overall, most of the damage would come from E1 and E3 pulses disrupting the technology we’ve come to rely on. Post-blast, generators may be able to still provide power, but for the most part, people would not have access to electricity. Thus, cars and communications would no longer work and every battery would be turned into a pile of slag..


The SHTF in this scenario is truly horrific.

 Large-Scale Attack Simulator (USA)

 What would happen to the United States during a nuclear war?
 Using unclassified documents on nuclear targeting and open data on the  physics of modern weapons and fallout patterns, this simulation models  what would happen if approximately 1,100 warheads (~7% of the world's  arsenal) hit the United States. This is a realistic simulation based on  hard science and known targeting strategies. That said, it should be  treated as an approximation of a single scenario - a real attack could  take a myriad of forms, some less destructive than this model and some  far more.  This particular simulation might be considered a medium-level  strategic attack. 

 The attack lasts two hours and strikes hundreds of military, government  and economic targets. It comes in two waves, a first wave that destroys government and  military installations followed by a broader second wave against  population centers. 

 One second in the model is equal to one real-time minute, thus the total  runtime is 120 seconds.  As the simulation runs, you can click any  marker icon to expand the map and see more detail, including summary of damage  per state and google streetview images of ground zero impact points.
 Because it requires some heavy math, this simulation might not run to completion on older iOS devices.  Beyond that it should function on any device, but it's easier to view on larger screens (pads or desktops).  
 Run Simulation 

Nuclear detonations of 30MT magnitudes, grouped in a ringed array of three warheads detonated in clusters of three would take out all the cities. Satan II undersea nuclear detonations would create radioactive tidal waves that would wipe the coastal areas completely clean. High altitude EMP bursts would fry out all electronics, disable all communication (and internet) and wipe out everything beyond repair. Neutron bombs would eviscerate America’s global military bases and germ warfare would be seeded throughout the rural areas.

Nuclear detonations of 30MT magnitudes, grouped in a ringed array of three warheads detonated in clusters of three would take out all the cities.
Nuclear detonations of 30MT magnitudes, grouped in a ringed array of three warheads detonated in clusters of three would take out all the cities.

No one will know what is going on.

Essentially, the entire United States Federal government will be reduced to glassy slag within five minutes of launch. The survivors would not know what to do and how to handle the situation.

And then would come the bio-weapons, and germ warfare…

How to deal

In this kind of nightmare scenario, how can you deal? Everything that we use is somehow connected to the cloud, the main electrical grid and batteries. Even solar power systems, wind power systems, and hydroelectric systems will be reduced to garbage.

I argue that this situation might really actually occur.

A scenario from Hell

Let’s imagine that America decides to place a unit of Marines on Taiwan soil…

According to the American mainstream media, it’s just for “advisory purposes” with the blessings of the Taiwanese government (supposedly). Just a few “advisors”. Not a big issue, says all the editorials out of Washington D.C.

The USA, in it’s arrogance, then orders China to “stand down”.

China AND Russia respond with a full-scale nuclear strike with hyper-SLBM MIRV’s followed up with their Satan II nuclear arsenal.

Damage from a 3 MT nuclear detonation on New York City. Russia fields 50 MT nuclear warheads. The damage would engulf the entire map.
Nuclear attack on New York City is pretty much an established “given”.

In five minutes, from launch, every major coastal American city is a glowing fireball.

These are based on the latest hyper-glide technology after all. Something that the USA doesn't have. We have been too busy with diversity and sensitivity training, and funding Muslim outreach programs for the last two decades.

Within an hour, all second, third and fourth tier sites are rubble, and the largest remaining intact American city is Chatsworth, Georgia.

Map of the major nuclear strike targets within the United States.
Map of the major nuclear strike targets within the United States.

American news is all white out.

No news. No electronics. No one knows what happened to all the 14 American carrier fleets. No one knows what happened to the rest of the world, or if America struck back.

You also don’t know that a nuclear detonation hit mono lake and evaporated the entire water supply for California. What water remaining is radioactive and all farmland, useless. Survivors streamed out away from the cities on foot like locusts. They devoured everything in their path and all local and state police are overwhelmed.

Within days, deaths from radiation start to occur. Starvation begins to raise its ugly face. Though, real starvation will not yet occur for another thirty days. It is obvious that there are some very hungry people about, and the urban poor, accustomed to food-stamps, are out searching for ways to fill their stomachs. They aren’t taking “no” for an answer.

After a nuclear detonation, there will be mass confusion and initially the police and military will arrive to restore order. That will start to follow the standard preparation procedure. Then, the second and third waves will hit...
After a nuclear detonation, there will be mass confusion and initially the police and military will arrive to restore order. That will start to follow the standard preparation procedure. Then, the second and third waves will hit…


All of this is unknown to you.

You live in a small, isolated rural community.

You, living in a small community are an ardent prepper and have a “bug out” bag and the necessary foodstuffs to survive the trek to your “safe haven”.

Your situation

You don’t know any of this background.

All you know is that there was a series of “earthquakes”, and “sonic booms”, and now all the electricity is off. You do not know when it will return.

Initially, you worried about the food in the freezer spoiling, but as time goes on, there are some things that are truly disturbing to you.

Firstly there is nothing on the radio.

Nothing. Nothing at all. It’s all static. AM, FM, all up and down the bands. The police scanner is also just white noise.

Along with the earthquakes was a terrible wind storm, and the trees on the tops of some of the distant hills seem to be toppled over. The air is filled with fine dust and it is settling everywhere. No computer. No internet. No phone. No GPS. No electricity.

No water. No natural gas.

Even the compass doesn’t work.

The street lights don’t work.

Nor does the construction roadblock with the big flashing yellow light. Even it stopped flashing.

Nothing works. No electricity. Not even the flashing yellow construction lamps.
Nothing works. No electricity. Not even the flashing yellow construction lamps.

You look out your window and all seems normal, if a bit quiet.

The sky, however has a kind of yellow / greenish tinge to it.

You cannot find your cats, and your dog is acting peculiarly.

After a half day of this, you notice that some people are out and about and waiting to get some word from the government. A few people started to walk towards the center of town and started to mingle with others. Rumors were flying, but most revolved around some kind of earthquake that took out the energy grid.

There is an odd, bunt-sickly smell in the air, it feels “sticky”, and all the neighborhood dogs are terribly agitated.

No no one can explain all the dust in the air.

Your brain… your guts… your very being screams! Your partner, on the other hand is telling you that you have an active imagination and not to worry. That things will settle down and be all right in a few hours.

Never the less, just to be on the safe side, you pull out your gear by candle light.

You go to your “bug out” bag. You perform an inventory check. Your cell phone doesn’t work. Nor does your watch. Your small aluminum flashlight will not work either. You check your firearm, holster and kit.

You notice that you have not prepared a dust-mask or filter kit. So you take a bandana off the clothes line outside, brush the dust off and tie it around your face stagecoach-robber style.

The laser sight on the pistol will not work, nor will the lighted reticle on your rifle.

The TA31RCO is an Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight (ACOG) designed for the USMC's M16A4 weapon system (20” barrel). It incorporates dual illumination technology using a combination of fiber optics and self-luminous tritium. This allows the aiming point to always be illuminated without the use of batteries. The tritium illuminates the aiming point in total darkness, and the fiber optic self-adjusts reticle brightness during daylight according to ambient light conditions. This allows the operator to keep both eyes open while engaging targets and maintaining maximum situational awareness. Designed to the exact specifications of the United States Marine Corps, the unique reticle pattern provides quick target acquisition at close combat ranges while providing enhanced target identification and hit probability out to 800 meters utilizing the Bullet Drop Compensator. No tools are needed for windage and elevation adjustments because the TA31RCO features external adjusters, making it waterproof up to 11m without the caps.
The TA31RCO is an Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight (ACOG) designed for the USMC’s M16A4 weapon system (20” barrel). It incorporates dual illumination technology using a combination of fiber optics and self-luminous tritium.

But, that doesn’t matter. You had prepared for this. You go to your motorcycle and it will not start. EMP, you figured. After all no electronics work at all. You don’t know the news, but you have a very, very bad feeling.

In fact, this feeling is the worst thing about it all. It is like you ate a tube of lard, and you have this horrible feeling inside, and your brain and emotions are all screaming dark thoughts.

No internet. No radio. No news, and at night the sky is glowing red in the distance. Not only to the East, but in the South, and the North-East as well. Those “earthquakes” that seemed to go on and on yesterday were certainly ominous, and your neighbors are acting really strangely. The air is terribly dusty and gritty and a thin layer of dust covers everything.

The dust seems to come in big brown clouds that settle down on everything.

You wipe the dust off the handle to the garage and pull out the bicycle from the tarp in the back of the garage. You pump the tires full of air, and wheel it out.

You feel a little queasy. Your stomach feels “sour”.

So you hop on your bicycle and try to follow your “bug out” route.

Cars are stopped in the middle of the road. Not even pulled over to the side. This includes a big 16 wheeler truck and a Greyhound bus.

It’s been two days since the “earthquakes” began and things are really, really odd.

Your beard is starting to shed hair.

You notice that the local 7-11 is all empty. Nothing are on the shelves. Nothing.

You notice that people are going up and down the streets pushing grocery carts full of food and supplies, and a number of windows are broken in the local hardware store’s door. No body takes notice of you, but you don’t stick around.

You hoped to use Google-maps to chart your course, but without internet it is pretty much useless. Lucky for you that you had an old 1980’s highway map book in the garage that you stashed in your “go bag”.

You try to get out of the area as fast as you can…

Key Points

If things go full-on SHTF, nothing will work and no one will know anything. It might appear to be a natural disaster.

The unprepared will try to prepare. It will be too late.

Everything will be dangerous. From touching the dust on the door-knobs, to the irrational woman down the street. Nothing will be safe.

The aggressive will take advantage of the situation within short order and you will only have a few precious days before things get out of control.

Police, government and social services will not work, be functional, or be of assistance.

While, in general, most people in your community will be kind and helpful folk, the world will be “turned on it’s head”. Unless a strong positive leader takes control, they will collapse into a frightened mob. As such, the worst individuals in society would create all sorts of problems and confusion.

Avoid crowds.

Do not stream into any city for any reason. You do not know what is going on there, but it cannot be good. When in doubt, it is better to starve alone in the middle of the woods then be crowded into a pen with angry, frightened strangers.

Americans will be very, very irate. We are accustomed to electricity, electronic media, electronic social media and communication. The silence and lack of news would be terrifying, and people will react to it.

If it is any sort of nuclear war, all electronics will be fried and will not work.

All dust is dangerous and you need to assume that it is radioactive.


Finally, everything in America is tied electronically to electrical systems in some form. From simple optical systems, to vehicles, and water hydration systems. The only communities that are divorced from these addictions are the Amish and Mennonite communities. Take a good hard look at your preparations and isolate those which rely on electricity. Consider them useless during a nuclear bug-out exchange.

Remember that any war with Asia will be against a modern-day Genghis Khan with nuclear weapons. You don’t even toy around with that idea.

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