Trump: A Communist Perspective for the Politically Ignorant

Today Trump is vacating the office of President of the United States.

Here’s some great commentary that I would like to post. There are so many good people trying to get their “arms around the current American political situation” that it would take days to list them all. Here, I have take a few precious ones and compiled them to generate a picture of confusion and understanding. Like a bunch of folk riding a rickety old roller coaster and worried if the next bend will collapse or not.

Right off the top – MoA

The following is the “pulse of the nation” taken from the Moon Over Alabama

The U.S. seems to have gone completely crazy these days.

 Two full divisions worth of soldiers are closing off Washington DC to  'protect' a mostly virtual inauguration from a non-existing threat.
 26,000 National Guard members to secure Washington for inauguration

 The FBI is investigating the loyalty of those troops as if it were really in doubt.
 FBI vetting troops stationed in Washington ahead of Inauguration Day

 The leadership of the Democratic Party has gone completely nuts:
 QAnon  for Democrats? Hillary Clinton & Nancy Pelosi suggest Putin ORDERED  Trump to launch Capitol siege in unhinged interview

 Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton - 22:38 UTC · Jan 18, 2021 .@SpeakerPelosi and I agree:
Congress needs to establish an  investigative body like the 9/11 Commission to determine Trump's ties to  Putin so we can repair the damage to our national security and prevent a  puppet from occupying the presidency ever again. 

 They are even more crazy than the outgoing pompous Secretary of State:

 Nick Schifrin @nickschifrin - 17:14 UTC · Jan 19, 2021 BREAKING: Huge announcement from @SecPompeo: "I have determined that  the PRC, under the direction and control of the CCP, has committed  genocide against the predominantly Muslim Uyghurs and other ethnic and  religious minority groups in Xinjiang." 

 "I have determined ..." Who does the guy think he is?

 Meanwhile reality delivered this low blow:
 L.A. Suspends Air Quality Rules to Cremate Backlog of Covid-19 Victims

 A fail to get a grip on this.

Drudge Report

The headings from the Drudge Report are atypical…

Of course, the internet, is of course, filled with comments by Americans about America.

Comments by Americans

In general, few Americans view America as a healthy nation embracing good and well-deserved improvements with a new Administration. While most are happy to see Mr. Trump leave, most view America as a complete “cluster fuck”…

A half century of downward mobility — crippling of the real economy  in which productivity was rewarded — and neglect causing deterioration  of infrastructure (including meeting basic human needs like health  care), have brought the U.S. to a state of collapse. 

Almost everyone  seems to sense this and we feel powerless to rectify the situation  through accepted channels, thus some people believe they have a  ‘patriotic’ duty to use other means. 

The combination of disenfranchised  minorities and disgruntled middle class becomes dangerous (to the  established order) as soon as both groups realize they can’t win by  blaming and fighting each other. 

We haven’t reached that stage yet,  judging from the comments I’ve read in the mainstream media, however  it’s just a matter of time until they do. 

The divide-and-rule political  game keeps people attached to ideology of left vs right until it becomes  clear that we all lose by adhering to this mode of thinking. 

The war  racket and a whole range of other exploitative financial policies are  driven by the top echelon of elites, who also control the narratives  through media propaganda. 

Their game is failing and they’re resorting to  draconian control measures to prop it up, but this can’t continue much  longer. 

As I see it, the collapse of the Western financial system could  happen suddenly or gradually, or it could bring the ultimate destruction  of human civilization. 

In any case, I believe our degradation of the  natural world will be the real catalyst leading either to human  extinction; or else if we’re lucky and smart enough, will induce us to  massively downsize our population and industrial activity in order to  let the ecosystem heal itself.
-Posted by: norecovery | Jan 14 2021 19:05 utc | 9


Whether or not the Trump voters will be surpressed doesn't matter  (anymore). 

The fact is and remains that A LOT OF US citizens are  unhappy. And that will create more and more unrest in the (near) future.  Both the Democratic and the Republican party have become establishment  parties who don't care about the  petite bourgeoisie and/or the average  Joe Sixpack.
-Posted by: Willy2 | Jan 14 2021 19:33 utc | 11


The only thing they (RINO's, the non Trumpers) are afraid of loosing is their seat on the gravy train express.  

They are afraid of loosing  their seat at the sleaziest brothel in the world, totally bought and  controlled by powerful interest groups and foreign governments with  Israel being by far the biggest one that controls that chamber. 
-Posted by: Tom | Jan 14 2021 20:06 utc | 18


The Democrats have proven themselves complete idiots for years and  years and years. The Republicans are batshit crazy. 

The last election  from the Democratic POV was to remove what they perceive as an  existential threat to 'democracy' which is another word for 'deep  state.' It is no wonder the rush to judgment to confirm what they  already believe about DJT. Critical thinking and common sense are not  attributes the elite political class possess. They are all vainglorious  grifters.
The USA is FUBAR and none of the king's horses and none of the king's men etc. etc. etc.
-Posted by: gottlieb | Jan 14 2021 20:17 utc | 21


Russiagate, Ukrainegate and now Insurrectiongate convinced a lot of  Americans - and not just Trump supporters - that the system is broken.
If they keep up with this lunacy, people will conclude that the system is - not just broken but - irrevocably broken.
At that point, even police state suppression won't help them.
-Posted by: Mike from Jersey | Jan 14 2021 21:20 utc | 28


The Trump supporters do not care that he is a murderer and a  scoundrel as well as yet another US President that started yet another  war against a Muslim country.
They think that US can survive a centuries-long war against Islam.
That is a major flaw in their estimation of US power and fragility of what they have in the United States.
1.2 billion Muslims, 1.2 billion Chinese, and a 130 million Russians believing that the United States is their enemy.
No amount of domestic political change in the United States can address this.
In 1976, a 17-year old American boy could travel alone in Iran,  Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. without any fear; he would be welcome  because of the correct foreign policy of the United States.
Americans have lost that and are discussing the deck arrangements on Titanic.
-Posted by: fyi | Jan 14 2021 21:24 utc | 30


There are many, like me, who supported Trump only because he was the  only one who actually did anything that might benefit regular Americans.

 And while some have clearly eaten the worm with Trump - I personally still don't consider him a saint or a savior. 

 If he were to pardon Snowden or Assange, it would be exclusively as a f*** you to the intelligence community.

 However, in the grand scheme of Trump things, that is very low on his  list of things to do. Said list being headed mostly by ways to make  money...

 The really sad part is not that Trump became President - that is actually a plus for the American system.

 The really sad part is that Trump was a better President for regular  Americans than any of his 3 immediate predecessors and will have been  better than his successor even despite the pettiness, the  bull-in-china-shop, the ego, etc etc.

 That is the real indictment of the United State of America at this point in time.
-Posted by: c1ue | Jan 20 2021  9:59 utc | 99


I think this is the overarching view of what's happening in the US  and the world today. Oligarchic power and riches are now so great and so  globally mobile that nation-states are simply getting in the way of the  plunder.


 In my opinion, the very rich of this world actually do have a  solution to climate change and resource depletion, and they didn't have  to think very hard to see what to them is obvious. As they break up  societies to make the plunder easier, they also imperil millions and  ultimately billions of people, who will quickly die and relieve the  burden on planetary resources. 

 This is why chaos is success for them. There is no plan to save  anything except their own riches. Everything and everyone else can fade  away. We spoke of steady-state economies the other day, and the very  rich are now prepared to live in one - their own. New world order is a  red herring anymore. They don't want to rule anything. They just want it  all to go away.

 They, the rich, have come up with the obvious, brilliant solution to  all recent problems of this world. We the people are the largest  ingredient of these planetary problems. Obviously, we'll have to go. And  as this happens, the rich will exuberantly - with great zest - increase  their own wealth from the very crumbling of former societies.

 -Posted by: Grieved | Jan 20 2021  1:04 utc | 64


For the Trump-phenomenon to continue, the duopoly must not be allowed  to carry on casting an illusory shadow of balance which the two-party  tyranny employs and which many in America prefer to believe is our  noble, default modus operandi.

 The rush to restore civility to the GOP will be the overarching goal  of the next four years by msm and BigTech. Democrats view of Rinos will  soften as an atmosphere of cooperation will seemingly return. It will be  Joe Biden's inaugural address on repeat for FOUR YEARS!!! Get your barf  bags ready! Can we reuse them like our cloth masks?


 But that doesn't mean that Deplorables will fall back in line. On the  contrary, I believe that DJT will be the last GOP President, unless the  establishment gets so desperate that they engineer a Rino win for  Presidency in four years. I'm thinking Pence. 

 But the Deplorables will not vote another GOP Rino in. 

 By sowing now, Deplorables are happy to let the Democrat party reveal  themselves completely as parasites by further destroying our nation. A  true-Nationalist party will then emerge naturally and the Deplorables  will reap the benefits of their patience. As of right now, I do not see  the progressive (socialist) side of the left willing to get their hands  dirty by invoking the name of Nationalism. In their own elitism, they  too share disdain for the common conservative which will restrict them  from forming any kind of coalition. 

 As a result, the splitting of the Dems into factions seems inevitable  down the road, although this will lag behind the Deplorables' ability  to consolidate into their own party to upset the hold of the GOP. The  America-First Party will be coming up just as the neoliberal  establishment is coming down due to factionalism.

 A hard road ahead. But rejoice! The gears of history are spinning  again and you can see the hands of time advancing in its dialectical  form.  
-Posted by: NemesisCalling | Jan 20 2021  7:21 utc | 94


I am one of the outlier heathens. We will not so easily conform,  reform or deform into the highly suppressed shapes and tiny spaces TPTB  insist we all must passively retreat into. We are more than their  obedient, mindless consumer droids or random points of collected data,  to be unceremoniously herded, harvested and then, casually discarded  when they are satisfied that there is little to nothing left of 'value'  for them to wring out of our collectively ransacked consumer carcasses. 
Yet...We Are Legion! 
-Posted by: Dee Plora Belle | Jan 14 2021 20:19 utc | 22

Comments by Communists

And so now, let me add some comments by Mr. Billy Bob, who (I guess) is a self-proclaimed “communist”. I think that he isn’t. But that’s just me. What ever he wants to call himself, his comments are golden…

I have not been a very active participant here but I try and keep up with most of the discussion and truly appreciate the honor of being invited to join the group.  

I was recently awarded a perhaps well deserved 30 day facebook ban for calling someone a "stupid c u next tuesday". They kept insisting on the existence of millions interred in "concentration camps" and after hundreds of comments their bad faith engagement brought out the worst in me.

So I've been working on an early encapsulation of the Trump era and since I can't currently share it on facebook, I thought I would share it here.  Any feedback would be appreciated. 

- Billy Bob

Trump: A Communist Perspective for the Politically Ignorant

Trump was the timely beneficiary of overwhelming disgust with the two party system and its inability to further working class interests.  The existing system provides a facade of democracy while promoting capitalist class interests and shielding the actual policy makers from any accountability for their lack of furthering working class interests. If managed properly, the capitalist class can play both sides against each other in perpetuity without having to offer any concessions to the working class.  

Instead of engaging in the slippery slope of concession granting, the billionaire owned mass media stokes racial and cultural divisions resulting in the desired fragmentation of the working class.  With the working class bifurcated into two broad groups, the mass media manipulates these groups through the propaganda technique Bernays called “continuous interpretation” in which daily events are explained through the red or blue partisan lens with the intent of rendering public opinion compatible with establishment interests while keeping the electorate divided.  

With red and blue falsely depicted as opposite ends of the political spectrum, blue achievement is seen as red loss and vice versa.  This tug of war is stage-managed by class conscious establishmentarians who’s prime directive is to ensure that neither side “wins” thereby maintaining the system’s viability and perpetuity.  Though differences exist between the two parties, they amount to little more than strategic disagreements over how to best consolidate capitalist class power and maintain their system.  Their respective platforms are in a continuous state of flux and not adhered to in any event if contradiction and hypocrisy can result in partisan gain.

Such a system would not exist if not for the overwhelming political ignorance of the American public–an ignorance which is facilitated and encouraged by the ruling capitalist establishment that has every incentive not to develop an informed and politically astute citizenry.

While extreme political ignorance was necessary for Trump’s ascendancy, even more so was the crisis of legitimacy which culminated following eight years of Barack Obama’s non-existent “Hope and Change” presidency.  Trump exploited this crisis as fully as he possibly could by loudly denouncing the status quo as a swamp which needed to be drained.  It was his anti-establishment rhetoric which appealed to voters and which enabled him victory over his establishment rival.

Trump’s populous demagoguery and his willingness to tarnish the sanctity of ruling class institutions of power and control like the rigged electoral system, or the fake-news mass media, ensured his popularity among a broad segment of the electorate but it also ensured that he would not be tolerated by the class conscious establishment consensus.  

For four years they struggled to control and contain the demagogic outsider while they worked to harness his popularity (and unpopularity) in furtherance of their own partisan interests. Team blue took the gloves off and immediately attempted to depict Trump as evil and incompetence personified.

Just nineteen minutes into his term, the Washington Post announced his impeachment was underway: [] No punches were pulled and no opportunity was missed with which to dishonestly present Trump in the absolutely worst light imaginable.  

Team red on the other hand was far more nuanced in their approach as they had much more to gain and much more to lose.  While a few on team red opposed Trump outright from the very beginning, most attempted to managing the situation in a way which harnessed Trump’s popularity while engaging in damage control over his destructive rhetoric.

Trump’s greatest supporters and defenders were indeed among the worst right wing sycophants that our society has produced.  Folks like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Mark Levin, hitched their wagon to Trump’s popularity in an effort to use their platform to keep Trump’s demagoguery within the velvet ropes of traditional republican discourse and polite partisan  behavior.  They defended him from the outrageous and dishonest attacks of team blue and became the voice of reason during the Russiagate, and Ukrainegate hoaxes.  Nevertheless, Trump’s minuscule base of establishment support never stood a chance of forcing any significant institutional change.  

Trump correctly perceived the crisis of legitimacy that had been growing among the citizenry and he appeared to honestly believed that he could do a better job of running the country and furthering the interests of the American people but he maintained this narcissistic belief despite lacking the most basic understanding of how things work or why things are as they are. 

He seemed truly clueless regarding the capitalist class consensus and their view of the working class as a threat that must be pacified through the liberal application of divisive propaganda via the mass media.  Trump seemed clueless regarding their need to project global power through perpetual war, sanctions, trade agreements, and the military encirclement of noncompliant states.

He discovered early on that the status quo which he railed against resulted from an entrenched perspective of the capitalist class best interest and although “being friends with Russia”, making peace with North Korea, or ending the forever wars in the mid-East or Afghanistan could easily win over a majority of the population, there was no way the ruling class would allow Trump to damage and weaken their imperial grip through the implementation of such policies.

So although Trump was in many ways an instinctive and gifted politician who managed to navigate his way through the political jungle by opportunistically capitalizing on the widespread disgust of the status quo, and despite the fact that he truly believed he could do better for the prosperity of the country (including the working class) than what had been wrought by the status quo, he failed to recognize the basic reality that presidents are figureheads and exist for no other reason than to represent the interest of the ruling capitalist class consensus.  He naively and indeed foolishly believed that the ruling class would permit him to pursue an agenda that was even mildly at odds with their own.

Honest intelligent folks can agree to disagree on precisely what Trump’s deeply held convictions were, whether he had any at all, and what changes he would have made had he been allowed a free hand to do as he saw fit.  But proclaiming Trump to be principle-less and solely interested in his own political and economic success, fails to satisfactorily explain many of Trump’s actions.  

All that can be said with certainty is that Trump had a poor grasp of the Marxian political reality grounded in oppositional *class* interests and the changes which he advocated for and which were rejected by the ruling capitalist class consensus, amounted to little more than a strategic shift away from the existing globalist order and towards a new nationalist order where Trump himself would be the arbiter of what policies and agreements were in the nation’s best interest.  

Additionally, honest folks can disagree over the origins of the COVID virus and the extent to which it was exploited in furtherance of ruling class interests.  Honest folks can disagree regarding the extent to which the 2020 election were rigged against Trump.  Both are open questions and it is misguided to pretend to have certainty regarding either.  But neither of these things is that important or relevant with regards to the political reality which we all ought to recognize and embrace.  Embracing truth necessitates the rejection and dismissal of the contrived narratives designed to obfuscate reality and benefit capitalist class interests.

Democracy in this country has never existed.  It has always been a tyranny of wealth.  Free speech, free press, free trade, and other liberal aspirations are truly non-existent in this country.  Trump was not hated because he was Hitler reincarnate nor was he hated because of his principled pursuit of working class interests.  He was hated because he was not a figurehead that would play the game according to their rules and within the bounds of their democratic facade.  He was happy to denounce their corrupt system for his own political benefit but he did so while lacking the knowledge, wisdom, or ability to improve the situation.

Americans ought to be more politically savvy and recognize that the propagandistic tactics being used against right wing demagoguery, will be the exact same tactics used against authentic and principled folks committed to social progress.  The four year long dishonest demonization of Trump culminating with the farcically apoplectic response to the protests at the capital will be used to justify the curtailing of civil liberties and a bipartisan assault on the legacy of DJT.  His burning effigy will be raised high as an example to all that dare to threaten the status quo.


I cannot predict the future, and I am just as confused with what is going on in America as everyone else. So my comments on this contemporary train of events are going to be necessarily simplistic.

The United States is not acting like a healthy nation.

No one is happy in the United States except the Wall Street Bankers, the Sycophantic leeches in Washington DC, and the global oligarchy. Other satisfied individuals include long-duration federal workers, special interest groups that cater to the Democrat Party, and the ignorant.

I would hazard a guess that huge segments of the United States population is unhappy. This remains true whether or not they voted for Biden or not.

Thus, anything that President Biden tries to do will not generate any kind of satisfaction. People will look upon the efforts in a pessimistic manner. Which means, boys and girls, that the unhappiness will need to run it’s course…

…I see nothing good in the future of America.

This is true regardless of whether or not I agree with the new polices of Mr. Biden and Congress or not.

And while I am happy to see the neocon, war-mongering assholes that ran the United States as some kind of high-technology mafia / military empire leave “packing”, I am not rejoicing. Instead I tremble in fear. Because none of the underlying problems that are systemic to America are being addressed, and this always leads up to catastrophe.

It's one thing cheering on about "freedom" and "democracy" when your only interaction is with the glowing blue computer screen. It's another thing entirely when you are sitting on "ground zero" and Mike Pompeo is announcing that your city must be destroyed.




A small toddler that is a bully, becomes a small town hood, that becomes a career criminal, that is eventually “put down” when his actions are deemed too dangerous by the community.

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Jeffrey E Terwilliger

I agree, judging by his analysis, “Billy Bob” doesn’t sound like a Communist. He doesn’t sound like a neocon, or a progressive, or a network news anchor, or a professor either. What he sounds like is what they all like to call a Deplorable. Yes, we can think – despite their cloistered dirision.


Well, now, Mr Man. I think you’re being a bit harsh on tbe political process back home!
Hours into more hopey-changey, and the new SecState comes out with this inspiring message:
Lessons learned, I guess.
And if this doesn’t convince ya’ll that the last few weeks have been all theatre, then nothing will.
Mission Get China isn’t over yet, it seems.
Titor and MMan were right, I guess.
Fancy that!


Thanks for the link to the video. Unfortunately,
I grew nauseous hearing the Idaho guy go on and
repeatedly reference his 41-43 “years of service”.
I couldn’t go on listening. These people will die
in “office” from natural causes before they even
contemplate quitting. Term limits will never pass
muster for these types of people. Plus they get recycled,
to better “keep it in the family” so we experience the
death of our spirit over and over.


US is the sole net beneficiary to a world thrown in chaos by COVID, and even its internal failed response domestically in the internal homeland has served its interest greatly, with printing 60% of its entire history of dollars in 2020 alone and making the world pick up the tab…and such convenient timing to mask the systemic Repo issues that started back in Sept 2019… but in geopolitics there are no coincidences…

Both sides (dems/repub) are the SAME, rather they work for the same MASTER. And that Master is the advancement of US hegemony. Trump may or may not know he is a tool, but he has served his purpose… By rotating dual-strategy and this push and pull of opposing (controlled opposition) narratives it allows American government much greater latitude to push the envelope in ways it otherwise couldn’t get away with at home (with the American public) or abroad (internationally)….

American presidents are all controlled opposition as part of its 5th generation warfare… the covid chaos meant US gov gets pretext to squeeze its allies (vassals) abroad much harder for mafia monies aka hegemon tax (with petrodollar as global reserve currency so US can do quantitative easing at home without suffering hyperinflation as the rest of the world holding US dollars dilutes that by sacrificing the purchasing power of their dollar denominated savings etc) while internally collapsing the middle class and squeezing and sacrificing the people (including a purposefully flawed COVID response that forced a prolonged shutdown that bankrupted most of the small to medium sized businesses and funneling that wealth to the largest companies where the richest billionaires become trillionaires etc) in order to further consolidate power and prop up the positions of the bankers, Wall street, too big to fail conglomerates, and the top 0.1%… but the fact that they (US as a whole) benefited the most from the global pandemic and yet get to blame it all on China (America’s greatest near peer competitor and geopolitical rival) was just the cherry topping on the cake.

I think we just witnessed 5G war take place (not Huawei 5G, but 5th Gen information warfare) in that this was Inception level Fake-False-Flag to make the world think it was another 9/11 but when in reality its not Dems against GOP at all, but rather the Government against the American people (consolidation of control and power grab) and on a larger scale its America against the world (including China)…

US POTUS and Congress and Senators etc none of these politicians have true power, they are puppets that do bidding of the permanent shadow government that never shows itself… all the divisiveness and struggle and this interplay is a smokes and mirrors horse and pony distraction show….

During early 2000 post-911 they used the Republicans as the bad guys to get Patriot Act passed… now they are using liberals as bad guys to get censorship and cancel culture normalized… Essentially the US gov is playing its own population to get one half of the nation to push for the agenda that otherwise would never get broad support, its two sides of the one same coin, the objective is always the same to tighten the noose and consolidate more and more centralized power whilst making the citizens think its something organic that they themselves were fighting for… this divisiveness is the feature, not a bug…

American gov knows China is not going to collapse soon, nor is China going to capitulate to US demands… this means its uni-polar hyper-power status moment is over… it has to prepare for a multi-polar world in which America will be much less wealthy as it can no longer ride the gravy train of petrodollar hegemony and harvest and extract hegemony tax from the world and esp from China….

America realizes it needs to restructure itself to have parallel independent supply chain that doesn’t rely on China, and reorg so that it can live on much less, including adjusting its citizens to a much more modest standard of living, forced to renegotiate the nonnegotiable way of lifestyle. But the US must do this in a sneaky way that neither alerts the rest of the world nor let its own citizens know whats really going on behind the scenes…

Trump vs Biden is really just the good cop bad cop routine played out on the world stage. The US strategy of dual persona is so it can extract maximum benefits and have its cake and eat it too… just look at how many countries and people worldwide falsely get conned into the scheme that “America is back” just because Biden got elected? They use Trump to do overt evil stuff then wash hands and use Biden to do more nuanced secret evil stuff, rinse and repeat, same for Bush vs Obama… China on the other hand being a one party government and not a “democrazy” it doesn’t enjoy the benefits of the doubt that the world seems to repeatedly give to the US over and over again… this is because Amerikkka has mastered the highest 5th Gen info war….

This is why I think its failed Covid response was intentional… it relieves it the burden of a bunch of boomers about to collect pensions and pull from 401k, social security, etc whilst forcing small businesses to all close and gutting the middle class so that its just a bunch of 0.01% that own the 99%, and everything is much more consolidated and centralized for easier control….

Whether its right to bear arms, freedom of speech, or right to privacy, all these will be swiftly dealt away soon… but the mechanism for change isn’t obvious to the general public. The US gov is never going to openly come out and tell the people they got rid of the bill of rights, instead its doing 5G war on its own people and the rest of the world at large…

As America declines more and more on the world stage, it needs a tighter grip on its people and also to cannibalize the middle class and small to medium businesses to sacrifice it to prop up the superstructure that holds the whole thing together… Like a large man who is starving, first the fat burns away to preserve muscle and vital organs, eventually the muscle gets consumed to feed the brain and heart and nervous system etc… when the going gets tough on a meta scale, the low hanging fruit is to gut the middle class in order to prop up the elite power structures and destroy small and middle businesses to consolidate into a handful of too big to fail mega-conglomerates like Apple, Amazon, Google, Walmart, etc

This whole entire Americkkka gone wild, it is an act… a mere ploy and pretext to position itself most optimally for the coming times… the same way in a “democracy” the government has to resort to false flags to get its population to accept otherwise unpopular changes, this whole act the US has been putting on for the world is simply US leveraging its dominance in propaganda to effectuate the 5th Gen info war to its own max net benefit.


Back in 2019, in early December, I had resigned from my previous place of employment and decided to take at least the rest of the year/month off, and was planning on taking a trip/vacation in late December that month, for xmas and new years. As I was sitting at home one late night surfing the web, I came across a strange news article on CNN describing a new mystery virus discovered in China… I mentally took note that this was basically two weeks after I had quit my job and was two weeks before my planned vacation trip at the end of the year. At the time I immediately had a wierd feeling about this report on CNN… it was strangely vague and yet read/felt like a placeholder news article, something to put out there for right now and that would get filled in with more details later on… to me even back then it seemed like an article purposefully seeded for an ulterior and nefarious reason, I felt likely to be used at future date to ‘backdate’ the bashing of China for unclean habits or a news SARS scare or something to that effect, but never in a million years did I think it would end up turning into this worldwide pandemic that we have today…

Anyways, I distinctively noticed I saw this CNN article on at least two seperate late nights in a row in mid-December and merely attributed to another China bashing PR article, or something planted to then be used at a later day, but didn’t image the extent and impact of it all… nor the far fetching implications…

Then I forgot about it… weeks past by and I went on my vacation and came back… and it really wasn’t until like the 10th of January that I heard about this mysterious virus outbreak in China that is kinda like SARS and seems to be causing infection of lungs and spreaded in Wuhan… Immediately I get a deja vu feeling in the sense that it felt to me like “hey, I already heard about this weeks ago, I thought it died down, why is this just now once again being brought up again?”… in essence I felt the sentiment of basically just when I thought this thing was a nothingburger and hadn’t heard a peep about it from anywhere, then weeks (at least three solid weeks had gone by without any mention) later it out of the blue comes out of nowhere with full force once again? So my alarm bells go off and I figured to myself what the heck is this thing and whats going on….

And the rest, as they say, is history…

Retrospectively thinking back, when you watch the latest video Nathan Rich posted about this topic and the mystery vaping illness and the shutdown of the Fort Detricks labs etc etc… I think know what went down….

Initially it was able pinning attribution/origin and so it was imperative to make sure some other country was the first to identify it…. so media is which basically an intel arm got ahead of it by preemptively seeding that article in CNN about the mystery virus so that later if needed it can be sourced back as the origin points etc etc….

But then someone high up in TPTB must have decided it would benefit them much more to not alert the Chinese government to this, and to play dumb and let it play out so that by the time the Chinese LNY was over, it would have spread out from Wuhan and seeded all major cities in China and caused an uncontrolled spread that would have ended up being orders of magnitude worse…

My guess is it was decided to withdraw from publishing anything, to pull the CNN article and redact all traces of it (funny I cannot find it on Internet Archives or anymore) and the hope might have been to bet on China responding very slowly and with intent to let it multiply silently until it was too late by the time it become obvious that something was wrong it would have already been preseeded in all major cities in mainland…


Hello congjing yu,

You may be correct, or you may be incorrect.
I don’t know. I have read this theory before.
Regardless, thank you for your ideas and posting

What do I know?
*States in the US are being “reimbursed” by DC
decree, for every hospitalized patient.($180.K WI)
*Dying “with” covid counts.
*Cases are counted/tests are dicey and results inconclusive.
*There seem to be no deaths listed as seasonal flu, (P&I).
*Leading causes of death in the USA are from cardio-vascular
disease (CVD) and Cancer. Did these people die w/covid?
(about 700-800K/year)
*There are rumors that the various euro countries’ leaders
were bribed to go along and shut down their countries.
*There are rumors that there are a variety of bad outcomes
for those that are taking the vaccine. An untested vaccine
developed in mere months, with who knows what is in it?
I cringed every time I heard Trump tout this vaccine as an
*The data (bits and pieces) may well be that the virus/viruses
were fine tuned in China. “Gain of function” testing was
made illegal in the USA and thus outsourced to China paid for
by the USA. There are bad apples in every barrel.



I enjoyed reading the essay from Billy Bob and for the most
part, I am in agreement. Particularly, those comments regarding
Trump not recognizing he was to be a figurehead, and that he
could not change the deep state priorities. He did however
illustrate directly and via the actions of the uni-party working hard
against him, what the nature of DC leadership represents. Further,
the advisors and appointments Trump made were certainly
not on his side, and actively working against him.

I fear most massive FF shootings to gain popular opinion against
the policy of citizens owning/possessing weapons. Innocent
citizens will die from FF campaigns so the elite and pols everywhere
can remove their major threat. Payback from the populace is the
thing they fear most.

BTW, I found no hint of “communism” in the writings of BB.